@Denver Nuggets

What It Takes To Make A Dynasty

What It Takes To Make A Dynasty

Can the Nuggets become the next NBA Dynasty they’ve only won one but it’s on the table we’ll talk about why plus we’ll preview the Bucks game here on locked on nuggets you are locked on nuggets your daily Denver Nuggets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every

Day welcome to locked on nuggets your daily D nuggets podcast part of the locked on network your team every day thanks for joining us and making us part of your day appreciate you guys being with us being an every day or joining us Monday through Friday as we do have

Shows for you all throughout the week I appreciate you guys being a part of our community Today’s Show is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs helps you find qualified candidates you want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s

Lockon NBA to post your jobs for free terms and conditions apply my name is Matt Moore I’m the senior NBA writer for the Action Network I’m coming to you from my mom’s basement no kidding I’m at my parents house uh had to help them with a family emergency if you missed

Saturday night’s show um so I was I am um recording coming to you from literally my parents basement as I try and get back to Denver Colorado tomorrow which I very much want to get back to um but there’s going to be a snowstorm so I’m going to have to deal I somehow

There’s no snow where I live in Loveland it completely missed us I missed everything coming out of Denver this weekend but it’s hitting me here in Arkansas that just how that goes um if the internet connection by the way is spotty for those of you listening on um that would be why and we’ll have a a audio version of the show up that you can listen to later I’m doing the best I can here I’m with you solo on a Friday night Adam marz was hosting a party for some sort of

Sporting event um and so he had people over and couldn’t do it and uh cam so is um I’m not sure what he’s doing something about um he was going to go cry in his car while listening to the saddest music imaginable about how it’s not fair

Something about that I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know but I’m with you and I’m happy to talk to you tonight we’re gonna talk about uh dynasties and we’re gonna talk about why the Nuggets can be a Dynasty uh we’re gonna talk about how that can happen why it’s

Really on the table despite just winning one championship and then um we’ll talk about what that’s going to take and what that means and why it ties into Calvin Boo’s approach to building the roster we’re also gonna talk about the Bucks game in the last segment today on the

Show Okay so let’s talk about this the nuggets have one Championship okay they have one championship and that’s it they have one championship in their entire history okay but there’s an opportunity for them I think to to have the kind of success that Calvin Boo has talked about that Michael Malone has

Talked about that this Fran that this this team has talked about which is the ability to win multiple which would make you a dynasty if you’re able to win three in the span of I don’t know five years like you need to win like three in

Five years if you want to be a dynasty and so the Nuggets I think definitely have that capability to do that and they have the chance to go back to back this year because I’ve said this like they have the most championship equity in the NBA like they have the most equity in

The NBA when it comes to the championship like the Clippers are great the thunder are really good the wolves have an awesome defense Boston’s the best regular season team in the league the Knicks are RedHot the Bucks have a lot of weapons but if you ask me like

Who has the ability like who has the the best chance this season I’m gonna tell you that it’s the nuggets and a lot of that has to do quite simply with Nicole yic because when you have a 15 when you’ve got 15 and you know that every

Time that they he steps on the court that he’s going to be the guy you have this opportunity to open up that window and it means that even when the situation isn’t right for you even when things don’t go and we’ll say this we’ve talked about this about how last year

Everything went right for the Nuggets everything lined up for them they had the right opponents at the right time everyone stayed healthy and they got there and the conversations that we’ve had this year where I’ve said like look it’s going to be harder I talked about

That on Saturday like it’s going to be harder that doesn’t mean that they can’t do it and the reason is is that when you come up against that adversity and there’s a chance for them to fail you can always go back to you have 15 you have that guy and

When you have that guy on your team in sports you can do it when you have 15 you can absolutely go out there and make plays and even if that means it may not always be pretty you may be it may be like late in the series and they’re

Down double digits but they’re able to come back and it may they may have to force overtime but they can come back and then they can get it done because Nicole yic is really that good um and that’s really how to how to make it happen and so I think it’s really

Important um to kind of like respect that as as far as like how this kind of goes I also think that the whole team this year does carry itself I will say this the look there’s conversations about like Jamal and his inconsistency and like Aaron and some of the stretches

That he’s had and the bench obviously which we’ve talked about a lot but like look you don’t need everyone to play the best all the time you need guys to play the best when it matters and the nuggets have that capability to do that um it’s definitely getting ahead of ourselves to

Talk about a dynasty like I said that when they were talking about it right after the win I was like just take this one like you finally won a championship just accept it but I will say that like you can’t underestimate how much having the best player in your sport

Matters because they will find ways to get it done and joic has consistently proven that he will find ways I mean you look at the Lakers game right all that momentum against them tough environment on the road Kobe Knight Etc Austin Reeves makes one step like

The thing about that pass that yic made to mpj was that like joic was making that pass as Austin was coming over he didn’t feel Austin on on his hip and then make the pass he knew Austin was coming over and he was already turning to make the pass Austin just couldn’t

Get like Austin was there but yokas was able to kind of make his way through that um so I think it’s important to kind of keep in mind that yic is always going to be able to deliver that for you and you got when you have a number two that is able to

Deliver so consistently like Jamal that gives you a lot of chances too and this team has a lot of belief like that’s a lot of it like you have to believe that no matter the situation that you’re in you have an opportunity to it and like

Again I don’t think like it’s one thing to be you dream of like they’re going to win five in a row that may not be how it happens like you may win one and then you may lose in the finals the next year and then you may lose in the uh Western

Conference Finals but then you can go back to back like there’s all these ways to get it done to form this dynasty while joic is still very much in his prime and look I think Jamal deserves a lot of credit and deserves to be mentioned as a nuggets great for what

He’s done in the playoffs he’s a killer I think AG is a guy that like I Cate for more than anything because he does all that dirty work I think kyp’s contributions I think Michael Malone who I have constantly allowed as a great coach for this franchise and coach in

The league deserves more credit but I also think that we have gotten so used to joic 278 and five yic 31 12 and and seven yic 35 15 15 we’ve gotten so used to it that we don’t talk about it enough and so it’s important and there’s no like

Real reason tonight to talk about it I just feel like it’s important that to note that when you have the best player in your respective sport like Nicole yic you’re going to have that opportunity to win every single year that even when conditions aren’t right you’re going to

Have that that chance we’ll talk about like how that can kind of come about what that means for this year and all of that we’ll do that up next on locked on nuggets I want to say about Linked In jobs LinkedIn isn’t just another job board LinkedIn has a vast network of

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LinkedIn for hiring post your job for free at locked on NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply we’ll be right back here on locked on nuggets back here on lockon nuggets thanks for joining us and making us part

Of your day appreciate you guys being with us on a Friday night um sorry for no um world’s finest uh Adam and I’ll be back on Wednesday proving I can get back to uh Colorado also if you have enjoyed um this beard that I have grown um since I don’t

Know last day five weeks approximately since I don’t know various things like the end of the of the NFL regular season is is when I started growing this beard uh it’s going away on Monday so if you’re are annoyed like I called my wife after I don’t know some weird sporting

Event happened at night and I called her in the aftermath and she said I’m so excited about the outcome of that game when are you shaving so not not not a big fan of of the grizzly beard that I got going on my wife so that’s going

Away uh let’s talk about what it’s GNA take for the Nuggets to to be a dynasty okay and again this is a very presumptuous Episode by me to talk about like the Nuggets being a dynasty when they’ve won one title that’s a presumptuous thing to say I’m not

Denying that but what for whatever reason I just think about tonight and about the capacity when you have the best player and what that opens up for you to do when you do have the best player and I I think Giannis is AES aw I’ve talked to cam about that I think

Giannis is underrated for what he’s able to do on both ends I think sh Alexander’s MVP this season I was arguing with nuggets fans today I personally feel Shay right now if I had a vote and the vote was today I would give Shay the MVP that doesn’t mean that

I don’t think yic is the best player in the league because I do and that changes things right I mean all the time great athletes win MVP and then you know the playoffs come and they’re not able to to do the best thing like um they were at

All time in a in a golf tournament and then they wind up just absolutely shanking a a a putt or I don’t know like you’re a dominant pitcher and then you just get shelled or I don’t know like you’re one of the best quarterbacks in the league and you win another MVP and

Then you throw in a triple coverage like that stuff happens and so my point here though is like I can think Shay is the MVP and still think yic is the best player in the league and that opens the door but this is important is like there

Will be years if the nuggets are going to do this right like they got to win another one in the next I don’t know two three years they got to do that and then what they got to be able to do is even when things don’t go right they have to

Find their their ways into the conversation and there’s a team I think that really embodies this where they don’t have the best season and they don’t look good and they’ve lost a bunch of games and everyone counts them out and then they find up and they just find

A way to win the championship and that’s of course the San Antonio Spurs in 2007 um the Spurs were not the best team in basketball they just weren’t the suns were better the Mavericks were better both those teams were better than the Spurs but the Mavericks got knocked out

By the Warriors and Robert Ory hip check Steve Nash prompting three guys to step on a court and get suspended and that flipped the entire series and that was weird circumstances but that’s kind of the point though is like at the end of it the Spurs wound up in the finals

Versus a Cav team that was not prepared to be there and sometimes you’re not the best team but you have the best grit and you have the best best way to control the game and you’re able to make the plays when it matters like even if

You’re all the way in there as far as you’ve made it this far and you’re feeling good you will have times when it doesn’t feel like they’re playing that well but you can still win now I don’t think that’s this year because I think the nuggets have been I don’t know I

Would say the nuggets have been over the course of the entire season I think the nuggets have been the third best team in the NBA regular season I think it’s the Celtics and then the Thunder and then I think it’s the nuggets the Clippers are very close

Behind and the Clippers have been better the last two months than the nuggets have been the last two months but over the course of the entire season which those games do count the nuggets have been better okay um especially when you factor health and injuries and spots and everything else

So my point here is that there will be you know years you need to make hey well you have a really good team but that’s part of this too is there are situations where you will think you have the best team and you won’t win like the 2013

Spurs they they had the best team that year and they didn’t win Miami beat them now I liked Miami in that series that’s the best basketball I’ve ever seen and it came down to a handful of plays and it was amazing it was that’s I am still

Honored to cover that series but it’s important to kind of note that that like there will be years when the nuggets are the best team and they don’t win and yes the the CBA is specifically geared to try and keep them away like to try and make sure that the Nuggets can’t

Sustain this like then the league wants parody but Denver’s done a really good job and this is where the stuff with Calvin Booth really does come in is that investing in the young guys and trying to build them up it matters down the line because it does keep your

Window open because it you the Nuggets let me put it this way the nuggets have committed to Christian Brown and pton Watson they’ve committed to J Jaylen picket and Julian strawther they’ve committed to those guys yes but also by not necessarily making moves which exhaust their reserves they

Have the option to see as far as they can go this year and if they win it great and if not and an opportunity arises they can pounce on it and that does matter we talked about this before but this is really important where you

Do have to keep the big picture in mind which is we have to give jic as many chances as possible because if you just get yic into the playoffs it is so difficult to beat him and you say like well that they only won the title once

Yeah because they ran in 2020 they weren’t ready they weren’t ready in 2020 their Roser wasn’t ready and then they were hurt and since they’ve been ready they’ve been awesome and we only have that one year but I will say this like I would be shocked stunned surprised surprised if the nuggets are

Eliminated before the Conference Finals this year you get to the final four anything can happen but I do think it’s important that Denver not make moves out of a sense of false urgency because they need to have so much faith in what they have you need to understand the

Opportunity now there’s a balance to be struck here right because this is something I was talking about with some friends with the Mavericks where there was so much pressure to build a contender around Luca that the Mavericks honestly overextended themselves too early and they pushed too

Hard and then they had to deal with it and now like they’re out of assets and everyone’s like what terrible trades they’re out of assets and it’s like well you wanted them to put a winning team around Luca and to do that you have to spend assets the nuggets have done a

Really good job of putting a winning team around Nicole yic without having to do that without having to to sacrifice their future they still have a lot of liquidity they still have a lot of options you know would it help if Z Nagi were a valuable trade asset absolutely

Would it help if Julian strawther looked a little bit more solid 100% would it help if Jaylen picket was like playable right now yes absolutely would it help if Christian Brown was having a better season for sure but like the longterm plan of this is where you get into the

Opportunity that you get yourself into the position where you can have as many chances as possible and as long as and I’ll say this this is I do want to stress this there is a huge element here which is the commitment that the rest of the players have to this team to each

Other because there are not egos they don’t get like mpj is not jealous and Jamal’s not jealous Jamal’s not like well I want to be the guy Jamal’s like Joker’s awesome he’s amazing he’s the MVP he’s the best player I’m great too like that’s the attitude of the Nuggets

Is I’m great too which is what you want is like everybody contributes everybody recognizes what Joker does and he sets you up to have this opportunity to to be able to do that so um that to me is like why it’s so important to kind of recognize what they can do they really

Can have a dynasty but it’s going to mean that not only taking advantage of opportunities when things are going great but also just finding a way to get there when things don’t you won’t always have the best team but you might wind up winning the championship anyway um on

The other side I want to talk about the milwauke Bucks game we’ll preview that as well as a little bit of uh house cleaning on the rest of the trade deadline we talk about that up next on locked on nuggets are you the kind of driver that

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Season find the lockon sports today Channel now on Amazon Fire TV um let’s talk about the game versus the bucks on Monday so um obviously kind of a big game they’re facing Milwaukee in Milwaukee they beat them in Denver theyve matched up really well with the

Bucks through the years and like I say that in part because joic has like gotten a triple double and about 45 seconds every time that they face them Giannis is uh probable Dame is probable Chris Milton’s out for this game nuget iner report uh I believe is

Clean outside of I want to say kcp uh yeah kyp’s been upgraded questionable so that probably means he’s going to play mpj is probable for this game so those two guys that missed the Kings game probably gonna be back for this one I would imagine they’re both

Back um they’ll push those guys through the end of the week before Allstar and then they get the time off which will be really good for the Nuggets to get healthy all right so let’s about this um that match up is really fascinating because Brook Lopez traditionally is

Such a big deterrent but he has such a problem with yoke and that’s like a big key is yok is able to hit those floaters and that’s really a problem for for for brolo also brolo tends to give him space which is why yic Always tests those

Threes if yoke hits his threes in this matchup that’s going to force Lopez further and further out or force them to switch and if that’s the case the nuggets are then going to tear them up and pick and roll um that’s what the reasons that yic does it is it’s not

Even so much a matter of like he’s open it’s more of if I can drag the further I drag Lopez out just by shooting the more the back winds up being open because Lopez wants to park himself back in that paint he is the best drop defender in

The league in pick and roll that’s where I think Murray um his mid-range game can be really effective like this is a pretty favorable matchup for Denver overall now that said uh they’re going to be a lot better defensively I think over the Long Haul they’ve lost all

These games with Doc but I think they’re probably going to turn a corner I think there’s probably like a chance for them to be able uh to to really improve here I’m expecting a very good effort out of the Bucs here they’re going to start turning the corner so this is going to

Be a pretty tough battle and this is another one the weakness of the Bucks really is their bench they have an absolutely horrible bench they have a worse bench than the Nuggets but they’re at home so this is key right we’ve talked about I’ve talked a lot about how

Bad the Nuggets bench has been on the road this is a situation where they need to avoid being being the minus 15 because of they’re minus 15 I don’t think the Nugget starters are going to win all three stints versus or three stints of the four versus the buck

Starters even if everybody if everybody plays maybe if like if Dame doesn’t play or if Yan especially if jannis doesn’t play they can win and win easy but if Giannis and and DNE both play even without mid I do think that the Bucks wind up um splitting at least the

Starting minutes and probably getting an edge like they’re at home they’re a very good team should win those minutes which makes it all the more important for the bench to play well you need a Reggie Jackson game here because that that bucks bench is very small and Reggie

Does pretty well when he’s got space to maneuver on the inside but they’ve got to spread them out that bucks defense is very poor so you need attacking you need to get pton Watson game you need a good Reggie Jackson game um I do think this

Is a DJ game because I think he’ll be able to rebound well as long as he holds on to it doesn’t get stripped but this is one where I think that that bench matchup is going to matter a lot more than it ever had has before um and so

That’s like a really big key I think in this matchup now if they win I do want to say this if the Nuggets win they will have basically proven that they have matchup advantages versus the Celtics and the Bucks Sixers are tough we don’t know if embiid’s gonna be back

We don’t know know about that the Knicks we can’t really judge because they were that was a throwaway game we don’t know right um I don’t think anybody expects Knicks to come out of the Eastern Conference I think they might like Jaylen brunson’s really good he’s a tough

Dude well I’m trying to get at here is like finals matchups this one kind of matters the Bucs did hang in Denver they had a chance to win that game so this is gonna be I think a really good test for Denver and it’s their obviously the last

Good test before the All-Star break this is gonna be a really good test of where Denver’s at coming off of a loss versus the Kings right versus a really good team on the road this is a a nice spot for Denver to kind of test themselves

Test out new schemes see if you can slow down Giannis throw Payton Watson on Damen Lillard try out different things and see if you can come away with a win win um so it’s going to be exciting to see that tomorrow night that’s all I’ve got for you tonight it’s a short episode

Just because um I’ll be honest with you I’m exhausted and I’ve got a long day tomorrow traveling back to Denver so quick episode tonight appreciate you guys being with us tomorrow cam will be with you to recap the Bucks game and then on Wednesday Adam and I’ll return

For world’s finest I appreciate you guys being with us hope you have yourselves a great week enjoy it and we’ll talk to you guys again next time on lock on nuggets

The Nuggets have only one NBA championship in their franchise history. But the door is open for them to become a dynasty, Matt Moore says, because when you have the best player in the sport, No.15, you always have a chance to come out on top. He talks about the window for the Nuggets to win even if they’re not the best team that season, and how when you have a guy who always comes through, that opens up your window a lot wider. Then he previews the game vs. the Milwaukee Bucks and the challenge they present.

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  1. I like the beard, you have that grey patch. Re: the Thunder, I think they've shown some vulnerability lately. I think by the end of the regular season we'll be saying Denver had a better reg season than OKC.

  2. What a way to sneak talk about another #15, another championship, talks of a dynasty, and incorporate it into Nuggets talk.. bravo 👏 lol

  3. All great points – however, I do think that a lot of the Denver-based analysts get caught up in the minutiae of whether the bench will be good, how the young players will develop, etc. But one of the talking heads on ESPN (might be Legs) said it best – whether the Nuggets will be a dynasty depends on how good Murray will end up being. That second guy is much more important than what happens on the fringes of the squad.

  4. great great show, some great points and thoughts about the potential of the team in the future, and also generally about the beautiful sport of basketball overall…. thank you ….although did not get that joke about our guy Swipa? 🙂

  5. it was very commendable how hard Matt tried to make this not about the chiefs. you could tell when his mind started wandering but he was always able to bring it back.

    congrats on the win last night, now let's get another nuggets ring

  6. Why do I get the feeling that Matt was secretly talking about Mahomes and the Chiefs this podcast but channeled it through the Nuggets. "Down double digits, win in OT" 🤔

  7. lol this one is an all timer matt… I really hate the chiefs man but if the nuggets can be like the chiefs and win 3/5 i'd be more ok with the chiefs i guess

  8. 😂😂😂 hate all of our divisional rivals but very well done!! Congrats Matt, hopefully yall don’t win another ever again lol

  9. It’s such a good point Matt… when discussing my picks for Super Bowl I just kept saying “idk man I think the 9ers have the much better team but KC has Patty Mahomes so I just can’t pick against them” cuz when winning time, if you have THAT DUDE. THE dude, he’s more often than not going to pull through for you.. and last nights game played out exactly how I expected it would. Don’t bet against #15. And much like Joker, Patty elevates everyone around him and makes everyone better.

  10. yet another undeserved win by the chiefs, mafraud was outplayed by purdy and carried by special teams, he'll never win again! 🙂

  11. Jokic >>>> the 15 in another sport. Took 2minutes for you to indirectly mention the unnamed sports team and no direct mentions, honestly proud.
    wonder how you'd talk this episode if the better team won last night 😉

  12. Matt's wife is a fan of the double bald look. Loose a couple pounds and you'll be looking like Jeff bezos.

  13. Three in five years is a very specific number🧐 I’m going to need the nuggets to win every year the chiefs win in order to make this feeling go away lol

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