@Philadelphia 76ers

Why Kyle Lowry is a good move for the Sixers

Why Kyle Lowry is a good move for the Sixers

We have some breaking news Derek yes sir Kyle Lowry has been waved by the Charlotte Hornets and per it has cleared the way for him to sign with the Philadelphia 76ers upon clearing waivers according to Mark Bartles and his agent so laral signed for 2.8 million for the rest of the

Season which is the that is the Veterans uh minimum uh so that will be $2 million against the Sixers cap uh which is the pro-rated 2-year veteran minimum uh the league does that so that you’re not disincentivized from signing older veterans uh so the six should still have

About $3 million left under the luxury tax so that means maybe one more veteran minimum signing and who knows maybe Rick we’ll see we’ll see it doesn’t look bad when you we’ll get to the positive things about Buddy heel and campaign and certainly Tyrese Maxi a little bit later

But talking to the guys during the during the game and seeing what buddy heel was doing not only with his outside shooting but putting the ball on the floor and what he was able to do by shot creation I even put it in my notes Here shot creators buddy Hill Campa Tyrese

Maxi Rick and then I had sometimes Harris uh but yeah exactly go get him Rick but it was we’ve talked so much about when guys were injured and he’s the only one tyres Maxi that can put the ball on the floor and create a shot yes now bringing in another player Tobias

Really getting off easy by the way because Kyle happened to get waved at the time we’re doing the show we also have to talk about buddy we have talk about Tyrese and they did win a game for the first time in what feels like about 3 weeks so probably that’s probably true

The the point was they’re going to get another player who can shot create even at his age you you know that he is creative enough and crafty enough to to get by guys and not only look for his own shot but also help out and and and

Lend and lend the hand to get the ball to others for some some decent looks so um so far I mean we’ll see how it all transpires as after he clears where 24 he had 48 hours 4 40 hours before he clears waivers and then probably won’t

Play before the deadline he probably has to get a ramp up so he’ll have the let’s say post Allstar break allar break so we’ll see him then and um it we we’ll see how that works but good move we’ve talked more ball handling it’s not a bad thing another

Winning player in this league who’s won a championship knows how to play knows how to win and coming back home maybe that was something also significance of significance has the relationship with Nick nurse winning that championship in Toronto with Nick nurse certainly knowing home knowing these players here

And there’s nothing bad I don’t think by signing Kyle Lowry and bringing him in as another guard to add to the rotation so I want to start in one place after we saw Marcus come here and what it meant to him to play in Philadelphia if you

Just for a second does Kyle get the keys of the city probably should get him but that’s a who knows set aside the basketball component it’s just really cool for a guy who Kyle Lowry for whatever you think of him as a player now has accomplished quite a bit

For his career for him to get to come home and play in his home City for the team that he probably grew up rooting for all that that’s a really cool story when he gets announced checking in or potentially starting for his first time depending on how many guys are available

All that that’s going to be a really cool moment for Kyle to walk out of that tunnel and play for the 76ers like that I love that stuff as someone who’s like yeah I care about the basketball and all that but like the human part of it is

Really cool there I will also say as we talked about during the deadline show was very clearly telegraphed the second they move Pat Bev for seemingly no reason and I will say campaign has been better than I think we would have expected I think tonight he didn’t shoot

Well the floor game was good though and he shot well last night but he is not playing over Kyle do like when darl has a press conference the other day yesterday and he says like we’re telling Pat that like his role is going to be diminished he’s not saying that because

Of campaign he’s saying that because he knows Kyle Lowry is going to be coming here in a couple of days he just can’t say it yet yeah and so look I I think if you do look at what campaign has done since coming here you can see the clear

Case for why Lowry can help this team even though I see some discussion about oh he’s washed and as a yes as a starting for minimum yes as a starting level guy like a topof the rotation type player yes Kyle Lowry is not that guy anymore but he has a functional handle

Functional brain a good volume shooter he’s a good passer if he’s able to get to the spots which that’s a whole different discussion and in a Joel embiid Centric world like he might struggle I think for these this next month or however long without Joel when

It is a Joel from the elbows Joel post up type of world Kyle Lowry as an unshy shooter a guy who can then beat a close out hit a quick pass do a drop off to Joelle do all the little things that a point guard needs to do in that world he

Will fit beautifully can he defend people anymore not really but he’s also as some other people are pointing out a guy who will take charges who will sell calls and do all that kind of stuff I think this is a for a buyout guy it’s about as good as you could possibly hope

For I I think right now and that’s going to be helpful for this team and you know what he’s going to do he’s probably going to make that pass when Rick or KJ Martin in those minutes may not be a lot but if they draw something up there like

That I think we’re pretty confident that a a play like that it may it may look like nothing now but it could mean something in the moment where you’re making a a 25 foot pass on the Bel line and you needed to be perfect for the

Recipient of it to catch it and finish it that’s a point guard who we’ve seen make that play make that that alley pass many many times and for people saying a good move yeah it’s a good move because that’s Kyle said and Derrick talked about the money that you’re going to

Spend and as a buyout candidate who is going to play minutes but he’s not going to start most likely and he’s just going to be a player who has again experience Champion not just playoff experience but championship experience playing for a coach that he was with to win that Championship that’s

Not nothing and then you add to like if you want to talk about things that you lost with pev right Kyle Lowry is a noons like fiery competitive guy and there were times early in his career too Devon and Derek you guys both know this there are plenty of stories about him

Out there the reason he bounced around early in his career is cuz he was a real pistol as a person to deal with completely unpredictable yep and that’s unpredictable is probably the best way to describe it but as he’s gotten older certainly as he has succeeded and he’s

Gotten paid well for being a very good player found his different spots that he fit in players and coaches and what have you he has mellowed out he’s become a family guy he’s deep into his career and so now you get kind of the best of that where it’s ultra competitive set the

Tone every day Kyle Lowry but you don’t get the like hey he’s going to try to fight somebody Kyle Lowry in his late 30 so in that on that way it’s better that they’ve gotten him late in his career because early in his career he was a

Pretty volatile guy I just like a lot of guys are as they’re figuring out their place in the league and they get bounced around so he’s going to bring some some veteran wisdom and some real competitive drive to try to do something for his hometown team and look I don’t want to

Like tell you everything’s perfect because it’s not that’s why he’s being bought out that’s why he’s you’re getting him for the minimum his defense is nowhere near what it used to be like Patrick Beverly right now is a better Defender than Kyle Lowry even though I trust Kyle Lowry’s decision-making uh

And thought process his feet just aren’t what they used to be um his offense isn’t what it used to be you’re not going to give it to him and ask him to create frankly campaign’s a better Creator right now and I don’t trust campaign I don’t want campaign on the

Court for long stretches of the game when everyone is healthy either but what Kyle Lowry can do he can make an open Catch and shoot three at a pretty decent volume he can attack a close out make good decisions when they rotate and he can cut and make good plays and that’s

What you want you want a shooter and a decision maker to play 5 to 10 minutes a game when he needs to if he ends up playing 25 a night yeah there’s going to be a lot of warts in there and there might be a little room in between like

It might be 15 you know who knows we’ll see how it shakes out he might play a little bit alongside Maxi because he is a little bigger he is strong but you it’s not going to be a huge rooll you’re not going to ask him to create especially when embiid comes back this

Is a guy you want who can fit alongside of Joel embiid and I think especially when you talk about the next couple of weeks he might look out of place at times and I think don’t overreact to that because you’re just trying to win enough games which thank goodness they

Picked this one up because it gets tough you’re just trying to win enough games to get your allem be back and you want people who fit next to embiid I think Kyle as a like I said 10 maybe 15 minute per game player fits alongside Joel embiid given his current limitations at

This stage of his career and on the season he has played in I saw I just had it he he’s averaging 8.2 points per game on the season over ra all with the Miami Heat before being traded to the Charlotte Hornets four assists 3 and a half rebounds shooting

42.6% from the floor and from three-point range on the season 38% and he played 37 games with the Miami Heat before that by like two-thirds of his shot attempts are threes that he is a guy who he knows at this stage of his career there’s not a

Whole lot of screwing around he knows where his shots should be and where they are and he takes them and and as we’ve discussed with Buddy heeld who we’re going to get to at some point just having guys who are willing three-point Shooters and good three-point Shooters

Is an important thing on any team but especially on a team that has to all and be as the most important player yep 38% on the season so hopefully he can keep that up so Kyle Lowry officially waved by the Charlotte Hornet according to W

And his agent I guess and it looks like that just clears the pathway for him to come home and sign with the Philadelphia 76ers adding to Buddy Hill campaign and we’ll see what else we all sitting like the May

In this clip from the PHLY Sixers postgame show, breaking news had erupted that Kyle Lowry had agreed to a buyout and will reportedly sign with the Sixers.

Kyle Neubeck, Derek Bodner, and Devon Givens discuss why this is a good move for the Sixers and how Kyle Lowry could help the team in numerous ways.

Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

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  1. One quick point of clarification: there was an incorrect report that the Lowry deal was a vet min deal, so when I mentioned the cap figures in this clip, it was running off of the assumption that the report was correct. After the show, I received confirmation that the $2.8 million that Lowry received was a part of the Sixers' mid-level exception, so it is a full $2.8m cap against the Sixers' salary cap sheet.

  2. Jay Wright would be the first to tell you he was unpredictable but he has mellowed with age. Welcome back home Kyle.😊 Go Sixers-Go Nova!

  3. It is a good move. An absolute real point guard. Only one we got for real even though Cam can run it too

  4. Don’t want to be that guy but it seems that I have to be…. What are the 6ers doing with the back up big position? Still very confused as to why mo bamba is in the rotation.😅

  5. The Sixers still need a good backup center and more good shooters And Taller players, To compete with other teams, Please get rid of more players 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠

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