@Charlotte Hornets

Hornets vs Pacers: Tre Mann Postgame Media Availability | 2/12/2024

Hornets vs Pacers: Tre Mann Postgame Media Availability | 2/12/2024

Trey congrats on the win um two games here two starts two wins how comfortable are you feeling uh in this new environment and also uh you know getting a chance to kind of get back to what you’re able to showcase the first two seasons before uh this year in OKC yeah

Um it’s a a great environment you know the the gym was you know pretty loud for the most part um you know the guys are good guys you know they’re trying to help us as much as they can it’s not been a easy transition like coming out

Not knowing any other play and stuff like that but I’m just going out there trying to play basketball hard and try to make winning plays so it’s been good defense was pretty good all night holding the end of just 22 points number one offense in the NBA was there

Anything uh in particular that you guys were doing to kind of you know yeah just trying to key in on the game plan um trying to slow them down in transition felt like we did a good job um of that especially late and then um you know just trusting each other

Trusting each other to make the right rotations and uh just have each other back Tre you just got here but it seems like you and Nick Richard’s connection already has been Blossom can you just talk about that one two you guys uh yeah I mean in OKC um we had

High intensity which is like uh three on three four on four five on five for the guys who weren’t playing and um my guy Olivier SAR you know that was my LOB guy so I got a little bit of practice with him you know Nick is super athletic and

I just throw it up and he do the rest so so you know it’s a a good good teammate to have to you know be able to finish those type of plays so you got a lot of better guys around you as you build your relationships with

Those guys what have they’ve been saying to you doing for you to help you grow your confidence in this place I’m just trying to tell me to keep staying aggressive um you know we haven’t played basketball in months really so um it’s it’s tough out there you know my legs

Aren’t there yet um really don’t know anything so um they just trying to give me the confidence to stay aggressive um throughout the whole game Trey what’s it been like to to learn on the fly with a group of new guys like in live game action and why do you think it’s worked

So well through two nights I mean it’s crazy you know I’d be out there lost a little bit but um coach cliff and you know the guys on the court with me do a good job of communicating I’m trying to get me in the the simple spots for right

Now so which is the corner for the most part but um they helped me out a lot just by communicating Trey when you came here and started to meet these guys what kind of jumped out to you about just kind of you know the way you guys all interacted and kind of

Just you know coach is talking a lot about how important it is to have high IQ and High character guys and how you know he kind of sees that in this group you know what what did you kind of notice coming in as you know an outsider

At first and then you know seeing just kind of how you’re all you know here and just you know looking at the kind of work together yeah just a energy from the jump soon as we walked in um the first day of shooter around before the game you know they were all here

Wrapping us up you know making us feel welcomed and then on the court um like I said the communication um they’re they’re really good guys and they try to help us through everything Trey um I mean how do you kind of balance how do you approach I guess um you’re coming

From a team that was you know first in the conference where you weren’t playing a lot but you comeing to a team that hasn’t won a lot but you’re playing a lot already starting um which is better for you I guess what is your approach to

That yeah I mean it’s a blessing to be able to come here and start right away get the opportunity to play um you know OKC was a a really good team um I didn’t play but I watched everything I watched Shay I watched the plays I watched the end of the game

Situations um I watched Mark he’s a very smart coach I was just trying to you know soak up everything while I wasn’t playing and then um now that I’m here getting an opportunity hopefully I can transfer that to here sure you talked about on your I guess introductory press

Conference whatever that was Saturday night your love for the game you love to like getting back out there getting to run again like is that kind of coming back do you feel even closer to the game yeah it just feel a lot like less pressure I’m going out there knowing

That I’m going have the opportunity to play through mistakes um just play basketball I don’t really have to think about the other stuff it feels great and uh once my legs get back under me I should be fine how long you think that I don’t know I never sat out for

That long but hopefully it’s quick I mean I feel better this game than I did last game so appreciate y’all


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  1. You could tell he mad at himself about his play, I can’t blame him everybody with eyes can see he not as confident as he could be. You tough tho tre, keep grinding

  2. Tre and the new players are so good it's a breath of fresh air going from 10 losses to 2 wins in a row is fantastic keep it up

  3. Charlotte could be okc. ! Okc isn’t a bigger market than CHARLOTTE. And Charlotte has decent ppl in the FRONT OFFICE. They are not okc that’s for sure but they have potential

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