@Boston Celtics

Dallas Mavericks vs Boston Celtics FULL GAME Qtr Feb 12, 2024 Highlights | NBA Season

Dallas Mavericks vs Boston Celtics FULL GAME Qtr Feb 12, 2024 Highlights | NBA Season

Their best winning streak since CHR wood gets up the first shot to Oklahoma City all the and they were patient there the ball Road as donic fired season in and t i coach the Boston Celtics they got off coach in the league at age still have the best record in the league from

Distance here and what they’re hoping to see tonight is Don giving up 150 points coach Missoula said it’s not the most the team has talked about getting back to having interesting right I mean they fit how good you are as a team you’re going to hit and we’ll see them come

Through it just Hardway gets it up and has really been a help 12 but Orford was a Juni once again thises a three Luca donic does like love Derek white on then w’ll take it it was interesting talking to him today kid also I don’t see players sees things many well that’ll be

His holiday break and Tatum an area where they fly no one shooting the ball and a slippery basketball the fewest turnovers in the NBA so many of their shots tough three to start donic transition bucket for the Dallas’s brogon now best since their title team in which

For a while though Kenny that’s what we well to start is Hardway and now Brocket off one foot coming in up and over Bullock and use his strength we know he’s been in leag donic and now B eager to check in six play this guy in the Western Conference in donic

Is number here’s Tatum now Williams an excellent Defender for brogal triy donit to the hole and a foul to remind you here that if you vote now t for the Mavericks vote Getters in each of the comp and then you’ve got brown and half of the vote

Um all with two fouls a piece for Sam Hower first minutes in the corner Harley Tatum all the way to the basket look has always been great we’ve know that to be motivated to get in shape to go along with an MVP you schedu and they’ve needed Tatum little floer is sustainable as

Donic the demanded load he’s right behind green they hope they see CBA before the allstar in terms of getting more help than they acquired not dealt World Player Luca donic by 10 15 on the Block working on Hower to play one one with those two fouls while guard he

Finds brog another 21 and5 start he was donic gets Williams in line he’s three out of four by Geico switch today in first quarter he’s got free throw line This will be their 12th three these free throws have kep leaves it up but it was denied by with Derek white the bench has

Been excellent 18 of the 22 points as they have you got to realize left on their bench crossover gets by beron thas beron in the corner takes the Grant Williams and a very was an early of the game after the first quarter but can get it reted Luca

Will cost him some time at the beginning switch that’s one of the problems Jay Brown no good clean sweep wood and seea back one of those nights going at as Jaylen Brown will head to the finish some guys who aren’t for you next Jaylen Brown he’s coming off a five in the

Playoffs Walker and he goes of the Mavericks walk off the dribble and that’s a Tuesday only make quickly and Dallas they don’t shoot a great percentage but with this team but he gets there goes to the hole he’s been a big part of his game were not even in

The at ESPN what he’s doing Horford on him three-pointer is here’s smart on a feed from T I think it’s because they haven’t has been great this is one offensive rating in the league been assisted there’s six of certain guys going oneon-one o Jason Tatum third foul biggest Christian Wood

Lets it Fly ending down in the corner on that possession to White catch and shoot three play as Spencer Den on him one onone and that’s white in the corner and and there’s something it unselfish oh he keeps grabbing it his chest in my opinion why their percentage he grabbing in his chest

Put up a shot on Robert Williams and Tuesday at OKC as Tatum Miss nitzki is Al Horford that success with dirt around luic Hardway Jun eight tonight St been this year but now his first for competition established terrific to check donic and donic double team comes it’s looking

For his first three no good the three leading vote gets from three-point range but he gets by him with a crossover oh look at this recovery to stay on Grant Williams that’s the way to do it seven 18 points from the line had their 12-game winning streak snap log on to

The NBA app and visit Williams who leaves it Robert will the dribble here a great D stop his Drive he’s a driers Boston with a chance to pick up that for Williams it’s into the hands of he thinks Luka got hit in the CH like they’re lucky getting just of course the

Boston bench categories rebounds as well so even on a tough shooting night committee still looking very with a Double Double T covered it Mo the dead witty in the corner Miss Point range great it took a shot to the chest do look right at all he’s got maybe the

Ball at his hands letting Dy do a lot of sets it donic side step had Tatum team tonight for Tatum just going oneon-one tough shot Brown on the drive and brown that with it being one lead in this game a little Flicker and T with three-pointers by his

Teammates DWI he gets the extra play because there was an extra kicks it Warford side game but I don’t think men to go out and have that game little out of control and up top from opponent here in Boston Brown Don it step back three short Tatum tough shot T more aggressive such

[Applause] an 12 but he’s just going to be able to place few other teams shooter makeing the ex three-pointer on its way and and a match up with Georgia that’ll be fun so it’s a good sports area here right now these days is Don for three-pointer here’s Brogan for Brian the

Mavericks and in the coming out of the G League Jaden Hardy for Grant Williams wasting no time this Robert Williams against smart smart hits the deck no whistle with the T think only just walked away talked to Joe knee surgery had a scope on now three-pointer is the lead of the game

For Boston of 20 handling duties here deflection happens this will be the last 44 I mean could great as he is he is a few years ago no there have been some other G streak like this for Christmas break here’s McKinley right do but he really knows how to put away

Is and he pulls up we’ll see if we see him again taking a shot to the chest reading the game all right continue to play Under And this has to be who days ago with Joe moua we couldn’t coach for two different games you said with the lights

Outy have you heard of such a thing sacrifice to not hi by Tatum there’s power was on the second level coming on a pass as a draft it’s always thrs in the production truck are great two oh not something the Mavericks do get another shot at from

Jason tonight by Williams a deal like that is note that is the roster count so contracts in theory the SEL on their history last year acquiring weeks to do it great Point Jared and the head coach now the E do to Brad Stevens both HS of a Championship approach the halfway pitus

This little 12 game stretch they have here’s Hardy at least on the outskirt tonight was Hardy little side step an excellent job with here’s Hardway now for three Hardway in 10 attempts started riding with the bench he’s G him some life C rounds letting the break tum Lees it up to

Start and he’ll take it himself self still 16 points well tonight Lawson will let it fly with a couple of dribbles the floater is good playing here with three minutes to go good match up in the west as they lost it at the p as in this one wait into his

Decision on waiting for leaving my guys into extra more minutes is not cut a 28 point deficit to no run now it’s 13-2 Don some look like some problem Saturday night against the Spurs five teams and Jimmy Butler yeah that’ll be Tuesday up at Brooklyn I think the thing people

Offense in the league figured out that they need to get and our legitimate Finish Line the Mavericks suffer their longest winning streak in the NBA and their best winning streak since tonight Christian Wood gets up the first shot 50 points Tuesday to Oklahoma City on the dark really spread you out and

They were patient there the ball and 12 they’re 11 and seven on the road as donic fires in Wood a free agent at season’s end and and donic they’re going to play one-on-one big question coming in tonight coach the Boston Celtics they got off month in the NBA he’s the

Youngest coach in the league at age five and seven these last 12 still have the best record and Lely struggled to shoot the ball from distance here Jared what the Celtics have to allow about that and what they’re hoping to see tonight is D Brown said it was an embarrassment

Tuesday giving up 150 points to a performance they’ve lost seven of 12 Coach Missoula said it’s not the most pop Jason Tatum told me this morning that the team has talked about getting back to having to the Celtics well it is interesting right I mean they what you

You’re always going to have I don’t care how good you are as a team you’re going to hit Boston team as a a lot of character and we’ll see them come through it just one on the board one more as a t Hardaway gets it up and 40%

From three has really been a help W 125 112 but Horford was a kicks it Hardway Jun once again misses a three you want and they Luca donic does Love Love Tonight sper Den WT he’s got Derek white on it Den witty will take it in the Hall

Of Fame and uh it was interesting talking to him today the guy is doing pretty well but Jason kid also I don’t boast out of these great young players sees things many going to give that to den Wy that’ll be his pnt we’re back after a holiday break and T slide has been

Dreadful an area where they Thrive every guy in their rotation no one shooting the ball donic Stripped by Horford and a slippery basketball Maverick the fewest turnovers in the NBA and creates so many of their shots tat for three to start donic well that’s a rare transition

Bucket for the Dallas for their first lead here’s Brogden now Mavericks had seven game win streak best since their title team in which he did milk it for a while though Kenny that’s what we’re not shooting it particularly well to start is Hardway MIT Mavericks and now Brock it off one foot

Come to five now Williams Powers his way in up and over pull on to be able to put the ball on the floor use his strength we know he’s been one of the best individual defenders in the league [Applause] donic and now B Robert Williams eager to

Check in three times in his last six play this guy backto back player of the week honors in the Western Conference in at all of the advanced analytics donic is number here’s Tatum n let’s see what wood can do Tak it on Williams an excellent Defender good Tatum offensive board brogal [Applause]

Try doit to the hole and a foul Boston run chance to remind you here that if you vote now Boston and it’ll be a te for for the Mavericks so LeBron and KD were the top vote Getters in each of the computes in the East and then you’ve got

Brown in voting and so that’s only half of the vote um Brown and Donovan Mitchell Tatum and brown all with two fouls a piece for Boston Sam Hower first minutes up by eight in the corner Hardway k Tatum all the way to the basket and assist 11 rebounds over his last six

Games LC’s always been great we’ve known that that was all he needed to be motivated to get in shape he has been a Euro League Championship to go along with an MVP a haven’t played a very difficult schedule and they’ve needed here’s Tatum with beron on him Tatum

Little floater out for the Mavericks is this sustainable as donic they feel if they were fully healthy the demanded load finy Smith is dealing with an adductor strain he’s right behind green they hope has been told that we should not expect to see CBA before the All-Star would play this

Way for a full season in terms of getting more help which is still part of the porzingis trade when they acquired not de and an all World Player LCA donic justes there by the Celtics has him out in front by 10 15 donit down on the Block working on

Hower out for three fre and they’ve elected to play him one on one so got a good stretch of minutes a with Tatum playing with those two fouls while here comes smart excellent point guard he finds brog another s two months yeah over the 21 and five start he was shine

Shot clock to five donic gets Williams in the donic with his third trip to the line he’s three out of four the NBA and brought to you by Geico switched today in in the second half of this first quarter he’s got is their trips to the free throw

Line This will be their 12th from the floor and only one for nine from three these free throws effec by Hardway junr smart gets by and leaves it up but it was denied by with two fouls a piece with Derek white the bench has been excellent all came in that 2211 run 18

Of the 22 points be able to match that with the guys they have you got to realize and so they just don’t have a lot left on their bench he can’t finish at The Rim brown little crossover gets by beron then Wy kicks it thas beron in the

Corner for the Celtics brogen cuts and Bron takes the cont cut nice pass from Grant Williams and a very points at 9 minutes coming off the bench was an early regular time to come out of the game after the first quarter but little bit with that left ankle he

Wanted to go back and get it reted Luca wil left ankle cost him some time in the bubble cost him some time at the beginning well he got caught on Brogden on the switch that’s one of the problems brog with those orange shoes he finds Jay Brown no good of this season series

Looking for a clean sweep wood and we see a sign of it there seea back 142t I could feel below 100 on that one of those nights gets well they’re finding matchups they like they’re going at Hower as making him pay down there Jaylen Brown will head to the and

Contest up high and making finish some guys who [Applause] aren’t Stephanie ready they’ll have the call for you next the foul so that’s number three on Jaylen Brown 20 a game over eight rebounds he’s coming off a five b how much he can help them win in the playoffs able to stop

Anybody K The Walker and he goes Cleveland has been pretty quiet as a member of the Mavericks we’re not going to see the Kinder walk he’s got three buckets tonight off the dribble and that’s a he was shut out against the Thunder Tuesday only make Celtics switches

Again foul trouble could catch up with them quickly in Dallas need get to the line a lot they don’t shoot a great percentage but that’s donic again like everything with this team but he gets there with those two fouls Brogden goes to the hole brog and take charges it’s

Always been a big part of his game the praise for one of the officials and we’re not even in the got to watch our friends at ESPN yeah what he’s doing over dead wi he gets Horford on him three-pointer is here’s smart on a feed from T they

Haven’t been able to knock down the three I think it’s because they haven’t all movement tonight has been great this is number one offensive raing in the league at Point makes tonight have been assisted they’re six of like they had early in the year rather than guys going

Oneon-one fires up an airball Tatum on the Move Jason Tatum and Hardway junr defending quite fortunately didn’t pick up his third foul biggest quarter Christian Wood lets it Fly bed offensively standing down in the corner on that possession here’s smart all the way across to White catch and shoot three very

Unselfish play as Spencer DWI smart defensive player of the year on him one-onone and cor for an extra pass that’s white in the corner and different but right now and there’s something HED in out to Smart who could have shot it unselfish and that’s something’s wrong he keeps

Grabbing it his chest liing a little bit he doesn’t look right no he does not not at all we’ve seen in the last month in my opinion why their percentage every time down the floor keep an eye on him he’s grabbing in his chest put up a shot on Robert Williams

And after their performance Tuesday at OKC as Tatum Miss rightly honored the great Dirk nitzki as Al Horford addition now to have all of that Success With Dirt nitzki the same kind of roster around Luca donic windows open for Dallas for sure here’s Hardway J best in the league they’ve combined

For eight tonight Stan it’s been Boston in scoring every single game this year but now his first generation players prepare their minds and bodies for competition EST from the today if you don’t have terrific again it’s Horford trying to check donic and oh speaking of targets Boston going right at donic double team

Comes donic looking for his first three no good Yannis and Durant the three leading vote gets to 46% from three-point range guards him then when he gets by him with a crossover Oher and here look at this recovery to stay in the Don now with Grant Williams

On him Grant Williams if you’re going to take a foul that’s the way to do it 7 22 Monday in Houston 18 points from the line on a great roll right now Nets just had their 12-game winning streak sna the Bulls log on to the NBA app visit in this first half

For the last seven for Boston it’s Grant Williams who leaves it Robert Willam with three buckets off the dribble here a great D about the threes we’ve got to stop his Drive he’s a driver in and out and an extra pass Boston shot you don’t want donic in

With a chance to pick up that for and that one short offensive Williams it’s the hands of Coach what the latest is he feels he thinks Luca got hit in the ch terms of their offense and their defense they feel like they’re lucky getting just good stuff Jared thank you and of

Course the Boston bench first half and led all three categories rebounds as well rebounds and six assists so even on a tough shooting night and then by committee Dage still looking very on them for sure wood with a double double 10 excellent work from their bench so they covered

It good ball movement dead witty in the corner miss two for 18 from three-point range those are great Jared Dudley saying may have took a shot to the chest about Luka donic he doesn’t look right at all he’s got many others the ball has energy maybe the ball in his hands

Normally takes even at the offensive end it’s letting dwy do a lot of good three-point shooter resets it donic side step has getting to the free throw line not having your best SN T 30 points 13 tonight for Tatum six dwit he with brown on him just going oneon-one tough

Shot Brown on the drive and brown foul there and I’m a little surprised that with it being have had just one lead in this game against wood oh Tatum a little Flicker and Tatum with three of those assists coming on three-pointers by his teammates great defensive possessions

Den WT he gets the extra no assist for donic on that play because there was an extra Brown now in the paint he kicks it Horford the passing and inside to outside game but I think had lost six of 11 and then to go out and have that game

Some of the coaching staff as well white little out of control and somebody up top for w 70 Mavericks run now they’ve answered in that game much different caliber opponent here in Boston Brown got brown checking in Don it step back three short Tatum tough shot Tatum quarter

Tatum’s been much more aggressive such an fight losing seven of their last 12 26 and 12 in their rotation so nobody’s just going to be able to place run at the title as are a few other teams the pass that’s your best three-point shooter making the x on

Him Tatum three-pointer on its way and championship and a match up with Georgia that’ll be stop in the off seon so it’s a good sports area here right now can do contention these days is D smart kicks it Horford three-pointer and well at the defensive end Saturday then their home next week

Here’s brog for fdy carries a bigger load for their team Brian the Mavs to 9 Minutes of this third quarter and in the something on that bench coming out of the G League Jaden Hardy now and reset for Grant Williams right wasting no time this is as well for the Celtics Robert Williams

Clear it out donic against smart smart hits the deck no nearby official who hits Williams with the T I’ll give him credit though I mean he got his Technical and he just walked away talked to Joe n games he’s rehabbing knee surgery had a scope on there’s smart now

Three-pointer is shots for each other biggest lead of the game for Boston of 2 handle some of the ball handling duties here deflection unless something miraculous happens this will be the last 44 he may come back I mean could if nothing else is that as great as he is

He is the Mavericks have very little chance Marcus that was a great adjustment that made a few years ago 56 straight you know there have been some other but I don’t know that anyone’s put together a streak like this to know that even over Christmas break but I can’t

Argue with you here’s McKinley right show up in the stat sheet not all of them do but he really knows how to c Horford to lead the way is points Creator tonight and he pulls up third quarter and uh we’ll see if we see him again Jared reporting that may have

Taken a shot to the chest facing there we’re playing with Pace we’re reading the game all right continue to play Under great things he’s doing that they’re doing and this has to be who is that a four on four game a couple of days ago with Joe moua was unable to see

So he couldn’t coach for two different games he set to watch their game against the Clippers with the lights out game due to a pickup game injury have you heard of such a thing well do not play in the pickup game I made the sacrifice

To not here is Tim hard oh denied by Tatum there’s power recently when the coach’s office was on the second level and the other 14 all coming on a pass B League ignite team as a draft theaters January 13th it’s always a Tom Heights mattt lip at the controls in the production truck

Are great up hard away and Too Tall oh out in transition and running not something the Mavericks do good minutes here and maybe you get another shot at it by tat tonight by Willams then we’re going to see the reason why they make a deal like that is no about that but more

Importantly it reduces the roster count so now of 14 stand NBA contracts in theory the C so I would imagine based on their history last year acquiring their next move and they’ve got five weeks to do it great Point Jared and they he’s got a 34y old head coach now the eing

Doin from their front office from Danny a to Brad Stevens both last year and hopes of a championship R down 21 here as we approach the halfway point most of the Season minus this little 12 game stret tum here’s Hardy and he’s just keeping them at least on the outskirts of his minutes

Here tonight as Hardy l s side step lead in this fourth quarter great guys in the game doing an excellent job with the G time for a lot of these players here’s Hardway now for three only the second make tonight for her Hardway in 10 attempts Jason kid started riding with

The bench he’s giv him some life chance at a three-point play great cut [Applause] Browns pack behind the back Tatum running the break Tatum leaves it up and is 12 rebound to start [Applause] that and he’ll take it himself who’s been quiet tonight but still 16 points we’ll get some time here as well big Wade against the Mavericks tonight Lawson will let it fly gives it

Up white with a couple of dribbles the floater is good but the rest of them still playing here with three minutes to go tonight Clippers in Denver good matchup in the west and tonight AJ Lawson and Theo penson as getting a few minutes here late in this one Toronto Milwaukee game last night

You think wait into him his decision on waiting I was always criticized for leaving my guys into with those games a guy’s playing a couple extra more minutes is not KN on Hardy well the Mavs cut a 28 point deficit responded with a a 130 run now it’s 13-2 Don but was

Dealing with some like some ankle problems anonio Saturday night against the Spurs well that Eastern Conference five teams their one deal and Jimmy Butler jumping right into that race yeah that’ll be Tuesday Boston at Brooklyn just coming up next week I think the thing people are they playing

Great offense the best offense in the league since in that time they have figured out that they need to getting has come back at 18 and4 and are legitimate it’s going to take us to the Finish Line the Mavericks suffer there

Dallas Mavericks vs Boston Celtics FULL GAME Qtr Feb 12, 2024 Highlights | NBA Season
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