@Miami Heat

With Heat forced to wait more than six hours due to a plane issue in Miami, they did not arrive in Milwaukee until well after Bucks had completed their Monday home victory to start back-to-back. So no shootatround for shorthanded Heat today and rest advantage essentially lost.

With Heat forced to wait more than six hours due to a plane issue in Miami, they did not arrive in Milwaukee until well after Bucks had completed their Monday home victory to start back-to-back. So no shootatround for shorthanded Heat today and rest advantage essentially lost.

by MikeTimesONE


  1. Gavster1221

    Damn Bam not even fixing the plane? Terrible Aerial Leadership

  2. Bro istg this week has been some bullshit. We are NOT setting up to have a great week, first the injuries NOW THE PLANE IS GETTIN US??? Oh naw

  3. TheRealGlutenbob

    I blame Bam. As captain of the Heat, he should have insured there was another plane on stand-by incase the main one had issues.


  4. saviorlito

    I mean rest is not playing basketball…lol. 

  5. I know Bam aint doing shit, but my DOG Duncan Robinson talking some shit to that airline.

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