@Dallas Mavericks

[NBA University] Biggest differential between teams’ points per possession after timeouts vs their typical half-court offense. Dallas is INCREDIBLE after timeouts. Sacramento…not so much. Takeaways?

Basically, we’re super effecient at scoring out of Time Outs. Thoughts. Link to his Tweet below:

by Diabolic_Bug_Man


  1. YoStepWithLuka77

    Don’t show this for the Kidd haters oof lmao

  2. Ok_Republic6747

    Well the Kings are stuck with Fox so ofc thier half court offense is not good

  3. Surprised LAC isn’t in the top 5 given how much commentators talk about Lue’s ATO plays.

  4. 2icecreamsandwiches

    This is refreshing, because I feel like we’ve been embarrassingly bad at ATO scoring in previous years.

  5. sirZofSwagger

    Based on my eye ball test alone I won’t have realized this, but stats dont lie!

  6. AtreusIsBack

    The team seems to be turning a corner. A very good corner. 2 more months of basketball left. Hopefully 2 great months of winning.

  7. Man, I gotta say, this has been a surprise. Last year and even fairly deep into November this season, our ATO plays were still kinda garbage, like it was literally ‘give the ball to Luka’ and nothing else.

    This is nice.

    I still don’t really like Kidd.

  8. While this stat is great, we’re talking about .05 PPP which isn’t much and could just be the difference between a pull-up 3 in transition and a spot up 3 in the corner of a myriad of other factors outside of coaching.

  9. kingjasko96

    J Midd.. is actually coaching? In all seriousness i wouldnt put too much weight on this.

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