@Indiana Pacers

Indiana Pacers Buddy Hield Replacement | Free Agency

Indiana Pacers Buddy Hield Replacement | Free Agency

I don’t ever think I suggested the Indiana Pacers you know should just flat out cut a player I mean if they could just flat out cut Doug mcdermit they should do it this dude ain’t [ __ ] like he was last time he was here that dude couldn’t throw a ball into a river not

To mention he put on a few pounds and it ain’t muscle the Charlotte Hornets went after him on defense Rick car seen it that’s why he pulled his ass and didn’t bring him back in the game Rick Carlo didn’t even want to play him again he played seak with Obie toin and Isa

Jackson just so he didn’t have to play Doug mcdermit even played Ben sheeper just so he didn’t have to play Doug mcdermit stop calling him douge mcbuckets because he’s not a mcbucket he’s a MC bre I can give you two players right now that’s on the street that

Could provide more than what he can give us come on now Danilo galinari Will Barton these are guys that’s on the street right now now now neither of these guys are game changers but damn I’m sure they could provide something I mean we’re only talking about 10 to 15

Minutes a game here if that the Indiana Pacers should have traded for a Roy O’Neal or Dorian finny Smith I mean it’s clear we didn’t get it done defensively we didn’t get it done on the boards um our offense was was uneven and inconsistent and we didn’t shoot well

And you know so big concern for me is the defensive in the second half and the rebounding um defense and rebounding is so important at every team’s offensive opportunity and efficiency and and we uh we were we just we’re not good I mean somebody needs to just ask Rick Carly

Why you complaining about the rebounding have you looked at your stting Center we know why we can’t rebound like I said it’s starts with the man in the middle we’ve been over this [ __ ] man that’s just like if a team like playmaking what is the first position they’re going to

Look at they’re going to look at the point guard position who running the show here who running the point guard why is there no playmaking here when it comes to rebounding you have to look at the center when you’re starting center it’s averaging seven rebounds a game

You’re naturally going to be pathetic on the boards and I’m being nice by saying seven this man is averaging 6.9 rebounds that is disgraceful for a starting center even when he has a good game you can’t really acknowledge it yeah he had 22 points but he only had

Five rebounds so it’s like even when he has a good scoring game you can’t really congratulate him because he sucks at what the Pacers need the most and that’s rebounding this is why I’ve been saying do you really need miles as your starting center I mean do you need to

Pay 20 plus million for a scoring Center cuz that’s what he is at this point he’s a scoring Center the Pacers really don’t need his style of Center he’s not a defensive big anymore miles turnning rebounding is always going to hurt this team now I’m not saying the whole

Shabata is on him but it starts with him come on now Rick car no Miles Turner can’t rebound as much basketball he has seen he knows he has a center that can’t rebound but he’ll never call Miles off because Rick is a professional now I

Ain’t going to say no names but I know some coaches that if he play for them they would call his ass out and I’m talking about some current coaches Rick is a professional so he’ll never call miles out but deep down he knows Miles Turner is the issue with the rebounding

People don’t understand those guys that’s averaging 10 11 rebounds a game it takes two guys to box those type of guys out but I notice about Miles Turner it takes a guard to box him out like is that the kind of Center you can have in

The paint when you’re trying to win a championship like that’s the type of [ __ ] you got to think about when this team starts competing for the Eastern Conference Crown is Miles Turner going to be the guy in the middle or is his contract look that as a salary

Slot there’s no doubt that the Indiana Pacers will have to replace buddy Hill shooting where will they get that help like I said you’re going to have to hit the frag Market they have a open roster spot they can do something like I said before Allstar break is approaching at

The right time but don’t get mad at the facts though

#bornreadyjones #nba #indianapacers


  1. They need to stagger Pascal and Tyrese. One of them needs to be on the court at all times. Our bench was disgusting last night

  2. Myles definitely is a weak link on the team!!! He is sooooo soft it’s embarrassing!!! Dougie McBricks…LOL!!! Cut his ass and bring in another shooter and a defensive wing with size!!!

  3. I said it once or twice and I’m gonna say it again. Jalen Smith puts up basically the same numbers as Turner in less minutes. I rather start him have IJax as the backup and go get a old Vet as our 3rd string for a break glass incase of an emergency.

  4. Doug McDermott needs screens to set up his catch and shoot threes. The Pacers free style of play doesn't work for that.

  5. Pacers and Colts just wanna be good enough to put some butts in the seats…. We gotta stop expecting too much from these organizations under their current management

  6. Yeah it will take a while to incorporate McDermott into the lineup. He’s better coming off screens which means you need to run sets which takes away from the flow the current offense. I wouldn’t exactly blame Turner for this past loss. He doesn’t rebound hard. He puts his focus elsewhere which is a problem. The defense was so bad against the Hornets that he was indecisive about covering up the penetration or blocking out for the rebounds. He didn’t pick his poison and ended up doing absolutely nothing. It would have helped the our guards weren’t constantly being beat off the dribble.

  7. Philly appreciates Buddy to all you dumb haters. McBriquets is not the answer. Nick Nurse knows how to hide Buddy’s defensive liabilities with better team defensive schemes than Nosferatu Carlisle ever tried!

  8. pacers problem is never scoring it is defense so they should've got a defender during the deadline but also i feel like Doug hasn't really found a rhythm he's still a good shooter also ben has been terrible the last few games and Myles like i've been saying is too SOFT that man don't rebound and matter of the fact defend he gets blocks ok but defending no but this year i know what to expect from them i think people are too high on this team cause of potential but they are still young and growing i expect us to make the playoffs and that's it i don't expect us to win this year we have ZERO DEFENSE

  9. This may be one of your best videos analysis wise this year. I mean tell me Isiah Jackson wouldn't work in the starting 5. Myles only scores that much because of his outside shooting.

    2 Things maybe for future video topics.

    I starting to think Mathurin is beyond a Sophomore slump at this point, he has looked terrible, he made a good play in front of the Knicks bench the other night and then ate it running back. His body control is terrible.

    Nesmith looked so tired during his halftime interview last night, he is so important to this team, even on his off nights. We get through the trade deadline, and he still doesn't have any help for the opposing teams best offensive player, and its starting to show in his Performence.

  10. It doesnt matter what the pacers do this year. Buchannon even said were a team in progress. Expectations was playoffs this year and thats it. So we all neeed to lower our expectations of this team.

  11. We traded for Dougy McNuggets thinking wed get a 20 or 10 piece. We're not even getting a 5 piece McNuggets. Just a damn empty box 😢

  12. People are really coming at Mathurin for how he played last night as if Rick didn’t literally state that he’s playing with a banged up leg and is battling the flu. People are acting like this is how he normally plays all of a sudden 🤦‍♂️

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