@National Basketball Association

[Jusuf Nurkic] responds to Draymond Green’s podcast clip about him: “All good bad boy just don’t stay to long on podcast, gonna be late for therapy session.😂”

[Jusuf Nurkic] responds to Draymond Green’s podcast clip about him: “All good bad boy just don’t stay to long on podcast, gonna be late for therapy session.😂”


by AashyLarry


  1. NevermoreSEA

    There’s nothing wrong with going to therapy, Nurk.

  2. beer_down

    I appreciate Nurk for continuing to talk shit even after he got cooked lol. Commitment to the bit

  3. I’m here for NBA players publicly shitting on Dray.

  4. SirShmooey

    Emasculate somebody for going to therapy, very cool

  5. bungajaji

    I mean if they want, should just have a cage match between Nurk and Dray lol

  6. AbbreviationsHot4482

    Nurkbitch trying to start fake beef while being a worse offensive player than Dray and not even being half the defender 😭

  7. dustinharm

    It’s really hard to be invested in a beef between 10 ppg players where you gotta watch a podcast and post game interviews to keep up.

  8. You know you goofed when r/nba sides with freaking Draymond Green

  9. SpecialImpossible142

    Says the guy who was just crying about taking back his well wishes to Dray🤣🤣🤣

  10. Guitaristb72

    Of all the things to slam Draymond for he chose this.

  11. strangerthingskids

    Nurk been saving that one for a month

  12. Professional_Cold463

    lmao what a terrible comeback Nurk. sit back down bro

  13. Nurkic loves this back and forth on social media, he does this with bosnian polticians and celebrities even with some randoms

  14. u can hate draymond all u want but making fun of therapy is a bitch move

  15. unclehelpful

    Nurk is making Draymond look good which is incredibly hard.

    Dude must be the softest Serbian out there. Is he adopted?

  16. Harley_Luce

    Unpopular opinion, but we need more of this in the NBA. Even if it’s between 2 role players. Too much buddy buddy relationships going on nowadays ON the court. 

    Nurk got the best of Draymond a couple months ago. Embarrassed him. 

    Draymond got the best of Nurk a couple nights ago. Embarrassed him.

    Both don’t like each other and would probably scrap if they’d allow it. I like it, and think it makes for some chippier basketball games. I’m all for it. 

  17. thy_armageddon

    It’s good to know the guy who’s so injury prone he’d probably fracture a rib sneezing is also competing to be the most emotionally fragile.

  18. HolyRomanPrince

    Ngl kinda want Draymond to smack him again

  19. SoloBurger13

    Bro not beating the Europeans are soft allegations

  20. moondowns

    Lol at people mad about a therapy jab, you got guys calling each other pussies and bitches and a therapy jab is what is making you upset? Soft as shit. Get over it.

  21. PrinceofEden23

    Most mid ass beef that no one outside of Draymond and Nurkic are invested in lmao

  22. gettinDINWIDDIT

    This is what he came up with after two days? Lmao holy shit he’s doing rough

  23. LackEmbarrassed1648

    Draymond is an ass but Nurkic is just looking like a donkey. Don’t engage, just move on man.

  24. PleasantThoughts

    Draymond has so many easy things to make fun of “going to therapy” is like the one dumb thing to go after. Kinda sucks to be reminded that line of thinking is still so prevalent.

  25. The two of em just need to make out and get it over with

  26. SammySoapsuds

    Man between this and the game on Saturday Nurkic rapidly losing any high ground he once had

  27. Nurkic is so butt hurt, bro you’re bigger and got bent over by Draymond and dray handled it professionally… By putting nurk in the dirt by scoring

  28. Unlikely-Schedule619

    Literally any player in the nba says this stuff besides nurkic and I would be on their side… but it is nurkic so guess I’m team draymond for the first time ever.

  29. Smellmyhand

    Uhhh this is an L for Nurk. Wouldn’t be surprised to see a team or league sanctioned apology from him

  30. Inevitable-Paint-650

    Jesus am I the only one that found this funny? He’s obviously not making fun of of his mental health but finding an excuse for everything through it

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