@Cleveland Cavaliers

How The Cavs Broke The NBA

How The Cavs Broke The NBA

The Cleveland Cavaliers in the past 15 games have a record of 14-1 unless you are a Cavs fan you’re probably hearing about this for the first time quietly ever since 20124 started the Cleveland Cavaliers have been dominating the NBA and currently are second in the Eastern

Conference yet the media is yet to bring this up and other YouTubers are rarely acknowledging them so that’s exactly what we’re going to do in this video now what’s weird about the Caps is they were missing two really important players during this run that they’ve been on

Evan Mo and Darius Scarlet have been dealing with injuries and it’s very interesting to me how they’ve been able to sustain this level play in fact you could argue after these two went down they started to play a lot better which is a very weird dynamic we don’t

Normally see so when two guys go down what do you do well it’s next man up and the Cavs have been showing that that phrase is still accurate to this day now I think it’s only right we start with someone who’s been playing MVP level basketball and that’s Donovan Mitchell

Donovan Mitchell has been quietly having a really good season earlier in the year he was struggling but it seems like he’s starting to pick it back up at the time recording this video he’s averaging about 28 points per game which is number six six in the NBA when it comes to

Scoring I know when we talk about Donovan Mitchell we primarily like to talk about his scoring because Donovan Mitchell is a really good scorer but something that we’re forgetting about is he’s been a really good facilitator a ball handler and also his defense has been pretty good for being a guard I

Genuinely mean this when I say Donovan Mitchell has been the most important part of this team I know there’s a point in time where during the season people were saying oh Donovan Mitchell he should get traded where is he going to get traded to but what’s funny about

This to me is that Mitchell’s been dominating on the Cavs and it seems like he’s absolutely happy to be here I think the only reason they’ve been talking about it is Donovan Mitchell to New York has been something that’s been talked about for the past couple years and at

This point I don’t think it makes sense for either team one I don’t know who the Caps can get that would be a good asset also New York they’re also pretty hot right now I think they’re building something over there and it just makes no sense to that up also let me

Give a quick congratulations to Donovan Mitchell for being once again selected to be an All-Star which I’m sorry I’m not really surprised by that it’s finally good to see the Caps finally have a great leader in Donovan Mitchell and and I’m very excited to see what

This team can do moving forward now my only concern about Mitchell is the playoffs however it seems like during the regular season and this is just the regular season so far he’s taking a lot of the criticism that he saw last year and he’s trying to work on it I know

There’s a lot that can happen from now on the playoffs but if Mitchell keeps on playing at this type of pace and he doesn’t drop in the playoffs I do think the Cs could do something very scary but it’s not just the da of a Mitchell show

I mean yes this team has four All-Star caliber players but what’s crazy is in my team videos I used talk about those four players and then I just kind of stopped talking about the team but what’s weird about the Cavs is because they’ve been dealing with injuries it’s

Very hard for me to say let me do a Darius Garland or an Evan Mobley segment while Evan Moy is now finally healthy it just doesn’t make sense to talk about him like that I mean we’re not stupid we all know Evan Moy is a great defender we

Know Darius Garland is a great point guard and they’re very vital to this team’s success but honestly I think it would be very disingenuous to not bring up other guys that have been dominating for this team for example role players like Sam Maryland and Isaac aoro they’ve

Been great Shooters this year I know aoro is usually known as being a dominant defensive player and while he’s been that he’s been a great playmaker and a great shooter this man Sam is a sniper from three which makes sense if you ask me now you might be

Asking while they didn’t have Evan Moy and Darius garl and how are they able to do so well while missing their key players well there’s something very interesting that I’ve looked at with this team a front court with Evan Moy and jar Allen on the defensive side is

Going to be a great thing to watch I mean these are two of the best shot blockers in the NBA but the problem lies on the offensive side because their spacing is atrocious with these two and I mean it’s just a simple concept jiren Allen’s not that great of a shooter and

Nor is Evan Moy but I think you already know this and when Moy was in the starting lineup you had Dean Wade who is actually a pretty solid shooter shooting about 40% from three but here’s the interesting thing Evan Moy has recently gotten healthy and he’s now back to the

Starting lineup along with Darius Garland and their offense looks to be just fine it seems like there’s been no issues I I don’t expect Evan Moy nor Jared Allen to wake up one day and decide hey I’m going to be a great three-point shooter but I do want to see

How the dynamic of this works because I do believe that’s one of the reasons why Cleveland was being held back because something I’ve said about this team before is that Cleveland is one of those teams that have so much talent and I don’t understand why they’re not

Consistently at the top of the East like they have that number one option they got some great Defenders they got great young players they got great role players but for some reason it seemed like they could never get it together ever because of this 15 game stretch

They’re on right now it seems like they’re finally at the spot that I expected them to be at and what’s crazy is this is coming at the perfect time unfortunately for the Sixers D and be just TOS miniscus so he’s going to be out for a while the Bucks are in the

Middle of this midlife crisis and I don’t know exactly if they’re going to get back to being normal like it it’s a lot of weird I’m going to eventually talk about in a video but the point is for other teams in the East this is their moment to step up and the

Cavs they’re getting hot at the perfect time we’re heading into the trade deadline and to be honest I I don’t see any moves really being made like sure they can maybe get another offensive weapon but I just don’t see them messing with this team especially with how

They’ve been playing as of lately like it would be stupid as hell to try to trade one of your top four assets and try to get somebody and do some weird experimenting not right now at least now I know what some of you might say oh but

Specs is just a run they’re going on you know they’re not going to always be this good and some people are also going to bring up the fact that they’ve played some easy teams but I don’t think that’s completely true because in this 15 game stretch they’ve played the Bucks and I

Think they lost the first game by one point it was a very close game but in the second game they beat them by 40 not to mention they literally just beat the Kings by like 26 last night this team has potential to beat great teams in the

NBA they’ve just never really gotten the opportunity to show they can and now you’re at a point where you’re almost forced to watch this team and recognize how great they currently are but look even despite the Cavs playing great even though everything is going perfect for them right now there’s still one

Question I have to ask but first gentlemen I just want to stop the video if you guys are currently enjoying it make sure youall leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you are new I know I just uploaded a nyck video and I think I uploaded it twice there’s a

Very long story behind it on why I like uploaded it then deleted it then private it but all you need to know is that that video is never coming back out also if there any specific topics you want me to talk about man put them in the comment

Section below we got a couple months until the NBA playoffs are going to start which is already so crazy cuz I feel like the season just started like a month ago but yeah Gentlemen let’s get back to talking about the Cleveland Cavaliers my question about this team is

Are they going to be able to keep this level of play sustainable like I said the playoffs are not that far away man we are getting close and closer where a lot of these games are starting to matter more and more we are damn near at

The 50 game Mark of the season and while I said the Cavs were getting hot at the right time which is still true this is going to be a very interesting next couple weeks because if the Cavs can continue to win I expect them to stay right where they are at the standings

Hell maybe even go to the first seed but we all know once the playoffs start that does not not matter I mean look at the Milwaukee Bucks last year they were literally the number one seed and lost to an eight seed in the regular season

It’s cool to build up your identity but when the playoffs start you become a completely different team and last year the Cavaliers were very disappointing I mean Donovan Mitchell last year man that dude played like versus the New York Knicks now I don’t know who they’re

Going to play right now it’s not even set in stone man Anything could happen but the point I’m trying to make is if the Cavaliers can play the way they are right now I don’t know who can stop them in the Eastern conf confence let alone

The NBA I mean they are the hottest team in basketball right now and I need to see more out of them I know I said this earlier in the video but I find it so funny that absolutely nobody is talking about this team and how dominant they’ve

Been it seems like a lot of these talk shows just have a few teams they want to talk about and they have them on a cycle but that’s not how we operate over here we try to talk about as many teams as we possibly can and the Cavaliers well they

Deserve to be talked about like I think I’ve legitimately seen like maybe two YouTubers make videos on them which I think is ridiculous I’m very happy for the Cavs and all I’m going to say is don’t be surprised if this team ends up winning the Eastern Conference because they’re lowkey

Playing better than the Celtics right now hey I’m just saying man I want you my can take it I want you B never know

How The Cavaliers Broke The NBA



  1. The league also needs to look out for the pistons, who will go 82-0 next season embarassing everybody

  2. At this point, the East is between Miami,Cleveland, New York, and Boston. Everyone is else I can't trust (Philly with or without Joel Embiid and Milwaukee because of obvious reasons), or too young to contend just yet (Orlando and Indiana)

  3. The only reason they are second in the eastern conference is because they have such an easy schedule and most of them are at home

  4. Unrelated: Doc is administrating the most painful regular season I’ve seen as a Bucks fan, and I been watching them since 2011

  5. Let me correct you on some information, yes they beat Bucks, Kings, and Clippers.
    The Kings and Clippers were both hottest teams not named Cavs ,Knicks and Clippers.
    However, let add to what you're missing that I stated on another forum.

    In my view, this roster stands as the Cavaliers' best ever, even surpassing the one that reached four consecutive Finals with LBJ.
    The responsibility now lies with coach JB, and Koby's commendable roster management ensures we have backups for every conceivable scenario.

    Here's the breakdown: If Allen or Mobley aren't asserting themselves physically on the boards, Tristan Thompson is there. Should LeVert, Okoro and Wade struggle with their shooting, Merritt (Strus) steps in.
    And if Garland and Mitchell face difficulties driving or penetrating, Craig Porter is ready to step up.

    "I don't want to hear 'too young' anymore," as mentioned by Austin Rivers. The talent is there; now it's about coaching and harnessing that talent effectively.
    The Xs and Os need to be defined for JB.

    This Cavs team has one of the most explosive benches in the NBA.

  6. in the current 15 game juggernaut, the Cavs have played the Bucks 3 times. 1st time in Cleveland, the Cavs won by 40. A week or so later they played them two times in 3 days in Milwaukee, losing the 1st by 10, (only loss in 15 games) and won the next game by 12 pts. They have also played, and beat the Clippers, Sacramento, Chicago etc.

  7. You should make a vid about the Knicks next they are also hot 15wins 3 losses this month

  8. “… you’re almost forced to watch this team and recognize how great they currently are.”

    TV networks say otherwise. 0 games on the remaining TNT schedule. Very few anywhere else. They’re fun to watch, but no one will know until the playoffs.

    BTW, biggest difference between Mitchell now versus how he was against the Knicks in the playoffs is he trusts his teammates. When things got tough against the Knicks he tried to carry the team and failed, but now that he trusts his teammates and facilitates more, he gets more space on the floor to do his thing offensively.

  9. …… It's not just 'gentlemen' who watch the nba…. there are gentlewomen here, too……. Just sayin'……🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  10. I agreed with what alot of what you said but your argument against those saying cavs have played bad teams during run was dumb saying they've played the bucks and the kings literally still leaves another 13 or 14 games they could've played bad teams in

  11. You are crazy if you think thay can Beat the celtics 0 chance the heat would cook them in a 7 game seplease. Donovan mitchell is a choker come play off time you need help thay are not beating the celtics or Even the New York Knicks so shut up fake phoenix sons fan

  12. Hard to see them catching the Celtics-but would love to see them get the 2 seed in which case they would not have to play the Celts until the Eastern Conference Finals-Sixers through without Embiid, who may have surgery and even shut down for the season-the Bucks seem to be going through a crisis when Giannis puts up 48 and they still lose-Lillard has been inconsistent and is a mediocre defender at best -the Bucks seem to be going through a crisis when Giannis puts up 48 and they still lose-Lillard has been inconsistent and is a mediocre defender at best-in my mind there are 3 teams that have a shot at the 2 spot-Cavs, Knicks and Bucks-Brunson just sprained his ankle last night and although I don't like it when great players (or any player) gets injured, he is the heart and soul of the Knicks and without him they are significantly weaker

  13. ESPN don’t be fucking with low markets like them so I’m happy ya got very knowledgeable content in them.

  14. Getting traded is the lamest suggestion these fans n media wants from teams n players like let them cool on their teams

  15. The way Donovan Mitchell kept Cleveland alive when Garland and Mobley went down and now we are 2nd in the East. He deserved the all star starter spot over Damien Lillard

  16. Hate to say it but none of this regular season success really matters if it doesn't translate to the playoffs. It's all about what happens in the playoffs with the cavs.

  17. Also I don't think they're getting hot now, they've been hot for a while. I watch all the Cavs games and they been playing at this level since mid december.

  18. Mitchel had to step up his assist game when the Garland and Mobley were out. He helped turn our bench into a Swiss Army Knife. We were blasting opponent’s #2’s in the second and early 4th quarter. With the return of the 2 starters, Mitchel can now free-style again about every 3rd or 4th possession and the starters are leading the box scores again. But Okuro and Levert are dynamite defensive players and are now hitting open shots consistently. As mentioned, Donovan can now have three bad quarters and The Cavs can still be in a position to win.

  19. I like the Cavs . But honestly their offense would always be suspect, because it's based on pwrimeter shooting . My prediction is that they will be a second round exit this season .

  20. we went through the same crap last year, they will cool off and then get hot and then cool off just in time for the Playoffs…

  21. What does "could never get it together" mean when this is the 2nd year of Donovan in Cleveland and they are currently one of the top teams in the East?

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