@Dallas Mavericks

Mavericks Rumors: Kyle Kuzma SHUT DOWN Trade To Dallas? + Spencer Dinwiddie On Lakers Over Mavs

Mavericks Rumors: Kyle Kuzma SHUT DOWN Trade To Dallas? + Spencer Dinwiddie On Lakers Over Mavs

Dallas Mavericks today by chat sports coming at you here on a Tuesday Harrison Graham and Jeffrey cooperstein with you fresh off a fifth straight win for the Mavericks we’ll talk about that game here in just a little bit but Coupe we got to revisit the trade deadline here

Speaking of the team Dallas beat last night the Washington Wizards Kyle kosma according to kozma basically almost became a Dallas Mavericks there was a deal on the table a deal in place that Washington was comfortable with they certainly like kozma and it basically Coupe sounds like they left it up to

Kozma on whether or not he wanted to get traded yeah it sounds like if kozma wanted to be a Maverick he would have but apparently he elected to stay in the nation’s capital with the Wizards so the Wizards took the deal off the table here’s exactly what kuzman had to say

Before yesterday’s game against the Mavericks he said there was a point in time Dallas they definitely did want me Winger speaking of the wizard GM presented me with what the trade was and that obviously and that obviously didn’t want to trade me and he kind of left the

Decision up to me a little bit and asked me what I wanted to do I told him I wanted to stay and continue bu to build something and that was kind of the end of it yeah so I mean you know I think it was one of those deals where Washington

Was like we probably prefer to keep you but we respect you as a player if you really would like to go there we can probably work something out and he decided to stay and look there was another quote he had of basically he said timelines didn’t match up he said

There’s only three or four true contenders in the NBA believe the MAV one of them Mavericks weren’t but it’s like you really think you’re building something in Washington I yeah guy but it’s just like and look quite frankly maybe this has worked out for the best

Right I’ll ask you this Coupe would you have rather had Daniel Gafford and PJ Washington or just Kyle kozma because I don’t know if you get Gafford and kma I don’t think you have enough ammunition to pull that off the the athletic article that kind of detailed this

Didn’t really explain what the trade package would have been but my guess is they would not have gotten Gafford had they gotten kusma so I kind of think it worked out for the best so far and the way that PJ Washington and gaford have both played through their first two

Games uh in their Mavericks tenure has been fantastic and we’ll get to them in just a minut but yeah I mean I I I like the way it’s worked out and Yeah kozma would have been great to have I do think he’s better than PJ Washington but is he

That much better to where he makes the Mavs a true Contender I don’t think so yeah and look I’m kind of indifferent like I’m not like anti- Kyle kozman now I think it’s just kind of bizarre that you would prefer to stay in Washington who’s terrible but he he’s comfortable

There he resigned there for a reason he even said uh in a different qu I have won a title so maybe he’s like unless it’s the perfect opportunity he’s just like I’m making good money I’m living in DC uh I’ll do that so hey you know more

Power to you I think the lob threat and rim protector and rebounding machine of Daniel Gafford has been fantastic so far two games obviously a long way to go and I think Pedro Washington who’s not Kyle kozma but still a solid player uh is showing that he can fit in also now who

Would you rather have would you rather have PJ Washington or Kyle kozma I’d rather have Kyle kozma but if it’s would I rather have Washington and Gafford org just kozma I’d probably take Washington and Gafford so to answer this question I’d say k but the fact that you have

Gafford as well means you know I think the Mavericks came out all right here yeah the Mavericks definitely came out all right and I think we we mentioned them as they’re one of the biggest winners of the trade deadline I thought it was them Oklahoma City getting

Hayward in the Knicks as well and it’s worked out so far the Mavs are 2-0 they beat the Wizards last night speaking of Kyle kozma it was Scrappy yeah yeah it was it was a scrappy game an ugly game but they got the win kma ended up with

23 and8 but I really did think think PJ Washington and Maxi kba for that matter did a very good job on Kyle kusma throughout this game yeah I thought they challenged him made it tough on him he obviously found some of his spots and was able to score the basketball I I

Thought this was a pretty good character win Coupe like for sure sometimes you go you get through these these long Seasons you know the All-Star break is almost here you can look at the schedule get caught ah it’s Washington San Antonio we we’ll just show up and win they were

Down at the half they were down 10 plus points in the third and maybe even early fourth they were they down 10 and the fourth down 10 in the fourth and you know they found a way I I think that that’s that’s a meaningful win and in

The course of an 82 Game season you talk about kba he’s playing a lot better recently the box score is not going to jump at you there but had a nice block and then he threw down a pretty big slam on on the other end of more and I wanted

To shout out Brad Townson he had this tweet this morning about Maxi kba and apparently kba said that his toe that kept him out of 35 of 36 games games popped out four times so he had to basically get it popped back in and start from scratch as far as like his

Rehab goes but now he’s inserted a metal plate into his shoe to stabilize that toe so it hasn’t dislocated since and look he’s been really good over the last couple weeks yeah I mean I I thought the athleticism looked at least somewhat back last night I don’t think he’s going

To be fully like what he was two or three years ago in terms of like aged a real defensive stopper I mean I I go back to those clips of he’s getting switched on de and holding his own I don’t think he’s doing that anymore but

You know if he can at least be your like backup four that’s that’s valuable and at times play small ball five I mean gafford’s been terrific unbel I know it’s two games but like we said it the other day say it again I mean he looks like someone who’s played with Luca for

A while he really does I think he had eight rebounds in the first quarter or something we we were talking about this off air I do think he is the best re rebounder they’ve had since Tyson probably so I mean and that includes the likes of Luca and that includes uh

Lively as well gafford’s been awesome for this team man you can’t understate it only played 24 minutes last night too by the way I believe he played Just he played like 14 or 15 the other night uh and then he played 24 last night I expect that to probably ramp up a little

Bit more we’ll see what happens against Victor last night who by the way had a 10 blocks in the Spurs win the other night so yeah yeah got the Spurs coming up so that’ll be a good test for we’ll see if he like gets stuck on cuz they

Play wom Yama on the perimeter a lot so you might see CA and Washington Autumn some so that’ll be interesting um Luca I thought he turned it on late Coupe like I talked about it being kind of a character when I feel like he kind of

Just decided okay we can’t lose to the Wizards like the Mavs had 12 turnovers I believe in the first half and Luca had a had a few of them some bad RS sloppy Luka game for about two and a half quarters two and a frankly for about yes

Two and a half quarters he gets hit in the chin had to go to the locker room he comes back and he took over the game completely as soon as uh he subbed in for Tim Hardway Jun who we’ll talk about in a second it was awful uh Luka was

Great in the fourth and he kind of just he he did not allow the Mavericks to lose this game controlled the game 15 assists Kyrie made some key baskets in the fourth quarter as well I mean look like I I get the schedule’s been somewhat manageable it’s only five games

They’re playing good ball you know Tim Hardaway this this is what it is man I mean you get these Clunkers from him but you know at least Jason kid got him out of there U kid you know we talk about the soft air kid you know just you have

To have like the Tim Hardaway meter going on yeah he’s got to have a feel and you just got to know when it’s when it’s time to pull the plug and uh luckily he did it early enough you you can kind of tell with Tim like early in

His game if he has it or not like if the first couple aren’t even close it’s like oh boy this when he’s off he’s not close like exactly he’s not reming out threes like it’s like he’s he’s building houses out there and shout out to Jaden Hardy

Last night who kind of started the Maverick’s run there in the fourth quarter as well so credit to him yeah no doubt big win for the Mavs uh if they can beat the Spurs six game winning streak heading into the All-Star break uh if you want to win some money get

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CNS use the code clns to get started today let’s talk about Spencer dwy Coupe he obviously signed with the Lakers I don’t yeah like talks trash I mean maybe like I don’t really get this quote this is like if you know if I took a trip to South Korea and I’m trying to

Communicate with the locals I’m just like F I didn’t understand what you said uh you guys try to help us decipher he says let’s say you’re a kid and you get your ass whooped by the bully Dallas would have been like your mama like it’s okay baby Lakers are like your dad nah

You better go out there and fight till you win now if I’m guessing what he’s saying I don’t think he’s really bashing Dallas I think what he’s saying is the comfortable thing would have been to go to Dallas because I’ve had success there I know the system like that would have

Been maybe the obvious thing to do but the Lakers where he’s from it they’re struggling a little bit maybe that’s like the harder way but maybe the better ending if it works out I guess I mean that’s my only way of potentially like trying to figure out what the hell he’s

Trying to say my question is this it would you not want to take the easier road if you’re him that leads to maybe a bigger contract going forward like the best the feel like deep down c not to cut you off is he’s like you know what I

May never get to play for my hometown team I’m just going to sign there yeah that might be the case and why not just say that right like hey man I grew up in in the greater LA area they want me I’m going to go sign there yeah that that

Definitely could be the case I mean look the the maps wanted dwy I know for a fact that they wanted to sign him here in this buyout Market they felt com they felt confident too and it look it sounded like it was between them and la

So they certainly had a chance uh and yeah we know Den witty played his best basketball of his career shot over 40% from three it’s the most efficient he’s ever been especially before the trade for Kyrie Irving he was playing at a borderline Allstar level frankly and the

Mavericks really could have used him as as kind of like that third guard role that they had him in uh when they made the Conference Finals so they didn’t end up working out I just thought these this these comments were I I I kind of agree

After taking them in for about 24 hours that he didn’t he wasn’t trying to disrespect the Mavs yeah but it just felt a little disrespectful to me I think he like here’s kind of what it like seems like to me like another way of deciphering this and let us know what

You think he was trying to say like I kind of feel like he was like look I could go to Dallas I know Dallas I’ve played in Dallas I know a lot of the guys want it to be uncomfortable the Lakers are in this historic franchise like even if it’s a

Lesser path to a title currently like if it were to happen like maybe it would please him I don’t know I don’t know how else to like the word choice is analog like doesn’t make sense if you you could have got your point across by using way less words basically yeah like

Hey man I’m from the LA area to be here I want to play with LeBron there it is I’ve never gotten to I love Dallas but I chose the L be our translators let us know what you think down in the comments and while you’re there be sure to subscribe to the

Channel we’ll be bringing you guys videos all throughout the allstar break as well so stay tuned we’ve got some good content coming up on Mavericks today and before we get out of here just wanted to uh show this little note the map’s majority owner Patrick D dumat I

Believe yes attends the first game there he is with Nico Harrison and S Marshall uh he’s one and0 so maybe he needs to keep coming some more to uh to some more games uh just show up for the fourth quarter because those first three quarters were uh were ugly yeah it

Wasn’t good he did he did a pretty extensive uh media session there as well and kind of outlined his plans it seems like he is not just a businessman and he he really wanted to own a basketball team and he wants to be involved with the Mavericks and and he wants to make

The mavic’s perennial contenders so I like what I’ve heard from him so far yeah so it’ll be interesting to see how Hands-On he ends up being obviously Mark Cuban still going to be heavily involved he’s Jeffrey cooperstein I am Harrison Graham appreciate everybody for tuning in uh continue to spread the word we’ll

Continue to plug out content here on the channel we’ll see you guys soon

The 2024 NBA trade deadline has passed, but Mavericks trade rumors on Kyle Kuzma have surfaced after Kuzma said he rejected a Mavericks trade that would have landed him with Luka Doncic and the Mavs. While The Mavs still made the Daniel Gafford trade and PJ Washington trade, Mavericks GM Nico Harrison reportedly proposed a Kuzma trade but Kuzma elected to stay with the Washington Wizards. Mavs vs. Wizards highlights last night heavily featured Washington, Gafford and Kuzma in the Mavs’ win. We take a look at the latest Mavs rumors & news on today’s show!

Head over to and use code clns for a first deposit match up to $100! Daily Fantasy Sports Made Easy!

Discuss together in the comments:
– Who would you rather have? Type ‘K’ for Kuzma or ‘W’ for Washington
– What did you think of Dinwiddie’s comments?

Kyle Kuzma on the Mavericks trade rumors:
“There was a point in time, Dallas, they definitely did want me. Winger presented me with what the trade was and obviously didn’t want to trade me and kind of left the decision up to me a little bit and asked me what I wanted to do. I told him I wanted to stay and continue to build something. And that was kind of the end of it.”

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Spencer Dinwiddie on choosing the Lakers over the Mavericks in 2024 NBA Free Agency:
“Let’s say you’re a kid and you get your ass whupped by the bully. Dallas would have been like your mama, like, ‘It’s OK, baby.’ … Lakers are like your dad: ‘Nah, you better go out there and fight ‘til you win.’”

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“Our Mavs YouTube channel has more content for you:
– Start Daniel Gafford Or Dereck Lively? Sign Marcus Morris In 2024 NBA Free Agency? Mavericks Rumors –
– Mavericks Rumors: Top NBA Buyout Candidates Mavs Can Sign Ft. Spencer Dinwiddie & Marcus Morris –
– Dallas Mavericks NBA Trade Deadline Grades: PJ Washington & Daniel Gafford Trades –”

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  1. Kuzma statement is idiotic because that’s why we wanted you bro. You( Kuzma) was suppose to push us into the contenders conversation. However, the Gafford and Washington addition is far greater because it addressed both concerns not just one.

    Spence comment is idiotic because the Mavs are better than the Lakers with Spence on the Lakers. If he’s talking about coaching styles, well, Kidd made you play the best you’ve ever played. So by Spence’s own definition he’s idiotic.

  2. That was mature answer from you Harrison on Spencer’s.. I said the same thing… every one kept saying he was calling us soft… not the case

  3. Sorry, Kuzma and Spencer are both essentially saying they don’t believe hitching their wagon to Luka will lead to a championship. Lakers had the best defense in the league.

  4. The way I translated Dinwiddie was he was calling the Mavs soft, not a tough culture … I disagree

  5. I think I prefer Washington because he is willing to play defense at a high level and I’m not sure Kuzma would be

  6. I actually thought the same thing in Dinwiddie. I felt that Dallas was a comfortable and easy fit, but LA was more of a challenge.

  7. @MavsTV IMO Spencer wasn’t talking trash. If you listen to the full interview just before this quote he calls Luka one of the best players in the world. I think what he was trying to say was with the Mavs/mom he would have been more comfortable, supported, with an easier path. With the Lakers/dad he has to fight his way to success… and he decided he needed/wanted that struggle/fight right now in his career.

  8. IMO if they got Kuz they could have still got Gafford but for sure would have had to give up more than for PJ. They could have still got the 1st from OKC +Holmes for Gafford and would have done something like their own 1st +THJ+Josh for Kuz (might have had to be other minor pieces involved). Or maybe Grant+Maxi+Hardy+1st.. either way Kuz would have hurt the teams depth tho

  9. That’s exactly what Dinwiddie meant, Harrison. You got it the first time. He could have expounded a little but only the drama queen made it into hating on the Mavs.

  10. Harrison is right on the Spence thing. Dude didn't show up to the mavs game, talk to Cuban personally, just to trash the team in a press conference.

  11. Doesn't sound like he thinks of himself very highly if he has to ride on a contender instead of helping to create a contender.

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