@Philadelphia 76ers

Philadelphia Sixers vs Dallas Mavericks Live Play-By-Play & Reaction

Philadelphia Sixers vs Dallas Mavericks Live Play-By-Play & Reaction

Yo what is good sixer Nation welcome on in to another edition of Philly take with or B sixer Game Day live as we have the Dallas Mavericks coming into town for the first time this year 26 and 23 on the campaign up against the 30 and 18 adversity stricken

76ers who are going to look to have to find a way to compete to stay afloat to tread water for a good amount of time couple days away from the trade deadline but this changes everything can they keep it going we’ll talk about it as we always

Do we’ll give you the live play-by-play reaction we break it down give you the live analysis chop it up with the community but most importantly we’re about to find out who the real die hards are who’s going to be locked in all season long cuz we’re not going

Anywhere let’s freaking go get the energy level up man get the energy level up things have been bad with this Sixers team the last couple weeks but guess what today I’m finding a way to bring out the optimism even though there is none I’m finding a way

To keep the energy good in this one we’re going to have fun man regardless that’s what we always do that’s what we’re here for so welcome into the show yet again Billy take with orb sixer game day life we are live every Sixers game and we

Break it down live we give you all the coverage as you need it we get to watch Luca donic and Kyrie Irving coming to town tonight so it’ll be an interesting matchup there talk a little bit about the trade deadline we are three days away and guess what ladies and gentlemen

We will be live on Deadline day so come through don’t miss it we’re going to be reacting to all the trades not even just the Sixers NBA trades it’s one of the best days of the year so I’m excited for that we’ll be dropping some trade videos

So be sure those noties are on and you know the First Act of business when you come into the show man you know the First Act of business drop a like on the stream hit the like button down below right now hit the Subscribe button help us get to

34.5km page at Philly takewi RB follow me on Twitter at RB Philly and join the Philly take disc all the other ways to support are down below click the link pinned in the chat cops a merch support the show man I was rocking my Philly take hoodie yesterday it is comfy man

Support the show Cops emerge and become a channel member we’re on the road to 300 members I know I made a video yesterday and a lot of people were mad a lot of people were frustrated at RB look I’m just here to give my thoughts that’s

What I do I cover good bad or whatever I give my thoughts on a team all right I give my thoughts it is very unfortunate that Joel embiid is going through yet again another monstrous injury have to feel for the guy right you have to feel for him I feel

Terrible for Joel andb they just talked to Nick nurse he said yeah he’s you know he’s up and down imagine how he feels mentally right now guy elevates his game yet again even more guys’s having one of the best seasons ever and boom what do you know he gets

Injured but you want some kind of Silver Lining if you want some bit of beam of light ju just something to look forward to we get to see Tyrese Maxi step up in the number one option uh role for a long time now you know he had one really

Really good game 51 points and then last game he looked awful and obviously Tobias Harris was out he’s a game time decision but I believe he’s going to play so we’ll have a couple guys back however you got to play a lot different without the anchor and you know people

Have been talking about should the Sixers punt on the season should they even do anything in the next couple of days I mean we’re going to talk about that here tonight a little bit more but um you know I think just to stay in the playoff hunt to remain a competitive

Team I think you have to do something I think you have to do something so we’ll see man we’ll see what this team does but uh yeah man we’re we’re going to see who the die hards are if you guys are a Die Hard of the Sixers or just of the channel in

General drop a fire in the chat let me know you’re in here tonight man let me know you’re in here drop a score prediction drop a hot take drop a comment let me know you’re in the house tonight man we’ll shout some people out we’ll shout out our

Channel members who go above and beyond to support us also guys even though the uh the feeling is not good right now even though the feeling is not good we’re still going to be giving away man we’re still doing our great giveaways every month and this month

February 27th we will be giving away two exclusive items to two separate individuals assigned alen Iverson photo and a red City Edition hoodie and here are all the ways you can buy into the giveaway and support the show so excited to uh give away great items every

Month we’re gonna see what happens with this team man I I believe Melton is coming back tonight let me see if I can get the actual starting lineup going but we’re going to see more guys in this rotation we’re going to see extended minutes from Daniel house and

Fon cork maybe even more Ricky Council and Turk Smith so I thought they were going to play Melton tonight however he is not going so Melton will miss another game but I know he’s close to returning and the Sixers definitely need him not only from a shooting perspective but defensive

Purposes but the starting lineup tonight will be Tyrese Maxi Kelly UB who needs to get going Daniel house Jr Tobias Harris and bball Paul so Tobias is back um yeah Nico batum’s out Milton’s out roko is out I was surprised with what Nick nurse had to say about Robert Covington I was

Actually very surprised they talked to him the other day in practice and Nick nurse essentially said there’s no light at the end of the tunnel there’s no light at the end of the tunnel I’m like damn Roo’s done Roo’s done I really do believe that the next couple

Of days whatever happens by 300 pm. Eastern on Thursday which is the trade deadline whatever happens by then will tell us all we need to know we’ll tell us all we need to know about the direction what this Sixers team is going to do if I had to predict I think

That the Sixers are going to end up making a couple smaller moves now again I don’t think there’s going to be a lot of big names traded I think there was a couple names traded already earlier in the year I think really the only other big names

That I could see being moved is either Deon Murray or Kyle kosma I don’t really see anybody else getting moved I mean if you want to count Caruso maybe but the Bulls I don’t know if the Bulls trade one piece they’re trading everybody like if they trade the Rosen

They may as well just trade everybody but who knows who knows it’ll be interesting Sixers still have options they can still play play around with some of their resources go out and make a couple moves so we will be again live on Thursday to live react

To all of it but whatever this team does will be very telling and if you guys didn’t check out my video yesterday I definitely recommend you doing so because I gave my thoughts I gave a couple different options and um yeah I mean you know maybe people do

Think that in the bigger scope of things maybe the best idea is to just let it play out let the chips fall where they may maybe Joel embiid comes back in the playoffs but will he be ready to go who knows it’s going to be interesting guys

We got 125 people in here let’s get this to 100 likes as always man we will be live streaming every single game I appreciate everybody for always being here and I hope that you guys don’t go anywhere if you do if you don’t watch sixer games anymore because Joel

Embiid’s out for a couple months I mean you know do you really support the team I understand the frustrations man I I understand it I have a level of I’m trying to find the right word man it’s it’s like disappointment is an understatement I have like a just a not

In my stomach for Joel embiid because as much as people hate on him and I know you know fans of these other teams they talk about him and you know he the process and he’s a Flopper and like all this crazy stuff right I get the banter

Side of it but just as a human being like I just feel terrible for Joel embiid because I really feel like he puts in the work to constantly get better now I’m not saying I’m not saying that that goes without flaws I’m not saying that that goes without his own personal mistakes in

Certain situations right but you got to feel for this guy man he tries to do everything right he tries and here he is man like it’s frustrating and if the Sixers ever do win a championship with Joel embiid it will be maybe the greatest feeling ever seeing what he has had to

Overcome we’ll see $5 super chat from my guy Frank rot he says let’s see what these guys can do do tonight RB support the channel everyone it’s great content Frank Frank my guy I’m hitting the horn man Frank I went against the rules for you man just because you you got me

Pumped up man I like that attitude shout out to Frank he just earned five entries into the double giveaway double giveaway February 27th shout out to everybody that’s been uh blessing the channel appreciate you guys the content is only going to grow it’s only going to get

Bigger and better shout out to everybody support man and Frank welcom in let’s shout out some of our members in the chat we got secret Underdog what’s good my gu Mod Squad in the house we got Ed Franklin he says I’m a die hard I’ll be here no matter what Crowley says I’m

Frustrated and be was bound to get injured he needs to lose weight I’m going to respond to that in one second but welcome on in sha J what’s up bro Zack what’s up prince bito in the building let’s get it guys get this to 100 likes right now

I want to respond to what Crowley just said and also drop your score predictions in the chat do you think the Sixers can win this game I was just looking at Dallas obviously we know the super stardom of Luca donic but that team is underperforming and you know I

Said it last year when they got Kyrie Irving and they ended up missing the Playoffs no offense against Kyrie he’s one of the most skilled players I’ve ever seen with the ball in his hands but it’s just something about him like he just blows up locker rooms and I just I

Can’t trust him I can’t trust him not to say he’s having a bad year has he missed games yeah and and I will say the Mavs have not given Luca nearly enough it reminds me of Joel embiid in in a sense could you imagine if Luca and Joel

Teamed up together oh my gosh oh man it cancel the league cancel the league we need to trade for Donovan Mitchell yeah that’s not happening that’s not happening um where we see Wayne what’s up wayy says gotta support no matter what I appreciate that my guy I

Appreciate you Cary says sorry if I said something wrong it’s how I feel no it’s not it’s nothing wrong it’s it’s your opinion we welcome all opinions from everybody here I just have to respond quickly to that because I am in full disagreement because a lot of people

Have actually said that to me and messaged me the last couple days they said yo RB Joel’s got to lose weight he needs to lose 30 pounds I disagree with that I think it is solely based on his play style because Joel to me is actually in the

Best shape of his career remember four years ago the guy couldn’t even run down the floor without you know huffing and puffing he’s panting and he he can’t even run Joel embiid every single year has improved his conditioning but to me it’s we have never seen a guy 7 foot2

280 lbs being asked to literally be 90% of the offense and being the main anchor on defense I mean we’ve seen how this Sixers team looks with and without Joel like the impact is Monumental on both sides of the ball so I’m just starting to think not that you have to make Joel

And be the number two option but you really have to get a third guy in here that can take the load off Joel and I was talking to my guy Shawn Bernard about this and he said yeah you know maybe Joel ends up becoming a 201 10 and

And 10 guy you know maybe he ends up becoming a 25 12 and eight guy you know so you don’t have to just use them on every single possession because we know Joel likes to jump we know he likes to fall and people will say oh well you

Know why doesn’t joic get injured because joic doesn’t jump five feet off the ground joic isn’t that type of player he can do everything but he’s not going to always go beyond the ledge right Joel’s going to put himself in those you know averse positions he’s

Going to put himself at risk because of how he plays and yes the things he has in his skill set demand greatness I mean you can’t you can’t even guard it but it also comes with consequences because we’ve never seen something like this we’ve never seen something like

This oh why did Will Chamberlain play 48 minutes a game and play every game of the year because wi Chamberlain wasn’t taking step back threes from 40 feet away and then driving to the rim going off one foot slamming it down over three guys and and all this stuff so

That’s what I’m starting to believe ladies and gentlemen now in terms of the Sixers medical staff like I said they they have mishandled this entire situation and I’m I’m not going to keep talking about that but it is frustrating it is frustrating man I I wish Joe lmb did not play that

Warriors game but here we are man it is what it is and be’s doing Kobe things at 72 it’s unheard of that’s what I’m say saying we’ve never seen somebody do that we’ve never seen somebody do that and again part of it is Joel’s just unlucky he’s

Maybe one of the most unlucky players I’ve ever seen you know he gets an injury at the end of a playoff series gets elbowed in the face like you know he is unlucky certainly Herman says there was a third guy didn’t get the respect he deserved and was

Traded now lacking the third guy for nothing who are we talking about with the third guy who are we talking about with the third guy I know we’re not talking about James Hart coach Jackson says I’m ready to move on from embiid Sixers starting lineup Tyrese Maxi Kelly UB Daniel house Jr Tobias

Harris and Paul Reed and for the Dallas Mavs Kyrie Irving Luca donic Josh Green Derek Jones Jr and Maxi Cleber at the five Derek Lively The Rook will miss another game for Dallas but the Sixers will be without DeAnthony Melton roko Joel embiid we’ll see what happens Daniel Walter what’s going on my

Gu says hit the like on your way in guys 200 in the chat this chat’s still going strong regardless man chat is still going strong regardless Tobias Harris is back toon tonight let’s go get this to 100 likes ladies and gentlemen Sean says the league puts too much pressure on load management that

Will be an interesting convo moving forward I agree with that Lego my ego what’s up my guy what’s up Lego appreciate all the members in here man if you guys want to join the channel memberships link is down in the description you get automatic entries into the giveaway or if you gift

Memberships it’s double this month you get 10 entries per gifted membership so appreciate everybody in here RB should Nur start Turk Smith no I don’t think so sixer should trade for Kyrie no they shouldn’t no they shouldn’t all right we are off man Mavs rocking the white uni Sixers in the blue

We are at the Wells Fargo here on a Monday night it’s going to be a long week ladies and gentlemen four games and the trade deadline Maxi takes it away on a steal he’s going coast to coast and lays it up and in Tyrese Maxi gets us on the board here we go

Man we are off you guys let me know what you think the Sixers should do at the deadline let me know in the in the comments three ball missed by Derek Jones Jr it’s going to be Sixers with the rock can Maxi be consistent on a nightly

Basis Tobias Harris is back he’s going to have to step up big time Kelly UB off the dribble lost it off his foot they’re going to say it hit the foot of Cleber and it goes out of bounds thinking about how Joel embiid would dominate Maxi Cleber that’s for

Sure here is Tobias Harris he’s going to drive go in reverse lay missed it tapped by house back to the Sixers on the offensive re Paul Reed for three too much on that e Paul has to step into some big shoes here Luca going to drive kick three ball

In the corner Jones can’t get it the drop rebounded by Paul Reed and here come the Sixers two to nothing on the scoreboard toas going to drive mid-range pop got it he’s back in Action Sixers up early there’s Kyrie Irving averaging 25 points per game this season Kyrie dribble drive all the way

Up high off the glass can’t get it to go wanted the foul didn’t get it Maxi coming back the other way he’s going to drive Blow by everybody and goes right in again Tyrese with four to begin the game and the Sixers lead it six to

Nothing Eric Jones Jr G to find Luca he’ll spin to his left guarded by U kicks it out Cleber wide open three and he Nails it Tobias lost on the assignment Sixers lead it six to three here to begin early Maxi going to pull a

Deep one and got it Tyrese Maxi is on the ball no punt intended man what a shot what a shot Seven Points early three for three then a backo cut by Derek Jones Jr will tackle on another two for Dallas it’s nine to5 Maxi at the top coming around a high

Screen Maxi trying to find Reed at stolen away what a pluck by Green he’s going all the way and fouled on the other end by Tyrese Maxi so a bad turnover there and Josh Green will hit the line for the first time shout out to uh Edward Franklin in

The chat dropping some of those member emojis drop those emojis guys cley says I believe the Sixers get a shot at playoffs and beid will return green going to knock it down first one at the line guys can we get this to 100 likes

We got 200 in the chat come on man we should have a 100 by now Pedro what’s going on man coach Jack says I love this team but I’m set on moving on from embiid it’s the same thing every year two for two at the line for Josh Green

Good Start by Tyrese Maxi hopefully he can keep up this level of production as the number one guy it’s a completely different game without Joel going to be a lot more pace for sure another steal by the Mavs green going the length of the Court he tried to throw down a

Tomahawk and he was fouled by Kelly UB little bit of a dangerous play there but Josh Green will head back to the stripe I got to say man Josh Green you know I was high on him coming out of the draft very young Prospect he’s still only 23

Years old I think he’s been in the league for four years now he had a slow start to his career I think he was bounced between the uh g-league a couple times but looking at his numbers this year and you know even last year and this year Josh Green shooting 40% from

Three pretty good player man he’s only playing about 25 minutes per game but definitely a nice role player for Dallas Maxi at the top going to step back another three this time can’t get the trigger to fall here come the Dallas Mavericks Luca guarded by Kelly UB

Waiting to see Luca kind of heat up here it looks like he’s really just in facilitation mode working against UB nice double by Maxi donic goes through he puts it up they’re going to count the n one are you kidding Luca went through got fouy put

It up really late they gave him an N1 dang bro free throw is going to be good I’ll tell you what man Luca donic has become one of my favorite players to watch outside of the Sixers because the one thing I really enjoy about his game is how much he slows it

Down on the floor looks like he’s five steps ahead of everybody UB going right into the rim missed it on the roll but Daniel house Jr with the tap in here is Kyrie Irving up top he’s guarded by Tyrese Maxi now Derek Jones Jr GNA find Josh green on the roll out

He’s going to throw it up and it’s slammed down by Jones Ali is good we honestly don’t have the roster be saying no to any good player in a trade says Lego you don’t have a lot of Leverage right now depending on what you want to do this season here’s Tobias going to

Find Kelly UB on a cut to the rim and Luca donic little miscommunication with Cleber and the Sixers going to have another easy two Kyrie puts it up mid-range got it the full Mavs lead it by three early it’s 16 to 13 here come the 76ers Maxi up top Reed

Going to set a screen and roll Maxi going to one bounce it to house house going to dribble drive against Luca goes up and he is fouled nice draw of the foul there by D house Fenix is non sixer fan do you think the Sixers will punt the season I

Think they’re going to make a couple minimal moves I think they’ll add a couple pieces but I don’t really think they’re going to acquire some bigname star or anything there’s not many options and you know given the uncertainty of Joel embiid which by the way I I talked about this

In a video yesterday be sure to check it out they’re kind of pissing me off with the reporting like they keep pushing it back and saying we don’t know how long he’s going to be out Etc but you know it feels like we’re delaying the inevitable

In my opinion like he’s either not going to come back or he’s coming back for the playoffs but who knows how he will look so that’s where I’m at on it I think they’re going to try to get a couple little pieces and we’ll see how it plays out what do you guys

Think what do you guys think by the way we got 200 people in here 90 likes can we get to 100 likes man come on don’t slack on me now guys even if you’re not a sixer fan you’re in here enjoying the content smash the like button hit that subscribe

Button help us keep growing the streams man keep growing the show loving the way Tyrese Maxi’s playing though for sure loving the way Max he’s playing in this game come out three for four seven points he knows he needs to step up Let’s see we got um

Herman he says Max contract for Tyrese yeah I think he’ll end up getting a Max he’ll end up getting a Max for sure Davis says I hope we win I’m sorry I’m done with him be he’s always injured Steve says tyre’s contract and no brainer Bar says need more than

Maxi Daniel says that’s what Daniel is acting like like Kane says Maxi needs a true point guard next to him well there’s been rumors about Kyle Larry there’s Joel embiid on the bench good to see him out there hopefully he’s in good spirits man prayers up for

Joelle in the chat prayers up man drop those prayer emojis drop those prayer emojis Lego says LaVine heard about the Detroit rumors got surgery real quick he really did fre throw is going to be good drop those prayer emojis for Joel man we we really hope

He’s uh you know doing well out there mentally Tim Hardway Jr in for the first time really good rle piece for the Mavs there’s pal he’s going to kick it back hard away a three can’t get it to drop Hal looking for it it’s got the

Goggles on luk going to find dck Jones Jr goes up nice defense but they’re going to call a foul it’ll be on Daniel house Jr Marcus Morris Mo bomb in For the First Time bar says I wish they would have sat in beat against the Warriors yeah it’s a fact

Or at least pulled him in the first quarter at least pulled him in the first but appreciate everybody still in here man we are going to be live every game no matter what four games this week and we got the trade deadline on Thursday who’s going to be tapping in

Live on Thursday with us who’s going to be reacting to all the trades with us it’s going to be a a fun time man one of my favorite days of the year one of my favorite days of the year Maxi at the top Maxi G to find

UB UB going to dribble drive go all the way nice adjustment midair Kelly UB puts in the bucket here are the Dallas Mavericks Kelly gonna poke it away yo he’s playing good defense to begin this game crazy to me how Luca donic is is like in chill

Mode LC is in straight chill mode right now but I feel like he’s just going to turn up eventually he’s going to turn up Craig in the chat what’s up Craig appreciate you being here Hardway gonna kick it back derck Jones pump fake drive down to Powell pal scanning finds Luca

Up with a hand missed it by a lot nice defense I think that was bomba here come the 76ers Maxi at the top Maxi going to dribble drive all the way to the rim and a call a charge as Dwight pal hits the deck how is that a charge

Man Craig says gotta like the stream and sub guys hit that like And subscribe we got 100 likes let’s go let’s Go yes sir yes sir guys didn’t even let me know coach jackon says hit that like button people let’s go smash that like button get us the 200 likes we got secret up in here Robin what’s going on Phoenix says Dear is a stop Gap option dear would be

Interesting but I don’t know what Chicago is doing Chicago has been the most confusing team since the off season I said it in the offseason they should have blew it up if they get rid of one piece they may as well get rid of everybody start over he Walter what’s up hope you’re

Feeling good my guy Lexi what’s going on shizzy in the chat what’s up Don boy where’s all my channel members at man drop those member emojis let’s see them let’s see them in the chat let’s see those member emojis you guys want to be uh become a member and support the channel

Man guys want to support the channel tap in on the channel memberships couple big names that are left on the trade market that I could see getting uh getting moved are Bruce Brown dejonte Murray maybe Kyle kma anybody on Chicago Chicago rumors are Demar is leaving in free agency yeah exactly of

Course he is which is why the Bulls should trade him they should Caruso while he at while he’s at the highest value should trade everybody Bruce says why leave Maxi out there with two fouls wow Maxi really did pick up a third foul I didn’t know he had a third foul

On that thought it was a second so now we’re in foul trouble already now we’re in foul trouble Maxi needs to shoot his floater more we got Marsha dropping the Emojis we got Jim in the chat from Del Ray Beach what’s up Jim chy says going to get a membership soon appreciate that

Crowley says unleash the Turk unleash the Turk all right man here we go so Maxi’s out of the game with three fouls in the first quarter which is not good I enjoyed his mentality I enjoyed Maxi’s scoring mindset here in this game but now he’s in foul trouble which is not

Good Beverly with the rock going to drive kick and threw it away stolen by donic and here we go down the other end up with the layup it’s too easy I’m telling you man people thought I was crazy like I really think the Sixers are going to

Struggle to stay alive while embiid is out like will this team even make you know the six seed Tobias throws it away taken going to go out of bounds on the other end where do you think the guys will finish out this season if Joel doesn’t come

Back like will they even be a top six seed secret says I’m working on the trade deadline day because I’m stupid and told him I would secret you better tune into to that stream man don’t sleep on us secret don’t sleep on us bro you better be in there better put that damn

Headphone in Kelly UB gon to miss the layup Here Comes Luca donic going to find Hardaway one bounce to the corner Kyrie Irving drive all the way reverse leg blocked by Tobias at a boy at a boy Kelly goes up got it and one let’s Go let’s go man Lexi dropping the Emojis let’s see them let’s see those emojis ladies and gentlemen drop those UB emojis anytime a guy gets an n one we got to drop those emojis man let’s go what’s the win goal RB 40 to 50 the win goal is to me doesn’t matter the

Goal is to stay a top six seed and try to get into the playoffs and hope Joel comes back if Joel doesn’t come back it doesn’t matter unfortunately I’m here to give you the truth man any team that doesn’t have their top guy in the playoffs is not going to win the

Championship they may win a series or two but I’m trying to get to the finals man I’m trying to get to the finals Edward says I’m GNA be at school but I’ll listen as much as I can you better be in that show Edward tell your teacher you’re

Listening to music n you’re listening to trade rumors live reactions of Trades one of the best streams of the Year man don’t miss it mois for three and he drills it Sixers lead it by three I don’t mind trading Toby but to the Pistons what do they have I don’t

Get why the Pistons are interested in Tobias hars I really don’t get it someone explain it to me Kyrie working against Tobias trying to put a little Shake on him Kyrie all the way reverse slay missed it yo three ball and it’s good bro I have a personal beef with Mo

Bomba why does he not jump on rebounds does MO bomba not know how to jump on a rebound three ball was from Jaden Hardy by the way and Grant Williams is in for the first time Grant Williams is kind of falling off here for the Mavs they paid

Him big money and he has not played well that’s one reason they’re not playing well that was a Miss by Hardway and here come the Sixers Patrick Beverly Beverly coming around a high screen from bomba Beverly to a cutting bomba goes in and fouled dude Mo bomba like no offense no offense but

Like hold on now we got Pat Bev beefing with h Grant Williams looked like bomba went to help him up and Pat Bev said no don’t help him up don’t help him up that’s hilarious bro but um yeah here’s Pat Bev drawing again with Grant Williams dude I love Patrick Beverly

Man Pat Bev is just a baller bro he just like he if I if I was playing on a court and I had a dream team I’m picking up Pat Bev on my on my court so it looked like bomba took a step backwards and Hardy maybe like got his foot stepped on

And fell over and um yeah Pat Bev told him to like not help him up that’s why they started beefing but yo Patrick Beverly man he he’s just a baller man nice rebound by Pat Bev here’s Tobias dribble Drive kick to a corner and transition

Kelly let’s go come on Kelly we need one of these games you’ve been cold man it’s about time Kelly’s back on it four for six here in the first quarter nice defense by Marcus moris that’s what we need that is what we need bro UB needs one of these games man

Here’s Jaden Hardy for three and that one’s going to rim out here come the 76ers Bev with the rock Maxi on the bench with three fouls Marcus moris going to drive against Kyrie goes up can’t get the roll bball Paul back in the game Hardy again this time from the

Elbow and knocks it down so it’s going to be a 26 to 20 24 game here under two to play in the first quarter hatrick Beverly with the step back three little bit short on that one Daniel says 200 likes 260 in the chat let’s get 200 likes come on everyone

Support the show guys hit the like button man we should have 200 likes Kyrie nice defense by Kelly here come the Sixers to buyas all the way got it on the other end and the Sixers lead it by four come on now Mark [ __ ] in the chat says I was a

Big fan of Grant when he played for the Celtics yeah I Mark I’m I’m surprised uh Grant’s not playing that well thought he’d be a nice fit with this Mavs team they were really coveting him for a long time that one’s going to be overshot by Hardaway here come the Sixers Tobias on

The other end Kelly from the wing oh he missed the wide open one but bball Paul gets it back Kelly to cut Kelly goes up and he air balled it he wanted the foul he was immediately chirping at the ref trying to get the call interesting Don Bole welcome back

To the fire take Nation ladies and gentlemen drop those MVPs in the chat let’s go yes sir yes sir my guy Don Bole always showing up and showing out Morris puts it up and it goes and my guy Dom just earned five entries into the giveaway double giveaway February

27th all the members automatically entered into the giveaway here are the Mavs Hardway again steps back missed it here come the 76ers toas on the other end he’s going to drive kick Corner Beverly a triple got it man Pat Bev is a guy he’s a guy dude Pat Bev is

Awesome Sixers on a mini run here at the end of the first quarter and Jaden Hardy going to get fouled in route to the basket foul is on Tobias Harris that will be his first and Hardy headed to the line 4 two free throw is going to be good

And we have Daniel Walter gifting a Philly take membership yo drop those MVPs man drop those MVPs bro let’s go man Morris off the dribble missed it that time we end the first quarter it’s 33 to 26 can we get some MVPs for Daniel man he just earned himself 10

Entries double entries this month for anybody that gifts a membership 10 entries in did a giveaway let’s go let’s go let’s [Applause] go let’s go man Daniel shout out to you bro he says I’ll gift another Channel membership at 300 likes guys we got to get to 300

Now don’t slack in the chat drop a like hit that subscribe button help us get to 34.5km ladies and gentlemen reminder guys you can uh get uh entries into the giveaway multiple ways you can gift memberships you can become a channel member you can cop some Philly take merch you can drop some

Super chats whatever way man you earn those entries and we’re going to keep giving away items every month let me go ahead and uh throw a link here into the chat boom let’s go let’s go omon says Mor senior is our MVP yeah I don’t think Marcus Morris is

Going to get traded I don’t I don’t think there’s much possibility of that however I think roko is going to be involved in a deal I think cork M could be a guy that is moved to shed some salary get under the tax think all these guys man be

Interesting how are we feeling ladies and gentlemen how are we feeling you know what when we get to 300 likes Daniel I’m I’m going to match your your membership as well I’m going to give some memberships when we get to 300 maybe we uh if we get a bunch of people in here

Dropping those likes man gota support the show Miguel says is that the link for memberships yes sir yes sir link is pin in the chat tell you what man Sixers are playing pretty well tonight good Pace moving the ball they are turning it over at a decent clip and Max’s in foul

Trouble but other than that liking the way they’re playing the bench has come in and and is on fire Morris with Five Points Bev with three already here’s Maxi playing with three fouls he’s going to miss the first shot of the second quarter it is 33 to 26 I’m

Still waiting for uh for Luca to really Step Up re ball in the corner it’s going to be missed it was Hardway Tobias Harris working poing up Hard Away going to turn spin fade got it Tobias Harris right in Rhythm making quick decisions with the ball let’s go let’s go

Man now Kyrie fou on the floor down the other end Daniel says now it’s a party let’s go we got all the peeps in the chat Edward says Jordan e here I don’t know where Jordan’s e where Jordan E is at man I think he quit I think he quit

Because Joel got injured it’s over I think Jordan e quit out on us man Toby for D rozan and his daughter that was a funny uh funny thing in the play and the rosen’s daughter she was awesome making them Miss Kyrie Gonna Knock Down the free

Throw I guess it was a what 3se second violation maybe shout out to the squad man let’s go Cleber going all the way and throws it down Craig says we got the entire Squad got to make merch got to support the Philly take merch man flush the process we got to

Flush it Maxi puts it up off balance missed it Beverly the rebound and puts it in he calls him too little Beverly is hilarious bro he is hilarious green going all the way easy bucket inside support the Philly take merch Squad man Copa te Copa hoodie Tobias going to put one up from

The elbow and gets it to sink Sixers lead by eight Luca on the other end guarded by Tobias Luca going to find Cleber down low Kyrie kicks it out three ball in the corner it’s Josh green and he Nails it $2 Super Chat from I key 28 my guy I

Key says bro Maxi is going for 40 points Tobias dribble Drive puts it up from five feet got it again I showkey appreciate the love man Luca down the other end what is he doing is Luca okay you have a bad breakfast or something dang bro playing like he

Doesn’t care here’s Patrick Beverly going to drive with the left Pat Bev going to find Morris down in the block Morris goes up against Green got it the fall let’s go let’s go let’s go man get us hype Sixers are playing right now Sixers are playing right now

Man come on now guys we are halfway to 200 likes who is going to get us to 200 give me up chat let’s go let’s go come on man welcome into the show welcome into the show appreciate you guys being here Luca wants to get traded honestly

He might he might with the way he’s playing right now maybe he’s just tired of carrying that damn Team every night he’s like I’ll pick it up in the fourth quarter I’ll wake up I’ll pick it up in the fourth quarter it’s probably what he’s thinking to be honest with you

Probably like damn I don’t care I don’t care Chad how are we feeling tonight man how are we feeling tonight I want to shout out the day ones in the chat I want to shout out the people that are still here through and through who’s up in the chat tonight man

Monday guys we got a really good week coming up we got a really good week we got four games trade deadlines on Thursday will’ll be live for that oh yeah also guys by the way I will be on Bleacher Report tomorrow at 11 a.m. and I will be

On Bleacher Report on Friday at 11:30 a.m. so I’ll be making a Bleacher Report appearance tomorrow and Friday we talking trade deadline stuff so if you guys have the bleacher report app uh be sure to come on over on there I’ll be on there talking Sixers should be a good

Time Ka blam my guy what’s up Ka appreciate you being in here man Prince monito thank you for being here money says Lucas is not a winning player Philly says feeling good RB how about yourself we’re doing good man we’re doing good d boy in the chat Jason 18

Says depressed about embid Vincent saravo says Philly needs next man up attitude let’s go shout out to Vincent man supporting the show uh 44x says feeling toxic that’s not good man don’t try to talk to any ladies tonight Marsha what’s going on Steve in the chat Mike what’s

Up Jason says I’m grooving because Monday’s my day off appreciate you being in the show man glitch says like the stream Dom what’s going on Yukon Evan JB what’s up JB let’s go Luca going to be fouled now on the floor 857 to go here in the second quarter Sixers lead it by

Nine if the Mavericks can’t beat this Sixers team they might need to uh need to blow it up here’s Luca getting double team doesn’t know what to do kicks it out wide open three Derek Jones Jr missed it Jaden Springer reels it in he’s in for the first time and here we

Go here we go Beverly at the top working against Derek Jones Jr Maxi one bouncer bomb all the way and he finally threw it down moama finally throws down a dunk let’s go play like a big man play like a big man Cleber for three wide open and he

Spots up and Nails it can’t leave him open C block says can’t wait till the trade deadline show one of my favorite days it’s going to be fun man Beverly going to find Maxi now they’re playing together eight on the shot clock Maxi off the dribble can’t get it the fall

Bomba back to himself with the with the SWAT that’s how he tries to rebound Luca step back three against Springer missed it tell you what man Luca does not look like he cares right now bomba for three couldn’t get it but nice offensive rebound by Springer as he tracks it down

10 on the shot clock Beverly up to Maxi Springer going to set a screen Maxi kicks it Beverly off the drive left hand up and in Patrick Beverly again again come on man Sixers lead it by 10 Luca the spin through two goes up and foul by

Bomba first free throw going to be missed yo is Luca hurt or is he not caring at all what do you guys think last 10 games Luc is averaging 39 points per game 10 assists 9.5 rebounds ladies and gentlemen I have a theory he just missed two free throws Luca just missed two

Free throws refs don’t know which way to call it guys I have a theory I have a theory I think Luca wants to come to the Sixers man I think he wants to come to Philly guy’s averaging 39 points per game and now he’s playing like crap

Tonight Luca the Philly let’s start the movement let’s start the movement could you imagine Luca Maxi and embiid Luca and embiid and Maxi obviously you probably have to give up Maxi in that deal but Luca embiid cancel the league bro it’s over it’s over now we have a jump ball

Because they don’t know how to call it I think that’s kind of ridiculous man like why not go to the reviewer table I didn’t see the call so let me just call a jump ball cork Moss for Luca let’s go glitch he’s on to something let’s go Beverly gonna dribble Drive floats it

Up missed it and the Mavs lost it out of bounds they’re going to say UB poked it it away it’s going to be Mavs ball guys I’m not even kidding I would give up like seven first rounders for for Luca I give up all the assets for the next four

Years to get Luca donic on his team that’s one player you do it for Luc is a Sixers fan he must be or something must be 645 to go here in the first half and Luca going to get poked away again nice defense by Springer playing good on

Ball defense earning some more minutes in a rotation guys can we get to 200 likes before the end of the half we are at 162 we got plenty of people in the chat get this to 200 likes come on man come on man don’t slack in the chat Grant Williams going

To find the Corner Josh green nails it over Maxie back to a seven-point game let’s go man get this up to 200 likes the Bas going to find UB UB up top to Maxi 610 to play here in the second quarter Maxi one bouncer Springer against daic fading away puts it up

Short Luca going to spin against Springer nice defense nice defense all the way poked away again Jaden Springer with the hands Maxi all the way got it oh just missed the an one Maxi to the line for two yo Jaden Springer’s playing some impeccable defense right now Springer’s playing some great

Defense right now man Maxi going to knock down the first Springer’s on it right now bro get give him more minutes let him keep cooking Maxi going to miss the let’s go guys get these likes up get it up to 200 man appreciate everybody in the

Chat 540 to go here in the second Luca for three it’s short again yo he’s really playing like he doesn’t care this is crazy mad’s going to poke it away from Springer and they save it Luca is two for five right now Hard Away off balance puts it up

Missed it and bomba reels it in and here come the six the bias again going to find UB quick trigger short on the three so it’ll go back to the maths 30 more likes guys 30 more let’s go let’s go get it to 200 right now

Let’s go come on man we’re live every game we’re pumping out the coverage Jaden Springer strapping Luca donic let’s go Luca at the top guarded by Springer five minutes to play in the first half Grant Williams to the corner green up the Hardway spots up short Again rebounded by UB and here we

Go Tobias one-on-one G to find Springer Springer up to Tobias nine on the shot clock Tobias one-on-one against Grant Williams going to drive Tobias stopped in his tracks kicks it back Springer dribble has to float it up got it the F Jaden Springer come on boy come on

Boy Daniel says let’s get the 300 likes to gift some membership that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying man support the show you get blessed it’s what happens it’s what happens let’s go question for the chat let’s get the chat involved by Thursday at 300 p.m. which is a trade

Deadline 3 P.M Eastern all right by Thursday how many trades will the Sixers have made will it be zero will it be one will it be two three how many trades you guys think the Sixers are going to make by the trade deadline give me your thoughts

Tobi sis with 10 points in this game playing pretty well five assists two rebounds and a steal okay Don Bo says two Mara says three zero two two Jason says zero Sean says one Lego says I’m going to go with one it’ll be for someone very insignificant like

Dwayne deadmond I could see that happening I’m telling you guys I said it on the round table last week Sixers are going to trade or no they’re GNA sign Kyle Larry in a buyout Market they’re gonna sign Danny Green and they’re going to sign Montes Herold that’s going to be the the moves

Right there First Source or they’re going to trade Fon corkas and KJ Martin and uh they’re going to duck the tax get rid of those salaries they’re going to bring back a second round pick and uh yeah they’re going bring back a second round pick trade away

Feron and KJ they’re going to bring in trees Danny Green and Kyle Lowry let’s go chip on the way chip on away Chris Henry what’s up bro says let’s get this man to 200 likes that’s what I’m saying we’re under 20 away support the show man Travis say need to keep Harris now

That embiid fell hopefully he can step up consistently man yo Jaden is really harassing Luca right now Luca looks injured though like like you guys are saying I’m watching his facial expressions trying to drive the ball to the hoop it looks like he can’t even put pressure on his

Leg here come the Mavericks down by 10 Kyrie puts it up missed it again I could have told you from a mile away that Kyrie would not work with Luca makes no sense to pair those two together and to be quite honest with you

Man Kyrie like I said I I don’t want him anywhere near my team Maxi going to miss the three ball in the movement here is Luca donic Luca gonna step back against Maxi and he finally hits a three come on come on Vincent saravo joining the fire take

Nation my guy Vincent welcome to the nation d drop some MVPs in the chat and some dubs for Vincent let’s go let’s Go let’s go Vincent sir welcome on in man welcome on in how many members are we up to I think that’s 2 19 or 20 I think it’s 220 now cuz we lost a lot because the people that were getting memberships didn’t re up so you know hopefully the people re

Up if you guys like being a channel member if not no no worries at all but yeah man trying to get up to that big three hundo why don’t I want him says Edward because he blows up every lock room he goes to he blows up every locker room he goes

To I don’t want Kyrie no no from a basketball standpoint yeah he’s incredible but I don’t trust him I don’t trust Kyrie let’s go man Daniel says we keep growing we’re always growing we’re going to be doing a lot of content especially come playoff time we’re going to be

Doing a lot of live streams come on man another offensive rebound by U off the free throw but now they’re going to lose it after juggling here come the Mavericks Kyrie Corner Josh green back to a cutting Kyrie and he puts it right in the Emojis are just too awesome

That’s what I’m saying Dom we got exclusive perks coming we’re going to have probably some kind of discounts for things for members so yeah man we got a lot of good things coming for the members people that support us man we’re supporting you and and like I said we’re

Doing giveaways doing give giveaways every single month to give back to the channel members giving back to the channel members Daniel says 3.99 a month that’s like one gallon of gas bro that’s more than than uh that’s less than people paid at Starbucks this morning you know

What I mean Daniel you see it here’s tobis Harris working against Green switched on to Kyrie Tobias pump faking four times goes up and misses it Mavs making a come back six-point game 248 to go here in the first half Leber going to find Kyrie in the corner missed the

Three and here come the 76ers Beverly going to find Tobias Harris Tobias working against Kyrie kicks it back Springer on the dribble drop Springer drawing contact and he’s going to the strike come on Jaden come on Jaden we got David H in the house feeling you on your words for Joel

Definitely sincere and true your boy Dave from North Philly let’s go Dave from North Philly let’s go we need four more likes we need four more likes let’s go let’s go Dom says 420 a month I spend that on a corner store today that’s what I’m saying man that’s what I’m saying

You become a member you get all the cool Emojis and badges like my guy Daniel in the chat he’s got a fire take goat means he’s been a member for a year so you got loyalty badges member emojis your comments get read first obviously because you guys stick

Out your different colors in the chat and um yeah man it’s pretty cool two minutes ago here in the first first half Cleber to the corner Williams for three and he’s fouled by Patrick Beverly Beverly looks on in shock Williams came down weird on his

Leg see if that was a foul $2 Super Chat from Jesus Son what’s up man thank you so much you think Joe is coming back I am not a doctor so I don’t know but I will say things are looking kind of Bleak right now I think if he comes back I think

He’s going to do everything he can to come back but if he does come back looks like Beverly kind of slid his foot under Williams we know they were chirping earlier he might get a uh he might get something more for that we’ll see what they call it but uh gez to your

Your question um I think Joe’s going to do everything he can to try to come back but you know you got to take his health into consider into consideration and if they’re doing a full repair of the meniscus I just don’t think he’s going to have enough

Time unfortunately and even if he does come back like I said in my video yesterday you know will he have the right conditioning will he be in Rhythm you know will he be ready to go in this offense again so all things you got to take into consideration man it takes him

A couple weeks to get into his flow so we’ll see man but I I hope the best for him I hope the best looks like Beverly almost slipped a little bit I don’t think it was intentional but they might call it we got 200 likes let’s go let’s go hit the

Horn hit the horn yes sir come on man come on man told you guys told you they’re call it a flagrant one it’s ridiculous it’s ridiculous Beverly going to go dap up Grant Williams let them know we’re good I knew they were calling out a flag I just had a

Feeling I just had a feeling but I I do think he slipped I don’t think he meant to kind of like fall in into that space Travis is glad I can afford a membership last year I couldn’t only Channel I follow religiously Travis you’re the man thank you Travis appreciate you my

Guy shout out to all the members in here guys let’s get this to 300 likes let’s get this to 300 likes let’s go first game of a big week first game of a big week we got it all coming through Grant Williams going to knock down the

Free throws it’s a five-point game and the Mavs will retain possession Philly Phantom in the chat what’s up Phil Don Bole up in the house Daniel Walter Ed Franklin glitch let’s go let’s go Cleber working from the top Springer harassing donic give me your lunch money

Springer all the way dumps it UB slams it down come on Jaden yo Springer is playing like a defensive player of the year tonight he’s playing like a dpoy Kyrie Wings it up top green another one goes damn come on bro bro eball Paul going to find Patrick Beverly

Beverly up top three two step back Beverly shot it short UB for three and that one is short as well let’s go man let’s go donic Williams throws it away again Springer with the steel Springer up the floor pulls up a little five-footer ooh and clean yeah

Jaden he’s got three steals in the first half Jaden Springer is playing like an MVP on the defensive side of the ball come on man bro I’m ready to run through a wall right now Kyrie up and in I know we got to survive man I know we

Got to survive to the playoffs and hope and pre but yo we got some young cats that can play on this team Tobi sis going to find bball Paul bball Paul working stepping back toing a shot clock got to throw it up got to throw it up Patrick Beverly over the backboard

And it’s terrible two seconds left in the first half green from the corner he missed it and that will take us to halftime wow what a game so far man welcome on in sixer Game Day live here on Philly take with RB where we’re live every Sixers game giving you the live

Playby playay and breaking it down and talking with the chat wow what a first half man not how I expected it to go one bit it’s only a 4o lead and the Sixers are going to have to do a lot more in the second half to win this game but tell

You what man couple big players stand out tonight talk about Jaden Springer’s defense against Luca donic the bad part is that you’re only winning by four points but the good part is that you have completely locked up Luca you’ve taken him out of the game he’s got not only three fouls but three

Turnovers and Jaden Springer man he’s got three Steals on Luca he is opening some eyes tonight he is opening some eyes tonight Patrick Beverly seven points Off the Bench three rebounds as well Marcus Morris with seven and three Off the Bench the bench has come to play tonight

For sure Kelly UB finally stepping up had a really hot first quarter 12 points and four rebounds in this first half Tobias Harris with 10 and Max he’s only got eight points he actually started off three for three from the field three for three and then he went 0

For five after that picked up three early fouls so you know kind of in his own head but give me a word in the chat give me a word in the chat to describe this game so far give me one word in the chat describe this game both teams not really

Shooting well both teams playing kind of similar in this game but you got to hope that you don’t awaken the beast in the second half I’m talking about Luca donic even Kyrie usually plays well against the Sixers you do not want to wake them up in the

Second half got to hope you can find a way to win this game the Sixers desperately desperately need a win desperately need a win RB used to play running back in high school juking dudes out their cleats yeah we’ll go with that we’ll go with that it’s always good to dream man but

Hey I did not play running back but yo I will Juke these cats I will Juke Daniel says 290 in the chat hit the like let’s get to 300 let’s go we got we’re gifted memberships at 300 likes let’s go hit that Thumbs Up Button hit that Thumbs Up

Button Edward says I think Luca and Kyrie are going to heat up even though Luca might want to get traded let’s see man one word in the chat to describe this game we got surprise resilient toughness heart wow dog RB was a high school mcaffry no I

Wish I wish I’d be in the league right now I’d be playing sports I’d be making uh I I wish I was seven feet tall man so I could be rebounding and you know going to the line for some free throws making 10 million a year but hey here we are

Talking Sports let’s go let’s go flex say Tobias can’t really do anything I mean he does have 10 points and five assists and four rebounds tonight I can’t hand on Tobias right now he’s doing okay he’s doing all right man five for seven five for seven but really Jaden

Springer has been the MVP of the first half Jaden Springer has been the MVP of the first half he’s been locking up Luca it reminds me of a couple years ago when we watched Ben Simmons lock up Luca we were all going crazy like yo you you

Have a guy that can play that type of Defense but we know how that went Secrets is fighters let’s go we need the chat to get involved man we need those one word in the chat one word six S I like it I like it guys be sure you’re following the

Social platforms join the Discord follow us on Instagram and Twitter we’re gaining Steam on those platforms and it’s the best way to stay up to date with all the news man let’s go shout out to The Mod Squad member Squad appreciate everybody being in here get this to 300

Likes let’s keep the show going ladies and Gentlemen let’s keep the show going just looking at the team stats right now Sixers only shooting 28% from three Mavs at 32 Sixers shooting 63% at the free throw line but they are out rebounding the Mavs tonight which is a good sign

Mavs are down Derek Lively the Sixers obviously down Joel embiid but they are out here making some moves man Sixers are playing a lot faster 14 points off the break and 24 points in the paint who do you guys think’s going to win this game man Sixers or

Maths let’s put a poll out who will win this game Sixers or maths got a long road ahead without Joel embiid Sixers going to have to uh keep up the energy man see what they can do see what they can do hopefully they can get this W they really really really

Need a win they need a win bad just one one win man just start off on a right note this week you got the Cavs who have won like five in a row Nicks have won nine out of 10 they need to keep up here man you need to keep

Up and yeah shout out to B for bringing that energy man that’s what the Sixers need for sure for sure Seeker says we got this bro I love I love that the chat’s still in here strong though man you know I love I love that everybody’s in here just chopping

It up having a good time that’s what it’s about whether you’re a sixer fan or you know fan of another team you just like to come in and hang out with me appreciate everybody being in there for real so we’ll take a minute or two here

We’ll come back and we’ll get ready for the second half should be a good one looks like it we’re lining up for some cardiac Sixers as always and uh we’ll keep rocking we’ll keep rocking shout out to everybody that’s entered the giveaway and appreciate everybody in the chat we’ll

Be back in just a few Moments A A N A All right we are back ladies and gentlemen how are we feeling man how are we feeling man let’s go I’m I’m pumped for the trade deadline I really am even though there’s not going to be a lot of like over-the-top moves this year I am excited to just kind of

See you know how it all how it all plays out how goes down we know this man W and and Shams are going to be on their phones 24/7 they’re going to be going crazy they probably got like 28 tweets lined up already in their drafts probably in there like yeah this

Guy’s going to this team and this guy’s going here and this stat in the third so can’t wait you guys better join me live guys better join me live on Thursday maybe you’re at your job maybe you’re at school doesn’t matter tell your boss yo I need to stay updated with

The trades all right I need to stay updated with the trades this is important stuff this is important stuff Cool J in here what’s up Cool J Sam says Jaden Springer’s coming out party in the second quarter dude he’s been on on fire in this game defensively man oh

Man Vincent says one word nurse yeah nurse is having a really good game he’s been out coached the last few he’s uh coaching very well tonight F day what’s going on Don Bole in the house dfj what’s up my guy secret says halftime music hits yo for real how many people out there

Start freestyling when the halftime Tunes come on I know you guys are probably sitting there freestyling D says what time so we are either going live at 12 or 1 what do you guys think should we go live at 12 or 1 thinking maybe 1 that way

We’ll go 1 to three and then we will talk for a little bit after the deadline couple moves sometimes trickle in at the end we’ll analyze it we’ll chop it up they we’re going 1 to three or like 1 to 3:30 but we’ll be dropping videos throughout the next couple days couple trade

Targets any news and rumors we keeping you up to date on everything like I said guys um I’ll be on uh Bleacher Report tomorrow morning at 11: Eastern talking Sixers trade deadline stuff so tap in tomorrow on the bleacher report app support your boy and uh yeah man lot of content

Dropping Dom says I’ll be working till 4 but I will check in shout out to you Dom deadline is at three wait if you go live at that time I might be able to get there before work let’s go even if you’re at work man tell your

Boss that yo I got important things here trade deadline day it’s literally one of the best two days of the year in my opinion other than like the finals and things like that but like dude I can’t wait I can’t wait the deadline day and then it’s July 1st when

The free agency opens it’s crazy yo and and how do we feel about this double draft how do we feel about this double draft thing now I can’t believe they made the draft two days the second day is on my birthday so yeah we we might

Not be uh covering day two of the draft last year we uh we covered the whole draft I mean actually the last like five years I’ve covered the draft but dude that had to be the funniest stream of all time who was in the draft stream last

Year who remembers I was I was crying it was so funny I was crying man Sixers didn’t make any moves they had a draft board leak it was me and Shawn Bernard we were dying man that was one of the funniest streams ever Sixers had a draft board leak said

They were shopping for second round picks and draft consideration and uh cash considerations that was the funniest thing one of the funniest in the history of this channel man that was fun all right here we go man second half coming up Sixers and Mavericks Maxi going all

The way missed it at the cup but they’re going to say off of Derek Jones Jr it’ll stay with Philly Craig say PG Paul George yo yo we were we were really detectives that night the Sixers have had turned me into five different careers had to be an

Investigator it’s it’s crazy crazy stuff man what a night that was my boss isn’t a sports guy he wouldn’t understand tell him to trust the process tell him to trust it eball Paul GNA hand it up top to Maxi now Tobias dribbling Crossing driving against Jones puts it up and got it the

S Tobias with 12 now in this game six for eight for Tobias Harris Luca donic doubled yet again nice adjustment by Nick nurse in this game to put a lot of pressure on the main you know obviously the main driving force but yo Josh Green is not missing another

Three ball what’s he shooting now four for four I’m sorry five for six actually 18 points Josh Green is not missing Maxi going all the way crossing over and up and in Tyrese with the acceleration at the end of that one Kyrie going to kick to the corner

Three ball missed that time green could not knock it down again and here come the 76ers 61- 56 Max ma going to drive up and in again the final burst of speed cannot be stopped time out Jason kid Tyrese freaking Maxi man can’t stop him can’t stop him cber what you doing

Cber what you doing Maxi’s got to be careful with these fouls but yo let’s go man yeah Josh Green six for seven I’ll tell you what man I liked Josh Green coming out of the draft a couple years ago four years ago actually he was in that 2020 draft he

Was on my pre-draft board if you guys have been following the channel since then he’s really starting to blossom into a nice player 65 shooter out of Arizona he was a freshman got drafted in the first round by the Mavericks pick 18 he can play man he can

Play he shot over 40% from three last year same this year so far nice player why do you guys think the Mavericks are not playing as well as they should obviously we’re starting to see that their biggest flaw was you know believe that Jaylen Brunson wasn’t worth

The money that the Knicks gave him and and brunson’s probably worth more now I mean he’s incredible even as a Nova guy myself I was a little questionable on the contract for Brunson and man he is just he’s elevating to a different level but when I look at the

Mavs you know they got Luca donic obviously Kyrie and I I you know as crazy as it sounds I just think that Kyrie I just think he’s unhealthy for locker rooms I don’t know why I just feel like you have to have chemistry to win championship I just

Don’t feel like Kyrie probably brings any chemistry but obviously they need help on the defensive side of the ball you know they got Hard Away by the way he 0 for eight tonight hardways 0 for eight Off the Bench they definitely need more defense oh wow I forgot markei Morris is

On the Mavericks too markei Morris the other Morris brother is on the bench has not played the night Seth Curry’s on the bench can we get Seth Curry back can we get Seth Curry back please they’re not even playing them they’re not even playing him man

Three ball for the Mavs missed it but rebounded by Green out the Kyrie and he Nails a three got a lot of brothers playing in this game Morris Morris Seth Curry here we go Tyrese up at the top and the foul runson proved me wrong never

Thought he’s gonna be that good says Dom KY says Kyrie is not that good he’s a black top player I think he’s good he’s just crazy that’s what he is Kyrie like he’s so skilled but I just can’t trust him Luca going up too much on it and then tapped back

In tell you what though man we might be a few years away away from Luca maybe not even a few getting frustrated and maybe asking out B is going to find Maxi Maxi working against Jones gets doubled kicks it out and then a foul on the Dallas Mavericks by

The way Jason kid compared Tyrese Maxi to SGA before this game I thought that was interesting it was an interesting thing to say but yeah if the if the Mavs would want to leave Seth Curry and Philly I’d take them why not Maxi getting doubled again Tobias going to

Dribble go horizontal with the left puts it up got it the full Tobias Harris putting in some tough buckets in this game and there goes Jones on the other end blocked by bball pull here come the Sixers Maxi at the top here comes a double they’re going to have to

Learn how to adapt to it Maxi is getting a little bit flustered by these double teams needs to calm down a little bit Luca to the corner Josh Green pump fake Drive layup dude this man Josh Green put a body on him come on man where do the chat numbers go get the

250 likes let’s go man get this to 250 likes man got the halftime hangover appar apparently people started sleeping at halftime Daniel house Jr oh here he goes here comes a step back there it is there it is you get one of them a game you get

One of them a game nice rebound by bball Paul he goes in hacked puts it up and short rebounded by the Mavs surprised Nick didn’t call a timeout Sixers need to score man derck Jones Jr lost it under the rim Sixers are losing all their steam right now

Josh Green again this time plucked Away by Tobias and here come the Sixers 750 to go in the third quarter Maxi at the wing coming around a high screen from Paul Maxi going to drive off balance can’t get it the fall this is not feeling

Good Kyrie on the other end puts it up and in tie game at 65 Kyrie wanted the foul come on somebody’s got to score man somebody has to score Maxi cross step back Kelly UB from deep and puts it through finally finally the Sixers get a bucket come on man come

On come on chat pump me up man Luca all the way fouled it’s going to be on UB drop some fires in the chat man let’s go come on man come on man don’t do this to a Sixers don’t do this we need a dub we need a w come on

Man first one good at the line and second free throw going to be good Maxi going to find Marcus Morris back to Maxi 650 to go here in the third quarter Maxi going to find Morris Morris going to dribble Drive kick d house step back what are you doing oh my gosh bench

Him oh my gosh you’re annoying donic for three too much on it oh my gosh Maxi puts it up short at The Rim missed it again come on come on bro bro sorry bro he just pissed me off come on Dan come on Dan you’re not MJ bro Kyrie against Springer this time

Going to step back at two and there we go told you they’re waking up the Beast they’re waking up one of the beasts Maxi getting doubled kid made the adjustment has to adjust Springer a three no G do Luca working against Maxi Luca gonna dribble Drive goes

Up and they’re going to call an offensive foul on Powell it’s going to be a Dwight pow going the other way by the way guys I’m I’m probably going to start getting back on playback soon who’s going to tap in on playback with me in the future watch some other uh games as

Well are you guys even interested in playback we have a uh we had a pretty good squad over there on playback might might start watching some other games on there at least to the playoffs what do you guys think man should we should we pop back on there eventually

Dom says no point in a step back he’s wide open when he got the ball yeah exactly bro Manny Fort what’s going on man th say Luca gonna go off in the fourth Ka says if only Springer was a good three-point shooter Craig says Mod Squad I’m out all right

Craig Evan what’s going on uh D is Springer in house shooting threes glitch what’s up we might like I said we might just start doing like some uh some other game watch parties on playback might start doing some film review things like that on an off night

For the Sixers we’ll see man we’ll see Daniel house Jr is killing me bro I’m not even trying to roast on Daniel house bro but he’s just frustrated me so much we got a $20 bomb in the chat AG my guy man first Super Chat on the channel AG just earned himself 20

Entries into the double giveaway we’re giving away an AI signed photo and a 2023 City Edition hoodie 20 entries into the giveaway right there shout out to AG who’s also a channel member also has member entries thank you very much says my fear was being was embiid being out

For an extended period of time now here I am with my fingers and toes crossed in Hampton VA shout out to Hampton VA shout out to Hampton VA AG always coming through to the streams and supporting but I hear you you got to cross your fingers you got to hope and pray that

Joelle can find a way back this season and be healthy by the way and be able to play and be healthy so we’ll see man we’ll see I hope so I hope so guys we got 280 people in here drop a like on the stream I know we got a lot

Of uh nonactive listeners people at work and stuff but take some time time drop a like on the show support the channel hit the Subscribe button let’s go hope Joel embiid is okay in the long term even for just himself you know hope he’s doing okay mentally I know he’s

Going through it right now I would be too Kelly for three too much on it five minutes to go here in the third quarter the Mavs lead it by one we are lining up for some cardiac Sixers tonight Luca going to dribble Drive kick to a corner green for three Missed It Wide

Open Kelly almost fought Springer for the rebound here’s Kelly going to find Morris thinking three now Maxi up top 440 to go in the third quarter Maxi G to find Springer Springer goes up and puts it up short bomba in the game he can’t get any rebounds

Luca G to drive spin off of a foot and it is short here come the 76ers a chance to retake the lead Morris steps into another one too much on it bomba gets a rebound right when I said he couldn’t rebound bomba goes up misses the layup goes up again

Miss it Kelly tips it in let’s go Sixers retake the lead come on man three ball on the other end of course it goes of course it goes who was that Cleber bro they are trying to step on next right now Maxie offensive foul on bomba bomba can

You play can you play bro come on man come on man Luca gonna drive kick to the corner Kyrie steep back over UB missed it bro bomba does not jump on rebounds Boma does not jump Morris off the dribble pulls it up from six feet Miss

Again I’m going to lose my mind bro Williams on the other end and fouled by moris they need to uh they need to get rid of Mo I’d get any other Center in here man I’m not even joking with you I’d get any Center at the deadline I’m so mad right

Now appreciate you guys being in here though we got 310 in the chat Daniel says are we gifting at 250 or 300 nah we’re going 300 man these people got to earn it they’re in here you know chilling hanging out they got to hit the like button man no easy shortcuts no easy

Ones first one missed for Williams and now the crowd is standing up Nick nurse is looking on a laptop and he’s pissed off about the call second one at the line and knocks it down so no Chick-fil-A KZ says that miniscus has been a pain for year glad is finally getting fixed

Well he I mean he’s tore it two other times so Springer gonna find bomba goes in misses the layup and Taps it back in thankfully thankfully Mo you you better have made that you better have made that jeeez three ball Luca missed here come the Sixers Maxi pushes it up the floor

Springer dumps it back the Maxi got it in One yes sir come on man Max tyes get him cooking baby let’s go let’s go let’s go man yeah drop those Maxi emojis come on man come on man come on man 40 more likes let’s go get it to 300 man Tyrese is cooking Tyrese is cooking he’s got 14

Now UB with 17 Tobias with 14 four and five come on leading rebounder in this game Mo Boma with seven Off the Bench surprising since he doesn’t really jump at all let’s go chat let’s go we got cardiac Sixers in the building they need a win they need a

Win need a dub need a w man guessing they challenge at since we went to commercial course they’re reviewing it of course watch him overturn it too watch him overturn it let’s see Max he goes up they’re going to call that an offensive foul watch watch you watch

Of course they overturn it of course they overturn it marshia McCollin what’s up AG says did you miss a Super Chat nah AG I read your super chat I read your Super Chat AG I was showing you some major love man appreciate the love thank you so

Much and I’m I’m hoping and praying too hoping and praying and beid is okay man shout out to you Sixers down by one Grant Williams in the corner going to drive goes up blocked thank you thank you Tobias at the top Tobias working and now an off ball

Foul it’s gonna be on Grant Williams Rody Pooh what’s up Rody Maxi got the worst whistle in the league he he has one of the bad ones for sure he has one of the bad ones C block what’s up drop that blue and red in the chat guys get this to 300 likes

Get this to 300 get us up man thebi working against Grant Williams one-on-one going to Cross Drive Tobias Fade Away missed it Cleber at the top of the key too much on the three gets his own shot back how was bomb on the floor Grant Williams drives kicks

Hardway Corner wide open missed it again cber cber missed it again Springer for three missed it bomba gets a rebound and now plucked I was just about to give him some credit too there’s Kyrie wide open Money money Sixers are not playing any type of Defense one minute to go here in the

Third bomba at the top here’s Maxi five on the shot clock Maxi going to dribble and fouled let’s go guys get this up to 300 likes man we’re under 40 away let’s get it there so we can give some me memberships secret what’s up Ka in the chat who’s in

The chat man who’s up in here man Maxi at the top he’s getting doubled again Springer in the corner here’s bball Paul he just hit the bottom of the backboard on a layup Kyrie tried to save it going out of bounds but a shot clock violation so it’s going to be Mavs

Ball $2 Super Chat Astro World fire take goat in the house says I hope we get brogon at the deadline you and me both he would be a great addition of this team who knows what they’re going to do we’ll find out in a couple days now Kyrie gonna sell a foul against

Morris Kyrie going to the line for two I believe appreciate it Astro you just earn yourself two more entries into the giveaway Jason says been a fan much love thank you for always doing this it’s the only way I catch games Jason shout out to you man

P Bev coming back into the game three-point game we need 30 likes who’s going to get us the 300 who’s going to get us there man don’t slack on us come on chat Kyrie at the wing guarded by Springer Kyrie going to spin to his left go up and got it from the

Baseline Luca is not even playing well bro if you can’t beat this team with Luca playing like this it’s over it’s over six seconds to go here in the third Tobias going to dribble Drive bball Paul Baseline got it the fall three-point game one second F Court heave just missed just

Missed so definitely not the third quarter that you want definitely not the third quarter that you want but what do we think man who’s going to win this game who’s going to win this game who’s going to win this game Sixers or Mavs drop some fires in the chat man

We’re going to the fourth quarter you know what that means we need the fourth quarter Fire come on man P me up man P me up AG says RB what happened to my $20 Super Chat what you mean AG I read your Super Chat twice my guy I read it twice

You mean like at the top of the chat goes away after some time the more you Super Chat the more it stays on though I learned that recently Jordan e in the chat Jordan e is here let’s go jordany the the chat was saying you disappeared on us man

Said you went MIA we’re about to put out an investigation for you we’re like damn man where’s our guy Jordan e at let’s go let’s go come on now come on get us to 300 likes man we need 25 more cardiac Sixers in full effect who is going to win this game

Drop your final score predictions drop your final score predictions in the chat let’s go let’s go six or game day live man we’re here every single game we’re here every single game man let’s get it rocking it’s going to be a long rest of the season we’ll find a way to make it

Work find a way to make it work glitch says like the stream let’s go hit that like button Robin says I love chat what’s up Robin Marsh says what happened to Tobias D says Sixers will win barely it’s going to take everything fact of the matter is Luca is not even playing

Well and you’re still struggling come on man 190 9890 Mavs 10399 Sixers let’s go t- miles in the house what’s up t- miles Manny says 9793 June B what’s up 192 two let’s go MZ missed the shot but they get it back Hardy going to find Cleber out the

Kyri come on he is cooking right now damn told you don’t wake up the Beast Man Kyrie’s got 21 in this game Tobias Harris going to dribble Drive Mavs in a Zone Morris for three comes up short Sixers are not getting to the basket they’re not doing anything

They were in the first half the Mavs made one adjustment on defense and it is thrown the Sixers out of proportions Kyrie again working against Tobias you better put a hand in his face Tobias you better put a hand in his face Cleber to the corner Hardy a three roll

Off the rim come on come on we need some offense we need some offense the Bas going to Drive spin kickb bball pole against Williams trying to get off the dribble this team has no identity without EMB they have no identity bro already going to dribble all the way

To the rim goes up past bball pole and lays it in damn bro nice shot by Tobias team’s going to have to iron out their identity though man somebody’s got to step up Bas was 17 on a night there’s Kyrie Irving GNA find cber cber mid-range pulls it up nobody in his

Face another bucket come on man reball on the other end this time Maxi puts too much sauce on it picked up by Dallas they leaded 84 to 77 and this would be a tough one for the Sixers especially with a long week ahead game that they were controlling for the whole

First half cber goes in and another bucket bro is somebody I I I gotta be honest man I gotta be honest man the primary need at the trade deadline while Joel embiid is out they need to go get a 7 foot one Center that can play defense inside they have no

Interior defense without Joel embiid it is frust frustrating they I’m trying not to get mad because I know I know it’s not that good without embiid but come on man they have a s foot center of moamba who doesn’t know how to jump and bball Paul is only 6′ n so they’re getting

Beat at The Rim every single time every time Lucas playing like crap and you’re still down by 10 points or nine points this is why Joel embiid is the MVP this is why Dave says my wife was in a car accident this morning it’s been a crazy

Day Dave prayers in the chat for you man hope everything’s all right Dave drop some prayers in the chat for my guy Dave hope everything’s all right man Blake says we might beat Detroit’s losing record relax relax Wayne says Drummond yeah I mean Drummond would be a nice piece on his

Team he’d be able to rebound that’s for sure T Harris says it’s simple they have to make a serious move on Thursday what do you mean by serious move does that mean another star does that mean a couple role players or what or what only 69 that’s tall dude isn’t very

Good 6’9 against 7 foot centers come on now you could be 6′ n but if you’re asked to be the center against seven Footers it’s a completely different story come on man yeah shout out to the chat man hope Dave’s all right much love to his

Family like I said guys we got a hope and pray Joel can somehow find a way to come back I but like I said on my video yesterday I know people were mad at me for it I just I’m not feeling that good about this team unless Joel can

Magically come back and and be the same person and it sucks really does suck 287 on the like button let’s get 13 more man get this to 300 likes Kelly U going to dribble drive against cber puts it up missed it again what’s really going to be interesting to see is how

They can establish an identity they need to establish an identity without Joel and it’s got to start with maxi and Tobias but everybody’s got to contribute Grant Williams for three wide open why is nobody playing defense bro when Joel doesn’t play defense and he’s not in the game it it like it’s a

Connecting effect sprinkles down to everybody else it’s like come on man not only is he such a lethal offensive player but his defense is so Mo so underrated another missed by the Sixers they’re just they’re deflating they’re deflating before our eyes man they are deflating right

Now cber gonna find Hardy in the corner Oh my he gets the lucky Bounce It bounces straight up in the air and goes in the Sixers are down 15 Beverly spins drives kicks Morris thank you thank you somebody made a shot somebody made a damn shot but now they they have nobody to

Play inside have nobody to play inside man this is why Joel is the MVP and it’s not even close shout out to Nick nurse though he took more he took bomba and readed out so they’re going with Morse at the five Luca for three and that’s what I said as

Soon as Luca starts cooking it’s over bro you can’t beat this Mavs team with Luca playing like crap this is bad bro this is bad they got Morris at Center because both the others are just not playing well and then Kelly’s going to fou and roote to the

Basket so frustrated right now come on man y’all gotta wake up guys we need 10 more likes get us to 300 man get us to 300 let me look at these numbers because you know sometimes I’m calling the game and I’m you know I’m locked in I’m

Trying to analyze it but let me just look at the numbers for a second all right Maxi started this game three for three he’s now five for 15 those three fouls in the first quarter screwed him up Kelly was on fire I think he was four for six now he’s 7 for

15 the buas is 8 for 11 he’s the only one being consistent throughout the night Daniel house is one for four and bball Paul one for six bomb has got 10 rebounds Off the Bench somehow he’s got 10 rebounds in 16 minutes bball Paul with six rebounds in

22 minutes Morris is four for 10 Off the Bench Beverly three for seven Off the Bench and where the hell’s Jaden Springer been has Springer played in this half I just realize what happed a springer is he I mean he’s been in a little bit right or has he even

Played I’ve been so focused on the damn rebound and I’m like losing my mind right now $5 Super Chat Mr Rod poo says RB you have to be realistic you know Joel’s injury history we have to offload guys for assets you have to be a smart GM well

Rody don’t know if you saw my video yesterday definitely people in here go check it out but I gave my thoughts on the situation so check it out and thankfully I don’t have to be a smart GM because I’m not the GM I just cover the team I mean if

They want to pay me to be the GM sure I’ll be the GM but uh I don’t make that kind of money you know what I mean so it’s not my job I’m just here to give my opinion but yes as I said in my video

Yesterday I do not feel good about the future of this season I don’t feel good about this season you’re stuck in a l lose situation right now Sixers need a lot of help and with him beat out they need Monumental help Monumental help even if they go trade for another

Star guess what you have a lot of needs on this team even before MB got hurt I’ve been telling you three different needs that they have if they want to be a championship level team and now they’re not even close without Joel embiid in fact I was the one who said 5

Days ago that the Sixers are going to have trouble staying afloat in the East people were mad at me they were mad at me RB you know you’re the one that tries to be optimistic why are you being so negative I’m not being negative I’m being realistic I’m pissed off like everybody

Else I’m pissed off but it’s the facts so what the Sixers have the best chance of doing right now is is adding a piece or two and hoping that embi can come back but if he can can’t or he’s not healthy then you’re screwed remember the people that said to

Me oh well you know they got to learn how to win without embiid you’re not winning in the playoffs without Joel embiid just like the Celtics are not winning the championship without Tatum or the Bucks are not winning without Giannis you have to have your dogs healthy that’s it is what it is

Man so yes I am frustrated Rody just like you you’re supposed to have you’re going to have 50 million in cap space but you know got to have guys to spend it on Grant Williams Boma bro Boma Boma bro I’ve never seen a SF footer be this bad interior defense oh

My gosh y you are killing me bomba you are killing me bom oh my gosh bro bro Grant Williams of all people all right I don’t know if Grant Williams can jump over a curb Grant Williams just drove into the lane against seven foot Mo

Bomba and he he does a little rabbit a little fake rabbit barely even jumps and mo bom is jumping 10 feet in the air come on man come on bomba you got like a a 50 foot wingspan you’re better than this Maxi all the way got it and One yes sir reason the Sixers are losing this game is because one they lost their offensive identity nobody wants to take the shot and number two they’re just not playing any defense inside told you guys Sixers are going to have trouble being afloat here in the Eastern Conference if they keep you know

Playing with this squad and they don’t make any moves without Joel em beat let’s go we need two more lik man get us to 300 who’s going to get us there Josh Green kicks it out to the corner Grant Williams pump fake another jump come on Maxi you got to stay on

Your feet man you got to stay on your feet Kelly UB from the corner another Miss bro we’re just jacking shots we’re just jacking anything up Williams wide open bro this is crazy bro this is crazy Beverly misses the floater and now pal gets hit in the face

This I mean this can’t get worse this is a game you were in control of against a really mediocre team and there Superstars playing like crap I’m not trying to get mad because I know they’re not that good but it’s just the fact of like they’re really this bad

Without Joel they’re really this bad without Joel bro first game of a four game week and we have the trade deadline another three from the Mavs Sixers are down 20 points man they’re down 20 we got 300 likes I’m GNA hit the horn one more time for my sanity 300 in the chat Man yes sir the Sixers are this bad without Joel embiid we saw one spectacular Maxi performance and now we’ve seen two that are not that good Tobias gives you 17 but they’re the most dead 17 points I’ve ever seen Kelly UB 19 points but he’s missed his last 10

Shots no defense no interior defense this has been awful man oh man both teams were shooting bad from Deep at half now the Mavs are shooting 40% Daniel Walter gifting a Philly take membership let’s go man drop some MVPs in the chat for Daniel he just earned himself 10 more

Entries double entries this month for all gifted memberships double giveaway shout out to Daniel man best thing about it is we’re all going to be here together man we got to get through it somehow we got to get through it somehow but this is tough to watch this is a

Meltdown this is a meltdown by the Sixers Turk Smith for three Turk Turk the only guy that can save us Turk and they put FK on in oh it’s over it’s over we’re cooked we cooked RB you forget four key players are missing please tell me which four key

Players are missing please inform me the Anthony Melton Robert Covington who else who else Nicholas Batum all these guys look better because of Joel embiid all these guys look better because of Joel embiid not that they’re not good players or decent players but they look better because of Joel everybody looks better

Because of Joel three ball from Luca he missed it here comes Turk up the floor Ricky Council shoved while he went up and it’s a foul on pal celed to the line for two $2 Super Chat kg says just another season as a Philly sports fan and you know I feel your

Pain I feel your pain unfortunately unfortunately but as promised I will gift a membership because my guy Daniel Walter showing love to the chat we we did hit 300 likes shout out to Daniel so I’ll gift the membership and I will match him as the Sixers put us into depression oh

Boy and another foul on the Sixers they have given up on this game who’ I who’ I get the membership to Clark Fernandez Clark Fernandez congrats drop an MVP in the chat let’s go let’s go I’m worried about this team staying above the seven seed I’m not even even

Not even joking with you man I’m like actually worried about this team staying above the seven seed first free throws missed they trying to get some Chick-fil-A second one is missed by a mile woohoo free Chick-fil-A they get the rebound Hardy all the way got it oh

My go they shouldn’t even get the Chick-fil-A they shouldn’t even get the Chick-fil-A man they shouldn’t even get the Chick-fil-A how you going to give up the rebound and the bucket three ball for the Sixers missed by Martin and here come the Mavs Hardy dribble Drive goes up missed

It we got uh Ka blam my guy gifted a membership drop some MVPs in the chat for Ka blam as KJ Martin puts one in Ka appreciate you man my guy just earned 10 more entries into the giveaway February 27th double giveaway shout out to Ka blam membership gifts are double this

Month appreciate you guys for for blessing the channel man I’m trying to find a way to to remain calm here but I’m I’m worried we’re going to be live for the trade deadline on Thursday two hours in advance so be sure to come through it’s going to be an interesting

One it’s going to be interesting F on the other end Sixers are getting whacked right now where’s my channel members at man drop some fires in the chat drop some fires in the chat it’s crazy how a month and a half ago I mean this Sixers team was right

Where you wanted them to be too crazy how it can switch crazy how it can switch Joel embiid is by far the MVP of the league it’s not even close bro it’s not even close but hey all cuz we want him to play playing a regular season game

Right oh cuz we had to we had to put pressure to play against the Golden State Warriors at 10 pm on the East Coast all because we want him to play against the Warriors Sixers down by 20 and they turn it over yet again and and Martin doesn’t

Even pick up the ball what are you doing bro somehow he got a a hand on it luckily I mean I don’t know what this T like Ricky Council a charge offensive foul Nick nurse has no answers he’s losing his freaking mind over here guys it’s not even like these guys you bring

In you know are are like decent they don’t know how to play basketball KJ Martin literally just watched the guy go in the back court take the ball and like he should have just picked it up like what are you doing and now nobody defends nobody defends

Bro it is just crazy to me that we are here on Fe February 5th we’re here on February 5th and it feels like literally a month ago feels like a month ago we like this team was better than they’ve been in three four five years unreal man Joel will be getting

Surgery I think this week we’ll find out another update on they said they they can’t determine a timetable till they go in and operate I mean this is just anything they handle is just out of hand man $5 Super Chat Mr R poo says R we

Have to stop this narrative are we just going to continue to blame everyone else for Joel’s injuries we need a tank for alexar Rody with all due respect man again I appreciate the love but of course part of it falls with Joel but no I I did disagree completely right

You have a medical staff who’s supposed to do their job they didn’t they let him play the game they saw him falling around they didn’t pull him from the game the coach let him play any player is going to want to play any player is going to want to play like

That’s just the nature of it you know he’s part of it for sure but you know you have a medical staff that didn’t do their job and they have it for a while but yeah at the end of the day it just feels like Joelle is it just feels like he’s always going

To get injured and that’s why I said at the beginning of this stream like maybe the option now is moving forward you bring in a third star or not even a star but like a third primary option that can take pressure off him on a nightly basis

Because maybe he’s just that good we’ve never seen something like this and he demands the ball 90% of the time and he can’t be run into the ground early in the season maybe that’s what it is or maybe he’s just the most unlucky player ever ever it’s crazy man crazy frustrating bro

Frustrating everybody everybody pushed Jo out to play against Denver and and Indiana all these teams and like you know when he doesn’t play he’s soft but then when he plays and gets hurt it’s his fault you know what I mean like it’s a double standard it’s a double

Standard it’s crazy but again I feel for Joel Sixers go down at home against the Mavs 118 102 first game of a four game week trade deadline week and that is not how you want to start your week off man that is not how you want to start your week

Off Sixers controlled this game for the first half this this team literally controlled the game and now I’m sitting here at the end of the game wondering where the hell did it go didn’t play any defense Luca donic didn’t even play that well 6 for 15 and you got whooped by the

Mavs this team is in trouble you hear what I’m saying uh glitch if you’re still in here man drop the link to my video yesterday because I want people to go watch that go go back and watch that I’m serious this team needs to think about

Shutting down Joel for the rest of the year because it doesn’t feel like he’s going to come back and be healthy if he can great I wish that he does I hope and pray that he does I want Joel to be out there I want him to come back I want him

To play in the playoffs but this team without Joel embiid is going to have trouble staying alive this team’s going to have trouble staying afloat without Joel they look awful it took a uh Tyrese Maxi 51-point game to win a game without Joel embiid that’s where we’re at that’s where we’re

At Vincent says there’s still no final decision on embiid it’s too early to give up the season well he’s got a Tor miniscus so they’re going to be repairing it and again Vincent I hope that he can come back but what I’m saying is I’m worried about the team without him without

Him that’s what I’m worried about I don’t think this team’s good enough to win win games ladies and gentlemen give me one word to describe how you’re feeling right now as a sixer fan give me one word to describe how you’re feeling it’s funny all these sixer fans

Out there they hate on Joel every stream they come in every game they hate and then now he’s not here you you probably wish you had him back right like I said I don’t really pay attention to it too much cuz I know Joel is one of the greatest players of this

Era but without him man this team is team’s frustrating one word deflated that’s a good way to describe how I’m feeling right now deflated what are we 49 games in Sixers fall to 30 and 19 they’re 49 games in that means we have 32 games left or third 33 33 games

Left Sixers are currently sitting in the five hole in the Eastern Conference Cavs have won five in a row now six in a row Cavs just leaped up into a number two holy crap Cavs just leaped up in number two they’re tied Cavs are the number two seed Milwaukee’s the third

Seed the Knicks are fourth they’re N9 and one in their last 10 Indiana number six behind the Sixers Orlando’s number seven in Miami’s number eight you got to stay above the seventh seed if you don’t want to be in the playing Indiana’s three games behind the Sixers obviously they’re dealing with injury

But man bro it’s frustrating I’m trying not to look too big picture but it’s hard not to it’s hard not to man and you know I said this over the last couple years on this channel people didn’t really take into account what I was saying said you know this might like a

Couple years ago these last couple years might be the best opportunity to win with this team you know what I’m saying because when Ben Simmons folds like a tent in the playoffs like yeah your guys are early in their careers but they those are good chances to get to the championship blown

Opportunity one against the Heat Joel was injured nobody showed up last year you had the Celtics pinned with the series on the line you couldn’t finish them off these are opportunities you don’t know if you’ll get back now this year the East has finally stepped up their game they’re better

Than the West the East is strong now you’re dealing with injury obviously the Sixers need help if they want to win now Sixers need help if they want to win now but the question is do they still want to try for this season that’s the question

And we’re going to find out in a couple days unreal man it’s not all Joel’s fault I blame the sckers organization it’s not all Joel’s fault for sure Tom says we played bad all around Camp say typical RB I’ve been a fan of yours and I fully remember that statement this

Team every year players get hurt or give up I don’t get it I don’t know what you’re saying there cam I don’t know if that’s like a if you’re coming at me or coming at the Sixers I’m not I’m not really understanding your comment there KY says RB there’s a lot of upside

That can come from this injury what what upside is going to come if you’re expecting a chip this year you’re stressing yourself it’s not that I’m expecting a chip I’m not expecting a chip without Jo beid that would be idiotic but you should not go from one

Extreme to looking this bad without Joel embiid that shows you his impact as a player and the question is again will the Sixers make a move to try to stay afloat that’s the question and like I said at the beginning of this show man like the the down the line outlook on it

Might just be like you have to start taking more off embiid’s plate each night instead of having him drop 35 a night he might have to become a 20 12 and 10 guy axi got to learn to step up and be consistent as that next guy up you

Know cam says my bad I’m saying it’s typical of the Sixers I’ve been subscribed for a while we go through this every year we really do man we really do it’s tough it’s frustrating very frustrating this year felt different with the way they were playing under Nick nurse

But they got to figure it out got to figure it out $5 Super Chat from Raz thank you very much man earned yourself five entries into the giveaway double giveaway February 27th signed AI photo in a Sixers City Edition hoodie RB what’s your gut feeling about the trade

Deadline do you think myy punts or do we get one or two pieces to hold it down until embiid returns so the way I will answer that Raz is the following until they operate on Joel embiid which should happen in the next couple days we don’t have an answer to

That question if there is any chance that Joel embiid can come back this season and play and and you know not be so Rusty where he can’t move down the floor okay if there is any chance that Joel can be himself and play I think I think the Sixers will make one

Or two minimal moves no stars I think they’ll add a couple role players if there is any shot of Joel coming back but if they say that they’re doing a full repair of his meniscus and he’s going to miss the rest of the season there is no point to make a

Move there would be no point you take your expiring contracts you try to sell them off for as many assets as you can get and at the end of the season you have four players left on the roster which will be Joel Tyrese bball Paul and Jaden Springer you take your 50 plus

Million in cap space and whatever assets you can get and you go out there and try to rebuild you know rebuild his team or even maybe move on from whoever else that’s my thought on it I think the Sixers will do everything they can in the next couple days to get

An answer on Joel embiid but we have to wait till they apparently operate but everything keeps indicating towards the fact that he’s not going to come back and if he does maybe it’ll be in the playoffs in you know the second round but will he be ready to go will he be

Like in rhythm will he actually you know be able to play it’s sad man it really is I feel bad for Joel I got a pit in my stomach for Joel embiid because all the guy does is Elevate and get better and better and better and his organization asks him to do

Everything and when he’s not in you see how they look that’s the frustrating part man I hope he’s in good spirits mentally I know it’s got to be taking a toll on him frustrating but ladies and gentlemen like I said I’ll be dropping a couple videos the next couple days with trade

Rumors Etc we’ll talk about Joel once more on the injury comes out and we will be live on Thursday not even just reacting to the Sixers but the NBA as a whole we’ll be doing trade deadline reaction so we’ll be there man that’s all I can say we do have a game though

Wednesday night against the war Warriors we have a game against the warriors on Wednesday night so we’ll be there talking about that game and I’ll be on Bleacher Report tomorrow morning at 11: Eastern so hop on the bleacher report app and we’ll talk about the trade deadline it’s all I got

Man Ka says I don’t think he’ll be back next year looks good maybe trade to build up Maxi maybe get a piece that will be good for the future a guy that’s on a few more years of a contract potentially Vincent says James Harden would have been valuable at this point

Anybody else would be valuable at this point it’s not like you’re anticipating that an injury is going to happen in game 35 of the Season you know it’s tough Dom says lack of effort on D and and we are abysmal at shooting Mr 89 says the organization failed Joel embiid

They have for many years for many years it’s crazy last year they were trying to win go all in they they traded matis thy to duck the attack they picked up uh Jayla McDaniels I mean come on man Sixers are 4 and 11 without Joel and

Be it’s tough it’s tough anyway I will catch you all on Wednesday night appreciate everybody for tapping in they got to figure it out Sixers go down again without Joel embiid 30 and 19 on the campaign got to find a way to improve man or else this could get

Bad shout out to all my channel members everybody else in the chat for hanging out with me you know the drill Man follow us on all platforms come into the Discord check out the recent video going to be an interesting week have a great night everybody catch youall on the next one Peace N

Philadelphia Sixers vs Dallas Mavericks Live Play-By-Play & Reaction (2023-24) – Regular Season Game 49 #Sixers #Mavericks #NBA



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  1. All you Sixer fans are delusional goofs. Maxey is not even close to a star. He a garden variety gunner. His offensive efficiency is way down from last year. Yea he averaging more points but he taking 5 more shots a game. He down from 48% to 45% in FG% and from 43% to 38% in 3%. Maxey is just an ordinary Joe who gets hot every 15 games most of the time he is mediocre. He is also a cone on defense. The truth hurts you dipshits. Stop overhyping run of mill players. You all so desperate that you all
    Loss grip of reality. 🤣

  2. The team is not good enough from day one. Embrittle needs more talent around him. Porzingus is always hurt but they have a lot of talent around him and an excellent back up center.

  3. The Sixers can beat anyone without Embiid. I can understand not winning in the playoffs, But If you can’t beat the nets your in trouble

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