@Miami Heat

Miami HEAT at Milwaukee Bucks Postgame Show

Miami HEAT at Milwaukee Bucks Postgame Show

[Applause] Welcome into the latest five on the floor live I am your host Greg sander today’s floor plan with me Alex Toledo and Brady Hawk we’re GNA dive into the Miami Heats victory in Milwaukee but before we do want to tell you about our Discord server this is where you need to

Go to get all your latest Miami Heat content all in one place we have a bunch of different chats where you can chat about different parts of Miami Heat basketball there’s also uh chats for music for fantasy sports gambling other sports it’s a lot of fun go to the

Description of this episode or to any of our Twitter pages and you’ll see it linked at the top that’s off the floor our Discord server make sure to check that out Manny hit them with in intro down on the floor ride for my dogs the thing you can check the score Hustle

Hard couple SCS bubble frogs just like Buck said you in trouble y check the FL play got it all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and P trust it’s f guts we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily

Insider show on the mamah Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reason Sports Network all right welcome back to five on the floor I’m your host Greg sander with me Alex Toledo Brady Hawk the Miami Heat go into Milwaukee get a

12397 victory probably in my opinion the most impressive victory of the entire season which is a statement Victory we’re g to talk about it it’s a very big win I guess let’s just go with initial reactions to what is a really um I think surprising Victory there was some really

Interesting stuff that came from a multitude of players it wasn’t just one guy tonight you saw it from a bunch of different angles you see how lit the chat is right now as we’re live on YouTube uh people are excited about this game the ball movement was intact a

40-point first quarter was intact Brady your initial reactions to what was um I don’t want to call it a statement win necessarily and I don’t think it’s a signature win because Milwaukee is in a weird place but it’s a damn good sign that the heat found a way to get this uh

Victory but also play this well what are your initial reactions yeah well we’ve talked about it all year that they don’t have any like statement big wins against a really good team and I mean that this was that like this was the game and it’s just funny that it comes in a night

Where they were so short-handed which just summarizes this team so well and it summarizes their expulsure so well because at some point we’re going to have to do the the five on the floor episode where we talk about the fact that Eric spoler when he is down like

Three plus guys in his rotation is the greatest coach in the history of sports because it’s it gets to the point where it’s just like he is so much more comfortable I feel like in these spots where he’s he’s Limited in his choices where he has to kind of funnel through

Uh more things in a shorter amount of time where it’s just kind of you know an eight-man rotation for most of the night uh but 100% it comes down to a lot of it is the shooting I mean when they shoot well and I think that’s kind of the the

Case in the playoffs every time when they kind of go on these runs like well that’s what happens when this team shoots like crazy and you look at the fact of of Tyler to Duncan when he’s kind of firing like that and obviously nicoa yic and Kevin Love and we’re going

To talk about these guys individually so I don’t want to get too much into that but I think credit to that because we’re going to sit here and talk about the offense this whole this whole episode but quickly I just want to say as well my another initial thing is the way they

Can defend on a night like this where it doesn’t feel like I think everybody when they saw that starting line it was like okay they better put a points because they’re be able to guard this Milwaukee Bucks team and it was like they did they defended really well and a lot of these

Guys stepped up I thought Caleb did good to start Haywood was really disruptive nicoa yic I thought was really good to start this game defensively if he was he was guarding Giannis and broke and he was getting in the way uh they just had a really good defensive game too an

Underrated aspect so just a really big win to your point so yeah this um it was a big win and the shooting was lights out from the Geo 19 of 40 from three 34 assists on 40 what is this 45 made field goals just connected basketball Alex they also

Outrebounded the Milwaukee Bucks 4738 that’s a key indicator for them all season season long your initial thoughts on tonight’s win what a win easily the best one of the season um in my opinion not that there haven’t been other like decent to good wins but man what a game just um

Look there’s a lot of things that can happen when guys go down and we’ve seen this team rally when things like this happened before and I think we we mentioned that scenario on the last podcast too if I remember correctly um it’s crazy to see it be executed in that

Fashion because it’s like it’s one thing for them to be like oh it’s they’re fighting it’s a close game it’s neck and neck the whole time and then they grinded out no you went into Milwaukee without Jimmy without Terry and you beat them fair and square and blew them out

And it was like if you just look at the quarter by quarter scoring like you you put up a 40o uh first quarter um you know you held the Bucks to 24 24 and 21 W in the second third and fourth quarters and uh just in general the the

Scoring never stopped for the heat but like Brady said the defense was also good and then when you go and look at cleaning the glass um you know the heat put up a 115 offensive rating in the half court which is amazing in itself but um you know shout out to their

Defense man you held the Bucks to a 90 offensive rating in the half court and a 96 overall offensive rating and that’s really impressive man they’re at home and even though they’ve had their troubles lately and you know things haven’t been perfect this season they’ve been one of they’ve still been one of

The best teams in the league if you look at their record and what they’ve been really good at is offense and they have a lot of weapons that they can go to and um the heat did a great job pressuring their best players I think you know

You’re never GNA fully stop Yannis he’s one of those guys that he’s just such a physical force of Nature and you know like the the the the handful of like the best players in the world most of them can’t really be stopped but bam just does such a good job at making him

Uncomfortable he’s done it for so many years now um really impressed with the game he had and just everybody played well when this team moves the ball the way they did that’s it’s they’re a completely different team man like that ball is popping and that when when you

See like so many guys getting into double figures that’s a great sign for the offense the assists like you mentioned before and like I mentioned on playback um if you haven’t of course checked that out yet playback. cvsn or download the app but like I mentioned on

Play back there’s nothing like the Bucks defense to get you feeling good about isn’t that true they’re so bad on defense I really don’t think it’s an overreaction to say that like it’s on them to prove that they’re going to be able to win with this formula because

Like when you look at the roster like okay looks pretty good but then when you watch them play it’s like oh man how are they gonna win when they can’t defend and like they’ve got yic out here dicing him up who hasn’t played in weeks and he

Comes out in starting lineup and just makes it looks like just looks like an incredible player out there great game for him great game for Duncan um and really just a great two-way effort and I really do think it always comes back to their their defense for them I think

Their defense was solid enough and then they got really they got going and kept generating offense versus terrible defense and they got really hot like finishing with 19 made threes like that’s incredibly rare for the heat it wasn’t even like a great mid-range shooting night for them which feels like

Is usually part of the blueprint when they have like good scoring nights and they they just got hot because they kept creating easy offense and it’s you know great game for them Absolute great game and now you you go into the second night of a backtack in Philly obviously no

Embid and things are kind of looking decent now right because you know the Terry news wasn’t bad um Jimmy will be back at some point after the All-Star break and you weathered that that Bucks game and now you’ve got again the Sixers no and beid like great job by them man

And that’s the first game of six uh to start on the road before the All-Star break they are in Philadelphia um 50 points in the paint is huge for them as well you all Alex alluded to um Nico so let’s go to our Rocky Sports gamer of the

Night gamer of the night sponsored by Rock Esports Center the place to eat drink and play all day host your next birthday party with them located at 15305 South Dixie Highway in tomal Bay they’ve got a 5500 ft state-ofthe-art Center equipped with all the high-end power play all day passes available for

Just 25 bucks but if you mention five reasons it’s just $20 so mention five reasons or five RSN you get to play all day for $20 and now the gamer of the night the rocky Sports gamer of the night is Nia yovic y’all this guy came

Out guns blazing to start the game five of eight from three 24 points this was a career high from three 30 minutes seven rebounds three assists no turnovers only one foul Brady talk about this guy’s game yo like he came out tonight and he looked like he was on a

Mission he was locked in he even had a couple like snarl like moments throughout the game that I saw on the broadcast uh which is fun to see him start to like find his way gain confidence these are things that you want to see from your young player talk

About his basically his probably his career best game tonight yeah I said earlier when I was watching the game that you’d have to be so mad as a Defender to have a guy have 24 points on you like that and the guy like never stops smiling like every time

He gets a bucket on you he’s just running down the court like just fully smiling like the guy just has fun playing basketball uh but 100% the confidence is a part that stuck out to me early like the fact he got that first one to go the first play Knock You down

The kind of that left wing three and everything kind of Spun from there where when the shooting clicks and I’ve said in the past I think the shooting is more important for him than the defense I if he can shoot at that level not maybe not that level because that’s an even

Incredibly higher level but if he shoots at a decent level it’s hard to kind of take him out of the mix and you see a game like this where he’s able to do that he’s able to kind of push the pace where I thought Miami the biggest thing

That that got them to lead was the fact that their Pace was incredible the start of the game we’re not used to that and a lot of that was yic like he gets the ball and he is just running like there was the one play where he hit hakz and

Stride in a little two-on-one it’s like every other time they’re running down the court it’s just an absolute mess and we saw that in this game too so it’s like when he’s not the one kind of creating that that’s the stuff that happens then not as I talked about

Before defensively I just thought he was really good there were times where he was just like Walling up Giannis where he was just sitting there with his hand straight up and it feels like he’s figuring out Tendencies like he’s a guy that’s started out defensively very

Handsy where he was going to get his hand in there and he was kind of he’s his feet weren’t matching like the his speed a little bit so it’s kind of he’s using his hands to kind of keep up with the guy where now it feels like he’s

Kind of figuring things out and he’s and as you pointed out like not as many fouls is pretty important uh but I think the biggest thing is and I’ve said this before I think they’re at the point now where I don’t really care about the injury report I think they have to play

This guy like I I just don’t think it matters I I this isn’t a guy that you’re just throwing in the mix because they’re down three guys like they have to play him like this is a guy that they has a skill set that is not on the roster it’s

A skill set that not a lot of teams could possess especially a 20 years old and the fact that you have a guy that that’s kind of learning on the fly like this and The Limited kind of opportunities he’s getting you have to play him and you’re talking about a team

That does not have a four next to Bam over 65 and we keep talking about that and then you have this guy that’s just sitting on the bench looking over like oh I I I could help I could do this I could do that and and you see A Night

Like This where he’s able to kind of go out and shine a little bit so I think the confidence boosting is important uh now I I I obviously I’d expect him to get the start again tomorrow night and we’ll see what happens once they get back from Allstar break but I hope that

Period of time doesn’t make sure just leave everybody with like okay let’s go back to what we’re used to let’s go back to the old thing like no it’s time to play this guy agree I could not agree more that um they need to find minutes for him he’s exactly what they need

Positionally if we’re even going to try to create positions on the court for them uh just his size is necessary but also the skill set offensively is huge for them it diversifies things in ways that no other player on the roster does it’s crazy that he’s the gamer of the

Night on a night when bam aab bio got his seventh triple double uh he continues to climb the franchise list for triple doubles uh I don’t know if he’ll ever get to Jimmy’s 12 15 if you count playoffs but um but seven is a good damn start talk about Yi’s game but

Also bam aab bio’s huge day Alex I mean I think it’s a weird situation now where um these guys are empowered to find their way and um it’s it’s always a situation where if they know Jimmy’s gonna be out or they know Tyler’s gonna be out they can find their way this is

Uh evident again yic and Bam both playing really well uh your thoughts on both guys yeah man um uh I’m really happy for yich and I feel the same as Brady when it comes to like the idea that he should be playing more especially in the

Regular season like this is the time to get him minutes he’s your first round pick he’s shown immense improvement over a year or so and I think he’s had a lot more positives this year when he has played than negatives and I really did not feel that way last year when he was

On the court he also of course had the injury that he was going through and that kind of messed things up for him as well and like I said added more weight has looked better and I just think like when he’s gotten out there he’s been a

Positive I feel that way just like full-blown I feel like he’s been a positive for them and and I think the the the stats back that up too that they’ve been winning in his minutes and he is a very unique type of player and I think he’s shown he’s answered some

Questions this year as far as like how many different types of lineups can you play him in and he’s been thrown into a lot of different ones when he has uh been playing and he’s shown very importantly in my opinion that he can play next to a Kevin Love he doesn’t

Have to be playing next to a bam uh to help like ease things for him on the defensive end I think he’s been all right on defense hasn’t been standing out and I thought he had a very good defensive game tonight like Brady was talking about and like he’s kind of

Checking off all the boxes you wanted to see was hitting the shot tonight uh even was hitting some of the floaters because that’s been kind of my gripe with him uh has been the the finishing uh that’s but I thought he had a good finishing game today with those kind of those finishes

That were sort of like short mid-range area you know um amazing game he had a fantastic game it might have been the best game of his career like you said Le and then as far as bam the the thing that sticks out to me the most other

Than like what we know about him already and how he can get Buckets and how he can you know defend your best player and defend pretty much anybody in the league is the playmaking man I think that part has been missed a little bit not that he hasn’t been giving you like assists

Every game and it’s probably probably averaging like four and a half assists or something but as I think using bam as a playmaking hub in the high post and going back to that I think is something that’s going to happen more often as the season winds down and particular

Particularly in the playoffs and I think it’s such a great product of their ball movement um because bam is I think the spacing just looks a lot better when bam is bringing out the big all the way out there and they know that they can’t really leave him wide open I just think

They can you know makes things easier for them when they’re really committed to moving the ball and Bam is out there kind of playmaking for guys it just I feel like you’re just getting easier offense and it feels like when everybody was healthy he didn’t see that aspect

Quite as much and it was really nice to see he was just picking apart that garbage defense and so shout out to Bam man that ball movement is such a huge key to the win and to their offense you know getting going and looking actually

Good and Bam is a huge part of that the I forgot to mention sorry I should have mentioned this the first time I spoke when I was talking about their defense but I just think it’s such a like significant uh stat for tonight 35 points off turnovers for the heat wow

The point about how points off turnovers is such a big indicator for them for years now but 35 points off turnovers to the Bucs 13 I believe it was it’s just a ginormous Gap you’re not going to see that every night and you know early to to what we were talking about earlier

They made Dam and Giannis really uncomfortable and move the ball extremely well and I think those are kind of the two biggest things about tonight and you know back to Bam they were using him in the high post as a hub as you mentioned and there’s one guy in

Particular that really benefits from that we’re going to talk about him next let’s go to the insurance by Lynette a aggressive play of the night and now it’s time for the insurance by Lynette play of the night sponsored by insurance at a Aggressive Insurance Agency you can

Reach out to our friend Lynette at 9 94581 8800 that’s 95458 8800 or Insurance best play for Auto Insurance homeowners insurance condo Insurance life insurance or a retirement program reach out to Lynette at Insurance happy birthday Duncan or is it happy birthday Ethan I don’t know exactly what

What it is today but it definitely was Duncan Robinson’s night six of eight from three and you know what the play of the night is the play of the night kept happening over and over again Brady articulated better than I ever could so we’ve talked about Duncan all

Season and the fact where we’ve seen his game grow the most and we’ve seen him get into the lane and make these passes and shoot these floaters and do all this stuff but like tonight was a night where he was like Duncan just getting back to

What he used to do best where it was like that and that only so the plays of the night was the fact of like what he had six threes and I think every single one of them was him just sprinting into a handoff from bam and finding his

Pocket where it’s yeah relocating it’s pump fake into a side step it’s kind of just shooting right around the screen with a pure contest in his face it was one where he faded in the corner with that was a guy just really contesting and he still was able to hit it and I

Don’t know if one three hit the rib on his makes like every one of them is just pure net uh and I think that’s the stuff’s important I think these games in terms of him getting back to that method is like yeah that other stuff is great

The other stuff of him getting into the paint but I think they need this stuff more than anything they have guys that are going to take those short mid-ranges they have the guys that g to that are going to begin taking those those deeper mid-ranges they need the guys that are

Going to get their shots up from deep and kind of force the that adjustment that’s what we saw in this game like he he was just and here’s the other part about it it’s not even the shot making I just watch him off the ball he does not

Stop moving like it’s it’s really we know this about Duncan Robinson but in a game like this like if you just go back and watch Duncan the entire time the guy is just sprinting and it’s like and you could see him in that mode ever since ever since Jaylen Brown kind of popped

His shoulder out of his socket he’s turned into like Jimmy type trolling like every time down he is talking like he was talking to Crowder after he knocked one down like he’s he’s just in that mode right now where he seems like he’s really in a good Rhythm but they

Really do need that play style so so those are the plays of the night because without that like the offense probably doesn’t look the way it does without him setting that tone from in that specific actions another guy that was fiery and had some great plays tonight was Kevin

Love Alex I thought that he brought some really interesting minutes for them that they needed um also just late in the game him you know getting all Lively uh you know as as he made big plays that kind of stuff’s just fun um to see the

Team having fun Uh Kevin Love’s game in your opinion uh that’s that’s about as well as he can play for them right pretty much man and he’s just been such a godsend for them at the price point that they got him at and I’m not

One to usually bring that up but like he they got him at the veteran minimum as a b guy who had been completely taken out of the rotation and people were calling him washed and um they turned him into a a playoff rotation player who and playoff starter for you know like that

First half of that run last year and then has just continued his play and I had questions myself as far as like it was he gonna have a regression season even with him coming into Camp looking like in great shape physically from the way we saw him at training camp even

With that I there was I had those thoughts of like well like would it be that surprising if he just had like a tough shooting season and you know fans weren’t that happy with it because when he’s not hitting his shots the other stuff doesn’t stand out quite as much

But that hasn’t been the case man he’s looked better he’s I think he’s covering ground on defense better than he did last season and I thought he he even surprised me in that aspect um when they got him too um the fact that he’s still

Making the threes and not that I I would ever doubt him as a shooter he’s he is a shooter but you know how the the you know the three-point shooting slumps happen I don’t feel like he’s had a consistent stretch where he’s not hitting the three there was a I feel

Like there was a few games there where it wasn’t as um prominent but still like he’s been so good for them and it hasn’t even just been on the offensive side like I think he does his job on defense and what I’m about to say might sound a

Little bit like over the top but I don’t think it’s that crazy because I kind of joked around about it and I have with Brady before at the games that I feel like Kevin Love almost gives you like a sabonis type of player Off the Bench but

Who can hit the three right and I’m not saying he’s that level of player but it’s like you have some of those aspects of the game right where like the the high post playmaking uh the fact that he can really take advantage of smaller guys in the post

And you know um force a double make the right pass like you have some of that stuff and I I I think he’s just a reliable shooter a reliable rebounder has been a solid Defender for them and again like when Kevin Love has big nights that’s also along with Duncan

Along with hakz like yovic those are the types of indicators that the ball was really moving well and yic hakin and Duncan all being a big part of it to me is not a coincidence like those guys are some of their best um off ball movers in

General and I thought again that bucks defense is so bad and you know like a lot of people might just look at this game from the outside and be like ah you know they hit 19 threes what are you gonna do and that is part of the formula

To to beat a team when you’re down guys have a nice shooting night and and and they don’t because the Bucks didn’t but honestly like it was to me a result of how well you played them and just a fun stat here to to wrap this up shout out

For Morehead to some great does some of the best work um covering the team some of the best writing with a put out a really fun stat about 15 minutes ago since 2019 2020 which is the first Jimmy year um with Miami Miami has now six games I mean now has six games

Of 19 plus threes against Milwaukee they have 18 total against all other NBA teams oh my gosh 19 how is that possible how do they I don’t remember them having like like I know they’ve cooked the Bucks before because of that deep drop but man for the heat to score 19 plus

Threes that many times and it’s like that much more than the rest of the that that that blew me away when I read listen shout out to listen that Arena was scared from junk it was quiet it was more quiet than usual because I think that they are the heat are in their

Heads like there’s something about that crowd where they’re like oh snap Here Comes this team again here comes this team that makes all these crazy shots and then Jimmy’s not even out there playing and they’re still getting to that stuff especially in the first quarter um I I it’s an incredible thing

That they just they kind of have it out for Milwaukee and that’s that’s a fun thing because they may see him in the playoffs later on down the line uh let’s wrap up with the Eric Rubenstein injury report before we go to final thoughts and now it’s time for the

Official five on the floor injury report sponsored by our friend Eric Rubenstein the personal injury attorney born and raised in Lauderdale Florida lives in Miami went to St Thomas he’s a South Florida guy and a huge Miami Heat fan but the important thing is he can help

You get your money that you deserve when something happens to you so reach out to our guy Eric Rubenstein again Eric Rubenstein decom or ask about me I got you on Instagram and now the injury report the injury report I think most Heat fans have been hyperfocused on the

Injury report Jimmy Butler still out for personal reasons death in the family uh Josh Richardson we know his diagnosis with the shoulder he’ll be out for the foreseeable future re-evaluated in weeks Terry roier is week to week going forward uh and Thomas Bryant did not play tonight um DMP coach’s decision

That’s the injury report otherwise they’ve got a full cast of characters and they’re missing obviously some key stakeholders there in Terry roier Josh Richardson and Jimmy Butler this is about managing managing expectations folks if all you say is those three guys may not be back until after the All-Star

Break um or so I think that that’s a good barometer like that let let’s go there let’s set the allstar break as the first measuring stick to when those guys are back before then don’t expect any of those guys back that’s how I’m approaching it if any if either of you

Disagree um I would definitely uh I can take I can be challenged on that but I I don’t think we’re going to see any of them before then we get a comment here that Ethan is injured no it’s Ethan’s birthday he’s enjoying the night off so

Uh we we enjoy being able to give him that final thoughts Alex on the 12397 Miami Heat victory in Milwaukee honestly I feel like um there’s not much for me to add that I haven’t said already as far as like you know the way that they had this game

Tonight just great ball movement um good defense and really just getting back to your identity and I think part of that not only is it the defense but it’s the ball movement on offense and look for as much as people don’t want to you know maybe acknowledge this Tyler was a big

Part of that too he had a very nice game and I thought um he was moving great out there I love the way that he was playing off ball and and not all of not that all of it was off Ball but that he was constantly moving and making quick

Decisions and keeping the ball going I I loved it I loved it it never felt like he was stalling out there and just like settling I never felt that so I I really it does help the thinking that you know he can fit into um a heavy ball moving

Offense and still stand out and still be worth um kind of the contract that they gave him because I think that’s where a lot of people feel it’s like well if you’re G to bring down his role how much is it worth it I think he showed tonight

And look again against a really bad defense but that’s kind of the blueprint keep that Ball moving that that ball moving and just take advantage of the shooting gravity and scoring gravity that you have because even though he’s not really a three- LEL score even though he can hit a floater every now

And then um the shooting is is so proficient that they have to respect it and they have to come out there and you know him moving around there like that and flying off of screens it’s it’s tough to guard even if he’s not Duncan Robinson as far as just flying off and

Hitting that turning three that Duncan does so well Tyler can take advantage of that in other ways he has more to his game and and that’s no disrespect Duncan Duncan is just so damn good at what he does but Tyler can do more so you know

All of these guys fitting into that it’s um it’s really nice to see and it also to me begs the question a little bit is like how important is that spacing because I feel like when they get their spacing right and that ball movement is is nice it’s it’s just

Everything feels amazing right when if you’re a Heat fan and I think they really have to prioritize that and I think part of that is what I was talking about before with bam keeping him in the high post and just you know Jimmy and Bam not cutting into each other’s space

At the same time and little things like that but you know great game tonight and I hope they can kind of replicate some of this stuff going forward yeah so that’s uh where I’ll come to you Brady to close quick turnaround they head to Philadelphia

What are you looking for um for them in that matchup as it’s going to happen tomorrow night I mean I don’t expect them to shoot the same way they did in this one so right I mean they’re they’re probably going to need more of Tyler and Bam than

They than they saw in this one and it’s crazy to say more when bam just had a triple double but I I think more so in terms of them in the action together where was I didn’t see many Tyler bam picking roles in this game the fact that

They are without Terry and Jimmy two of their higher usage guys you would think they’re going to lean on Tyler and Bam in actions together and they didn’t and they still were able to kind of put on this type of offensive performance so that’s kind of what I would expect I

Mean they’re going to have to be good defensively Philly can kind of sneak up on you they have a lot of kind of decent perimeter players that can kind of hurt you in that way but the other thing I’ll add from this game the one thing that I

That I wanted to say was the fact that it worked out because they shot like at an incredible level but one of the things I took away from the fact that they put Duncan in the starting lineup in a game like this is the fact that

They really think they they want to just make Hami hawas as comfortable as possible in this new role Off the Bench where they just want to keep him there and they want him to just kind of figure this out because now we’re kind of trickling down toward the end of the

Season and it’s like okay first it’s about getting healthy second it’s about you kind of finding your rhythm in this spot even without Jimmy they used to just throw Jimmy was out he was in like he was in the starting lineup and now I mean this is a game tonight where I

Don’t feel like he was perfect but I feel like the way that he was attacking the way he was putting his head down and getting to the rim was like good process like it was a very good process process game for him uh and I thought he was

Good defensively that we just haven’t mentioned him that I just feel like this was one of those games where even though the the numbers and the efficiency wasn’t pretty it feels like one of of those kind of games where you kind of see a little bit of a trampoline effect

Where he kind of jumps off this one it’s a little bit of a breakthrough so we’ll see what happens there specifically moving forward I think they’re going to need him in a game against Philly uh also it’s really funny because Doc Rivers was the one that was like hyping

Hakz and yage up when he was announcing the fact that they were the ones that some of these guys are the ones that hurt him in a game like this is just hilarious but yeah quick turnaround and then obviously off to the all-star break and then it’s all eyes on on

Hawz and this is per uh Navin ganglani who is a uh content creator uh that’s been on our show before from the Philippines uh he says yovic went back out onto the court to work with heat staff per SPO uh and here’s the quote he’s been very dedicated I see a

Maturity and growth from last year to this year every handling uh even handling when we get guys back and not getting discouraged working he’s continued to work when guys do that things change things certainly are changing for niik yovic this was a huge win for the heat hopefully they can

Replicate it up in Philadelphia it will not be an easy one but we look forward to covering it for you thank you to Alex thank you to Brady thank you to Manny Chang on the ones and twos and thank you to our sponsors we’ll have you covered for heat Sixers tomorrow night peace


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  1. At some point are we going to admit the heat play better without jimmy in the regular season. If we can learn to play with Jimmy in the regular season the way we do in the playoffs we are a top 2 seed every season

  2. How anyone in this fan base can get annoyed with Tyler and not equally annoyed with Bam is insane. They both do amazing things one second and the dumbest things the next.

    Also, Tyler is throwing Bam dimes and that man can’t finish them.

    Imagine height does matter Spo… look at that.

    Last … Herro > Dame … just joking.. but he was tonight

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