@Denver Nuggets

Lakers Lose To The Nuggets Again….On Kobe’s Special night.

Lakers Lose To The Nuggets Again….On Kobe’s Special night.

What up Laker family it’s your boy dtlf back with another postgame recap man as unfortunately the Lakers fall to the Denver Nuggets guys again this is this will make it exactly the seventh straight loss in a row this time 114 to 106 hurts a lot because it was on Kobe’s

Night so it it definitely hurts man that this is a very unfortunate loss it was within grasp in the fourth quarter and we just kind of came apart but to be honest with you guys we lost this game in the first half again we turn home and

We forget how to be Scrappy we forget how to rebound we forget how to do the fundamentals now I get it D’Angelo Russell was definitely missing so that definitely factored into it however there’s no excuses at this point of the season this was a very winnable win it’s

A very winnable game right um and yeah we competed in that second half we were much better but it just you you we lose games in the first half unfortunately uh first quarter we only scored 23 points we give up 29 second quarter we scored

26 points we give up 30 we finally start tightening down in that third quarter we get back into the game we scor 30 points we give up 24 our best defensive quarter was in the third only to turn around and give up the highest scoring quarter in

The fourth 31 to 27 hence losing the game so it it’s disappointing guys there’s a couple of things I didn’t like I didn’t like the body language from a certain somebody you guys know who it was if you guys saw play back with me you know who I’m talking about didn’t

Like the playback the body language he turned up in that fourth quarter so credit to him but we need better body language from our Stars period right especially after coming out of the trade deadline with no trades like this really lets your teammates know you don’t

Believe in them right so we have to stay believing till the end of the season you never know what could happen we made a nice run Valiant effort uh but just not good enough it like all season long we’ve been making these runs my guy

Shout out to my guy D free who was on with me in the second half of the playback man and I’ll tell you he he hit on you know he hit the nil on the head like this is reminiscent how we ended the season last year so what kind of

Progress have we done between then and now now I get injuries all of that but there’s never no excuses at this point of the Season everybody’s going to through injuries and uh you got to figure out ways to win right so um at the end of the day guys we got to find

Out ways to to close these games out and figure it out and execute down the stretch um also I thought Skyler Maz was Sensational obviously Jackson Hayes to me was uh the energ the energy player of the game like he really even that chase down block like 9.6 rebounds a couple of

Blocks he was Sensational in 17 minutes so I’m glad Darin gave him an opportunity to finish however Skyler Mae was really solid and he didn’t get his opportunity to finish so you hate to see that right you hate to see that I thought ma um he I like I mentioned on

Playback he looked very poised he looked like he’s been there before and uh and I I really don’t like it man uh when when guys like that get their minutes revoked just because you know they got to stick to a restriction or they have their rotation set already I

Like coaches who coach on a fly and all of that so again very disappointing loss um could have been a lot better in that first half we weren’t as a result you know we make a couple of mistakes and Boom game over I like I told my guy D

Free anytime that you’re leading in the game and you’re controlling the tempo you know all they got to do is counter and they’re you know we start making a run guess what’s going to happen right going to create separation and that’s exactly what happened tonight every time

We made a run credit to the Nuggets they punched Us in the mouth now they’re officiating I’m not a fan of you guys know that but we can never make that excuses it was Mamba night the crowd was really into it LeBron should have been going all out from the beginning he kind

Of paced himself and he tried to turn up in the fourth wasn’t enough right unfortunately but um Reeves uh struggle as well even though he ends up with a double double uh you know a lot of people struggled ruy struggled tonight what did ruy have ruy only had had two

Points that was really bad in 38 minutes bro you got to be better than that Reeves at least ended up with 15 points 10 assists but he didn’t really have a great game especially on the defensive end uh Lebron James 257 and N we needed

A 30 piece from him tonight to have a shot um max Christie unfortunately went out with an injury which is the biggest loss of tonight um and then 13 for torian Prince who was who’s been phenomenal since coming off the bench but Jackson Hayes was the player of the

Game because his energy uh just infused this with so much uh life and sometimes you need that spark plug defensive player that’ll get you going right anyways uh thank you so much Gabe Kelly for the uh for the cash app my brother said unacceptable execution down the

Stretch and this is where the coaching comes in right here right this is where the coaching comes in um you know we started double teaming leaving Shooters wide open and it’s like you got to know with yage you gotta playing one-on-one force him to be a scarter we did a good

Job to a certain degree in the second half up until in the end where we just collapsed and fell apart and he picked us apart with his passing right so just just so disappointed with the loss but hey you know this is bigger than basketball tonight this was Kobe’s

Night and I’m still proud of uh you know Kobe out here having a statue uh my guy said tomorrow on playback I need a vent on LeBron you got it bro I I think my guy Empire Jeff is gonna join us but I’m pretty sure he

Won’t mind if you join us as well um but again um you know I’ll probably have you come in in a second have just so we we can answer some questions in the first half just me and Jeff uh and then we’ll bring you in for sure bro

Um my guy David Khan said uh Mike Malone was right Lakers daddy seven in a row now stop it stop it stop it bro he’s nobody’s daddy this guy got lucky one year and he’s riding off that high right now he’s not even listen he’s not even

The best team in the west we don’t even know who that is yet that team will uh emerge eventually but uh he said never disrespect King James stop it bro oh my goodness okay okay we get fan is it Fanboy time tonight listen we lost the game and nobody’s disrespecting anybody we are

Calling players out that struggled in that first half and the reason why we lost okay we’re going to call it like we see it this isn’t uh you know hold your hand time uh Dan we can’t just beat Denver they have our number is is is a

Fact right now they have one seven in a row but it’s not like every game they’ve been blowing us out you know five out of these last seven games we’ve been in it so our closers aren’t closing right Austin re had a couple of opportunities to knock down shots he knocked down one

Of those like like the last three he took unfortunately and so it wasn’t enough LeBron had an opportunity he came out slow out the gates I I feel like we lose the game in the first quarter you know and then they controlled the tempo from then again when you’re playing with

A lead you can afford to make mistakes and correct them when you’re Trail you can’t afford to make mistakes you spend so much energy trying to get over the humping when you finally do you make a couple of mistakes game over you know thank you jibs thank you for

Keeping it a buck bro that’s all I expect you know you guys know me you guys know me I always keep it a buck which I’ll call out whoever had a bad game and it’s not to say LeBron didn’t tune up in that fourth quarter he sure

Did but it just wasn’t enough too little too late ad really brought it tonight man he was all over the place like he really put up monster numbers 32 point n rebounds blocks two steals three assists now he brought hit I just need LeBron to be on the same wavelength but again it’s

A long season we’re gonna bounce back from this question is how do we improve this roster moving forward my guy Prince says dan galinari will be waved are you picking him up we only have one roster spot left and I like Spencer Morris bismack and Gallow I like them all too

But if you look at the need that we have if Jackson Hayes can play Big the way he did tonight then we might not need another backup big but I still like to have an insurance policy one still from all of these names you just mentioned I

Think Morris is the more versatile one he can play multiple positions he can defend he can score and he can rebound the other ones are kind of like Spencer a bucket decent Defender not Elite bis MC Bam’s a rebounder and uh a dunker and that’s about it Gallow is a three-point

Shooter but Morris is the one that’s a little more well-rounded I think however my second best option is Spencer dwy because even in a struggling year he still averaged uh he still averaged 12 points and six assists so you get that for the minimum uh it is going to boost

You up somewhat like tonight we could have used them right guys were struggling he could have came in Off the Bench and provided a spark unfortunately we didn’t have him right so um so that that’s kind of how where my priorities are set galinari would be like my third

Or fourth option on this on this list to be honest even though I like him right um my guy said Morris and Seth Curry and I’m happy I like both of those players I hope that we can land at least at least one of them that’d be great but

Morris would again be my primary target uh is Denver going back to back who will stop them in the playoffs I doubt it man the West is stacked bro and I like the east as well if they do win back toback then I’ll give them their respect and

Their credit I still think they were a fluke team this last season they get a lot of calls fam they get a lot you’ve seen them challenge stuff and get away with it those are momentum changing place right so they get a lot of calls they they gave him the ver verticality

Rule even though came down like a cage towards the end and you know meanwhile yish was taking a dive you know flopping like a fish so that’s just usually how it goes man uh Shan says ruy don’t get used right at all not enough touches there’s a couple players don’t get used

Properly like I said Skyler May looked phenomenal I thought he should have had the privilege of finishing the game especially when we made that run he was a part of it that lob to ad was phenomenal he looked poised he wasn’t afraid of the moment and um you know

Unfortunately we went back to something else so um hey what up Lambo what’s up brother uh but thanks for Super Chat Shan appreciate you my guy uh hey my guy wsn haven’t heard of you in in a minute how you been bro he said I don’t like Braun stagnant stagnating the offense he

Stands around he doesn’t have the ball tired of it LeBron didn’t have his heart in this game for like three three three and a half quarters and honestly I you can just tell he was pouting on the sideline even LeBron fans were admitting it at least the ones that keep it real so

Credit to them um that is annoying for surely but he had the power man he he’s like Thanos he had the power to turn up and win us this game and he just didn’t tonight he he chose to turn up a little too late same thing though reev struggled even though

He put up the numbers towards the end he struggled for about three and a half quarters ruy struggled the whole game tooran Prince was a bright spot ad was huge and to me the the player of the game forget about the stats was Jackson Hayes he was the spark for us on a

Defensive end and even offensively getting off offensive rebounds put back stuff like that so you know that’s that’s what we do LeBron fans can eat one bro because you guys are just mad for no reason we’re gonna call them out we’re not hating on LeBron so chill out

Uh truth is chicken nuggets are better than us right now sure I mean they’re the defending Champions we still haven’t made Moves I told you guys there’s Fringe moves we got to make to get better maybe these free agents will help maybe getting back some of the guys we

Lost and injured through injuries will help but of course the defending champs are gonna be better than us they obviously have a more stack roster right now um they were healthier tonight we didn’t have DLo don’t forget the fact that um don’t forget the fact that D’Angelo Russell one of our hottest

Players the last month or so uh was missing so that definitely factors in but I’m not going to make excuses for us we still had enough to compete and to win and they they just again LeBron coasting early on ruy disappearing magic trick uh and then Reeves just not being

Efficient tonight um sucks man and then Darin ham again you got out coach tonight for sure we we know that Malone is a better Coach than Dar we know that but he was doing better in the road trip and now you know some questionable decisions towards the end especially

Doubling joic in the paint was ridiculous because you have to feel like if you give enough opportunities for ad he will eventually come up with a big defensive player too and we don’t give ad the opportunity to make those plays because guys are cheating off of the

They’re double teaming uh you even see yic with the eyes behind his back when Reed try to sneak him and then you know they dagger us with a three pointer so um you know it hurts man especially because the loss happened tonight right um he said Gordon some huge plays man

Trying to jump through the roof yeah man listen listen they just they have a lot of depth give them credit where credits do but they did get some BS calls tonight let’s keep it real let’s keep it stack one looked like a gold 10 on LeBron they didn’t call it uh

Or for LeBron like there was a couple of things that really had a scratch in our heads right like like even the challenge play like really but it is what it is man we take our L and we move on to the next game this was one of the harder

This is one of the harder games on the schedule and then you know it was hard to win without D’Angelo Russell still no excuses we got to come out here ready to play these guys uh you know and I said it pregame I just hope they don’t let us

Down on such a big night it seems like every time the Lakers have had a big night in the LeBron era they let us down right even in his own scoring breaking scoring record the Lakers have let us down so it’s been really disappointing man uh he said nuggets rode off the revs

All night but our effort first half was trash yeah bro I I really didn’t like the effort at all um let’s see I think it’s Denver Boston finals we’ll go to game seven I’d hate that finals I would hate that finals bro I really hope nothing like that happens I rather like something

Else anything else no Clippers either anything but Clippers Nuggets or Celtics and then I’d be okay with it but uh I really hope the Lakers figured this out man um people can’t tell the difference between criticism and hate yeah it’s it’s insane free mind because here I am

You know calling what I see as far as the game goes and why we lost and people just take that as oh he’s hating allbr no no not at all not at all but I I’m GNA continue to speak my mind no matter who would offends it’s always been my

Way bro and uh you know I’m not here to offend people but if they’re that s sensitive then they need to work on themselves if I can’t say LeBron had a bad first half without getting some push back I don’t know what to tell you bro look in the mayor you know you’re

Watching the game with your heart not with your eyes you know you gotta watch it with your eyes uh wave gab Vincent signed in with he I don’t think they’ll wave them because if you wave them I believe you still got to pay a salary

And you still you know gonna go over the tax so I don’t think they will if anything they’re probably going to look to uh you know get them healthy and get them you know playing again and he could be a key piece you know you wave him you

Still have to pay him he has two more years left I don’t think the math will work yeah it won’t it won’t we’re not waving him for sure it’s not about creating a roster spot it’s about imagine you wave him and somebody else gets to pay him for cheap and then he

Actually comes back effective you’re gonna really hate yourself for doing that so this is why we’re not GMS we’re fans you know the front office has to be very patient with every decision to make including tonight tonight I think Rob palena said you know you can’t buy a

House if it ain’t for sale which tells you that a lot of these trades that were rumored to be out there really weren’t never available to the Lakers either that or they were just trying to play you know uh let’s see stop with the iso ball too the Lakers offense is too

Predictable I agree we’re really a defensive leading into transition bucket type of team because ISO ball for us has been horrible man we fade away too much we do some seriously ridiculous stuff uh Sean says defense kept us in it miscommunication down the stretch and bad choices like Reeves leaving mpj for

The steel and joic LeBron James needs to get back on defense especially late in games yeah he takes a lot of possessions off unfortunately and Reeves was just bad defensively tonight every time they they try to Target him and switch on him again I don’t know why we don’t switch

Back I don’t know why we don’t rotate quickly because when they get the mismatches they knew exactly how to exploit them I’ll tell you one thing about Denver I Gotta Give Them credit for they play an old school style of basketball meaning they’re always looking for the mismatch and they’re

Always exploiting the mismatch Lakers don’t do that always sometimes I see LeBron Fade Away on a guard sometimes I see ad Fade Away on a guard you guys have a little man take him all the way you know scoop him up with your right hand dribble with your left and take

Them all the way to the rim and finish with the n one or at least get to the free throw line right put pressure on on the defense and we don’t do that we let him off the hook more times than that um damn I’m pissed that Jimmy Butler isn’t an All-Star

Yeah that that conversation is not about to be had right now brother we are more upset about you know more important things than Allstars uh we really lost all of our POA Defenders Vincent Max reddish and V yeah bro it’s been a tough season for us all year long and we just

Have to adapt and we have to adjust you know nobody’s gonna feel sorry for us injuries are a part of the game Unfortunately they are right so we gotta you got to keep pushing forward at the end of the day LeBron is the captain of this team and him being a diva hurts

This team so he needs to get over it and go out and play for the name of the front of the Jersey not the back yeah man but let me tell you something you can clearly tell there’s going to be a rift this summer between LeBron and the Lakers I would not be

Shocked if he walks you can already see the body language and everything so if he’s mentally checked out he’s not going to give it his all he’s gonna be like well y’all didn’t give me the help I needed I’m not gonna play which is not the right mentality to have we were

Spoiled with Kobe Bryant and he played hard even when he had smushing kwami on his team bro you still got a superstar in ad still got really good role players Fringe Allstars and D’Angelo Russell the way he’s been playing lately so um he’s got to continue to play hard man no

Matter what no excuses anytime my guy mixtape King says uh drop coverage and we don’t need to double I rather yish score 40 than have no assists I agree and that’s what I don’t this is where we get out coached our coach never made the adjustment yish did everything he wanted

He manipulated right me and my guy D free we talking about what a quiet game Joker was having but but we knew he was going to turn up at some point and that’s exactly what happened right we sent the double teams he made us pay we didn’t send the double teams he flopped

Got the Freo or he made the shot so he did whatever he wanted uh screw the Nuggets I don’t like them at all me neither bro trust me when I say me neither but they’re good you got to give them that they know how to manipulate the uh referees they know how

To do certain things to put themselves in position to succeed they did that tonight their coach is a way better Coach than ours I’ll give him that even I don’t like him either uh ruy playing like he’s in Washington again like my my guy Shan said he’s been Mis utilized but he does

Need a coach to pull him to the side and tell him listen ruie when you get double team kick it out brother you know what I’m saying if you drive and you see the defense collapse on you either make a quick decision and try to finish with

The N1 or kick it out sometimes he PP fakes a little too much ends up with a poor shot right his shot selection got to be better it worked out with LeBron this summer right when it needs to start showing at some point um Denver’s offense is just good

We lost to the better team at simple it’s not that simple zaber it’s not that simple bro actually they’re not just better our defense is better than theirs ad is better in the paint than yic defensively and then uh if we would have been healthy we could have beat them

However we had a chance tonight and guys just got off the snip slowly Austin Reeds didn’t really never really pick up 15 points is okay ten assist is nice it looks nice on the Statue but was it impactful not that much right he had little Spurs he showed little flash

Flashes tonight LeBron again he waited till the third third late in the third to turn up it’s a little too late buy because by then Denver is controlling the whole Temple everything ruy giv us what he gave us was a travesty because you’re starting and you’re not taking

Full advantage of that you’re gonna end up losing your starting job again we’re gonna end up having to start with U with our guy tooran Prince again where he’s been so much better off the bench so it’s just a lot of little things man we gave up Second Chance points we gave up

Rebounds it’s not as simple as you make it out to be you know there was it was a lot of factors that factored into US losing this game the body language lack of effort the lack of fundamentals missing free throws ad missed a couple you know a couple other players missed

Some too um giving up offensive rebounds just etc etc it’s not as simple as you think we just lost the better team because we were right there the whole time right so don’t make sense um I think LeBron was trying to save his energy for the second half but his game

Plan didn’t work out of the way he expected it to facts and that’s all I’m saying right he’ll be back the next game I’m sure he’ll have some phenomenal games but LeBron at his age picks and chooses when he wants to turn up sometimes it doesn’t work for us because

I would much prefer that he came out of the gates hot set the tone and then you know tailed off a little bit as the game progressed and then somebody else was allowed to close if he’s tired I much prefer that but you know you know how it

Goes everybody wants to play Hero ball and save their energy for the fourth and that’s the problem it’s like we need to play efficient basketball we need to start to set the tone early we’ve lost too many games that I can count off of getting off the slow starts

In the first quarter too many almost like 90% of the games when we’ve gotten off the slow starts or something like that check out the stat we have lost so that has been just such a huge factor in the Lakers play this season and and the

Games we’ve gotten off early we tend to control the tempo we we tend to do what the Denver Nuggets did to us tonight control the tempo don’t relinquish the lead and win the game and that again we never recovered from the slow start tonight uh three-point defensive uh

Mishaps is what the blame for this loss I mean you could blame anything but at the end of the day slow starts is is what I’m blaming because every time we get off to that it’s most likely you could chalk it up as a as a

Loss Lakers is just not good we always have reasons they lose but at the end of the day something is off and just a bad team it’s not just a bad team Anthony they showed they can go four- two in a road trip in a very tough Grammy trip so

It’s not you can’t again it’s easy for the average fan to just chalk up as we suck it’s not that it’s not that we’re still a game over 500 we’ve been dealing with injuries all year long yet I’m not going to make excuses we got to be

Better um but uh give credit to Denver as well as the injuries as well as just the Lakers not executing down the stretch it’s a lot of things man it’s a lot of things that factor into it that’s why I’m here if we just suck then I

Would just come on here and say we suck and they end the stream right not GNA do that there’s a lot of context that goes into these basketball games and don’t worry I got you I got you bro on trip potato chip Antonio said uh Dan you the

Man appreciate you bro he said hopefully we go on a late season Run Lake Show forever now that’s the spirit and I appreciate that man um yeah listen it’s not too late even though it seems that way it sucks that we didn’t make a trade

So a lot of people are deflated it sucks that we lost on Kobe’s special tribute night to his statue so a lot of people are gonna be deflated myself included but you know come tomorrow we play again and we step up and we have a big game

Tomorrow we win you put this you sweep this loss under the rug and you hope that we match up against versus Denver so we can get our revenge and hopefully we’ll be healthy then right that’s all I ask I’m asking the basketball guys to please match us up in the first or

Second round versus Denver and that we get our revenge because you know what we’re capable of beating this team this team is full of itself Mike Malone from the beginning was crying turning red like a cherry red tomato when they didn’t get the call early on yes it was

A missed call but you know how many they missed on us right so um we need our coach to step up and just be better man he was decent during the road trip let’s hope that continues but anyways guys it’s going to wrap it up for me I’m gonna keep it

Short my voice is super tired been working all day you know covering the trade deadline the statue ceremony pregame obviously uh playback your boy’s working overtime so please make sure y’all hit that like button last night me and my girl did uh Late Night with dtlf if youall haven’t checked none of these

Podcast please do there’s some golden gems and nuggets for everybody in there um and so appreciate you guys man shout out to my sponsorship prize picks shout out to uh Court Kings again we dropped another Banger and before I leave I got to show it to you guys one more time

Because you know what we we also wanted to do a tribute and by my request I wanted this specific pose uh because it’s one of my favorite oldtime dunks when he dunked over Steve Nash off for the Lamar Odum bounce pass as you can

See we have it in both in bronze and in silver for the statues and you can’t go wrong either way but you see Steve Nash being engulfed by the Mamba uh you gotta love it man go check out shop Court Kings .c all right guys much love please

Please have a great night I’ll see you guys here tomorrow because we got our work cut out still 29 games left still plenty of time but time is running out time is of the essence so let’s see what happens moving forward in the buyout market and moving forward with LeBron’s

Body language and let’s see what happened with Reeves and and DOW hopefully being healthy and getting our teammates back all right appreciate you guys have a great night much love peace out

Join me now for a postgame recap live.


  1. you absolutely go for Spencer and Gallo needs to be your 2nd option .
    we need more playmaking and shooting . we already have the defenders

  2. Nugz were missing KCP tonight and ya on missed calls, loved seeing AD throw the ball up to himself.
    Don’t be so high on lakers last 3 wins…Celtics was a good win, then you had the knicks win, but they were missing 3 players and then the last win, against a team who has won 10 games all year…

  3. I'm hopeful but I'm not convinced the Lakers can beat the Nuggets. The Nuggets are a consistently great team with consistently good shooters. The Lakers are an INCONSISTENTLY great team with INCONSISTENTLY good shooters. Without consistency, the Lakers will not win a playoff series, especially against the Nuggets. DLO was sorely missed. Prayerfully Max isn't seriously injured.

  4. Bron gotta stop that shrugging 🤷 💩, when a teammate misses an assignment. He’s gotta put his anger for the FO and transfer that into the game not his teammates, we still have potential to still do something special this season.

  5. This team just ant it, coach ant it either… riding till the end but I already see the outcome of this season.

  6. We just had too many guys out and injuries are the reason we been losing most games I think we’re too hard on our guys when they’re hurting and don’t have enough 💜💛💪🏾put dlo and Vando or cam in that game and different outcome! I’m satisfied from what I seen being we dropped another guy Christie 😢

  7. 😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️ yep and we stand pat at the trade deadline… lebron lost it for us

  8. What's up Dan! Happy Kobe Bryant Day 2-8-24! The ceremony was amazing and I love the statue too! We have the best franchise and the classiest organization in all of sports. I loved hearing the stories from Phil Jackson, and Stu Lance. Brings back all the good Laker memories. Laker fans are blessed to have those Kobe Bryant championship teams with PJ as coach. Phil such a brilliant coach too with his triangle offense. Man, this current Laker team needs to play with some heart. But anyways, thanks brother for covering the Lakers. I agree with what you said, LeBron needed to come with energy from the jump. Yes, Kobe is the Goat for real!

  9. Role players felt the pressure with Kobe night, win it for Kobe and all that jazz. Doesn’t help that Lebron turned it down for three and a half quarters. I would love to see us rattle a 5-7 game winning streak so we stop hovering around the .500 mark. Lessss goooo!!! 💛💜💛💜

  10. Lebron has worn out his welcome clearly he doesn’t care or want to be a laker anymore time to move on it’s obvious at this point

  11. Nuggets just better and Dlo being out

    Kcp was out to for nuggets

    Nuggets played with Lakers yet again

    So lakers take all the morals victories you want but Lebron is holding team back and need to retire
    He is not good anymore

    He was maybe 5th 6th best last night

  12. They are missing 4 players that are contributing players… 4!!! Vando, DLow, Bincent & Christie. It’s tough to win without 3-4 guys you are counting on to be in your rotation. They played very hard and very good D last night. Murray & Porter hit some tough tough shots in the final 5 minutes!

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