@Houston Rockets

“Let’s Talk Houston Rockets” – Rockets at Hawks, Saturday night.

“Let’s Talk Houston Rockets” – Rockets at Hawks, Saturday night.

Welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome it’s FR it’s Saturday all best basketball in my head in my mind I’m tired but I’m rejuvenated because we’re talking basketball on this edition of ler talk Houston Rockets sponsored by Byron Riley CPA Rockets got to give him credit they didn’t quit they

Fought but they came up with a loss still 122 113 to the Hawks in the ATL I’m curious as to your thoughts on tonight’s game some first season Highs but in the end it’s still a loss so what are you taking away from this game Al shenon did not play because of

Lower back tightness so that adds to Fred Van v of course was out Tes of course was out so what are your thoughts on how everybody else did that with the Rockets nine Nate Williams got some run got some points Jac landelle got nine rebounds Jaylen green got a triple

Double Jabari Smith had five block shots so what’s your takeaway from this game because yes it’s still a loss the Rockets have lost four in a row they are now 23 and 29 if the Suns lose to the Warriors The Warriors will be up three games on the rockets for the playing

Spot Utah Suns Rockets Rockets will be three games behind the Warriors if the Warriors beat the sun tonight 23 and 29 four straight losses got the Knicks on Monday Knicks are battling injuries lost gave up a lot of points and their loss tonight to the Pacers so could be two banged up teams

Squaring off on Monday but what are your thoughts on tonight’s game Friday night’s loss in Toronto solo said at least Jaylen had a triple double welcome Justin I’m still waiting for it the to load the final book there we go that’s why I started Lake I kept

Waiting on the final book to be the game book to be posted Jaylen green 26 points career-high 14 rebounds 10 assists for his first NBA triple double but he also had five turnovers Uncle Jeff scored 19 points six rebounds he also had five turnovers am man Thompson was just hustling all over the

Place 12 points seven boards excuse me 11 boards three assists Aaron holiday Revenge game I guess for Aaron 18 points tonight seven for 10 from the floor but Dylan Brooks a man scored 14 he was 5 for 19 from the floor including two for 10 from

Three DB and Jaylen green combined to go four for 19 from three so Jon welcome welcome welcome we are short-handed but need to see more from Jaylen and Jabari Ste no worries about it I I watch I’m trying to watch college and the rockets and going back and forth with

All kinds of Hoops tonight so it’s good but yeah Dylan Brooks Two for 10 from three Jaylen two for nine as Justin says overall teams 13 for 43 from three but two guys went combined for four for 19 but like I said Jac Lindell nine rebounds he he seemed healthy

Active had some moments some positivity some positive production Jabari didn’t Cheo well four for 15 one for seven from three but he had 10 boards oh the final block they took a block side away from him because final box just has him for four now during the broadcast said he had five

But Rockets like I said lost four straight they’re now 23 and 29 and Justin I’m put this back up because the last part of his statement as Craig arriman said during the broadcast said a couple times regie Bullock quietly quiet wly was shooting 42% from three this season one for three from three

Tonight but Dylan Brooks took 10 of them made two Jaylen took nine threes made two jar took seven made one so Rockets had 17 team turnovers Hawks scored 15 points off of those Hawks had 11 team turnovers Rockets scored 18 points off those 11 Hawks turned overs Hawks are now 24 and

29 Rockets 23 and 29 but I’m curious is what are y’all thinking now six games under 500 maybe three games behind the 10th spot for the play in is the playin becoming Out Of Reach for the Rockets is it a question of just getting everybody healthy

Again and making that push for the plan or is it lack of shooting everything starting to pile up on the rockets and they’re not going to have enough in the tank to get it done to make the play in Justin says I’m for I’m in learning but

We see what the team is like without Fred yep agreed that is an issue it is a concern turnovers Fred let’s go back let me go back to Friday night now we know now based on what coach said earlier Saturday he didn’t said last night in postgame when Jonathan Fagen asked him

About why Jaylen and Alp did not play in the fourth quarter what were your thoughts Friday night on backwards Friday night when Jaylen green and Alp did not play in the fourth quarter were you upset did did you agree with it did you understand it were you okay with it now

We know Alp was possibly dealing with lower back stiffness last night but the effort wasn’t there production wasn’t there yaka perto had a was rolling last night but initially what was your initial reaction when you noticed saw realized that Jaylen and Alp did not play in the fourth quarter Friday against the

Raptor Terry thank you for chiming in as always every time Terry chimes in cheers to you Terry anybody else enjoying in ad do beverage getting yourself ready for the big game in football Justin I’ve said this for a few times they haven’t announced it well apparently he’s closing he’s close tar

Is close to returning but heck you got two games before the All-Star break while bring him back before the break but the injury definitely they never said it publicly I think that stress reaction became a stress fracture and that’s why he hasn’t played in so long but supposedly he’s getting close

To returning to action we shall see time will tell dck Haru asleep art can’t afford to have one guy out much less half rotation players D tough game this week we need better shots and get better on defense next game against the new and improved Knicks well Nicks deal with Andre themselves

So we’ll see what they do how they look on Monday here’s one no playing playoffs if you don’t have Shooters in this modern NBA SE as Rocket season is done no playing for the Rockets this this season Terry says regarding Friday night Alp was playing soft Jaylen was hung

Over from his B from his birthday Justin says I’m good with a coach that makes adjustments if Alp and green aren’t rolling then don’t force the issue Jaylen did that a lot over penetrating too far in the paint not KN where to do with the ball turnovers bism bomo

Y he signed so that there goes that option for the Rockets for you know for a big man perspective so Friday Jaylen was professional today better production he did not dwell or pout when not playing the fourth quarter Friday he came back with his first career triple double Saturday 26 points career-high 14

Rebounds 10 assists that’s a positive let me see free throw attempts he was and he had missed three free throws too he was four for seven from the line the Rockets overall missed seven free throws Uncle Jeff missed two going three for five rockets were 12 for 19 from the

Line Nate Williams was 0 for two eight points and eight minutes for Nate Williams also three fouls to night came Whitmore out sprained ankle it’s not believed to be too serious but you know the injuries looking at the injury the enact is on the box report obviously Stephen Adams out for

The year tar een still lifted as left lower leg injury management shenon lower back pain Fred left abductor strain and cam right ankle sprain but the Rockets did what they could with what they had didn’t shoot the ball well though he said 40 wins is no chance I said

36 it’s getting closer and closer to me being right Terry and you being wrong we we’ll see this even though New York is dealing with injuries themselves I’ll still pick the Nicks win on Monday and that’d be seven games under 500 for the Rockets we’ll

See well you know we we shall see what I think about Justin’s comment right here we see what happens when you have a coach that doesn’t make adjustments you have coaches like Doc and donon in playoff Purgatory with the same results Mike will Mike how you doing

Man does anyone remember what stop the ball means there were some strolls that have hoop both sides tonight Aon holiday had a nice nice Jam Jaylen couldn’t hold the ball last night too many turnovers today shows yoka made the right call had a great game tonight you still have five

Turnovers though but more assists more rebounds couple drives he got walled up and lost the ball looking for a foul m jmon asks is Stone on the hot seat if the Rockets don’t make the play in no what do y’all think I say no what do y’all

Think I mean this is the early part of phase two the Rockets have already improved with the wins injuries are starting to take a toll starting to pile up so I don’t believe he’d be on the hot seat if they don’t make the plan but what’s what what do y’all

Say Terry okay two things thank you for the score update appreciate that 8482 Warriors over the Suns Mike will too much herob ball in crucial situations which leads to this comment from Terry this looks like silas’s offense Jon what do you say to this to Justin’s

Comment I don’t think stone is on the hot seat just want to see any Improvement we can’t expect the Rockets to be like the Texans I mean you can expected but I don’t think it realistic they have improved How would that’s step one they have improved they surpassed last season’s wins Total

Jamon I think he’s Jamon you are consistent and I respect it you’ve been consistent from this Viewpoint vantage point for months going back to the summer Jon thinks he should be let go or fell is to he if he don’t get to 4 wins at least with all the cap space and recent

High draft picks not achieving 40 wins at least is shameful for a GM oh I still disagree with you and jmon you still having that Viewpoint and I’m still disagreeing I yeah I respect it Improvement this season and I mean there’s a chance they could

Get to 40 wins and still miss the play in how about that what what in that scenario what if the Rockets do reach 40 wins then the Warriors and Utah still finish ahead of them with 42 43 44 wins I’m not for Klay Thompson he I mean

He he’d help he he helped three-point shooting uh I say no but what do y’all think about that oops Justin says we got hung up on the ma press conference when he said he never missed the playoffs well my guy you might miss it this season

Yeah we know Bob Myers Patrick we know he’s available well well yeah probably for the right price yeah asleep art says successful season with 40 wins okay all right jmon says if we get to 40 wins but miss playing I’m for keeping Stone 40 wins is my bar bar for a successful phase

Two we got one person says yay sign clay or get clay acquire clay whose minutes do y’all want clay to take serious question not being flipp flippant because now we’re getting to you sign the Vets what vets do you sign are you I think Koka come off season would want or does

Want impact veterans and they that vet might take minutes from the young core the young core six Terry says easily Kate’s minutes but even help Terry Rockets if Rockets are healthy again J not playing so in that scenario if he takes 3 S minutes if rocket healthy then clay wouldn’t be playing

Justin says next season though there are no excuses it’s make or break for green and stone on that hot seat solo ask Clay is kind of washed up though I think he is best for the money he’s probably gonna look for this summer we need Shooters not bricks on this

Team Mike Will missed you on Thursday Mike we talked about it kicked around about the Rockets being quiet on the trade deadline day and I like playing this sound clip played it a few times on Thursday because this is what the Rockets did on Thursday on Deadline

Day so Mike says with all the injuries that’s why you use the trade deadline well have y’all given up on the season 2329 30 Games wow 30 games left in the season already 30 games to go if they lose Monday seven games under 500 I doubt but you never know because it’ be

A road game last game before the break some teams some players kind of check off mentally we we’ll see what happens I agree Man solo yeah this season’s flying by it is this season’s flying by it’s going by really fast uh United says season’s over for him Terry says

Holiday is playing solid now for us might be the I don’t know about that now next year with a Mana cam uh T Adam jond thinking differently Terry so you know things getting bad Terry’s getting close to calling the season with all the injuries Jon says I didn’t give up on

The season Stone did by not making a move to plug some holes on the roster before the trade deadline w k would yep I was going to say that time flies when you have a reason to watch the games yeah SOLO hopefully after Allstar break everyone is

Healthy think see if we touch on this Thursday a little bit some fans are in that camp can we all agree udoka has some questionable lineups yeah but part of me says he puts out there what he has who he has you know he didn’t assemble of the roster

Rafel gave him a roster with not great three-point shooters not a great well all of us nearly all of us expected more from jock landale Jock’s battle injuries almost what was it the FBA stuff World Cup stuff was in August since he basically broke his ankle basically has been healthy concussion issues

So his productivity has been poor till this month maybe he’s healthy maybe he can provide more these last 30 games but clearly he hasn’t lived up two expectations a lot of us had for him prior to the injury let’s see Justin I’ll tell you what cam is an

Instant bucket there is no shot he doesn’t like yeah yeah mik will they have a chance to sneak the Nicks yeah yeah here’s my Play Seven man rotation yeah but yeah agreed there see Stephen what do you think about this comment Terry says it and I’m

More along this line I think udoka can only play what’s available to him J Mahan people start to call lineups questionable when the roster lacks talented players Tate okay there you go that’s an example Tate and amen should never be on the court together wow he’s not fond of oka’s rotations

Justin I always thought how do people with no basketball background be a gym and assemble teams he was a lawyer but he played basketball his D is a want to say a pro player as well he Rafel played in college had experience I mean he’s been he isn’t a lawyer but he’s been

With the Rockets Organization for years so he does have hoop knowledge Tate would be a solid player in lineup with good Shooters solo I guess stone is banking on a St wanting out to trade for right now this is legit I think but I think Stevens being

More even when the Rockets are healthy not sure you can hold OKO accountable for lineups when 30% of the team is injured I also think he’s emphasizing defense which influences lineups to set culture uh anybody else feel this way jmon right here is it just me or the stone not give any

Interviews I don’t say he’s hiding from the media part of it you know he really doesn’t want to talk about the how Boston ended his time in Boston ended does want to touch on that so he did the interview with um who Mark Spears with ants

Scape so he doesn’t hasn’t done a lot of interviews I think people would probably request more if Rockets were still winning y’all tell me about this I don’t keep up with the Vipers full closure Micha will asking I thought we had a player I believe Myers in the Vipers that is a

Sharpshooter Stone and CER are behind the scenes guys solo says when I was the 2022 Celtics they would do a lot of drive and kicks on offense that’s what he would like to see here w k i don’t want to regularly hear from my team GM if you

Do that Jun is bad thing I don’t want to see I was confusing people names but yeah I don’t want to ref fail to do many interviews yeah I mean talk to me when to make a trade what else is there to talk about honestly why you really why why

Else you want to GM to talk talk on draft night up to the draft we make a trade coaching change that’s it why else you need to talk to Media uh I’m how should I phrase this I’m good with Marcus and well Quinton Grimes and Marcus not teammates again Quinton Grimes I

Kind of called it predicted it when he got in tib dogh house in New York that Q would end up with Detroit I like quenn and Gran’s potential he can score and he likes play defense and once Monte Williams realizes what he has and how to maximize that

Potential things could turn around in Detroit but once he he’s wasted two months of the season because he didn’t know what he was doing what he had Terry says am man is getting that drive and kick it’s our Shooters are bad and inconsistent jmon does not like jmon

United not do not like Rafel Stone that’s clear and who was going to shoot on a driving kick the Rockets have no threat from Deep you know go back to the box score again tonight 13 for 43 from three Dyan Brooks Two for 10 Jabari one for seven jayen green two for

Nine Reggie Bullock one for three we know am man is not a three-point shooter yet not a three-point threat he was 0 for one Jaylen still had a triple double 26 points 14 boards 10 assists five turnovers five of the teams 17 team turnovers Uncle Jeff also had

Five turnovers Uncle Jeff was four for seven from three he scored 19 points tonight Rockets did not quit they competed they LED 3119 at the end of the first quarter but then that second quarter that second quarter rockets in the second quarter six for 22 from the

Floor the Hawks also took 22 shots but the Hawks made 13 of their 22 shots and won the quarter 3818 rockets triled at Halftime by eight after being up 12 at the end of the first quarter second quarter six for 22 Rockets had 10 turnovers in the first

Half but the Hawks only scored eight points off of those turnovers so they didn’t capitalized too much on them fourth quarter Rockets from three which this even though Rockets made a comeback the Rockets were two for 13 from three in the fourth quarter they were 10 for 17 from two in the fourth

Quarter different rockets that that team can hit three this team can’t uh uh Daryl Mo well my answer to this is is a little different Mory was more transparent Mor I mean heck media here in town gave Daryl Mo a free pass for a long time media some media here were the

Ones who built up created and perpetuated the in retrust Mantra so Daryl ate that stuff up you know transparency is one thing but he he like talk to me because it was put the spotlight on him it’s about him I don’t really don’t want my GM to

Do all that I don’t want my GM to be in Spotlight my GM to assemble a good roster a balanced roster and let my coach and players go in that’s me so yeah I’m not a fan Dar Mo I’ve said that on this show since beginning of these live stream shows respect

Him respect him for not holding on to mistakes too long but not a fan Daryl Mo nope Justin says I’m glad jayen is finding other ways to impact the game and not just scoring Stephen feels like the Rockets away from shenon being the offensive focal point from the beginning of the

Season the last couple games he would take one or two shots the whole first quarter Terry says I’m in it’s going to be dangerous if he can develop a consistent jumper next eight games you’re not K Memphis in that though are you solo that’s on Wednesday

Stephen you’re the who is it I think Terry was the one on on Twitter who made a similar statement being tired of these Rockets fake comebacks we need to keep that same energy throughout the whole game not only when we are losing Justin says he feels my has more

Skin in the game stone is still fairly the new GM so I don’t think the media really seeks Stone I don’t think Stone seeks the media more had confidence even though he’s doing good or bad Stone just looks confused well that’s different but Rafel and I’ll say

This when Rafel talks to the media I’ve seen it y’all hear it I’ve seen the comments Rafel does say say uh a lot agreed well you know uh yeah uh well I don’t think uh yeah uh uh well that’s a good point well uh uh uh uh that could

Be part of it as well he doesn’t want to talk to the media that much maybe he does not have the confidence or he’s still learning how to not say all the M of and stuff when speaking with the media Justin’s tough on this match tough

On you Justin you and raell and United man a lawyer should be better with the media depends on the type of law they’re practicing Stephen I heard myy lie to Pat Bev saying he isn’t going to get traded and he ended up getting traded Harden is right he is a liar you know

Don’t forget that either folks I mean d MO is not doesn’t have a lot of has a has a smaller group of fans in the business and in the league than he used to Terry says Stone never gives clear answers Terry we need a professional

Head slap on our bench to wake some of these players up Jon feels like Fred was the key to unlocking shenon game this year past the 30 minute Mark so roughly the halfway mark got to do this once again salute and thank you to Mr Byron

Riley CPA go to to that website Byron Riley call 832 30339 95 for your tax advice and info and assistance once again call Byron Riley 832 303 3995 website Byron Riley 3 minutes left Warriors 102 Suns 101 justtin Stone still look confused during interviews like I said he may not be

Comfortable talking in front of microphones that could be part of it as well maybe he needs to go to uh communications class speech class Mass marketing Etc you know something like that some folks just aren’t comfortable talking in front cameras microphones that could be it also you

Know Terry with this Mor tricked CP3 hard mellow Pat bef you know salute Terry cheers click on that shot button you watch on YouTube get you a mug a Rockets mug or a less talk Houston Rockets mug a Houston rarie mug t-shirts caps as well surpris RAR if you caps haven’t

Taken off more but still time for that Stephen says he feels like Stone talks a fair good amount during the off season but during the season he’s just behind the scenes and really that’s all I want from from a GM what what other reasons should a GM talk to the

Media if not about a coaching change draft picks upcoming draft or trades in media day what other reason it should a GM talk to the media and I think Daryl made a few um I don’t know regular appearances on the local talk shows he might still did that in

Philly like I said Daryl likes that stuff he lives that kind of stuff Rafel is not that kind that kind of person Rafel is more behind the scenes I’m okay with that oh for sure you know but that’s that’s an acquisition talking to Media will ask him about Stephen Adams so that’s that’s

Part of a trade but outside of that why why else talk to us as long as Rael jmon won like this because he didn’t do anything with it but as long as Rafel is talking to other GMS around the league and his Scouts domestic and international that’s all I want him to

Do that’s his job his job is not talk to the media you know that’s my take on it way back when Carol Dawson Carol Dawson CD was was was more behind the scenes he talked to Media after deals you know he talk to us in the

Hallway and things like that he’d say hi that kind of stuff but know that’s away from the cameras and microphones Rafel does that too he got think raell I talked to Rafel boy I talk to Daryl M ironically uh let’s see and go figure in a short amount of

Time I think the Rockets make the pick there this year Lottery and the second you mean make a trade what do you mean yeah I’m I’m gonna say this Mike Will if you’re still watching I mentioned this Thursday and I’m not in favor of it let me say that

Again but I said it on Thursday I’ll say it again if you did not see Thursday’s show don’t be surprised if the Rockets P how do I phrase it resume trade talks involving Jaylen green this summer in hopes of getting a a star all nearly every quote-unquote

Draft person who does that for a living says this year’s class is weak yes a lot of folks are upset some some folks are here on in the lthr community but lot lot of Rocket fans are upset but who was really available starwise impact wise not a lot of folks not as

Many you especially for deals that to happen by the deadline it weren’t as many as people thought you know I agree I agree with this here I’ve said it before Mel Brides is not a star agreed that’s my opinion you know buddy heel great shooter little else bonan banovich and Alec Burks going

To the Knicks two legit offensive scores no question both of them defensively are not good whatsoever and that will be seen in the playoffs trust me Jon says trying to trade for a star at this point of the rebuild doesn’t make sense OKC is in that position Rockets got a long way to

Go Terry says Gafford made the right decision to go play with Luca Stephen says only thing I’m I’m bothered by is not trading T I was surprised I mean he I said that almost what since September I thought J Shante will be gone by February he’s

Still here he’ll be here for the rest of the season obviously so I was wrong there Jamon says the high draft picks Stone made were supposed to be the Stars Justin says you don’t trade a 21 year old in jayen for Grimes or Bridges or even Zack LaVine no upside in that

Yeah Jaylen green was was not involved any deals for Quinton Grimes as far as I know that wasn’t discussed but de like dejonte Murray the analogy the Hawks deante Murray might might be a Hulk for two more years you know who knows Terry says I would have traded Tate for

Seconds I think eek wrote posted tweeted whatever reported that the Rockets were looking for three seconds for Jan Justin I kept hearing whispers that Denver wanted take Jan is a guy that teams like he’s a glue guy he does need a ball in his hands to help a

Team win he defends doesn’t rock the boat he you know lot to the officials blah blah blah looking for files but in terms of being that person that a coach can rely on depend on veteran teams like that coaches of teams really trying to go far in the playoffs they like that

Kind of guy so yeah there there were teams who were interested in Jan but Rockets were asking for what those teams felt was too much he’s still here WK asks what would I give up in a trade for Donovan Mitchell I’m not sure I want Donovan Mitchell on the

Rockets I’m being I’m being serious I mean to do that you’re GNA have to give up T green you know Don MIT may see stars as in wanting to be a star in a bigger city and doesn’t see that as Houston as a destination just the wor interesting

Part I think T can be a better PJ Tucker obviously gotta be better three-point shooter and at least be reliable if better than average from the corner three got to develop that got to Terry said says Jan more off than not can guard the other team’s best

Player and you know yeah Donovan is not a tall player he’s strong but he’s not he’s not he’s not a big guard not a tall guard excuse me he’s he’s a strong guard Stephen says I want to know where did all this Mel Bridges hype come

From he’s not a bad player but people act like this dude is top tier Allstar agree he’s at best the third option on a contending team uh well who represents him let’s leave it that just leave it at that because it goes into what I said about a lot of the trade especially

Involving the stars star players that we heard in social media on all the platforms all that most of that talk came from Agents of those players trying to drum up interest generate interest to get their players traded somewhere else they didn’t come from the teams you know my colleagues a lot my

Colleagues are connected with the agencies the sports agents those reps all that that’s how they get their info those breaking stories most of that stuff we heard prior to the deadline none of that stuff happened none of it Terry says I’d love to have brown from Boston or ant

Edwards yeah that’s not happening jayen brown one that might happen an man come here not happening Justin says Bridges is a good role player maybe at bet the six man which goes along the line of you know third best op third option on a winning team championship team but you

Know trade rumors kicking stuff around on social media it’s fun to discuss but take it with a grain of salt keep in mind where you saw it who said it but believe me most of that stuff it it’s just talk hype it’s not happening it is not

Happening thank you Justin you are I believe you are correct I might be wrong but look it up verified yeah I don’t believe he I don’t no Mel is not I think Miles Bri is with Rich Paul not sure who with Mel bries is with ter ask can can can more developed

Into an Anthony Edwards type player I think U Ryan Holland kicked that around in the game earlier this week what do y’all think about that that possibility that potential I Rocket’s young core of six I’d like to see them keep it for this season for sure

And then if somebody makes you a hell offer in the summer offseason go do it but this rocket young core I like it is boban really not able to play 10 to 1550 minutes a game yeah he’s not not maybe one game one game a week maybe but yeah

Good point let’s be reminded that Cam said his favorite player was Westbrook yep was right there when he said it in the locker room yeah I know Cam said I don’t remember the game but it’s a home game last few weeks I think he said he looked up to Russell Westbrook and

Because he because he kind of added something he said uh how do you phrase it it was almost like he said the good Westbrook or the young Westbrook something like that but he said he looked up to to Russ yep Jabar shooting has been up and down

Rebounding there was well the last week or so took a step back it was better tonight the block shots again the final book The Game book from the league list Jabar with four block shots and not five as was mentioned during the end of the Rockets game tonight so just

Got credit for four block shots so let’s see here 710 of a second left Warriors up one over Phoenix y’all tell me what happens I’m not going to turn it on on here on my laptop uh so this oh so okay so Steph made a three

To to win oh Steph made a three in the closing moment to win the game all right what the hell wait a minute what is this Wiggins committ a file I hope I hope they had a file to give I’m watching Pay by play that’s what I’m

Doing here so tell me Wiggins committed a file because they had a file to give right he’s not commit a foul on a bad choice so yeah y’all if y’all watching the game switch to it let me know because the play bypl say something kind of strange Andrew Wiggins personal file

With point to go so are they reviewing that what what what’s going on there you know clearly cam is a better shooter than Russ from three now you can see in in Cam’s game as well running transition like Russ he does Cam does dunk ferociously like young Russ agreed

Justin Steph doing step things wonder if he eventually wants to trade with the rockets by not happening not happening I’m not even sure the first part of what happened that Stu would ask for Trey I think he just want to ride it out with the franchise in Golden State in the

Bay so yeah catch me up now because what what what’s going on in in the game because the game is not over are they reviewing the fou or what’s going on in Warrior sun because play byplay still has 0.1 Andrew Wiggins personal foul so I guess it was no

Foul because now the game’s over well that game is over Steph with the three-pointer Warriors beat the Suns 113 112 that means the suns are now three games ahead of the rockets in the standings for that 10th spot and I think with the win the Rockets are now not sure if Utah’s playing

Tonight so it two and a half four games in Lost column so now Rockets are four games behind the Warriors in the Lost column that’s even worse so that playing spot so Warriors and Jazz are tied for the 10 spot Utah has played let’s see what is that

Wow four more games in Golden State so the win percentage is separated by Point 01 damn Warriors got a lot of games to play they’ve only played 49 games that’s hon it Stephen I remember Russ made nine threes in allstar game in 2015 and looked at him and thought he was a great

Shooter but now everybody knows now once Russ makes a three early in the game keep shooting Russ keep shooting because more times than not if he does Brick Breck Breck Breck brick Jon we are going to be in the lotto this year referring to the Rockets but

Jmon wants the Rockets to get to 40 wins period And if they get to 40 wins then the season would be a success even if they missed the playin y’all agree with that that’s right thank you Stephen I forgot about that you are correct they got a lot of games to make

Up forgot about that yeah my apologies at the Warriors did not play a couple games because of the death the death of the coach was by heart attack too tragedy man I can’t even imagine I don’t even want to think about being there in watching it happen

Wow so let’s end on a high note something more cheerful than that all right Rockets Nicks your prediction oh no no no no no no no how many of y’all are football fans big game fans how many of y’all going to watch the game tomorrow how many of y’all are going

Have uh let’s see how can I phrase this uh some financial interest in the big game Sunday evening make your predictions just give me who who who you g to pick who you picking to win the game tomorrow I really don’t care who wins I just have some financial interest in the

Game Jon says 49ers will win solo says same Justin says he say watching the halftime and after that he’s out but yeah I just have some financial interest in the game and that’s it Stephen says he wants Taylor Swift to cry that means he’s picking the Niners to

Win Justin going even further with how the NFL used Taylor Swift all year to promote their game he’s just not interested anybody else feel that way solo with that line right there I won’t y’all see it on the screen I’m not going to say it y’all see it on the screen

But okay so we got a lot of folks wanting the Niners to win Mike wil says ners as well so wrapping it up Nicks rockets on Monday what say y’all will the Rockets end their four game skid or will it grow to five so really well I mean prop bet prop bet anything

Man Moy how you doing thank you for chiming in Jon says Nick win Monday for sure why why are you so certain about that let me see you know their front court is kind of depleted talking about the Knicks of course we’re not sure which Rockets

Are going to be playing you know who’ll be healthy and clear to play but Nicks gave up 125 tonight to the Pacers final score is 125 111 Brunson scored 39 I think that’s right 39 y goodness precious atua got 43 minutes of action did pretty well 15 points six boards three blocks two

Steals well I started this is the Nick starting five tonight against the Pacers auua Todd Gibson Jaylen Brunson Josh Hart and Dante divan chenzo that’s who the Knicks played tonight in that game against the Pacers then off the Ben starting five then start off the bench buan bogdanovich Alec

Burks and Miles McBride eight guys eight so if that eight plays the rockets on Monday y’all still picking still picking the Knick to win in the game Terry says you never know what version of the Rockets you’re going to get yeah yeah no he yeah he

Played yeah let me look at it again yep Jaylen played 37 minutes 39 points four assists 14 for 25 from the floor 10 for 10 from the line so if if that I’m kind of curious if Brunson hotter ankle holds up jmon jmon says Nicks roster can’t shoot the ball we

Can’t Terry says Nicks consistently play hard solo says Dante will cook us on Monday I think rocket fans feel this way like Justin I’m just not confident in the Rockets right now not like in the beginning of the season when the defense was top five y’all agree with that United

Says Nicks will win by 15 20 points Moy says Nicks play defense the old Knicks play defense these Knicks not so much Bo Young bonovich and Alec Burks Off the Bench they get Buckets and give them up too so they yeah they don’t yep no no no no

No Stephen Ste running runs his players into the ground yes he does he sure does hasn’t changed all right everyone Gotta Give You All salute salute for your comments and your questions don’t want to get [Applause] that again wrapping it up thank you to Byron Riley CPA go to his website Byron Riley call 83230 33995 once again visit the website Byron Riley call 832 303 3995 gree to sponsor the show five times in February five more times in March so if you want to fill in the rest of the games this season or rest of the shows

Here on the Houston round bar view email me K Gardner T once again kg Gardner T Rockets lost battled injuries Miss players didn’t play no Fred no Alp no tar lost to the Hawks in Atlanta 12213 Jaylen green first NBA triple double Jabar Smith four blocks jayen had

14 rebounds for a career high turnovers bit him in the butt again that second quarter B him in the butt big time led by 12 3119 at the end of the first quarter outscored by 20 3818 in the second quarter 6 for 22 in that second quarter

Hawks went 13 for 22 in the quarter rockets 13 for 43 from three including two for 13 from three in the fourth quarter everyone I think I think I’m going to do the next show I’m not even sure Thursday the Saturday stuff is slam dunk and stuff and I’m going to be

Pretty much out of NBA mode once the allstar breaks Arts but subscribe to the channel subscribe to the Houston roundbar review YouTube channel click on the Bell so you can get those notifications of when new shows are posted yes I provide more content besides the Rockets cou stuff men’s and

Women’s Hoops the admax corner talks football and Texans will have a show tomorrow after the big game courtesy courtesy of my man ad Moore who is in Vegas covering the big game so thank you as always to Justin Moy Mike will Steven United Jon Terry Terry salute to you enjoy

Cheers click that shop button get you some round bar of view merch send me pictures of you with your new merch with your round barie merch wearing that cap enjoying your beverage in that mug all that good stuff as always I went over an hour talking to you guys it’s great talking Rockets

Hoops with you I appreciate everybody spending time here on this Saturday night or carry in New Zealand and uh what is it Sunday afternoon in New Zealand thank you very much for taking time to talk with me a credential Rockets media person not a fan of the

Rockets there is a difference there are some folks who have credentials who are more fans than objective media people y’all know who that is I am kg Chris Gardner owner of the Houston round barall review the round bar review been around since 1994 the Houston round ball review local name Global Perspective game

Over peace

#houstonroundballreview #Rockets #NBA

Houston Rockets’ fans! Join me — Kris Gardner (KG) owner of The Houston Roundball Review — “Local name, global Perspective — discusses the Rockets’ back-to-back road games: first in Toronto Friday night; then, in the ATL, against the Hawks Saturday night.

Sponsored by Byron Riley, CPA.

Tune in; comment; vent; discuss; have fun. Advertising opportunities are available.

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