@Toronto Raptors

Gregg Popovich PostGame Interview | San Antonio Spurs vs Toronto Raptors

Gregg Popovich PostGame Interview | San Antonio Spurs vs Toronto Raptors

Surely yeah absolutely you know the dog day has kind of got him here in the last maybe week and a half two weeks and uh he’s probably starting to feel a little bit better now that he got through that in the first half that he’s going

To have this kind of evening no I never guess whatever they do they do uh coach uh yes not not related to the game uh what do you like the the most from Carlos and and chabi is ceiling would you like the most from having them in your coaching staff well

You know everybody that’s on our staff uh is important to us and each one has a role and you know they perform wonderfully and what we need them to do uh just like everybody else is uh Jeremy’s night in Night Out defense pretty consistent well I was really proud of

Him tonight you know he he took on the challenge you know Scotty’s a hell of a player and I thought he did a wonderful job on him you know for the entire game so uh you know Jeremy’s capable of doing that and I think he’s taken great pride

In it what are you see from De L uh you know I think he’s gotten to another level where uh he’s got supreme confidence in his ability to make something happen offensively whether it’s making a decision to drive it instead of shooting a three or uh how to

Involve his teammates he’s sort of taken over that role so he’s definitely gotten to another level like Wesley also player who’s been playing very well recently what do you see in him well he’s you know he’s somebody who’s uh improving with more minutes like any player you know it’s

It’s hard to play very few minutes and look like you’re improving out there but he’s playing enough where he can make some decisions and uh learn that maybe a decision should have been different or this was a great decision that sort of thing so uh he’s understanding what’s expected of a point

Guard at this level he’s getting better at it coach you you you encourage the the players to uh to read books in in this era with uh with smartphones and with so much social media is becoming hard to instill this this habit you’re right

How do you deal with it how do well we just you know we just uh we do the best we can to help them like you know we bring in speakers that even talk to them about the uh the uh negatives of social media uh and you know that they don’t

Have to be slaves to it they don’t have to live every moment wondering what somebody’s saying about them good or bad uh people don’t have to know when they go to the bathroom and eat a meal uh or wash their car uh that it shouldn’t affect their lives at

All and the more you we tell them the more they live their lives not caring what anybody else says you know especially people they don’t even know uh and often times it’s even your relatives uh you know most people in your family don’t know what the hell they’re talking about when they

Tell you something about basketball unless it’s you know somebody one of their families a coach or played or something like that so uh the more you can depend on your on your teammates and yourself uh to find your place in the world I think the better off you are so

We try to get that across to them as much as we can and you know having speakers in and you know sharing books with them is part of the part of

Gregg Popovich PostGame Interview | San Antonio Spurs vs Toronto Raptors


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