@San Antonio Spurs

Should the Spurs REBUILD around Wemby? ๐Ÿค” Kenny thinks WEMBY IS ENOUGH ๐Ÿ˜ค | Numbers on the Board

Should the Spurs REBUILD around Wemby? ๐Ÿค” Kenny thinks WEMBY IS ENOUGH ๐Ÿ˜ค | Numbers on the Board

Vic is too good for Rebuilder Spurs need to be buyers this summer cap or a cap cap it’s over this was the year of a rebuild for the Spurs it is Ws you go try to compete for a playoff spot because this man is one of the 25 best

Players in basketball already and he’s just going to get better how exactly are they doing that though they have all the world draft Capital plus some Atlanta Hawks picks and you try to go they have tradable contracts when you when you want something you can get it yeah I

Just think it’s easier said than done to just do it all in one off season to this team is gonna go from being worst team in the west to just being a playoff Contender man I feel like but I I honestly think that on paper this team

Is good enough to be in contention they just don’t have certain I yeah I don’t think they’re that far away that’s why I that’s crazy to say considering they are the worst they’re the worst team in the west but you just be buers that’s why you got to be buyers with all

The draft assets they have they have those draft assets but you have to also understand that teens have going to want to give you stuff that’s going to help you compete Trey young may be a teen as rumor but what if what if the Hawks look

At that package you be like I don’t really want Kon Johnson and some pcks then I’m gonna say okay and I’m gon go to the next and then guess what good point guard might do wonders for this team and they don’t got to be Trey young

Just a legit point guard but the fact that you have picks picks will be valuable that’s what you need yeah I guess but you either have players or picks still don’t look at this team and say they need a two few two players or so and then they a tetina

So what are you looking at them I think they’re a team that’s a few years away from legitim competing for cuz I think they’re still very young they’re missing pieces we’re saying we’re saying B Vic is good but what what you is still really good but I still think he can get

Better to where he’s going to get better that’s why he no no I’m saying like he’s gotten better already through the course of this season is and I’m excited to see the next two levels of Vic m you might see the next level of the two in 10

Games no he really has leveled up that much between game one versus game made that R the year thing like no debate no question no more um but I know I 100% agree that this is a team that shouldn’t be sitting on their hands thinking oh we

Going to develop Blake Wesley we about to develop this random player that we use the first round pick and no disrespect I’m just saying in general like that’s what their goal is right now and time when you have a player of this caliber when when you have Braun come

Into the league you have a next generational player them generational players don’t sit around to the finals in year three right no Brion was like that Bron got to the playoffs year one or near playoffs year one near you know what else we get to see melow went to

The playoffs year one stop playing we can see Greg papovich back in a row where like he’s actually like competing for maybe that playoff spot I know like he’s okay with the rebuild and everything like that he enjoys seeing in but this is like as a one of the best

Coaches of all time sometimes it’s you want to see you compete for a champion go out there get Garland sure I just don’t see what would the so you think the Cavs would take those draft picks kill and John I think you would just have to expand it to flip

They get garer the Cavs get somebody else who’s decent and then a team that gives up somebody else is decent gets the draft Capital that might be decent yeah because I just don’t I know ker Johnson’s like the one that makes the money match for them to get that big

That that bigger player people would bite on K Johnson just what you it’s the draft picks the kers make the money match but we’re not g to sit up here and act like Kellin Johnson is the worst NBA the worst player in the NBA no he’s

Not Zack LaVine right when he had his teams the Spurs are one of those teams I’m not saying that they trade for him but I’m saying that if Zack LaVine and his big old age is like I want to go I would be cool with playing with one of

The worst te of basketball because that tall fell then I’m sure that might happen to other players as well like they see Victor whama and say oh I would like to play with that player that could nothing didn’t rub me as a Spurs guy not

At all and he also seems like a guy that I don’t want him playing with Vic hey but guess what he’s available he’s available we’ll take hon don’t even throw no draft C we’ll give Kobe the ball what you think he gonna do to Vic I believe in Zach enough to give the

Ball to the seven4 player that’s that’s what I say Zack we still on your side man uh that’ll make them from 11 win to well I think they might they’re going to end this season with like 23 2 wins I think they can make a few moves to end

Up 35 36 next year that’s too man considering the fact that you got to think Deon Vel also gets better I mean you got I would give I would try to get lamelo when we were doing that draft episode or that trade episode I was gon

To call um from one of my teams about lamelo like what how are y’all thinking about lamelo is he an Untouchable piece to the to the like really really Untouchable not just like fake Untouchable by you now he’s legitimately Untouchable okay I respect that I respect That

On Numbers on the Board, Pierre, Mike and Darrick join Kenny Beecham to debate whether or not the San Antonio Spurs should go all in to rebuild around Victor Wembanyama or if Wemby is good enough to lead the team to rise up on their own.

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  1. Spurs aren't the Lakers bros. They actually have to work at building the team around Wemby. It's going to take more than one season. We can't point to a beach and movie stars and say "This is what you will get if you sign with us". They NEED to draft. They have to do it the OKC way.

  2. What kind of question is this? Pop is already going there. Wemby is not getting as much touches because heโ€™s already good. Pop is trying to get Sochan and a few others there while tanking. Kawhi was developed this way, too, but Sochan just isnโ€™t as good as Kawhi.

  3. If you buy in too early and it fails, thereโ€™s no chance he resigns when his contract is up and that sets your franchise back for decades

  4. I hope the media and fans donโ€™t treat Wemby like Lebron. Clearly, heโ€™s a generational talent and any team should build around him but heโ€™s way too nice of a kid to be treated the same as Lebron.

  5. Trade for trae young to pair with wemby, do everything to draft bronny if he declares n then you get bron now you set to compete fr

  6. Going to get a star right now will constrict Wemby growth, give him 2-3 years to really get some experience and a feel for the nba, rush it for what?

  7. They are rebuilding around Wemby, he's on a rookie contract. This summer is going to be about making the right moves and getting the right pieces.

  8. ABSOLUTE DUMBEST QUESTION I've heard in ages ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

  9. As a Spurs fan, this is what has been frustrating to me. PATFO seem to be trying to develop the roster into the team of the future instead of using them as assets to build around Wemby. The Spurs have cap space, picks, friendly contracts, and tradable pieces, yet so far they appear to be sitting on their hands for some reason. idk

  10. Tomorrow's video: should the Nuggets continue to build around Jokic?

    Extremely slow day at ESPN when they make a video on the dumbest question of all time

  11. Prediction: Wembanyama will not bring a championship to the Spurs. He is a misfit, a center who thinks he's a guard, but truth is, he's not that good at being a guard. As a center, he's too thin. He's pretty good at blocking when he's off the ball but if the offensive player puts a body on him, he is just not string enough. Third, he is not quick but he has long legs so he can close if the opponent is diving toward the basket. But if the opponent fakes him with a dive, Victor doesn't have the fast movements to adjust. He looks like a giraffe out there among leopards.

  12. The most casual spurs fan opinions. Want us to blow it all so quickly and end up like Dallas. We are trying to make a super team. Spurs build through the draft smh.

  13. They literally just drafted him, he is a Rookie, there is a reason bad teams have a chance to get the 1st pick in the draft, it's to build around him. The Spurs have plenty of picks and the chance to build around Wemby, that is literally their plan lol. Why does everyone think that this just happens overnight lol, must be a slow news day I guess.

  14. A lamelo trade might be possible, they already got brandon miller and he would fit nice with Wemby. But if the hornets were smart they would keep him and have a beast duo tbh

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