@Phoenix Suns

The growing feud of Draymond Green vs. Phoenix Suns’ Kevin Durant, Jusuf Nurkić

The growing feud of Draymond Green vs. Phoenix Suns’ Kevin Durant, Jusuf Nurkić

And Mara boings Arizona Sports the local sports leader Bley blast coward is not an unfamiliar term to Kevin Durant he heard it from everyone and everywhere when he joined the 73 win Warriors in 2016 and he just heard it again from Draymond Green the player who ironically

Once conspired with Durant to team up and take down the recently Crown LeBron James now it is one thing for a marquee player like green to call out Yousef nurkic who I like and who is filling a very necessary role but who needs to dial it back a notch in my opinion

Turning your back on Giannis to goof on him when he’s standing outside the three-point line is one thing but to do the same thing and turn your back on green when he’s got the ball in the blocks that’s a little too clownish for my taste but to call out Durant is

Something entirely different and cardly is not even the worst thing green said to Durant following their game in San Francisco over the weekend now that is inappropriate especially since green is angry at Durant actually showing compassion and concern for a former teammates mental well-being either way KD is smart enough experienced enough to

Stay out of the Draymond trap that yurit just wandered into and if there is any justice in professional basketball these two will settle their deeds with actions not words and preferably in the upcoming postseason all right today’s ble blast brought to you by my great friends at Chapman BMW who make luxury attainable

Shop online at Chapman yeah that was insane to see U glad nerk is all right U never seen that before on the basketball court in the NBA game I hope Draymond gets the help he needs um it’s been incident after incident so uh I

Know Dr on and that’s not you know he doesn’t he hasn’t been that way when I was around him and coming into the league so hopefully he gets the help he needs and get back on the court and you know put all the stuff behind him yeah

That was Kevin Durant back now isn’t that a very sincere sentiment that KD was expressing certainly sounded that way in real time it felt that way to me still sounds that way still sounds that way and and and he’s reacting to a series of incidents and and so for for

For Draymond to turn that into a negative against KD that’s a little bit interest it’s a little bit weird to me to be honest with you why he would pick a fight with KD about this yeah I thought it was weird how he expressed himself at KD after that game Saturday

Night I think that was unprofessional here was Draymond Green uh on his podcast which is really like I don’t know it’s really more like a audio diary I think there’s a lot of good journaling apps that Draymond might want to look too do you notice that he never has a guest on his

Podcast I don’t pay much attention to his podcast but I’ll take your word for it well here he was talking about what he said to KD everybody was questioning what I said to KD um at the end of the game this is me it’s me I’m not going to

Share the other word that I said because you know that’s a Spur the moment type of thing you’re in the game you know words come out but this is me I do this been doing this going to keep doing this that’s what I said you know and all of

That was a little brewed up little little built up tension because again you go question somebody character you got my phone number if you thought I hope I get the help that I need you got my phone number hit me and say that interesting Draymond is very comfortable in applying certain things

That that he’s allowed to do and he’s uncomfortable any with anybody else doing it oh yeah oh I love guys like that chilling was that guy yeah um you know after that game on Saturday night Draymond went off and said quiet guys don’t win but then you’re criticizing

Yousef nkit for being like the bear poker and Yousef nurkic got criticism because that those comments came after a loss and we said it on Monday’s show maybe that’s not the best time for it but look you you everybody’s all over the board on this mhm Devon Booker got

Accused of oh everybody talks trash when they’re up that’s wrong when you say something that’s on your mind after a loss that’s wrong how can you win yeah but draymond’s also so hypocritical he’s saying No Doubt oh Kevin Durant has my phone number if he wants to say

Something call me he’s not saying that in a phone call with Kevin Durant hey schmucko you’re on your podcast saying this right you’re not saying it directly the Kev Durant ex he’s the vitim he’s being the victim he’s acting like the victim here and again it it’s it so I

I’m sympathetic to to some of what Draymond is saying as I’ve made very clear this morning but but coming at Katy is very interesting to me because he believes here’s the other part of what he said he thinks that when when you talk out about somebody the way KD

Did about Draymond that you’re getting into another guy’s pocket that that you’re costing that guy money that that to me I have a hard time with that because wouldn’t wouldn’t the actions wouldn’t the the Litany of dirty plays from Draymond Green kind of prove that

Point yeah yeah so I just I just hope and I I’m fairly certain Katie is not going to engage with this because I think he I think he knows that it’s it’s a losing proposition draymond’s doing this just to to be Draymond is what he’s doing you’re right though it is a losing

Proposition the best way to is to stay out of it cuz either you fall into his trap on the court and he baits you into fouls technical F taking your mind off of the game or he baits you into his stuff off the court and as you pointed

Out draymond’s the one with the podcast draymond’s the one with who’s on TNT he has a much bigger platform and he’s going to win the off the court stuff there’s no doubt about it but I also think as much as Draymond likes being that person I also think Yousef nurkic

Likes being the kind of instigator that he is we’ve seen him on Twitter and youf nkit on on X yesterday responded to that clip that went viral from Draymond Green saying don’t stay on the podcast cast too long you’re going to miss your therapy appointment yeah and for for

Draymond to go back to the Kevin Durant side of it um for Draymond to say um you know the whole thing about you know Kevin taking offense with Kevin Durant saying I hope he gets the help that he needs Draymond got suspended indefinitely met with the commissioner

And then what did he do the reports were that he went and he got some sort of counseling mhm so to your earlier question yes that sounded heartfelt mhm it sounded heartfelt I don’t know if it was heartfelt and I know these guys have a very very complicated relationship

Over the years uh but I thought they kind of made it good I mean I thought so too but on the flip side of it we’re saying yeah it’s a not it’s not a winning proposition to to go into that realm with Draymond Green no I don’t

Think it’s a really smart thing for Draymond Green to to include Kevin Durant in all of this especially if these two teams meet in the play that’s my point my that’s my that’s KD will KD will take this out on the floor if these guys meet there’s no doubt about it and

As Mr orange pointed out this is this is where Yousef has got to like show some control to say what you did people can can accuse you of mocking mental health certainly and so you got to be careful about that stuff and again I’m not

Trying to to to rail on Yousef nkit who I really do like and I really do think he’s fulfilling a very needed role on this team just got to rain in it a little bit but I will say this individually about the Golden State Warriors they very much are coming off

As a group of players and they’re I’m talking about their core mhm it seems like a group that is having a really really difficult time handling the fact that their time in the spotlight is over it was it was a wonderful time and they accomplished a lot and they should be

Very proud of winning four championships but all all good things come to an end well we’re going to get into uh in a little bit here the rumors that the Warriors actually tried to trade for LeBron Leon James yeah we got all together we’re really turning things

Around and they spent 24 hours before the deadline trying to convince the Lakers to send them LeBron but that’s the point that so so I think Draymond doing all this I think he’s trying to kind of CH Channel all this energy and trying to save what the Warriors have

Whereas the GM and the owner they’re trying to make a deal for LeBron yeah and Steve Kerr saying publicly I think this is a special team oh really yeah with or without LeBron thanks for watching Bickley and mor click to see the latest ble blast and hit the button in the middle to

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Draymond Green took to his podcast to share what he said to Kevin Durant after the Suns faced the Warriors on Saturday. Dan Bickley dives into the growing feud between the Golden State forward vs. KD and Jusuf Nurkić.

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports
Photos: Chris Coduto, Thearon W. Anderson, Ethan Miller, Tim Nwachukwu/Getty Images

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