@Brooklyn Nets

Brooklyn NETS vs Boston CELTICS Live PLAY-BY-PLAY (NBA Season 23/24)

Brooklyn NETS vs Boston CELTICS Live PLAY-BY-PLAY (NBA Season 23/24)

Okay we are live welcome back to another watch party and this one is Nets Boston and um I’m that Jade up that I’ve decided to wear a jersey for like one of the only times I have this year I’m actually that GED up I I actually

Think that we have a very good chance of winning it’s Valentine’s Day in Australia it is Chinese New Year night uh in the NBA and um yeah I mean this is a big opportunity for this team to go into the allstar break with a little bit of

Form and carry that right the way through um to the other side when we return in about a week’s time the Celtics you can see they’re starting five they do have one big absence and it’s Chris stops Paul zingas who did torch us earlier in the year and we had

A fair few struggles with dealing with him because obviously how tally is you know his ability to get to those spots that are much much closer and that gives him the advant advantage instantly um but with an absence for the Celtics comes a a returning player for

The Nets dayon sharp is back for the team which means if I open up the injury report we’ve only got two plays and you’ve just seen them both zq Whitehead and cam Johnson on the injury report cam Johnson has actually been confirmed to play tomorrow whether he starts or not

That’s a different story but I don’t know why he would change the starting lineup if we get a win today um of course so historically this team has been really tough to get through um I think since 2021 that playoff series where we got swept we have only beaten

Them once and it was the game at the TD Garden last year where we came back from 28 points down and got the victory so it’s pretty tough against the Celtics every single time we play them very hard to come by wins against this opposition

So it’s going to be well a real test of of character I would I would say for sure so um I’m pretty excited to see what what on Earth we do whether or not we deliver um Dennis shudder the first game in the team uh we ended up seeing 15

Points in 12 12 dimes from him so it’s pretty clear that he is going to be a great ass asset not only for him like in terms of what he brings but also the fact that his facilitation will open up better opportunities for players like Laxton who constantly has been on the

End of some terrible alley alute passes so you know if you’ve got one that one player that can actually distribute and um get the job done on that front then you’re going to get get a lot more Hy percentage looks um simply by flushing it down off those those lob passes so

You know overall I’m I’m really eager to see what this team can do as we get healthier and healthier um you know I I think we’ve probably experienced the worst that will experience um this season that’s at least my hope of course but I think yeah as this team

Gets healthier yes it’s going to be more difficult to manage minutes and I think I think a few players will miss out Jaylen Wilson will probably be stiff um when cam Johnson returns um and then you’ve also got well dayon sharp to add into the mixer so Ben Simmons may not be

Well he can probably play more minutes starting with Laxton um because you know we’ve got that insurance policy Off the Bench with dayon sha if Ben needs to play the five he can um and that’s probably going to occur if Dron sharp gets into foul trouble which is done

Quite a few times in his career um so I I think that now we’ve got quite a few options where we’ve got a lot of Versatility it’s just like whether or not these players actually show off in the roles that they’re supposed to play um am I Frozen on my screen I’ve dropped

Frames uh but barely I think I’m okay let me know if I’m I’m fine I I mean I did have a few issues with the computer computer this morning um but it looks far smoother than what it was you know the other day when we when we started the stream it was [ __ ]

Disgusting the way the stream started the other day so um let’s just hope the frames don’t drop and um we can experience a pretty smooth watch party experience um those of you who have just joined us make make sure to drop a like um nice and early on um get this stream

Off to a good start um yeah it’s basically all I had to say um the starting fives in case you’ve missed it the Nets are running with the same vibe that we ran the other day um which is let me get it up Ben finny Smith cam Thomas Mel Bridges and Nick

Blackton and then for Boston they are missing Pingus so Horford slots into the five position um and then they’ve got their star studded other four players you know Jaylen Brown Jason Tatum uh jaru holiday and Derek white all in that mix for the starting five so you know

We’re going to have our work cut out for us nonetheless I mean it was always going to be it was always going to be like this um I think you know Boston are a very good team they’ve only lost 12 games on the year they have won

20 more than us so I go into this one expecting a loss but I’m mildly confident that we can actually get a result here because you know I think this team well we have a very small sample of what they can do with Ben um mixing him

With this group of players and um shrew has only played one game but he fit in seamlessly and had some great dimes to his name the other day um all righty not too far away before we kick things off in this game um all righty Oh I’m going to put a pole up pretty simple stuff yet again who wins Nets Celtics you can take your pick if I can just f it out I’m holding my water bottle so multitasking here there we go so cheuck in your predictions for who wins we shouldn’t have too much more

Time to wait interestingly enough we are playing with our we’re playing in the white uniforms at home now that’s something that we haven’t seen I don’t think like for the longest time to be honest that’s a really weird sort of thing we’re running with with and and

Infamously we cannot play well for [ __ ] with the um the white uniforms but I’m happy to be proven wrong here um we’re about to get underway this is the first of two matchups with the Celtics over two nights we play them in Brooklyn tonight and then we play them

In Boston at the Garden tomorrow so two important games I think for this team just to get a gauge of where they sit um this team supposedly wants to to take themselves seriously um and remain competitive so all I can ask for is that we actually

Bring the heat from minute One play that way all the way through to minute 48 and whatever the result is the result is but um I don’t want this I don’t want to see this this team be pushovers they’ve got well Boston have no one taller than

6’9 um their centers well haford and then they’re going to have Tatum playing the four or brown playing the four so you’ve got to exploit that physicality I mean they’re going to be a very switchable team but you know players like Ben Simmons are going to need to be really assertive here

Um and we’ve slowly slowly seen him sort of flourished recently he scored 13 points the other day took seven shots and made six so that is well a you know that’s him trending in the right direction I would imagine so we don’t have much time left Claxton is also averaging some really good

Numbers in the uh the 2024 calendar year about 13 points and 11 rebounds um to go with a couple blocks a game he’s actually averaged four blocks per game in his last five so he’s been superb in that regard um and the switch defense has really optimized the way he’s been playing um

But yeah I mean you you want to be taken seriously um or if you want to be taken seriously you’ve got to you know you got to deliver and rock up for games like this so that’s going to be I would imagine the main focus cam Thomas is going to

Have pressure on him to perform um and then the same with Mel Bridges as well so here we go claxon and haford in the jump ball and cl wins the jump understandably because haford is ancient Simmons finds Bridges early three yes sir and Mel shooting

41% from three on 10 threes a game in his last 10 games so he’s he’s putting up a lot of shots and is making a high percentage of those brown is picked up by finny Smith in the paint and steps back for two and converts and both teams

Are on the board within the first 30 30 seconds of the game so 32 rooklyn lead Simmons out to Thomas that’s an open look as well from top of the key and that one rims out did aul 360 on the rim holiday will bounce pass

It to Tatum who’s got Thomas on him you need to help him out but no one did help him out and Tatum with an easy reverse under the basket and the Nets Trail by one Simmons to finy Smith out to Bridges and then the high screen by Claxton arrives shoots over Horford good

Box out by Brown didn’t allow Claxton to get under the basket and another Miss for the Nets early on Brown will feed haford how on Earth has Thomas found himself on well probably the two worst matchups for him on the entire team in two consecutive possessions got to be far

More far more disciplined disciplined than that Thomas the floater is good and he getss his first basket of the game so Bridges and Thomas on the board early but we’re yet to really get a stop so Laxton will be tasked with the assignment of guarding Jason Tatum who

Gets into the paint shoots and misses and Tatum wanted a whistle gave a look at the refs but did not get the call Simmons good cut by finy Smith he goes vertical and scores through the contact for two it’s Ben Simmons with the dime finding the cutter down the middle and

The Nets are up 76 and it’s fair to say offense has been a staple of this game in a very short matter of time holiday please guard and well we don’t do a great job 8-7 Boston they still haven’t missed aside from that Jason Tatum layup

Thomas de to shoot the three lobs it up to Claxton he drew two Defenders and it’s fair to say that this has been a very free flowing start early on Brown is picked up by Simmons he’s is trapped so he has to roll it back out to Derek white and now

To the corner for brown again who’s got Ben Simmons on him in the corner the three is put up and that rims out the rebound by Claxton and now Bridges so Mel will use that Claxton screen up top get into the paint he has to pick up his dribble and roll it back

Out to Ben sends it back to melen the wing he’s got Horford on him this time and he takes it inside and blows the layup could not be any more of a gim sort of layup and he’s just completely fluffed it and then Derek white one UPS him by piing it out of

Play looking for Jaylen Brown a bit of miscommunication on the read there and uh it will be Nets ball so first turnover of the game for Boston and Ben Simmons will look to help us get this lead back up or up a little bit blackon takes it in on Tatum shoots

Misses got his own Miss and scored but there was a foul before the putb so it will be free throws instead so we get those two points that we would have scored off the putb chalked off so it’s going to be Claxton at the free throw line the offense has looked pretty

Good in the opening couple of minutes I I have to say so CL at the line shooting a couple of free throws and that one looks like the exact sort of rotation that a Ben Simmons free throw would get and and it explains the the result Clank and he’s got one more

Free throw to make aend and get us an extra point on the board which could be valuable down the line Second free throw coming up and that hits back on and it’s knocked to the Boston Celtics Advantage so first two free throws out so we basically lost two

Points luck good Roll by holiday the kick out to hawford one more to White he’s ready to fire and he hits back on the board by cam Tomas so Thomas picks up his dribble gives it to finny Smith it was knocked Away by white but Bridges was able to recover

And now Claxton the hand off to Thomas gets inside good pump fake opens it up and he just blew the wide open look and the Celtics were able to Shield The Landing space so Brown could swoop and now he will be able to get them into a

Set he’s going to feed holiday in the post who will cook on cam Thomas Glon the help white the cutter and he scored the layup and the Celtics get the lead back and we’re going to get an early timeout here at about the 749 Mark and

It’s fair to say that well we’ve gotten some really good looks the ball is moving um but there’s just been a little bit of unluckiness a couple of shots have rimmed out there’s been one that was chalked off because the foul was called prior um you know so there’s a couple

Things that could have easily gone our way to give us a nice little early lead but instead we Trail by one um that being said I’m not too fussed about the way we’ve started um I think it’s been a pretty Pleasant start to be honest I’ve seen nearly every single player get on

The board and even though Ben hasn’t scored he’s been involved in some good play um and then for the Celtics every single s player has scored so um pretty well-rounded efforts on both sides of the ball for the Nets they’re shooting four of eight been to the free throw line once haven’t made

Any of those shots and then for Boston um they’re five of eight haven’t made a three haven’t made a free throw because they haven’t attempted one so it’s pretty well balanced in the early going um only 4 minutes have elapsed so not too much of a sample size early on I

Would say yeah there’s not really something that one team is the advantage over um compared to the other um that’s just a an observation of mine so that is the situation at the moment as it currently stands if you are enjoying make sure to drop a like on it

And subscribe as well if you are new we’ll be back tomorrow night to do this all over again same teams different venue um but it’ll be the final game before the allstar break so um if you want to get your fix of net basketball just before we have a nice little week

Off um this is the place to be if you want to get some well unhinged Nets fan calling the game um so yeah that is basically the situation um for how streams will go well tomorrow and then going forward um there are quite a few games that I can’t do but

There are still plenty of games I can do I think it out of the 30 games I miss Miss 11 of them so we’re going to be doing basically all the games for the rest of the month um I think it amounts to six or seven um through to about

March 4 March 5 then it gets a little bit a little bit more tumultuous tumultuous and I can’t really do as many games um but every now and then every so often there will be a stream um where you can tune in you can chat [ __ ] about

The Nets you can talk about anything that you’re happy about with this team that you’re disappointed about with this team um this is a nice little Community where you can do all that so um irrespective of how often I do things um make sure to to tune in when I when I am

Live so 109 Boston up we return from the timeout with no changes for other side in terms of personnel Bridges will get into the pain and kick it out to Thomas and now up top to finny Smith who will drive on Brown give it to Simmon

Who is in the low block and he’s going to take on white shoot with the right hand and he bloody airbed it he’s got to take on that match up Tatum is there for the lob and he was able to rim run there was no one going with and that was just

A very easy regulation sort of play and and that was well probably as easy as it will get aside from maybe the allstar game Bridges doesn’t hesitate on another three and that one rims out as well so he’s not afraid to take him Brown will look to get into early offense and Finny

Smith does not really Shuffle the feet and brown was able to miss badly so DFS excellent defensive work Simmons will shovel it to Clon up top and they’ll give it a Bridges will go down the middle space opened up where was the foul bro oh that is a joke man that is clear

Contact Brown the drive and it’s an easy finger roll layup I just don’t understand how that’s not a foul I just don’t don’t understand how that’s not a foul the Celtics have scored every one of their points in the paint that’s more Rim running by Tatum he scores another dunk and I’m pretty

Sure JV is going to call a timeout if he doesn’t he a [ __ ] clown um the Celtics have gone on an 80 run and pregame JV highlighted transition defense and rebounding as the two main issues for this team against Boston well it’s clear to see that when the Celtics

Have well you know run from end to end they have killed us and that’s why they’ve gone on this little 80 run that is just a terrible lob by Bridges but it fortuitously went off the backboard into bridg lap and he was able to put it up

For two so a little bit of Fortune shudder is getting ready to uh check in Off the Bench and uh he is just about to check in Sam Hower Luke cornet both into the game for the Celtics I don’t really understand why Mallen cam Thomas are shoveled in the corners while

Ben puts up a [ __ ] shot I like Ben taking shots but he’s got to be looking to get shots up off the backboard from about 5T away get in the paint he’s just not shuffling Defenders enough so shudder and Dennis Smith Jr in the game Lonnie Walker’s also in the

Game so he plays smaller good crosscourt pass Hower on the wing that hits back IR shudder with the rebound and he’s going to look look to get into it it’s Bridges who will give it out to shudder who drives down the middle the kick out to Walker behind the back to shudder who

Will look for a cutter but there is none on he is doubled finny Smith pump fake shudder is open for three that’s a great ball movement and shudder hits the three and he’s already on the board and um that is just excellent ball movement playing through shudder

Does well Horford definitely had the toe on the line but he hits apparently his toe was not on the line but I find that pretty contentious so the Celtics respond up five they’re playing Zone Walker out to shuder again who’s given the space and he hits again

Dennis mate what a start this is the exact same way he started the other day as well just on an absolute tear scoring wise I think he scored eight points and had four assists in the opening quarter last game holiday the drive and he scores over shudder

So I mean the Celtics have an answer for everything at the moment they are shooting 67% from the field shudder to Walker back to shudder to the corner for Bridges the three is off and it was cornet contesting holay is going to drive it the switch step back on the

Baseline is short the rebound by Walker and he’s going to look to probably get it get into things with the athleticism he’s got Dennis Smith back out to Walker will pull the trigger from top of the key and he will hit as well it’s down to

A onepoint deficit and uh the Nets well the three-point shooting has been rock solid four of seven from the outside the Celtics have only made one three-pointer it’s holiday to Horford back to Holiday now the switch and now Bridges will have to contest that Horford shot it’s an easy

Push up for for Al Horford and I don’t know where Dron sharp is he’s about to check in now speak of the devil Jaylen Wilson’s also getting ready so I would assume Vinnie Smith will go to the bench with Bridges Walker will oh wow that’s a sick crossover move and he knocks it

Down that is [ __ ] delicious that was a delicious dribble move to loose holiday and create a little bit of Separation scores on the wing that’s the fifth three-point make for the Nets holiday to haford to Hower the three on the Move yes response required and response delivered so

2623 Walker out to finny Smith who will give it back out shudder up top and now the switch he’s got Hower on him seven to shoot what a pass to Dennis Smith but it was actually too hot for him and it’s going to be a timeout so

Truda is going to get the turnover I think but I’m pretty sure that was all Denis Smith’s fault there um 229 to play in the first quarter it is 26- 23 and it’s been highly entertaining this first quarter um as you can see Boston getting

A fair bit of um well they’ve had some very good scoring options in this first quarter seven to Horford he actually leads the way and Tatum’s got six they are shooting lights out from the field and three I guess the only cave out of their performance is that they have not

Attempted a free throw to open things up but they have only turned the ball over once that being said it has not been a high turnover game that turnover by shudder was actually the first well it will go down for Dennis Smith is a um turnover for him

Um but that is the first turnover of the game for the Nets so very pre flowing performance Walker’s got six shudder has got six both have made two of their threes both of them and um we’re shooting the ball just as well as the Celtics even though we’ve attempted

Um well we’ve attempted the same amount made three less but it’s the three-pointers which are giving us a good red hot crack at it ridges is not shooting it too well and cam Thomas has only made the two points so um the bench scoring is well I think welcomed and

Equally welcomed is going to be Dron sharp entering the game after the timeout um because Luke cornet and Horford is a is is a bit of a tall front Court um for us to really deal with given we were playing finy Smith at the five and Bridges at the four so

Um it’s fair to say that our defense has not been great um but the offense is is really really important for the position we’re currently in at the moment um if you are enjoying make sure to drop a like And subscribe if you are new as well we’ll be back for Nets

Versus the Boston Celtics tomorrow um so make sure to tune in for that one as well that should be a crapping game as well um I’m excited to see what we can do um with that game as well every single time we play Boston they always go on

This really clearcut run that we just cannot recover from we don’t have the uh the assets or Personnel um to really claw back into the game apart from that outlier where we you know came back from the 28 point deficit so um you know those those comebacks barely happen in

The in the NBA like so it’s it’s going to be one of those things where we can’t afford to get into such a hole we’ve got to make sure we we remain neck and neck with them basically every step of the way I actually think a lead is more

Dangerous for this team if we Trail by like a couple of possessions I think it’s going to be the sort of you know kick up the backside we need cuz sometimes we can get complacent and a little bit too comfortable with the lead we have so we’re playing a bit of Zone but

It’s just like the uneffective kind ineffective kind so sharp is in in Wilson is in so the offense is a little bit questionable with this lineup Tatum is picked up by Wilson who has played some good defense in the past oh my God and Hower gets a long rebound so Richard

For three and he misses and Wilson gets The Bard it’s a good rebound because Tatum was on his hammer Smith the drive Walker is open gets by the close out and that has to be a foul he’s somehow able to scoop it up and in around over cornet who obviously has

A crap ton of height over him Tatum for three we went under the screen you just cannot do that with a guy of his caliber I don’t care how inefficiently or efficiently he’s shooting it shudder into the paint picks up his dribble and whips it back out to dsj and now Walker

Will use the dayron sharp screen bounce past to shudder we’ got six to shoot he’s going to have to make something something happen he takes it in it’s knocked away Dennis got to put one up it’s a moving three and it looked online but it’s off and cornet will get

The rebound so we’re about to ENT to the final minute of this first quarter another switch and daron’s playing a little bit of drop you have to test it and Dron is giving him way too much space Dennis is going under the screen so it’s allowing this room that you

Cannot afford in the Celtics up seven off the back of a couple of Tatum threes Walker into the paint will drive and score off the window cuz he’s got Pritchard on him so that’s a well exploited match up there and walk has been on a tear early on the bench have

Scored 16 of our 27 points it’s Tatum picked up by shudder and oh my God 3 + one and and and then that’s just not really acceptable either by shudder I mean he doesn’t have the size on him but you can’t be reaching like that why is your hand on his

Arm that is just asking for a whistle and and it’s one of those fails where you don’t even affect the jump shot that’s why he was able to convert so Tatum converts the free throw as well he’s hit three threes in a row and just like that he’s got 16 points in the

Entire first quarter so I think you have to play finny Smith on Tatum B basically exclusively you cannot have this occurrence really Wilson probably had an opening there to shoot it instead he’s going to give it to Dron sharp who got rid that’s a foul plus one

And it’s Dron who will get two um plus one of course and uh so two free throws coming up for dayon Sharp there was able to shuffle cornet out of the way that’s what Ben Simmons really should be doing and uh so it’s going to

Be a free throw for Dron it looks like cornet actually tweaked his foot there and I would not be one bit surprised if he goes to his bench or to the bench not only because there’s 12 seconds left but also because of that ankle tweak so

Dayon at the free throw line 12 seconds left in the quarter I beg we don’t give up another Tatum 3 Claxton is in with dayron sharp d converts that’s our first free throw connected and it’s going to be Glon picking up Tatum which I I actually love as a little substitution

Here they’re going to give it to Tatum you have to help defend him I think Tatum that is a tough to and it’s a rim Grazer and it’s good defense by dsj far better than a three-point shot and even though Tatum has scored 16 of their points they only find themselves

Ahead by half a dozen and I would say that that actually isn’t too bad of a quarter by the Brooklyn Nets the offense was really really good um but it’s the defense which we have pred out ourselves on recently um which has actually been the major shortcoming you can see Walker

Has not missed um he is the clear number one for this Nets team in this game at least we’re shooting at lights out from the field and three and the free throws well fair to say we haven’t had too many of those we’ve looked after the

Basketball um we’ve got a fair bit of you know a fair bit of diversity in our scoring the bench has just been superb um but the problem is Tatum’s got 16 and he is shooting perfectly from the outside the Celtics also have 53s and they’re actually shooting it better than

The Nets so it’s fair to say that we can’t allow them to shoot that well uh going forward um because otherwise we’re going to get absolutely killed so it’s fair to say that they haven’t looked to too um too damaged with Paul zingus out um I mean that probably

Speaks volumes about how good the Celtics team is you know and they’ve really scored well early on they scored a bulk of their points inside the arc even with the lack of size um closer to the rim and then at the back end of the quarter they really beefed up their

Score with those three pointers of course by Jason Tatum so 16 for him and the Celtics lead by a commanding Sixpoint lead I said This Time After Time JB needs to start complaining about calls he’s way too soft yeah he probably does he probably needs to stick up for his

Team a little bit more than what he does but you know um that being said I don’t think he’s going to do that he’s just not the it’s not within his nature to do something along those lines I guarantee um Tibido from the Knicks will get all the calls next game well it’s

Fair to say say that that that wasn’t even Up For Debate that call that the Knicks didn’t get the um well they they got hit with a foul call in case you missed it it was 103 a piece Houston versus the Knicks with3 left holiday just Chucks up a three from about 10t

Behind the three-point line and they’ve called a foul on brunon now it wasn’t even there it just wasn’t like you can be whatever sort of supporter in the NBA if you are looking at that objectively it is just not a foul so yeah that is that is the major

Issue um with the league I think not enough accountability and and results like that should not like you shouldn’t ruin a good game of basketball like with that sort of ineptitude it’s not there’s no place for it in the game prited for three on the

Catch is off oh my God you [ __ ] flop po cornet I reckon that was the lightest shove but because cornet hit the deck let’s have a look oh that is soft I mean his arm was in his back but barely in extension he just felt the contact and just fell over

Really so white now the switch Dron is Manning the middle he can test that one well and it forced a very short Miss Smith out to Walker who drives he’s been feeling it bridges for three that’s an open look and he is absolute money on the catch

And shoot threes recently um as we mentioned earlier he’s taking 10 a game in his last 10 and he’s converting 41% of the threes well defended Brown was blitzed and had to kick it back out to brasset he’s going to get it back and he’s got sharp on him on the outside

Walker reads the pass bridges in transition the Euro the reverse he blew the layup Dron blew the put back and bridges wanted the foul doesn’t get it and in transition it’s a three on two reset under the basket prit it in the corner for three yes and JV is actually lied he’s lied

And and who was the person in chat that just said for JV to be a bit ey rate let’s have a look oh my God bro how [ __ ] blind are you oh my God the referee mate you are in front of the [ __ ] play and you cannot see a foul oh my

God I watched the replay and continue to be baffled with the way we are officiated there is every single game there are calls that always go this way I know Mel is a bit of a serial offender in terms of missing layups but bro that

One hits the arm right after he lets go of it that is a fail every single day of the week every single day of the week always in transition as well those are points that we should have scored instead they go up the other end they hit a three five point swing instantly

The lead should be down to one instead it’s up to six where we started this quarter I I just like I can’t be asked with these [ __ ] decisions half the time and and these are the decisions we got before um these are a few of the decisions we

Got before we had KD and Kyrie then we got the Superstar calls going our way and now we’re back to square one it’s it’s just like it’s the same thing every single game with these [ __ ] referees just oh my God and there’s no real way you can twist it

Like he’s being hit on the arm and they call Jack [ __ ] it’s just like it’s actually crazy I think for the amount of time like I’ve supported this team we probably have had the worst whistle in the league for some time and and and a lot of people obviously supporters of you know

Small Market teams would argue that they get worse officiated but that is just like oh my God like there is just no way that you miss that call he’s been hit on the arm bro I understand you’re human but it’s just consistent crap the bridges doesn’t get called for cam

Thomas gets hit on the arm they don’t call it you know the Celtics are not getting a transition three-point look if that is if we get the whistle our defense would have been able to get back they may have gotten an open three but it would have

Been in a different manner not a result of us not getting back and they’ve got a [ __ ] technical as well what a [ __ ] joke bastards seriously it’s so clear that there was a foul oh my God Dron lost the ball on the roll it wasn’t a pinpoint

Pass and it’s going to be net ball so it looks like there’s going to be Subs made Celtics up seven Mel is talking to to the referee and he got teed up he just said a couple things and then got teed up [ __ ] softies mate Shuda the kick out to

Walker who shoots the three he is feeling it he has not missed he’s got 13 in the game mate we are shooting 64% from three the problem the Celtics have attempted the same amount and and only scored one less they’re shooting a 54% round oh my

God isn’t that funny they call the foul there on Bridges defending brown but when Brown defends Bridges the other end no nothing nothing oh it’s just it’s just like you cannot make this [ __ ] up I’m going to watch the Lakers game to see Spencer play I actually think I’m

Going to watch the game as well just to see just to get a Vibe of just to get a Vibe of of how how much better Spencer DIY will play simply by changing the jersey and the organization he’s playing for brown bricks the second the rebound by sharp and shudder will be

Able to bring this one forward so shudder uses that sharp screen Shar on the outside will hand it off to Bridges the drive the pump fake the kick out to Dennis in the the corner try to split Defenders but it never got to dayon Sharp so the elevator doors closed and

Now the Celtics can score on the other end reset out to Brown picked up by Smith Jr the switch he’s got Walker on him now he’s going to try Spin and lose Walker he shoots and hits in the mid-range you almost Bank him into score mid-rangers at a better rate than he

Does the free throws Walker will drive that was nearly a dodgy pass Bridges the no look to Dennis right in front of the bench it’s off d r on the putot back two and plus one and I think Pritchard got underneath dayon on that put back and it

Will be another free throw coming up for dayon cha that’ll be his second trip to the line he has made already one and one count and he’ll get another look in again to get a second one to go if you are enjoying the stream of course make

Sure to drop a like And subscribe if you are new we’ll be back for Nets Boston tomorrow night Dron converts again so two and ones mean he’s got six points and he’s also got three rebounds so 43 to39 Derek white picked up by bridges on the perimeter Dron

Playing drop coverage means Horford will be open for the three but he drives instead Dron got the block and they’ve called it a goal and that is a very very close call let’s have a look I would not be one bit surprised if this was clean let’s have a look oh my

God clearly not a goal tend oh my God this is just a joke mate every single game shudder is forced into a pass we’ll get it back from Bridges the hand off to Mel now five to shoot he takes it in and shoots over white and that is an incredibly

Tough make over the outstretched arm of Derek white so the Celtics shooting 62% the Nets remain in the game cuz they’re also shooting above 50% Brown is long on the three and we get the rebound and we’re going to push the pace now it’s Walker the pass out to Bridges back to

Lony Walker shudder open for three gets the look he’s well short and it’s a foul on day Ron sharp he met white at the summit and was able to bowl him over so 817 to play in the second quarter it’s been really eventful so day Ron’s going to go to the

Bench good minutes in his stint great stint actually to be honest stuff in the stat sheet in in limited time Lonnie Walker will check out he has had a superb game as well cornette in for brassette and that’ll I believe be the only change so for the Nets it’s Bridges

Thomas back in Glon back in Dennis Smith and Dennis schrudder also are in bridges will pick up the foul as Horford was trying to cut to the basket on that roll action it’ll be inbounded from the side so the Celtics haven’t been able to shake us

Off so far this game Vinnie Smith is back in and I would hope this is coinciding with Tatum returning to the game as well Bret’s actually back in cor it back to the bench and literally stayed in for about 20 seconds Brown going to back down finny Smith I

Love that matchup shoots over finny Smith and hits oh my God bro who is boxing out Pritchard he’s done this before in a previous game and he doesn’t get the two to go of course they’ve caught another [ __ ] foul mate Clon and whoever the hell is

On priter needed to be far more alert than that that is that is an abismal sort of defensive play you could have avoided the Claxton foul if you could have just adequately boxed Stout Pritchard beforehand so Boston are actually in the bonus getting free throws at the 8 Minute Mark and luckily

It’s brassette shooting him and not a a more high percentage free throw shooter he misses the first holiday checks back into the game and it’ll be white checking out so black for like replacement there the Celtics with one more free throw here it’s going to be pretty tough going for the Nets uh

For the rest of the first half got to remain disciplined on the defensive end for sure brette misses both and it is knocked from Bridges to Claxton and now shudder will bring it up so the Celtics up four the Net’s not punished for being in the bonus as of yet Bridges will

Drive on Pritchard get under the basket the reverse there is the foul and finally he actually going to get free throws finally ESPN announces NBA analysis all be hating on the Nets and that ha be trickling down to the refs I don’t even think it’s hate of the

Nets it’s just that we don’t get recognized in the league purely because well we’re not big Market anymore are are we don’t of those players that you can really Market to the world um I don’t know if shudder will have as good as a game as he did in his first

Game for us well granted I think 15 points and 12 assists Off the Bench isett hard to replicate for multiple games um but he’s not being too awful Bridges makes both down to a one possession game and uh it’s going to be brown who will bring it

Up on Bridges so starting five for the Nets in except shudder in place of Simmons Brown the spin shudder does well defensively and surely Brown shuffled the pivot foot now Brown’s going to get it back with shudder on him low base means that brown is short but he gets his own miss

The kick out to Tatum it’s an open look and he hits that as well like you just cannot make this up how many times have they gotten offensive rebounds it’s unfunny shudder out to Thomas will’ll get by Pritchard pull up for two you knew he was long the

Minute he let that one fly and now brown in transition will drive gets rid of finny Smith and scores for two and that is really assertive play by Boston and it gets the lead back up to seven so 50 to 43 Shuda out to Bridges pass somewhat behind him Shuda

Doesn’t shoot the three shovels it to Claxton and it went out of bounds and and that’s happened a couple of times today and I’m not liking that sort of play because well well I mean those passes have been Saucy by Dennis shudder but you got to acknowledge that those

Passes are going to be there by him he’s capable of making those you got to be ready so holiday’s going to switch or use a switch R now got shuder on him good Rotation by Claxton why would you jump I don’t think he needed to do that because obviously clax to was over

Browns so I I mean good helps defense but just a bit dumb really so the Celtics make two free throws and they well they’ve got a seven well they’ve gone on a 70 run if they make both Simmons back in for shudder so 51 of 43 brown with one more free throw Hower

Is in for Boston Brown is short on the second so they are letting us off the hook here with a few misses from the line Bridges will drive and the space opened up but he was badly off on that mid-range and now Tatum will bring It Forward he’s got Ben on

Him and this should have been the matchup from minute one but we can’t be switching this Tatum is going to drive on Thomas and pull up for two it’s you cannot have Cam Thomas guarding Tatum it’s that simple it’s that simple he’s smaller and he’s just not as good a Defender bridg

Is easy too uh the space opened up there early offense gets it down to eight but you I will continue to say Do not switch they will keep doing this man Tatum air balls are three and it’s going the other way and Tatum wanted a foul complaining that he wouldn’t have

Missed that badly if he wasn’t hit so the Nets with the ball in their possession Simmons will pass to Thomas on the outside and now the screen arrives Thomas switch got Hower on him gets into the paint the kick out there’s a foul with 4 seconds to play the clock

Will reset it may have actually been a defensive 3se second call I don’t think it is though cu the clocks reset so 511 a play second quarter 5345 the score Ben gets it from the inbounds someone needs to come collect it Ben’s going to back down Tatum take

It in and shoot and miss and holiday was able to save so Ben’s just he keeps shooting these pathetic hook shots which just aren’t going to work on taller players cuz he’s running away from the basket finny Smith blocked and was able to knock it to a net finny Smith will

Drive dunk NOP lay up was not completed but there’s going to be a foul so two free throws and finy Smith directly turning defense into offense the block the save and then able to run in transition with the team as a trailer and and get a look a good look and get

The free throws exploiting the smaller matchup sitting in the paint just try to Tower over the top so 5346 as do makes the first he’s got one free throw here to cut it down a little bit further so finny Smith is short on the second and the

Board by Tatum so Nets aren’t shooting free throws particularly well primarily because Thomas and bridges have not gotten there and it’s been all the plays you don’t want shooting him shooting him hser on the outside Tatum going to get into the paint just completely got rid

Of bridges there I don’t think that was legal bford was fou where the [ __ ] was the foul bro before he’s just completely discarded the defender and I’m pretty sure that’s just not legal the fail was there Undisputed after um which went the way of haford which will mean he’s shooting free

Throws but before then so it looks like Lonnie Walker’s getting ready to return into the game Horford makes the first free throw there and it’s back to eight so to the bench I’m not too sure who’s actually just gone there have to make a quick observation

Here so it’s Benny Smith off and Walker in wford makes both so Boston lead by n and the Nets need to get a few buckets late here that is just sad they’re [ __ ] fouling Ben Simmons and and so Ben is going to have to take these free throws they’re going to play hacker

Simmons we’ve got two guys on the court who cannot shoot free throws for their life so I mean this is a smart play by Boston it’s just real sad Simmons at the line’s going to need to make the free throws if he can’t this lead is going to really go up very very

Quickly we are shooting 30 3% from the free throw line I think no I think that’s just Ben on the season so Ben missed the first the second lined up now is good and he gets it down to eight got to get these stops you have to be aggressive on the ball you

Cannot live for a switch which we live for and bro I I cannot believe we keep switching this tatm matchup every single time they drag cam Thomas across cuz he’s defending Sam Hower they do that switch we’re happy with it Walker rims out on the three and

Aboard by haford they will push the pace here and it’s white into the paint blackton the SWAT and it’s going to be Boston ball it’s out of play but I mean time and time again we’re not seeing the adjustment every single play involves cam Thomas on defense is just like it’s it’s killing

Us it’s killing us what kick it out to Holiday the drive and that’s an open look for Tatum Ben came over with the help we’re very lucky Tatum missed that cuz he was scorching before that three-pointer Ben will drive playing zone so Claxton down the middle scores

For two one of the whistle that’s the center play we need when the zone is going to be employed by the opposition you got to get in the middle so Tatum on the outside they are going to do this switch bull crap again Ben is fouled Again by or Tatum is

Fouled Again by Ben and it’s just a stupid fou to concede man bford can shoot thre so blackon can’t really afford to just sit under the basket and help cam Thomas with that Tatum assignment Tatum makes the first he gets it back up to nine so cam really hasn’t scored he hasn’t

Defended too well and I think it’s more because he’s been in in the wrong position to to play defense we just have not helped him out one bit and we’ve been far too comfortable in wanting to switch it just doesn’t make sense for me and they’re going to keep failing Ben

Simmons bro this is just ridiculous ad’s got 25 of their points as well Ben’s got to be prepared to make these free throws man because if he doesn’t as I said his lead’s just going to get up and he doesn’t even get any lift on that free throw I don’t

Understand how someone so tall can’t get the free throws High Enough so Ben off on the first and the second is good much like the previous trip trip to the line so 5950 got to get a stop Tatum is 25 so bro oh you got to be kidding me

Bro that is just not a fail it’s just not a fail I mean both of them are locked up that’s just not a fail bro how much time or how many times does that happen in a game where you have a lock up between two players trying to fight

Through the contact it’s just like that that consistently happens that consistently happens and well Ben’s going to go to the bench because they just can’t continue to afford this business where Ben keeps getting fouled getting hacked should I say so Boston at the free throw line has shoot

A couple it’s Jason Tatum again no [ __ ] surprises he’s converted both and he’s now got 27 in the entire ball game oh my God and they’re fouling Claxton now it’s just so depressing that they keeping in this [ __ ] but you know what I actually don’t know why other teams don’t do this

More why don’t teams do this more so GL at the line’s got to make his free throws man he missed I believe both on his first trip and he makes the first here so VY Smith is going to check back in shudder came on for Ben Simmons

Vinnie Smith will check in for I don’t know who so CL makes his first free throw of the night so it’s I don’t know who’s gone to the bench to be honest second is good so claxon needs to do that needs to do a lot more of

That going to get that trip to the free throw line you don’t practice all those free throws for nothing holiday picked up by shudder gets into the paint pass knocked away it’s going to be not Nets ball it’s going to be Boston ball after the timeout they’re going to

Call one we haven’t had an overly high amount of timeouts we haven’t had really we didn’t have many free throws until probably the last six minutes of this game um all right if you were enjoying the stream make sure to drop a like show your support um And subscribe if you are new

We’ll be back for Nets Boston tomorrow um I believe at the exact same time so we’ll be here for that one um it’ll be well the final game before the allstar break of course this game hasn’t been too bad by this team um you can just clearly see though

That if Jason Tatum’s going to score 27 and a half best believe Boston are going to lead um they are shooting quite well from the field and three um but they haven’t taken too many threes not many turnovers free throws they’ve been there quite a bit because they’ve been in the

Bonus for well the final 8 minutes of this second quarter Mel Bridges is leading the way for the Nets with 14 he’s been pretty Rock Solid um and well the Nets are shooting 64% from the free throw line which is actually a better Mark than I thought because clax and Ben

Have taken eight free throws between them CLX has got six the starters really just haven’t gotten enough um at all two points for cam Thomas I mean Vinnie Smith has taken one shot blackx has only scored six and he’s got well Horford as the man in the middle to

Deal with um it’s really been the bench who’s been um a lot better in that scoring Department I mean the efficiency is just through the roof overall we’re shooting the ball well scored the same am same amount of um three point and uh from the field we’ve attempted

Five less and made four less only the three turnovers so we’ve done a lot of things right it’s just the free throws I mean probably been a little bit undisciplined I mean Boston have been fouling us but they’ve been fouling our [ __ ] free throw shooters with us we’ve

We’ve sent Tatum to the line a bit Brown as well so you know the defense is is the number one thing that has been our Achilles heal in this opening half um and that’s been something we prided ourselves on in in a recent run of games in the

Last 10 or 15 games we’re been a far better defensive team than we have been offensively and in a game like this where you depend on defense I don’t think it’s um well it’s it’s not it’s not overly great that you’ve conceded 61 points to this point in the half that being said

Do I think Tatum’s going to score another 2730 points in the second half well I don’t think so but we’ve got to treat Jason Tatum far differently than what we have been it’s just been consistently one-on-one defending um and we’ve constantly switched a terrible matchup on to Tatum so it’s just been

Bread and butter basically the entire quarter they get it into Luke cornet and now Tatum up top will give it to Holiday they’re going to look for Brown in the post that shot wasn’t on offer so holiday just scores over the top of Walker and that’s not even bad defense

That is just down to the Celtics making shots like every single team does at the barlay center every good team always plays well here always there’s very rarely any exceptions Walker out to shudder that was a dodgy pass truder the cross loses the defender but he was short on the

Three in the board potum and now brown pass to the corner for holiday that is an air ball it was that bad it was a pass to cornet and now Tatum please don’t switch that holiday the two is good we do not deserve to be down by 14 points

Bro we just don’t deserve it man Laxton faked the hand off tried to shuffle cornet and missed the the two and brown runs in transition the kick out to holl the swing pass was well going to go to White but it looks like holiday stood on the sidelines so a reprieve there it’s

Actually baffling though how our centers are not able to like shoot off the backboard off the glass well they never ever get to that really good spot under the basket they’re always half not facing the basket and that’s why a lot of those shots Rim out Bridges off cam Thomas

Back in shudder will drive the bounce pass to Claxton I don’t know why it bounced like that but it was a turnover and Tatum down the middle is going to be fouled no I don’t know he got a whistle two shots and we Trail by well we’re going to trail by 16 I’m

Just I’m I’m just I’m already resigned to the fact that Tatum’s going to score these two free throws I I really don’t think we have played that badly I don’t think the score lines in indictment of how we’ve played we’ve looked after the ball we’ve shot the ball well it’s just

The defense and the fact that Tatum has been absolutely ridiculously good in a mixture with us defending him quite poorly like like seriously how have we just allowed Tatum to score this many points with this much ease I mean sometimes he struggles to hit 30 points

In a game and we’ve let him score 30 and a half another Boston run doubles their lead this one’s a 70 run it’s shrewder to Walker now to finny Smith like what is Thomas doing sitting in the corner bro here he is he’s going to get inside and lose the ball Tatum

Another two points oh my God it’s just been turnover after turnover in the last couple of minutes and the lead’s just ballooned um who do you support in the AFL um the blues um all right box score check and well it’s fair to say that the turnovers have started to pile up a

Little bit recently and the bench have really been the culprit for that um Ken Thomas taking four shots bro like what are we what are we doing with that I understand we’ve had some good contributions Off the Bench but you can’t like you can sit

Him in the corner but you’ve got to find him the man of times we’ve just not looked for that pass it’s sort of crazy me far better than CLA far more efficient um the only thing is the drop coverage he plays but right now we’re basically turn styles on defense Tatum’s

Got 31 points he’s taken 16 of their shots they’ve played through him and it makes sense to because he’s found everything easy there’s just been no pressure on what he’s doing um like there there actually hasn’t been enough of a conscious effort to make the adjustment to stop Tatum getting as many

Open looks it’s just like how can you keep doing the same [ __ ] over and over again it’s it’s crazy crazy dude so they’re running with this unit of shudder Walker finny Smith Claxton and Thomas no Mel to close the half oh my God that was a crazy sort of lob a

Very audacious play out of the timeout Tatum so holiday it’s a five on four cuz Walker is completely out of the play the Celtics have gone on on an 110 run in the last 2 minutes with cornet as their Center so the Nets offense has hit a

Lull and well yeah this is the result down 20 when I don’t even think we remotely deserved to be down this much Thomas the drive that’s a foul and he’s going to get two shot so I don’t think he’s been that assertive when he does have the

Basketball like he has not looked to go vertical with the defender it’s been a lot of Pull-Up twos a lot of Pull-Up twos and not really not really testing not really testing at all that interior presence that they do or don’t have like cornet is not an needle mover defense

Defensively we got to be using screens more effectively here like try get cornet as a match up on the outside so you can exploit and drive it so Brown going to shoot a three and execute the two for one it’s off Vinnie Smith with the board and we’re going to slow this one

Down and um hopefully use the full extent of this clock shudder is picked up by white the screen by Claxton shudder bounce past to Walker and Thomas on the outside he’s going to have to shoot something he shoots a step back three and it’s good that’s an incredibly tough

Make um and we got to defend this please don’t allow a three oh my God what a move and he’s luckily airbed at Jason Tatum or hit the rim hit the backboard should I say not the rim that’s the half it’s a 15-point game so we score five late points to get it

Down to 15 um but the Celtics were overwhelmingly positive in that quarter they scored another 36 points and the Nets Well they limped um to their total I say they limped 57 points isn’t awful but the defense is just been awful and it’s been a a cakewalk for Boston primarily because they’ve

Gotten what they want um they’ve gotten 17 shots from Jason Tatum in the first half and no one else has taken more than 10 and then after that no one else has taken more than six so Tatum has taken a third of their shots and this is why

They shoot as well as they are this is why they’ve got as many free throws as they do have um and Tatum is not committed a turnover either they’ve only committed three in total so there has not been enough of an effort to stop this

Team and what I mean is if you stop Tatum then you give yourself the best chance of winning the game cuz Tatum is already probably set to go for about 4045 you cannot allow him to get more than that challenge your harfords your holidays your whites to actually win the

Game off their shot instead of just allowing Tatum to do what he’s been doing with E I mean constantly consistently they have drawn cam Thomas’s assignment to Tatum or asked him to go over there so cam Thomas has to follow and then we’re far too easy we’re far

Too compliant in terms of switching cam Thomas has found himself on Tatum numerous times not once have we actually tried to fight over the screen Ben Simmons is a decent Defender I think he can get over the screen I don’t know why we’ve been not nearly aggressive enough

In terms of trying to remain on Tatum because he’s just had way too much space um and if there hasn’t been space he’s had more height over his assignment so I I think that’s the main extraction for me out of the first half um cam Thomas needs to have more

Involvement because we just cannot have this we cannot have only two players in double figures and we cannot have well we can’t have this sort of output not at all um turnover is only at five we’re actually shooting better from three than they are I think we’ve

Actually been to the free throw line the same amount as they have it’s just the field goal percentage is absolutely through the roof they’ve taken seven more shots and made seven more shots so they’re in front of off the back of having more looks and um well they’ve

Had five extra rebounds and they’ve had a couple less turnovers so that helps um well look I need Claxton to to deliver in the second half man he’s got Luke cornet and bford to deal with we have not been giving him nearly enough touches he he has had a couple of cuts

Which haven’t really gone um really gone for much but he’s just got to demand the ball in the second half I think that’s going to be pretty key I don’t really know how many paint points we have can’t imagine it would be too many in comparison to them um I will get that

Look um it’s actually pretty embarrassing though that the Celtics are treating us like where a top three team like fouling our weak links and and getting him to the free throw line um have a look hang on so here we go um so the Celtics um 32 points in the paint to

Boston to our 22 Boston have had 12 fast break points to six with both at 5c chance Points each dayron needs to get minutes if clax isn’t going to be assertive enough you need to hold their Center rotation accountable because that is that is probably the one bit of

Leverage we had before the game going in you probably could have said well we maybe maybe um can get the ascendancy purely because of our Center rotation but dayron in 6 minutes has had more impact than Claxton has in about 15 so if CLX isn’t going to be the needle

Mover you’ve got to have dayon in there to at least try rebound the ball recycle some of our misses um the drop coverage is what it is but really you need you need finny Smith or Ben to just try fight over those screens man and and look it can’t get too much

Worse than what it is right now I mean Tatum scored 31 points he could prove me wrong and actually score more in the second half but look the way Dron plays drop coverage I don’t think it’s going to really impact it starts with denying him the

Ball if you can deny him the ball then the whole complexity of the game changes because they’re going to have to play through someone else which is what they have not done all day whether that player will be up to the task that remains to be seen um all

Righty if you are enjoying the stream make sure to drop a like And subscribe as well if you are new um we’ll be back tomorrow for Nets Boston so make sure to tune in for that one should be a pretty uh interesting sort of game I mean

Boston always boss us um and it just gets a bit exhausting after a while like how does Tatum play this good like I guarantee you Tatum has not scored at this efficiency for quite some time I I can guarantee you right now and I’m just going to have a look and see what

His I’m just going to see what his um output is being in recent time of course me out um so okay so he scored 26 against Miami 35 against Washington 20 against Atlanta 34 against Memphis here’s the issue right so in all of those games bar

One he shot over 50% from the field though he only had one game where he shot above 50% from three um he’s the thing though in those previous four games where he scored well no more than 35 he’s only taken 22 shots per game and he’s only had one game where he said

Nine free throws or more now right now or sorry he’s only had one game where he’s had four or more than four free throws right now he sits in the ballpark of eclipsing those things very easily he’s already got 17 shots in a half and he’s got seven free throws so he’s

Already eclipsing the output he’s had in previous games I don’t want to hear a a bar of like what the players have been doing I don’t think they’ve been positioned I don’t think there’s been like enough done on the coaching end to try deny that guy the basketball and make adjustments it’s

Just been too predictable the same thing continuously occurring that’s the real issue I have um Joe m is a clown bringing out the hack strategy in the second quarter of a game the re the league should do something about this for real I mean the fourth quarter is understandable but the

Second quarter is like come on well I mean they’ve they’ve got the opportunity like they can do that they can do that I mean yes it is a scummy sort of move and and look I mean it’s you know what I sort of like about

It I like that if they’re going to do that it’s going to challenge Simmons and Claxton to work even harder in the lab to get that free throw refined because that that free throw that well the whole concept of a free throw I mean it’s so important it is

Free you know and you know by that definition the Celtics are literally giving it to us for free and you’ve got to take that opportunity every chance you get now these guys if they know that they’re going to get fou intentionally which I’m sure they already know they need to be working

Even harder in the lab to get that free throw fixed up so look second half I mean what do I want to want to see probably more attack on the basket um really just feeding into the potential deficiency that they will have in terms of what they’ve got

With their Center rotation it’s cornet and it’s Al Horford that’s it why we have only settled for 22 pain points why cam Thomas has only taken five shots and not had more free throws don’t understand the starters have been cooked the bench actually hasn’t been that bad um even

Though they’ve been outscored they haven’t been awful um overall we’ve shot the ball decently we’ve been to the free throw line a fair bit and we’re actually making free throws at a pretty acceptable percentage um given we’ve had half of those from Ben and Claxton um but the thing is like we need

More we need more from our centers we need more from the star is I mean there’s been a lot of Versatility with this lineup today I mean walk has played 13 minutes shrew has played 14 cam Thomas has played 13 clax has played 14 so we’ve got if you include Dennis in

That basically one two 3 you know basically eight players who have played nine or more minutes so you know like it’s going to be really interesting to see what rotation is rolled out in the second half cuz quite frankly I don’t think we’ found what’s worked in this game yet

Um and it’s it’s all on the defensive side that is where the game’s going to be won how well can you defend the Celtics team and more specifically how well can you defend Jason Tatum in the second half if he doesn’t score 31 points well obviously we’re going to be

In the game but we also need to make sure that we block out the other outlets that isn’t named Jason Tatum and I already know what’s going to happen we’re going to double Jason Tatum and open shots are going to be everywhere on the court because that’s

What JV does and that’s what he’ll back up in the post game he’ll say something like oh Jason Tatum was just too good difficult to guard we had to Blitz him we had to find ways to disrupt him and as a result it allowed other open

Shooters on the court he’s going to say something like that I can see see it from a mile away I’m happy to be mistaken that’ll be his adjustment if there is any adjustment by JV that’ll be it they would have spent a full 15 to 20 minutes in the locker room talking about

That you know which is infuriating because I would personally use the time a little bit more productively but we can’t be productive um they’re never going to improve it’s been years you don’t see nothing wrong with it though well granted Claxton sort of improved sort of he’s had lows in his

Free throw shooting this year but there have been phases where he’s been pretty strong um Ben yeah Ben’s just a different story but you know if they can make three of their four six of their eight you know that’s the sort of thing I’m looking at five of

Eight even even I’m not looking for them to make all of them I just don’t want them to like split the pair every single time they go to the line um with Ben it is literally like it is the most overused cliche with Ben but it

Is it is all up here it’s all in the mindset like every single time he is a 610 bulldozer if he wanted to go full attack mode and go downhill and just be as ferocious and authoritative as possible he could do that he’s got the build for it he just doesn’t have the

Confidence in himself instead he’ll shy away from it a little bit he won’t want to bump bodies he’ll actually run away from the basket and try to shoot some [ __ ] over his shoulder purely because um he just doesn’t have the confidence to go up vertic against anyone really

Um yeah do I think he’ll ever get back to where he was I don’t think so but he can definitely like push on that a little bit I think he could find a little a little bit of something but yeah I I don’t know the Celtics are going to resume

With it now we have started the half and the Nets are going to need to start this second half on a high slice this lead in half and give themselves a good chance of winning the game Tatum on the outside the past to Holiday the three over Simmons is good that’s a [ __ ]

Excellent start isn’t it and what did I see we instantly switched instantly switched don’t [ __ ] know why Thomas has an open two that’s a foul where the [ __ ] was the foul call pord jumping into the landing room they didn’t call [ __ ] so the adjustment is Claxton guarding Tatum but we still

Switch and Tatum hits back on on the three luckily and the rebound for the Nets Simmons Laxon to the corner for Thomas shoots the three no hesitation and he knocks it down so Thomas off to a a Bright Start in the second half he’s already scored

Five he only had seven in the entire first half Thomas holiday holiday lost the ball and fin Smith with the board or the steel should I say Thomas now will be guarded by Derek white and try to cook on him gets into the paint Runner

Is off gets his own Miss vny Smith is open for three and he hits back on but Ben gets the board Thomas gets to his spot in the mid-range that was open and off oh my God only we could get three offensive rebounds and not actually make it count

Every time we give away an offensive board you can already Bank on on the opposition hitting a three so the Celtics up 13 round in the mid-range is going to be hit with a push off and um Mel’s going to get his way this time so a couple of turnovers for Boston in

The early going and um they did a really good job of looking after it in the first half so maybe a reason for optimism good cut by finy Smith there was a foul on holiday and that was a bit of a phantom call I don’t think the foul was there

But we take those I guess and the Nets will have another crack at it with 14 to shoot and 10 12 left in the third quarter it will be Bridges inbounding the ball on the side I assume he’ll look for Ben off The inbounds Bridges thought about the three went

Behind the back and just lost the ball why is he trying to do that stupid [ __ ] give it to Ben Simmons bro Tatum out to haford to the corner for white the switch bounce past to Holiday round in the corner for three he has not hit a three until now

Thomas there’s a foul what the hell man he hit the three he banked it in I thought it was a fou because it was and they’ve chalked it off second time today they’ve chalked off a bucket oh my God [ __ ] infuriating that [ __ ] even though that was the right call

Like Vinnie Smith has gone to the bench Wilson’s getting run early on in this second half who only played two minutes in that first half Bridges gets by reverse scores and he didn’t get another call he’s just not going to get the call is he Brown the switch tries to weave

Through kick out to Horford tatums open top of the key Simmons did well there to not give away a foul loopy passed to Brown oh my God what a bail out of a foul Again by cam Thomas bro whoops so finny Smith out for Wilson Thomas

Remains in 902 to play in this second half or third quarter should I say holiday is going to look for brown again because Thomas is guarding him and Thomas has picked up two fouls in about 10 seconds just have not been disciplined enough on this end of the ball far too

Many easy fouls um and well they’re going to keep feeding whoever the hell cam Thomas is guarding in the low block every single time Horford is ready to fire he hits the three as well every single time they make the three it’s [ __ ] ridiculous Thomas there’s a

Foul if they’re going to call him up one end you have to call him the other way so Thomas draws that one but it will be a foul on or it will be triggered in from the side Bridges he’s going to look for cam Thomas he gets

It Wilson was open in the corner takes it in shoots with the right hand and was off Miss CED and now the Celtics will break out and transition that’s a great play but blocked by Clon we’re going to move it Celtics have the numbers back there’s just not enough play around the basket

Wilson was open Thomas was contested but still hit the shot and I reckon they’re going to chalk it off when they when they check it back because his his foot was on the line on the sideline I mean br will shoot a mid-range and he is Mis cuted to

The right and now the Nets can slice into this lead a little bit more Ben going to take it in on Horford shoot off the window does not get the angle but Wilson it was tapped to him fortuitously B to Bridges midrange is good it’s down to a dozen got a knuckle

Down got a knuckle down got to make things as difficult as possible Tatum here why would you go under the screen Tatum is off the board by Ben and now Mel Bridges no [ __ ] shot why would you do that oh my God they’ve committed an over over and back it’s just so [ __ ]

Stupid why Mel would pass it oh my God that is the most brain dead turnover I’ve ever seen in my life oh my God that is so easily easily preventable holiday pass to Horford it went off hands and another turnover Mel spin out to Thomas but yet we weren’t

Able to do anything on the break Thomas is feeling it and he misses the three Ben tried to back tap it to one of the Nets but Mel was too far back and um he had to commit the foul on Tatum to stop the break from occurring

So 64 9 to play in this third quarter the Nets man they’ve just a couple sequences they’ve been able to chop in all they’ve had further opportunity to chop into the deficit but just a couple of well bits of poor shot selection and and turnover that turnover just was

[ __ ] stupid I mean that is just fundamentals and something that I don’t even think a six-year-old would be guilty of making I’ve noticed we do those passes way too often where we probably could have been hit with an over and back multiple times where Mel lets the pass go way too

Early before the the guy passing to was hasn’t even exceeded the halfway line man um if you are enjoying the stream make sure to to drop a like And subscribe if you are new we’ll be back for Nets versus Celtics tomorrow let me know if you are enjoying the stream as well

Um that’s of course really important to me so um let me know in the chat if you are enjoying the streams as usual and um yeah happy to have you guys here in the chat let me know what your favorite part about the stream is what keeps you

Coming back to the stream if you’re a regular um those are all really important bits of feedback which I can use um going forward in terms of what I keep what I get rid of uh for the next season really um excuse me so 81 to 69 and

Um we’ve really made no inroads we’ve had an opportunity to but um I swear this team finds a way to disappoint every single time with some stupid decision making um is stop scoring with 18 good efficiencies um and cam Thomas has got 15 he scored eight in the quarter

Um interesting that you know jacqu Vaughn has gone with um yeah interesting that it’s the um it’s been the decision by JV to play Jaylen Wilson very early on in in the second half over finy Smith so this game isn’t over yet we’re really going to have to do something

Special though we’re going to have to play Flawless team basketball not turn it over make a crap ton of our shots um and really not let the occasion get to us um we play this team tomorrow as well so the mistakes of today are going to be

Fresh um going into tomorrow and equally if Boston chok this game that’s going to be fresh in their mind as well Tatum on the outside picked up by Simmons the switch laxer now guarding him on the outside that’s a good switch but of course they target that Thomas switch every single time the

Numbers collapse wh’s open it’s an easy three and how many times have I said this that we are going to overcommit and open looks are just going to free themselves up every everywhere on the court Wilson the drive had an open two gave it to Bridges and missed

The three Claxton the offensive board is able to flip it back up and in and as suspected before they chalked off the three-pointer by cam Thomas and um thus that actually cut the lead to 16 not what it would have been which was 13 that’s too easy had an easy steal on

Offer and instead you can’t R it in easy two for Boston it’s crazy how they don’t have pingis yet are still dominating us cuz the scheme against really good teams are just rubbish the defensive schemes Ben the hand off to Thomas Gets By hallford the reverse is well I mean

Standard stuff for cam Thomas I mean defensively I I keep saying it the defense has got to lift we’ve actually only allowed 14 points in the quarter which actually is a pretty good Mark for us in this game Brown oh my God cam Thomas you [ __ ] idiot what a

Bailout that’s his third foul he’s committed in the quarter so three throws for Boston in the bonus what a terrible [ __ ] foul to commit as well Brown makes number one it’s up to 17 Dennis times two check in Ben to the bench ridges also off white will head out for Boston Howser Checks

In where’s Dron man we need I I would like some high energy minutes from from sharp here second is good it’s an 18-point lead and it’ll be shudder who brings it up blackton back to Thomas into the paint and Luke cornette that is tough you’re never really going to score over

It feels Brown is going to try to cook on Claxton he nearly lost the handle good defense great defense in fact and Tatum’s going to have to deal with this the switch Wilson guarding Tatum now and he’s sort of capable of this but Tatum is just making rainbow 3 like it’s

Nothing and you can’t do nothing about it it’s just a [ __ ] joke how ridiculous that is so the leads up to 21 I think that’s the largest of the game game the lob was never on offer and the Celtics are going to easily score in transition like it’s actually crazy the

Amount of times that happens Claxton is down sore he’s gotten back up it’s actually crazy how good they are at running in transition they highlight the turnover immediately and you’ve got no one really holding Tatum to a count he actually had not scored until probably

The last 40 seconds um cuz he had 31 at the half he’s now got 36 with two quick buckets in this quarter um let’s have a look Nets have no Talent OR stars now coach is a joke well I can agree with the coach I mean

How does he allow Tatum to score 31 as easily as he did in the first half um I just got here but I do enjoy the streams overall I like your delivery the game the way call it and the way you mentioned stats throughout the game well that’s important of course it’s

Important you know cuz I can’t check the box score every day of the week only suggestion would be either a small green screen to make it look like you’re in the arena or add like little noise clips of announcers going crazy when someone hits hits a three that could be an interesting

Addition that actually isn’t a bad idea but I feel like well I need a sound board to do that um and I don’t have a soundboard so maybe that’s something down the line um he doesn’t clean up our weaknesses in our team is a joke no Talent

Well yeah I mean it’s just like this is stock standard basketball by JV I mean we we have to highlight that Boston are the best team in the league for a Reason Record wise they aren’t unbeatable um yeah they AR unbeatable but we just haven’t I I don’t think

We’ve haven’t really got it right um like you need cam Thomas to play well for you to win but the problem is Cam Thomas is getting killed on defense um the switch defense just doesn’t work with a good team um espe especially if you’re playing a [ __ ]

Like like if it’s a simple for the opposition is as having cam Thomas um you know have to switch on Tatum like you’ve got to understand when the time is right um there’s got to be work done to just ensure that cam Thomas is no part of the

Switch defense this game is pretty out of hand I mean Boston have really not looked like they’ve kicked up a sweat to be honest um even with Paul zingis out I think that just shows how good their team is crazy good so schrudder Thomas Wilson Dennis Smith Dron sharp and I thought I

Was I was GED up for this game as well too I mean I mean it’ be stupid actually thinking that we’re going to um actually exploit disadvantage or exploit the advantages we have we just got a steal cam Thomas is going to pull up for three and we miss Dennis got

Fou on the putback dunk I’m pretty sure Jaylen Wilson hit Dennis’s arm and you know what I’m pretty sure this happened in the previous game I’m actually pretty sure this happened in the previous game that we played against Boston this exact incident where we actually failed our

Own man I’m pretty sure Wilson hit Dennis’s arm on that putb and they’ve called a foul that’s the one they call of course that’s the one they call and the worst part is I don’t think it’s going to be our ball cam Thomas should not have pulled up for three when

We got that steal we have the numbers it should have been an instant sort of um it should have been an instant sort of like drive and we had the numbers running in in transition trailing um yeah it’s funny how this team SW like if you go on Net’s Twitter it is [ __ ]

Fascinating to see this team shift or people shift from oh this team’s so good everyone’s so good um of course it’s Boston bow as well it’s just a bit [ __ ] annoying um so we’re just completely fluffed a fast break possession which should be easy easy stuff um what was I going to

Say um like everyone thinks the like oh last game we’re the best team in the league this this game we’re the worst team in the world bro we’re playing Boston and we played the Spurs last game it’s the definition of mid when you blow out a well when you blow out

A a [ __ ] team and you get blown out by a good team that is the definition of mid not good enough to compete with the best and not bad enough to lose to the worst even though we’ve done that time and time again this year shudder that’s a

Good driving kick Wilson hit two threes very quickly and he’s actually making threes at an at an absurdly good clip like I think he’s shooting like 54% this season in the NBA from three Tatum in a switch with Thomas guarding yet again the same thing he’s going to pull up for three

And he’s going to convert here we go good Defense Force the pass two to shoot cser’s going to have to shoot one on the move and he misses get the board oh my God bro dayron sharp grab the ball with your two hands two players under the

Basket I don’t know why dayon can’t just box out and let the smaller guard get the rebound make the selfless team play don’t try to do it all yourself open three for Holiday off the inbounds that’s off and cornet gets another board holiday in the paint that’s an open two

And he scores it it’s just like you can’t draw it up no one is scoring that easily 21o lead to Boston Walker driving kick shrew is open top of the key that three is very long you knew it was misdirected miscued every well the minute he shot it prit it

On the outside they can crack the ton with another three and I wouldn’t be surprised if they do do it Tatum has rud on him I don’t know where DFS has been this whole game Tatum doesn’t get the bounce dayon with the rebound and it’ll be Lonnie Walker who brings it

Forward going to pull up for three foul and it’s going to be three shots Pritchard was on the back shoulder and he just had that marginal contact about him and I mean they can call another challenge if they would like because they did win the previous challenge that

Is the most Phantom call I’ve ever SE that is not a foul but Walker will get three looks at it and get that first one to go he would have won that challenge as well if he did challenge it Jo Mula so Walker’s second is

Off if we could get it down to like 13 to 15 at 3/4 time then potentially Maybe maybe we have a sniff but it’s a pretty tall order to have to come back from 20 down so Walker makes two of three and uh the Nets Trail by 19 so Tatum

Switch got Ben on him shoots the three and he airballs that one as well so so I mean if you can keep forcing them to take those then maybe you have a sniff but going to make it count on this other side truder going to drive there’s open space

Under the basket and it was fouled and shudder has not taken a free throw in the seven quarters he’s played as a net but these will be his first two here so shudder at the free throw line are cut it to 17 points why is it 77 no now it’s 78 there we

Go so cuts that one uh with that score cuts it down to 18 one more free throw here can we make a couple baskets get a couple of stops they allow white to check in all right so shudder made the first second one lined up oh my god well done

By Jaylen Wilson bro so shudder [ __ ] up the free throw but Wilson simply by harassing Tatum on the board and being you know being a bit persistent was able to give us another possession got to inbound it oh my God only the Nets can fluff that man only the Nets

Bro it’s [ __ ] embarrassing that you can’t inbound the ball there’s an offensive foul on cornet I I don’t even know what’s happened there I did see shudder fall to the floor it was probably another Phantom foul and that’s that’s just another soft call I’m not going to complain as much

Because well obviously web won it but how many times have weird opportunities here to cut into the deficit every single time it’s all been in vain Simmons was definitely held shuder was also hit so I don’t know who’s getting the free throws truder or Simmons I’m not

Sure oh my God it’s been at the free throw line for [ __ ] sake so 97 to 79 two free throws here for Ben and that you knew as soon as he shot it every single time you can tell in the in the first .1 seconds after the release whether it’s going in or

Not it’s simply either lined up or it’s not way too many free throws have gone a waste here Wilson will go to the bench I actually don’t know why because he’s actually played some quality minutes when he’s been on the court um so Ben made well he’s made the second free

Throw every single time he’s been to the line and he does so again so he’s three of six and the lead’s down to 17 but man we’ve left a few points on the table I will tell you that much Richard picked up by shudder on the outside oh my God

Bro and Ben and shrewder just star down Luke cornet as if to say what a flop let’s have a look oh my God that is the biggest flop I’ve ever seen this guy’s like 7′ one and he falls over that easily you cannot be actually telling me that’s a

Foul so they’ve sort of limped their way to 100 here they haven’t even hit 100 and they’re on 97 about 3 minutes ago so Ben’s got his fourth personal but I tell you what half of the fies committed have not been there I mean the referees have had some terrible decisions today both

Ways cornette misses the second can you get the board yes you can shudder uh collect and we are in the final minute so shudder will look to use the screen wrap around for Bridges gets into the paint that’s a foul it’s going to be two more free throws and the Celtics would be

Smart here after these free throws to execute the two for one so well done there by Mel to wait and just use that patience to um basically allow the contact to arrive bries makes the first it’s down to 17 so all things considered we actually haven’t had an

Awful we actually haven’t had an awful third quarter to be honest I mean we’ve been outscored but we’ve only been outscored by what two it’s been just a slow like interval process um like in terms of how Boston have gotten their lead it’s just been very gradual how they’ve gotten their

Lead so 16-point lead for Boston it’s been as high as about 21 Richard will give it to Tatum he’s got Dennis on him he drives the pass turnover we got the numbers why would you look backwards why would you look backwards you had the numbers bro

Shrewder oh my God we could have used we could have been far better than that the minute that Walker pass the backwards the shudder that just showed the intention shudder nearly turns it over we got four to shoot Walker’s going to have to make something happen shake and

Bake the three is off and Tatum has got 4 seconds to to bring it up and pull up he gets through the scoop is off and there’s no foul that’s 3/4 time I’ll tell you what if we could have actually had a good possession at the end of the

Third I would have given us a cheeky sniff cuz I think we actually have the momentum I thought Boston were easily going to crack 100 at 3/4 time but the last 3 to 4 minutes um things have been a little bit more sparse for them so the Celtics um only scored 26 third

Quarter points and that is as well far below what they did in the first two quarters um and Tatum was limited in you know to a certain extent but the Nets still didn’t score more points than them so they didn’t actually make any inroads um the Nets have gotten

Well hang on let me refresh and then we can actually do the full Roundup um excuse me so Tatum’s got 36 he only scored five in the quarter so I guess it’s a better concerted effort by the team to sort of stop that from happening

Um I actually need to upgrade the uh the stat lines here for for Dennis shudder he’s only scored the seven points um we’ve got 15 from Walker Off the Bench uh D Ron sharp really didn’t play in that third quarter um Luke cornet’s on 5,000 he’s played a fair portion of

The game as well so that may affect their rotation somewhat um is the high man with 20 cam Thomas with 14 and well he did have a three-pointer chalked off as well so you know he’s probably a little bit stiff to not have a few more points Ben Simmons only the three points

He has not made a field goal but he has had the eight dimes so um I guess there’s a silver lining in that almost we’re still shooting it not too bad from the field and three the free throws just a little bit tored especially given well

Black and Ben only combined for two free throws in that quarter we really should have gotten a little bit more bang for our buck um and overall well cam Thomas is 5 to 13 pal 7 to 15 Jaylen Wilson’s been good um Daron Sharp’s a plus three Dennis in

14 minutes is a plus three so the bench haven’t been the issue and Boston is still shooting above 50% from the field and 45% from three Jason Tatum scoring 31 in the half is first half has really really given them what they’ve well sought after and look I think the 72 points

That we shipped off in the first half probably too much to come back from but I’m happy to be mistaken in this last quarter 16 points to make up after having not outscore them in any quarter it’s going to be a really tough ask it’s got to be really Flawless from here and

We’re going to to start on the right note it’s bridges for three stepping back that is not the shot you cannot three point shoot your way back into it you can slowly get back into it with the most high percentage look it’s Wilson Bridges Thomas schrudder Simmons playing the five Brown

Picked up by Bridges gets into the paint and shoots it rims out the board by Ben and we haven’t seen too many minutes of Ben at the five Bridges to shudder held the pivot foot down he drives gets past brassette the lob Ben with the tip in and I don’t think that

Was by Design but we got it to go first two points of the last quarter going on the way at the Nets so it’s down to 14 white on the perimeter picked up by Thomas the switch they’ll send it to the corner for Pritchard who’s got shudder on

Him decent defense there pass to Horford Drive pass Brown shock clock winding down it’s a deep two it misses oh my God cam Thomas you [ __ ] [ __ ] get the rebound thank you Richard another offensive board that’s going to be the death of me Wilson to the corner for Mel

Wilson was the cutter but there was no pass on there shuder on the outside going to test the waters with a three and miss and that’s going to be not Nets Ball but well done by Wilson at least to try get in pursuit of it but the three

Pointers aren’t going to do it the threes are just not simply going to do it the only two points of the quarter have come on the interior and the only two two misses of the quarter have come from the perimeter so pretty clear what the shot profile needs to be in order to

Win this game Brown it’s going to back down cam Thomas that’s been exploded all day Derek White’s wide open for three and he misses rebound by shudder it’s terrible defense but like I mean I guess you can only deal with what you’re dealing with Mel bro yes he’s just got to stop taking

The [ __ ] three bro Pritchard definitely had his foot on the line and Mel did well to disrupt the handle but Mel has taken two threes in the quarter it is not the shot you take we could have actually been in single digits right now if we actually test the

Interior they don’t even have a center on the floor right now well they do it’s Horford but you can exploit that you can fully exploit that Thomas inside layup is good there you go simple it’s simple like I don’t [ __ ] understand why you have to complicate it

And shoot threes all the time unless they’re absolutely on and they’re incredibly high percentage take it inside their interior presence is not really that strong Pritchard to Horford he’s got Wilson on him he faces up then backs down Brown under the basket knocked Away by shudder and brassette is

Fouled going up by cam Thomas that nearly was a steal by Dennis shudder he knocked it away and it just luckily deflected to brette so we’re doing the right things to get in an optimal position to potentially steal this game but um you know you have

To make those ones there the 50/50 balls they need to go your way and you need to be very alert if the ball is in dispute so 9986 Celtics up and the Celtics man they were on 97 points for the longest time they still haven’t cracked the ton and

The Nets can trim into this deficit a little little bit further if they can make a basket here Simmons on the outside to Mel Bridges gets into the paint that bounce pass was just well and truly not on you absolutely needed to pin the I of an

Needle in order to get it to Ben Simmons there instead it’ll be knocked out of play and it is Nets ball on the Baseline and we’re actually going to get a timeout the way of Boston I think if you are enjoying the the the stream make sure to drop a like and And

Subscribe as well if you are are new as well um we’ll be back the Nets versus the Celtics tomorrow um where the yeah where these teams will go at it again this time in Boston and um hopefully the Nets get a dub there I mean this one is not done yet by no

Means um the Celtics have sort of evened out a little bit in terms of their shooting percentages it’s now only just at 50% um and their three point percentage is also down so Tatum only the Five Points Brown isn’t shooting efficiently um holiday white and Horford have shot it very well

But they’re not taking too many so um and the turnovers have gone up they had two at half time they’ve got 10 now so been a little bit more disruptive in the second half only allowed the 27 points to this stage of the second half but we

Just haven’t had the offense um to really knuckle down and get back in the lead it’s been good defense we’ve only scored the 29 Points on offense though and and our shooting percentages are well down so we’re going to need players like Bridges to not fall into a rut even

Though that’s exactly what he’s done um cuz he was shooting at like seven of 12 seven of 13 he’s missed three or his last four shots um turnovers at 10 I don’t know it’s it’s going to be a very iffy run home I think for this team

Um it can go one or two ways you go Flawless or you just go the complete other way and Boston will potentially just go on like an 80 run through Jason Tatum purely him just pulling up for three making him because he’s good at it and um really it’s just as clearcut as

That so look I hope that’s not the case of course um but I can definitely definitely foresee it happening um because of how often it does happen when we play Boston um what another review let’s have a look was it was it Celtics or I don’t know who that’s

Off I think I blinked at the wrong time I don’t know whose ball it is I reckon it’s all I reckon they [ __ ] won the challenge again the Lucky Bastards they always have a perfect record with this sort of stuff it’s unsuccessful wow so maybe it was just difficult to be

Deemed I don’t have any idea basically in other words they couldn’t be [ __ ] you know taking longer to really deliberate so the Nets will have the ball on the Baseline and bridges will inbound please do not fluff this inbounded to Thomas catch and shoot three yes 10-point lead Thomas wanted a whistle again

Mate we’ve put in a shift to give ourselves a bit of a chance Tatum is still out so oh wow they’ve just thrown it into the open floor thas in transition takes it in runner is good it’s down to eight and I think they they’re signaling for Tatum to get up off the

Bench because this lead is evaporating for Boston they still haven’t cracked 100 points it’s they have been stranded on well within three of 100 for ages they miss again and it’s another rebound for schrudder so Thomas will have the opportunity no Mel easy layup or throw down take your pick and

It’s down to six an 111 run in the last 3 minutes has seen the lead get trimmed Brown the switch blitzed crosscourt to Horford white up top he’s left alone and he hits I I mean they were going to hit a three at some point and they finally get one

To go but I mean rotation got to be better you can’t just allow that so shrew to the drive gets it to go plus one and mate the Nets have done what they’ve needed to do to get into a very good spot you know this is the position

Where Boston have everything to lose and you’ve got nothing to lose you You’ trailed the majority of the game and for Boston to lose from here it would be well a bit clownish on their part but for us we’ve just got to go all chips in really down

Seven another free throw coming up for shrewder oh my God one of three I guarantee you he never shoots free throws that badly leaving a few points on the at the line it’s just you can’t afford to to do it round the spin bro where was the foul mate that is [ __ ]

[ __ ] got it elbow to the face no call oh my God so they just get a two back oh my God shrew to the drive gets into the pain he’s now got Horford on him in a switch and now it’s out to Mel gives it back to shudder with five to

Shoot creates the separation and shoots a mid-range that is just not the shot Dennis you’ve got cam Thomas on the court and the Nets have well fair to say the opportunity May well have already slipped here they make another basket here’s holiday Tatum in the corner was

An open look he took a dribble shot a two converted the two and JV needs to call a time out man we’ve missed our last five shots or something like that clax is getting ready to check in and he’s just [ __ ] lost the ball that’s why the timeout should have

Been [ __ ] called JV that’s why the timeout should have been called it’s [ __ ] simple yeah bro the referees are [ __ ] blind elbow to the face before elbow to the face and Jersey tug nothing that’s when you know it’s [ __ ] scripted round the drive the wraparound past the Horford on the the

Outside he’ll get it back he’s got Claxton on him he shoots over the top and converts and just like that JV still hasn’t called a timeout still hasn’t called a [ __ ] timeout they’ve gone on a 70 run in response you should have called a timeout the minute they got a

Three and we’ve just called another [ __ ] turnover there’s the game right there cuz you couldn’t [ __ ] call a timeout rally the troops man you don’t do [ __ ] JV we’ve got gone on the run but the minute the Run ended you should have called a timeout it was a terrible three

To give away and CLX has just been teed up it’s just turned to [ __ ] in about 3 minutes cuz this guy couldn’t [ __ ] call a timeout if I was coach I would have called a timeout immediately cuz I would have been like you’ve gotten it down to

Six you just gave away a cardinal sin of a 3 you should have well and truly well and truly done done something to stop that and hold him accountable and say look Lads that was just a terrible sequence you have two options here you either you either knuckle down and don’t

Give that [ __ ] away or you let the game slip and we still haven’t seen the call White for three it’s off the rebound by Wilson and now shud so 5 minutes to play it’s back up to 14 they’ve doubled the lead in about 2 minutes Thomas is going to step

Back for three it’s just not the shot he somehow hits it I just don’t know why that’s the shot but if you’re Boston you can’t really complain with that defense I mean it was basically face guarding so Brown on the outside we have to get a stop the switch it’s Thomas

Picking up brown now holiday knocked away it’s going the other way and it’s Thomas who is able to disrupt Brown had an easy layup but Thomas was able to Bumble it out of his hands and it went off Brown last so we can get it back down the single

Figures 450 to play picked up by Thomas got to use the Claxton screen he does the switch another three and he didn’t score but it’s been chalked off um and it will actually be Nets ball on the side cuz there was a foul off the ball 446 to play 11-point

Game that’s another three by Thomas he’s hit another one or was a deep two toe on the line I think so probably scoring the toughest of twos you’ll ever get round into the paint that’s going the other way and shudder claps his hands right in front of Jaylen Brown who actually

Helped him up I thought he was going to be a little bit of the retaliation type but shudder is able to draw the charge and well done because I don’t see too much of that from this net team I haven’t seen much of it this season full stop we still have not seen

A timeout so JV just continues to let it run and it’s knocked away by holiday and it will yet again be the Nets on the side how many timeouts do we have left it feels like we got four time out still and he just is saving him for what as if

He can convert him into credits later on like I don’t get it Thomas got haford on him step back two is off and I wouldn’t have shot that he had multiple players on his hammer there were open Shooters on the weak side he just needed to try

Find him instead the the Celtics can get it up bford wrap around flips one up and in and can’t imagine that’s what they thought that they were going to shoot off that possession but Horford scores for two it’s back up to 11 and Thomas now is heavily guarded by holiday here

Screen by Wilson Thomas is doubled again and he was fouled by holiday and Thomas looks like got hit in the nose right in the schnos and um that see see you know what that is that is a proper Blitz that’s a proper Blitz the amount of times we

Blitz and it is not even remotely close to the pressure like that like it’s ridiculous Mel the drive lob and Clacks him with the throw down and it’s it’s a npoint game still so we continue to hang around but 3 minutes 30 to go time is against

Us Wilson’s going to come over and Blitz see that is oh my God oh my God oh my God what you just witnessed well you didn’t witness it I had to [ __ ] witness it the look I wouldn’t wish it upon you to have to witness this right right the

First of all the blitz such an ineffective Blitz you’re just allowing an easy pass out and then the inability to get the steel when there was only one possible pass they got an offensive rebound Brown’s going to reload and miss that one as well and bridges gets the board

So shud is going to bring it up and we got a fair bit of facilitating here Thomas Wilson is open and ready to shoot it but that’s a terrible pass he still fires and hits Wilson’s getting the look late and he converts a big three it’s back to

Six I thought the game was D when they got it up to 14 if you’re going to Blitz you have to face guard you have to trap him Brown picked up by Wilson the drive the kick out is open that’s an open look and he hits the

Three I mean it’s just like you cannot you can’t do that it’s just you can’t do that oh my God Wilson the pump fake driving kick bridg has lost Jason Tatum and it’s back down to six again but if you want to get it down further stop

Blitzing you don’t need to Blitz yet you are only down down two possessions you’ve got two minutes they’re going to feed Tatum help defense and he’s just too it’s too easy it’s too easy you didn’t even no pressure whatsoever just allow the pass to Tatum allow him to get

Inside allow him to score bro you had oh my God bro you had clax an open under the basket Thomas has tried some over complicated [ __ ] all they need to do is run the clock out um and this will wrap things up for them Tatum drives on Thomas holiday on the Baseline it’s

Basically an open two but he missed it so we got to move it quick now shrew of the spin Scoops it to Wilson pump fake gets inside kick out to Thomas was a little bit wward bro you don’t have time to do a bunch of dribbles Thomas is going to

Feed shudder we got six the shoot and nothing looks like it’s going to happen and Tatum is fouled or shuder is foued by Tatum we’re going to get a timeout what what on Earth is JV saving these timeouts for I need to know how many timeouts he’s had left or has

Left like dude come on he’s he’s like let the game Run for eight full minutes if only they didn’t go on that [ __ ] run that got him from six back up to to 14 points um if you are enjoying the stream make sure to drop a

Like And subscribe as well if you are new we’ll be back for Nets versus Boston tomorrow so look we’ve done well to get back into the game we were down by as much as 23 in the third quarter um but of course of course Boston were always

Going to be able to um Boston were always going to be able to you know um Elevate things um back up you know they were never going to be in an offensive rut for that long um so look it would take something special from here to win the game I mean we’ve

Got 62 seconds to score eight points and that would actually be that wouldn’t even be a best case scenario I mean that would send us to another five extra minutes if you are in enying make sure to drop a like of course I appreciate the support if you can um add to the

Tally and um yeah we’ll be back here in 24 hours so hopefully the game’s a little bit more competitive um in the middle portion of the game I could not help but think that we would be in this contest if we actually well didn’t do some stupid [ __ ]

Number one made our free throws number two and bottom line weren’t trailing by 23 number three um yeah it’s it’s going to be like like fair to say it’s been a good fight back um but like where was the defense that we’ve executed in this second half in the first

Half I mean granted there have been a lot of open looks for Boston as well but we’ve at least challenged we’ve at least challenged the the role players to make the shots you know so it’s 116 108 there is a minute to play you have to operate

Quickly do you hit a three do you go for the two I’d go for the well whatever’s on of course but I’d rather I’d rather go a two than a three because you if you don’t score the two well then the game’s done if you score the two you

Know you’re still within a two possession game same Merit as if you you know scored a three basically just one extra point got to get it in Wilson will get it from the inbounds it’s shuder on the outside he’s going to drive on Tatum flings it out to Wilson the pump fake

Back to shudder open three oh my God that was so short that would have been it that was a good look though I mean you can’t complain with that and there is a double and Derek White’s open for two under the basket like that is just that is how bad our Blitz

Is like the blitz is just terrible we never ever are able to affect a pass when we Blitz Bridges scores for two it’s back down to eight but this was just too tough of a lead to to come back from you know given we were down by 23 so late

On and um I think that’s going to do it it was a sort of valiant comeback performance I mean you know we were down by a huge amount but it it all stems from as the clock will expire and run out it all stems from defending uh Jason Tatum in the first

Half there was not nearly enough done nearly enough done um to to you know actually stop Jason Tatum in the first half it was just it was it was pretty cynical sort of play um overall We we played a good last quarter um but the problem is you’re not going to win games

Of basketball playing one good last quarter against a team as good as Boston um we end up outscoring him in the second half we we actually played pretty solid defensively um our best minutes were with Ben at the five and Jaylen Wilson playing some some really high quality minutes at the four

The thing is I don’t know why Jaylen Wilson only played two minutes in the first half I actually think he was he would have been an important player to have especially when you couldn’t get the offensive boards especially when you know you had a few empty minutes here

And there with Claxton and and day Ron sharp wasn’t too bad at the five but the drop coverage was a little bit while leaving a bit to be desired so I think Ben at the five could be a nice little lineup to close games and have Jaylen Wilson

Potentially at the four I loved that he was constantly pump faking and and driving and kicking it back out a lot of good things happen because of that I think the next step in his play is actually taking it all the way in or shooting a a side step three basically to the

Same sort of you know replication as as what you would see from like a royce O’Neal pump fake um overall we lose this one by eight I mean I did say I don’t want us to be blown out I mean it didn’t really feel like we were ever in this

Game um to be honest but um we did have a sniff later on when we we got it down to six with about seven minutes left and and to be honest I thought well if we you know we got to keep this going and unfortunately we allowed them to get it

Back up to 14 and then from then on it was just too tough to come back from maybe the results different if we actually call the time out after allowing a wide open Derek White 3 um and and maybe we have a different result maybe they don’t go on that run maybe we

Flip the script the other way um Boston overall I mean Jaylen Brown usually is a flamethrower a flamethrower against us but he wasn’t nearly um of that caliber today haford didn’t miss Derek white and Drew holiday hit some big shots and um ultimately they shot the ball above 50%

From the field 40% from three 31 dimes they did turn the ball over a ton in that second half which is probably why we were able to get back into the contest um but overall it was the Jason Tatum show I mean the guy scored 31 in

The first half I I do think we did the right things in terms of you know restricting him in the second half I did say at halim it’s our goal to not allow him to score more than 45 and then just you know test the role players and the

Players around him The Supporting Cast to try and make those big shots and and to their credit in the last quarter they did um although in the middle portion like at the end of the third start of the fourth you could see that that sort of flaw with Tatum not scoring being on

The bench a little bit in terms of being managed you know that sort of played into it a little bit that was a factor and um ultimately uh they ended up well letting us back in the game we didn’t have the fire power to get it done of course because you know being

Down 23 you do yourselves a major disservice is Paul zingis going to be available tomorrow I’m not sure but it is going to really put him in in a good spot to win that game as well um the Nets well we got 27 from Mel and 26 from cam Thomas

Really good performances by both of those um I think it’s more commendable from cam Thomas cuz well at 3/4 time he was shooting 5 of 13 and he you he goes five of seven in the last quarter so he makes he well he doubles the amount of

Shots he converted in the first three quarters I think the problem is the first three quarters you know he shouldn’t have only had five field goals made to that point um in the game ends with 26 Malla 27 pretty well-rounded game by him um cam Thomas did commit

Five fouls though a lot of players were in a fair bit of foul trouble I think the good thing is Ben only played 24 minutes that actually probably is the most he’s played um since he returned from injury cam Thomas played 34 Mel played the most of anyone um shudder

Played 31 minutes off the bench and well he started well he made his first two threes but from then on he was a little bit rough um watching so Lonnie Walker I mean May an option but that being said you wanted shuder in so you had a good

Sort of facilitating type player down the stretch and I think he did deliver in that sense um but he did have a couple of big shots that he probably needed to convert but didn’t um overall shot the ball pretty well turnovers very similar with Boston free throws probably

Left quite a few on the table Shuda missed a couple um and well Ben Simmons missed three but the guys that you probably wanted at the line for the most part made them um we shot the three well I mean we didn’t do too much wrong um it

Was just the defensive work which was I mean it lifted in the second half cuz as I said the 11 turnovers forced but you know we left a few points on the table at certain stages and and Boston were good enough to capitalize and ultimately well they had four extra shots and they

Converted four extra shots and ultimately you lose by probably four well you lose by four two pointers um we made the same amount of Threes as Boston we made the same amount of free throws as Boston it’s literally down to the four extra shots they took and the four

Extra shots they made from those four extra so sometimes it’s about fine margins and there were a few instances where things could have gone our way um and and swung the other way I mean there was a couple occasions where we could have had a two

They go up the other end score a three um cam Thomas had a three that was chalked off cuz his foot was on the line so fine margins of course um but the starters we should not have been down 23 in the first place um yeah and we only have ourselves to

Blame for that um and to show you how close it actually was outside of the uh the field goals and how much how dependent that was on the victory look at those look at these stats here like the free throws similar three-pointers similar um field goals as I said

Difference of four and four two-pointers would have tied this game up um if we had the same amount as them build goal percentage very close three-point percentage free throw percentage wasn’t great on either side turnovers nearly the same rebounds nearly the same offensive rebounds the same everything

Nearly was the same um But ultimately the only thing that really matters ultimately is going to be whether you get that W and unfortunately we just didn’t have the uh the source to get it done um those who are exiting now make sure to drop a like And subscribe on it

Um as you depart will’ll be back here in in 24 hours I’m just going to check the the other stats that I can’t see on that screen there uh points of turnovers 14 to7 notably in the first half Boston broke out and transition a lot more than

They did in the second half um those fast break points were well they got 14 to8 and 14 points off turnovers to seven so they very much probably got the advantage there and there were a few instances where we weren’t up to the task and weren’t reactive enough to us

Missing or turning the ball over we didn’t get back quick enough whereas when we got the steel we actually looked very non-urgent like there was one where we had a transition possession in the second half and and Lonnie Walker could have brought it up himself instead he’s passed it

Backwards to shudder and just completely slowed up the play so um that’s pretty counterproductive with what this team wants to do um which is a little bit of a shame that we just didn’t capitalize on that more often and ultimately points in the paint 50 to 42 the Celtics only had

About 18 in the second half so credit to us for sort of forcing him outside of a little bit more um and testing him from out there I mean they did make their shots the second chance points there was barely any of those I think it was seven

A piece at the half and we only added two to our tally Boston did not add a point in that respect so overall this game really couldn’t have gotten a lot closer than what it actually was I mean the scoreboard will will suggest that the Boston Celtics won by three

Possessions but you know it actually was much much closer if you d into the box score even still it didn’t really feel like we were ever in the game like Boston no had us at an arms length every time we got back in the game they hit a

Couple of big shots Tatum scored 31 in the first half got them that buffer they needed um and well we needed to do something special offensively in the second half to actually win and make up those 72 points that we conceded um but unfortunately even though we did hold

Boston to 46 um which was one part one piece of the puzzle um the other part was the well the failure to score and we only scored 53 points in the second half so um even though we did out score them in the second half we probably needed to

Really capitalize at the end of the third start of the fourth where Boston just could not buy a bucket and they were stranded at 97 98 99 points um so yeah that’s really the uh the scoop um we’re basically done here um make sure to show your support on the

Way out we will see you back here for Nets versus Celtics tomorrow thank you for tuning in thank you for your support we will see you um well yeah in 24 hours stay safe until then um and yeah that’ll do it thank you have a good one we’ll see you soon bye for


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DISCLAIMER: This isn’t footage of the game.

The struggling Brooklyn Nets composed of Mikal Bridges, Nic Claxton, Cam Thomas & more will be taking on the powerful Celtics lineup consisting of Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown, Jrue Holiday, Kristaps Porzingis & more from the Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

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