@Miami Heat

Miami Heat Smoke Bucks, Nikola Jović Arrives! Duncan Robinson aka Duncyard Dog | Tobin and Leroy

Miami Heat Smoke Bucks, Nikola Jović Arrives! Duncan Robinson aka Duncyard Dog | Tobin and Leroy

If Ling GOI Is Wrong I Don’t Want to Be Right what would Socrates say to that it tickles my f okay okay gooes I don’t have hair you got Marcos that’s not no that’s not that’s true you do got me get over here Mar they don’t want this they don’t want

It ready deploy had to hit her with a little journalism with that was a decoy better about me boy okay L to the till open No this one time for the ttch this one time for the text this you know I I just wish you guys would stop the Quibbling you ain’t got to call my name that was as dominant that was as dominant as a performance as you will see you and I got to tell you everybody got in on the three game everybody we could talk about every road we could talk about everybody because it was an

Intangibles Delight I mean it was it was it was an intangibles barrage on the Bucks ass yesterday but there’s only one thing and one thing we got to talk about right now yic dude wow wow sweetener wow Marcos yeah wow wow Leroy wow did you see him last night Leroy

He’s so big he’s so fast he shoots he gets the ball he dishes it out got some Mobility jiannis didn’t want anything he he didn’t want it he didn’t want it he didn’t want it yesterday he didn’t want it yesterday Leroy you know what the most impressive thing

Was is that you took a dude that gets to the free throw line however many times he ws and a team that strives on getting to the F line and they only got to the F line 11 times now I’m sure on the other side they’re complaining actually they

Weren’t I listen to Doc Rivers last night I was expecting more Doc Rivers excuses last night but I got to tell you doc you gave a lot of credit to the heat so I got to give credit to to you listen every now and then in life you get your ass

Kicked and you just take the L you go lick your wounds and and you get ready for the next day for me to sit here and complain about what was going on we lost about 30 what I’m compling about one call killed them dude like like you had Kevin

L show boating on your ass by the end of it Kevin Love with all them gray hairs did you see Kevin Love with the step back three like this is 2014 wow it was and and to to to be honest with you as I’m watching the game I’m

Thinking this this is what this team looks like when they shoot the three oh my God it was so right like and and when they don’t and I know people will say and the stats don’t bear this out as much as I say it but when they don’t shoot a lot of

Threes it just it it the game looks muddy oh it’s it’s it’s like a rock fight and last night and now you got a bunch of guys who aren’t and and here’s the thing Here’s the the the perfect description of last night’s game you didn’t have a lot of guys on

The floor that played in the paint most of them were perimeter players that shot the ball moved the ball around got the ball in the BAM everybody had a definitive role and sometimes when Jimmy bam and Tyler are in the game together it gets too muddled in the paint and so it be

Because those guys weren’t looking to get to the rim and they were creating shots other ways that almost spaced the floor out even more yeah well it it was a delight to watch yesterday and Duncan Robinson my guy wow I mean like oh my goodness what they have what what what

This man has has evolved into this year just just this guy is an animal he first of all yelling at J Crowder Oh he was yelling at J Crowder he was yelling at J Crow he was chirping because you want to know something Jak Crowder doesn’t know this Duncan Robinson okay he doesn’t

Know this he thinks oh that’s dunan Robinson that’s not this Duncan Robinson anymore okay this is a grizzled tough veteran Duncan Robinson who’s had his his his had his skills ridiculed has his has had his minutes taken away had it all there and all and all take it away

Like that you can’t scare this man you can’t you can’t shake this man anymore it’s not possible you know what that sounds like that sounds like what we call in a professional game development no no it’s different than development not no no no I’m telling you

Leroy this is not just about him being able to get to the rim which is beautiful and that’s development that’s development yeah he he’s added it’s a mindset I’m telling you this man came into the playoffs last year with an Fu mentality after after everything that he

Had been through with Duncan with uh Tyler hero going down and he came in with a different mindset and it is only carried over because these people try and punk him and you can’t Punk dunks it’s not possible and you’re you’re telling me that has nothing to do with

Maturing as a professional but it’s I’m telling you what it is if if if you want to play and sustain a career you have to evolve and mature and and and not let people push you around and go out there and do your job and do your thing right he’s always been

Talented nobody’s question that but the questions come in where oh we just going to go and push dunks around like you said but the the mature aspect of it where you learn how to defend yourself and you learn how to handle yourself and you learn how to

Play the game within the game that’s maturity in a professional sport you could call it what you like you don’t here a weak guy doesn’t just get up one morning and be tough no it hasn’t but it was it but what I’m telling you but it

Was seasons of taking his role away this guy went from a starter on a finals team to dnp coach’s decision okay and and that’s that’s how you mature as an athlete this is where you go from a showd dog to a wolf they take you from from the Pampered

Lifestyle with you I I like bless your heart what do you mean b bless your heart what is that supposed to mean I don’t like your what you what are you trying to say what what I’m trying to say is this okay all the s things you

Seeing in Duncan Robinson as far as the toughness and the chippiness and whatever okay go look at that man’s career it’s always been there okay but his development as a professional has allowed that aspect of him to come out okay it you don’t you don’t things like

That you you don’t think there anything mental mental there sure what are we of course it is but but here’s the deal you’re making it sound like he got up one day and said I’m not gonna be pushed around anymore and you don’t just develop that I didn’t say like a genie

Came there I think that had happened over over a lot of mental probably Strife back and forth of having yourself become this guy out of nowhere who gets a $90 million contract and then your coach decides nah I don’t really need you anymore and then but but again

That’s always been in him the maturity of him as a professional is what and him getting comfortable with you know the hardest thing in sports to do is be you you’re trying so hard to be what everybody thinks you should be and sometimes you just got to go out and say

Eff it I’m GNA be me okay Duncan came from nowhere so that dude already knows how to fight and struggle and and Claw his way into a situation he didn’t start off at Michigan you think that you think that’s a soft individual what I didn’t

Say he was soft no I’m just saying like mentally weak no I think you guys agree I think we are agreeing I just I just don’t buy I’m not buying the thing that he got up the morning and said oh I’m GNA be tough Leroy you you watch every

One of these Heat games you remember what Duncan Robinson when he missed a couple shots did anybody wear it worse than him on his face of course but do you not but do you not see him now just like jawing at dudes yes but again gz that comes with maturing as a

Professional I agree he has matured that’s not at no point in time did you get up and say I’m not gonna be this guy anymore in fact it probably bothered him so much because he wasn’t that guy right because he had fought and clawed throughout his whole career as a

Collegate athlete and early on in his career he goes what the hell is happening you know what I’m g go out and just do me I actually heard that the podcast is coming back but they’re rebranding it it’s going to be called from the long shot they’ve changed the

Title to go bleep yourself whoa that’s the new podcast name dude available on the Odyssey app this guy evolved yeah his producer is SCH and schic oh okay perfect perfect good I look forward to it yeah I forward to it just dun every week getting on his podcast and telling

People to go bleep themselves no gu no guess no guess it’s actually only a three Minute Podcast every single week this week’s star is Jaylen Brown in the Bucks oh perf tomman I can tell you this for a fact there’s never been a mentally weak or physically

Weak or a guy who wasn’t very determined that got to the next level and all of a sudden ch all that it’s always been in him right and that’s the point that this this is is not a thing that you just develop and and so I get why everybody

Thinks oh this is a different Duncan Robinson that that you see okay but that dude from where he came from is part of the reason why the heat were attracted to him no I agree with that right and so that’s always been there now the hardest

Thing in sports is to go through those situations and circumstances that he probably has never had to go through in his career and so from that standpoint fighting through that yeah that’s difficult but you always have to have had that fight in you if you don’t have

It in you we can think of a thousand athletes that look like Tarzan and play like James because they were mentally weak we see it in every sport the first time it gets difficult they fold up okay and I you know what example I can come

Up with Ryan Leaf oh who was supposed to be leave me alone will you right there you go there you go so and you know I say the same thing about you know you look at a guy like Tua everybody hears the way he talks and he resp responds to questions or

Whatever you think that guy ain’t mentally tough with what he G through everything he’s G through right so because he doesn’t show it like dunks people take that as a sign of he’s not that guy he’s not that go rah get him guy he’s not the guy to command the

Huddle he’s not no I think Doug Robins is gonna punch somebody in the face by the end of the year though yeah I think it’s gonna happen is he inor I think it’s gonna happen knew I think it’s gonna happen but what Leroy says is right listen every dog has a wolf okay

But you don’t howl till you find your own meal oh please minus one why here’s why here’s why stop taking what I’m saying and trying to mix it up in your silly sauce no I’m we agree no we don’t we ag even if we I say this can I just

Say this I’ve done this show long enough with you to know this even if we say the same damn words we do not agree because you gonna put a little twist on it that I’m not gonna be down with that’s dude you sound like Oreo what that’s not a dog that’s wolf dude

If that dog that dog came up behind me if that dog right there hey Marcos if that dog right there came behind me and barked at me I’mma hit him like that posum I ain’t gonna be scared of him right like come on man but yeah so so I

Get cuz you know everybody thinks because you see a different version of a player that that means they found this you know this your mentality is always there right the the like the Heat ain’t bringing no soft people in there no mentally weak people in there they’re

Not because they put you through a lot they do you got to be mentally tough for the ups and downs or just play not forget basketball mentally tough to just deal with what the heat do with their players I think one of the things that’s been impressive with Nica has been what he’s

Gone through already this year you know like and still starting 10 games had a little Kur fuffle with the sneaky Serbian media where they were where they’re like uh what’s going on there Nico goes oh bu pretty frustrated no no no no no that’s off record and then all

Of a sudden he’s got to come out and be like no I love it here body and then all of a sudden it’s like I want one more chance and last night was that chance you think you think so so let me ask you a question if they start using

Nico and Nico continues to play like this right you think that dude ain’t mentally tough a weak individual would fold up you know what I’m here you I’ll give you another perfect because we just saw that he retired Hassan whites side right every time they try to put the the the

The the clamps on him to demand that he play a certain way in a certain style he folded up to the point where it got frustrating and they had to get rid of him yeah he’s an interesting story too though because you know I mean listen

You can’t teach 71 and and some of the physicality that he had but like he played in mother bleep in Lebanon you know like and came back I think it’s I think that was a c but I do think there’s a little bit of what I do think

There’s difference in how some guys think it’s all about opportunity which is to be fair sometimes and how much it is I don’t not realizing you’re in a great situation and that that Harbors why you’ve gotten to where you are too and so I think that if I do think ass’s

A fascinating one because I think if Assan would have gone a little bit more with hey it’s this isn’t all just me arriving to the Heat and making the heat of thing like it’s also the heat helping me they’re trying to to help me on this journey then it would have gone smooth

But that that’s the mental aspect of it sure right the mental aspect of it is look at how so many guys have come through here right and gone from starting five games to sitting on a bench and coach’s decision uh did not play and stuff like that and then the

Next time they called upon they go out and ball out right there’s a different type of mentality that’s required to and and the reason why I appreciate that because I played for a guy you could have 30 carries one week and five the next week oh my God that’s and and it

Was like but you had and and and here’s the kicker not only didn’t you have 30 cares the following week but all of a sudden you was on more of the special teams right so so you you you like I appreciate and understand that mental aspect of it like

You you already have certain certain things in you dunks is already tough right that dude is tough but getting into the NBA being around Jimmy and Bam and Tyler and guys that you know came into the league in different circumstances sometimes you get a little overwhelmed right it happens I’ve seen

You see undrafted guys right you know look at Brock pie right think of the attitude of him coming into the league and hoping that make a team to now starting and leading the team to the Super Bowl right you got to be mentally tough for that so under no circumstances

Am I ever gonna say don’t do that he also said too it was mentally tough don’t look at me like that he said the same thing about both guys you only h under no circumstances am I ever gonna allow anybody to say this guy got up and just became tough right like that’s

Crazy you can’t I I could give you to the end of time right you only gonna be you you can’t all of a sudden say I’mma Be Tough like him right it it life doesn’t work like that so yeah I’m like that’s what I’m that’s what we disagree about we

Disagree about dunk getting up in the morning and saying I’m gonna all of a sudden be tougher than I’ve ever been I don’t think but there is a like he’s just got a Swagger to him dude like that’s all I’m saying there’s a different level you it’s it’s it’s maybe it’s level of

Confidence like you say I’mma go out and be me but the person that’s noticeably different he wasn’t always that but the person that oh but that takes time I told you you’re in a situ guess what with Chris botch and and dwade and LeBron and they had to beg Chris botch

To shoot when the dude just left being a star on the team like yes that happens well LeBron mean tough so yeah I I get you you can see it with a lot of players sometimes I think we agree no we don’t I think we agree no we don’t because you

Think no he just think he just got got up in the morning and took a tough pill that’s not what I said basically you did what you that’s not what I said no it’s not what I said say what you say I told you I said every dog has a wolf in them

But it takes you what Mar why we can’t have a conversation this I forgot that happened W QA m it for b double team comes gets it back to Nico for three knocks it down from the left side of the Ark night start with the rock up top left Ty EAS

In front trying to shake it instead gets it to yic Catching Fire knocks down another three this left side this time the wing he’s two for two from the land of mil hunt hand off to Tyler moving right now he jumps throws a bounce pass behind his back to yis who just put

Giannis on the floor but kicked it up to Martin into the left corner and now a splash down from Tyler in that left corner pocket he is now tied with Eddie Jones for 712 May threes in E history it’s tied for the third spot D out to

Coral Rock gets it to HZ P fake gets it to Dun who knocks it down for the right corner pocket just a catch and let it fly two for three for Robinson B too back out top to Duncan for three he rips the net his Third Bank in four tries

From downtown 11 points for Duncan Robins stepping into the first five the heat down a few players don’t say short handed here’s Tyler for three Splash that’s how you make a pay for it DOC slaps those hands after putting the timeout up in those hands and the Heats

Are doed eight of 14 from downtown 19 of 32 overall nearly 60% Tyler pump bake side step for three knocked it down at the end of the shot clock con to did everything he could on the flyby but Tyler was wise poised Daddy he court side flipping out the three fingers for

His boy yeah we count it one two three Tyler three for three from the edges he has 11 now as well B with it up top hand off to Duncan he’ll drive easily on his left hip pauses at the bottom of the circle gets a b back out the Duncan he’s

Free for three Splash four byby heat starters and double figures including 14 from Duncan Duncan pump now the drive snaps it across to Nico wide open for Splash from the left corner pocket yic now five money balls in seven tries he has 21 season high and scoring for him it’s also a

Career Bring love up top he’ll let it launch he’ll make another and time out from do fourth make from downtown you can’t stop the up top with love love knocks it down time out by I think that’ll do it for billwa love knocking it down right in front of dock and duck says

Uncle wow I gotta tell you Marcos you burn me a copy of that later set the mood for Valentine’s Day at the old toes you know I don’t need any Barry White I don’t need any Usher you just send me that instrumental with Jason Jackson calling the heat threes last night from the

In dude dude are you serious that’s gonna set the Jason yage from the corner from the land of milk and honey and you get excited your wife is GNA Evacuate the facility she’s gonna be like hey put on little music I said it is time

Okay oh we’re going to go on a Miami Heat Adventure all right that’s not good my goodness woo night it’s gonna be when an intangible has with an accent has a Breakout game dude this guy my God true in true Sports is in true Sports fashion yage might get three

Minutes tonight oh let me get I I have a message right now for Eric spola you know it I I know but if I could just I’m GNA politely request something SPO you’re the best okay no one denies this that’s why you got fuckle up buddy you got the greatest contract in

Coaching history deserved and I’m gonna I’m gonna come humbly if I had a hat I would have a hat in hand humbly SPO please don’t take this away from me please I love watching Nico play basketball so much I love it he’s so big and and he’s

So tall and he takes that rebound and he runs and SPO he’s not that he’s not a bum on defense that man can beats all right every once in a while somebody’s gonna vet him like this damn you see this Damen Lillard what what a shell of

Himself yeah just jumps into a rookie and gets a bailout whistle on Nico he didn’t even touch him in embarass in for Damen Lillard embarrassing you know but Eric SPO coach SPO don’t take Nico away from us anymore dude whenever Jimmy comes back okay you keep that power forward spot and you

Give that right to number five okay you get Nico and Bam together they could take over the world baby they could take over the world Leroy like pinky in the brain which one you said it oh man bam triple double last night by the way didn’t flirt with

It got it there you go got it last night good game all around jannis all around everybody pitched in it’s amazing you know jannis didn’t have a foul shot did not did not did you see did you what I would say about that you can complain

But don’t get on me because your guy is not being aggressive dude did you notice yesterday after the game did you see the Bucks like is this a thing they do yeah after every game where they playt that’s a thing they do yeah because everybody was

Wondering if they were praying for a new head coach you think I don’t know dude here DC is there for one reason to give them to play some damn defense wow it ain’t working well like I’m just very confused like I know Mike buen hold doesn’t doesn’t adjust but

Like they were a good defensive team they had not this year not this year but but he wasn’t the coach this year they fired buen hoer yeah right I I see there’s certain franchises and and there’s certain franchises that if you think you a championship team there is nothing along that way

That’s going to make you feel differently and if you come up short you as an organization feel like you got to do something different right and so um buen hoser was kind of the recipient of that along with their new coach Adrian because yeah and and and I think sometimes in those

Moments that you almost have to Honker down and be a little more patient because you realize what you have it it’s it’s very weird and odd that you have a team that at the time had 30 wins very weird point of the season and you fired the coach yeah it’s very weird

Right it’s it’s a weird and so and so this becomes an indictment not of Giannis or the star players on that team this becomes an indictment of the organization right because this is what you have in your history you fired the coach that WN your Championship you fired um the

Replacement Midway through or almost Midway through Midway through the the the the season and he was second in the the conference yeah right like you can go to all the players or the coaches or the scheme or whatever but at the end of the day that reflects what they’re doing in management because

You have think about this that would be the equivalent to um Steph Ross coming down the Dolphins are nine and two right and fires McDaniel and McDaniel because I’m not feeling it on defense right like it just it it’s like it’s crazy it is crazy crazy and so like

We’re sitting here looking at well what happened what happened what happened anytime you have a different voice is gonna take time to get acclimated to that voice to go back and forth or or whatever now the thing that I’ll say is they did replace him with a guy who is

Usually loved by the players yeah he but he but he’s you know they were mentioning this yesterday because I guess he was I think he was talking about like he’s never done this before he’s never come in the middle of a season right you know he’s decorated I

Think you know a little overrated but I get why you get a guy like Doc Rivers um and this is you know he said I mean he did give you on the front end I wouldn’t wish this on anybody which is a laughably it’s a laughable comment but

Now I guess you kind of get it why he’s thinking this is uh not easy to just drop in the middle of the sky and fix all their issues but you know look the bums won’t talk about it we got plenty more to talk about but first one thing

That is always positive Leroy little KARK you got the swag on right right swag I got swag it was a little chilly out so I decided to warm myself up with some coffee and a sweatshirt so here’s all you need to know about Bernie um I’ve known Bernie for a very long time

And this guy has been one of the most positive people in my life and this is just like never everything is a positive attitude um so when he started you know when he started having problems and he’s had over 40 surgeries and her concussions uh you know we had a

Conversation he said listen man I gotta stop just putting this crap in my body uh so what he did was started a wellness started creating wellness products and has finally released Kosar coffee an organic coffee that’s infused with vitamin D which most of us uh don’t have enough of and Resveratrol which is

Nature’s miracal antioxidant and anti-inflammatory this combination of ingredients is exclusive to Kar coffee and is the perfect way to start your own journey to a healthier life if you go to Kosar you can not only get coffee but apparel and the apparel can be found

Uh and we have an exclusive discount for our listeners for the apparel just use code Leroy go there check them out I got a orange shirt a nice orange shirt and I have this sweatshirt uh they’re really it’s really good stuff um and as Bernie always says you deserve to be healthy

Because you matter this hour of to Welcome back to Rascals oh look at Leroy going he’s got the uh byebye by dance that was the that was the the Bucks last night the fourth quarter byebye byebye when you bring in theis you know it’s over Dude FL that’s the White Flag right there dude was

Hilarious you’re ups and downs with this team it you know exactly I’ve been up dude I was up I I first of all they’ve been playing very good since the seven game losing streak they’re yes yes I’m not toin stop it you know damn well what

I mean no dude listen I am I am up always always positive I always positive always POS let me just say something let me just say something what a disgusting disgrace ESPN is okay because the bums won’t talk about it okay do do you know

What kind of what kind of numb skull you have to be to fall for their nonsense today where they put oh what is it it’s a Wednesday after the Super Bowl we don’t have football to talk about anymore let’s talk about a LeBron trade to the Warriors that almost

Happened how about this how about this you guys gave all these flowers to the bucks for beating the Nuggets why don’t we talk about the heat whooping the holy hell out of the bucks why don’t you talk about the Serbian Terminator a little bit on first take huh where’s those

Flowers okay it is Valentine’s Day I’m just I’m not saying you got to do a whole feature on it but to talk about this Hocus Pocus nonsense oh LeBron was almost a warrior darl Mory inquired about LeBron hey hey hey hey it didn’t happen who cares they beat the Pistons

Last night why don’t we talk about the Miami Heats still owning Janis TMO but the bums won’t talk about it the bums won’t talk about it so that’s fine you know I’m looking listen I’m on my way down today I’m stuck on the Golden Glades my God L the Golden Glades today

Where are all these people coming from can I just ask you something yeah where are all these people coming from you know the scariest thing in the world is you driving in traffic and you look to your left or right and there’s somebody either doing makeup or this dude I’m like crazy what

What is wrong with you people and it today The Glades was backed up to Hard Rock stadium that’s how far back it was today and then there’s a new thing going on with coming to the studio what is with all this local traffic around here they’re doing they’re doing the

Construction by the roads on North Mi North Miami Avenue or whatever it it was what ah I’m just confused yeah it’s a lot it’s a lot anyway so I’m like oh let me turn let’s see what the low poost has to say about the Heat Bucks because

Their topic was bucks and wouldn’t you know what it’s convenient this coward Zack low I recorded this podcast after the Bucks beat the Nuggets oh did you Zachy poo didn’t decide to wait up until 9 o’clock last night to see the heat throttle the Bucks wouldn’t that have

Changed the conversation all right let’s see what Lil Wily’s got to say oh when did you record it oh after the Bucks beat the Nuggets oh okay so let me get this straight on a back toback you just thought there was no chance that the Bucks were gonna lose

To the heat well you think that’s what they thought I don’t know what they were thinking I don’t know interesting the bums won’t talk about it they just want to bury their head in the S like a bunch of ostriches what if they recorded every night on Tuesday I don’t know I don’t

Know what but what are you doing dud as a host if I you know I’m not a professional broadcast or anything but if I notied uh want to talk about the Bucks this week on the podcast what’s their schedule oh they play Monday and Tuesday hold hold on hold up you’ve

Never had to record tapped out and then a fight got changed because you T you did it earlier in the week it has happened but it’s okay I tell you one that really pissed me off actually one time okay but I’m just saying you just fell into the

Same boat oh they couldn’t wait till Friday to record see see my thing was an unfortunate injury okay they didn’t want to talk about they don’t want to talk about they want so that’s why they did it on tues they want to act like it’s

All 82 Game season I don’t even know why I’m defending these guys I don’t want to defend them but it just sounds crazy that you’re mad that they recorded on Tuesday because they had a game on wednesday2 games and you want to know something even if they did even if they

Didn’t want to talk they would have said oh Middleton was out they would have ignored you like when you listen to a heat National broadcast you’re making a lot of assumptions I’m not making assumptions I’m doing this over scientific research of years as a Heat fan know scientific research the

National media disrespects us and let me just say something let me ask you when when you tuned in to heat and Celtics this weekend Marcos how many times did they mention Jimmy Butler wasn’t playing because I would say it was once maybe yeah maybe maybe when they were talking about starting lineup

Maybe like even Richard Jeff was like this is Tainted because roier got her didn’t even mention jimy Bella was out hey ridiculous dude question can you just take the great win and keep it moving like I’m so excited about me too what the heat did and here you are talking about nonsense let’s

Enjoy the heat you got to enjoy the heat too no you’re not enjo I’m enjoying the heat dude you’re enjoying the heat with complaints where’s my credit you know who cares old saying that I like to that that I always which is credit where credits doe and we don’t get our credit

We don’t get our credit where’s my credit because let me tell you something about the Bucks dude you want to know something about the Bucks no I tell me be that’s all I need to know about the Bucks Marcos yeah you want to know some

About the Bucks let me think about it of course Leroy you wantan to know something about the Bucks come on Leroy hell no he’s got info J I know I know all I need to know about the Bucks did he beat him last night j keep it moving

You want to know something about the Bucks can’t wait she’ll tell us J she’ll tell us it’s no see wow cranky was this cuz why cuz it’s not 12 yet like what why didn’t she want us something about the Bucks participating in the show before 12 I’m not asking she doesn’t

Have to get on camera I was just asking for a yes or no she’s like imely she said no well so mad at the darkart board yeah what’s up with that you know it’s a little bit weird well check this out that went a lot better because you knew

Right toin you knew you thought somebody was landing on chicken and trees I thought so I thought so I’ll tell you something about the bucks but first I need to call it 305 567 0560 3055 67560 if you guys want to know something about the Bucks because I got to after

After just you know a couple of years of research here and investigating the Milwaukee bugs I have something to tell about the milwa but first I need to call her uh RVA Richie what’s going on man good morning meep meep meep meep uh Richie you want something about the

Bucks go ahead me he wasn’t very enthusiastic about it nobody hear it nobody cares dude I mean like he was such a you know that was it was not I other caller 305 5675 305 567 0560 now we got to show excitement now for your hot T I like somebody to

Gather with me you’re saying I’m being a big baby because I want more credit I you want somebody to come on you want somebody to come on the show and show fake enthusiasm for your your terrible takee I just want 30556 7560 I’ll move on from this we don’t have to talk about

The rest of the show but if you want to know something about the buck 30556 7560 but like it it’s just one of these things where it’s it’s just frustrating because I I you know what it’s fine it’s fine you know I won’t tell you about the frustrating what frustrating that that

He beat him down that’s not frustrating at all it’s not even a headline not even a blip who cares we know year on the air what’s your name can we talk more about Brock Pie by any chance I would love if we talked about Brock pie get back in the screen

Marcos 560 you’re on the air what’s your name Kyle hey Kyle you want to know something about the Bucks tell me something about these Milwaukee bums all right I’ll tell you that but hold on one second oh God 560 you’re on the air what’s your name KH hey khed you want to know

Something about the Bucks dude I want to hear I want to know something about the Bucks all right hold on one second buddy all right hold on hey uh 56 you’re on in the air what’s your name mondon mondon let me ask you a question dude you want to know something about the

Bucks bro I already know something about the Bucks you know something about the Bucks I know is the same thing that I know about the Bucks it just might be bro what do you know about the Bucks I know that they don’t want this smoke they don’t want this they don’t

Want they don’t want that’s exactly right how did he know that how did he he’s good they don’t want the heat dude they do not want the heat wow Prett good wow if I if I may my mind was just red dude if I may amazing

Do do do you do you understand the concept of radio of course they want to know about the Bucks that’s why they’re listening you calling to ask them if they do they’re already listening to the show no I don’t think that’s true hold on oh my goodness Mama hey uh Smitty what’s

Going on man what’s going on man how you guys doing how you doing hey did you ever find out about the tickets or no dude I’ve been looking all over for I can’t I’m trying to figure it out but you know our boss is like only here and

He C he he has the the mail like that he’s in trol in control of you know and he’s like he’s gone half the time so I don’t know if he like took off of them or what but what’s going on Smitty what else is happening uh quicking with the heat two

Things one I kept saying the Heat play better I love Butler but you see how much better they play they don’t slow that they play faster they look like a complete different team every time and the second thing is I’ve been saying for two three years you must put somebody

With bam with height bam is not a true Center he’s 69 true Center is a 610 611 612 you put him with a 610 guy even if he is playing Center it gives him more freedom to move around and be better at his offense when you got a second big

Guy working with him I don’t know if you agree with that or not but that’s my opinion I like my Center 613 but I don’t know about you SM what about you Leroy okay word Smith you’ve always been 100% accurate with your takes my man got

Carried away he got excited he just went right past 72 or 7 Foot Right and said 612 we all knew he miss s feet but come on take a break hour yich after this Valentine’s Day basketball it’s time for our Tua it’s our Tua it’s our Tua it’s our to

Tong not to tag of Leo A for effort Dolphins quarterback Tua it’s two it’s our Dolph quarterback Daddy loves you guys our Tua with Tobin and Leroy check the history of over to the program Ladi and gentlem toin and Leroy here with you 560 wqam still love you Tua you know that

Marcus is being a jerk to you but you know basketball season now you know our Yi switch the hour up huh you know just for a little celebration of last night s that was fine by the way did you see this coward Kyle Lowry what dude why what’ he do so he

Officially signed as a pass his physical oh man with the 76ers all right but riddle me this Batman that’s me how does one pass a physical and then needs to be out tonight for quote unquote reconditioning um hold on how does that happen hold on how how does that happen you why

Leroy it happens a lot of times when players go to new new teams they call it reconditioning basically we need to get you up to speed on what we do oh you know Leroy I’d buy that I’d buy what you’re selling I’d go to your yard and

I’d buy what you’re selling here’s the thing though my friend what’s up he already knows what they do he’s played for Nick nurse before in Toronto okay so he knows all the plays I’m just all I’m saying is if if if I you wouldn’t look at that

And say oh he’s taking on the Miami Heat could make his debut could give a solid contribution you know Leroy needs him to score 50 points in his first six games oh um so you sure it’s not just a little case of being a Fredy Caty can I can I what’s he got what’s he been doing these last couple weeks L has I have a I have a question here is every situation that you come up with involving a player this you do this with every player you

Do what do I do who do I do with it what what am I doing first of all used to do it with LeBron now you’re doing it with Kyle Lowry like you you wouldn’t at bare Min wait wait wait let me ask you you think Kyle Lowry decided

This or 76ers did oh I think KY we did so he went to a new team and he decided I’m not playing tonight what does he need reconditioning for I don’t that’s just what they call it I didn’t think he’ say I’m not playing tonight I think he just looked

At the schedule because he’s a very Savvy guy and he didn’t want to he didn’t want to get embarrassed by niic and so he looks at it he goes he so you think he been playing in league for that long and he’s scared to play against players I think everybody I think people

Like you think he’s been playing leag what 16 years a long time long time and you think he’s afraid to play against a certain player evidence would suggest so all right go ahead reconditioning do you what’s he been doing do shouldn’t he have been conditioning this whole time

He knew he was gonna be on the Sixers I’ve known he’s gonna be on the Sixers for two weeks it doesn’t necessarily mean he need get does what does it mean recondition that’s just the title they put on it so so should they just put parenthesis Fred

Cat that’s what you would put that is what I would put more honest it is more honest where are you oh you’re gonna wait till after the All-Star break what to get in more golf let’s see how it is low dog how it is dude he was watching playoff football he’s probably not

Golfing in Philly there’s nothing to do in Philly but complain and look at the Rocky statue bat says there’s only one game left for the allstar break no point in just playing just rest up what’s he been doing the last two weeks who said that bam out the bou God

Forbid we should make sense on this [ __ ] no no no that’s that’s certainly what somebody with two weeks off needs God forbid we should use logic more weeks God forbid we should you’re right you’re right take your time Kyle take your time take your time take your time take not

Like he was shooting when he was over here don’t know what he’s tired from uh headlines brought to you by the new palal for truck Super Center why buy your truck at a car store pal metal we no trucks you guys uh want to hear some trivia from uh Duncan Robinson I love

Trivia yeah me too so heat uh admin had asked Duncan Robinson a question and uh Duncan uh was interrupted when asked about this trivia here it was who do you think is the greatest sports athlete ever I mean my brother ni is the greatest sports all time wow wow that’s good good endorsement

That is a good endorsement well niik kind of gave himself an endorsement he did give what I like that’s confidence Jimmy Butler would do that it’s conf that is what Jimmy Butler would do yeah how about that oh knew dunan Robinson good accent oh yeah right that was he kind of nailed

I play with Goron too yeah true he could BL a Slovenian Robinson H there you go it’s all you mean I’m so proud of you Nico look who’s coming around I knew that you could do this whole time but there’s no love like tough love yeah I

Bet so I’m very proud you’ve not passed Hae in the hierarchy of Miami Heat oh you’ve already you’ve already moved him ahead of Hae you should be playing in liing starters game that’s your you are a perfect example of prisoner of the moment what what do you mean

Dude so Nico played one game but hold on let me get this straight Nico played one game balded out and you moved him above your uh I gu I didn’t do anything his mother did oh okay blaming Babushka do now just it 12 yet I need to

Hit the whiskey wow was a little uh what was that thing called muy mck muy muck dude that’s how the Bucks played last night yucks oh the buckety Bucks were yucky yuck as if they were on muckety Buck I’m just so proud of my n goes out there he goes against Janis

Who’s like oh failure no the thing okay wrong failure very real thing in Serbia in fact you fail yes what we’re going to call you out even the ones you love okay but not the Greeks what do they do oh my brother he gets to play forth quter oh

Okay your own mother will call you out in Serbia you’re creating beef between nations man what a game last night dude yeah I called it the greatest n of my life last night on Twitter okay like that tweet no one in your family saw this tweet right because they don’t have

Twitter okay good well I mean they don’t check TW they don’t check my Twitter perfect you know my wife tweets but she doesn’t like look at my own she doesn’t care about sports day before Valentine’s Day and and me well I mean you know I would say Valentine’s Day this was our

First date was on Valentine’s Day at a chili in aventor look at that still going or is it uh yeah going today but not in aventor we’re going to the one in Lakeworth nice that’s a Chili’s tradition Chili’s tradition dude gotta get some molten lava cake need some mol

Lav cake man my wife told me I see what you got going on this week just get me a card nice it’s the The Gauntlet yeah it is don’t fall for her tricks though you better get our nice good one uh no that’s what I wanted

To ask did so should I fall for that no not at all no what and don’t get none of those uh side of the road just set up a tent this morning kind of things either my dad used to do that all the time tell

You what though I went to a gas station near here cuz I was trying to just take a break from the traffic and they had some nice flowers in that gas station did they I just would have mentioned that I got gas station flowers but they’re pretty good quality so I did a

Little thing yesterday what’ you do all right there was a guy on the side of the Road he sells flowers two wonderful Bunches of roses for $25 and then I went to a florist for you know a different piece that was 80 bucks both of them were presented at the

Same time she liked the Roses more so I said you know what got them both from the florist I can’t tell her that I got it from a guy on the street just got to give a credit to the florist man we are suckers yeah well that’s true two for

25 can’t can’t do nothing about it I was at I was at Publix the other day and I was like oh my goodness do you go into Publix there’s I couldn’t even get to the water there’s so many balloons and flowers flow but I’ll tell you one

Thing man the upch charge on these flower a dozen roses at at Publix standard price $13 okay look at $22 they’re not even that great what are you doing not even that great crazy you can do like I do we play uh Valentine’s roulette with the big box of candy

Purchased after Valentine’s Day of course gota best deals right but I’m and like and then Father’s Day you know what they put in the front 20 cases of Bud Light and meat in that little refrigerator they move around that’s all we get you think any uh any woman has

Bought their man the the the steak at Publix that’s shaped like a heart no I wish no it’s very romantic if they know that their man is a manly man yeah first of all you going to a butcher and get your meat yeah butcher yeah man go to the butcher

Cigars I like that Nico last night he had sh more accurate so can I can I I have a different I have different circumstance than you I can’t fall for it did just get me a card nah no way even with what I got yesterday was Rebecca’s birthday

Tomorrow’s F’s birthday going to Vegas on Saturday yeah well like listen the game plan doesn’t sneak up on you this is the same thing every year that’s why you call it the gauntlet true you don’t get to have a gauntlet and then take a knee on a

Play I can’t call the time out I saved one you can’t pull a crystal ball all right don’t do that all right yeah it doesn’t have to be anything major at least just have a plan like be like hey when we get back from Vegas Valen no we do we do we’re

Going we’re going um we’re going up by UT toes oh nice yeah no you know why you you want to come it’s um where you going um I I seend the name of the place but they have it’s where I get uh got my liquor oh and um they have a py they

Have a it’s a dinner like a five course meal and you get to taste py all the different years got moonshine no you know instead of instead of a wine tasting it’s a whiskey tasting yeah that’s kind of cool where is that it’s in um okay no it’s

It’s right off of um what’s the first exit after the uh the first um the the exit right after the the the first toll up north Lakeworth oh that is okay that’s literally well I shouldn’t say where I live but whatever I’ve given out my phone number before you get me yeah

So yeah I’ll let you know oh man all right we’ll take a quick break back with more Shenanigans after this So many people going to say that they want you all right welcome back Tobin and Leroy here with you 56d wqm take up until two got a mixed bag coming on up here in just a bit also want to let you guys know we got Dave Matthews tickets to give away one more

Pair to give away today here on the program so if you like Dave Matthews yep all right no that wasn’t your best apologize um if you got guys want to go we got your chance to see Dave Matthews B at the I think Financial hypo theater on Friday May 24th so keep

On listening it’s a Live Nation Show Ladies and Gentlemen uh Le can you get a weather update from the demes endover law firm your accent free consultations 247 call at 866954 more it is a beautiful day it is Ws are 10 to 15 miles an hour coming out of the North Northeast

Uh mostly sunny and about 70° how you do maros it is a mix of clouds and sun today uh I do have it listed here at 79 though has it gotten hotter yeah it was chilly it was it was indeed last night as I was up at 2:40 in the morning with

A completely awake baby for some reason uh it was like 59 degrees so it it dropped in the middle of the night and then warms up pretty quickly we got lows of 65 on the horizon was uh baby taple just so fired up about Nico yic

Last night Happ he’s like did you see that performance understood that’s crazy performance let’s hear a little bit from Nico this was him on Bal Sports Heat yesterday in the winner circle with Eric Reid and John Cate how good did it feel a to start and

B to play as well as you play I mean it felt great you know I I started in uh I think 10 12 game stretch uh this season and you know I was I was locked in all year you know I’m working out good and I’m staying ready you know uh today

Today was the day that I started again and the coach wanted us to win and I wanted us to be you know precis is what we going to do and that’s what we did uh game plan was great you know everybody was shaving the ball and like coach says

Always you know the Cara you know we were shaking the ball we was playing great defense and uh it went great Nico it looked like the pace of the game really help you guys too you played a little faster which is more Milwaukee style but it got you guys into your flow

From an offensive perspective six six different guys in double figures ball was popping and moving around he had great spacing did that pace kind of help you guys get started uh yeah yeah it help for sure especially because like I said during the game plan we knew there

Was another a great uh defensive transition team and you know we was ready to run that’s what that’s what coach wanted that’s what we did we set the tone at the start and it went great by the way this is only the third time this year the Bucks have been held under

100 points the defense was Sensational but niik I want to get back to to your situation You’ started 10 straight games then in the next 10 you you you didn’t play in seven of those 10 games yet you came in the night and right from the start started making threes rebounding

Advancing you play with a lot of confidence tonight how’d you keep yourself so physically and mentally sharp and ready I mean uh just work and that’s what this team does great is uh making sure that whe was always ready when our name got called you know we’re

Ready and that’s what I did today just want to talk about your defense too Nico looks like you got matched up multiple times on yanis Santi to compo uh what’s it like guarding him and and how have you improved on that side of the ball I

Mean it was not easy of course I mean he’s a two times MVP for a reason but uh you know I try my best I had my teammates had my back and you know uh somehow it worked out you know uh like I said it’s you cannot just gu him one one

That easy so the whole team was locked in there was everybody was helping on him so that’s what we did and we went it ended up being good yeah well how do you say clamps in Serbian clamp ni you w up Greek Freak and make him

Greek Meek okay so proud of you n he’s dropping puns now I don’t know man I I know what’s going on there hey what’s going on with Dana White what is up with Dana he’s folding I don’t know when this was filmed right like I don’t know when

This is so Dana White goes on Hoy Mandel’s podcast right yeah and how like he just walks off the set like why would you even show I don’t know so like howy mandell’s just introducing me he has a podcast called Howe Mandell does stuff and Dana White goes and does the podcast

And it was funny because Dana White is that’s like kind of how he does his media now is he does a lot of podcast but podcasts are long you know like you got to do a podcast usually you’re doing like I don’t know anywhere from 30

Whatever is we’ve had Dana White on a couple times yeah been cool but usually it’s like a 10-minute hit but he doesn’t do that as much anymore it’s usually like he’s just announcing stuff and then he’ll go on some popular podcast which is cool whatever do your media how you

Want to do your media but I guess he’s just fed up with it because howy Mandel all he was doing was introducing him I’m going to play this clip for you here Leroy and Dana White is just like rats off a ship immediately on this

Podcast he’s like I I don’t want to do this and just leaves Dana White you are an amazing guy you are I can’t thank you enough for being here uh you and Ginger seem to be getting along um you are not only an amazing businessman you are an

Inspiration you are a philosopher the way you do business the way you uh conduct your business and your friendships and media is uh I’m I’m jealous and but Dana I can’t thank you enough for being here thank you for all the kind words I appreciate it I I am so

F tired of doing podcasts it’s I I’m literally done with them I’m not doing any more podcast can I tell you what I think happened everyone just stay there wow so look I don’t know if this is a bit or whatever can I tell you what happened go

Watching rest the rest of the podcast but what do you think happened here Leroy what’s going on with Dana White that Dana sat down and he said to hoe let’s just get to it right um you know I wanna I want to get through this I’m going to do it but

Let’s get to it he leads on with this five minute introduction and Dana way gets annoyed and said it wasn’t that long though it was like it was dude who cares I mean I don’t know dude but that’s that’s my point you’re sitting there you want to get through this and

The guy won’t stop I’m telling you you don’t have i’ had I’ve had enough Dana White doesn’t have 40 seconds for the host of America’s Got Talent again you’re missing the point he may have said something beforehand let’s just get to it right kind of the Old Dan lar thing

Don’t call it any niceties just get your question in let’s go but if you’re gonna sit down and do a podcast I assume Dana White’s at least committed 15 minutes to this thank you for being here Dana would have sufficed let’s get to it Dade South thinks it’s a

Bit part of me thinks it’s a bit too I think he’s got nothing dude do you realize I’m gonna have to be here for 45 minutes talking about potentially a UFC card where I don’t have anyone you think that this like he wanted to get out of

There because he doesn’t want to ask more questions about like you think Howe Mandel’s badgering him about UFC 300 I think he threw in the towel I think tell you I’m telling you what happen dude here I I do stuff all over right yeah and although it’s very

Kind for them to say the nice things they say I know I do a lot of shows where people had to look up who the hell I was and they looked into a book and saw that I was a host down in Miami right so I understand this but that doesn’t mean

Do you think it was when he said he was a philosopher is that where he lost him he just it went on too long dude thank you for being here would have been enough right he kept going on and on and on and on till the point you

Don’t let here when you get somebody on your show you thank him for being there and then you get to it so that they don’t have an opportunity to get annoyed by all the nonsense you think you are an amazing guy you are I can’t thank you enough for being here uh you

And junor seem to be getting along um you are not only an amazing businessman you are an inspiration you are a philosopher the way you do business the way you uh conduct your business and your friendships and media is uh I’m I’m jealous and but Dana I can’t thank you

Enough for being here thank you for all the kind words I appreciate it I I am sock tired of doing podcasts it’s I I’m literally done with them I’m not doing any more Podcasts I like the loud door closing yeah just to confirm that he left the room 30 seconds though you can’t take 30 seconds of compliments that’s going to see see you’re you’re doing you have to understand you’re doing this in the framework of what you would accept but imagine how many of these

Dana White does he’s listen he’s a when he wants to just get to it we’ve like listen the kind we’ve interviewed Dana White like we’ve done an interview where like it’s kind of gone from like ho hum to like that dude’s on fire just about something usually it’s Oscar de but it’s

Like he can go from zero to 100 in a second or not feeling it to 100 in a second but I don’t know man but again again you have to understand if Dana White’s done a lot of these the best thing that you can do is get to your

Questions as quick as possible Right the fact that he was sitting there and Dana White was sitting there just thinking how much he hates this and you kept going on and on and on right well that’s definitely a thing too because Dana White doesn’t necessarily know everybody

Like it’s not like Dana White knows who I am like his PR people are good they’re like hey go on this show we’re promoting a mosid doll fight go on in Miami and right he sits down and so like they’re just like yeah howy mandell’s got x

Amount of subscribers go on his podcast and he was like I’m done with this guy think about this or it’s a bit or it’s a bit I don’t know whenever we’ve had Dana White on the most important thing was get to it oh yeah that dude’s busy he’s

Doing seven eight of these things things before lunch or he’s doing a lot of like one time we were one time we were on with the pr person for like a good 30 minutes and then like we were getting walked through the entire headquarters and then it’s oh he sits down bang bang

Get to it right buddy was very nice we no this though buddy was very nice he did uh he did show us his but but I get that but but here’s the kicker we got to questions within 10 seconds right I mean you have this guy

Sitting imagine if we had gone on and on and on and on about the various fights and stuff like that before he had a chance to talk he would have he said to us too uhuh I can’t do this right like no man part of me thinks part of me

Still thinks it’s a bit though I do agree with I do agree with uh he shook dude he shook he’s got nothing he doesn’t have anything for that UFC 300 he’s got nothing well I think the thing that’s here was his mistake he should have just made Holloway and gatei the

Main event the fact that he’s he tried to like he had a double he had a ground Ru double yeah he was trying to hit a grand slam you know and and he and and now he’s going to be left with giving us Leon versus balal which is f it’s a nice

Fight but it’s not a UFC 300 you know is there anything he can do now because you essentially know what the headlining fight is gonna be is there anything he can do to like outclass 299 nope fireworks nope dragons you could have me versus The Golden

Glades okay that could be your main what everybody think bro if you can’t take 45 seconds come on that’s not the point here could have also not been his only podcast of the day either that’s I that’s what I went on that’s what I started saying when we get Dana White on

Well he went there that’s the other thing like he’s not at their Studio he’s at he’s not in his place he’s at his he went to their Studio wherever it may be it’s in Vegas why did he thank them though then why thank them for the kind

Words thank you because he didn’t listen he was that’s why he wanted to he was trying he was trying look he could have very well appreciated what they were saying without being rude and saying listen all right yeah like I’m I’m telling you right now the worst thing is when you

Have a few of these to do and you get on there and they carry on for a minute or so right M they say love how leard can make assumptions on D no no no dude I’m telling you right now we have a better idea of his schedule than you think when

We have him on he’s a it is it it’s a I’m sure he’s very tremendously busy and like this is and the interesting thing is like if you listen to Dana White interviews a lot of them like if you listen to him real fight week he’s

Almost got the script down of what he’s gonna say like that’s what a fight promoter does a podcast though not a radio hit again man all right depends on the relationship though like if he’s just doing it because his his people told him to do it and he doesn’t want to do it

Like that could that could sway how his mood is gonna be right and and keep in mind you don’t know what the conversation was before this started I’m guessing that hillbilly did something weird so Hill oh the ginger guy Ginger he did mention something about oh I see

You and Ginger get along right so you don’t know what what the conversation were because us if you do a podcast you have a couple of you know conversation you have a little bit of a conversation before we always G have a talk with frog boy before we have

Guests on you know like make sure he doesn’t upset one time please don’t mention Mobility it’s happened one time take a break mix bag next all right welcome back toin and Leroy here with you happy Valentine’s Day everybody out there I already got my present is that yesterday yesterday’s

Performance you bet your assd was it was amazing love it is Leo Frozen or is he uh no I think he’s just you think he’s tired of me fawning over niic today tting could be texting could be texting think he’s tired can’t help it filling

Out oh man let’s uh get to that part of the day that we love to mix it up dude which is brought to you by Broward Health well into your future what do we got today Marcos today we have a very filled mix bag so let’s get right into

It shall we you don’t want to do a howy Mandel intro you know the mix bag goes a long way really really one of the best segments in radio uh let’s start with some Jimmy Johnson from this morning how that huh Jimmy Johnson Jimmy John was on

The Joe Rose show this morning right here on 560 WQ am he had a lot of things to say I’m sure we’ll hear a lot from the former Dolphins head coach one in particular that I wanted to play here uh it’s about Bill bellich actually uh he

Explains why bill bellich doesn’t have a job in the NFL let’s hear what Jimmy had to say bill and his girlfriend and fny you say this he just left the house about uh four days ago he came down spent a couple days with me and we

Talked about a bunch of stuff and you know I he agreed with he had actually been with barels and uh Sav a couple days earlier and some of these owners are a little bit afraid of him and the general managers and the Personnel people in the organization they’re really afraid of

Him because they think that if he comes in they’re going to lose their job wow interesting I definitely see people being intimidated about having bill bich that’s a very uh that that like he’s he’s you know that that’s a very intimidating thing to have he’s not like

Uh he’s got all those rings and you know that like that guy wants to get a turn around the J the GM’s like tough nuggets dude I don’t know what to tell you when Bill B can I just say this if you an organization and you’re afraid of that

Then you’re saying you can do a better job than him or is your goal just to keep your job because I’m under the impression that these teams change coaches and players and GMS because they want to put their team in a better situation to win right now when you your teams thinking

That you think that organization is about winning because if you think Bill bellich can put you in a better chance to win and that’s what it’s about then you deal with it right it is not like like some some organizations it’s going to feel different because you haven’t been there

Yet so for everybody to say oh no he’s too intimidating and we I want keep my job are you really about winning if I’m a fan of that organization I’m upset that your priority isn’t winning your priority is keeping your job think about that what else you got the mix bag

Marcos uh I think I know why Dana White was so angry what is that uh he’s just reminded this weekend through all the nonsense and hoopla going on with the Super Bowl that his UFC 300 is ruined in part to an injury to this man Jon Jones

Oh uh took his turn at a comedy club this weekend and needless to say wasn’t on his best behavior I want a good white joke like I I want give me how did you actually stumble upon this place so you like just blackout drunk well well my my

Kitty over here just just was just the resource of everything that awesome are you sure this is alcohol or is wow at least he found a found a way to be nice to his dude what do you do though if Jon Jones Is heckling You On

Stage what can you do if J Jones is what do you do you have any jokes John whatever you say Mr Bones whatever you want whatever you say Mr can you see as a comedian Marcos like when they’re out of can you could this person I mean

Maybe they do you know who it was by chance it was a YouTuber I forget his name but it was a YouTuber that uh you know has a mild following it was definitely a small room probably not not that big so but that’s why they asked him how did you stumble upon

This he was where was this you know because I know he was in Australia recently man you think this was an austral I don’t know if it was I don’t know like you never know when the stuff is recorded but I know he was recently in Australia that’s

Uh bad dude I was a Los Angeles comedy club and it was a YouTube Star death noodles how could you do that to death death noodles dude I mean you know JN Jones was thinking I’mma create death by making his body like a noodle what’s crazy he says uh the comedian begins his

Set and says you’re a little drunk I assume to which Jon Jones replies poito so great list Jon Jones likes the party listen it’s what we know even as a security guard what are you what do you do but here’s the deal but here’s the deal knowing

That you don’t even suggest it’s got to be something else you see what I’m saying you asking for it right with all with all he’s been through oh yeah you even suggested the dude one time you luy he wasn’t sober the guy one time got handcuffed and then

Headbut the hood of a police car like you’re not gonna do anything yeah that was rough that was rough for the comedian and by the way now he’s a heavyweight yeah so now it’s like 260 and that disorderly dangerous dude dangerous uh got time for one more yeah one more

All right cool let’s uh get back into some beef Draymond Green had something to say about old nkit and Kevin Durant just to go questioning my character I thought was whack but like guys guys are making a habit out of that um him and Kevin questioned my character before you

Know as if you go question somebody character about a basketball game as if this not real life as if that don’t affect people Pockets like I think all of it was really cowardly if you want my honest opinion yeah I did what I did I

Take my stuff on the chin we spoke about about that I still stand on that I meant every word I said about it but if you want to know the truth about that I think all of us cowly I think you know you start going to question somebody

Character in front of the whole world it’s why so I think they all W both of them wow all right though dude but here’s the thing we cannot act like this is your first rodeo of here’s the thing of things the the the the repeat offender always want you to treat right

Each situation separately whereas everything he said about what happened in that situation could have been accurate but we have all this history of all the things that you’ve done and that comes into play because of what you did here’s my problem with them you cannot be as habitual Lin stepping

As Draymond Green is and then get mad if you feel like some people cross the line with their words right that’s what I’m saying your your number one thing is you cross the line all the time with your actions right like I’m sorry it’s like oh okay your feelings got hurt you

Thought it was like all right well maybe not put people in the sleeper hold when you’re not see when they don’t see you coming right like it look again the problem is not that he what he was saying about the most recent incident was n accurate the

Problem is we have all this history with him and all the various acts of aggression and most recently trying to choke the life out of somebody and we have that and we bring that to the table when talking about this situation you can’t be offended that everybody’s not treating this as an

Isolated event the man Superman punched his teammate into a wall right like and and and the team got rid of the the the player that got punched why are you guys bringing up B stuff I’m working on myself yes so’s Jordan p in Washington punched him into IR

Relevance take a break back after this the number one sports A hello Jennifer man what’s up with the pink she’s feeling romantic today man she’s in love with her Miami she is that’s that’s the love Bernie Bernie is my Valentine let’s get to some uh another thing that fills our heart with love and that is the Florida

Panthers which is cat talk is brought To Us by our friends over at Celsius hockey fans don’t sit this one out when it’s game time make Celsius a part of play and get that energy up game day is fueled by Celsius essential energy drinks the official energy drink of your

Florida Panthers I’m not I’m not g to crack open this Celsius today but not because I don’t love Celsius nice had too much I’ve loaded this thing up today with with iced Cafe Buell okay which is I took three k cups at uh at a 4 ounce

Cup and shot them into this sucker put some ice in it and wow you just drink it black yes sir how he drinks it no sugar delicious they need to do research on your heart on your your heart is research amazing SCH sman says be careful Bernie before

You get cropped out too watch out she move right on to Stanley seat Bernie like that true uh some cool news the cats are taking on the Pittsburgh Penguins tonight National TV game on TNT by the way you can hear that on 790 The Cat tonight AM 790 has your coverage of that

You of course have the heat back in Action tonight taking on the 76ers so that’ll be on 56 WQ but Sergey babski Leroy some good news yesterday he was named one of the stars of the week in the NHL wow he stopped 56 of 58 shots that he faced

Jeez man has been playing possessed yes and uh that’s why we love Bob so yeah good for him that is uh that is some great news and looking forward to seeing him tonight against the Pittsburgh Penguins on TNT and of course you can hear that on AM 790 the cat um and your

Puck time there your puck drop is at 7 o’clock Marcos at 7 o’clock or 7:30 you remember today is 7 o’clock 7 no 7:30 is what I meant to say 7 o’clock is that is what I meant 7:30 is your puck drop from the igloo so who’s gonna who’s who’s switching stations that’s

Actually do we have three tonight oh do we hey goodin okay there’s a programming schedule that uh they provide us because they love us and I could definitely read that hey Galen who’s on what tonight okay please don’t yell at him he comes in here he gets very

Aggressive um all right well I know the heat are on 560 yes all right and I don’t know where the canes go and then I don’t know where the Panthers go I go you know what I’ll go to Pagan’s uh Twitter he always says where they’re at he always also mentions that it’s

Available on the Panthers app if listen all of these you can get on the Odyssey app this is the time to tell you the Odyssey app you can just flip around like you know have an email of this yeah but J I don’t be honest jfig let me ask

You something right now I know and you look at me in the eye yep look at me in the eye look one’s the last time you read a schedule come on be honest be honest it’s been a long time I mean this show is it’s been five years since I’ve

WR a rundown from Tobin when I was when I was in marcos’s seat would read the schedules that’s it uh wqam will have Miami Heat basketball okay 790 the cat is gonna be9 thee tonight Kane kan’s and Clemson is tonight on am79 I apologize that’s my mistake bye you know give me a

Minus one I’m sorry for deception for lying I’m sorry I forgot the Kane’s played tonight too we got a triple minus one you can listen to the Panthers on the Odyssey app and you can also listen on the Panthers app Pagan says so if that’s where you’re looking for your cat

Action if you want the local call tonight because they are on TNT there you go you have that that time of year it’s busy time you can have where you can have all three teams playing in the same night yeah it’s a busy time 7:30

TNT and then of course you can listen to plin on the Odyssey app uh meanwhile let’s get to the rest of our headlines we To Us by the new palal for truck Super Center why buy your truck at a car store palmal we know TRS Kyle Shanahan he continues to get

Some criticism what yeah yeah the the 49ers coach all right he continues to get criticism for the uh overtime rules and the players coming out now he had a press conference yesterday with John Lynch ah and uh Kyle Shanahan he had this to say about uh you know the whole

Fiasco we did say and we told everyone as we were waiting for the coin to I review everyone with them make sure they’re sure before we go out so we ask the position coach to do that but now I didn’t cover it in a meeting on the

Super Bowl week I don’t think that changes anything um we did it with our analytics Department we decided that going into the playoffs what you know I think you guys know how I’ve explained how I make decisions with that stuff in the past I take all the information I

Can get um especially ones I haven’t been in and um Arian felt that was the best way to go but as you guys know I don’t always just go with that uh I take into account what they say what they think is right and then I go off my gut

In the Heat of battle and I knew what they felt going into it and when I think about that during the moments I have to make the decision I think the type of game it was did match what they felt was the best way to do it did seem more like

A field goal game um and our Divens had been out there for a real long time right before that so uh was no I didn’t feel at all to override that at the time man it’s a lot of words for saying I bleeped up he go is

Here schedule every Tuesday two weeks in I never I never look I’m sorry well you got to look I’m sorry I didn’t lie to people all right so here’s the deal so tonight the Panthers are not on 790 the cat no they’re on fm96.5 HD2 all right the canes are on AM

790 all right the canes the canes and the heater on here wqam there you go that’s right all on the Odyssey app read it correct correct all right so pan uh Panthers are on wq3 uh canes are on wqam M2 and uh heat are on the main the main app

There you go look at that sorry I’m not gonna do that he gets angry first of all they do like send it you should send out the schedule like a week in advance two weeks in advance so I’m supposed to put that my hold on hold

On first of all minus one me because you acting as if he would have sent it a week ago you would have looked atus one and that’s a damn lie too you just start off the conversation with saying I never look at these things and

Then said If you would have SE it more recent I would have looked at it minus one oh another schedule every two weeks minus one okay even keep up when you guys aren’t around he hits me allegedly allegedly oh yeah so Kyle Shanahan lot of words for

Uh can I can I explain this yeah and what he was explaining so basically he said this seemed to be a field goal type of game right wasn’t a whole lot of touchdowns being scored so he thought of it this way we kick a field goal they go down and kick

A field goal then we have a chance to go kick a field goal and win that’s how he thought it was going to play out probably right okay now if it was a score like 38 to 40 or something like that then you definitely do it the other way but his thinking behind

It wasn’t off it just didn’t work out because San Francisco went down and scored and at no point in time did he even consider that because he was looking at how the game had been played to that point yeah but he also didn’t consider that Andy Reid’s onions where

He was going to go for two no matter what no get that man a wheelbarrow his his hypothetical onions were huge huge dude I was giveing the chance dude his Stones guy’s got Boulders Leo you look like you’re very over today because I’m having a hard time believe in you can give

Hypothetical Stones hypothetical onions hypothe there is no such thing that’s what they are there is no such thing we only have two options here you’ve decided to call Patrick Mahomes and Andy Reid liars and I’m just gonna give them their hypothetical St and here here’s

What I would say I would say it’s easy to say what you would do in that situation when that situation never presents itself so you’re always going to come out and say I’mma Be Tough right I’mma do this I’mma do that right there has been I’m G say this again only one

Situation that we’ve seen this year when we can une unequivocally say that there was a man who did do that and that was Dan Campbell against the Dallas Cowboys okay so he has too much stones so if anybody’s gonna bring that same scenario to me and say I would have did

The same thing when it only happened once in all of football I’mma call them Liars wow because you never been in that situation and I can’t just say and go with it so I’m not gonna roll out the hypothetical stones for people who’ve never had to be in that situation simple

As that you can say I’m calling him a liar you can say I’m calling him whatever I’m just saying it’s easy to be a tough guy when you ain’t never been in this situation I don’t have to say you’re calling him a li you are you just

Said you’re calling him a liar yeah because I don’t believe him take a break back after this this Hour Chrysler Jeep Ram start the new year and a new ride with no payments for 90 days Kendall Dodge Chrysler do you view this season as a failure oh my God uh okay because I’m not that up you asked me the same question last

Year edic okay uh do you get do you get a promotion every year on your job no right so every year you work is a failure yes or no no every every year you work you work towards something towards a goal right which is to get a

Promotion to be able to uh take care of your family to be able I don’t know um provide a house for them or take care of your parents you work towards a go it’s not a failure it’s steps to success there’s always steps to it you know um

Michel Jordan played 15 years years w six Championship the other N9 years was a failure that’s what you’re telling me I’m actually your question yes or no okay exactly so why you asking that question JIS has it 8 seconds to go beat up two runs right in the jimy flops get

To the middle back out to Allen two one he didn’t get that shot off but Mi heat advance to the second round they are just the six eight seed to defeat a number one seed in the 76 years of the National Basketball associations in New York here we come

Yeah I don’t know I’ll probably let him tell the story uh because I had a different variation of it and he looked at me dead in the eye uh we we’ve practiced you know varation of that play with a bunch of different guys and I was going to do a different

Version of it and he just said no let me be that guy we’re we’re a good group of basketball players and we’re having fun whenever we’re out there we’re playing basketball the right way and good things happen whenever you do That don’t worry Yiannis dude not a failure last night not a failure Giannis just another step to success yet another just yet another step of the heat successfully taking a step towards kicking your ass because they do a lot of that but gather around you know do

Whatever you got to do there afterwards with theis and you know maybe uh things will come together for you doc Doc Rivers thinks things are gonna come together for you you know listen it’s not a short trip this trip is a long one we not gonna get there in a week or

To but we advancing we gradually getting to our destination at times we gonna hear some bumps on the road but we gonna stay on course doc are you frustrated that the Miami Heat seem to have found another uh stud in Nia yic we got two studs that’s it that’s it oh okay

Do you think Joe Cronin last night he just happens to see you know just just just wondering you know just you think he happens to watch last night because remember Joe Cronin told himself yeah you know he he he he looked at himself in the mirror it was written by wge and

It was said Don’t Settle don’t settle well don’t don’t you settle on a package he said eliminate the emotion the frustration the fatigue and Joe Cronin told himself most of all don’t settle yep and yet and yet probably has to look at last night with Nico yic and haime hwz kicking the

Bucks ass and thinks to himself I got DeAndre Jordan or DeAndre Aton who had already said I don’t know if you guys have seen these quotes from DeAndre Aton this year but he’s like I’ve already done their is I’m a max player so I’m just he didn’t settle which thank you

Joe thank you for not settling there you go thank you so last night because you didn’t settle I got to watch the Serbian Terminator just embarrass the bock my question would be to Joe Cronin is you have all these picks in the upcoming years you think your ass gonna be around for all

That because hey and the words of Vlad y’all keep losing like this them streets gonna need a body streets need a body listen Joe cronin’s got a better chance of interning for crazy Andy in a couple years than running the Portland Trailblazers but that’s see and and

That’s the thing that I appreciate about Pat he almost handles you know these situations like he ain’t gonna be here to see it through and he been doing that since he been here right that we a we ain’t got a fiveyear plan and a lot of these

Organizations and these GMS go and sell this to their owner and in two years they ass get fired because you’ve been losing so bad for so long it happened in remember the process in Philadelphia right so I’m always wondering these organizations that try to go and

Reboot and get a bunch of picks and add some young players and be on that fiveyear program at what point is that owner gonna say I’ve had enough of this oh it’s got to be soon you would think right exactly so now in in in retrospect retrospect if he goes

Back he’s gonna say I probably have got some players that were going to make more of an impact now because even if we weren’t winning right we can still I could still sell this to my my owner and to the fan base that we have a lot of

Young Talent with some picks coming it’s interesting thing man because also do you think that Dame has last night and he thinks to himself I should have been more of a jerk because he’s in the situation right you do this all the time what do you mean

Right like it has to be in you like D I know Dame can’t be um what’s his name man that’s in uh Harden he can’t be uh James Harden I know not his makeup I know it’s not his makeup but do you think like do you

Think he has an acqu like I wish that was my makeup so I could be where I want instead of being in Milwaukee I’m sure a lot of people think that because you know what they say I’m going to be who I am and try to handle it a certain way

And here’s what I’ve learned in life the jackass is the one that always seems to get his way so while people say why aren’t you nicer in this situation it’s the jackass that they want to take care of and get them out of their hair right it’s always you going

To a restaurant you going to a store it’s the loud person they try to accommodate quickly it’s not the person sitting there having a conversation they will run all over you of course it’s the person in there acting like a jackass so it’s their fault as much as it is the

Person that gets what they want that you allow this to happen because if you were this way with everybody we wouldn’t have this problem take a quick break get to our favorite Wednesday game Rats of the sheep that’s next previously to and looy Deandre All right welcome back everybody getting sexy with you here on a Valentine’s Day and we got your chance to win tickets to see Dave Matthews Band I’ll give that away before the end of the hour here at the I think Financial Amphitheater on Friday May 24th it’s a

Live Nation show so stay tuned for that but it’s time to get our floaties on it’s rats off a ship rats off a ship game six rats off ship all right let’s get to it everybody the rats what do they got where are we at with the rats love the rats

Jennifer what do we got today for rats off a ship it’s been a while since I’ve heard that love the rats love the rats I got Jimmy Johnson’s take on Tua Johnson was on the Joe Rose show today he had things to say about Tua

What did he have to say uh frog boy will find out quarterbacks are hard to find and winning quarterbacks are extremely hard to find I think you give two a contract and you say he’s my franchise quarterback you build around him I don’t think there’s any question about that y

I you know the the Dolphins before they had their injuries were playing pretty good and you know yeah a couple of the good teams beat them I understand that but uh they’re a good football team and they’re getting better all right Jimmy Johnson with his take on I’m not right

Off a ship listen if Jimmy Johnson I’m more interested in what frog boy has to say when an alltime great a legend I know I’m not I’m I’m sitting right here excuse this fat rat while I sit back on my lounge chair put my sunglasses on and sip on my lemonade

Because I’m I’m with Tobin and we’re sipping on arold Palmer yeah and enjoying the view yeah we’re just enjoying the view and I think I mean I think Jay fig I think are you also in the lounge jfig or are you over at the

Uh are you gonna go over to the conga at the the the carnival with the you know your rat bathing suit on or are you gonna sit next to me and Leroy as we wait for uh or you or are you gonna jump what what you know

I am in the lounge but I’m not sipping on an AR Arnold Parn whatever you call it Arnold Palmer no I will be sipping on some whiske a little oh so you’re getting liquored up we just quenching our thirst she’s a she’s a liquored up

Rat and we’re all s here with baited rat breath waiting on you uh frog boy you know what oner is with vodka delicious sounds delicious it’s called the John daily no no no no it is yes oh what a legend solid what a legend uh what do

You have to say frog boy uh much like John Da this this Jimmy Johnson lives in another world dude you know let me tell you something about this guy during this interview you probably didn’t hear this part he was on his way to pick up the

Jeep he just bought so that he can pick up the boat he just purchased as well is that true that’s true what a life so that’s the kind of life that Jimmy Johnson lives you know I’m not saying he doesn’t know about win I completely get

It credited coach but I just think he lives in la la land he’s living too comfortable now he just looks at the numbers he’s like oh okay yeah this guy’s probably good but what do I know I’m catching a marlin 33 miles off of Cuba hey hey dumbass yeah you know he

Does a studio show every Sunday right he does but he was morning he’s tired of the uh you know how sometimes they’ll they’ll do the monitor yeah live from Key West or wherever he’s at he says he doesn’t want to do that anymore so so is

He is he going to be done he didn’t do every week in studio this year yeah they they kind of just told him hey buddy the Super Bowl’s in New Orleans we need you this year but you come whenever you want so they’re trying to they’re trying to

Bully Jimmy Johnson to the studio I think what about this yeah what about moving to the studio to the Keys oh look at that you know yeah what ifim John wait wait wait they did it with Neil Rogers yeah like why not why not just move Jimmy why you don’t think strayan

Wants to come down to the Keys every single week instead of La yeah I mean look I know Jimmy would in mind because like I said he lives in la la land dude he’s just saying nice things and so you’re rats off a ship I’m rats off a

Ship man I’m rats off of his brand new ship ship how about that build around to why would I why would I build around something with poor infrastructure J can I can I ask you this Marcos yeah so when people talk like this it is my job to

Expose their ignorance right like Jimmy you would rather you would rather build around Justin Fields I don’t know if I want build around Justin Fields necessarily okay so who do you want to build around maybe someone in the draft you never know so you want to start the

Process over again who’s the second to last player available huh let me get him you so they had that Skyler Thompson mobile by the way what oh my God by the way Matthew Stafford 1300 yards rushing in his career he’s played for 20 years that was impressive mobile Jay fig what’s number

Two Warriors repeatedly trying to trade for LeBron at deadline wow rats off a ship what classic oh get out of here story need LeBron attention because you know they’re just stuck in No Man’s Land right now oh what would happen if he played with Steph Curry what would happen oh ownership conveniently putting

This out there when they should be focusing on the real story of the day which is Nia yic that’s what they should be talking about not some Hocus Pocus trade that didn’t happen or wouldn’t happen oh okay LeBron was gonna go play with Steph Curry great let me know when

It happens then we can talk about it how would LeBron and Draymond get along I think they’re close actually no I know they’re close okay he was close to uh old boy that called the timeout or didn’t call the timeout too J.R Smith J.R Smith like yeah but at some point when

You’re a professional like that those Antics get annoying right one them think okay one would think but like they’re calling they’re calling to trade for LeBron at the like all right dude come on Desperate dude let’s be real about some stuff here huh desperate nobody’s ever traded

LeBron no nobody’s ever traded him now keep it mind I’m not counting the trade I know what you mean not the sign TR I I I know you’re talking about inseason real trades right why would you trade LeBron I don’t care how bad your team is why would you trade LeBron

He FS the seats what would you even get from the Warriors for LeBron like Wiggins Draymond clay clay clay yeah you got the dad yeah I could see that I I will say did you guys see Del Curry with uh with Seth getting to play and his that was kind of

Goosies yeah so he play he’s in Orlando now right Charlotte Charlotte Charlotte I don’t know why I do that Charlotte and his dad calls the games so that’s pretty cool that is cool that is cool um but anyway okay rat’s off a ship on this off

If Steph did also get traded to the to the Hornets does he make his brother give him his number oh yes I think he takes that opportunity to switch they all do it LeBron did it KD did it but his brother yeah his brother true anyway

Rats off a ship on this Hocus Pocus what about you Leroy I’m rats off a ship rat off ship this takes me back to last hypothetical situation the Super Bowl jayv I’m rats off a ship rats off a ship rat Cannonball uh Marcos not rats off a ship dude wouldn’t

That be amazing LeBron Curry wow we can go ahead and get these two old kind of weird though right like it’s a lot of that’s a big rivalry together like you know I don’t know like doesn’t everybody hate the uh the rivals I thought he got

He got killed for it for going to dwade now he’s going to go with Steph Curry they’re going to battle for five rings together all right I’m gonna be honest the demoralizing effect it would have on Klay Thompson psyche is really why I’m all in on this you know it’d be

Like wow I went from Curry’s you know we were Splash Bros to now him and LeBron are having dinner at STK and I’m banging on the window I think the thing that be really mad about is they’re gonna pay LeBron James instead of him love that sign me up give us one more

Jfig Tyler Hero’s sweater from last night would you like to see how it gotta see this Tyler what is what Tyler Heroes got the that’s the Billy Madison that is a billy M up top it’s Billy M that’s well is he wearing leather pants I’m not sure what

Is going on he looks really stiff I mean it was maybe it was cold in Milwaukee last night that leather gets gets uh when you have all of the those layers on top you can’t you can hardly move your arms what what is he going for with this right like what exactly I

Don’t know the only thing only hey the only thing missing is a horse just don’t understand he should just rode in on a horse with that outfit is that a navy blue jacket as well it looks like a navy blue jacket it’s not I just would have liked to see him after

He hit those threes last night if we could have just seen him on the stage like uh like This Here’s what’s amazing about this look at that Billy Madison sweater that he probably bought for $42 yeah and more right and now look at Tyler probably spent a thousand oh for sure that’s like 3,000 right there definitely the Billy Madison s do you think that’s like I wonder if Tyler hero

Is he even know who Billy Madison is he wasn’t alive that’s a great question that he was not alive when that movie was made that he was not all because what is Billy M 95 Tyler we saw Tyler Heroes Tyler Hero’s parents Courtside last night that’s right I heard in Jack’s call he

Was putting up the three yeah CU he’s from Milwaukee isn’t he he’s from Milwaukee yeah he’s from Milwaukee so they were sitting Courtside last night and uh shows we’re in the Billy Madison gotta find out man so that like yeah I promise you that that that sweater I mean he he Billy Madison

Probably bought that dat they had somebody go down to the thrift shop and get one of them sweaters and cut it up yeah right and now they’re selling it to Tyler hero for what a thousand I don’t know man I’m even like looking for it right

Now to see more or less I can get like did did one of these crazy Brands buy it or something I don’t understand I don’t know I can’t imagine he’s wearing anything less than a thousand dollars so that jacket is at least three grand what is this

Velvet speaking of uh jacks on the broadcast last night Jason Jackson may have revealed a little bit of a a secret into what we could expect this weekend from haime hakz Jr that plus some uh interesting takes from Tyreek Hill will’ll get to next hour as well back after this you Welcome back to Leroy here with you on a Valentine’s Day hum day welcome back everybody see what you did there hump you want to play that Montage again to get me in the M Montage ja I am uh I am feeling it tonight I am swaggering back into the Tobin household

All because of that win yesterday over the Bucks I’m sure D would be excited to know that what gets you going is a Heat win he knows it the sultry sounds of Jason Jackson saying from the land of milk and honey you’re not kidding dude take he

Didn’t say it that much yesterday he said from the edges they they they just it was a barrage from downtown let’s get to our headlines brought To Us by the new met for truck Super Center why buy a truck at a car store B metal we know truck your final score

Last night if you guys are just waking up from a hangover from whatever the hell maybe Marty gr who knows but the Heat last night they beat the Milwaukee Bucks in dominating fashion 123 to 97 it was a barrage from downtown six from Duncan Robinson five from Nia yovic and Kevin Love Love

Love five of seven from downtown what what what just that’s my guy now always and forever change no never he wouldn’t he wouldn’t break my heart love love did you see him yesterday Leroy the trash talk in a lot of ways Kevin Love is Like a bra exactly he’s there for

Support more than Bo yesterday was it 19 points oh my God he was turn back to he was feeling it yesterday dude yeah he was feeling it he yesterday just put it on the Milwaukee Bucks Jan S TMO a ghost in the second half Dam Lillard a ghost for the game

Thank God we didn’t trade for that guy big ground washed you cried oh he did cry yeah misplaced Emotion by me I’ll tell you that much now I’m crying tears of happiness because we kept yic dude wow you don’t don’t think that players are different in different situations what do you mean

Just what I said well I mean specify what are you referring it to this one as so you’re saying that if Dame was here he’d be playing like he is there I’m not saying that okay but that’s what you’re saying about I mean when you say never wanted them or

He look at how he’s playing I didn’t say never wanted him you’re putting words in my mouth you you’ve never said once Dame got traded to I believe my words were after it happen I really wanted them but sometimes the things you want and don’t happen work out for the best I believe

They call that Leroy a blessing in disguise wow I like to bless you in Disguise and when I say that I mean put a mask on and come and chop you in the throat why dude I thought you this is gross I thought this was honestly I thought you’d be

Proud of me no because you still manipulate the words you still manipulate the things that you say that’s not what I said I wanted Daman listen I feel bad for him you know but he he made his own but you think Damen Lillard would be a different player if

He was with the heat oh he’d be much happier he hates it that no I’m not say care about happier I’m just saying about his production right it’ be different so like just because you see a guy that don’t end up with the heat struggling where he is doesn’t mean that he

Wouldn’t have fit here that’s my point that’s my point that’s why I’m saying he probably looks last night and he sees Nico yic who who should probably think to him he’s like man could that kid could be in Portland and he’s having my fun because he’s playing with my bamb

Bam and instead now it’s yoi and Bam I’m more than sure that’s exactly what he said I think it is what he said I think it is what he said he’s playing with my bam bamus one why still like it just didn’t like it we’re having fun today baby why

Can I why when you’re having fun I’m Miserable as hell I don’t know it’s everybody’s expensed right exactly I think it’s because I’m halfway through this puppy only halfway did you see I cannot honestly say you had to pucker your cheeks up just to get that grel through

The straw not good delicious not good iced this is the way I’m going now for now you’re drinking oil I’m an IC man that is you know what can I ask you do you jig do you drink iced coffee yep Marcos uh not really I don’t really drink coffee you’re a new coffee

Connoisseur I’m not going to hear you I love can I just finish what I was going to say before you jump down my throat wow she’s defensive I’ve never had iced coffee I know well why cuz like they Mak some good downstairs when I think when I think of coffee yeah I think

Of you know big face Kar no no yeah or just having a cup of hot coffee bet you Bernie I bet you Bernie is uh dabbled in the iced coffee yes you should try it yeah probably make it at home if you throw some black coffee on some ice that’s I

Like that better it’s sometimes it’s just refreshing well here’s the other thing that I like coffee with all the additives the the stuff right and so I know if you put it in iced coffee it doesn’t go through the coffee because it’s ice coffee you’re right Marcos W

He’s drinking cold coffee from like 6:00 a.m. ice cub in though no ice see this is the middle ground it’s not hot lukewarm coffee lukewarm coffee he basically just has the grounds yeah the good stuff that’s where the energy is don’t you feel better knowing the fact

That Nico is spreading his feathers like a peacock and you know we’re starting to see this kid I’ve been begging for Nico for two years I know you have aren’t you happy like this should be the happiest heat day of your life and somehow I feel like you’re trying to you’re trying to

Hone me in no you ruined it you ruined it how did I ruin it five minutes into the show how I mean Leroy because instead of you you’re telling me I should just enjoy it right and I say the same thing to you because your way of enjoying it is blasting everybody else

Who didn’t who don’t feel the same way you do about the heat in the National coverage how do they feel wouldn’t know they don’t even talk about it so my point is is that why can’t you just enjoy it because if I don’t put them on no

Leroy who will should I just allow get their CRI you can’t just enjoy a great Heat win it was a great Heat win so why can’t you just enjoy and who cares what anybody thinks no you’re not they don’t think anything they don’t think anything they there there’re a bun there a bunch

Of lemmings out there who cares take the W eat it enjoy and let’s get another one don’t do the James on it’s all I think of do you have SPO yesterday cuz SPO thought it was very disrespectful for people to say they were short-handed yesterday because he doesn’t ever

Believe in that yeah that would be disrespectful to say we’re short-handed that would upset the guys in the locker room the competition will decide this tonight we’re playing against a very good team on their home floor we have to step up our level of play we have enough

Guys in the locker room that have an idea of what we’re trying to do how we impact winning and now it’s just a matter of bringing out a higher level and hopefully the competition brings that out I gota be honest with you spose sounds like the type of guy this guy

Likes to challenge when there are a fewer pieces he’s a lot like MacGyver you know like how can I make a bomb with a paperclip and some gum no here’s the deal that sometimes when you have fewer decisions your decisions are better so SPO does his best coaching job when he’s

Short-handed they win a lot of games with stars out and they always have when supposed being the coach because now you don’t have a 10-man rot ration you have a seven or eight man rotation and it it kind of uh addition by subtraction kind of thing where now you’re working with the same

Group of guys teaching the same group of things you have the same group of defenses and and and sets that you run with the same guys you don’t have to keep changing the parts because you don’t have those guys does that make any sense a little

Bit a little bit I see I hear what you’re saying you’re looking at me with the Crooked one of two things when you look at me like this usually he’s getting ready to follow up do that yes you are know and you’re gonna take all of the conversation I just

Had and say something silly and then I’m GNA get mad right this I’m telling you you got the look I don’t want to do that I I don’t want to do it I want to do I say it I don’t want to do I got my point

Out you got your point I want I don’t want to ruin it say I want you to have I know the look dude I don’t look first it starts off with little smirk first it starts off with little smirk right you we all know it’s coming just let it out

I have nothing to say you a liar points you people of Joy let’s go say it like Jaylen Brunson after the uh after the Ed Malloy call it was a great call it was a great call nothing to say yes that’s that’s what you’re doing right now because you know you got something

Locked and loaded I I wait I could tell by the smirk on your face I know smart look at the smart I agree with when he looks up at a different angle yes he won’t make eye contact yes say it I gotta go a break listen just say it

Take your minus one because you know it’s gonna be terrible so say it don’t get a hit don’t get a hit don’t take a hit of coverage I don’t have anything to say I’m happy I just know that’ll be the first time you know what you know what

What look at clean those little eyes little blinks yanis yesterday didn’t have anything to say quiet as a church mouse yesterday steps to success steps to success when does the step happen where he actually beats the heat when does that step happen interesting guys out here wielding this uh this

Crazy power getting coaches fired third one in 12 months I know crazy unstable and then he’s getting his lunch money taken by by nicovich yep Duncan Robinson is just terrorizing Jay Crowder wow that was surprising to me because I mean I understand they get at it and uh

Practice there’s usually you know John back and forth so I’m sure it wasn’t the first time but you don’t have a little respect for former teammates like you you know or do you have even more animosity I don’t know looked like he had a lot of animosity yeah can’t guard

Me can’t guard me Jay Crowder you’re old what a night and then Lowry isn’t have the guts to show up tonight anyone shocked Lowry anyone shocked he’s not in a basketball condition huh ask you something when he signs his contract yesterday with the Philadelphia 76ers it’s kind of ballsy of the 76ers

To throw up a Larry O’Brien trophy from the 80s huh like what was it was it even made of gold back then I don’t even know what was the what did the trophy look like back then it’s not made of gold now you sure it’s not made of

Rust I mean it was a while ago 83 Jesus take a break are you mad at me I’m not mad I’m disappointed w yeah yeah AH lero theme song show Pony welcome back everybody here who sings smart pans oh genuine genuine yeah yeah by the way you know if you

Guys are interested in doing something today for Valentine’s I have a game show Copper Blues come on by blue so it’s next to the Improv yeah we’re expanding we are expanding yeah so uh you know I’ll be on the ones and twos while my fiance is angry at me at

Home so did you do anything like for breakfast uh today no yesterday we went to a uh nice little Brazilian stank out oh yeah and you know what my baby decided hey I W to scream I want to learn how oh dude can I just say this

Can I just say this right now here’s here’s what happens you remember when you and your girl would go out you and Glen would go out with no kids and y’all go out and you be sitting in the booth and y’all be sitting side by side Whispering sweet nuts and then in the

Booth behind you they have some kid yelling at the top of their lungs and you getting annoyed and whatever now that’s your kid yeah I’m not sure why he decided wanted to stand up in the restaurant and apologize for to everybody cuz your kid will scream in

The resta restaurant why I didn’t eat I did not go to a we tried it one time I did not go to a restaurant until I could communicate with Rebecca yeah that’s fair I I couldn’t it was torture yeah at the top of the lungs I wanted listen I wanted to get

Her a whiskey sour that’s what I want that’s not good so I just I’m going to restaurants understand I get it I was told that when I was younger there we were at a restaurant once and I just started screaming and see it a lady next

To my mom told her to make me shut up in a very aggressive way and my mom and my dad’s mother went off on that lady wow yeah and guess what I bet you one thing your ass didn’t stop crying during that whole situation I have no

Idea I’m just happy they stuck up for me hey you can’t like listen that had to be somebody that didn’t have kids yeah because if you have kids you understand you can’t control that you think you think when you go to the restaurant okay baby’s been cool we can go if there’s a

Problem we can just bring a bottle just in case you know all these things that baby getting around all them people and just act a fu and there’s nothing you can do yeah I know I gave parents PTSD like they weren’t angry like tell them to shut up they were like hey I

Specifically got away from my kid so I didn’t have to hear this and now I hear her screaming and I feel like it’s mine so the the Brazilian steakhouse when they bring the the wheel barrel of meat and just cut it on your and put it on

Your plate I may or may not had a uh shuder board with four different Meats delicious pretty pretty good you guys still into that shuder board huh love Sherie boards it was a wooden board with I thought it was Shakur board is cheese yeah this one was

Meat it was good bunch of stuff you know who loves a Sherie board who’s that lonel Messi okay why I don’t know this is just my segue to get to our inter Miami update which is brought To Us by K one Kettle One vodka made to cocktail

Yeah the uh the Pink’s pre-season ends tomorrow at drive pink Stadium they are taking on now excuse me again a soccer Noob so everybody be kind to me new old boys oh you don’t know about the old boys there is an Argentinian Squad I believe lonel Messi

Rooted for them as a as a boy can I ask can I ask this question did he play for them that was his first that was his first team first Club ever wow you know messy dude isn’t it isn’t it as amazing that or tell me how true this is

Soccer is the only sport where preseason you don’t play against any other league teams yeah just having some fun baby yeah no but I’m just saying isn’t that you is that not an accurate assessment yeah I think I guess so sounds like it sounds like it they haven’t they’ve been uh they’ve been

Kind of going around and World t a lot of World Tour but the world tour is back here tomorrow nice so there you go they say he’s gonna retire there as well oh when he leaves in Miami that’s where he’s Going’s gonna go to another where

Is he going to go to another place where he’s not going to play games I guess so I think that’s disrespectful I think what do you mean I think what you just said was is it disrespectful I think so I think uh so is that is that on I had

Look at the schedule we have that game tomorrow we carrying that game oh this again yes we do it’ll be live on the seven okay got to go through the thing again there’s nothing else right the Panthers and the heat don’t play no canes we’re playing everything tonight I

Don’t know um we don’t do their preseason games meanwhile Tyreek hill Oh cheetah all right that guy no a cheater no a cheetah not AER che che cheah you gotta be care you know there was some rumors you gotta be careful uh he was on NFL network uh

Recently they didn’t interview with him and uh he had some he was asked Leroy about the Dolphins going into this year and and Tyreek Hill believes their time is now here was the cheetah how do you guys win in the playoffs next year like last couple of years you gotten that

Taste but then it doesn’t work and it it can’t just be the weather because it’s like it’s cold for both teams right like like mentally how do you guys get there next year well there are no more excuses like I feel like all the excuses that ran out

You know at this point um the first year we went to the playoffs together we didn’t have our quarterback um this year we went to the playoffs it was freezing cold we had our quarterback and now it’s almost time like we have ran run out run out of excuses like everybody has

Literally had had reps at playing in the playoffs so now it’s all on us you feel me like moving forward we got to continue you know on that strongr Trend that we began the season with and you know I feel like in our last play game our defense gave us enough opportunities

To win that game you know they got enough stops for us to win the game offensively we just got to get it going we gota um you know we got to be able to put drivve together you know what I’m saying the um so our defense can stay off the field

And that really all that takes is just I feel like some veteran leadership during the week you know preparing ourself fundamentally being able to play Fast even when it’s negative3 degrees outside and yeah man like just do what our coaches tell us to do you feel me I feel

Like coach McDaniel um especially my coach Wes Welker those guys they did a great job the whole entire season preparing us for moments like that um like we had against Kansas City so next year no more excuses man I feel like it’s all on us man so Fan Nation you can

Expect a whole lot more from us I promise you okay wow Tyreek Hill on NFL Network Leroy wow no more excuses according to the cheetah no more here here’s the deal everything he said was accurate I’ll say without he left one thing out and that is don’t say injuries this team has

Started every game except one or two and gotten to halftime where everybody thought they had a chance to win the game and then come out in the second half for whatever reason and just look like they’re running in quicksand that’s what needs to change it’s not offensively it’s not

Defensively it’s schematically you can put whatever twist you want on it go look at those games go look at those games where the better teams in this league have made adjustments against what you were doing in the first half and you’ve had no answers and you didn’t score like I’m talking about not

Score damn point not getting the end zone at all look at how many times against good teams they got in the second half and didn’t score so you could put whatever twist you want on it and I get Tyreek trying to put it on them

Mhm okay but I think I know who he was putting it on well what do you mean no he’s not doing you you thought that he was throwing [ __ ] you thought he was throwing sh thought he throwing [ __ ] at Tu read between the lines he he said

Offense needs to do more defense did their job Wes Welker got this receiver unit together we didn’t do much as an offensive unit he’s not complaining about the defense he’s not complaining about the receivers we have the number one run game who’s he complaining about guys the play calls

Oh okay so then Mike McDaniel he’s going after that’s what I’m telling you he’s responsible for what I’m he’s the guy responsible for what I’m talking about he’s not throwing the ball oh my God he’s calling the plays he is he is well here’s the thing though

You know if I were to subscribe to Marcus’s thoughts which I am not little rifty Rift right but I have dove into Clips before and if one did want to do that it was interesting how he made a point of saying well now everybody has had reps in the playoffs well who wasn’t

There the year beforehand right two look at that so if you wanted to play conspiracy on who he’s talking about now mind you this interview was before the Super Bowl so I don’t think he’s like Frosty off of uh the Chiefs winning or nothing like that although he has said

He’s taken a lot of Strays y um but I agree with them with Tua like there are I think that there is this is a point of of of No Excuses or any of that stuff I do think it is it is a big that standpoint I’m telling you the reality

Of what happened to this team you could put whatever twist you want on any player on the team I am telling you why they didn’t have success against certain teams so you’re saying there’s no excuses for Mike McDaniel I’m saying how listen his biggest jump as a coach needs to be in game

Adjustments you go look at those games and and like teams don’t all of a sudden go stale like that they don’t so if anybody needs you don’t all of a sudden you don’t all of a sudden have 70% accuracy and then come out the second half and don’t have

Anywhere to throw the ball and they’re wondering why don’t you scramble and you can’t figure out what they’re doing for you right they’re doing to you okay so we have stop a puppet a puppet puppet what do you mean a puppet because if if Mike McDaniel’s to blame then that means

At no point did Tua have an issue with this you know how many times are you in the H he’s not gonna have but hold on he’s gonna have a lot of trust in Mike McDaniel maros Mike Mike McDaniel’s a big reason why he had let me correct

Success let me let me let me correct myself let me correct myself okay puppet I’m not saying Mike McDaniel is not a hell of a offensive coach but I’m saying this this that at some point during your coaching career you have to understand that teams are going to adjust to what

You’re doing and you have to have counters to that that didn’t happen very much during the course of the Season while we sit here and put this all on the players and the throws and what happened here and the timing and the scrambling and whatever right those two

Things work hand in hand because if your players aren’t in a good position then it’s hard for them to be successful one could say he’s gota you know he has to break off what I’m just saying like one could say he’s gota he’s got to break off the kangaroo pouch that is Shanahan

Because Shanahan’s big thing is he don’t know how to adjust was staring at him right in the face so he’s got to get away from that you know he needs to go and find his own uh gurun to to to grow from this you know maybe some more time

With SPO well maybe maybe maybe he doesn’t have a puppet at quarterback too they can realize how many times think Brock p is dude if you don’t think a puppet at quarterback like who’s more of a puppet than Mr Irrelevant mobile he not mobile so mob he’s not mobile how

Many yards you rush for in the Super Bowl no but there was plays he extended though he extended plays though need that plays he extended plays right where right into Chris maros I would love to just have a sketch artist come and draw what you think is the perfect quarterback that’s a good

Idea because you know what you realize he doesn’t exist it’ be good take a break back after this of toin and Leroy Welcome back everybody to Leroy take you up until two miss today’s show to Leroy podcast available for you on all podcast platforms oh please relive it you what does that mean it was a good one you being you are you saying you didn’t have fun

Today last time I had this much fun was when I had knee surgery I couldn’t straighten my leg like a little bit of a shoty shot doesn’t seem like you had very much fun when when I took a dump it felt like I was docking the space [Applause] shut wow

Um if you guys uh want to watch the show too it’s also available on YouTube Miami 56 wqm twitch same channel so check it out there why you make me out to you like when I get done with some of these shows you make me feel like I’m a damn

Kagin well I I don’t think I try to make you feel that way yes you do what do you mean wow you do I see the smirks on your face M I just want to have fun baby and you’re sitting here and you’re trying to

Re me in because you said you alleg I’m too up and down with the Miami Heat that my emotions ride too much with the Miami Heat which isn’t true and oh my goodness because I want to celebrate a throttling of the milwauke Bucks hold on did you or did you not say these

Words this losing streak coincided with SPO getting his extension I said all things are on the table no no what I’m saying you did say that that’s I just said said did you go I’mma just say it SPO you got I’m s this little fat cat syndrome right here you said

That nobody’s off the table in a seven game losing streak but here’s the kicker not to saying that I didn’t say I didn’t say those exact words what did you say what did you say I just said at the time don’t have to time me don’t try to

Give qualifiers what did you say at the time seven game losing streak all things are on the table including a a potential for fat cat syndrome oh my goodness look you see how he tries this what I mean he was so mad about the losing streak that he hosed down everybody in the

Organization I didn’t hose down everybody I didn’t hose down everybody that’s not true in fact I thought I remained fairly calm fairly calm I was on my best behavior at the lowest time fairly calmal you cried when they didn’t get Damen Lillard that’s not fairly calm it

Was I really wanted damy Lillard but now blessing in disguise because we got to keep yoi who I’m proud of and is now the greatest power forward in the league you don’t think that’s one game did you see the game though it’s y’s team right now right because wait let’s

Be clear it was Hae hz’s team then Jimmy came back got some work to do and then you said it’s Jimmy’s team and now you’re saying it’s Yi’s team did you did you hear this is what I mean about the ups and downs he’s played half a dozen

Games Hae this was Json Jackson last night on the broadcast uh he gave a little insight into haime and what he’s up to Hae turns 23 on Sunday a day after the slam dunk contest that’s on Saturday night he’ll be in that rising stars on Friday night in Indianapolis I’ve heard

Whispers about a 360 wind maill coming up at that Arsenal wow okay all I’d say to haime is all right and I love him you know that’s my guy okay loves my song but one has to wonder if it’s all gone to his head a little bit you know maybe

Me giving the keys over to him was a little fast and and you need to have somebody a little more mature which is why I’m handing the keys over niic who’s three years young okay so wait wa wa wait and then and then when Jimmy gets

Back and goes for 30 he’s gonna switch again that’s what I mean about you up and down and Es and flows and whatever yeah you you’re like while saying I don’t do it you’re actually having a conversation where you do it I mean am am I doing that I yes I don’t

Know you know yes you have to take things game to game Leroy suppos so after last night is shov Just team I mean did you see well it could be Duncan Robinson’s team now because if it’s not might punch everybody in the face he he

Ate a tough man pill he’s very SC oh my goodness stop know strange I went into a time machine and I was able to speak to Tobin and wonder why he does the things he does and this is what future Tobin had to say my heart was in the right

Place in the right place my heart is always in the right place you guys would admit that though always it’s always in the right place I bet and and just because you know you know Leroy had his doubts about the dunkyard dog doesn’t mean that I have any doubts what are you

Talking about wow you know I think that that wait wait wait wait wait when you call somebody a bum I’m always the guy that say Hey look at all the great players and how long it took them to figure it out like it takes time which nobody seems to have anymore

Wa wait who’s the greatest Jordan took him seven years to win a championship well I mean the greatest is uh ni yic I don’t know where okay so is he supposed to win the championship in one and a half years D way did it in three I’ll allow it okay it’s your two

For him so you know he’s got some Grace oh my God what a night last night though what a night but it we’d all agree I mean we can all agree last night felt like a moment right like it felt like a moment in time you know what I was celebrating

Marty gr and I was eating some oysters Rockefeller and oysters bville and I had some gumbo then I washed it down with some red beans and other you know chicken and stuff like that right good meal and I was looking at the Heat game on my

Phone because all the TVs where I was was a cam on Bourbon Street New Orleans because it’s Marty gr cool and as I’m watching the game and I’m seeing what’s transpiring I asked the lady please bring me another hurricane they they go oh you want

Another one why I said because I got to go home and go to sleep and get ready for a show tomorrow and the guy I do the show with is going to be insufferable and I knew it last night I knew it last night I didn’t bother you

With text last night though you should you should be proud of me that’s because probably because you were doing something do you want to know what nicoa yic and Bourbon Street having common on marra yeah what’s that they flashed flash dude for to throw Nico your beads because you are

Gonna get some headlight shows dude do you like me I thought I was your boy what I thought it’s as if I’m doing a show with a child and his sidekick because maros only goes yeah you got that yeah listen stay hyd unless he’s up on stage drink water unless he’s singing a

Nice little diddy or rapping a song he don’t need DJ khi okay stop it he don’t need a Hy man do you think it’s wise to finish the rest of this why you look like little Jos yeah he said who you know yic yeah you come on stop it Marcos

You get it right though because the booby’s on you know Bourbon Street no we get it and his talent flash you didn’t need to explain it got it we got it can you see how pissed off I am we got it why like you you got to keep going and going and

Going you’re poking the bear wait I think he doesn’t like me out for the Bears remember what we heard about them what a day to find out he doesn’t like you on Valentine’s Day W no Valentine for our boy last night nicovich was the crack bear okay Jesus all right interpretation of crack

Bear or Leroy he wasn’t talking about bears on crack I think he was dude I think he was I think so honest you can I just say this you’re embarrassing be University what if you jump to the conclusion that the politician was talking about bears on actual

Crack that’s what you got out of that then why would they call them that why would they say that why would he say that politicians don’t lie dude no anyway that’s our show for today politicians don’t lie they talk don’t they it’s the wa on my sign oh that’s our show for today

Everybody God I hope you go with a lot of love and happiness on this Valentine’s Day good time hey I’mma tell both y I’mma tell both of y’all yeah you toin and you Sidekick is that me be better tomorrow be better do better have a great day we’re talking about the ones

That are on crack I like my Center 613 but I don’t know about you Smitty what about you Leroy what’s up with your boy you’re finished it was a box score poooo platter last night hope you mother have a good day

00:01:00 – 00:20:35 : Happy Valentines Day! Nikola Jović gives Tobin a wonderful V-Day Gift with his incredible performance causing the Miami Heat to win against the Bucks 123-97. DuncYard Dog also showed how tough he is with 23 pts!
00:28:15 – 00:40:05 : The guys manage to Quibble on something they sort of agree on. What is to blame for the sudden tenacity Duncan is playing with?
00:46:40 – 00:58:09 : Zach Lowe continues his run on Tobin’s bad side. Tobin takes calls in order to reveal something about the Bucks
01:06:40 – 01:19:40 : We hear from “Momma Babushka” who is proud of Nikola and puts him above Jaime Jaquez Jr. The guys go on to talk about the difficulties of this day with presents. We hear what they have in store for Valentine Day with their significant others
01:28:00 – 01:43:10 : Nikola Jović answers media on starting and how well he played, staying mentally sharp and ready. What is up with Dana White?! After a long introduction into Howie Mandel’s Podcast, Dana White thanks his kind words then continues to say, “I am so f***ing tired of doing podcasts,” and storms out! Leroy expresses and defends what he thinks/knows happened.
01:49:20 – 01:59:09 : We are presented with a Marcos’ Mix Bag! Jimmy Johnson reveals why Bill Belichick is unemployed, a comedian is faced with an impossible situation as he is heckled by UFC Heavyweight Champion Jon Jones, Draymond Green Calls his former teammate whack!
02:06:40 – 02:17:25 : Cat Talk! The Florida Panthers Sergei Bobrovsky was named NHL Star of the Week! Kyle Shanahan continues to get backlash on OT fiasco. Who is Leroy is calling a liar!?!
02:24:50 – 02:23:08 : 15 mins of Heat starts off with a goosies inducing montage!
02:39:48 – 02:52:20 : Rats off a Ship – Jimmy Johnson’s take on Tua, the Warriors reportedly trying to trade for LeBron at deadline, Tyler Herro’s Billy Madison sweater
03:00:25 – 03:13:55 : Tobin is in the moood after the Miami Heats performance. Erik Spoelstra is upset of those who say the Miami Heat were short handed, that it’s an insult to the guys in the locker room.
03:21:10 – 03:35:24 : Inter Miami CF Update! Tyreek Hill on NFL Network says there are no more excuses and believes their time is now! How will they win in the Playoffs next year? Tyreek makes a promise to Fins Nation!
03:41:52 – 03:52:35 : Leroy spends the whole segment yelling and questioning if Tobin likes him. He feels he has gone through the longest most painful day listening to Tobin and his antics.

Listen/Watch to Tobin and Leroy weekday mornings 10:00AM to 2:00PM

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