@Charlotte Hornets

Miles Bridges has 3 NC criminal counts dropped. Hornets GM frontrunners revealed. All Star preview.

Miles Bridges has 3 NC criminal counts dropped. Hornets GM frontrunners revealed. All Star preview.

Today un locked on Hornets miles Bridges had three criminal counts dismissed in an October incident and we’ll discuss the update there we’ll also get to some of the GM Front Runners and Allstar break all today locked on Hornets you are locked on hornets part of the locked

On podcast Network your team every day in a minute cuz we Live it’s locked on hornets part the locked on podcast Network it’s your team every day thanks for making us your first listen we are free and available anywhere you get your podcast and that includes YouTube as always I’m Walker mail you can listen to me on WFNZ every

Weekday from 12: to 3:00 p.m. that’s Doug Branson you can find his work on his substack every Hornets boox and there’s David Walker making his weekly Tuesday appearance you can find him on Twitter at davidb Walker and you can find him right now on YouTube in what is just an absolutely

Filthy sick Larry Legend hat goes right again Indiana state blue with North Carolina blue what is Indiana is it Sycamore blue it can’t be right is it okay I didn’t know proba just sky blue right I guess copycat blue it’s what it it is Copycat blue but David is making

It work and it looks fantastic and you know what else is fantastic for David every time he hops on we get to talk miles Bridges legal matters you excited you ready to go here David I was that’s why that’s why I paused on the Tuesday appearance and it is actually Wednesday just to

Conf I Really I look at David and I see Tuesday I I really did I really thought it was Tuesday for that moment but no it is Wednesday and it’s Wednesday with David and that’s why he’s here now so we can talk about the miles Bridges news

And so we got this news yesterday it came in on Tuesday I’ll just read here for accuracy with what Adrian wowski Tim bontems I believe Baxter Holmes of ESPN also reporting the mecklinburg County Superior Court dismissed three Criminal counts against Charlotte Hornets forward miles bridges on Tuesday due to quote

Insufficient evidence to Warrant prosecution for a court filing obtained by ESPN the court filing states that due to conflicting statements stemming from an October incident that resulted in damage to a vehicle quote given the lack of sufficient evidence to overcome the inconsistency of these accounts the state would not be successful at trial

So this is stemming from the October incident that took place right before the SE okay already after having been administered a 30 game suspension after missing an entire season miles Bridges did because of a felony domestic violence arrest that he eventually pled no contest to then we had a separate

Incident taking place in October right before the year where there was an accusation of Miles Bridges throwing a pool ball at the car that had his children in it now these are these accounts as you just heard there were conflicting accounts based off of of what was being accused and so now we

Don’t have sufficient evidence to go to court here this is what the update is for Miles Bridges Doug I’ll just go to you first on thoughts stemming from this not going anywhere anymore and how these three criminal accounts uh were three criminal counts were dismissed at least

With the separate issue that took place in October yeah I’m not too surprised by it because uh the Charlotte Hornets were operating with Miles Bridges as if this was ultimately going to be the outcomer at least you you hope that they had some inclination that this was going to be

The outcome because otherwise uh you know any commitment to him long term would have would have be would have been seen as a little bit foolish or not moving on from him at the deadline would have been viewed as as foolish had these criminal charges actually resulted in in

Punishment that would have meant you know he’s going to be serving an even longer suspension uh by the NBA and and so you had to have some idea that the Hornets knew that this was ultimately going to be the outcome uh just in terms of just sort of zooming out on it my

Thought is like it it doesn’t this outcome doesn’t change how I feel about the original incident that happened in La I mean I saw the pictures I saw the video uh I have my ideas that and beliefs that I’ve expressed on the show many times about what I think he did and

How I feel about that but ultimately now the Hornets have decided second chance it looks like they’re deciding they’re going to move forward with him in the future and all you can hope I think as a fan is that there are no more of these type of incidents that are going to pop

Up at critical junctures for the Charlotte Hornets when they do actually play meaningful games like playoff games that there aren’t these types of incidents because regardless of whose whose fault it is and often in these kind of messy interpersonal sort of situations finding one person to blame

Is is difficult but in these types of of incidents like they they pop up for miles Bridges seemingly at the worst times before a season before a draft before he’s about to sign a contract and so I guess all you can hope for is that that’s in the past that that’s done if

Especially if they’re going to commit to him long term that they don’t regret that because another incident pops up later on David your thoughts yeah I mean uh the only thing I don’t think this changes much in the way of what the Hornets were planning to do what they

May be thinking about doing or you know uh have decided to do I guess we don’t really know but uh in my mind they have you know made a decision either way or or maybe they’ll wait to see how this whole season plays out but I I don’t know that this affects that

Much either way to be honest because um I think it’s going to depend largely on you know really how he plays out the rest of the season um what they can discuss in the offseason and and how they want to move forward with this team I think some of that’s still to be

Determined um but but the miles Bridges piece at one point it felt like that was uh you know they were ready to move on um the the trade deadline actions and the the uh the blocking of any trades by Miles and his team you know there’s different ways to interpret that I guess

And you guys covered that uh last week when it went down but I just don’t know that this changes much uh because the Hornets have been operating from a place of um you know we’re at least going to see this thing play out um more on the

Court than off in my opinion and so uh I don’t know that this does anything to to change that strategy from here on out no I I yeah I’m with you on that completely and just to you know gather our thoughts and then move on to the other segment

Here and talk a little bit more about the GM Front Runners I do want to speak about this specific incident that happened on October the reporting on this from the initial from the onset was a mess okay like once this came out it felt like news outlets and it felt like

Any of the outlets that got their hands on that report immediately went to the Press with it and immediately you know were writing things that weren’t exactly accurate with some of the other reports that would come out afterwards like we didn’t even know the destination of when

The said incident took place at first it was at miles’s house at the next time it was at his the mother of his children’s house and I wasn’t we didn’t even know some of like what the basic stuff was because the initial reporting was spotty

It was and this is why okay it doesn’t do anything to suggest that anybody was wrong except for Miles bridges on the time where he was arrested for felony domestic violence and because of that has a protection order or excuse me you know the mother of his children has

Protection order he must adhere to a 10-year criminal protection order for the woman weekly narcotics and marijuana testing and restitution according to the LA County District Attorney’s office and that would in exchange for no jail time because of him you know pleading no contest so like like that situation is

Still very real and it’s unfortunate how messy this got with this separate incident that you know it just anyways they’re dismissed conflicting statements took place and now they’re moving on and you’re right David Doug both you bring it up like it does look like the Charlotte Hornets are going to make an

Attempt to bring miles Bridges back and after having two incidents off of the court I hope it doesn’t happen again that’s all you can because there are no guarantees you know when you when you sign a player any player you’re you’re not just signing them as a basketball player

You’re signing them as a human being with with all of our you know flaws and good qualities uh and but you’re also signing uh everyone around them their family um you know you’re you’re signing um all of their friends and the people that they put around them

In terms of their team you’re signing all of that when you sign a player because all of that can have an impact on the sort of public relations Fallout in the future and so you know I I don’t know I guess all the Hornets can do is if they

Truly are committed to signing him is is just try to get a read on all right you know what’s what’s the future look like here in terms of probability of something happening in the future that we’ve got to then explain whe again whether or not it is directly miles

Bridge’s fault or not that possibility is significantly higher than with any other player on this roster right we’ll see what the new GMS do and what the new front office does under gay Plotkin and under Rick schn let’s talk about those GMS coming up next on the lockdown Hornets podcast

Don’t go to sleep on the Hornets just yet who will be the new GM there are a couple of Front Runners to note we’ve discussed them a little bit but it does look like there are a couple of guys here that are favored more than the

Others in the pool we’ll get to that in just a Moment this episode is brought to you by hungry root hungry root is your partner in Healthy Living it’s the easiest way to get fresh highquality groceries and simple healthy recipes delivered to your door you can take a fun short quiz and hungry root will get to know your

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Your first delivery and get your free veggies that’s lockon don’t forget to use the link so they know that we sent you more lockdown Hornets ahead veggie salad yummy Yummy okay we’re looking for a new GM here in Charlotte after Mitch cup check right after the deadline right after he was cooking with hungry Roode looking for a couple of new pieces to replenish his bench he was able to do so and now they’re two and0 basically oh no they’re

Two and0 since the guys came back that they traded for they’re two- one with the awful loss against Milwaukee but that was a perfect storm of a beat down and they didn’t have their guys yet but now they’re cooking now they’re rolling but Mitch cup Che moves to the advisory

Role and we have to figure out who the new GM is going to be we’ve mentioned this a few times Jake fiser was mentioning that the guys that you’re hearing most about have a Duke tie now at first we brought up Elton brand okay that was pretty easy to bring up because

Of what he did with Philadelphia now he’s still the GM but here’s darl M you know really running the show up there on Personnel decisions we didn’t bring up TR and langon but it is those two guys viewed as the front runner to land the general manager job here with the

Charlotte Hornets Elton brand Tren Langdon Doug does Elton brand scare you as much as it scares bunch of other Hornets fans on my timeline yeah I’m conflicted because I love I love the idea that the new owners are looking for general managers and just front office people with previous experience in those

Roles right I I would I would be more scared if they were looking for kind of a project or a guy that didn’t have that because I want someone with some cat some case so so people that can come in and say I’ve done this trust me so that

The new owners don’t get you know I talked about in the last episode they’ve gotten a Taste Of Glory making these changes at the trade deadline and having the fans chant the Hornets name in the arena so I don’t want I don’t want them to get too in love with with being so

Hands-On like they were at this trade deadline I want them to bring in experience people and let them work so I love that but then I hear Elton Brand’s name and I go woo okay because a lot of Philadelphia 76ers fans would would would help him to the airport they would

Pick up his bags maybe don’t let him work they would they would pay for his car to the airport like a lot of Philadelphia fans want to see this guy leave because of giving Tobias serus the contract that they gave him giving Al Horford the contract that they were able

To get out of but that really hamstrung them uh for for a few seasons at least and so yeah there have been a lot of questionable decisions with Elton brand and it’s why Elton BR is like not the main voice in Phil he was the main voice

And then Philadelphia said all right we got to bring some people in here so the not the main voice anymore so look if they go with elen brand I hope it’s a it seems like they’re they’re looking for a tandem here it seems like they’re looking for President of Operations and

General manager so if it’s langon and brand okay I you know I can live with that but if it’s just brand I’m a little like are you scared David if it’s is Mike duny not on the short list is Danny Ferry is he not available is I mean we

Thought about it we talked about Danny fairy for a little bit and we got scared we we had one segment of one show where we were scared just because we didn’t have any information all it was was hey this person has a Duke tie wink wink and

We’re like who is it going to be are we sure sheski has not thrown his name in you know I mean his hat in the ring who knows uh the brand thing is interesting because on the one hand you do kind of like that he was mory’s or or or or

Working under Mory for this time being right but on the other hand I hated uh the Patrick Beverly giveaway at the trade deadline for for Philly I didn’t really understand that that was a head scratcher I think around the league um you don’t want to pinpoint one uh thing

And call him out on that but um The Experience thing is interesting Doug but I mean I guess they’re just drafting off of USA basketball and continuing the duk ification of uh of the league I suppose that’s where the league is is headed I mean you’ve got a commissioner went to

Duke uh you’ve got Grant Hill running USA Basketball so you know if they want to get one of their guys in in that pool maybe maybe this is the back door way to do it well both langon and bran like if you look over the course of their

History they’re not afraid to make moves so if if every hire is a reaction to the previous hire then both of these names make a lot of sense they’re not afraid to use trades uh they’re not afraid to sign guys you know I mean to long-term

Deals so that that can be great or and that can also be not so great you know if you if you sign the wrong guy but here’s the other thing too that I think is interesting like if you do split up the roles there’s a lot more excuse me

Fine there’s a lot more to General managing than just making trades and just you know uh there’s a there’s a lot that goes into that you are managing an organization in terms of scouting Department in terms of bringing all these things in together working together and so look if brand has high

Marks for doing that in Philadelphia whereas maybe you know there are some questionable deals that you would want someone else having a final say over then you know I’m not like I’m not terrified of brand being part of this org organization if there are other voices in the room and it’s it’s not

Just him uh you know captaining the ship yeah I wonder how much they look at similar scenarios it’s hard to find many that are similar to Charlotte just with the depths of you know failure that this Pro that this franchise has gone through but you know it’s a small Market team so

So where do you look for uh or how do you like how some other small Market teams have done it how have they built you know Philly is is is a big Market they’ve had a superstar forever they tried to build around it uh New Orleans a little bit of a similar situation

Right they had Zion and they they they had to make a few trades they did bring in a trade with CJ McCollum so they’ve made some moves that like Charlotte has not been able to do since they’ve gotten the lamelo ball piece so you know maybe they’re looking at it from that

Standpoint I I don’t know we haven’t gotten much um read on their thinking about it but that’s what I would like to see you do want to see someone who is willing to you know make the moves that it’s that is going to require outside of

The draft I think um to to build a uh to build a contender to build a competitive team out there so that’s what I would be looking for some someone who has some success there and to your point Doug you mentioned it again today and yesterday like The Scouting Department that there

Needs to be some sort of leadership top down around how they’re going to build this franchise moving forward and so whoever comes in I would hope that would be their focus too you know the first player Elton bran ever signed as the GM of the Philadelphia

76ers AA Oka for he’s coming back Bob El BR gonna be that guy I’m looking at all of the trades that he’s been a participant in and there’s not many that he’s won I can tell you that yeah so that’s the problem with Elton BR how

Many were James hard TR though well I mean you can see the Jimmy Butler trade is that that’s the Saga to follow because trades for Jimmy Butler and gets Jimmy to help him out they win 50 wins they get 50 wins in his first season as GM

5131 and that was one of the first moves that he made right so like you have a few signings here and there and then that’s when on like just a couple months later after him getting that job he trades Jared bis Robert Covington Dario sarich 2022 second round draft pick to

Minnesota for Jimmy Butler and Justin Patton and so that’s great you get Jimmy and then you move on from Jimmy because you pick the wrong people with Philadelphia and then Jimmy goes to Miami drags them to an NBA Finals appearance a couple of times and then that that’s the thing that people are

GNA you know look at first and foremost with Elton there’s just a lot of Trades that he makes and I’m not sure that he’s coming out on the right side of it so Lang it feels like langon is the guy that everybody wants right like TR and

Langon has become the favorite of the Hornets fan base not the favorite to land the job maybe he’s one of the two but he is the favorite of the fan base if they could choose I think it would be that guy well langon also did the deal

With the Hornets for Devonte Graham and that didn’t work out swimmingly for New Orleans they had to unwind that but so but that’s the whole thing right you know Mitch doesn’t have many of those on his record and Charlotte because he didn’t do anything like sometimes when

You do stuff sometimes you get it wrong and sometimes you get it right and and as a general manager I don’t know you don’t necessarily have 100% control over how right it goes or how wrong it goes but you try to make make moves that feel like you’re you’re moving in a certain

Direction and have a certain philosophy the the the thing about brand that I have a question on and I want to do some I think we need to go to locked on Sixers and and get some Intel on this like how is he not fired in philad you

Like you read off th those trades and you look at the Horford deal and the Tobias Harris deal like they they obviously they they made a shift but he wasn’t fired there’s got to be something that he does within the organization that may not be talked about as loudly

As a trade or a free agent signing it’s got to be something that he does that’s positive because he’s been able to hang around that Organization for a long time so are they placing that that would be the question right are they is it all on

Brand I mean U that would scare me that’s what I’m telling you that would scare me if it’s brand plus whatever then you know all right well let’s talk let’s you know they would but here’s the thing the Hornets would have to do a good job of communicating exactly why

They feel like brand is the right guy and what he brings and they they would need to sell that you know I don’t think you need to sell langon you don’t need to sell ganzy from Cleveland those those sell themselves it’s like look what they did in the pre with their previous teams

Brand that’s going to require some branding did he make the call to sign C Lowry because if so he’s out okay that’s that’s an immediate red flag uh I don’t care if he’s up from up there but uh yeah I mean and they can’t be going down

The road of selling this as a as a Duke guy I mean I know that was the hint that Jak Fisher may but they can’t be doing that right they can’t be coming that back to that selling point yeah right right right right I mean not you know

Just for area ties and whatnot but um yeah guys I I don’t know you never want to take someone that everyone else is happy to see gone right you never want to take don’t that Philly guy so um but it’s a totally different scenario that’s

What I mean I mean you’re dealing with a superstar situation you’re trying to make moves at every turn that are going to either add the last pie piece or a a piece that’s going to help you get to a title so they’ve had their own hurdles

To get over there in Philadelphia it’s a totally different situation here um you know would would he be up for that would he be up for building from the ground up and and trying to build around a young roster uh you know who knows uh but but this is going to be a

Fascinating uh choice and and really like this ownership group has done a few things is getting a lot of credit right now for for this two game win streak and I love it but this is I mean this will be you know this is obviously a massive massive hire

Uh how are they going to Brand this uh moving forward for this team so uh it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s time to make some decisions here and really put their stamp on this team it is and they feel like they’ve done it already at least a

Little bit but this is the big one right like this is pretty much the last move you make before and unless you change head coaches that’s the thing but this is pretty much the last move that you make if you’re the ownerships before before you’re if you’re ownership before

You just let everything else fall into play You’re assembling you’re assembling your team yeah yeah and then you know then we’ll figure out what happens with the coach but in an Ideal World all right as far as what the owners are doing you hire the GM then you let the

GM hire the basketball coach and so in reality there are a couple of different ways to just go ahead and call this this is the last thing that the owners need to do as far as a basketball building standpoint and then now what you do is you just open up your checkbook and

Allow the GM to go out there and get whoever he wants on the roster and get whatever coach he wants and then let that coach get whatever coaching assistance that he wants and that doesn’t seem to have been the case for a long time here in Charlotte let’s move

On one more segment to go coming up next on the lockdown Hornets podcast don’t go to sleep on the Hornets just yet David is here and it’s the last game we’re going to have before we reach uh All-Star Weekend up in Indianapolis and so David is going to talk about the

Jerseys and all things Allstar Weekend coming up in just a moment this episode has brought to you by eBay Motors passion drive and patience that’s what brings home the winning Trophy and it’s also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your

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Feel like I kind of like them I need to look at them again but from the first glance that I got I feel like they’re the best in a while Allstar festivities what are you looking at first and foremost here David this is your Show

Now take us away oh okay well if I if it’s my show I just want to go back one thing do we need to cut the incestuous ties with New Orleans uh if we’re going for you know Front Runners do we just need to say listen you do your thing we’ll do

Ours and and we’ll see how it goes well I like the idea of taking anything from New Orleans if we’re taking something from New Orleans I’m totally for that okay you you mean the city Edition uniforms too like you feel like that’s a little too close to New Orleans as well

I’m no I’m on board with our ours this year you know yeah no no those are those are great I age me you feels like speaking of uniforms Doug you’re on board with the All-Star uniforms this year right you remember they’re they’re they’re uh they’re red and blue they’ve

Got a little bit of a pinstripe they’re by far the best ones I think we’ve seen at least recently from Jordan brand I feel like Walker they tried to bring in a little uh nod to the hooers there in the hooer state yeah Stripes you know it

Looks like that and uh or if you want to call them racing stripes whatever you want to call them so on board with the uniforms and you know I’m trying to figure out why they’re playing the celebrity game in Lucas Oil Stadium are they just going to open the doors up I

Mean that is the football stadium right like a massive place for that game they usually play that in like uh you know a uh I don’t know an aircraft carrier or not an aircraft carrier but like a like a like a storage facility or something

Yeah like a weird place yeah but here so so this is weird but we have experience from the NCAA tournament with playing games in big football stadiums and what do they always say it Mak sometimes it makes shooting more because these celebrities can’t shoot anyway like it’s going to make they’re

Going to score it’s like it’s going to be like one of those purple and white games that they do with the camp kids you know at halftime like it’s going to be like a four to six final score no it’s a great point and the other thing

That you always have to watch out for is the floor is raised when you play at a football stadium and so now I feel like we’re going to be see we’re going to see people fall when they go back to the bench because they just have no clue

Where the court ends they’re looking up and then boom there they go they top over and now they’ve scraped their knee okay well now you’re selling me on it cuz that would be a great Tik Tok M you know bring a celebrity down a peg like

You know if it happens to a professional athlete you’re like oh but you know a celebrity as long as they’re not seriously hurt that could make for a good viral moment listen guys not only is the court going to be raised this is a new LED Court have you guys read about

This all new Innovative LED Court which will carry an endless amount of Animation capabilities throughout the game a lot like Doug’s Vision Pro uh headset there uh what are you talking about such as a dynamic three-point line Court graphics and much more much more than Court Graphics maybe lasers maybe

They have to dodge some stuff I don’t know addition Additionally the game will see The Return of the fan favorite 4. Ruffles fourpoint ridg line is there no shame fan favorite Ruffles ridg line the fans can’t stop talking every time every time I go to a allstar game

YouTube video all the comments are like I can’t wait for that r Ridgeline four-point shot to make its return I know what’s funny is that we we tried to experiment as much as we could with the court during the playin tournament and now we’re just turning it up to a 100

And now this thing is on steroids for the celebrity All-Star game which by the way is exactly where you should be trying this thing out exct I do not expect to see good basketball but I do expect to see excellent graphics and animation on this thing and I’m here for

The Ruffles four-point shot I do want to see that I mean they should have been taking the MTV Rock and jock model for you young kids go YouTube it it was fantastic uh they should be doing that all along right like 50p point shots why stop at four why are we stopping get

Four points let’s make this thing interesting 25 point shot in the corner so I am looking forward to seeing the court we don’t really need to run down the rosters because truthfully we don’t know any of these people um we’re aging out we are aging out of the city and

That’s no shot look we shouldn’t really know any I guess at this point we’ve got several content creators if you will several uh basket entertainers whatever that is and then we’ve got a chef um and you know as I was looking at these rosters I was like

Curry there’s got to be you know why don’t you just get Pat McAfee out there well guess what guess who’s your special guest appearance a Pat McAfee yeah man a man that loves the NBA Allstar game we all know this Indie that’s right yeah exactly so shout out to ESPN for really

Really reaching deep and uh and stocking this stocking these rosters you got 50 Cent on one side you got Lil Wayne on the other it’s really just turned into a liveaction first take I mean that’s what this game is it’s like let’s give each of the first take people rosters and

Give them mics and you know we’ll mic them up so look looking forward to the court what what’s so funny too is is I was comparing this to 2019 when the All-Star game was here in Charlotte and they were playing at Bojangles the celebrity allar was at Bojangles so now

Here we are it was at Bojangles Coliseum I was going to say now if it was actual Bojangles that would have been entertaining I think just just making an actual parking lot Bojangles that would be great that would be great but now it’s it’s very different than Lucas Oil

Stadium which is much bigger like the RCA Dome back in the day would have been a little better or something that suited this game better in my opinion and Luke soy beautiful from the I’ve never been I’ve never been inside I’ve never watched a game there but I’ve seen it

From the outside it’s impressive I just never thought it would house a basketball game but here we are yeah yeah so they are doing that they are doing Saturday night in there as well so you’ll have the skills challenge everybody’s favorite The Starry Three-Point Contest the slam dunk of

Course I do want to come back to sland real quick but then this Steph vers Sabrina three-point challenge where do you guys stand on this because they’re using two different balls two different lines um I don’t really care about that I think it’ll be fun I think I think

This is cool I just hope they don’t cheese it up too much right just let’s let’s let’s do this let’s see who makes the most shots disagree entirely I you want to cheese it up more no exactly sour cream cheese Ruffles rles s cream cheddar maybe sour cream and cheddar

Exactly that’s what I want I want all the cheese that’s the thing this thing should be ridiculous it should be fun all the way through I don’t care about three-point shot records I don’t care about uh you know the sanctity of the slam dunk contest anymore I just think

Look they should just throw everything at the wall at this point and and make it as Gonzo as possible well no I so and I’m with you on most of that stuff I kind of do though just the I want to see who is the better shooter in their sport

Right now like like right now I really want to see that competition and I mean I think it’s Steph Curry but Sabrina is just going nuclear this year and so I would like to see given the rules that she plays under given the rules that Steph plays under I like that call I

Don’t want to give Sabrina a men’s basketball because that’s not what she plays with she plays with a different basketball she plays with a different three-point line so shoot in the conditions that you normally shoot in have Steph shoot in the conditions that he normally shoots in and let’s see

Who’s better at the thing that they do I and dress them in dinosaur costumes that’s all I’m saying they should both be dressed in dinosaur costumes stephasaurus okay we can see him go out there and play Sabrina I did think Sabrina I thought I thought I thought

Sabrina said she may shoot from the men’s line anyway but it doesn’t matter she shoots from she shoots from back there regardless like it’s not like she can’t shoot from from from from the NBA or three-point range but whatever that’s fine the one thing on the slam dunk Doug

I want to say we have an All-Star competing in the slam dunk this year okay Jaylen Brown wow has taken it upon himself to bring back the sanctity of the allstar compet the All-Star slam dunk competition he’s going up against a g leager wait has Mac mclung did he get

Signed again he’s got a few more days to get signed to an NBA contract like he did last year um so everyone out there I implore you you’ve got to be rooting for Jaylen Brown in this thing okay we’ve got to get actual Allstars back in this competition it’s the only thing that’s

Ever going to make it fun again so salute hats off to Jaylen Brown for being willing to go into this thing because no one else will I I thought Obie toin was in this thing it’s his brother it’s not even to it’s the wrong toppen yeah so so yeah

I don’t know guys I I will always look forward to the slam dunk no matter how dumb it is watch you know it’s it’s always should be a thing go ahead Doug you’re percolate on some things well what’s interesting about this one from from solely my perspective this is not

Going to be interesting really to anyone anyone else so I’m glad I’m bringing it up on the show no it’s a great tease I’m glad we should leave the next segment with that but I haven’t really researched anything with Allstar Weekend this year I’ve been there’s a lot

Swirling around the Branson world right now and I haven’t really gotten in depth on the all-star weekend and so I’m going to be coming at this thing with fresh eyes with maybe less cynical eyes and and with look look I’m ready for an All-Star break probably more so than any

Season in the past couple of years I just need a breather even though Hornets basketball is really exciting right now like I could just use uh some other basketball in my life and so um I’m interested to see how all of this appeals to me feels to me uh now that

I’m not like just so totally invested in it okay I just want to have a good time that’s what I’m saying cheese it up give me a good time just cheese it up for Doug give him some Ruffles some dip uh we Zoom right past the rising stars game

Which is the only event during the weekend where will have an hornit representative of course Brandon Miller will be on I don’t know somebody’s team who cares uh but they’re doing it again with the you know they do the semi-final they play basically two competitions and

Then they have a final game I kind of like that I I think the rising stars is always fun I believe they at the g- Leaguers involved again it’s certainly where you’ll see some of the future stars in this game and I look forward to kind of Brandon Miller maybe maybe

Putting a little stamp on this little mini run he’s had up until the All-Star break having a good showing out there showing some of these people who have not watched the Hornets at all uh what he can do now it’s not exactly built for the mid-range uh but you know maybe he

Gets a couple possessions to to knock down some clutch shots or something like that and we could look forward to seeing him putting on a little show of his own in the rising stars challenge oh I I like the little mini gameification of that of that event and I would say I

Want that to spread across the events because I think that’s one thing that MLS does right in terms of their all-star weekend like they have their they have the game uh which I think they do like USA versus world but they have a lot of little skill Z challenge events

Um that are around the weekend and yeah just showcase all of the Just showcase all of the little parts of the game I think just doing I just think they should throw as much at us as possible and then I don’t yeah and figure I why I

Don’t know why they don’t have a passing competition right a a target of some sort or like you have to do a behind the back pass you have you’re saying the skills challenge doesn’t do it throwing it in the in the little tiny hula hoop thing I can’t believe they’re still

Doing that like I can’t believe that we have not innovated off of that like why why would they of all the events why would they be scared to innovate on that particular event it’s bizarre what’s well and it’s funny because I went to here so it it

Feels like I played in the future compared to what the skills challenge brings when I went to a facility in Indianapolis by the way Fred Jones facility former Slam Dunk champion himself so Fred Jones facility he’s got something really cool where you have this big wall of screens that have

Targets that pop up and then you can throw the basketball to the targets and that’s what I was doing that with a couple of my siblings and we went there as a family and that was pretty fun and so I wonder if you could bring that to

The All-Star Game and all you got to do is just shift it over from Fred Jones facility it’s there it’s like a you know 15minute drive it’s not even so it’s easy it’s easy all right anything else is that what you want to end on last but

Not least East vers West again okay uh we’re going back to that we’re issuing whatever they were doing before with the picks that went downhill so fast with the prime time picks and all the drama that came with it and everybody whining about being picked last and yada ya y

Actually I don’t know maybe are they still doing that I don’t know they were picking I don’t think people I don’t know if people were getting mad about getting picked last and anymore at least I don’t remember the last couple years but this is East vers West again as it

Should be uh for all the marbles guys all the pride that comes with winning that trophy I guess they still have it on Sunday night so yeah that’ll be fun all of it this feels like Adam Silver pulling the car over and being like all right last chance okay East versus we’re

Going back to East versus West you’ve been whining we’re going to do this but compete now or you know I’m going to take I’m going to turn this car around I’m going to take this away from you no more allstar game the problem is it’s

Going to be like the Pro Bowl where you know people keep watching it so they got to keep doing it and it’s the Pro Bowl that is so terrible but like yeah I mean it’s terrible it clearly is a terrible product yet the it’s not like they’re

Throwing it up there because no one wants to watch it despite everyone telling you they don’t want to watch it they’re making the product for the reason and you know here’s the All-Star break where it’s the same thing people are going to watch it still uh I don’t

Even know what the ratings are the last few years but there’s still going to be enough entertainment for you to bring it up it’s not good David I I can’t imagine it’s great well you know they’re not watching it as much but they maybe they

Just need to go get it they need to go get the ratings they’re trying to figure out how to go to me it’s a really simple solution especially right now when you have Denver and Utah I mean I’m sorry Denver competing uh Minnesota Denver and Minnesota competing uh for the top spot

In the west and you’ve got Milwaukee as a contender in the East all you have to do is go to these teams and say all right homec Court in the finals that’s what’s at stake because nobody wants to go to those cities like you don’t want

To go to Denver that’s how you get the miamis and the LA’s and the you know that’s how you get those guys to compete right you say I’m gonna threaten you with a trip to Denver if you don’t get this right four games in Denver you

Don’t want that I like taking a page from what baseball used to do and and and even if they got rid of it nope we’re bringing it back but we’re bringing it back to the NBA world that’ll do it great breakdown for Allstar Weekend from David hopping off

With us making the weekly appearance and you can follow follow him on Twitter for his Allstar takes at davidb Walker you can find Doug on his substack every Hornets boox you can listen to me WFNZ every weekday from 1200 to 3M thanks for listening uh thanks for

Making making us I can talk your first listen every single day and you can catch us anywhere you get your podcast that includes YouTube we’re going to continue to give you content we have one more game to recap before we get to All-Star break action they’re streaking

You know what they say about if you win two all right that’s back to back but if you win three that’s officially a streak we have a winning streak to talk about tomorrow stay tuned we’ll see you Then

Miles Bridges has 3 criminal counts dismissed stemming from an alleged incident taking place in October. Does that change anything on how the Charlotte Hornets operate this offseason? The guys move into a discussion surrounding the favorites to land the Hornets GM job then break down All-Star break with David Walker.

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  1. Only way this leaves a huge stain on Hornets.
    Is if miles doenst resign for CHA. We know Miles wants secure that longer contract deal.

  2. Hey, would of love to see walkers and doug face when they read this. Wait let me point something out. This event happend when mitch was negotiating miles contract, and 2 days after Mitch stepped down ,the accusations get dropped? Hummm🤔 what a coincidence.

  3. Walker and Doug or good at what they do

    They don’t let their personal feelings about players affect their evaluation of their performances on the basketball court.

  4. Doug pointed out something I don’t think he realized is very vital to this dynamic.

    Things tend to happen around big life events for miles.

    Toxic relationships, no matter the level of commitment, that’s a very common tool to gain leverage on another person. Life event Targeted events tend to be a sad reality of these ordeals

  5. Brandon Miller is going to take over the Rising Stars game. Mark my word. Speaking of Mark, I’m sad that he, again, is not a part of the rising stars game. Brandon is on Pau Gasols team. He’s teamed up with Wemby, Jamie Jacquez, Jabari Smith Jr. Gasols team is stacked ! Should be fun to watch

  6. I know it will never happen, but if they win every game coming up and the hawks lose some they could still make the playins

  7. When brand was hired as GM after that horrendous draft that saw brett brown trade Mikal Bridges, who mom worked for rhe sixers (slimy a55 move), traded for a dude who no one heard of, he never was given full gm duties. He was a part of a committee that included brett brown, vp scott o'neill, their analytics guy, a part owner and elton. The committee decided to sign al horford led by brett brown. They also decided not to sign Jimmy Bulter who let it be known before he was traded from the Timberwolves that hùe wanted a max deal because jimmy questioned brett's coaching (he was right by the way). Thats how tobias was signed. When brand finally had control of the gm office and called the process an abject failure along with the 'collaboration', Morey was hired by the owner. Brand never really had full control but i believe the only move he made thst was all his was the hiring of Doc Rivers. If you guys recall, brand was the blue coats gm in the g-league and was hired as the sixer's gm cause nobody wanted the job and be a part of that purposed committee. That being said, just read that brand is not looking into getting the hornets gm job. I think that's cap but we will see.

  8. "Source: Sixers GM Elton Brand won’t pursue Hornets’ lead front office job"

    Philadelphia inquirer headline today.

  9. I would look at their draft results not free agency results. We would always over pay if we are not a contender anyway due to being a small to mid-size market.

  10. Mike Budenholzer as the Coach
    Travis Schlenk or Jeff Peterson as GM. And build off this.
    Start 5: Lamelo, Miller, sign Bridges for 20-25M, Grant, trade for Vucevic
    Bench: Curry, Micic, Mark, Mann, NSJ, and trade Everybody for another retool.

  11. As soon as the charges came out and the Hornets didn't immediately sever ties with Miles, I knew the charges were more than likely frivolous or inconclusive and would be dropped. Hopefully he can get his house in order.

  12. These guys and the mob is fickle if the hornets start winning all this will be forgotten 🤘🤘🤘 let's go hornets ❤️❤️❤️

  13. I love this pod cast but with this I am sorry to hear the judgy attitude from the panel. He is allowed to play by the league and the team so move on. It doesn't need anyone throwing shade at the guy especially from people who are meant to be covering the best interests of the team. We all make mistakes and in his case he assaulted someone and paid the price. And if he continues to play well I for one don't want to see a future where everyone says "he is a good player but he once did something i didn't like". I am not a religious person overly but Jesus said he who is without sin cast the first stone, not if you think your sins aren't as bad as his throw away.

  14. Miles Bridges fans call Doug a hater constantly because he makes a point of saying he doesn’t condone Miles’ actions, meanwhile every other basketball podcast I listen to, either no one wants to talk about him at all or he is openly trashed (see Josh Lloyd on Locked on Fantasy). It should be a given that no one condones his actions, but unfortunately that isn’t the world we live in.

    Thanks to Walker and Doug and David for doing a great job covering a difficult topic as usual.

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