@Sacramento Kings

This Is Why EuroLeague Stars Hate The NBA

This Is Why EuroLeague Stars Hate The NBA

When the Euroleague MVP joined the NBA this summer fans had massive expectations and rightfully so a 2022 Euro basket Sasha venkov averaged more points than Nia yukich more rebounds than Janis senta kmo and had better shooting stats than Luca donic he averaged 28 points and 12 and a half

Rebounds for the tournament he was outperforming the NBA’s very best players but what did he do after that he became the best player in Euro league Sasha venkov had a historic season at Olympiacos he led the Euro league in scoring he was MVP of the Euro league

And would have been a Euro League champion if not for this crazy ending in the finals yui working against foul beats him with the dribble pulls up at the elbow J good and Serio yui gives Real Madrid a onepoint lead NBA fans expected huge things from venkov and

That’s because at the time of his signing Europeans were taking over the sport the NBA’s Finals MVP was European the number one pick in the draft was European the world champions of the FBA World Cup were European so it was easy for Kings fans to get carried away when

They heard they’d signed the best player in Europe because there was no reason to believe his Game Wouldn’t translate to the NBA and yet here we are halfway through the NBA season and venkov is averaging 5.7 points in 2.6 rebounds per game Euroleague fans cannot understand why venkov hasn’t been successful so far

Some people will say it’s because he’s not a number one option but that shouldn’t be a problem even in Euroleague venkov was a low usage player he famously scored 24 points without a single dribble he’s never needed the ball to score he is 69 with one of the quickest releases in basketball so

Getting his shot off isn’t a problem making his shots has never been a problem either this will sound like a fake stat fenov averaged an insane t 10.3 points per dribble last season in the Euro league venkov is one of the best Shooters in the world don’t believe me hear it from dearn

Folks one of our one of our shooting Jewels I think he like 150 shots and I think he missed seven like like he’s up there with some of the best Shooters in the world Kings fans had tipped venkov to beat Keegan Murray’s rookie season three-point record but so far he’s

Absolutely miles off it in Europe venkov wasn’t just a catch and shooter he scored a lot of his points inside the ark he shot 66% on two-pointers in his MVP season most of which were well-timed Cuts as a result of his off ball movement you would think in the king’s

Offense playing alongside sabonis one of the best passing big men where teams are so focused on dear and fox that venkov would get some of the easiest looks of his career it hasn’t happened like that but why the most obvious reason is playing time fenov has yet to start a

Game for for the Kings he plays an average of 12 minutes a night and has dnpd nine times this season he has only played 20 minutes or more three times he really hasn’t had a chance to properly break into the king’s rotation his playing time is inconsistent and his

Role is yet to be properly established a big reason for that is something we’ve not talked about yet defense despite having one of the best defensive ratings in EUR league bankov has admitted himself in interviews it’s not been an easy adjustment uh I’ll never be a lock

Down Defender let’s be honest but I want to be solid obviously venkov has limitations defensively he moves slow laterally and is often targeted on that side of the ball but that’s not to say he’s a bad defender on this play when matched up against LeBron James venkov

Held his own here’s a clip of Sasha matched up against Mike James one of the greatest guards in Euroleague known for his back and I think he did a pretty good job guarding the best guard in Euro league is one thing but guarding the best NBA guard is another but venko

Proved he can do that too trying to dribble out of it Curry gets a step on it’s blocked by venko he’s improving and is making up for his lack of defensive attributes with high IQ and hustle Sasha will never be a great individual Defender but he can be a good team

Defender and he’ll need to continue being that to get more playing time on the floor the NBA’s coach of the year just doesn’t fully trust venkov yet and truthfully he prefers other guys the king’s starting power forward is Keegan Murray he was the fourth pick in the

2022 NBA draft and broke the rookie record for most three-pointers in a season Keegan Murray is the starting power forward and that’s not going to change anytime soon the starting small forward Harrison Barnes is a 12year vet NBA champion has started pretty much every year his whole career being a

Solid Pro is consistent on both ends and a career 38% three-point shooter he’s been in Sacramento for 6 years now he’s established but has reached a point in his career where he’s now regressing which means there could be an opportunity for someone to take his place in the starting lineup at the same

Time though when you consider the fact that Kings had their best season in over a decade with this lineup switching it up is a big call the kings are the fifth seed and above 500 it’s one of those where it could work better but it also

Isn’t broke so are they going to try and fix it who knows but venko doesn’t need to be starting to have a major role with this team there are bench players across the NBA playing starter minutes for example Bal kabali is logging 27 minutes a night and has only started twice this

Season the real person stopping venko from getting on the floor is Trey lyos he’s playing 20 minutes a night averaging 6.9 points and 4.6 rebounds the production isn’t anything special and when you compare stats per 100 possessions venkov clears per 36 minutes venkov clears so why does Mike Brown

Choose to play Trey lios over Sasha venkov lios is more athletic he can do more of the dribble at times he plays the stretch five which makes him an interchangeable fit with sabonis who also likes to play the four another thing playing in Leo’s favor is his

Chemistry with Fox when on the court together they score 125 points per 100 possessions while giving up just 103 points per 100 possessions the bottom line is dearon Fox is the franchise player if you play well alongside him you’re going to play which is sad

Because it means we get to see less of the great chemistry that sabonis and Sasha have together the pair have the European connection they see the game the same way and with sabonis on the court sometimes it’s as simple as a dribble handoff Let’s It Fly butter the problem is that

Defensively Mike Brown doesn’t like the front Court pairing of Sasha and sabonis understandably so the rim protection is non-existent they average less than a block per game combined so usually when venkov is at the four sabonis is on the bench and McGee’s at the five for that reason they don’t share the court

Together as much as they should unless Sasha is at the three obviously as one of the stars of the team sa bonis is on the court the majority of the time so what’s the main thing Sasha venkov needs to do to play more for the Kings in my

Opinion it’s pretty simple he needs to shoot better right now venkov is shooting 37 % from the three-point line which is around League average B venkov isn’t a League average shooter he is one of the best Shooters in the world and yet there are currently eight players on

The Sacramento Kings alone that shoot a higher percentage than Sasha two of them are Trey Leos and Harrison Barnes two of Sasha’s biggest competitors for playing time the Kings want spacing and players that can stretch the floor Trey lios and Barnes are doing that just as well as

Sasha but are also bringing more to the table defensively so what Sasha needs to do is continue to improve his all-around game as he has been but he also needs to shoot a considerably higher percentage from the perimeter than those guys over the last four years in Euroleague venkov

Shot 41% you’d think that with more spacing and easier looks he should be able to do that in the NBA too I also think venkov is suffering a bit from shooter syndrome there’s so much more to his game than just being a spot up shooter but in the NBA he’s unproven and

Considered a specialist so far in the NBA he’s kind of been limited to that and when you’re considered a specialist you’re expected to come into the game cold after warming the bench all night and hit all your shots at a ridiculously high percentage that puts extra pressure

On the shooter anytime they get a good look they have to make it because they don’t know when or if they’re going to get another chance I think even a lot of Kings fans will agree that venkov skill set is being criminally underutilized in the NBA and I don’t think we’ll see the

Best of venkov until the the playoffs the kings are a young team they’re very inexperienced venkov is a guy who’s played high pressure meaningful basketball his entire career and when the game slows down and things get serious and you need high IQ players capable of producing when it counts

Venkov is a guy the Kings will be able to depend on it’s no secret that the kings are trying to make a move they want a forward after missing out on Pascal cakam so in the event a trade does happen venkov may be part of that deal because of his contract I guess

We’ll have to find out B Sasha fenov wasn’t the only Euroleague MVP that came to the NBA last summer no there is another when I say Sasha venkov was the best player in Euro league fans are quick to say what about vasili meic and that’s because when the two matched up

Against each other in the final four of Euro league this happened meic keeps the ball on his hands Clark is running out me Rises if it goes he win it vilia me you know we could have easily made these two separate videos and doubled the views but I’m not here

To waste your time so subscribe to the channel see the guy that hit that shot that’s vasil meic a serban point guard that was drafted in 2014 and is only just coming to the NBA now at 30 years old that’s crazy because Nia Yuki has been trying to get the Nuggets to sign

Him for years the do were both drafted in 2014 they played for the same Club in Serbia and have gone on to have incred careers in basketball but some crazy and Serbian Hoops fans will tell you vasil meic is actually the best Serbian basketball player that’s probably because yukich isn’t too popular back

Home because last summer instead of helping his country win the FBA World Cup final he was more interested in horse racing vasili Mich CV in Euro league speaks for itself he was Euroleague MVP in 2021 and unlike venkov he won the Euroleague Championship not once but twice he led the Euro league in

Scoring in 2022 he has two Euro league final four MVPs as well as being the finals top scorer twice unfortunately for meit who you were in Euro league means nothing when you come to the NBA if you arrive in the states thinking you’re somebody because of what you did

In Europe you will quickly realize to them you’re are nobody and that’s what’s happened to meit since joining the OKC Thunder last summer when asked if he had any assurances about playing time when coming over he said this perhaps he should have had some assurances because he’s barely playing at all meic has

Played 27 of a possible 48 games 21 times he has dnpd he’s played 20 minutes or more just one time and he’s averaging just under 12 minutes a night unlike venkov meic is a guy who needs the ball in his hands in Euroleague in his second

MVP season he had a usage rate of 27 1.5% it was justified because he led the league in scoring with 18.2 points per game and averaged almost five assists don’t let the inflated American stats deceive you that’s a lot of assists especially in Euro league he’s a way

Better passer than that stat suggests but going from having the ball in your hands all game to playing an OKC and not getting many touches is a hard adjustment to make that’s why when you see the numbers you’d think he’s failing averaging 3 and A2 points per game and

2.4 assists but those numbers are understandable given his minutes what isn’t good is how he has some of the worst shooting efficiency on the team he’s shooting 25% from the perimeter and meic admitted that the new three-point line will take some time to get used to unlike venkov meic can’t shoot over

Defenders with a quick release it was always going to be hard for him to come over and shoot like he did in Euroleague it’s been hard for him to do anything actually because his usage rate in OKC is 15.6% he doesn’t have the ball nearly as

Much as he’d like to too and the reason for that is because he plays for a great team the OKC thuner are one of the top seeds in the Western Conference and they aren’t short of ball handlers Shay gas Alexander is an MVP candidate he dominates the ball you also have Josh

Giddy as a secondary playmaker Jaylen Williams isn’t a guard but he’s averaging almost five assists per game pretty much everyone on the OKC Thunder can handle the ball heck even their centers CH hram and poesi they’re big men and they can put the ball on the

Floor as well expecting meic to be a starter for the funer is unrealistic even the most optimistic Euroleague fans looked at this fit and thought best case scenario he’s the Sith man he ain’t ever starting over sh he ain’t starting over giddy either but even Off the Bench look

Who he’s competing with K Wallace 10th pick in the 2023 NBA draft he’s a rookie and he’s contributing already Wallace is shooting 42% from the three-point line and 51% from the field he’s only a averaging seven a game but he’s doing it on 63% true shooting he’s a rookie and

Far from a finished product his role with this team is only going to get bigger there’s also Isaiah Joe he’s logging just under 20 minutes a night likewise he’s a young player ready to go he’s giving you 8.6 points per game he’s shooting almost 43% from the three-point

Line also 63% true shooting he’s 23 years old it’s safe to say he’s going nowhere the funer are actually so deep that Trey man gets no burn this is a first round pick who showed a lot of Promise in his first two years he went from playing 22 minutes a game as a

Rookie to 9 Minutes a game this season and it’s not because he isn’t good enough it’s because they’ve got so many good players because of this vasil meic doesn’t get on the court very often either and when he does he doesn’t get the ball as much as he needs to be

Effective so what does he need to do more of what he did the other night the Thunder defeated the defending Champions and meic had the best game of his NBA career so far he scored a career-high 12 points he had five assists and two rebounds he did this in only 17 minutes

Of playing time this type of performance is what we need to see from meich in the NBA he should be the backup point guard that leads the second unit when Shai is out of the game they don’t need him to be a scorer they’ve got enough scoring

They need a veteran that can keep everyone involved and make the right plays meich averages the most assessed per 100 possessions on the thuner this is a young team that has zero playoff experience in the postseason they are going to need a guy like meic who knows the stakes and understands pressure he’s

Played in the Olympics feba all over Europe considering the fact that the funer are the second youngest team in the NBA with an average age of 23 and a half years old perhaps the funder will need meic more than the kings are going to need Sasha because if basketball

History is anything to base it off a lot of these young guys that are getting off right now in the regular season their bubble will be bust in the playoffs and in those type of games experience outranks everything the funer don’t have many vets meic is the second oldest

Player on the team and he’s a 30-year-old rookie never mind the funer have just traded vasil meic to the Hornets he’ll be stuck backing up lamelo and Charlotte and definitely won’t be seeing the playoffs anytime soon see this right here is why a lot of Euroleague players don’t want to play in

The NBA imagine you’re winning championships MVPs you’re in a great situation an NBA team is begging you to come over for years and within a few months of being over there you’re getting traded to Charlotte of all places you go from one of the best to

One of the worst NBA teams overnight now I’m going to ask some questions I don’t have the answer for I made a video where I talked about every Euro League MVP that played in the NBA and pretty much all of them had the same story they were

Role players who never really got a chance to be anything more than that got frustrated with their situations and ended up leaving and returning to Europe there’s obviously ly an adaptation period for Euroleague players coming over to the NBA just like any player coming into the NBA the only players

That hit the ground running right away in the NBA are lottery picks who are given every opportunity to do so when you compare Luca and me’s MVP Seasons you can see that the numbers are very similar they both won MVP they both won the championship interestingly enough

The same concern Scouts had about meit they had for Luca they said he’d be too slow unathletic wasn’t a good enough shooter and won’t be able to finish or get his shots off realistically speaking how much did Luka donic really improve in one summer he didn’t even play Summer

League yet came into the NBA dominant from day one and averaged 217 and seven his rookie season I just want to know what would happen if an NBA team treated somebody like vasil mic like a real rookie as if he was 20 years old and gave him the treatment of a lottery pick

Like Luca where you’re the number one option from day one it’s your team and you have the green light to play your game I’m Welling bet under those circumstances vasili mic would be a lot better than what we’re seeing right now in OKC and the same applies to Sasha

Venkov we’ve seen what he’s capable of against NBA players he was outperforming NBA MVPs at Euro basket Nia yukich Janis Santa kmo fenov was right up there with those guys so you mean to tell me fenov is one of the best players at FBA he’s

MVP of the Euro league but in the NBA he’s a role player if Sasha and meic had their MVP Seasons when they were young like Luca and they had the exact same skill sets as they do today they’d be top five picks and given the keys to a

Franchise how different would their NBA careers look like right now under those circumstances I’d be so interested to know what would happen if an NBA team in the lottery signed the Euroleague MVP and treated him like the number one pick they built their entire team around him

And and allowed him to be the same guy in the NBA that he was in the Euro league what would happen we don’t know and we probably never will know because it’s an experiment that no NBA team is brave enough to try no GM is going to risk their career building around an

Older unproven International player no matter what they accomplish overseas I understand the NBA and international basketball are a lot different different rules different courts different styles but at the end of the day Hoops is hoops you have a ball a shot clock and 10 players on the court and I don’t think

You can be as good as Janis yic and luuka in feba and then come over to the NBA and you’re getting benched for Trey ly a guy who couldn’t play at the level of those guys under any circumstances imaginable so how are you going to tell

Me he’s a better player than fenov all of that is more farfetched to me than believing that EUR league players just aren’t good enough for the NBA and nobody can tell me otherwise listen I know you’ve not made it this far in the video and don’t have your own opinion so

Let me know Down Below in the comment section I also need to know how many of you guys play 2K if so I need viewers to play with we’re making a comeback on Twitch link is down below in the description if you’re not interested in gaming why not watch another video If

You like this one I’m sure you’ll like those as well and on that notes DK I’m signing out until next time and peace


Vasilije Micic and Sasha Vezenkov were MVPs of the EuroLeague, but they have struggled so far in the NBA. Sasha Vezenkov isn’t getting many minutes with the Sacramento Kings, and he isn’t playing as well as he did with Olympiakos. Sasha Vezenkov was a perfect fit for the Kings offense alongside Sabonis and DeAaron Fox so it makes no sense why he isn’t playing more.
Vasilije Micic is playing even less, he was a 2 time MVP at Anadolu Efes and he finally decided to join the NBA at 30 years old. The OKC Thunder were one of the NBAs best teams, but Vasilije Micic wasn’t getting any playing time. And he was just traded to the Charlotte Hornets in a deal centered around Gordon Hayward, who now plays for the OKC Thunder. With the Hornets, Vasilije Micic will probably get more playing time, as the backup point guard for LaMelo Ball. But the lack of respect and playing time that these two European stars have recieved, is exactly why so many EuroLeague stars don’t come to the NBA.

0:00 Sasha Vezenkov
9:36 Vasilije Micic
16:38 Conclusion




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#sashavezenkov #vasilijemicic #euroleague #nba



  1. It’s very fun when you finally finish editing a video and the player gets traded 😂

    Pray for Micic in the 704

  2. 20 minutes to explain that NBA coaches don't know how to use Europeans. Also, don't forget about racism. The NBA and their players hate white people.

  3. Wherever you get done narrator Americans are still the best. It took jokic several years to get where he is. Jokic is on am Era where we do not have defensive stoppers like Shaq, mourning and others. The nba have centers that are smaller as the nba has made the shaq and mourning types are obsolete. These kind of centers would disrupt jokic around the rim. So stop it. Serbs and the rest aren't doing all of what you are saying.

  4. I mean truly when you say Mike James is one of the best players in EuroLeague who is a failed NBA product it’s hard to believe skills will translate especially defensively.

  5. You can get away with only having 1 good skill in the Euroleague, even be one of its best players. This is not close to possible in the nba.

  6. Lifelong Kings fan living in Sacramento. Great Video! Worth a mention that Fox and Lyles played in the same college system.

    I think my only critique would be that a statistical analysis doesn’t tell the full Trey Lyles story. Dude is a stud. Always in the right place, and is an underrated enforcer. He is legit unafraid. I feel more comfortable when he is on the court than Sasha. But I will admit… when Sasha is on the court he can be pretty fun to watch.

  7. Yeah, they are the best in the EUROLEAGUE. Stats may be better, but they are usually going against weaker defense/offenses letting them put less strain on their body.

  8. Defense is a terrible excuse. There is no Defense played in this ERA. lol. It’s about $$$. The $$ must be on the floor. Lack of coaching game planning & they just want to put the flashy on the floor.

  9. Micic game ONE with Charlotte dropped 18 points on 8/13 shooting. Given how injury prone the Ball brothers seem to be, I think he will have plenty of opportunities if he stays in Charlotte

    Vezenkov needs to go somewhere where he is really needed. The Kings don't need him, they have people who fill that role. But put him somewhere that needs that floor spacing, somewhere like the Lakers or even my Spurs, and give him some 20 minute games to prove himself over 5-10 games, and I think he proves himself.

  10. As good as these 2 are, the NBA is a different beast altogether. they might be the best euro league players, but the NBA has the most athletic guys playing for them. not just Americans, but players from all over the world. It must be a shock going to the NBA coming from any league really.

  11. You can talk about how much better a euro league guy is than his counterparts in the nba but still they stink in the nba. A lot of it has to do with athleticism.

  12. Stop crying, an older player carries a lot of risk, especially with injuries and with that possible regression. Its makes a lot of sense actually. And with how big contracts get in the NBA I don't blame them. Plus Sasha was drafted by the worst team he can possibly go to, a team doesn't really need him or his skill set. That's the difference with Sasha and Trey Lyles. The kings need the skill set of lyles more than sasha, though luck but that's life. As a fan of the "coaching" oriented Euro league I expected you to get this and not fall in the Trey vs Sasha trap (Which you actually did until the last part).

  13. I feel like one big difference is when they got their MVP. Luka did it at a young age and has proven his mettle early which gave teams a lot of time to figure out what they need to build around. No one's gonna hand keys to a 27yr old+ foreigner whose mettle hasn't been proven yet in the NBA. They had a lot of trial and error in building with Luka and Jokic and the former still doesn't have a solid footing. Age is just a much more concerning factor in NBA when they are ran to the ground weekly if they're useful.

  14. It is pretty simple. This is not chess, its a sport. All these european players, especially those coming late, have to face opponents, that are twice as fast, twice as strong and jump twice as high. Now players like Doncic, Giannis, Wemby who went early (the last two never really played european basketball) had time to improve. Vezenkov at 28 or Micic ar 30, have zero chance. And honestly, if Teodocis and Spanoulis didn't make it, i see no reason why these two should…

  15. Europeans like to say that players in the NBA don't play defense. I am still waiting for one of those excellent defenders europe produces, to come in the NBA and show them how it's done…I mean the ignorance of europeans on the sport is beyond…

  16. Being traded to the Hornets was good for him. He was never going to get play time on the Thunder. I enjoyed watch when he was on the court in okc.

  17. Should have gone to the Wolves, solid defensive team that needs more spacing and ball movement. However, no one predicted them to be this good.

  18. As much as I like giddey, I would of loved to see micic to alternate with him in the starting 5. With the way all the ways other teams are switching their play styles against okc, it would be good to see them change their play style to match.

  19. I think it was Cedric Maxwell (when reminiscing about Larry Bird's first practice with the Celtics) who admitted that Black players are actually racist towards White players in the NBA, in that they do not think a White player can be better than any Black player. I don't know if this bias plays into coach Mike Brown's lack of playing time given to Sasha Vezenkov…or maybe Mike Brown is not that great of a coach who typically does not make full use of his bench players.

  20. There is a fundamental difference in mentality between Europe and the US. Europeans obsessively stick to whatever advantage they have in their field, leading to rigid dominance hierarchies. This is why their sports leagues simply suck (along with their economy in a broader sense).

    The US professional leagues figured out how to make a system with entertaining games, where everybody can win against anybody. There is the Salary Cap, preventing the creation of super-teams and acting against positive feedback: winning -> more money -> more winning, plaguing the European system. Plus the transparency in talent development, with the draft (an exciting event in itself) and separation of school and university from the professional level, instead of European early talent hogging by the richest teams.

    This is why NBA attracts more attention, has more advertising power and earns much more than the Euroleague as a whole (or FIBA / olympic basketball). Just look at the Forbes list of 50 most valuable sports teams – no Euroleague at all. The American professional leagues totally dominate.

    The Euroleague is a laughing stock, with their ridiculous two-way system of teams playing in both their national and continental leagues. Plus the Final Four tournament, where teams compete away from home and a single game decides everything. This cannot be taken seriously.

    With more at stake, NBA players need to be able to deliver under pressure. Some can (Jokic, Doncic), some cannot. Preseason games like FIBA do not count at all. Old NBA rookies have it difficult – I admit. They need good reasons for coming late (Arvydas Sabonis) or they need to be really tough (Manu Ginobili) to earn trust. Yet there is some chance for them.

    There are problems plaguing the NBA (mainly the post-modern BS, including the fan base) yet it is still light years ahead of Europe in terms of the quality of the finished product.

  21. 19:00
    This is a big difference between nba and fiba, and why their fiba tape is respected while thrown out the window at the same time. Ive seen elementary school games with larger crowds than this. Hell, the wnba has larger crowds than this, barely but they do. To take a 30 year old who played in front of that and build a team around him and assume hes going to walk into the garden in the postseason and do the same is asinine.

    And to be fair maybe they can, but do you bet your billion dollar franchise on that? No.

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