@Orlando Magic

New York Knicks vs Orlando Magic Full Game Highlights | Feb 14 | 2024 NBA Season

New York Knicks vs Orlando Magic Full Game Highlights | Feb 14 | 2024 NBA Season

All right we’re underway on this Wednesday night Valentine’s Day edition of Orlando Magic basketball so a late scratch today magic forc a turnover on their first possession and get an easy two-handed dunk from front sper right away double team Jaylen Brunson penetrating in spinning move by atua can’t connect

Got it back put it in precious atua from and want to run and Caro backs in Baseline Fade Away jumper is good tough shot Orlando with an early three-point lead Brunson one-on-one against Caleb here’s for three again good again and we’re tied at 10 and Caro drawing two Defenders and

That opens the door for Wendell Carter Jr Brunson backing it out on black again Brunson attacking the left-handed leaner got it looking for a contact and a foul didn’t get that call Carter and Caro baseball ball pass crosscourt to vogner three for Bron vogner great job of using the rim to protect the

Ball Tosh dipson knocks it away the Nick steel it from poo the lob for auua open three for Brunson and Caro to Anthony clearing the three-minute mark the jumper is good by Carter huge first quarter Trent Queen trying to defend him now Brunson off the dribble two more 20 in the quarter finds

Different ways and in the Box cour passed up against CH Gibson Alex BS that’s good for three get to mix that lead Isaac nice fish to Bogner and the foul voger with good def fense the steal though by Les to Vagner back to Les wide open for three he drills

It all Hall of Famers yes yeah all had their jersey retired respect the teams count the basket and a foul for Mo Vagner early in their franchise history which really speaks to the greatness again of Shaquille oh I think so BR sper that’s pretty great for the

Magic rather Sims on it behind the back bounce pass to voder he fakes and drives the basri the hammer Mo vogner Magic by [Applause] five back runs over there’s no call and a dunk for Jericho Sims the turnover that’s number five for the Knicks Alo van Caro back on the

Floor three-point shot he likes that spot left angle crossing over spinning to his left back to his right multiple pivs missed the shot rebound though is taken by the Knicks a Chua and a foul vanto with the shot clock at six good for three alows made three threes in this

First half Carter fakes the three out of the corner and Caro F now leans and fires again [Applause] Hallow’s fourth three of the game ISAC on Brunson J staying in Fronton Le a with the D along with his seven rebounds playing well foro musling it in for two more 20 and a

Half for po first half H five left almost a steal it is a steal Isaac to B matches brunson’s 22 one of them is right there one out of two for Al burs and Caro again not this time no good Isaac got it back he puts it in off the

Glass you know I love this magic defense but I love me some offensive basketball how about that second quarter 38 points magic 15 of 18 in the quarter that’s not too bad he made an early three in the first quarter knocks one down to start the second half

Wson answers with the three and Anthony black from behind taken by Houston H cherry picking for two Josh har cross towards to Brunson har back to Brunson three over black and he is dialed in isn’t he fourth double double of the year for prous H that’s good for

Three heart into the body of B very tough shot bronze defending it beautifully vano to Black streaking for two how about that pass Orlando H by 10 at the half hner pulls up and fires it in and The Pitch Out the Engles wide open Lane kicks it to black black to B

Excellent extra pass there from Ab cha hands it back to M D Anthony who checked in guards him a one handed Push by S he is just a monster on the boards Anthony mcde locked in on it Anthony keeps his dribble Al big hop step short jumper is

Good one more to Josh hard the wrong spot though man Carol to Eng Les for [Applause] three another three-point shot nothing but net prea precious sua has tied his season high with 18 Sims on to give to Brunson taken away by mner Anthony shoots it ahead to fry

The love for Isaac the two-handed dunk the timeout by New York the find a guy like Jonathan Isaac or jayen SS great off the ball Defenders here’s a great play by Brunson feeding toen for his first points of the game at three years in Kentucky Eagles Theo oh vogner with the

Do Bron is picked up by Sims crosses him over spin to his right Isaac for the two-handed dunk the injury to Dante CH his third game three-point shot for vano his sixth of the night Carol David just right into a Chua keeping him planted on the Grounding his way in close and the foul using two at to burs burs oneon-one against Anthony good job by Cole forcing a difficult fadeaway jumper [Applause] firsta driving on Mano P Sims for the dunk and a foul a 21-point lead and the ball Mano looking for more Alo battling Sims Tak

Ball away tomahawks it through man that is power 36 for B this do tonight as well as the lob comes to toppen he’s got UPS just like his brother wow to hands it off on the right side with Charlie Brown Charlie Brown top 4 three battling injury for the first half

Of the Season missed the shot rebound to chea he’s got another one his 13th of the night and he’ll take it coast to coast and lay it in that’s a new season high for that was great to see get home said he had a game tonight yeah Kon

Harris Oklahoma City last night New York tonight if someone had said you can get one of the two Just Sh


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