@Milwaukee Bucks

Miami Heat at Milwaukee Bucks Postgame Show | The Basement Sports Network

Miami Heat at Milwaukee Bucks Postgame Show | The Basement Sports Network

James catches puts up a three one go rebound Bosch back out to Allan his three [Applause] pointer seconds remaining oh oh yeah we packing somebody up tonight hey come on there and take your shoes off before we close the door few rules he packing the air we about to blow this the basement ain’t nobody safe you already know grab a seat and kick your

Feet you get too comfortable you want the ex’s and the the yes ands and the the but and the hero feel it in your soul when the ring is the go but if somebody need to go we be sure to let you know going hard for my dogs is an

Everyday thing like Jimmy down the lane of 13 off the screen whole Squad keep it tuck like number 17 bring your takes and your memes going hard for the team going down in the Basement it’s going down in in the Bas get your takes off get get your takes off going down in the [Laughter] Bas y welcome to the most confusing episode of the basement Sports Network postgame show that I have ever been a part of to the best of my

Recollection white people went out there and won as a basketball game in Milwaukee against what some people may call one of the better teams in the NBA during Black History Month the audacity the cacity of these folks to go out there and play like

This who does NIA yic think he is my son future my starting floor huh we already know who my star and shooting guard is Big 55 let’s do this hey ladies and gentlemen I would like to let you know that we have a time traveler on our team by the name of

Kevin Love because tonight it was 2010 all over again baby on these hoes we had a great night I don’t know there was one white in particular we you just say he has to be the best white on the court he wasn’t in the top four this

Evening but we’ll get him want to thank my man James to for kicking us off with the $5 D he said the Miami Heat unlocked team Zone tonight what the [ __ ] well first of all that Koko no basket reference is [ __ ] Elite yes they did bro it was all my boy

Jack with the $99 he said start dunking start dunking and Bam greater yanis heated five [ __ ] is you talking about I like that I agree with standard Man Too ladies and gentlemen make sure you like this video or y’all are some hoes and make sure you subscribe to the basement

Sports nwor if you not if you have not done so already all right enough of me yelling into the microphone I don’t even think I’ve introduced myself my name is Royal a sheeper and I’m joined today by my guy Professor sheltman sheltman how are you doing this

Afternoon uh I am well I apologize for uh my kin folk uh stealing the spotlight during uh Black History Month it is not something I condone uh and I’m appalled and quite frankly um disappointed um with with that yeah Martin Luther King would be marching in the streets of

Milwaukee Wisconsin this evening if he had to saw this there would be signs there will be hyns there’ll be shirts and ties too I don’t know they used to watching Suits it was weird it used to be hot out out and also on this panel we got my boy K

Ricky J Mark Ricky how you doing today I feel great I won an autographed uh Tyreek Hill uh football over the weekend during the Super Bowl uh I went to my local Duffy and uh I won a raffle which is wonderful not only oh wait that’s not even the coolest thing that happened

This week so far my son showed all of you and he’s the only person I’m gonna be talking about tonight so just get ready get ready joining you in that will be our next panelist the other Nicole yage Enthusiast on the network my boy Stone pulling up Stone how you doing

Brother you know just living the Miami Heat dream um this is where greatness starts uh we are going to win the East there is no doubt in my mind um this team can keep trying to fool us into thinking that they won’t but gosh darn

It I know it’s what they’re gonna end up doing um how about the Badman 55 the B on come on like is that the most random jump though like ever in just NBA history of like a player just like getting a completely different whole bag of tricks

To their game like it’s not just like one thing that’s probably the craziest part about it to me is just like how his whole game has taken this massive lead yeah brother it is it is insane the way like dunan Robinson like his impact that he can have on the game like it’s

Just like it’s undeniable at this point it’s just like when he plays well this is a completely different team and they’re so much better for uh thank you Dan the film J for the $5 Don know consistency is key ladies and gentlemen he said don’t call this team

Shorthanded [ __ ] is you all talking about Hey Brother sp sp will be offended if we talked about the people that were not playing correct JP with the 999 don’t know he said my Miami Heat Brethren someone tell SPO to stop effing around and start yage at the

Four I was moved a little bit by the kid not going to lie tonight uh so somebody with the $2 duno he said they better keep starting dunking this time around I was moved by 55 not gonna lie couple of things that we got to get to but I’m gon let

Everybody get their [ __ ] off first get some things off their chest uh K Ricky we gonna start with you of course you said you only gonna be talking about Nico uh game high score 24 points per game kind of a Breakout game for him career high the man hooped no doubt

About it in every uh sense of word offensive ly and defensively he was pretty good uh give me your thoughts on the game and specifically your white son Nico yic yeah I don’t care about the game uh yic played really well tonight um this is what happens when you trust

Him in a big moment he played against one of the best teams in the East I know the Milwaukee Bucks are known for defensive lapses and all that other stuff but at the end of the day you still got to go out there and outplay Damen Lillard Yannis DMO and one of the

Lopez twins if they feel like playing and yic did that uh obviously it was a team effort you know uh teams win basketball games not players but 24 points seven rebounds three assists no turnovers out of a guy who is what still high school aged who some people on this

Network were ready to trade just a couple months ago High School what the [ __ ] high school you go to that [ __ ] yeah that’s nice that’s nice it’s it’s different in Europe um you know like he did his thing and this is what he has been showing you

What he’s capable of doing once he is in Rhythm once he is comfortable once his coaching staff trusts him and once he’s given the ball and able to do what he’s known for doing he’s not a ball hog he’s a team player he’ll hit an open three if

You if he’s put in a position to do so and he will be efficient scored 24 points on 13 shots you see unlike a unlike certain other players the amount of shots that he takes isn’t similar to the amount of points he scores he tries to be efficient because he will try to

Help you in more than one aspect of the game and it’s not about him so that’s uh that’s what we’ve been teaching him ever since he was a little boy and I couldn’t be prouder of my uh my white son that’s right it’s possible for whites to come

From beautiful black men um just look at human history I mean they migrated North and then I mean where you think all came from the original man was found on what continent Africa Dil with the5 Don he said Nico Serbian Patrick Mahomes yic is a white

Stud glad to see Batman five get a chance to shine tonight I think the most impressive part about the way he played tonight is that he hadn’t played in so long they just banished him like he went from starting to not getting any ticket off comes back to starting under like

Not the best circumstances and just goes out there and absolutely crushes it uh sheltman want to hear your thoughts bro uh what what are your thoughts on the game tonight honestly I am baffled uh they they tend to do this thing where they just don’t give a [ __ ] versus these

Absolute dog [ __ ] teams and they lose to like the [ __ ] like the Wizards or some [ __ ] like weren’t the Spurs up like six or something at half like four nights ago the 10- win Spurs and then they just decide oh we’re going to shoot 60% from the field 50% from three and

Beat the bucks at home by 37 or whatever the [ __ ] they won by tonight because I stopped watching when they went up 35 uh I I don’t get it like and it’s just I hate this [ __ ] because it’s it’s another Testament to their inconsistency like where is this any other

Time like why can’t we just do this for 85% of the season because we’re mediocre that that’s another road to get down to but hey I mean it was it was it was a fun game I don’t really like watching bam and the scrubs necessarily it’s not like it’s not

Really enjoyable but it it was a fun game overall uh yeah yes who was the scub all of the whites oh oh all of the white okay I got you not my son see the name here not my son though come on respect 55 respect 5 five come on now

Talk that talk stone stone we we respect we respect my stars you guard right here and we gonna put respect on a lot of white people named during Black History Month this show because they hoop tonight so when we go through them individually ladies and gentlemen

Forgive me I still F the culture I’ll be back on my [ __ ] next game but tonight we were carried by the wides all right it’s just the reality you know what I’m saying James with $10 he said I’m probably sorry C tonight be the night that’s the

Type of [ __ ] I want to I’m probably crazy yep but outside of Boston maybe I’m not picking any other team in the East to beat Miami in the playoff series in the East I don’t fear trust those teams at the top right now brother you you you’re just like me

Brother I’m so confused right now I don’t know what to do with my hands you know what I’m saying I just I just don’t know what to do with my hands brother because I it’s crazy bro hot that like button yes hit that like button do both

Of those things at the same time and subscribe to this network uh go ahead Stone want to hear your thoughts on the game tonight I mean I thought it was really great um I think it was like pretty impressive how much ball movement they got out of these guys like it it was

Pretty impressive in that regard you know going there like being huge underdogs no no no you go ahead continue so sorry um yeah being huge underdogs like it could have been easy for anyone to just like take over and decide I’m going to be a ball hog tonight I’m just

Going to shot Chuck and um the ball moved around quite a good bit um there were two really crazy things uh that I have to get off about Milwaukee real quick um one could you imagine being a top five basketball player in the world like Giannis tumbo and your brother

Who’s two years older than you is just like this giant stain that follows you around I that would drive me absolutely nuts uh second of all Doc Rivers made a comment to our broadcast that in today’s NBA holding a team under a 100 points is the equivalent of throwing a no hitter

That is absolutely [ __ ] insane to say Doc Rivers maybe for you but um no th those are very different things um I watched various scrubs that play YMCA basketball go out there and hold teams under 100 we lose these games 90 to 92 all the time time I mean it happens um

It’s not we’re not watching no hitter type stuff um it’s just about I guess who’s gonna bring the energy and who’s not St they gave you this money so you got to read and don’t know answer the question who do you trust more the Heat or the Ravens to break my heart because

That’s all both of them do um man you can always like count on the heat to just get so like right there when they shouldn’t like I every year I know what’s going to happen with the Ravens it just like the the heat like put me through this whole cycle it’s you

Know it’s a bad start and then they randomly get hot and then they piss their leg down the stretch and then they find it again in the playoffs and they just like they got you so convinced that they’re about to win it and they hit a wall moment of silence for heat Legend

Brother treat this [ __ ] like a roller coaster just yell and move your hands and [ __ ] on [ __ ] H wh side I don’t give a [ __ ] about H wh side bro that was one of the worst that was one of the worst eras of basketball in my life with him bitching

And moaning and making Snapchats about fish and [ __ ] bro I I’m not moved gang I’m not moved don’t care good ridding Sanara [ __ ] ass [ __ ] I hate h wh side to be real with you go I hope doing the postgame show on wh side go see if doing

The postgame show and tell him to do a moment of silence I’m not doing that [ __ ] let’s get back to this game one quick point to Stones uh Doc Rivers quote uh I just did the math real quick uh the Heat have been no hit 12 times this

Year that’s funny uh but yeah let’s get back to this game and talk about some of these plans and Niko yic is obviously the player that you start with like Preston to starting Duty especially considering uh like the circumstances surrounding are terrible so you got Terry Rosier that’s out you have Jimmy

That’s out um you have Josh Richardson that’s out and so we knew the guard rotation would be thingin coming into this game we tried to figure out like what they would do they decided to go with uh Tyler Duncan Nico bam and Caleb I think it was yeah Caleb started the

Game and I was like this looks bad and it didn’t to be honest with you it it didn’t I felt like they kind of lean into the youth a little bit and let those guys kind of run the offense and uh it kind of ended up with hame being

The best I not hame but with NI being the best of them all uh so Ricky since you’re only talking about Nico and we’re gonna Focus this portion of the show on Nico how was he able to be so effective than not against one of the better teams

In the league spacing and capitalizing quite frankly on less than Stellar defense uh that’s great for reps it’s great for confidence and it doesn’t help or excuse me it doesn’t hurt that the team scored what I think almost they hit almost I think 23s 19 threes tonight that’s helpful you know especially when

You’re space in the floor the way he is I mean I believe I believe Nico had about uh five of those uh five of those uh 19 and if he’s hitting five threes that’s already 15 points that no wonder that he’ scored 40 points in the first

Quarter I mean I hav I don’t remember the last time the last time I think I saw Miami score 40 points in the first quarter was what against Golden State during the 19 96 997 season when they had 45 which was a then franchise record why are you asking that question like

Anybody else on the panel would know the [ __ ] answer to that because I do what I want I’m a grown man oh okay fair enough yeah uh look I’m I’m with you except for on the random stat that I have no idea about and I you you know

What you’re going to live forever because I just told somebody to go watch you on post game um because they said they wanted a moment of silence for ass son Whiteside and I said you’re probably the only person here who likes ass on Whit side uh yeah don’t worry an is a

Stand for some reason don’t worry brother we didn’t be quiet for a second when he asked for that uh but since you’re new to the panel exactly want to hear your thoughts on the game and specifically Nicole yic which is where we’re pivoting the conversation to right

Now don’t don’t bring up Assan whide and then expect me to ask speak on Nico yic listen I want to give I want to give not not a moment of silence man and D nothing but Hassan Whit side uh arguably one of the greatest not not arguably one

Of the greatest centers in heed history like all right wow that’s not going down not on here brother don’t come back I’m I am the liar here don’t get on this program and get to line no that’s I want to make one thing very clear that’s not a troll but I just

Didn’t feel right uh coming on here you think ass whes side is a top what Center in heat history apostrophe s give me give me a number five five yeah I feel safe saying five morning Shaq bam dolak wh side Ronnie cycl they actually won when cyle

Pulled down rebounds Ronnie cycl was a good one do you count the time that Bosch was playing Center I mean I I didn’t really think about it to be honest but sure yeah Kevin Willis for like a year and a half I Willie low time Reed even give me the warden over that

Man Vladimir sta if you will Jarvis berardo Wang if he was still around I [ __ ] with zey all right there are a lot of whites on this show listen hey the whites took over the game the whites taking over the postgame show we got hot take Harry here Harry

What’s going on G and I live in the suburbs it makes sense hello hello I I thought to honor uh the exciting whites of Milwaukee i’ hop on for a second um I don’t think I’m an exciting white but anyway uh I don’t it’s probably been discussed and I haven’t really been

Watching so I’m sorry if I’m repeating stuff that’s already been said but like I don’t know how you watch this game like Duncan has to start he’s just like he’s that guy um he’s better when he’s starting I don’t know what happens to him off the bench he’s more confident

And I don’t know if jayen Brown like pissed him off and he’s just going to use this as motivation like he tried to rip off his arm and now he’s angry and he’s going to take it out on them but you know um they gotta ride that wave

And that means that they probably need to keep playing yovic too he’s um he’s I just said earlier that basically that he’d have spent Bam’s entire career without giving him a real spacer at the four like this guy can space space it at the four he can shoot

And that’s what what you need next to B it gives him the space to operate and can and they can both playmake from their positions it’s kind of what you need in the front court and it G and it gives everybody else more space and they

Can bring Tyler hero Off the Bench where he belongs He’s just never been a good starter even going back to when they started him when they had the injuries and they started him back in the bubble which again is the only time he had a good playoff game as we spoke

About earlier when he did not have fans in front of him he was not good even as a starter his rookie season when they tried that and he really struggled the next year people blamed covid people blame the other people around him I think it’s just like

It’s the factors at this point let hero do the best he can Off the Bench and then whatever happens this season you can move him in the offseason and we can all move on and we can sing Kumbaya and Hallelujah and whatever it takes but

This is kind this is the only way this team has a chance so it’s not about like playing without Jimmy it’s just guess that this is the only way they can really beat better teams is to outshoot them from the three-point line and this is the only way to do it it’s Duncan

Starting it’s it’s with yic next to Bam um let bam playmake a bit he’s better when he has the ball and can kind of be that assist guy that’s what they have to do if they plan on winning if they’re gonna come back and start and you know not start

Duncan you know after the allar break you got to question what spo’s motivation is here when all the evidence has pointed to this other thing working for them yeah I do think they were’re going to go back to a Terry Ro Tyler hero back court full disclosure like I just what I

Think that they’re going to do I agree with you 100% with what they should do I’m look I I believe I’m one of the people that believe that this season is already headed down the [ __ ] anyway so it’s like with the yic thing we’ve seen him kind of like fit a

Little bit we’ve seen him play well we’ seen him play shitty or whatever doesn’t really matter like it’s like he he’s given us juice at times and it’s like you might as well see what that can look like next to Bam he is kind of one of the prototypical players that you put

Next to him um this is going to get us off topic a little bit but I’m gonna want to listen to you guys’ thoughts on kind of what he just said Jared Dickerson with the $5 Don he said can we please talk about that boy Pat Katon not

Him he said that boy was having a badass time out there uh no [ __ ] Pat Conan he doesn’t play for the Miami Heat um let’s talk about some of our white people I want to talk about all pick a white any white you know what I’m saying it’s like

A magic it’s like a magic trick going on right now uh Stone we’ll start with you pick a white any white talk about their game um yeah I was pretty moved by what Kevin Love did tonight um he was tough he was physical um he gave them over 20

Minutes um that’s about what I think I think around that numers probably ideally what I’d like to see out of Kevin Love um it’s also matchup dependent and for whatever reason I remember back in the playoffs he matched up really well against Milwaukee um and he did tonight and I

Think he’s a really good veteran presence to have out there in the joic minutes it might get cooked defensively but I think he can kind of help jovic figure the game out a little bit better I like their minutes together tonight is hamee in the white Coalition is he

Black that means that is he white this is Royal’s approach to uh this is Royal’s approach to race and so it’s the basement’s approach to race if you’re not black you are white uh 280 people and 38 likes hit that like CU in I thought he was speaking French again

Uh 280 people in here with 38 likes Al Feer in I can’t come on brother [ __ ] is you talking about I ain’t gonna do it I was G to do something disgusting out here brother I’m not gonna do it though Hell Hydra uh 280 people with 38 likes ladies and Gentlemen please we

Trying to kick this algorithm’s ass bro make sure y’all hit that like button for us make sure y’all leave us a comment not not just in the live chat but after the video is done to let us know what you feel about this comment uh are you drinking

Perry I sure am staying hydrated drink of the whites right there come on brother that’s look at look at this bro look at the diversity that we have oh Ricky you can come back when you’re not speaking French um show B 77 with the $5 donut he said four whites and the

Spanish guy all playing significant minutes Whitey AKA The Man combin for 82 points haven’t seen white Unity like this since Voltron Spain is a European country we do not care about geography in here uh Ricky J mark this is not class huh go shoe with your education we’re talking about white

People in basketball right now Richard uh Richard J Mark uh okay shman can we talk about a white person who played basketball this evening sure uh I will I will leave uh Ricky son Nico for him I’m sure uh he would enjoy talking about yic more uh and I will take uh Caleb

Martin one for three three [Laughter] brother two points that’s all you could give us there was a theme going on tonight and by my calculations Caleb Martin is at least 25% white and it it did not show up in Spades uh I am concerned um I’m distraught quite frankly I

Appalled um I I need more I I need yes you are very white George Harry likes to Proclaim himself as the whitest member of the basement but I I personally think George takes the title oh no I’ve summoned him like brother he shows up for this

But couldn’t show up I ain’t gonna say it go ahead George how you doing today George fantastic actually strike that horrible jannis [ __ ] everyone in Greece tonight and it pisses me off this was the first widely televised game in Greece in a long time and they and I had

My jersey I had my thing on everything bro I was ready you what the [ __ ] happened no traitor bad you think that’s bad look at the back of it wait disgusting that looks custom made um no it was from an airport in Athens there’s nothing special correct [ __ ] that Jersey he talk about

It bam locked his ass up I mean I don’t know how much you consider somebody who had 23 11 and eight like L look it was good enough for me and B put that boy on the poster anyone answer my question from before as well what was your

Question were you white are you white yes yes you are white damn extremely what else could that be this show is going off the rails we’re talking about white people shelman go ahead oh I yeah I was I was done with Caleb Martin’s performance there was not

Much to talk about sure okay George you can pick a white person and talk about them today oh okay um do we talk about do we talk about yage obviously but you can feel free to do it again if you want during Black History Month call you’re stealing K wouldn’t me the first

Time Coler was input this game into a team with two active guards speaking of two George for George Gottis and his and his theis jersey it’s not theis it’s a Greek name how do you not know how to pronounce it I’m trying I do

Covering all things Miami Heat including Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Kyle Lowry, Josh Richardson, Caleb Martin, and Kevin Love.

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