@Boston Celtics

LIVE: Celtics vs Nets Postgame Show | Garden Report

LIVE: Celtics vs Nets Postgame Show | Garden Report

Can you say hard hats folks hard hats lunch P steal to a boots anything show of a championship this year is a failure look at this Boomer right here you’ve just got so much talent here somebody said we need to apologize for J can I call the John what are we apologizing

For what do we say what do we Do [Laughter] damn it Amit we always give Amit a pass he’s down there he’s doing he’s doing on the scene the home games it’s hard for him to uh to juggle 14 different things at once so yes we are back Jimmy John podcast in the house back to back nights

I don’t know if I can deal with you again dude I know a war with this guy all day today about momes and Brady I can’t do we’re fine we’re fine uh here we are we’re doing it I’m on Ed thing again you’re on edge yes not what did

You Jimmy what did you do on Valentine’s Day you’re looking at it John you’re looking at it I’m just messing around we get into into Valentine’s Day at the end of the show let’s get let’s at least talk about the game for for a few minutes here I’m trying to stall for you

Here because I know it’s like you know I want everyone to see this this lettuce because I’m getting a haircut on Friday and it’s not going to look like this maybe maybe for a long time so it’s buy no hat tonight hair is kind of wild I

Just got out of the shower went to the gym that’s what I did tonight John single guys single guys out there what about the sad girls gym single gu is at the gym on Valentine’s Day you didn’t go find sad girls today at the gym no no I

Didn’t I didn’t do that because I had this game so I went to the gym instead that’s where you could find all the single single guys and single girls tonight sad boys go to the gym sad girls get sad girls see at the gym yeah guys just keep working on

Yourselves that’s all that matters let the girls the girls cry to each other I love the hair yeah take a good look it’s uh I was actually thinking about tying trying to tie it but I don’t have anything like that so I love it yeah it’s a little

It’s a little crazy like Even Stevens remember that show Even Stevens yep it’s kind of what it looks like right now I’ll be honest I didn’t expect it to look this crazy but it’s pretty good here we are yeah yeah yep anyways definitely look at these guys these guys want to get after

It too oh God I think this is a fair comment this is John this is John’s burner rahan body is John’s burner yeah uh yeah anyway so here we are um we’re going to talk basketball a little bit and then we’re going to goof off a

Little bit and then we might do some you’re not going to go full Celtics at the break I’ll tell you why we got a we got a break to do that and we’ll probably do a Garden report or two there’s a rumor that we’re doing one

Next week maybe I’ll let you know a little bit more I’m not going to say anything other than this rumor we’re doing one next week which isn’t that crazy it’s not that crazy before but Thursday but but um tonight’s game uh sherad predicted you know what it was not a bad

Prediction salt like this had like oh God I can’t believe they Lo they let their guard down enough to lose to this game it turns out Jimmy the Celtics are not the only team that is looking forward to the all-star break yeah turns out when you have when you

Have a miserable work experience uh you look even more forward to that All-Star break probably more like the Brooklyn Nets right now exactly so what’s funny is like and that’s kind of the funny thing about this whole like stretch run this any like Soo Celtics performance was excused by like they’re bored it’s

Almost the All-Star break I’m like it’s almost the All-Star break for everyone they’re all bored right like they’re all burnt out everyone wants a break but every once in a while you don’t show up and the other team does and I tweeted this and joked about it with the guys on

The chat I was talking pies uh earlier on YouTube with these guys with the people but you know I I joked about it like Celtics don’t show up one night they go out and win a like slightly dissatisfying seven or eight point game against an inferior opponent we like uh

How didn’t they beat these guys by more they didn’t have Butler they didn’t have this like do we really like this win another team doesn’t show up against the Celtics and the Celtics are semi-serious 50 piece holy [ __ ] like crazy this was second quarter was like

Mean I was like what these guys need to stop it’s it’s unfair to the other team it is unfair yeah cornette Pritchard all of it I don’t want to say I let a fire under Pritchard but might have lit a fire under Pritchard you might have you

Might have I think that’s fair people are saying that a lot of people are talking about it people are saying that Cavaliers by the way locked in a tight one with the bulls right now try seeing if the stics can gain any more ground uh going into that one they were down

Entering the fourth quarter by a bit and they’re up now 10300 we’ll keep you posted on that c Watch Cavs watch Cav’s the closest thing to the Celtics right now uh everyone else is Yeah that’s it it’s just a two team Race now huh yeah magic took it to the Knicks Nicks everybody’s fashionable pick right now I know everybody loves the Knicks like they aren’t just still the Knicks Nicks are banged up oh 104 103 this one is down to the

Wire down to the wire here give us the game game cast playby playay over here remember that back in the day yeah used to do that fantasy sports I think bulls have the ball here with a chance to take the lead anyway that would be interesting um but yeah Raptors locked

In a two-point game John they are they are but you know I can’t see that far down the standings in the final seconds watch out for those Pacers you don’t want to see them in round two yeah yeah um I don’t know if the Knicks are frauds I mean they’re hurt right now

We’ll see um but some uh one of you know one of my guys uh texted me I think this is apt we actually talked about on the show yesterday a little um the back half of this season post All-Star break could have 2022 Vibes and I know Jimmy we

Quibbled a little bit over how tough the schedule is but like it’s not record-wise you know they’ve gone through tougher stretches overall it’s not super tough down the stretch here and you wonder if it’s going to be one of those like beating teams by a bajillion every night sort of uh

Situations like they had 2022 when they started playing like that upper upper level of like holy crap is this I mean historically dominant team for that stretch of time there particularly with their defense tonight what I like Jimmy a little bit of Defense kind of reminds

You that like hey when they want to play it they can play it and they were like connected and flying around today and made things really uh you know really hard and again it’s the Nets the Nets without Ben Simmons for better for worse what do you think better better I don’t

Think it matters honestly Nets go without Simmons the crater Celtics without brown there it is goes back to our debate we had from years ago who’s goes back goes back to the that one’s that one’s still up that one’s still up for debate we’ll have to have that we’ll

Wait until the cers are over we’ll revisit that we’re gonna bring in a sherod Blakeley here sherro I’ll tell you something right now sher’s on the hot seat we haven’t talked a lick about anything that happened in the game tonight other than them winning by a lot

But the chat wants a word with you about saying that the Celtics were gonna come out and play like ass tonight that’s what that’s what I’d like to say okay wait you know what the camera you know what camera lens we need right now go ahead

Chat so there it is where is shiran where is he so sorry all right John you won’t do it but I will I did not realize how bad Brooklyn was my good or could be yeah they are trash to another level uh someone asked me uh someone sent me an

Email asking me you know what is what’s the plan for Brooklyn what are they doing and I sent them back a a a gift with someone sitting on a toilet because that’s pretty much what they’re doing right now uh they are absolute trash and the Celtics in the

Celtics I give them I give the Celtics a lot of credit uh did not they did not fall for the oky do they came out and said look there’s trash what are we going to do we’re going to put it to the curve uh they did not play around with

Them they did not fiddle fatle they did not do anything that teams typically do at the end of uh the pre-all-star break portion of the season and giv and again much props to the Celtics uh they absolutely kick their ass in every sense

Of the word uh I mean when you put a f i mean you don’t and Jimmy you and John you guys have been around this game long enough to know 50o beatdowns don’t happen often let alone right let alone right before the All-Star break that who did that to me you did that

John Jimmy did that I didn’t do that I would never give John balloons never balloons or flowers or anything Brooklyn is bad y’all I mean I mean damn I mean they are no they they are very bad pton Pritchard had 28 points and he could

Have easily had 40 if you want it and that’s no that’s no disrespect to him it’s just that he would the cels the the Celtics collectively played like maybe their CC minus game and they won by 50 that should never happen well that’s what that’s I mean they have a they got

A 51 pointer over Indiana earlier in the year right so that’s 250 Point that’s crazy games but to shad’s point to do it like with one with your bags packed and like one foot on the plane to like yes to like the Bahamas that’s that’s also

Another thing but you know what jro they were able to go to their bench early and those guys they they’re not you know that that’s an opportunity for them they’re not thinking about it the same way yeah one of the first dudes I checked in the game was Jordan was and

We’re like oh so Joe it’s gonna be that kind of game Joe is emptying the Bench way earlier than the Memphis game got crazy out of hand yeah 40 something there a that that was a one-sided game for sure but I mean this yeah I mean

And the thing that I worry about in games like this when it gets this out of hand this quickly is guys getting hurt um I felt that T I felt I felt Tatum played like Tatum should have played like 20 minutes Tatum should have been playing porzingis porzingis played 16

Minutes tonight which I felt good about that I felt they need grown up they needed one grownup out there so they left Tatum out there literally just to ensure that no one had to play anymore you could see in the third quarter he they were almost playing four and a half

On five like Tatum was just there and white yeah that’s what I’m saying I would like to see Drew but Drew is a little bit older and you don’t want to you know put too much Tatum was like the 18-year-old looking out after his 16-year-old brother you know like he

Knows nothing no 19yearold John 19 19y old looking out after the 16-year-old brother like he knows he’s not g to go drink Clorox or stab himself in the eye he’s just there to just make sure it’s not heavy lifting he was just there to make sure everything is okay sh roing

The sh roing the school dance he just kind of hanging on the sidelines making sure there here too crazy going on don’t pay attention yeah lower your hands oh this was so it was so oh God this this was bad it was bad it was bad good boys it was good we’re

We’re bad but bad meaning good the Celtics side that’s the good part I’d much rather be talking about the Celtics than the nuts right now yeah if there’s a Nets report that that’s like in some other uh world I would not want to be watching that episode right now no no

Shout out to whoever no offense to if that show doesn’t exist I’m sure and also J shout out shout out to shout out to the refs who swallowed their whistle most of the game uh this was they were nonf factor and ever since Inward and the thing about it they wasn’t they

Weren’t really calling much either way uh I know Dennis sh yeah Dennis shuder got his ass kicked multiple times just just knocked to the ground and they’re just like they let everything go yeah one time was a classic like pump fake okay I got the guy in the air and I

Drew the obvious foul he gets hit he goes to the ground and they’re like ah [ __ ] it all start break let’s go exactly I even if I call this foul you’re not going to win can we just go like just play it clean yeah yeah and and again to

To your point Jimmy you know they they went to the bench early and guys delivered I mean they I mean like o’sa reset I mean I mean I mean the dunk the rebound that that was you guys were talking about was it yesterday we were talking about how he could dunk well he

Can he I mean he’s got nice bounce but he doesn’t have a whole lot of creativity to it that was pretty D what he did I almost I I again on the chat with my people early the the the the die hards who were in there early I did say

You might have to apologize for that one as well because O’Shea went down and said what did shirat say about me what did the Syracuse exactly and he fraking Dominique Wilkins fraking full windmill on the break he did got yeah totally yeah he does Jaylen Brown should take takes notes on that

One great stretch playing man ball out there for listen Luke look like freaking Kevin Love out there they made Luke look like Kevin Love out there just the way he was absolutely owning the paint uh yeah this was such a funny game had block had couple dunks dunk yeah yeah he tried to

Ala that’s not his game Al pass that’s not him no definitely I’ll throw this out there too because we’ll talk about it Jimmy disagrees a little but I I liked some things about Walsh I think this is a pretty spoton analysis and I think this is what

You’re going to expect from from rookies why can’t they get in the game in most cases it’s because they get lost defensively you know off the ball that’s always a concern if you’re trying to stay connected are they going to be the one person that isn’t rotating or be

Where they need to be and screw the whole thing up and that’s all it takes you can be a great on the- ball Defender but you get lost in space or on your rotations and you leave open Shooters the whole thing is cooked so you can’t

Have it and you gota you got to be good at that to get in there but on the ball he moves his feet extremely well he’s long active hands I like he you can tell he he could be a very competitive one-on-one Defender even from Little flashes offensively again he suffers

From the OA Bret Delano Banton early season stuff which is like Jesus Christ I just got in it’s the game is so fast and he gets it and he just pukes it up towards the basket without any like aim whatsoever and that’s what happened on all of his shot attempts it’s still

Better than Ben Simmons last night but like oh yeah not not ready for prime time no I mean the thing about you know jumped out of me about Jordan is just first of all his his athleticism is legit I mean he moved really well off the ball and he really moves well

Offensively um the thing I like to see him do more of and maybe it’s something that they’ll they’ll kind of hone in in the offseason is get him on those Baseline uh just just from one from one side of the court to the other Avery Bradley blueprint of offense where

You’re just trying to find him on cuts to the basket and things like that because I think he be really good at that he’s got the physical frame where he’s strong enough to take contact uh and I think he moves laterally well enough to where that can be a part of

His game but overall I he looked like a rookie uh you you understand why a championship caliber team that’s looking to win it all doesn’t play doesn’t have time for something like that I mean you put him in Charlotte you put him in Chicago you put him in Detroit he’s

Probably playing 15 20 minutes a night easy but here you know he g-league is is is where he’s going to be more times than not yes but when things get expensive next year like Jordan Walsh has a place on this team as like the number 10 or 11 guy you know like

Because that’s just kind of where you’re going to be at you need those cheap contracts in there I might have some Joe moua I love Joe yeah and you need guys like him to be around to learn from your vets just like Joe Jo look oh somebody’s

Ready to get the vacate going quickly okay Joe is here Joe let’s go Joe he knows what we’re talking about he’s here to talk about Jordan Walsh Jordan in the first quarter B you feel like this is a good night to insert him into that regular rotation look at

The intensity on Joe face you know I’ve been getting I I think Bobby you’re sure saying came on the west coast trip with us uh made a conscious effort to just have an understanding of like defense is is how you make it in this league as a

Young player uh and you know what you do in the G League from a statistical standpoint is important uh but it’s more important about your daily approach your professionalism and your defense and I think he’s uh just really really grown in that area and in the games I’ve

Watched and in the feedback from Maine and his approach here with us his defense has drastically improved so I think it’s an opportunity to give a young guy a chance especially in a game where you’re looking for energy you know it’s going to be a team win and you’re

Down a couple guys uh and so I really like the way he’s approached the defensive side of the ball yep yep good stuff good stuff I’m gonna say this I thought he was what a lot of composure from Joe right now I like the way he’s answering these questions these last couple days

He’s he’s growing before our very eyes I think I think I think I think he’s working on it I think I think Joe’s I think Joe’s postgame game has come a long way yeah yeah in the last week or so big strides heading into the All-Star

Break I’m happy to see it yeah good for Joe yeah this I mean Jordan wall um to your point earlier John about just the contracts um this is why you go out and get a guy like jadden Springer you don’t get him to help you win a

Championship you get him to build upon your Championship run your Championship contention down the road that’s because you’re not going to have first round picks you’re not going to have you know the ability to draft ready to go type players you’re GNA have to build them you’re GNA have to develop them and

You’re you’re seeing that with Jordan Walsh uh I think for him a lot of young guys the biggest challenge they have is allowing the game to come to them and allowing the game to slow down uh they’re they’re in they get in the floor and they’re running their mind is

Running a million miles an hour and it’s just like dude you just got to go 65 and you’re good uh and once you get to the point where the game starts slowing down and I think it’s a little bit it’s starting to slow down a little bit for

Jordan but he still is a little too amped up I think when he gets out there but he’s trending in the right direction and and and and Joe you know did an eloquent job of expressing that I think uh yeah he’s got a little n Smith n Smith uh syndrome going on out

There with just trying to do a little bit too much but he’s active I mean I’ll give him that he clearly what Joe said is accurate obviously is that he’s in there for his defense you know he can switch he can fight through guys he was

He was getting in the mix he was boxing guys out on shots he was you know in there for rebounds and he was running the floor um that’s really all you can ask I wouldn’t say that he was I don’t think the word was lost but somebody said scram

A little bit at times but that’s to be expected and he didn’t hurt listen he didn’t hurt the team tonight I think we can look at the score and and I mean there it is plus 10 so no one could hurt the team tonight no they could even put we could have

Probably Manning in the game and he might have been a plus yeah that has to be on that has to be on on the list the the nas Manning that’s that’s on the uh oh it’s on there it’s on the um tournament tournament for sure um what

Was I going to say oh with sad girls I don’t s that one that’s a sleeper put it on the list there that’s like a six probably six1 match up yeah um but man Walsh on the on the layup tonight that that was painful cring I you know Jimmy

I was going to do a m solid and not even that’s like my that’s like my sixth grade girls bottom of the rim you get you get in too deep and you look up and you’re like go [ __ ] oh shoot I’m too far it’s right over there and you hit the

You hit under the iron oh my God it totally brought flashback are doing blor we’re doing it this year yeah blorp the reason we didn’t do it last year we got crazy um on board with the with the with the G with the gambling coming on board

And the legal you know and that just AB addict to gambling we got we all got addicted to gambling no uh that was just bananas because we we had FanDuel on the hook to do our uh to do our sponsorship but we couldn’t get going until it got

Passed and when was it going to get passed and it just ate us up and we couldn’t get the bracket going so that was part of our problem but we are doing it this year phenomenal cannot win once it wins you are eliminated anything that isn’t still part of our vernacular like

Brockton Wi-Fi I don’t know it’s kind of old school I don’t know think that’s a 14c if it does you got to keep Ro in Wi-Fi we still reference it from 10 it’s still in there anyway since we mention FanDuel will tell you New Deal new time

Bunch of new sports to bet on obviously there’s no more football you can still get in on the action you get 150 in bonus bets when you place a $5 winning bet all you have to do is go to Boston to take advantage of this special offer once again

Boston all the sports right now Celtics Dunk Contest jayen Brown who knows all the basketball hockey baseball’s going to start up soon you know uh March m Madness obviously is going to be a super hot time for this kind of thing so make sure you check it out once again

Boston back to the games uh we talked about I’d say shad’s first apology cam focused mainly on the Celtics not having a letdown game tonight Joe Missoula asked about uh you know kind of you know how they chose to not get comfy uh entering the All-Star break

Which they easily could have they easily could have done and they did yeah here’s Joe I think that’s just as dangerous as going into it on a losing streak like you know you just said the words good feeling like if you you can’t operate by feeling and so regardless of if we lost

Tonight and one five out of six or one six out of six you know you have a tendency to relax you have a tendency to put it in cruise control and you know so winning is just as dangerous as losing if you don’t handle it the right way so

I think it’s just more about uh guys reconnecting with their families taking care of their bodies and then and enjoying their time off I think that’s important for guys to be able to do uh but when we come back it’s like we got to reconnect and reestablish what we’re

Doing so whether you’re going with a six game losing streak or a two- game losing streak both situations can be unhealthy if you don’t handle them properly okay okay A little glass half full glass empty there get at work oh John you don’t want to get too

High you don’t want to get too low right speaking of low we’re not getting any sound from John I think was talking sorry I muted myself there we go Dam lemon squares will be in the bracket clean ACL tear that’s kind of an oldie it’s oldie but goody farts my dog

Definitely in the bracket oh that’s that might lead the way that might that might be the sleeper pick phenomenal has been eliminated by virtue of winning the first ever and so back to back their Garden report isms so um those are my rules I just said

Because I don’t want to see the same winner year and you’re out you win you you you move onto the winner circle and you sit there and you give somebody else a shot it’s soft so that’s soft thinking that’s that’s that’s not Boomer mentality yeah I knowly throws you off

Doesn’t it Jimmy yeah bit Bobby’s bucket hat was the Tang yeah the Tang way Tang you got Tang wed that’s you got tangu is in there I want some new stuff yeah yeah yeah exactly there’s phenomenal is the goat phenomenal go yeah yeah it’s kind of like the Bill Russell of of our

Bracket really it’s just in a class in itself yeah coach GPT that could get in there what did somebody call him someone called him something recently which issu Jo joe2 3PO or C C uh c3p Joe I think it was c3p Joe 3 CP Joe that’s that’s super

Nerdy three C C3PO C I know Joe yeah it’s hard to say people like sad girls people think that one’s going to do well that’s gonna be hey that one’s uh that might be a three or four seed Bobby versus j s oh that one yeah

Thanasis Manning that one has to be on there theis Manning is is is high up there I yeah that might be the east region number one seed there there’s a lot of good there’s a lot of good entries this year Calvin jelly is an old one I don’t

Think you can’t you can’t bring that one back yeah you can’t bring that one back no we haven’t referenced it enough like what are we going to do about Joe moua and the potential assist what is sad girls Oh Derek you you can’t you can’t take a night

Off Derek fire up last night’s show and like scroll to like the end towards near the end the bottom third in in an inadvertent take dating advice inadvertent takedown of Jimmy someone asked him so Jimmy what are you doing on Valentine’s Day he was like nothing and then he talked about

How you can go find it’s the best night of the year I gave a tip yeah because tip and everyone who’s in this chat obviously did not take me up on it because they be right now yeah thought would maybe uh maybe be cruising the town tonight but nope he’s

Just in here shouldn’t Jimmy be girls right now Manning is great Bobby Bobby by the way I never said sad girls I never said sad girls did I said single girls and then John just assumed that everyone who’s out tonight is out crying uh in their beers but they’re actually out partying right

Now but it sounds better coming from you Jimmy and it feels more like a jimm ISM it really does feel like a jimm I was thinking it I just didn’t say it no so good so John channeled his inner Jimmy Tuscano is that what you’re saying did

When you hang around me long enough shro you end up you end up picking up a few things yeah yeah all right it’s it was a bad game a telephone I took it translated it something else yeah and and then we moved on um other things from tonight again it’s hard to say

Tonight and I didn’t want to get too much into first half sort of stuff but it’s definitely worth like stepping back and like we’re not gonna this isn’t an apology per se it’s just simply a it’s hard to not look at the record and be like yeah we’ve given these guys some

Grief and they’re 43 and freaking 12 but again we’re GNA reiterate the standard is the expectation is R is as high as it can get which is one seed Championship like there’s nothing else that’s acceptable with this team right now but they’re not falling short of expectations they’re they’re winning in

A lot of different ways their record is ridiculous again this is why Jimmy gave me crap the other time for not being down about like a performance versus a bad team or this or that that that game you expected me to be spitting fire Jimmy I’m like I don’t care that much

Yeah I because I am still looking at the whole thing and it’s like this is it’s really hard to do that you know to to have this you know this good a record it just speaks to the level of Talent on the team they can have multiple guys

Either be out or with off nights and there’s still so much there to carry it uh so it is amazing again we’ll see what happens Playoffs being a totally different animal but it’s just they’re just it’s just habits for me yeah I get concerned with if if the habits start to

To form I’m not saying it’s happened but I I I I don’t just like to brush those games off also John when they happen against good teams I get even more upset because I those are the teams that I stack them up against and so I don’t

Want to make excuses for them against the contenders if it’s just a game that they can’t get up for once in a blue moon I get it it happens um but that’s why when when I look ahead at the at the second half of the regular season after

The break there are some games that I’ve have circled I don’t want to see them lose to the Warriors again for the hundredth time in a row it feels at least feels that way that that the Warriors always have their number I don’t want to see him lose to Denver out

In Denver after Denver beat them here I don’t want to see that happen so yeah I will get pissed I will get pissed if those things happen that doesn’t mean I think that they’re gonna you know fall in their face and be a first on exit but

I think it’s fair to be upset throughout the course of an 82 Game season you can’t just smile through the whole damn thing because it’s like don’t you dare you know it’s like you know like a strict like military dad like I’ve taught you you know the right

Way like don’t you I don’t want to see even a teeny slip up it’s ridiculously strict and it’s it’s expecting near Perfection on a on a regular basis but like step back how much better could you possibly have imagined when the team was assembled and we said holy crap man this

The best team they’ve had on paper since 2008 before they even stepped on the court and then it’s like like I guess the only thing you got to worry about is how are they going to gel the Jays are they going to figure it out are they

Going to play well and right out of the gate they’re like oh these guys play great together you know like with with a few moments here and there of like ah I mean holy crap 43 and 12 just I mean highest margin of victory in the entire

League six or seven game cushion it’s pretty insane it really is and the thing about it and this is crazy when you watch them play there are clear signs that they’re not playing their absolute best like like some that’s the scary part about this there’s a lot of B minus

Games they’re winning by double digits they they’re not just they’re winning by like 20 and 30 points which is like you know like Tatum had 27 rebounds nine assists tonight wasn’t a really great game it was just it was like whatever and you start looking at their guys they

Have like two or three guys almost every night that have a whole home game and maybe one or two that has a really good game and then you look at the final score and they’re absolutely smashing teams that’s the SC what’s that are they tough I think

That they’re tougher than they were last year I think they’re I think they’re I think they’re mentally tougher than they were last year it remains to be se but if you look R the East who is tough what’s what’s the team that that you genuinely look at and say damn that’s a

Tough team in the East and the one are there not like there’s not like a big bad big bad wolf team that I’m thinking but there are teams that play physical I mean the the um the Heat play physical if they can have enough talent to get there I think

The Bucks can play a little physical too they they can but the Celtics went out at the trade deadline and added a player who addresses that need I had a chance to talk to Tillman a little bit before game Celtics the Celtics no P Pat don’t

Start Pat they got the X-Men coming in to provide can we see this guy play no gerod talked to him today right what you got on him I talked to him today he well first of all you got to remember that when he was coming out of college he was

Coming during a time of the pandemic so he couldn’t do the workout thing so so his inter like he worked out he was workout with Celtics was a zoom call with Brad SS uh and he that was a year remember where they had they drafted n

Smith and they had a couple other second round picks he thought he was coming to Boston then because with all the picks they had late first round early second didn’t work out bottom line when he when they made the trade for him this time he said they made it very clear that we’re

Bringing in you in here to bring us a certain level of physicality and he’s like I’m 69260 this is what I do so for him this this is this is the perfect situation for what he does well uh is passing he’s a hard screen cter uh good Defender High basketball IQ type guy

He’s the perfect guy to throw in in certain situations and I think he understands that he’s not going to play every game once he’s fully healthy and ready to go but there are certain matches where you can absolutely see him being a player that they look to look to

Contribute I look at the Knicks as a team that certainly the way they’re built you could see him playing I look at Jimmy as you point out Milwaukee uh that’s a team that has some size and they they could cause some problems if you don’t have a certain type of

Physicality that you can throw out there and to me that was the one missing piece that this team was lacking pretty much all season long who’s that one guy that if a guard is driving to the basket can either switch as a big and make a player

And if he gets beat can put a guy in his ass this is porzingis isn’t that isn’t built to do that uh kayada is gonna file him and and not file him hard and and Luke’s and Luke’s gonna jump from the damn from the middle of the free throw

Line or or under the basket defending that the layup thinking that’s whatever so yeah the cornette contest so they’ve added a GU guy that meets a very specific uh skill and there’s some other stuff about play well he can’t to get out there and play what do you say about that well

He yeah he’s not he’s not pressed about that because again he he knows that he’s with a team that is going to make a deep playoff run so his opportunity is going to come sooner or later um so yeah he wants to be out there like yesterday but

He’s not rushing it which makes sense makes sense so did you like him sherod I do I do um he’s a little bit more softspoken than I thought um but he’s got that gentle giant Vibe like just yeah you know um his play and just kind of the way you conversate with him

Are not the same like when he’s out there he’s a badass who’s trying to put you six feet under it feels like sometimes you talk to him and he’s just real calm and cool and collected and smiling and laughing and just he seems like a normal dude but um I wouldn’t

Want to play against him I mean he’s strong I mean he’s I mean not Stephen Adam strong because that’s just some unhuman stuff but he’s pretty that’s like running into a tree trunk like Sten remember right but this is a guy like people just bounce off him I mean this

Is a guy who’s been in the Huddle and been in practices with Stephen Adams so he you know so he’s gone up against he embra yeah he Embrace his physicality he he is not one to shy away from physicality so he’ll be able to handle

Luke in practice then oh my god um I don’t we’re not g to see any of that Jimmy I guarantee you we will not see that yeah we’ll see free throws just like we always do I see I see somebody on my screen John do you do oh he just

Hid he just fell I think he fell over I just saw him I saw really fall did I just saw him feed up I just saw what the hell was that I was watching he went to reach for something and all of a sudden I see two feet did you actually go ass

Over elbow no I want to see if you would have put me on like that saw shoe in the air god I saw a shoe Jo bust his ass off camera and now he’s trying to cover it up no soon as he said I see somebody I I just

Ducked he ducked I think he ducked too hard and now all of a sudden he went he went over he ducked really hard over I went up there’s a difference injured right now the soul of your sneaker is white I’m good man I’m good I saw it it’s a soulle of his

Sneaker the bottom of his sneaker is white tell us something good come on jph what you got guys this was uh did anyone play a bad game you know like oh maybe maky look was decent but I feel like everyone was Rock Solid in this were you

Still watching when he got on the floor somewhat I think he tried to dunk it Lefty in traffic it was that kind of game well he’s the only one that didn’t make a play where I was like oh good move like so outside of outside of maai luk uh I

Thought everyone was Rock Sol in this game man in terms of just like production uh what they’re supposed to do like I just feel like it was like uh the midterm where everyone got A’s and B’s and Jula is just like I don’t know what to say you know that’s the vibe we

Got and how fitting is this guys his 100th career win as an NBA coach this is the kind of game we see where everyone’s getting it done uh second night of a back toback which he mentioned of course is just uh right before the All-Star

Break like the worst way to uh you know have a team surprise you and give you an L but not in this one not even close so yeah man everyone P the colors Joe moula of course I had to ask him about his 100th win what what that’s like and uh

You know obviously it being his second season of his of his coach NBA coaching career and he said what I expected him to say which is I don’t give a I’m sorry well no well he probably that’s probably the second or third do you have a

Wife yo if he said no that’s not that’s not what I expected to say listen josee do you do you are you married first of all no um he said it’s not just him right it’s a it’s an award especially in a league like the NBA

Where so many uh guys so many individual awards are being handed out um he always has to remind everyone that uh he he can’t do it without the guys around him but he took a step further when he explained how um The Players allow him to be himself and that same type of

Environment happens amongst the players and he thinks that’s how this whole thing is is is seeming you know a great fit for these guys you know when you think about it it’s it’s one of those things where you’re like he’s not going to tell us everything they’re talking

About you know in terms of in terms of uh what’s going on behind the scenes but I love the whole like hey they let me be weird like I’m weird with you guys you don’t even know how weird I am with the guys and you know what I don’t want to

Know the specifics like I love that they had that type of relationship and I do think that stuff matters and like joa said it’s important and that’s exactly uh why he’s able to reach such a significant milestone this early in his coaching career listen the the folks in the

Comments are just killing it tonight God they are this is so much better than the damn you triggered it with the no John with the Mary thing because that would be such a j and I swear if he dropped be like where you going with this Man Joseph do you even have kids like imagine I’m like what the 401K the 401K [ __ ] oh that I do that got to have that but no just Joe one for three God Joe sounded very grownup today I will say that he’s proud John he’s so proud everyone passed their midterm with

Flying colors Wednesday John he’s all the kids played no one missed a note you know great no one had to go in timeout that was awesome right he didn’t have to scold anybody or no one’s going to be running laps next time these guys get it’s like you know what guys everybody

Got to finish juice boxes everyone got their juice boxes right and you’re like you know what have a great break guys I’m I I don’t your your work here is done so that’s that’s the vibe we got for sure speaking of speaking of the vibe let’s bringing there he is Mr VI

God way because how about the guy who approached us ra did you hear him talking about just just talking about Luke cornette off the bat as soon as you saw Bobby he was like hey yeah he made he made sure that Bobby does not go on and on about Luke

Cornette yes and then and then gave him like a compliment he’s like you know what you actually made me see the light I don’t know which way he was on the argument now so what’s up Bobby what do you got what’s up I love this game I

Love the way they’re going in the break and it’s a good jumping off point for this for this team they’re gonna be in a good place when they get back when they’re fresh and you know when they have some big games coming out of that

Break I I think it’s going to be good for porzingis to get to 100% he rolled his ankle tonight obviously heard his back in Miami and he’s just kind of push through that stuff and he took the seat early tonight which was good H but this

Came at the right time Payton priter in the locker room I know Joe was talking pregame again about how he hates breaks and he doesn’t think there should be one but all the players here are ready for it and Pritcher was no different he gave his 31 minutes going hard playing in the

Buzzer and that was the important thing about this one and Chris said it too they’re looking to get back to pushing these leads up in the second half not seeing them dwindle not having bad quarters and that was the biggest difference between last night and tonight they slipped up immensely

Offensively in the second half of last night’s game tonight they just kept going into the second unit too uh into the Stay Ready crew so top to bottom this is an amazing win incredible that it’s not their biggest G you know win of the season bigest blower to the

Season but that just goes to show how special this team can be when they locked in front to back in these games and they’re gonna have to find ways to challenge themselves in the second half and you said it John last night what are you gonna do where are you gonna look to

And I love the fact that they go to Walsh tonight and find a way to integrate him I talked to him after the game and he and both he and Chris STS don’t think he played great in this one they’ve seen better from him in practice in other situations but everybody across the

Board from what they’ve seen of him so far thinks he’s going to be good that he has a lot of potential and he’s doing all the right things and I asked if Do’s the potential he could be more involved in the second half of the season and you know they haven’t had those

Conversations yet but you have to think seeing him with some of the starters and bench guys here they’re starting to think about it a little bit potentially here you know especially once main season ends I think their season wraps up yeah late March uh so he’ll at least

Be around the team more at that point and you know maybe you do find theet Springer you have to think Springer is going to eliminate any chance he has of kind of getting in there we’ll see getting any minutes it’s all about who can acclimate to the offense more and

Walsh has had months and months and months playing in the system you know they play a pretty similar system up in Maine to what they’re doing here and know they’re having them around the team more often now too on the trip and everything like that so again he’s not

Going to be part of the rotation this year he’s not going to play playoff minutes but finding different spots to get him involved I mean I thought he looked pretty good defensively in this one got hit with a few tough calls certainly right when he got in the game

There but overall the one thing I like about him is he makes the right play and he plays a complimentary style you know he’ll pass out of some open shots to get to an even better shot he’ll set screens he was doing that throughout his minutes tonight and he’s a decent passer

Especially on the run you know he he said on that second play he was trying to get the L but he didn’t communicate that so you know those are things he’s just going to have to work through but overall I was throw to see him out there and clearly the fans were

Too say it Jimmy he got he got a he got a uh an ovation again they’re not gonna stop doing that huh Bobby every time I think I think he stole piter’s popularity I thought I thought he was I thought he was fine I’m glad that he

Got’s outgrown the whole like hey the freshman getting minutes things so Richard should not be getting like fan favorite like yeah look who’s look who’s back for main like yeah shouldn’t be getting the scalabrini tree no I didn’t want to say it John I I didn’t want to

Say that but trying to say that’s perfect way to put it yeah we were thinking it but we weren’t gonna say it I wasn’t but now I am yeah W has definitely moved on to that part of the intri yeah the tackle treat because he’s intriguing the taco treatment yeah I

Mean I don’t know the more the more they see him play the less fans will react that way but mixed bag defensively and again I talked about it earlier Bobby but I thought defensively he was fine he was active you can tell that he’s you know thinking just keep going like

Boxing out getting sort of get a little bit aggressive out there running the court but his shot in his offensive game is probably not gonna happen this year for them at any point at any point I mean the it looked like shades of Ben Simmons out there to be completely honest with

You you never and when you’re playing out there with that kind of talent that’s gonna be your job as to do things he had a triple zero yeah yeah he did he did have a triple zero but defense I can’t get I can’t unsee the layup I guess

Defense the layup he ran out of court Jimmy he ran out oft can’t unse that layup he he didn’t know where theot it was his first game Jimmy we’ve all been there guys come on not his first game was first meaningful you think the hoop is you

Know and you realize oh it’s right there and then that’s exactly what happened but yeah it didn’t look great you’re right he thought he got fouled on that play but I didn’t think bet he did yeah that’s one of those like try to say it real quick wait I was

Fou wait hold on it was foul but he wasn’t fouled I see what you did there Jimmy yeah it was very foul but we’ll give it to so he he has skills he’s just’s not gonna get end up with a roster spot he’ll end up with a

Roster spot next year he will he’s not going to get enough run this year to be able to do anything but as Bobby said you’re gonna have games down the stretch here at different periods of time where you might be down three starters you know uh the you know what maybe one with

Actual injury or back to backs so there’s going to be moments where like I said the 35o Mike muscala game like there’ll be a few of those where where you’re just like yeah just play the other guys you know and like it could be Hower and Walsh starting at the wings

You know like it they’ll be a game was great tonight Hower was just laser focused like that shot that just dialed inbody was awesome Richard was great everyone got an A on should we give Bobby his minute here Richard didn’t he he warmed up quickly you know

He got those four threes that that second quarter uh like that’s the pr I love this I want to see that more often you know I feel like he just sometimes he’s just he’s so slow to find his offense and then you’re like okay it’s not going to be that

Bobby yeah I’m just gonna let the stat sheet speaks speak for itself with this one oh no you’re not no you’re not Bob he C that [ __ ] eight points three blocks three assists he can’t help much from here to a thats why would I have a lemon square

On on the tray there think yeah that’s a good point he’s so happy let’s go with the per 36 for him at this point 12 points n rebounds two assists what’s the what’s the face that bobb’s making is that the face when people are criticizing cornette that is that the

Face he makes why is that the look he’s just staring just staring deep into his soul that’s the what are we apologizing for look yeah yeah that’s the uh stop giving Luke cornet crap Facey I love this L had a good game hear the time he stinks he’s terrible he’s gonna get

Booted right out of here fans approach you about this yeah it’s true yes and then they tweet at me incessantly and then you see what he’s capable of in a game like this you got to stop respond the haters are quiet tonight Bobby the mentions are silent stop tweeting at I

Just hope people know second sleep in peace tonight second half that de Center Spot is cornet’s to lose Tillman has to come in here prove himself figure out the system and find a spot to get in where he can you know and it’s going to be more

Situational for him when it comes to depth minutes that role that cornett’s had all season long he’s gonna continue to hold that spot and that’s just not me saying that I think that’s how the team feels going into the second half I think cornette still firmly has a spot in this

Rotation and why wouldn’t he you know he’s earned Joe’s trust he’s been here for years and he continues to play well in these spots so people have taken him for granted all year the fact that he can go into these back to backs down a big and get really good minutes from

Your third Center and I don’t know what people expect from your third Center uh this is about his good as you’re gonna get from your third Center so it’s a great developmental story it continues to be and I don’t think he’s gonna be taking a seat on the bench the

Rest of the way I think you’re gonna see a lot of Luke cornette out of the All-Star break save that clip let’s go tell him Bobby okay all right like we said we were giving Bobby his minute it my do that’s the Valentine minute luk we’re not we’re not even going to we’re

Not even going to we’re not going to go back cuz what you make us do sometimes Bobby is to counteract the excessive gushing and optimism you’re make you you make us be mean to Luke and I don’t want to be mean to Luke it’s Valentine’s you

Guys are just you guys are just wrong it’s Valentine’s Day well now you’re gonna make me be mean to you now Bobby yeah man you make it sound like we we say cornet trash I don’t think say you do or maybe not you guys but plenty

Of people do this is you got to stop responding to those people rejecting now he’s Pro we are but we’re those people he’s responding to us this is p up aggression here this is this happens once a month years you gotta get out the Bad Blood this is the therapy session yeah

This is good right before the we’ve we’ve done for two years and he’s still he’s still here but like he’s also still like yeah we know Bobby we know he’s here distant like bench roll I mean John John made for the second straight year predicted he was

Gonna get more dnps than gam That’s Entertainment Bobby that’s a old prediction you didn’t think B Bobby It’s Entertainment we’re doing it’s just for it’s just to tweak you so we can have these conversations yeah but John Bobby put that Bobby put that quote like above it’s on the wall

On Bulet and board yeah Bulet and board material it’s like do your job cor dnps right look did you did you see this and and then Bobby’s just like angrily typing his next column on a Luke cornette looking at it yeah oh man they’re in a good place as as a team

Getting production out out the bench as they continue to here you know beyond cornet and the thing is look cornette’s gonna have his bad games and you know I thought last game he wasn’t great Hower has certainly had a few Clunkers where he hasn’t put up much and then tonight

He goes off and then Pritchard it you know I’m gonna defend Pritchard here too people want to see Lonnie Walker come in and replace him and you know we had our schroer discussion last night Pritchard has mostly played well all season long and I have more and more and again these

Guys haven’t played often in postseason situations John but as I continue to see them play well night in and night out I think in their complimentary narrow roles they can play well in small minutes in the postseason all at three of those guys and then you know you’ll

Find your spots for your tman and maybe a springer where you may but you don’t need a lot from your bench in the playoffs and the guys that are gonna fill those positions are prepared to do those things so I feel pretty good about this group yeah the big the big

Three pitard hoer and cornette why doesn’t Walker Playmore wait did you just leave Horford out of there oh yeah yeah and you know you take for granted that Horford’s off that bench six starter a starter yeah oh okay that’s how we’re oh everyone’s a starter we

Didn’t get into this much but I did want to talk about it a tad uh porzingis uh you know incredibly efficient in limited minutes only played 16 minutes then sat bunch of people in the chat are saying things like I’m really worried about him I’m worried about his health I think

That’s always the case I don’t think anything about tonight made me worry I don’t think he went out because he’s hurt I think they’re just like why in the he said he could play we’re playing him on back they’re playing him backto backs anyway and I didn’t even think he

Was gonna play tonight this was such an easy opportunity to not not bring him back in there so um I I have no problem with that however we keep talking about like the importance and the emphasis on like how good he’s been and I mean how

Much how much is the key and I I mean agree again obviously you see it against a team like the Nets that can’t do anything against someone like him it really looks like he’s playing looks like he’s playing against children tonight um you know for for what he was

Able to do uh but uh again what’s also cool about him is just the experience and the vibe like we saw you guys might have seen on NBC the podcast he’s sitting there and him and Jaylen are just playing footsie and giggling for 30 minutes like we haven’t we haven’t seen

But I mean we haven’t seen Jaylen we haven’t seen Jay that se J of his people he was litl we never have to say see they like each other see I know you never have to say that with oh look there was one frame of one game and one cutaway where

They looked at each other and fist bumped yeah you’re saying they don’t like each other he’s so in love but it’s the Derek white argument all over again this is what it looks like when you like your teammate Joe defended him Joe defended him over the the allstar stuff

Porzingis rightly said he didn’t really care and I actually believe it you talk about total buyin for somebody who’s just like no man I just love it here he legit loves it here and here’s cornette I mean here’s cornette here’s christs after the game just talking easily

Mistaken how it’s easily how it’s kind of gone how it’s gone for him so far in the first half in his first season in Boston where is he it did it go away try it again wow pump F there we go we’re a championship caliber team you know and

And what is expected is to win you know or or the goal is to win um and and coming in here you know there are things that are being done differently and and at a much higher standard than uh on other teams that I’ve been on and

And and and I think yeah from from the top down it’s just just a really high level organization um and and us as players we uh we feel that and we know that we have to show up every each and every night and and yeah I mean there’s

There’s like many like small things that I can point out but overall I would say that it’s just uh um it’s it’s it’s been I as as somebody said earlier I haven’t stopped smiling you know being here I just enjoy being here so much and

And and and to be in this kind of organization um playing for these kind of fans it’s you know it’s it’s unreal he’s so happy we lost Jo s we lost John muted himself not only is it like happy to be here but like and again I don’t mean this to turn into

Like bashing of other people but like I mean we were fall F we’re falling over ourselves to hear Jason Tatum for the first like five six years of his career say like yeah Boston’s not bad right just one thing to make you think that he

Likes it here as much as you like him and then last last year please tell me you love me La and last year he started doing it same thing with Jaylen Jaylen you know the interviews he does last year and all the things he says and uh

Most of them entirely Justified but it still doesn’t give you a warm and fuzzy in terms of how he feels about it was the opposite it was the opposite and so you’re just like wait do the that for the fans like do the guys like we

Love even like me a little and like then to have for zigas come in here and just grinning ear to ear and like this is the best ever I’m so happy and like it just feels good I like that’s why I said one of the things I loved about Marcus like

Up and down you know whatever it was he freaking loved being a Celtic and he loved being and you always knew that it’s refreshing to see somebody come here and be like this is freaking awesome and you’re like is it totally right like that’s why like we’re because

That means he thinks you’re awesome like fans are part of the experience so it’s like it’s like validating right yeah and it started the very first preseason game right guys like it was like man like this is just preseason and everyone is going crazy over this team you know what

I mean it was like that type of environment that he just wasn’t used to essentially uh when you think back to this experience in New York experience in Dallas I mean obviously the expectations are much higher in the situation but this is something fans we talking about so they obviously embraced

It with open arms and the production obviously matched what they were trying to see here and what a first season’s been for Chris D but yeah I mean I just think he’s just having I don’t think anyone else is having more fun than Chris D porzingis uh this season for

Sure I think one of the big things about this year and obviously he had the headband stuff tonight and John loved that he was talking about that to start the show I just didn’t know I didn’t know I didn’t get the memo I think Joe talked it wasn’t everyone

Oh no it wasn’t Joe I Sam Cassell talked over the summer about lowering the temperature on this team and yes they’re gonna hold themselves to a high standard and have the championship expectation but they also want it to be fun and enjoyable and not overloaded with pressure and listen they’ve had some bad

Moments and I think having a guy like porzingis who brushes that off and you know jokes like oh yeah we’re gonna go on a streak here and the world’s going to be ending and everyone’s going to be freaking out and you know just putting it plainly there but shaking it off

Nothing seems to Rattle him you know he had some of those technical fouls earli in the year which I think were just a little bit more silly and demonstrative than getting in his own head he’s he’s enormously consistent not only on the floor but off like you know what you’re

Getting day in and day out with him so that’s a perfect this whole experience joh I really have and I’ve been pleasantly surprised too I didn’t know what we were getting I don’t think any of us knew there was some bad reputation around here I think I called him a douche right

Jimmy like to have that one back I think and I think I think at that point too at that point too though Jimmy I don’t know if you remember but I was like hey people can change all right remember he he was 19 well this is before he said it

Right Bobby but but we forget he was when he first came in the league like that’s why he’s still you know so young and obviously the injuries and all that and him being S3 was concerning but the season he put together in Washington obviously you know uh people can change

PE Brad Stevens’s interest but yeah no I was thinking that too that baby thinks people can change right exactly that’s that’s what that’s how we learn for all the for all the credit he’s gotten and cover piece of [ __ ] what was that Bobby for for all the coverage and notoriety he’s gotten

This year I I still think it’s going a little bit under the radar how big of a story this is I mean this is a guy who nobody wanted a couple years ago like he got traded for Davis BT hands and Spencer Den witty and was basically

Thrown away to Washington and the NBA rendered his his potential gone at that point and still didn’t seem I think you know Utah is obviously been rumored to have had some interest in him tonight uh that offseason interestingly enough but really the only only the Celtics made a

Hard charge at him last summer and for all the shows we’ve had all the discussion we’ve had over the last couple years can Brown and Tatum play together you know is this core gonna get it done for that guy to just be sitting there in Washington who’s gonna make all this

Work it’s amazing to me and obviously great foresight by the front office to realize that and go and Target him so aggressively we kicked his name around a little bit but I I don’t think anyone aggressively but also injury thing though we always aggressive it was a bargain you know

Like aggressive meaning I want this and I know I want it but it wasn’t like a bunch it wasn’t like you had out a of people saw you saw make it make a bit of a turn last year in in Washington and it it went under the radar because it was

In Washington but I think if you’re an remember head tohe well yeah if you’re a scout at front office like obviously like that’s not slipping by you but I think the masses were like oh porzingis yeah he’s a flop you know he got ran out

Of town in New York City and then he you know had you know whatever happened in Dallas didn’t go didn’t go well and it’s a bust you know and but I think last year in Washington he proved that when he’s on the court this guy can can do a

Little bit or a lot of bit of everything you know and good on Brad Stevens for for see that and like you said Bobby being aggressive and targeting him and it was not an easy decision I’m sure because of what what he had to do to get

Him and who he had to give up and knowing that it would be a bit of a a shock maybe to the to the team but a necessary one I think is what we’re seeing now and and I think cess said it earlier the only thing this team really

Has to worry about is injuries they’re too good to really worry about anything else and I think you you you play the rest of this season competitively and you get up for the big games but you also understand that you need a healthy porzingis to go anywhere in this

Playoffs so if you have to bubble wrap him up a little bit the final 20 25 games then go ahead and do that and if it means a couple losses fine I think they can afford to lose a couple based on the way the standings are starting to shake

Up y yeah that six game lead is real it is real real not that not that I want them to throw games but yeah I guess they have a little leeway a little cushion you know it’s not bad thing down the stretch to have yeah you want to

Take advantage of those measuring stick games too obviously you want to get you want to knock Cleveland off their spot as they surge into the break and obviously beat the Bucks a couple times down the stretch too after what they did to you in that last game so there’s

Still some moments to prove yourself down the stretch here I’m holding out I’ve been impressed with this team I’ve love what they’ve done the changes everything else I’m not going to sit here on February 14 and say they’re going to win it all there’s still more I

Have to see from them in the second half in terms of consistency in terms of urgency in terms of you know hitting the gas and and suring I don’t need to see anymore I just need to see oh so you’re there no I’m saying I don’t think anything in the regular

Season is goingon to make you feel good about good or bad about the playoffs the talent is obvious their best game is better than everyone else’s best game it’s just whether or not they’re bringing the focus and intensity on a on a nightly basis and and and just

Avoiding those let down games like is everything going to go your way all the time in the playoffs no but like if you’re GNA know two games into the playoffs if like game two there in the postgame they’re like yeah we just didn’t come out with energy tonight

You’re like okay here we here we [ __ ] go again like yeah you know we knew it right away in round one last year yeah you’re just like oh no like here we’re are they going to do this and everything was a struggle every of the playoffs

Last year was a struggle it was just through gritted teeth it sucked the Sixers is a gift without MB you blow that one you go down you could have maybe should have lost that series you blow game five the whole thing nothing to me is going to change my opinion

They’re the best team in basketball they they absolutely have the talent to win it all get me to the playoffs so we can see what they’re made of that’s it you know that’s that’s all I that’s all I care about yeah I haven’t changed minute

Since we first saw him in the court till now actually the one thing I’ve changed is there’s no question it works that’s the thing we had some questions prior to the year is it gonna work all that they’ve got them they know what they’re supposed to do everybody’s

Got a role if they play their parts there’s nothing should go wrong I you know short of injuries there’s nothing that should derail this team let’s just see let’s see what they’re made of when they get to the playoffs facts my dog that’s it that’s

It I knew you’re going to say it I was like Jimmy going to see it I was waiting for somebody else to say something well let me let me ask you guys that is it but John they can’t approach it that way that’s the difference we can they can’t

They have to play the games they have to put in the work they have to get into the habits and they have to play hard it’s what it comes down to I think the KP factor and people saying in the chat will make it so um it gives them a

Greater margin for error even if they’re not playing their A++ game especially in the early round so you don’t F falter or go to seven games with some INF Superior opponent you’re just gonna you you’ll still sneak out at your B minus games on Talon alone in the first round while you

Get your playoff feet wet and it is worth noting he doesn’t have a ton of playoff experience and it’s easier to contribute when you’re in a more ancillary role as he is here but he does have something to prove too in terms of what he’s a in the playoffs I think

That’s the part where you look you’re looking forward to man especially just the atmosphere because it goes up another NCH and will we get one of those games where he can’t miss a shot absolutely I think that 1,00% happens throughout the playoffs I mean it’s going to happen especially on nights

Where teams just can’t find a solution for him and all of a sudden he goes nine for 13 from the floor and that’s all the cushion that the Celtics need for guys like Tatum and brown to do what they’ve been doing a lot a lot recently in the

Second half of game so yeah I mean that barring barring any injuries there’s no reason why the Celtics team uh shouldn’t make it to the NBA finals that’s it right now they are they are plus 260 on FanDuel Celtics are to be the NBA champions Celtics heading

Into the all there we go Celtics heading into the All-Star break at 43 and fraking 12 unbelievable first half of the Season obviously more than half the season is gone uh at this point but man it’s it’s as good as we could have hoped I think

In terms of how this team would come together six-game lead on the Cleveland Cavaliers in Eastern Conference eight games up on the Bucks 10 up on the Knicks this thing is oh this is over kind of a good bet on FanDuel right now you can bet Eastern conference winners

Celtics are plus 120 it’s not so bad it’s not so bad mean yeah it’s unreal the Phoenix Suns in that historic uh year where they were just killing everybody whenever that was three years ago they won the conference by eight games okay Celtics are up by six already

55 games into the season that’s that’s an insane lead at this point no one else in the last decade I’m trying to go back it’s probably a Warriors team has won has has has had that large um that large a lead or or or or that far ahead of everybody MH it’s

Pretty impressive yeah Warriors I just went back and found it 1415 Golden State Warriors by 11 15 Team 15 team right you had you had the Phoenix Phoenix by eight Celtics are six six up now they could they could they could they could win this conference by 10 by 10 plus games

Pretty insane to think about anyway Bobby and joose headed to the All-Star Game you guys going to be at allar weekend yes like I mean on Saturday night’s games I mean not just I’m going tomorrow Jimmy oh hell yeah who do you got in the Three-Point

Contest do you want me to read you the name yeah let’s do it all right John can we do this John or you gonna yell at me you got like 90 seconds if I had to guess man you you started doing it so read me read me eight basketball players

Names go ahead Three-Point Contest winner let’s get your pick in order of can I can I just say like people this is this a generation thing I just feel like no one cares about the game like people like people older than us like it’s just I don’t

Know righto contest is Fun the people older or younger older people older do not care about anything about all-star weekend anything about really F so young people do I mean they’re more I think they care more because they remember when they were a kid and how excited they were the

Level of I’m interested in the court it’s not quite the same but because of you remember back when you were a kid a bit there’s still a little bit of that intrigue the older generation that you guys have just moved on like years ago I

Don’t know I used to love uh you guys can’t remember your childhoods no I don’t mean it like that but you know what I mean it’s just like it’s it’s just that was so long ago those memories are so long ago was we’ve seen it all we’ve seen all the

D and then Zack LaVine and Eric Gordon put on the greatest D that was that was incredible but remember the narrative though right we’ve seen it just get rid of the dunk cont for 20 years people were saying that want to get rid of the

Dum contest I want the best people to do it I’m so two G Leaguers give me a break I gonna bring down that house this year I want eight dudes I want all of them it used to be the all time name the all-time great greatest dunkers and I

Guarantee you they were within their first or fifth year you know what I mean it’s always been like a younger you know the younger players Nick was doing that [ __ ] when he was 40 you know no I mean but like I mean Nick is a little bit older but he

He kind of wanted to know Dr J ever NBA Slam Dunk Contest was definitely older it was cool then it was like I’m going to show you what I can do it was a badge of honor to win it now it’s too cool for school I think it’s the total opposite

People used to take it more seriously it was like I want to win this thing and the best would show up and now it’s like nah I don’t feel like it you know who wants to do it it’s such a beist group of people with the exception of LaVine

And G it’s so sad put the J yeah that’s why I’m about this I’m happy jaylen’s doing it because yeah it brings some more of that it means more to the players to show up wear what they want to wear one career ingame dunk for for for Jacob come on toppings I like

It’s Jacob toppings yeah it’s amazing how low it’s gotten it should have been Malik monk man he’s had some crazy dunks this year like there’s some people but to to John’s point I I wouldn’t be shocked if he was and he was like I’m good you know what I mean so many

Players year one Zion what are we doing Zion has to be in it Z in year one this guy you know he doesn’t reinvented dunking in college it was like breathtak watch throw it down what he gonna do eat a hot dog off the rim

No he looked like he ate the table I thought he it I think you got it backwards I think now it’s a joke and now now a hangout where you yeah but people are going to tune in though I feel like when it come I’m talking about

The from a from a fan from from the from the fans perspective the players yeah maybe yeah I mean they’re not you know losing sleep over oh what am I going to do this weekend but I think someone like Jaylen will take this very seriously though I’m not he has to I’m very

Excited about what he has you know planned because I’m sure he has some incredible dunks because otherwise he would never he would never do it right he wouldn’t half asked this I’m expecting some some sort of statement from Jaylen Brown I think he’s he wants

To do this for a reason he’s not just gonna show up there and do like a windmill Jam he’s got something something bigger in mind Joe sway saw him practicing in Brooklyn before the game I I think he was practicing man I I I can’t confirm but it was one of those

The phone you take out the phone I did I did you can check out my Twitter uh from pregame before the uh not tonight’s game but last night’s game at the bar Clays where he’s trying to get this bounce down and something like the way he’s

Throwing it up the way he wants it to pretty much just bounce right next to the rim it seemed like I think he’s got something up his sleeve with that that’s risky see that’s when it starts to get risky when you start to bounce it and it

Needs to go a certain way because if you miss if you mess that up a couple times people are like grumbling little grumbling it’s like come on but that’s why Zack LaVine and Aaron Gordon was amazing because they they didn’t miss once so I give him so much credit

Because think of all the crap jaylen’s gotten for everything over the last year if he goes out is he gonna do a d is he gonna do the D he might you know what that I wouldn’t that wouldn’t that wouldn’t shock me a little tribute same number too oh same number

That’s nice J and then he cracks his head on the rim I hope he does I hope he does well because tat Tatum spins him to kind of like add to it and it was just a bad idea and then Cedric saos with the fake blindfold that was he should have that

[ __ ] revoked what do you mean was fake he could see through it you could totally see through it see through it a little and like it was just a basically like run up and dunk it normal with two hands there was no style to it yeah well the

Rumor is John Tatum’s gonna help him out yeah oh ins this is what I’m talking about John this is that attitude is what I’m talking about you guys hate the dunk you hate this stuff you think it’s for kids I know no it’s not that it’s the tat it

Is in a sense but you still should have some you know you should look forward to it how’s he gonna get a hold of Jason does he even have his number is he gonna ask Celtics PR to ask Jason to help he shows up yeah hey you still you in

Town if porzingis made the allstar team you know it would be porzingis I’m just saying I don’t I mean I’m guessing 100 porzingis just holding it up on a plattered smiling and brown running by him and smiling I’m sure there’s gonna be great chemistry what he should be a dunk a

Cookie into a glass of milk that porzingis is holding and dunk it dun Oreo I as porz I asked porzingis if he might make a surprise appearance and he was like no he’s more no pressure no pressure for J Indiana he kind of has to win this you

Know no he is going somewhere tropical he Jaylen has to win this joose way he’s playing he kind of has to win this he’s an All-Star he’s established obviously uh you look back to you know Gerald greens and the Deep Browns it’s like hey man you got shakes him off and shoots it

You gotta takes the contested fade away three yeah jaylen’s got to take that baton me jaylen’s just standing in the corner waiting for the pass yo dbrown and Gerald Green they they put on they both put on shows they both put on shows so jaylen’s got a freaking dunk green had even that

Cupcake dunk was little that cupcake dunk was so underrated right when it happened were like what and then are we uh are we doing shows we doing shows John jayen just stares at [Laughter] him I can’t wait to see how electric Tatum is in the broadcast Booth too we

Gotta do we gotta do shows Bobby for sure gonna be in the broadcast Booth we should do course live too we’ll have a lot of coverage I’ll tell you this just stay tuned we’ll tell you guys what we’re going to do but it’s going to be

Fun so again follow these guys all the way through Allstar Weekend sir um we’ll be back with preview second half season Garden reports prior to the return to action later next week but other than that guys enjoy some time away from us some time away from basketball um and uh

And that’s it Celtics are back next Thursday againsts real quick next Thursday Lillard halberton Trey young Malik Beasley brunon Carl Anthony towns Lorie marinan Donan Mitchell I’m going Halbert marinin Marin’s he’s plus 800 that let’s go towns towns repeat winner you hate Donan Mitchell give me spider yeah but

He’s won before spider’s plus 950 I’m going marinin I’m going lur all right be a good shoot up a three-point in dunk contest is way more entertaining than the allstar game the allstar game if anything if you want to criticize anything criticize the allstar game now I hate that they went

Back to East West oh come on come on it’s so much better than remember last year you like off there’s no a joke come onbody that Tatum almost dropped 60 East West was East West was Pride they would actually start to take it seriously a little bit because it’s like I don’t see

That much of you guys and they’re telling me the West Coast the W western conference is so much better than we are okay let’s see about that you start to get into it it’s much more likely to get competitive when you’ve got some shared interest with people other than like oh

We’ve got the same agent or this guy’s cool or On my team oh yeah there a lot of Eastern Conference Pride but again that’s what that’s where you guys have it backwards East West used to be cool it it mattered a little bit and then it got stupid and you guys think stupid was the right way and the

Right way and the right way is the wrong way I like the draft you got indoctrinated into stupid and you just thought that’s what you’re supposed to do that was what the first half supposed to be about in the second half you compete but then the whole thing just

Turned into a show then it was just like do M yeah they should have kept that used to the Target score there is actually a really good clip um from the kg and Pierce podcast room I think it was last week they were talking about the All-Star game that they were in New

Orleans where it was it was kg Pierce and Reay were on a team were on the team and on the heat side it was LeBron Wade and I think Bosch were on team that’s right and they were just like they were cool with each other but they were not

Like boys and like dapping it up and like right having a good time in the locker room it was like here we are on this side of the locker room you guys sit over there on that side of the locker room let’s play this game and

Then let’s you know go on her away barely Hit the Floor together too and I’m not a back in the day Boomer guy I like more stuff now than I did before I’m telling you you’re East West is much better objectively a much better for it

Really is really is yeah I’m not I’m not that guy who’s like oh I like I I liked it when the game John will be doing a garden report after the allar game breaking down east vers West if it’s competitive he might if it’s competitive

He might we got to see if any of the players after the game are like we did this for the East Bobby please ask a question like if whoever wins be like what’s it mean to just bring bring back the wind to the east be like ah what’s this de yeah uh I

Mean I guess is cool yeah yeah exactly that’s a good impression that’s tat right there they’ve tried they’ve in an or effort to spice it up they’ve tried every dumb combination possible and finally were like we give up just go back to what what what’s normal yeah doc

Because someone still dropped 50 they’re like how this happen lot of East Pride right now competitiveness wasn’t you know what I always love John people hated it the baseball home field advantage thing I thought that was the best and that made it matter oh yeah Doc is the coach

That’s right he’s like please guys I don’t want to do this NBA is like this is the rule all right you’re going to coach this team that’s right yeah see how many minutes doc plays for some reason Missoula can’t coach because he did it last year so you you can’t coach

Twice in a row even if you have the best record in the NBA I don’t really get that why not I don’t get it either I’m excited to see doc I I think I think if you have the best record in the NBA you should coach

Like okay if you don’t have the best in the in your conference the players can’t the players can’t players can still play they played the year before why can’t the coach coached from the year before what’s the difference [ __ ] uh I don’t I’m not that passionate about it but

Just thought it was a weird a weird rule I asked Joe what he remembered about the All-Star experience last year and he was like I was studying guys body language and you know they were like when they were comfortable I was like oh all right you regret asking that question you do

Regret asking that question he he he was going behind the scenes studying the competition yeah they created they created the rule after Joe moua with was was the coach like that guy weired everybody out let’s make a rule that let’s make a rule that uh yeah the coach

Can’t coach ever again how about that like he just he just kept looking at my body all game yeah he wasn’t even telling me what to do just kep he was looking at my like my midsection I’m like am I going in you know by the way

And plus you know you know if I if I had to guess Joe’s just not that kind of guy to be like isn’t this great guys let’s all team together like’s this isn’t my team so I could see Joe just not into that like yeah yeah some of these guys

Are on my team but like why don’t God the allstars must have been like what is this guy’s deal but you think he was full Joe though I don’t know if he’s like I don’t know the coach I also wonder is Grant Williams like who just got recently dumped a

Really embarrassing breakup going to show up and be all gr again 21 points night I know but like I know comes here comes the grant Watcher Bobby those Hornets undefeated Here Comes Bobby on his horse someone just say something bad about Grant comes in to defend

Grant that’s a good question I’d love to see Grant with the with the um hi Dame hi Dame Lillard nice to meet you I’m Joe are you married okay hey Yannis how are you are you married do you have kids LeBron kids if you had children you’d know what

I know anyway take care yeah so playing or what yeah that’s why you don’t have kids shiron sheron’s been holding his head for like 10 straight hey have a good allar break everybody I know I know I know it’s just he just Joe he’s just Joe all right all right play the

Music yeah enjoy Indie fellas like I gotta play the C wait’s got for us I think no he doesn’t he said he was going to work on an outra he had a phenomenal game phenomenal forit out I I think it’s an option that did not sound like a chair it was a

Freaking chair it does sound like a chair

The Garden Report goes live following the Celtics game vs the Nets. Catch the Celtics Postgame Show featuring Bobby Manning, Josue Pavon, Jimmy Toscano, A. Sherrod Blakely, and John Zannis as they offer insights and analysis from Boston’s game in Brooklyn.

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  1. Jrue holiday is an amazing basketball player. Kind of mind blowing how impactful he is. Also, walshy got the worst whistle in the history of pro sports tonight.

  2. When do we say brown is the X factor on this team because we know what we gonna get from Tatum and porzingis as there most important players

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