@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Draymond Green gets knocked to the ground and stays there as play goes on around him | Warriors vs Clippers

[Highlight] Draymond Green gets knocked to the ground and stays there as play goes on around him | Warriors vs Clippers

by fbreaker


  1. JayMoney2424

    Shades of the Carmelo Anthony moment from when he was in Denver lmao

  2. PVT_Stanley

    I thought they were going to finish the game with him still rolling on the floor in pain

  3. Salad_Designer

    Why didn’t the refs call an offensive 30 in the key penalty?

    Edit: Offensive not Defensive.

  4. K1ngCrimsn

    PG really took a contested 3 in a 5v4 possession

  5. Damn, didn’t know “the code” included ignoring a teammate who is down on the ground for multiple possessions lol

  6. erictheartichoke

    This shit looks like wrestling Jesus Christ

  7. Zeppelin96

    Braindead shot by PG taking the contested transition 3 on a 5v4 lol

  8. tulaero23

    Not sure if this is karma but didnt he have a line against nurkic lying in the floor for 5 minutes?

  9. throwawayshirt

    Weird everyone managed to not stomp on Draymond’s chest.

  10. fortesquieu

    His teammates didn’t even wanna stop the play lol

  11. Slow-Raccoon-9832

    He flopped. Did not get hit nearly hard enough to knock him to the ground where he’s unable to get up lol

    Trying to get a call

  12. am i wrong for laughing when everyone just kept playing? lmao

  13. Whole-Sheepherder253

    This low cardio having ass 🥷🏿. He can’t punch his way out of the game so now he faking injuries to leave the game.

  14. carryherpigeon

    Euro guy guarding him? Thinks it’s a battlefield, has to play dead to survive. They are his true enemy.

  15. frstyle34

    Payback is a bitch. Karma for you green. Someone should’ve accidentally stepped on his nuts too.

  16. Dear-Philosopher-149

    How exactly was that not a 3 second violation?

  17. winovic94

    Tbh if that was say Westbrook, Green wouldn’t stomped on him while he was in pain

  18. CoconutSands

    The last game against the Kings he flopped and laid on the floor for the Kings possession while Kerr yelled at him to get up. Eventually did after 30 or so seconds and pretended like nothing even happened. Guess he’s done this so much even the Warriors didn’t believe him to be seriously hurt anymore.

  19. Commercial-Chance561

    When the camera panned back after the next possession and he was still on the ground that shit took me out completely

  20. I still don’t get how he didn’t get called for a foul. He basically jumped up and karate chopped zubac. The dude gets away with so much it’s wild.

  21. GeoffSproke

    I’m sure I don’t understand the nuances of this rule, but… How in the world did he not get a technical for flopping?

  22. floppy_foul_merchant

    I can’t stop laughing, everything about this is peak Draymond. He wildly flung his feet around trying to kick Zubac in the dick and missed, hit himself in the face and then flopped and laid there on the ground for a full minute while everyone ignored him. I spit my drink out when the camera panned back to him STILL laying on the ground.

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