@Dallas Mavericks

Gilbert Arenas’ CRAZY Take on Luka Doncic

Gilbert Arenas’ CRAZY Take on Luka Doncic

Hey hey is this is this a horrible take G just think about it we we are trying to get it under our fantasy brother a hor George Mir on too is luk is Luca is Luca Dage right now the best Euro player ever at 23 years old because Dirk would have been number

One right and if like kid said he’s better than dirt right now would would he be considered the best Euro player ever right now yep I mean [ __ ] right I mean [ __ ] I ain’t I don’t know no other one you know anyone but what’s the

Crer dun is are we talking skills are we talking potential is jannis is your is still talking I didn’t even know that what are you including as European you got Joker you got Giannis Europe Europe gotta be Europe so yic y yic DOA Rubio all of those in the it be

It it’ll be either yage or job yeah no job Argentinian right if I’m not mistaken you can throw him you can that’s not Europe yeah I’m not I mean the fact you talking about just European as Germany France how about just CC how about this just make it Caucasian International International ccasian

Internationals is he the best right now yeah emmer yic no I think he’s better than joic man that skill because I mean because his resume from from on up is crazy I ain’t thinking about I’m just thinking about what he be doing on that Court like his I mean but that Euro

League MVP is a big thing man at at a young age like I I know you know the Europe but the European game at n at 19 20 years old getting your Euro League MVP is huge he was 18 if I’m not M that’s huge wasn’t Pat Bev a Euro League

MVP at 18 not 18 Pat Bev was he still was over there he still won MVP I think of the but when he’s over there all the players was over there but that criteria of MVP wasn’t really about it was like you can average 15 six and six P was the

Euro Cup MVP not Euro league okay Euro Cup yeah but that [ __ ] that he like we got to remember Luca was playing against Russ at what 17 like 13 like 13 was that 13 that picture that picture with Russ against when he played against Boston

Wasn’t he how old was he when he played against Boston that year 15 no I don’t know 16 no 17 16 16 cuz he was in the league at 18 so when he played against Boston that year he came in at the last minute of the game it was

16 17 he was I remember he was young I mean I mean so I mean even like just just the way he is right now let’s say jic is in front of him 16 so even though jish is in front of him right now because of the the backto back nvps and

All that stuff by the time Luca’s done because of where he is in age compared to joic he will probably go down as the greatest euru yeah yeah yeah I see what you’re saying yeah look against the Celtics when he was 16 that’s like rooky Rubio playing in in

The Olympics at uh [ __ ] I remember rooky Rubio was playing the Olympics in ‘ 08 I was on my way to Europe like I got to play against this [ __ ] so let’s expand the conversation now Luca 24 about to be 25 years old already with this level of Al

Accolades if we bring wimy into the F what does wimy need to do in these next five years to even get in the conversation with Luca let alone talking about broader goat debate just I mean just being just dominant I mean but [ __ ] you know what I’m mean I think he’s in

The conversation yeah what you said like you got to just be he got to be dominant like CH yeah just his Domin his dominance of his game yeah um he’s averaging what 19 right now this game is is I mean [ __ ] he can he can be obious I mean I’m pretty sure

Next year he be anywhere at the 25 to 27 a game it’s highlights at this point this the Highlight W’s averaging 20 10 3.2 blocks 2010 2010 and 3.2 block he averaging 27 next year think about it for sure so if you take the numbers out

You say all right the numbers going to be inflate they self the numbers going to do what they do inside those numbers it can’t be boring numbers like Tim Duncan numbers for him to be over he ain’t going to be boring that’s what I’m saying so his highlights is going to

Take him over the top what he does with them points what he does with them rebounds and blocks like the 10 blocks how he was blocking that [ __ ] and you know what I’m saying it’s like okay this [ __ ] this n you say 27 I think like Wy

Could be in the the 30 range just depending I know I know that’s what I’m saying like as a so Luca average what his first that first year points 21 points I mean yeah 21 points and then he jumped up to 28 NE the following year so

And it all depends on where he finishes you know year he got to be dominant like Shaq for that big in this like you it got to be blatant it got to be he he going to have to cuz we seeing he going to have to he going to have to stand out

In a different way nobody can do that [ __ ] that Shaq but if if you dropping a 10 block triple double say in his in in his game how he plays the game he has to be dominant in how he play I’m say dominant I’m not saying like that

I’m saying it has to be like it has to be known crazy but you got a 7 fo4 dude shooting one-legged three-pointers already already keep doing it then but my point is now as he he gets more comfortable in the league if he’s able to do that consistently and he’s not

Knocking down three to four threes a game with everything else is doing I mean it’s just it’s a just how smooth it looks bro just the way he does it is that’s what I’m I’m saying the way he does it it looks like Steph in a 7 fo5

Body like it’s a upper body lower body thing like who’s up there Steph up there doing this [ __ ] like Men In Black I think it just needs to be something to where it’s like in this era where it’s like what the [ __ ] like it needs to be

That are you not seeing that already though I guess is the question no no yeah but I’m just saying in the next three four or five years like I like it needs to be just blatant like yo this is something we’ve never seen before for sure like Braun yeah

Gilbert Arenas Calls Luka Doncic The Greatest European Player EVER as he and the Gil’s Arena Crew examine the Dallas Mavericks Superstar’s resume and declare him the Best European Player of all time over guys like Dirk Nowitzki and Nikola Jokic.

Gil’s Arena premieres every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 11:30am PT / 2:30pm ET.

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/ @gilsarena


  1. Wemby is average 20/10 on limited minutes. He’ll make that 10 point leap next year and average 30/15 simply off of more playing time.

  2. This is one of the dumbest takes. On a regular day they do NOT say LUKA is the best player in the league now, so how is he the best Euro

  3. Please explain how this is a crazy take?! Gilbert is accurate as hell on this! And Giannis is Nigerian, he’s not European

  4. Giannis is European. You all so fucking dumb. First thing you think as European is white. That can be consider racist.

  5. The geographic ignorance, and the blending and confusion that a lot of Americans have with origin, nationality & race, never ceases to amaze me. It reminds me a conversation I once heard being in London, a black American tourist said to another guy, ' I didn't know there were so many African Americans in London'. And the other guy had to answer, 'They are just English'

  6. Give Wemby 5 years and there's no telling how crazy his stats will be. I'm a Mavs fan, but Wemby is altering what is possible in basketball. wemby can win DPOY and MVP… I didn't think anybody would dominate like Jordan, but Wemby can't dominate both ends of the court. In 5 years, Wemby will be unstoppable…. Back to Luka, He is killing it!

  7. This is a terrible take. Dirk went through Kobe and Pau, Russ, KD and Harden, and Bron, Wade and Bosh with Jason Terry as his number 2. Luka is not doing that

  8. wtf is Gil smoking, he says Luka is 23 but he will be 25 in ten days – his fact-checking is on the next level, he just says words to say them 😂😂 dude just dismissed 2 years of Luka's career

  9. Dirk won against LeBron Miami heat and played the KD Westbrook era we talking about the west and Kobe

  10. Jokic took all REWARDS and 1st dominate force for last 4 years overall …
    that disrispect is insane.
    I hope he will won much more… and shut all stupid and disrispect mouth.

  11. be careful…jokic becomes a devil in the playoffs and an even 30% better player.
    This league is easy for him and he play so easy…

  12. Denver without Jokic is lottery team…That how good he is…
    he take half of Luka shots per game…and average 26p.
    He won everything and Luka doesn't …
    And he will win more.
    If he care about scoring that much he will average crazy numbers.

  13. Dirk

    Dirk and Giannis are very close. Offensively skilled, defensively good, both willed their teams to a championship by themselves.

  14. "No one can do the shit Shaq did" says it all.
    They just see it from see it through the lens of the American way to play (read athleticism). That's what they scratch their heads and don't understand why Luca & Jokic toying with NBA defence because they have the 'fundamentals' and
    and uses the opponents' athleticism (read lack of fundamentals) to their advantage. Their knowledge of European basketball is as deep as European geography= none! Suggestion: next much more exciting topic- what can American learn from European way of playing basketball. 🙏🇸🇪

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