@Toronto Raptors

Raptors vs Spurs Game 54 (EMBARRASSING…) (February 12th, 2024)

Raptors vs Spurs Game 54 (EMBARRASSING…) (February 12th, 2024)

Normally I’d come on here and talked about wins and lessons but the lessons recently have been very few and far between coming into play the San ant San Antonio Spurs have lost seven consecutive games and they are 10 and 43 as of right now with two and a half

To play they’re up by 20 8 on the Toronto Raptors and they’ve been up by 20 for most of this game there’s no lessons maybe Grady but that’s it I feel I would normally feel very bad for the people who went to this game and paid way too much money to watch a

Game like this but you got to see the alien himself Victor wman Yama 27 14 five assists 10 of 14 from the field five of six from the line two of four from three two Steals and 10 blocks dude’s a monster that’s the price of admission itself for the Raptor sake thank God

He’s in town if this was Charlotte or Brooklyn or Washington I mean not Brooklyn Washington it would been much more embarrassing to watch sh out Kika k k ah damn it anyways on Twitter said the Raptors five of their last 10 games they’ve trailed by 20 or more it’s pretty ugly

Basketball you know what else is ugly watching the raptor top two scorers today be Grady dick and Kelly o linck what else can you say Scotty Barnes early in this game looked so passive there was one possession down the floor I think it was in the second

Quarter where he gets it across the timeline and I’m like Scotty let’s let’s get some offense here not one second with him having the ball in his hand did he look at the bucket not one time he has seven points nine rebounds nine assists shots three of 16 and he looks checked

Out I understand it’s a new team for him I get it it’s a bunch of new players I completely understand and respect that but again in the first half I turned the game on when it was 1210 I believe for San Antonio and the first three possessions I saw were Scotty

Turnover Scotty Miss shot I believe I could be wrong about that I can’t remember what happened the all I know was back-to-back turnovers in the offensive end oh and then a wide open shot that he didn’t try and contest it’s ugly basketball he had five turnovers today as well and there was

One moment in particular where it was an awful turnover by Scotty and they’re going the ball they’re taking the ball the other way in transition meanwhile he’s in the offensive end has his head hands on his head and slowly jogging back and they hit a three in the

Process I get it man it’s painful to lose and it’s painful to get your teeth kicked in every night but if you’re going to be a star and if you’re going to lead this team to the promised land at some point you got to be the best player on the

Floor and he hasn’t been he was not good tonight I think he was good again in the Cleveland game had the triple double 24 10 and 10 um and then Houston though had 13 on four 16 shooting and then you know 18 4- five 17

5-4 19 7- N I mean the nine dimes is nice but that was in 48 minutes of work he’s not I don’t know I don’t know if he just he’s checked out on the season or what but it’s ugly right now for Scotty Barnes IQ couldn’t hit shots to save his

Life today two of 12 shooting one of nine from three uh RJ Barrett you know I mean look a lot of these numbers are going to be lower because they were they only played 20 odd minutes Scotty played 30 and he’s Le actually Bruce Brown has 31 minutes right now and he’s leading

The team you know and the only positives I’m going to take away and that’s where I’m going to go right now also Shout Out Gary Tren Jun you know why I’m going to say that because dude has a combined okay so he had 14 against Charlotte but if you take out the

Charlot game the Pelicans Rockets Cavs and tonight he scored a combined what is that he is a 14 uh 16 20 points in four games it’s not good this dude wants to get paid it’s not good enough two or seven from the field today and didn’t take a

Three whatever Grady dick I’m going to go right to that positive because it’s the only thing I got 18 points couple boards 7 to 10 shooting four of five from three started out red hot was a minus 12 on the floor he’s starting to find himself man

He he’s he’s finding that release the confidence offensively is getting there for for Grady and he has been on fire the last little while uh it’s it’s really fun to look at and fun to watch because that there’s nothing else fun about this team right right now there really

Isn’t and Kelly o LX 175 and2 6 of 10 from the field four or four from line one of four from three had three steals in the game minus 20 for the love of God he’s going up against wemy what do you expect you know um and there’s a final score was a

12299 you lose by 23 to a team who lost 10 games all year or 11 10 games all year and you’re at home and people play damn good paid damn good money to go watch that it’s ugly man it’s it’s really really ugly uh the next game for the Raptors as

We get closer and closer to the end oh Pascal cakam makes his return to Scotia Bank Arena on Wednesday at 7:30 on H Valentine’s Day Happy Valentine’s Day Raptor fans you get to see the former guy who’s going to be in the playoffs we’re down in the dumps

It’s going to be a long road back up to the promised land for the Raptors there’s no light at the end of the tunnel right now so just hang in there all right so you know what that’s going to do it for this one if you enjoyed the

Video and not the game today cuz it was awful other than Wy cuz it was entertaining to watch and Grady dick on the Raptor side uh that’s it hit the like button if you guys enjoyed hit the Subscribe button you guys not already comment down below your thoughts on the

Video your thoughts on the game what you like what you not like from today’s game for the Toronto Raptors Twitter Discord Instagram Tik Tok all that great stuff is down below so follow up there if you have not done so already and I will talk to you guys leave St tomorrow

Night as uh they host St Louis Blues Scotia Bank Arena probably no Morgan Riley so we’ll see how that one ends up watch they’ll have a shut out right they’ll play great defensive hockey and they’ll get and they’ll win a game Leafs will leaf and as for the Raptors I mean

They’ll be on the court at least on Wednesday at 7:30 against the Indiana Pacers as we welcome back Pascal cakam to town as he just departed not too long ago so it’s the reunion is right away rip the bade off and get this thing over

With all right so thank you guys so much actually no yeah thank you guys so much for listening watching I hope you enjoyed the video and obviously not this game whatsoever we’ll talk to you guys then

The Raptors look sluggish and checked out right from tip-off as they lose to the 3rd worst team in the San Antonio Spurs 122-99!! Next up the Raps welcome back Pascal Siakam to town on Valentine’s Day, looking to just get through it!!!

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  1. that"s why you don"t give away Dennis Schroeder and Thadeus Young you need their veteran leadership in these tough times because Darko can"t get enough out of a weak team it seems. Even in the game they are playing well in oklahoma city Scottie Barnes checked out in the 4th quarter. Instead of Darko taking him out in that game he left him Darko has little respect from Barnes then he can loaf and still be in the game . Jordan Nwora plays 2 great games and Darko does not play him the next.The only reason Dennis Schroeder came to toronto was darko was the coach and Darko alieniates Schroeder by having him come off the bench instead of staying in his oringinal starting role ..Eventhough Darko is respected greatly in the professional Basketball World . He has not been pulled the right strings for the Toronto Rapters and that is why they play like this too many nights in this year

  2. A fella I work with has always said they are putting way to much faith in Scottie Barnes. By the time he develops enough to be that guy for the team, he won't be on this one.

  3. This fanbase is pathetic. I ain’t happy w Scottie’s performances as of late but how are people so down on him after glazing him like the second coming of lebron the past year? Dude obviously isn’t ready to be a number 1 but it’s apart of the growing pains. Have some patience

  4. With all the passiveness, crying to refs, and moping Scottie does on the court, if Darko were an actual NBA coach (he is not, but that's a conversation soon to be had) he'd realize, that it's time for some tough love. Start by giving him a DNP in the pacers game.

  5. To all the fans "Scottie is an All Star by declaration not by performance. Maybe he got some skills wich he hides most of the games. But he has not the mental strength to be a leader.

  6. Scotty Barnes should not be playing point guard. Too much responsibility on him. This was an awful for the Raptors. The game went bad when Scotty played point. Scotty at point guard is only good for his stats but not for the team. No matter if he succeeds he gives up too much at that position. He will not be able to guard that position either . Late game situations, the team will struggle.

    BTW: Wenby has brought back the need for a mid-range game to the NBA. That is a really good thing for the league. The league has gotten to be all
    About layups and threes… boring

  7. Masai Masai Masai. You are supposed to be running things and have the knowledge as to which players are the future of this team. Scottie is way too immature.

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