@Brooklyn Nets

Nets go belly up in 4th quarter again, as Knicks fans takeover Barclays.

Nets go belly up in 4th quarter again, as Knicks fans takeover Barclays.

Coming up the only guarantee in life is death taxes and the Brooklyn Nets blowing fourth quarter leads we dive in on the loss at home at the hands of the Knicks coming up next you are locked on Nets your daily Brooklyn Nets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team Everyday Brook yo ah yes my friends it is the lockon Nets podcast right here on the locked on podcast Network it’s your team the Brooklyn Nets every single day over there you’ll find Doug Nory I’m Adam arrick we thank you as always for making us your first listen of the day we are

100% free on all those great platforms and let you know today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers can get 150 in bonus bets guaranteed when you place a a $5 bet visit locked on to get started and Doug

10813 a loss at home to the New York Knicks and you’d say hey they’re a good basketball team that must have been a fun game to watch turns out it was violently painful he’s going to pop right in here off that hot mute he knows how to work

It there we go just another fourth quarter disaster uh two back-to-back games now where the Nets just completely fold in the fourth quarters if you combine the Clippers game in the Knick game uh those two teams scored 73 points against the Nets in the fourth quarter the Nets have scored 33 points they’ve

Not scored by 40 points in the last two games um games they had they were up you know double digits or more in a couple of these or these games they had the leads and they just completely and utterly fold and I just it’s it’s a Confluence of problems um they are they

They look discombobulated they look like they look like they just the other team’s going to lose are the the the other team feels like they can win the that’s just feel like they can lose it looks like those kinds of situations you know this is like a personal thing I

Remember back so real quick I’m gonna explain this is gonna take two seconds I played soccer in college our team was okay one year we but this you’ll see what I’m going on this second one year we were playing a team that was much better than us and we came out and

Scored two quick goals and I remember standing taking going for the kickoff like going for like the the for the the restart and the those guys said well I remember one of the GU Saidi not worried about it we’re still going to beat you

Guys and I and I remember I was like oh man and I believed it and we lost and that is all I can think about now I don’t think I was like that every game but that particular one I remember they were so confident that I was like two

Goals is not safe and we ended up losing three to2 that’s what I thought about these last two games where they go into these situations and they just it looks like they have no chance to the point where I was even joke we were joking about it but going into the fourth

Quarter it was like it feels like they’re this is just kind of destined to happen I hate being like that as a fan I think it’s a really really bad place to be and this team has just not giving you any confidence that they can close games out in any form or

Fashion and that’s just kind of endemic with the slide that they’re on right now yeah I mean listen you said it there I don’t like to be this way but going to the fourth the Nets were up by nine and I said how can you be any other way

Sorry to interrupt you how can you be any other way like sorry go ahead no no rightly right like in you and I who I think do a good job and pride ourselves at being objective and keeping even keeled and not kind of swinging too hard

On the pendulum of things it’s kind of impossible especially in back-to-back games like this and over this run that they’ve now been on to not feel like if it can go wrong it is going to go wrong and even though the Nets end up losing this one by Five Points in the fourth

Quarter it’s worth noting like it’s not just that they had a nine-point lead going to the fourth they also were still up by eight after Lonnie Walker hit a jump shot at the 712 Mark in this game like so it’s not in the fourth quarter it’s not just that they get to the

Fourth quarter it’s also that like it takes a while for the team to overtake them but it’s a slow bleed process and to your point about you know having that sense of the other team you mentioned playing you know playing the game and saying like ah we’re going to be okay

Here it’s even more than that it feels like to me when it comes to Brooklyn right now because not only is the other team because the Knicks aren’t necessarily a juggernaut by any by any sense but they’re a very very good team right now and getting better they traded

For OG we’ll talk about that I’m sure but it’s that the Nets this the equivalent this would be you scored two goals to go up early in that game and at the restart you looked across to them and said hey we don’t feel great about our chances you know what I me that’s

What it feels like it’s on the net side of it where they lack confidence because in a lot of ways I that’s what feels like happens in these fourth quarters is this is where you come out you kind of just keep playing consistently as you have and the other team goes away this

Happens in the NBA all the time hey it’s not going to be our night we’re a better team we know we’re going to win more basketball games but they got us here instead it’s almost like like the Nets entice the other team hey keep coming at

Us don’t no come on guys you can get over this hump if you just keep grinding here and these are all I know these aren’t things that are real when it comes to how players focus and how they drive and their intention and what they want to accomplish but everything that

You thought wouldn’t go well for the Brooklyn Nets in that fourth quarter went exactly that way including the final sequence where you’re down and it’s the play all works out wide open shot for cam Johnson I’m not just picking on him here but of course it

Wasn’t going to go in how could it possibly go in based on everything that they’ve taught us over the these last 20 plus games and it’s just and it’s it’s a sign of the sort of disor I would call it like almost like disorganization slash un like unclear outcome based like

Sort of like decision-making right so like the the lineups for these games have been all different the rotations are look all weird they it’s they I don’t even think the team knows like when they’re going into the final minutes who might even be closing I mean

Like when you look at the across the aisle at some of these other teams like the Knicks even without arenstein um or the Clippers like they at least know who their core guys are going to be right it’s going to be it’s going to like you know tonight you know it’s gonna be

Brunson it’s gonna be Randall it’s gonna be um OG you know these the you know these guys are going to close with these guys and like sort of where they can turn if things are going to go bad the same with the Clippers right now those

Teams have just have like sort of more high-end talent but you see the opposite happening with the Nets their fourth quarter rotations are all out of whack you’re not sure on a game- to game basis who like even going to be closing they were throwing out lineups I mean at one

Point what really solidified it for me and we’ll get into deny like much later here yeah but what solidified for me is the moment where he checks back in it’s the fourth quarter he checks back in it’s him Lonnie Walker cam Thomas I was like going to like fire off a tweet to

Say what is the thought process here like why are these and but but by the way I couldn’t even get it out because one minute later they checked them out right so and I was like oh this is what’s happening they don’t know if they’re coming or going like he checks

In for one minute and checks literally right back out of the game so that is just a sign that’s not even Dy related it’s just organization related like they don’t even know what combinations they want to play they’re always trying to pick this up on the Fly and when you get

Down to where the games really matter in the fourth quarter you’re seeing other teams who kind of have their s together dismantle them because they already know what they’re going to do they already know the plan and the Nets don’t know the plan and it’s happened it’s now

Happening time and time again and the irony that the thing that we talked about at the start of the year and early on about all right well they don’t have the elite level talent but they are very deep right and that’s such a strength for them that actually seems to have

Created now a problem for them when it comes to these rotations these combinations these cloning closing lineups some guys are performing better some guys are performing worse right now but just to your point familiarity consistency continuity when you when you keep rotating different closing lineups well where’s the expectation level right

It only takes a half a step to have your teammate not make the back cut you thought he was going to right or especially defensively not get the rotation quite where you thought it was and although I will point out here there was a sequence we’ll talk more in depth

Where both cam Johnson and Mel Bridges were basically walking step and step behind one another defending on the perimeter and leaving a wideopen triple on the right wing so communication issues abound here obviously the Brooklyn Nets lose this game obviously 108 103 uh we will get into the Spencer

Dwy coming up here in a minute there’s also something that I do want to point out I am going to Trend a little bit positive here ever so briefly Doug about something that I think the Nets can carry forward in the remainder of this season we’ll get into that in just one

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Only exclusions apply eBay guaranteed fit only available to us customers all right so as we continue the post game podcast here on the locked on Nets podcast we remind you if you want a little extra Taste of some of the key moments throughout Net’s history and

Not all of them have been great head over to weot sign up with your email and you’re going to get a nice little mailer coming out to you breaking down Jason kid era the end of the Superstar era some other really fun moments as well but it’s a great way

Just to kind of take a little walk back through Net’s history and also keep yourself in the loop as we have some really exciting things we’re going rolling out for all the Brooklyn Nets faithful in spite Doug of what’s been going on lately on the court we’re still

Locked into this team I’m not going anywhere it’s just that we’re going to hear us maybe get a little bit more irritated I want to talk about the glaring visual in this game from the Knicks and side of things when they stepped on to the court but just before

I do the one thing that I want to say positively coming out of this game is if you think that the Nets are going to make decisions when it comes to the deadline and move on some from some veterans we’ll talk about Spencer dwy you have to at least be encouraged by

The fact that you do get like good performances out of a guy like Dennis Smith Jr Lonnie Walker has a quiet night has a bad shooting night here but you’re you’re seeing I think these sample sizes specifically with Dennis Smith Jr that like hey we have some guys here that are

Just going to kind of naturally step into larger roles I think in another few weeks now the Nets can prove me wrong on this but I do want to try to take away the idea that this is why you had this depth on this roster coming in it’s not

Translating to wins right now but it does translate to having guys that could be a part of the long-term future of this team that’s as bright and optimistic as I can go well also I mean also we we skipped over it too before we get to this last it’s like bri Bridges

Did have a great game it gets totally lost like he scores 36 points on 14 for 26 shooting like the three-pointer comes all the way back like on the arc there yeah it’s going to get lost in the in the the muck and the Meer here because the the loss takes you

Know Center Stage you know getting Bridges like sort of like back on track with scoring is what you like to see it’s another brutal case where they should not you know it’s terrible to lose these big scoring games they have lost a few of these this season where

He’s turned in some big numbers so you know if we’re just trying to take out a few positives here I agree with your your your sentiment and also we’re gonna end up not spending a ton of time on a 36-point game which would not usually be the case but when you just

Blow another massive fourth quarter lead I don’t know how you you sit and talk about bridges 36 points it’s just it’s a shame but I it it’ be remiss to not at least mention it right yeah five out of the last seven games for him he’s been

26 points or better for the Brooklyn Nets and the other two were 17 and 21 so good performances for him yes and and to your point it’s like this is the thing that we kind of talked about for a while when is he going to get it together and

As he starts to kind of turn it on it of course has to come in these games where the net can teams scrap together wins visually Doug I’m all about visually it’s when the teams took the court tonight and also when some subs came in just the sheer size difference between

The Brooklyn Nets and the New York Knicks was it was just palpable to you know you see precious aoua standing next to nichas Clon you’re like my God you see Julius Randle who is a big guy but you’re like well Dorian finny Smith you don’t look particularly large next to

Him even all the way it’s not about guys that are tall it’s all the way down to Jaylen Brunson you’re like he’s just a thick body he’s got some muscle to him to be able to go into the paint OG and anobi looks enormous I think he got

Bigger just by putting on a Nicks uniform from coming from Toronto that to me to say nothing of Jericho Sims who you thought oh hardenstein will be out watch the netson take advantage no it turns out he’s gonna block four shots in the first quarter alone in this game it

Just you know we often mention this too about how the Nets have length and they have these These Wings spans great it does not change the fact when you are outgained by Mass probably by 40% in totality on the court tonight yeah look it was like the

Strength was is a it has been a real problem against some of these other guys it was a problem again tonight you mentioned you know Randall Brunson and it’s it’s good to mention Brunson too because he’s a really really strong player like the low Center gravity and

He can just stop on an absolute dime and he can just get a shoulder into you and create space and he just does all these little things that just you know you think you got him stopped and then all of a sudden all of a sudden he’s kind of

Wormed his way to the the basket again or it’s Randall where he’s just got you down in the block and he’s put a shoulder into you and then he puts another shoulder into you and it’s a layup right like and those things are really evident when you see it

Especially with a team that has a kind even like Josh Hart like they can kind of bring it in across the board it’s why I joked before about if they were to trade for Deonte Murray it’s like okay well that’d be interesting they they go from the skinniest team in the league to

The skinniest team in the league like they it’s just they there’s it’s just funny that that would kind of fit the mold of player that the Nets have kind of brought in here and yeah it doesn’t happen every single game where you see it really highlighted or really

Accentuated but this was definitely one of it was all game long like and it doesn’t just mean you know outstrength someone on just like a physical rebound or going for a ball like just creating the space that they need to get the shots that they want off like Randall

Has shots that he wants to get off Brunson has shots that he wants to get off the Nets have trouble with players like that in providing a lot of resistance they have trouble providing a lot of resistance around a lot of different archetypes um but the but this

One was for sure a problem that you kind of saw all game long there were times where they styed it a little bit but it’s just another example of you know the Nets being a not being a certain way and other teams finding ways to take

Advantage of it yeah and and again you know it’s like even that too I feel like when we come in after these losses you you look at a thousand different bullet points right I mean it can be as simple as you got outscored 32 to 18 in the

Fourth quarter right I know that’s where we started this conversation another blown fourth quarter lead you know the trend where you won the first and third quarters you had mentioned this going back to the last episode where I think they had won six or seven quarters in a

Row before they had that blown forth quarter against the Clippers well they won two out of three in the first three quarters tonight and again you get to that fourth quarter and it starts to get away from you and frankly you know the Nets outshot the uh Knicks here from

Beyond The Arc 36 to 35% effectively but they took 42 from Deep here the fact that this team and something that we haven’t really mentioned specifically about this roster overall they have gone the total opposite direction when it comes to the perimeter shooting in totality they are the worst team in the

League and when you come into a season and you’re going to hang your hat not only on that you’re a three-point shooting team and you have a lot of guys that can do it but that we’re going to do it at volume well guess what that’s how you walk yourself into real problems

Here and it’s it’s one of the points I want to make sure we got to that they had a lot of open looks like that there is the little part of this this story is not just about Nicks being more physical not just about the collapse there are a

Lot of moments where there are a lot of wide openen looks that the the the process is correct and the result is poor the problem right now is that like yeah unfortunately the results have been consistently poor and it just feels like there is a a certainly a a a angst

Around this team as they approach that deadline that’s not to give excuses but it just feels like everybody in the organization has some level of like so what’s going to happen next and it ties into the theme you mentioned there’s no organizational set idea from the top off

The court all the way down onto the court and the sets and rotations you’re going to run and and you know to go back to the three-point shooting for a second it’s an example of like the Nets this current roster has no room for error like they have no margin for error they

They don’t have the ways like they’re not getting coached up in ways that are like really elevating the team at all they’re you know they’re not running offensive sets that I mean they ran they ran some early sets that I really liked with Cam Johnson they were running

Johnson Off motion stuff to get Bruns him him on Brunson like over and over again and basically shooting over him I was like oh this works they never did it again like he was four for four and then he came back in and took two more shots

In the next eight minute like they don’t even even the things that work they don’t necessarily go back to and then you know they don’t have you know teams have like margin like when to use the Knicks as an example you have Brunson and Randall it’s like hey you know break

Glass in case of emergency we can get Randall in the block we can get Brunson oneon-one and try to Pivot his way maybe he can get to the line like they have these little ways that they can kind of like like reenter themselves the Nets don’t have that so once they don’t have

That and then they also don’t make their threes it’s kind of just booked like you know what I mean they just what are they gonna do there’s no other way for them to win and this has been a story for the last few weeks now they can’t hit the

Threes with any kind of consistency and when that’s gonna happen I can just tell you what this this the ending of the story is gonna be like because they just there’s so and and there actually highlighting of like when you even get this male Bridges game it’s like great

You got it you didn’t hit the three you you can’t win they just they can’t win and it’s it’s really tough road to Ho if that’s going to be if that’s just going to be the style they play because like they’re not getting floor elevation anywhere else

Like I said the coaching is not clearly not there the motivation to like stick all the way through these games is not there the rotations are not there if all that’s not going to be there and then you’re also not gonna hit the threes hey

This is why you’re two and 11 over the last 14 whatever you two and 13 I’m making these numbers up because there’s so many losses I can’t even count them all right uh we’ll get into some more stuff here in a second I do want to mention I do want to talk

Briefly about Den witty and we are gonna stay after everyone over got a ton of people in YouTube live much appreciated there so we’ll stay after and do some YouTube live stuff we’ll get all into the rest of that here in a second first let’s tell every better our

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There are a handful of guys that I want to get to here um Spencer Dy first and foremost I do also want to touch on Cameron Johnson because it’s an all-time great start and then kind of a classic Cameron Johnson never get used again and you were kind of mentioning some of the

Sets they were specifically running there Spencer diwy you you mentioned this at the top came in for a minute and went back out essentially got benched for the last quarter and a half of this game I I think the question that I’m running up against here now is and this

Goes back to agendas and what are you trying to serve here I get it guys gotta play gotta fill minutes but if there is some type of clear disconnect here I am hard pressed to think of another player on another roster in the NBA that is a guaranteed lock to start

And also a guaranteed lock to be on the bench to finish the game and that’s what we’ve seen over these last couple for Spencer dwy uh I mean the line was horrific uh 19 minutes zero points zero rebounds four assists zero steals zero blocks one turnover there was one point

Where he had an assist on a male Bridges uh it was in the third quarter he had an assist on a Bridges spot up and they and they called his name and I actually was like oh I legit forgot he was playing I like I just forgot that he was even on

The court and I actually had to go back at that point and check how many minutes he had actually even played that’s what I noticed at the stat line was just you know a bunch of zeros um and because they just they he just hadn’t shown up

Like hadn’t shown up on the screen and I was like 17 minutes my God like what has been going on here well the answer was nothing and I just don’t really know finish with a plus seven though if we’re just being clear good for him like the

It’s just such a weird I mean there’s been you know the rumors that he’s you know on this like kind someone else said strike and I think that was aggregated a little bit but the the the part where it’s like maybe he was looking for a way

Out and that kind of comes out and then he goes 199 16 three games in a row and you’re like oh it’s all back the problem is it’s too much of this like you’re kind of around and then you’re not around yeah right because the three games before that run was three points

Two points Five Points and it’s just really pretty tough to have your starting point guard have performances like this and it’s so weird too because man for so long Den witty was really I think a pretty steadying Force for this team lover like you know love him or leave

Him here there was you kind of knew what you were getting it would frustrate the fans at times right but you still knew kind of what was happening it was going to be sort of like ISO dribble Drive High pick and roll throw some lobs get

To the rim complain at the ref about not getting fouled or not getting a foul call but it kind of worked right like and there’s just none of that it’s all gone it’s all gone like they don’t do any of that anymore they they don’t run

Any of the pick and roll with him they don’t they don’t don’t really let him like sort of like top of the key cook I’m not saying that she’ll always do that but it’s just over like that if you watch videos of him like last year at

The end of the year compared to this year it is legit two totally different things it’s it’s night and day it’s different worlds like they’re not even they’re not even close to the same player and it’s highlighted in the game in the game stats at a nightly basis

Almost and and while I would be a little bit surprised if this was also the case like it’s it’s worth reminding that he’s the oldest net on the roster right and and listen the the precipice of when it starts to fall off a little bit usually doesn’t come you know Midway through a

Game halfway through a season but there is something there about him maybe not having the same athletic burst that he used to he still drives to the basket at times but that step is a little bit slower and then you just you roll it all into this ball of not being productive

And the hole that it opens up on inside of this roster now tonight real quick real quick let me just throw another St at you in his last six games yeah six games he has four games where he did not attempt a free throw zero free throws in

Four of those six games that size he’s actually one of the bigger you know quote bigger guys for who they have what I’m saying it’s like he’s not going to the rim he’s not pressing the issue they used to isolate him on bigger Defenders and try to get switches onto those that

That’s gone they don’t do that anymore and I don’t know anyway so it’s just like you can see all these little signs and he had that three- game stretch where it looked better right the the Lakers and Clippers in Portland like he was you know decently efficient and the

Assists there but it’s just too much of you’re not sure in a nightly Bas is what you’re getting so anyway this isn’t all about deny I do not think deny is the reason they lost this game by the way so it’s not that it’s just highlighting these like very heads

Scratching lines that you see from him that just don’t make they frankly just don’t make sense yeah from the last 27 games of last season after the trade where he went to the line almost five times per game 4.7 this season 3.6 and if you went back and looked at it you’d

Probably see that those numbers are descending from the start of the 2 8 in January 2.8 free throws game that’s that’s two free throw drop off from from last year right like and you need that out of him specifically inside of this role now the the other thing here for me

Too just to touch on a couple other points out of this game because I think there is there’s surprisingly a lot to kind of sink your teeth into so to speak Dennis Smith Jr now he gets the bump right less Spencer DIY you see more Dennis Smith Jr 29 minutes he goes four-

N five rebounds five assists like kind of everything you want here had five turnovers as well though and played dangerously with his five fouls down the stretch I was is interesting that Lonnie Walker only gets 12 minutes in this game here as well um and he had a bad

Shooting performance but Jack Von said ahead of this game because people have kind of been asking fans and media hey why not more Lonnie Walker he’s leading the league in threo shooting he’s 40 47% now it’s hard when Jack vongh says well we ask certain things on both ends

Of the floor so you can’t uh he he had the underneath foul in the Clippers game out on the perimeter against kawhai on the triple so it’s hey yeah you’re doing good things offensively but you can’t do that defensively so you need to earn your way into those minutes and it it’s

Just really it’s really hard it’s really hard to hear explanations like that given just that you you need guys playing you need guys shooting and I know it was a bad night for him in this instance but it falls into this category because to go a little long here the

Other guy that’s really been struggling lately is Dorian finy Smith he’s now I believe including tonight two for his last 23 from Beyond The Arc the three-point shot has completely Fallen off and it just encapsulates a lack of willingness to do different things because guess what tonight Dorian finy Smith still played

37 minutes in spite of a really bad shooting performance and being on a bad shooting run I don’t know what the easy answers are but it just continues the theme of try new things try different stuff and Jack vau and this coaching staff is always a half a step behind it

The Spencer Dey decision almost seems like Spencer Dey made that decision for them with his play right it wasn’t about them being proactive they continue to be reactive in these moments yeah I I just think I I wonder if the players are starting to feel the the strain of sort

Of not knowing right like the minutes have just been jumbled you’re not sure sometimes I’m not even sure if guys are like on minutes limits like cam Johnson played 25 minutes after you know starting the game really hot had 19 points he plays 25 minutes I is that a

Hamstring Rel or excuse me a cramping related thing because they want to keep the minutes low or is it just they can’t find ways to get them back in games like I or they just don’t trust it I I just don’t know if you look at these minutes on a nightly basis

Which I do every single night right like it’s they’re not one of the toughest teams to figure out but they’re not one of the easiest either and that’s usually a sign of like sort of just like discombobulation or just like you you don’t know if you’re coming or going

Something I’m trying to think of other examples like you know Utah was like this for a little bit but they’re like ah maybe they’re not like so motivated to win right um and and some teams like OKC yeah like their bench their bench unit kind of changes a lot but do you

Kind of trust that because they’re winning so I don’t know so it’s like hard to really knock it and when the going gets tough you basically know who their four or five are going to be like these teams that are just kind of all over the place with minutes um I just

Don’t it’s just they’re just so hard to trust and it’s like sometimes they don’t trust themselves or it’s like an overthinking process or they don’t really know and it just seems to be happening on a nightly basis they continue to run the same starters I just

Don’t know for how long um and but it’s also like I don’t feel they feel confident with any other group of five right like and so right like name the other five that should be starting or the you know the swaps I mean I can name other combinations like there’s other

Combinations I think you could like start denisi Jr and and and cam Thomas instead of uh Spencer deny and like cam Johnson or something right like I don’t know do that but they’re not going to do that because those guys are veterans and they make more money and I just don’t

Think that that’s like how the organization operates right now and so that’s not that by the way that’s not correct but it just seems to be like the way that they’re sort of flowing so I don’t know man all pointing it’s go no no I know and I know we’ll talk about

Cam Thomas a little bit in in the post pod pod obviously here too I will just say like to drill down on it one last time Cameron Johnson you mentioned whether it’s the hamstring you know only 25 minutes in a game like this 36 from male listen you sold Brooklyn at

Organization that that cam Johnson could be the two to male Bridges one and in a game like this you need you need 25 you need 30 from from cam Johnson right you need to come in and give you that performance over 35 Plus minutes in a

Game like this and then Nets don’t have that so you try to C together some of your parts and it just doesn’t exist he hasn’t played more than 30 minutes in a game in three weeks not two weeks sorry two weeks 25 29 23 27 23 23 some of

These were close games too like so it’s not and there’s no it’s not foul trouble and it’s not it’s not because they’re blowouts right like and so it’s just they must just want to cap it they’re worried about the cramping or whatever it is or they just don’t trust it or

Whatever the heck all right we’re going to get out of here on the Pod feed we’re going to stay around for a little bit got a lot of folks here well like we already started some questions on uh the Youtube feed here we’re g to get right

Into some of these fan questions uh coming out of it um we’ll do a Ben Simmons update uh for another episode because there is a Ben Simmons updates but we’ll do that on a later episode uh so if you have a question in YouTube just put it at lockon nets we’ll try to

Get to as many as possible make sure you go to we got Nets too weot grab that free ebook some fun stories that Adam and I put together really happy with that really happy with what we got planned going for we got andet to do that as

Well obviously my friends the greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing that you will make one that’s Elbert hubard oh Elbert or elron which one elberto oh Alberto because I thought we were gonna get like the uh the weird religion thing with Al

But we didn’t there no problem you’re one was one of the one the alltime great poets we back again tomorrow in a moment on YouTube talking more Brooklyn NS basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball yeah oh when the postgame podcast ends the post pod begins talking about

Everything including the most recent game and everything on the fan base’s mind we dive in baby boy coming up next you are locked on Nets your daily Brooklyn Nets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Roo full Vibes here on the postp Pod podcast but I’m noticing visually of a certain age you might associate this a little bit differently than I’d like you to so I’m gonna pop the top off on the glasses breaking everybody as we always say misery loves company and certainly

The Brooklyn Nets fan base has not been happy let’s chop it up here with some of these oh Doug’s got a whole bunch start up here not L good yeah we got a lot of really good ones you can just pull I I can start pulling some up come off here

Let’s start with Dwayne green why was cam Thomas not in the game down the stretch he played well on both ends of the floor and was shooting 55% do you think that if he played more we would have edged this one out um kind of In theme with what we’ve

Talked about he gives you a better chance I’d say but again the team is just constructed to lose more games than they’re going to win uh but that that’s my take I mean do you I mean should he should have he should have played a ton he should have played more minutes he

Should have played 30 plus minutes but here we are 22 minutes I don’t I don’t get the minutes from him 22 minutes like it’s too low I mean you have to I mean unless they just like he does take bad shots at times he took a few bad ones in

This game um can I say Van Gundy mentioned this on on the TNT broadcast he’s not wrong by the way yeah he was not Van Gundy was not wrong go ahead sorry yeah it was yeah it was um cam Thomas makes a lot of very difficult

Shots but he also takes a lot of very difficult shots so he’s willing to do it right because he believes he can and he can you would probably say 85% of his looks are of the difficult variety because he wants to get him to a spot he

Wants to try to make it you thinks he can be the leader of this team from a scoring perspective and I think it does lead to some ugly looks sometimes and just some difficult shots that are more likely not to go down right uh yeah yeah I mean like I think

He should still be in there for like 22 minutes feels a little low too maybe they felt like he was just underz and nicks do run you know do Trend pretty big but like even with like du McBride out there I think it matches up okay I

Like I said they went that one den witty Lonnie Walker cam Thomas lineup that’s a total head scratcher thank God like it was almost like a mistake like Dy checked out so quickly that they were like hey what’s going on here like you checked it’s like Dy checked himself

Back in and he wasn’t supposed to or something I don’t know I’m done I’ll be honest with you I’m done trying to figure out what the plan here is with him like I I we’ve guessed at this so many times I I can’t guess anymore I

Don’t know I don’t I don’t know what the plan is I don’t know how they view him I don’t think I don’t know if they see him as an organizational piece or not I don’t know if they like them who knows your guess is as good as mine I’m done

I’m done trying to guess none of it makes sense to me I will quickly it would make sense if they didn’t like him I could figure out I could find reasons why I don’t think they shouldn’t but or it make sense for them to love him I

Could make any case really I just have no clue how they think about it right right yeah my last click on that it’s just that you know again this hopefully this deadline does clarify some things if we think Spencer D would be gone if we think maybe Dorian uh sorry Royce o’

I don’t think Dorian fin Smith will ultimately be gone potentially but if Royce is gone you clear some things out and maybe that’s just it right like hey after the allar after the trade deadline we turn the page and cam really starts to get you know full run on this team

What they want to do how houseon the houseon Daye we’re but we’re out of the house yay I’m I’m a fan of JV but uh I get why it’s so hard to find uh to find lines as a coach but there is definitely team chemistry issues size

And point guard is a huge problem okay and I and I would say too like hey Jack vaugh is doing himself no favors here but but the roster is the roster right the problems they have are the problems they have so that’s not about JV now we

Can debate whether or not he’s using them to the best of his you know best of their ability and the best of the schemes that he puts together right this is my my case for why ja vau will stay will will last the season we already I

Think we talked about this in the podcast yeah the reason I think that he will not be fired is this very reason it’s like they they might not think he’s the best coach I don’t even know but they know they have to know the roster so flawed that even if you brought

Another coach it’s like how much would the next coach elevate it I’m not sure right and and you would just be such a RI it’d be such a risk to bring in a new coach to have them sort of like possibly fumble around with the same sort of inadequate roster and that’s this

Actually I think if if anything that’s why I think ja Vaughn’s job is the safest which just not correct but like it’s it’s just what I think is going to happen you just watched you just watched the Bucks fire their coach on a 31 and 13 team because expectations and you

Know whatever super well that’s CU jannis and Lillard didn’t like him that’s that’s a little different it is but by the way same the same coach that they ended up not liking is the one that I don’t know there’s a lot of things that came out about that since we’re on

The bonus it’s like I didn’t want who didn’t he didn’t want Nick nurse so he so he forced in a different direction Giannis not wanting Nick nurse only end up with a coach that he ultimately didn’t want either I find uh Superstars just to be a lot of fun I think they’re

Great and I can’t wait until we get more of them just tweaking the players with the ball Bridges cam Thomas cam Johnson uh don’t create open shots for Roy DFS Den witty and that’s why those three fell off we changed the way we play um I

I mean I actually I could actually make a case that in the very small 22 minutes there were at least two more beyond the two assists that uh Thomas had and he set up a CLA on a couple easy ones he set up guys on the perimeter the shots

Didn’t go down so you know sometimes again good process bad result it can make it look like you know it’s not going the way that it should be yes so I actually agree with a lot of this this take here because I think I agree with

100% out of these three like I think Johnson’s a zero I well I think that like the problem is the way one way for you to really create one way for you to be an all on ball Creator there are multiple ways but a big way is for you

To have your primary defender in a disadvantageous situation right like you either get past them and now they need to the other team needs to break help which the second you bring help there should be theoretically a guy open somewhere right um and so some of the

Best guys in the NBA like people that create shots for others will be able to get like their get themselves like the good shots or just force the other team into having to sort of scramble be out of position because you blew by your privary defender or you got a body on

Them or you just or you know they’re so good you have to bring help like sort of wherever they are the yeah because the Nets don’t have those guys like watch watch Bridges during a game he can kind of sometimes take his guy and he was doing it sometimes tonight no

He never gets doubled ever right um like they never bring help there’s no scheme against him it’s kind of just like hey hopefully the primary Defender can hold up and we’ll just live with the results and so like tonight he made some tough shots and you know they still won other

Nights it doesn’t and and but I agree with that statement like those guys can hit shots but in the part where they do not create for others they I think they do not create for others because because they mostly can’t beat their guy and in

The case of Cam Thomas he does not have great CT Vision like so it’s and he’s actually think he’s getting better there but I just don’t think he has it there yet no no and I I I will say uh they don’t because they can’t right like I

Guess like so the way that he gets said that I’m not just tweaking it it’s a good point but it’s like oh they like they’re not actively choosing not to do it they can’t do it and so it breaks down around that but it’s it’s a yeah no

Like again just watch defensive schemes like think about how other team how they scheme against like really really good players it’s like hey we need to bring help we need to hedge we you know like uh we need to chip these guys like we need to do something to kind of get them

Off no one does that against the Nets every once in a while you see when Cam’s cooking you’ll see them Blitz him a little bit that’s like literally the only thing like that none of the rest of it’s pretty base like you don’t need to

Do a lot of crazy stuff and then in the case of like the Clippers you can just kind of hold up with your main Defenders and then just crush them on the other side of the Court by going small or something like that like I I don’t know there’s just there’s there’s problems

Here now this from Al ma may have been directed at to full chat as well but you guys don’t have any patience I don’t think he’s speaking just to us I think he’s speaking to everybody here but we we we’ll we’ll respond the team might

Have to suck for a couple of years one day those Sons picks will pay off if you don’t panic sell the vets and embrace being a bad team I we generally agree with this perspective that that is what you should be doing and it should be

Okay to feel patient about it but again it our I think our response to we’re responding to what the organization said was going to be the path right going to stay competitive going to be a playoff team have talented guys if it turns out that male Bridges and Cameron Johnson

Are just not those versions of those players then it does at least change it and I think some some segment of the fan base it’s just going to take a little bit longer to come around to the fact of like oh we we’re never going to be a

Team that’s only winning 20s something games oh sorry it may actually be happening right now like you’re you’re already in it and I think the idea was you’ll get a good year maybe a good two years before we maybe start to approach that or make a bigger swing yeah yeah I

Say I can have Pat I’m happy to have patience around what you think is like uh a good solid plan I’m concern that they don’t have a good solid plan like I can have all the patience in the world I don’t think they have a direction right like they haven’t declared themselves we

Said that in the last episode like I could have patience on if they tried to strip it down and they lost these picks to the Rockets it would suck but I would sure be talking about the team in a different way yep like it’s the frustration is that you’re just not it’s

So unclear that that’s that’s what it is it’s not that it’s not that we’re fully aware of the situation yeah it’s that I just don’t know if they have a clear if they even they understand what the clear path is nater hoping to see you in the next Presidential run uh was really

Hoping cam Thomas would get 35 minutes a game after the trade deadline but it will never happen under JV that could very well be the case again Doug said it before we’re not entirely sure you know if they have a problem with him if they don’t have a problem with him what

Exactly their feelings are around him this would be a case coming just off that last one I would a little bit of patience on this just in this just in the sense that things could look dramatically different after the trade deadline and if they make certain decisions around veterans then we’ll

Know very fast because either Cam’s Thomas starts playing 30 plus and 35 minutes a night or they must hate his guts because then we’ll get to a place here potentially where there’d be no excuse not to be giving him long run and allowing to develop even more so than

There already is sorry I was reading through some comments who’s that about cam Thomas yeah that was a good it was cam Thomas he should be playing more and maybe after the deadline he gets there we don’t need to we don’t need to bat that one back he should be playing more

It’s like it’s it it makes no sense with the way this team is now unless you like for sure knew that he wasn’t part of the team and I don’t think they actually think that then there should be ways for him to play through some of these flaws

And and to really get coached up on the ways to improve like better CT Vision quicker passes out of doubles don’t take wild shots like try to cut down your wild shots down by like 25% something like that right with like you know maybe some implications around not being you

Doing it but also allowed to run the offense as a point guard for short periods and just live with the downsides I it’s very clear to me that they should be doing they trying these things I I don’t but I just don’t think they want

To and and not that I want to give the organization or the coaching staff any type of um wiggle room on this but it’s also like I know he’s in year number three so we’re kind of beyond that threshold but it’s like Hey listen you’re take if you’re taking this very

Long developmental approach with him I can like I can tolerate it to an extent again the results of this season are only heightening the questions about other things including cam Thomas we said that he should have probably been starting to begin this year there was a

Case to be made that he should have been very close to six-man obviously big minutes get into the starting lineup Etc and he they didn’t do it last year down the stretch developing him so they clearly have a flawed process this genre May is a uh good conversation topic

Potentially for an entire episode I would put a question mark here should male Bridges consider requesting a trade from the Brooklyn Nets he’s not at the Star level where you think he you know he’s capable of doing that but but if you’re M Jonathan kaming asked for a

Trade so buddy heal asked for a trade you can ask for a trade if you want to like it’s honestly though like you know we’ve talked about it as oh should the Brooklyn Nets be willing to take off or should they be open to anybody and everybody what about the two-way street

Right like what if some of the guys here walk in the door and go I know you said XYZ but guess what it doesn’t look like you guys are are fulfilling that path and that may include whether or not the Nets are going to go add a player at the

Deadline or if they’re going to kind of stand Pat you said this last episode you think male Bridges wanted to be signed up for hey like making decent money you’re the face of the franchise a franchise that stinks like that that’s what your legacy is going to be helping

The team ride to the rebuild over the next two or three seasons I do find that I do find this at least a little bit fascinating from from like that yeah an interesting quote after the game I was kind of checking in on some postgame quotes while we were podcasting and he

Was like he registered some disappointment cuz about how loud it was in favor of Nicks fans at Barclays tonight which is like very I mean completely evident right it’s like and I don’t really that this is It’s funny this kind of thing does not bother me I

Know there are fans out there that would this will bother like this is just not something I get too wrapped up in but bother players though but it but it clearly bothered him and he was I don’t know if he was asked about it or if he

Was just commenting on it because he said uh it’s not fun when you feel like you’re in an away game at home um and so he he went on to say a little more so I don’t know it’s probably just it’s probably nothing but you know on the on

The heels of you know would Mel bridg ask for TR I don’t think he would like at least right now um I don’t think that’s likely or at I think it’s like I put like 1 perc or something like that but the fact that we even I wouldn’t put

It at zero so say like maybe and we we can get into it deeper another day potentially but like I would say uh next trade next trade deadline I would I think a very likely conversation we would be having is male Bridges and Shawn Mars met you know met the

Organization met behind closed doors and have agreed to kind of you know figure out what next step should be right like we just kind of we kind of both agree we should go in a different direction here potentially uh Rob Monroe I love I love the play on spelling here what a

Fantastic job how would you assess this organization’s development of Cam and CLA on cam Toms we already talked about I I think it’s just been way too slow Nicholas claxon I think has been pretty good overall the problem is that he if you say he should have developed a sh a

Shot you know I don’t know if that’s a part of him he should have gotten stronger bigger maybe I think he’s a very good player but he has a very specific role and that’s just a function of him cam Thomas is just like Hey we’re three years in and we’re we’re still

Waiting for the journey to begin in a lot of ways I mean if you if you go by where guys are taken in the draft and where they are now how can you look at claxon as anything else but like a resounding W like he it’s a massively

Great story like I know PE I know expectations and the the goal post starts shifting as you get better yeah this guy was a the 31st pick in the second he was in the second round like he and now we’re four years later and he’s GNA get what like 20 million as a

Free agent like that’s great development I I don’t like now whether you want to put on the player or the organization I mean that’s up to you but I don’t see how you look at the development of claxon as anything else but like a huge

Win but I know where I know how the conversation begins to change because he was like oh last year he was in the defensive player of the year category I mean part of that was he was really good and part of that was Kevin Durant was on

The team like so and and and that matters when you’re talking about these dpoy stuff so I think in terms of him I think it’s just I mean it’s such it’s such a massive w i i don’t really can’t really put it any other way with C cam I

Mean he’s also probably played a above draft slot I I don’t sometimes I can’t tell what’s chicken or the egg with him but um at this point but like I said I I think I’m out of the guessing on cam Thomas game I think I need to take that

Out of my repertoire I’m not good at it one other thing before we hit this last one from Jay I will say that um I I there’s no world where the Nets are thinking about this like this but we know that conversation they were having this around the Nicks and Jaylen Brunson

Can your best player be a small guard right and win a championship and historically speaking no you can’t be and I just wonder in the in the grand scheme this isn’t about the organization about Thomas as an individual but it’s like if you’re tracking him in two years

To maybe be the best player on your roster what what are you tracking yourself towards right like again high level scorer but we’ve seen a lot of iterations of a lot of teams around the league over the last 20 years that that do not win at a high level when this

Ends up being the guy I don’t think it’s informing anything they’re doing right now but it’s just an interesting footnote one of your best developing young players is also a guy whose Talent will be mitigated unless you make the the big moves unless you go for Superstars and then he is your number

Two or three behind a real stud right if he was playing with Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving off ball you know on on ball with Kyrie playing the two guard yeah it probably would have been amazing if only that was an opportunity the Nets had at any point along the way to test

Out and see how it could have functioned this will be be interesting I get out of here in a second but this year will be interesting because there’s a lot of teams that are really in the mix like of Championship caliber I would say they’re all built like mostly pretty differently

From each other but they’re all kind of built the same too which is like they have you know highend talent but mostly like they have you know big wings or big centers yeah um and like that is kind of the formula because if you look at like

The Celtics it’s like you know they’re huge and they have like you know wings that can score obviously the Bucks you know that 30 it’s so funny is there another coach that’s been 30 and 13 that’s gotten fired like that’s crazy 30 and 13 they’re like

Get out of here but but you know they have yanis and they’re going to deal with Dame and then obviously the Sixers with embiid and we’ll see where the Cavs end up Landing there Cavs will be an interesting test case for what you were saying because they’re built a little

Bit differently like a little more just kind of guard heavy but then they’ve been really good and they’ve also had played Without Garland and Moy and then you go to the west and it’s like Shay surrounded by some like bigger wings and you know maybe a generational Center and

Then you got the Wolves who are huge and Nuggets who are you know pretty damn big and the Clippers who are big and guys scor on the ball anyway long story short is matchups are gonna be fascinating match up kind of they’re all built kind of differently but they’re all kind of

Not built that differently right it’s like it’s they’re huge and they have some onall creators that are also kind of huge and then they kind of mix and match other talents in different ways but and when you just look at that it’s like you know how do the Nets stack they

Just don’t right like they they just don’t stack with with those kinds of guys and sometimes you can do your best job of deciding where a team would land by looking at the good teams and think of how many Nets guys would start for those teams yeah yeah you’ve brought

Before and you’re like you know it gets interesting when you start to do that go take this Net’s roster and do the exercise where you put these guys on to another team who how many bridges starts with probably everybody and everyone else is kind of a question mark yep like

And it’s gonna kind of depend on the team and I think if you just kind of and right down to Claxton by the way and I think if you I think if you look at it that way you start to get a sense of where the Nets are because the these

Guys just aren’t walking onto the other teams and playing that much yeah yeah an 80% bench a 95% bench roster effectively then is what we’re saying is a hard team to win a lot of basketball games last one Jay didn’t want to leave you out here has JV

Lost the locker room he lost a lot of respect with that bucks benching and all the Curious shots of his players in the media seems like they want him fired and I agree I don’t know if they want him fired or not but I will say especially

After that bucks one like M another another instance of male Bridges like he was not happy about the idea of not of not playing of not going the full boat of being taken out and effective rested right like I I at a minimum when you are

Not a great basketball team or even a good one right now which the that’s or not as a head coach I I think there is some level where like you need to be pretty in tuned with where the personality of your team is right the pulse of these guys and win or lose

They’re likely to have your back if they feel like you’ve been serving kind of their agendas on the court right so there’s been some there’s been there’s been a lot of head scratching moments for Jack vaugh but I I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s at least some

Segment that doesn’t want him there oh yeah uh by the way I sorry I I know we’re in the bonus part of that I missed what you said I was I was making I was arguing with someone about teams that Claxton wouldn’t star for H honestly honestly it was such a good commentary

That I provided it would have only been damaged if you had given any feedback so that’s the good news there by the way real quick that wasn’t a knock on claxon I’m just saying he he’s actually exed out because some of these other teams just have awesome centers so it’s like

Yeah by the way some of the reason people want to trade potentially for claxon is because they’re like oh if we had him not a knock on him coming off the bench for us oh my God if he was our versatile weapon that you could use differently yeah 100% yeah that’s not a

Knocking him it’s like he’s not going to start over embiid he’s not gonna start over yic he’s not GNA start over jannis and Lopez he’s not Jared Allen like he wouldn’t start over over Rudy goar he wouldn’t start over Chad alth he could start next to Chad like and so that’s

That’s more what it is it’s like he’s not sometimes you can get x out of situations because you’re not versatile enough that’s probably that’s more of his thing it’s like he’s just not he can only play the five and when you can only play the five you can’t play two fives

Together when you’re a three a small forward Wing type you know you know a three four well that mixes the matches a lot better so you can f you can fit in better when you’re a small one like Brunson or like you’re a big five like Claxton right who can’t stretch the

Floor well that just does limit the the number of teams you can play on it’s not necessarily knocks on them it’s just that it’s harder to mix and match guys at the opposite end of the positional curve like in the middle it’s the middle it’s easier to kind of plug and play

That’s all I meant yeah 100% so at the end of the day the Nets lose another one here we keep getting closer to the trade deadline we’ll see what comes up next we have things about the Ben Simmons update coming up we’re going to discuss we have things about the trades obviously uh

Terry Rosier going to the Miami Heat the conversations around Fallout from a Lakers Atlanta trade and if the Nets should be interested in ending up with D’Angelo Russell back on the roster so we have a lot of things for off days we’re going to talk about in between now

And next week um so just be locked in right Doug you take us out the door I mean that’s your job so pip off I’m still arguing about this CL and things everyone misunderstood what I was saying so get us over on YouTube obviously a lock on Nets subscribe we love

Subscribers we’re pushing towards 7,000 we appreciate all the support as Doug would tell you it may be a little old happy go to a podcast feed give us a f star review if it’s not five stars don’t give the review find someone you love tell them to give us a five star review

We really appreciate that and obviously on Twitter locked on Nets Doug Nory Adam arre we’ll be back again uh tomorrow breaking it all down I was trying to find a quote here let’s do it on the Fly this always goes really well for me if your thoughts are as tall as the height

Of your ceiling you can’t fly above your room man that’s a really good quote I wish it wasn’t from Anonymous we’ll see you next time talking all things in Brooklyn that’s basketball I flew solo on this episode what a great job by me basketball basketball basketball solo show basketball basketball basketball yeah

The guys breakdown the Nets game, back at home taking on the Knicks and looking to shake off the ugly Clippers ending.


  1. I dont have much to say other than everyone from the top down should be fired. Nothing more to say that hasnt been said. It's been 8 yrs of this regime. It's a failure. He doesnt deserve another shot at hiring another bad HC. Fire him and his HC

  2. The true Nets fans will understand a REBUILD. Not sure if Sean needs to stay or not but JV needs to go. Trade Mikal, DFS, Royce and CJ and start over.

  3. Lonnie was heating up start of the 4th. But Jacque takes him off yet again for CJ who hadn't hit a bucket since the 1st qtr. Nice move coach.

  4. Maybe Spencer Dinwiddie's performance, lately, is retribution for the way he was treated in the past and now by the Nets. In his first stench with them years ago, he was a very important rotation player. When he got injured, he wasn't retained because the Nets had other priorities. He ended up with the Wizard and then the Mavericks. He was acquired from them only to make the salaries of him and DFS match Kyrie's contract for that trade. He see that the Nets don't plan on keeping him in the future. He's subject to be traded anywhere that suit the Nets interest. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why it "appear" that he don't care no more about the Nets than they care about him. I think he want to be traded before the trade deadline.

  5. Milwaukee wasted no time with Adrian Griffin off a 30-13 record! This shows Sean Marks is trash and need to go!!!! We are wasting time on yet another coach!! Brooklyn needs a new regime in office so badly! Otherwise it’ll always feel like an experiment

  6. What is there left to say? This team doesn't fit together. JV isn't a good enough coach to figure it out. He's creating confusion and once you get into a losing spiral it's hard to pull out. There's way too much uncertainty from the top down and there's no sense that they want to figure it out this season. In fact, they seem to be acting like this is a throwaway season. I hope they have a plan because it doesn't seem like they do

  7. Why is this a such a surprise? KD and Kyrie came here on free agency. Sean gutted draft picks to pick up Harden. Harden did a Harden. Got an injured Simmons and few pieces for Harden asking a trade to Philly. Kyrie and KD packed up and left town. Sean is now left with a few pieces and no draft picks of Nets own – so losing doesn’t help. 😤

  8. My hockey team fired their terrible Coach & brought in the best possible replacement in Patrick Roy. My football team fired their terrible Coach & hopefully are close to bringing in the best possible replacement Jim Harbaugh. The Nets fired their terrible Coach(Steve Nash) & brought in the best possible replacement in Ime Udoka. Oh right, they didnt. Our pathetic Owner decided a negative 72 hr news cycle was more important than 5 years of great leadership. Even among the poorly run Sports franchises the Nets are in their own category.

  9. @Doug Norrie last night JV talked about putting Cam in to close at PG but likes a ball handler next to him. Is this not more reason to go after a player like Dejounte due to the fact that he is a big PG that would allow you to play Cam while the team not looking undersized?

    I can’t think of a better point guard that’s available that could pair with Cam in the backcourt and it not looking like a liability

  10. Nets fans should protest and stop showing up to the Barclay's center for games. Until Jacque Vaughn is fired.

  11. Fire JV. Claxton can't be a legit 5 in this league. Twig gets pushed around and bullied by just about anyone in the NBA. Time to trade him for picks and gear up for 2025

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