@Golden State Warriors

Klay has 19 games this year where he has shot 30% or less from 3. In those 19 games, he is 28/139 from 3 (20.1%); As Mentioned, GSW are 3-0 when Klay is a DNP & 16-9 when he plays < 30m; GSW are 10-17 when Klay plays > 30m; It is plain as day, Klay should be playing, at best, limited minutes!

Klay has 19 games this year where he has shot 30% or less from 3. In those 19 games, he is 28/139 from 3 (20.1%); As Mentioned, GSW are 3-0 when Klay is a DNP & 16-9 when he plays < 30m; GSW are 10-17 when Klay plays > 30m; It is plain as day, Klay should be playing, at best, limited minutes!

by ladcrp


  1. 28/139!

    That is **111** Klanks in just **19** games.

    That is a hell of a lot of easy fastbreak buckets for the opposition.

    Playing significant minutes THIS SEASON should not be as a result of a Lifetime Achievement Award.

    It should be based on performance THIS SEASON.

    It is called **A-C-C-O-U-N-T-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y.**

  2. SummerGoal

    The numbers don’t lie. He can be a bench 3point specialist but that’s it

  3. wubiwuster

    I’d like to see more granular data though. Like for that 16-9 under 30 min are those games we blew out and he didn’t have to play? Or do those also count close games where Klay was benched.

  4. balahbalh

    Where was all the talk that hes a slow starter???

  5. For the life of me, I don’t understand the “Ride or die with Klay” attitude that some have.

    Steph is still one of the best players in the world. They need to maximize his window, not worry about feelings.

    The 4 championships are something we’ll always appreciate, but they should not effect 2024 decision making.

    A legacy contract extension would not be a smart move either.

  6. Letronika

    Someone PLEASE have some accountability (Coach Kerr? Lacob? MDV?) and reduce this guys minutes. Klay ain’t gonna ask for it and we won’t even have a shot at making the play in if he continues to average 30mpg

  7. the sooner klay supporters and kerr himself recognize and treat klay like the player he is now rather than the player that he once was the better it is for this warriors team

    klay more times than not seems to be playing for klay and trying to prove to everybody including himself that he’s the player he once was while also likely thinking about & playing for his next contract and that has hurt this warriors team way too many times this season

    where klay’s offense and especially defense has gotten worse even when compared to recently as the second half of 2022/23 when klay looked like the klay of old at least offensively

    last 42 games 2022/23 … klay averaged 24.2 pts on 46/43/87 splits in 34 mins and had a positive +/- and net rating while on the court

    i can’t imagine klay performing as well and or putting up anywhere those caliber of shooting stats the rest of this season for a long duration of play

    klay is a role player from this point on in his NBA career, not the #2 or even a #3 option anymore that he was once for the warriors or any team who has serious contention aspirations going froward

  8. 222thedome

    Look it’s going to be a bumpy road but he’ll figure it out. It’s Klay

  9. ArtfulLying

    It’s one thing to play bad. It’s another to utterly refuse to acknowledge and change anything about your game when you are playing so badly over such a long period of time. Only gets worse because the team refuses to do anything about it.

  10. unspooling

    I get why we’re jumping on Klay specifically today, but it’s unfair. He was definitely un-clutch and that was a horrible, horrible foul. But THEY ALL PLAYED TERRIBLY in Q4. Let’s just please recognize that he’s getting all the heat TODAY, unfairly, because he’s not been his usual self all season. His typical slow start usually resolves itself in Dec/Jan but we’re now in February and he’s still not himself. We all get that and can see that. He has not been “Klay Thompson” all season long and the criticism from previous games is all warranted. But as for last night? Everyone who played in the 4th quarter contributed to this loss. Pod missing TWO technical FTs? Steph turnovers? A bunch of missed layups? Etc. Klay was having a good/okay game and blew it in the 4th. The thing is, everyone was having a good/okay game and blew it in the 4th. It’s not all on him, so let’s not pile on.

  11. Substantial-Memory85

    It’s getting to a point where it will be toxic and leak over into the locker room affecting the vibes of the team. All these young guys watching a sour washed vet lose the team several games and still get over 30 minutes. Like bruh, if we don’t make a meaningful run this year. I hope the off season drastically reduces his play if he wants to stay and I hope the young guys are still hungry for a run under just Steph and Dray and a possible new signing. its unfortunate but Klay is not good for this team anymore.

  12. Klay is that guy who doesn’t get his way. And while everybody is going about their business, he starts sighing louder and louder because nobody noticed him sigh the first time. It’s hilarious how childish this guy’s pouting is.

  13. That ACL really torn his confidence, poor klay. Hasn’t been the same Klay since than.

  14. PoolePartyVIP

    Whats the w/l in those 19 games? Like 3-16?

  15. Mister_Hangman

    I’ll die on the hill that Klay’s best days are behind him and he has too much of an ego to get out of his own way. If he wants any chance of a fifth ring he should bench himself. But he won’t because he’s “I got 4 rings” 4th quarter KlaynkTarded.

  16. 30vanquish

    Lol all this data says he should be sixth man minutes like 18-20 min. Give the rest to moody, GP2, podz.

  17. When he’s Klank Oubre, Kerr has to sit him. Kerr can’t let Klay shoot himself out of a slump with off balance 3’s when he can’t play defense or rebound.

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