@Golden State Warriors

Steve Kerr Miscues Lead to Golden State Warriors Squandering Another Big Stephen Curry Night & Lead

Steve Kerr Miscues Lead to Golden State Warriors Squandering Another Big Stephen Curry Night & Lead

Moses Moody what are your thoughts on sitting on the bench both you and your 2021 draft class teammate Jonathan kaminga how does it feel to sit there on the bench watching players who are not as good as you two lose another game for the Warriors oh I mean it sucks yeah it

Sucks it absolutely sucks this was entirely on the coaching staff more of the same crap we’ve seen all season it’s getting tiring folks this is locked on Warriors you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day thank you for Mak making locked on Warriors your first listen every day we’re free and available wherever you get Podcast and on YouTube We’re part of the lockon podcast Network your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by lock on Warriors and Hall of

Famer Rick Barry who’s making a surprise visit Rick how are you doing sir did you watch that debacle your reaction yeah well I was um I’m up a little late right now since I’m on East Coast time but um yeah I figured i’ watch it because I was really very

Pleased with the way the Warriors have been playing lately and said wow this would be so great if they can get this win going into the uh Allstar break it would be great momentum um looking dangerous even the announcers and all were talking about the warriors on on

The pregame show and during the course of the game and it looks like they have everything under control and then you know Steve talking about its defense it’s been getting this there and then all of a sudden they have a debacle in the fourth quarter and I think what

Happened is when when When Ty Lou got thrown out the Warriors lost their focus a little bit I think they thought they had the game one uh and to the credit of the of uh of of the Clippers they really dug down and and made a concerted effort

To get back in the game and started knocking down everything and it was uh it was disappointing to see to be perfectly honest and they really had even with all that craziness they still had a chance Steph misses the layup which was a big deal with a little over

A minute or so to go and then I mean they had to say it but I mean what was Clay thinking I mean you got you have 39 seconds to go it’s a three-point game you go when you play tough defense and that that just that made it very

Difficult for them no question and then they still had another shot at it they give up another offensive rebound and so they got themselves in trouble on that end so and just to provide context Rick for people who who didn’t watch the game were unfamiliar Klay Thompson uh with

The Warriors down three they score bucket he commits a completely unnecessary foul on on W Russ 39 seconds left three-point game you don’t foul I mean no you got if they used up the entire shot clock you still got 15 seconds left the whole thing is you need

To get a stop and then here’s the deal I mean it depends on how tough they played them if they if they could go down and force him to take a bad shot or get a turnover they actually have a two for one situation absolutely correct yeah so

Anyway the bottom line is is that that everything that could have gone wrong seemed to go wrong from the end and that’s a shame you know with Steph shooting the hell out of the ball and putting on a on a show uh very disappointing so yeah I just thought i’

Come on and just talk about because it was so positive going into Allstar break and and of course I was worried about the fact that they were doing a little short-handed the Clippers are short-handed what they’re thinking about but my God you want to talk about a team

Having two Allstar type of players on their team and this this team is so loaded it’s ridiculous I mean Steve B he’s got so much money I guess it doesn’t matter how much he’s going to pay in luxury taxes but I mean they have so many All-Star players on this team

And to their credit though they they got a win that they shouldn’t have gotten and the Warriors should have had that victory that that’s one that can come back to haunt them I mean just when they made it into the playoff picture again after being down so far and having a

Nice winning streak going along and playing some good basketball uh they got one more shot they got to turn it around though you know I mean and and Rick I don’t know if you’re aware this or if and this goes for the audience too the Warriors actually have one more game

Before they allar break right they got one more to get things back again but again it’s on the road you know and so they gotta go and they fly up there and go play one more game against Utah so hopefully they’ll find a way to win that one and kind of

Resurrect things it’s still a nice way to go in you know with a nice streak that they had going on be six and one I think going into the into the All-Star break and they’ll be back in a position where they can know that they can have a

Chance at least get into the play play offs uh as far as the playin situation goes but very positive stuff you know I’m so happy that kaminga has been able to maintain a relatively I I think a relatively good consistency doing stuff I I I mean with

This athleticism St I’d like to see him rebound more yeah you know I mean he’s so athletic and you know screen off the boards keep your guy screen then release and use your athleticism to go get some more rebounds and help out a little bit

That that would be that would be a big factor for that um yeah and you know obviously Klay still doing his struggling and he still hasn’t gotten his game back Wiggins is showing some shine of life you know playing more consistently 15 a game and you know but he’s not getting the same

Amount of minutes so there’s still a lot of time left for them to to survive this and hopefully get themselves back to where they can be in contention uh but it’s going to be difficult there’s a lot of good teams in the Western Conference there are and for some reason the

Clippers it’s always Norman Powell and Amir coffee who ends up burning the Warriors I I it’s it’s just it’s a broken record that keeps playing was crazy in the fourth quarter it absolutely is um Rick one thing that absolutely just has bothered me to no

End is in my humble opinion I don’t know if you agree with this or not but kaminga I think has cemented himself as the second best player on this team yet for the second game in a row he didn’t finish and that that has to be messing

With the psyche a little bit it makes no damn sense uh Kerr brought got brought Klay Thompson in near the of the game for kaminga and then clay subsequently you know commits the you know the egregious mental error what are your thoughts on that I it’s it’s it’s

Bugging me I don’t know what you’re what you’re well it’s a very difficult find uh line that that Steve’s walking here I mean seriously he’s kind of like on a tight rope uh and if he were to fall he can’t go anywhere he’s got to

Just stay on that damn typ it’s hard I mean he’s got two guys you don’t want to get you know Clay who already has been sitting sometimes at the end of games and everybody talked about how that is and he was disappointed about it but they have to accept the fact and

Clay was struggling some so I oh yeah my thing is is that you got to just say hey guys if you’re not H if you’re not on your game you know you’re not I’m not going to use you to finish I’m going with the guys that are playing best at

That time we have to accept that right this is about what we can do as a team I’m not going to have to worry about whether you’re going to be disappointed because I don’t have you in the game and you think you should be in the game

That’s a decision I have to make and you have to stay with me and you have to you have to buy into that okay you have to buy into that because it’s not fair if someone’s going along playing a little better to someone else and that person

Goes to the bench and you give the other guy a chance because you don’t want him to be upset because you’ve done this to him before I mean that’s you can’t do that you just can’t do that you just have to be straightforward and honest simple the guys that are playing

Best at the end of the game are going to finish the game yep and and Stephen Curry another wasted night uh for a brilliant performance 41 points in this game he was nine of 19 from Beyond The Arc the first player Rick in NBA history uh to to hit seven or more

Three-pointers in now four straight games it’s absolutely remarkable Rick when you played in the in the 70s and early 80s and 60s uh they had no three-point line for a lot of your career how would you play the ab I played the ABA with some and we had a

Few years at the end I actually had I actually had the record for the most three-pointers in the game uh late in my career when I was the yeah I had eight for 12 I was Bravo sir and and but the thing is is that I was not a great

Three-point shooter I was working on getting better I mean I if I was playing today I wouldn’t be I would not be satisfied with myself personally if I wasn’t a 40% shooter and I mean that’s really good shooting I mean you got to really work at that because 33% is 50 in twos

Correct people understand 30% from threes is acceptable 33% from from three-point range is shooting 50% from twos yes sir so people kind of lose track oh 33% he’s not shooting very no hell he’s shooting pretty damn good that’s 50 if he was shooting from two-point range everybody would be

Thrilled to have somebody shooting from 50% you’re absolutely the game is different it’s it’s it’s totally different they shoot more and Steph could have even more records if he were to take more of three-point shots and if there’s anybody that you be taken more especially when he’s on it should be it

Should be staff let me think I forget who was was doing the announ that might have been Jefferson I think was doing the announcing on the game he said you know Steph Curry is the greatest shooter in the history of the game from long distance from long distance yes without

Question there isn’t anybody even close to him Clay is out outstanding and they had a number of other guys who have shot so well but but there’s something special did you ever see did you ever see him in the warm-up video that they had before the game when he does this

Stuff and starts by throwing one up you know eight 20 feet or more in the air and he makes it and he moves back and he moves back and he moves back and he makes it and he makes it and he makes it then he moves forward moves forward

Throws another one up from inside the free throw line and makes that to that is folks I can’t even advocately express my admiration and respect for someone who could do you know how hard most players can spend the rest of their lives out there get on the court and

Never do that Rick I’m never going to forget when you and I were sitting uh Courtside during a a pregame warm-up shoot around and and Steph was trying to hit threes using your underhanded gr I have that video I still have that video when I was sitting there and I was

Trying to Telles that that was that was kind of cute of him to do Rick are you gonna stick around love I have so much respect and admiration for him one my favorite players ever to watch play the game absolutely are you gonna stick around for the whole show or what’s your

No I I gotta get to bed I gotta get up and do a bunch of stuff tomorrow and you know I didn’t I didn’t hear those three zeros were on my contract when I played so I still actually work for a living someone not full time and all but I

Still out there working trying to make a couple of bucks so I can take care of my because I never heard that word million in my contract negotiation I know I I have sympathy for your generation let’s let’s let’s let’s just hope that the Warriors I don’t know if we need to pray

To God for this and stuff I mean you know say this just keep everybody healthy I’ll pray for that keep everybody healthy let things keep going the way they’re going because this is a much better path that they’re on and come away with a victory get that Victory against Utah going into the

All-Star break and then we can have some fun talking about what they do absolutely break yeah and let’s see some Trace Jackson Davis I I I’m I’m getting tired of these dnps that kid can play he brings size I don’t get that’s one of many things I don’t understand but um

I’m with you brick all right have a great night any final thoughts before we go well no and everybody of course they can go to you know to ghost you know medical and also to alom and put the code rb24 in there unbelievable products I mean I

Never played pickleball without my ghost sleeves on my these sleeves and and you get a nice discount on it and I use Meda Le products and go and also lomd products on a regular basis they’re canabo products no THC in them and all but I I I don’t know my life just

Wouldn’t be as enjoyable and pleasant I think without all of that stuff and folks every once in a while especially for the younger younger audience out there Google Rick Barry and admire the accomplishments that he did during his playing career you’re one of the all-time great sir and it’s always a

Pleasure to have you on I’m gonna actually be out I’ll be out I’ll be at the neck Nuggets game at the end of the month let’s go I was yeah yeah I’m gonna I’m going to meet up with you for that game I haven’t been to a

Game yet all year that’s the game I’m definitely gonna come come join you for so let’s get in tou fure I’ll be with my son scooter will be with me and I don’t know whether beautiful wife Ruby will be there or not or or her son but anyway

I’m I’m definitely looking forward to seeing that game because I’ll see two of my favorite players ever I love the Joker and of course when they’re playing here I’m rooting for Steph to play well and beat the Nuggets but uh I just I love watching greatness okay and I just

Have to say one thing sorry for you 49ers fans oh you know what pie showed himself to be a hell of a quarterback he did what he had to do unfortunately he couldn’t get it in I mean the great Rush against him when he couldn’t make that

Pass to try to get that touchdown in overtime but he got him down for field goal so he did what he needed to do you know he didn’t just you know blow the opportunity he did a nice job and it wasn’t his fault Jones came in there you

Know damn near sacked him and he was almost able to get the ball to his receiver but a nice job my big question is is that I was shocked to see at that stage of the game and overtime how in the world did Kelce get so wide open on

That big play God oh my gosh that was unbelievable yeah what a w what a wave of negative emo here’s the thing here’s the thing hey the not to have the ball everybody against it you know what if they had won the game everybody just

Said what a great call that was he got the ball put the pressure you know that’s already use the word pressure put the pressure right there on Kansas City they knew they had to try to score you know but I can understand people’s philosophy if you put if here’s the go

If you know that if you if they don’t get a touchdown you can still tie the game with the field goal and you can win so it is a little bit easier on you if they don’t score but you still have to stop them from scoring but thank God

Thank God that they put the rule in finally after all these assar you know I’ve always talked about this I was incredulous when I saw that rule for all these years that they let NFL games come down to overtime when you may never touch the ball in overtime and lose a

Game that’s the most ludicrous thing ever this is the rule that should have been effect from day one and this is what they need to do to be honest with you what I’d love to see what they do in college that would be so exciting for

The fans I love the college playoff yeah absolutely sorry 49ers fans but you know you had a hell of a season and you know and and P’s P’s the heck of a player so there you go but Mahomes is something hey Mahomes just like Steph Curry is

Something special Rick I love you sir let’s get let’s get you back on the show soon have a great night thank you so much for jumping in on on on a last minute notice like this it was a pleasure absolutely bye Rick I love you and that’s the Hall of Famer the legend

Himself uh officially a top 50 NBA player as recognized by the NBA in my humble opinion top 25 but I digress uh we’re going to get into this debacle that was Warriors game um in just a moment let’s uh first give some love to our first sponsor for tonight which is

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Follow me there at dog wild you can also follow the program there at locked on Warriors this was an absolutely brutal loss in my humble opinion the Warriors as Rick said were in control for most of this game and then that disastrous fourth quarter happened what happened in

The fourth quarter exactly well besides the fact that Steve Kerr decided to not play Jonathan kaminga at the end which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever I mentioned the fact that Trace Jackson Davis got a dnp makes no damn sense whatsoever especially when you see zubot just eating the Warriors up inside you

See Mason plumbley just hammering and abusing some Golden State Warriors players physically I still can’t get over that that what he was pulling on Brandon pmy there and that little scuffle they had I mean even though like there was no hard contact made Plum’s just hacking away at Brandon psky and

The justification for that is what he was going for the ball I saw someone in the chat mention the the double standards here the hypocrisy of the fact that if if what D if what Plumley did was replicated by Draymond Green we’re talking two flag a double flagrant

Kicked out of the game suspensions but no Mason plumbley is allowed to just whack away at Brandon psky that was just a a ridiculous play but regardless in the fourth quarter we saw no minutes from uh from Trace Jackson Davis we didn’t see him at all um but who struggled in the fourth

Quarter well Andrew Wiggins zero points in the fourth quarter two personal fouls in the fourth quarter a minus 177 net rating in the fourth quarter why wasn’t kaming in the game at the end I don’t just makes sense I don’t think I’m asking for too much from Steve Kerr

The West Coast version of Monty Williams make sense stop playing your favorites over the best players on your team it is not rocket science you’re literally costing Stephen Curry another year of his prime because of your feelings for individuals because you’re putting your gut instinct which is failing you time

And time and again over logic make sense when you’re in a position of power like the head coach of an NBA basketball team it was absolutely ludicrous what happened tonight why is Jonathan kaminga not finishing games why is Moses Moody only playing eight minutes minutes make sense of

That Brandon psky had a fantastic game but I don’t understand why psky has Kerr’s complete trust but Jonathan kaminga and Moses Moody don’t why why doesn’t Brandon why isn’t Trace Jackson Davis getting minutes this is one of your only bigs on this team in a game where again zubot is eating you up

Inside zubot 13 points 10 rebounds in this game A plus 13 in net rating why is Trace Jackson Davis not playing the Golden State Warriors by the way there’s a lot of of stuff here in terms of stats it was just very disappointing and and one of those is

The Warriors now have six 15 Point blown leads this year that is tied for the NBA lead you know who they’re tied with the San Antonio Spurs okay you don’t want to be tied with them for records with anything this year the Spurs are one of the worst teams in the

NBA and the Warriors are in select company with the San Antonio Spurs with six games this year where they’ve led by 15 or more points and they went on to lose a Spurs team that’s 11 and 44 the Golden State Warriors their biggest lead in this game tonight was again 15 running the

Mark and they they held on in terms of like rebounding although we’re so we’re really learning this season that winning the rebounding battle doesn’t translate consistently to wins uh and they did lose the rebounding battle tonight but it was just 4847 points in the paint is where the Warriors lost 5648 this was

Frustrating we’ll have some more in just a moment if there’s any sound to play we’ll play that because I’m very curious to hear what Steve Kerr has to say first up though let’s give some love to our other sponsor for this evening and that is Robin Hood and more specifically Robin Hood

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Daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thank you for making locked on Warriors your first listen everyday we’re free and available wherever you get podcasts for the every dayers we’re right back at this tomorrow because as we mentioned earlier in the show The

Warriors are making up that uh early in the season Road game in Utah du due to Deon mil mich’s untimely tragic passing that resulted in the game being suspended they’re making up that game tomorrow uh so we’ll be back at it right then the All-Star break starts after

That Richard Jefferson uh hammered a point tonight which I wholeheartedly agree with on the broadcast on the ESPN side at least and as I mentioned on the show previous ly anytime the Warriors are on national TV and the game is not blacked out I’m always watching the national broadcast not because they’re

Better per se but to get a different perspective we’re listening to Bob Fitzgerald and Clen auki night and night out for for this 82 Game season so anytime they’re there’s a national broadcast I’m tuning to them just to hear something fresh something different and Richard Jefferson was hammering the

Point that of the of the importance of going into the All-Star break with momentum going in with with wins with with a positive vibe and that game tomorrow in Utah is going to be vitally important for that reason so let’s hope they pull it off let’s hope maybe we see

Trace Jackson Davis make an appearance again let’s see the coaching staff remember who the second best player on this team is and not bench’s ass at the end of the game that is egregious I just I can’t get over that um I want I want

To see uh I want to let’s see if there’s any sound real fast uh from the Warriors whether it’s from players whether it’s from uh coaches here is Steve Kerr got some sound here thankfully uh talking about the one thing that in my humble opinion and I’ve heard Steve Kerr say

This as well has been the key to this team turning things around now you can point to Draymond Green coming back you can point to his leadership making things work with kaminga and especially Wiggins who is struggling incredibly until recently and side note I know some

Of you aren’t happy with me saying this I’m not here to make you feel good about certain players I’m here to just speak truth Wiggins still is not the Wiggins of 2022 all right over the last game 10 games he’s averaging less than than 15 points a game that’s on an All-Star

Level his defense is good it’s not great he scored uh 10 points tonight 10 he was a minus nine in net rating I I don’t I I I don’t understand why some people are still fixated on him like he’s the Wiggins of old I I don’t have f

In him I don’t and I don’t think this team is winning a title if you’re giving him huge minutes uh the point I I is with bringing him up is even though since stron green has come back the defense has improved considerably um and that’s the facet that’s the variable

That has turned things around for this Golden State Warriors team they’re playing defense again but that failed tonight and here’s Steve cerr talking about that see what what do you think happened defensively in the fourth quarter they’re giv up I think 42 43 points what was was going on with your

Defense yeah they picked us apart in the pick and roll and we didn’t adjust to it well enough um you know they got the ball on the pocket uh Norm pow got several threes you know out of that uh you know the pocket pass uh and then we

Fouled them I think they shot 15 free throws uh in the fourth quarter 37 for the game so um thought we had a really good uh first three quarters defensively um for the most part the third quarter was was uh you know better was okay um

Last couple minutes of the of the third it felt like um they got loose a little bit and then they just dominated the fourth seemed like the offensive rebounds I think they had six in the fourth also they seem pretty timely how much did those kind of yeah those hurt

For sure you know when we did get stops um we just couldn’t come up with the ball so disappointing because our defense has been uh very good for the last U few weeks and we let our guard down you’re absolutely right and um it is frustrating it’s absolutely

Frustrating um and you know again like I don’t understand the eight minutes for Moses Moody I don’t understand the trace Jackson Davis dnps now here’s the good news there is a lot of POS there is positives to come from this even though the Warriors lost to a Clippers team that already did not

Have Kawhi Leonard that saw Paul George get fouled out with three minutes to play and again Amir coffee and Norman Powell turn into Allstar players every time play The Warriors I never understand that but there were some things in here I liked I love seeing for

Example uh I believe this was during a timeout in the third quarter there was a clip of Stephen Curry coaching of Moses Moody that is always endearing to me that always warms my heart whether it’s Steph whether it’s Dre those two sometimes take on this this mentorship

Role with the younger players and I absolutely love that Stephen Curry by the way is averaging over 31 points per game in the the month of February that leads the NBA and that stat is before tonight’s 41-point game absolutely awesome now the Warriors in the standings after tonight’s

Loss they they likely have the 10 seed locked up that which is phenomenal news pretty much regard even if the Warriors slip back to the to the to the version we’ve been seeing for a lot of this year and they end up playing 500 ball the

Rest of the season they’re going to get in as a nine or 10 seed now what happens from there who knows but right now they’re two games back of the Lakers and Incredibly there’re just four games back in the Lost column I wish I could say

Three I was planning on that before that fourth quarter ble but they’re still just four games back of the Phoenix Suns and the New Orleans Pelicans for the five seed so the season is still very much up in play and this is the news that might be the best news of all

For the rest of this season for the remaining what 30 games they have left to play is that right yeah 30 games left in the year The Warriors now on even 26 and 26 the Warriors have the third easiest schedule in the NBA fantastic so there’s still a lot to be optimistic

About I I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again this roster has the talent the talent is there you just have to play the right players Klay Thompson is not the right guy to play at the end of a game anymore if he’s struggling his numbers tonight

Because I don’t think we we read this off actually four of 14 from the field not good what’s really not good is one of nine from Beyond The Arc if Klay Thompson is not hitting threes his defense has already regressed he cannot be finishing games just because Steve cerr likes him that’s

Ludicrous and regarding kaminga who didn’t finish this game much to my disappointment kaminga had 13 field goal attempts tonight to put it in perspective Stephen Curry had 31 if you want to know why kaminga finished this game with 13 points and not let’s say 20 or 25 it’s because he’s not shooting enough

It’s it’s because plays are not being designed he’s not like for some reason when he had that streak of eight straight games scoring 20 plus points they were feeding him the ball left and right he was eating people up inside the kid is selfless right and by the way

Rick was saying how he he’ like to see his rebounding numbers go up a little more he did have eight rebounds tonight that’s a good number he also had six assists tonight his 13 points came on six of 13 shooting that’s just shy of

50% he did not have a bad game he had two turnovers in 35 minutes a lack of aggressiveness is not his issue you’ve got to feed him the ball and give him the confidence to know he’s actually the number two guy on this team and not bench’s ass at the end of a

Game ludicrous yeah uh Jonah uh coocha witz you’re absolutely correct it seems like Kerr would rather play his favorites than constantly win and contend for another championship I think he wants the Championships but I also think the dude has a massively huge ego he thinks he’s

Very smart and when you have a big ego and you’re going to make decisions that in your head you think are right and you’re going to refuse to admit that you were wrong dude’s very stubborn I mean keep in mind if the Raymond catastrophe didn’t happen this season

Where he’s suspended and he’s missing all these games if Wiggins didn’t turn into a shell of his cell for a lot of the Season who knows if kaminga is even playing right now I mean yeah this this coach I do not have faith in this coaching staff I absolutely don’t um

We’re back at this tomorrow I’m sorry this this game is Just frustrating A lot of these games have been frustrating this year this one definitely uh is is up there I want to see some Trace Jackson Davis minutes I want to see more than eight minutes from Moses Moody I

Want to see kaminga be a more of a focus of the offense 13 field goal attempts is not enough and let’s see who win as they go into the allstar break folks we need it we as fans the team needs it as well thanks everyone love

You all we’ll be back at this soon and I’m going to say quieter because some people complain about the yelling in their earbuds bye-bye

Cyrus Saatsaz went live following the Golden State Warriors blowing their 6th 15+- point lead this year and another superb night from Stephen Curry thanks largely to Steve Kerr’s coaching miscues at the end of the game.

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#GoldenStateWarriors #Warriors #StephCurry


  1. Enough is enough fire Steve Kerr!!!! It’s so obvious he is costing games. 5 point wins or losses comes down to coaching. We have a losing record for those games.

  2. I still see the bright side in this loss. I knew it coming, given the size and talent of that clippers team even without Kawhi. A loss is a loss, and it is dissapointing. But we still got the season rolling in upwards trend. Getting out of the play in spot is still the goal this latter part of the season. Go Dubs!

  3. Steve Kerr is one of the greatest NBA Head Coaches of all time.

    This guy needs to relax about this recent Golden State Warriors loss. They have been crashing teams and the Golden State Warriors are going to the NBA Western Conference Playoffs and are a official threat to become the 2023-2024 NBA Champions after they beat the possible NBA Conference Champions in either the Boston Celtics or Milwaukee Bucks.

    Once AGAIN the Golden State Warriors are in a great position.

  4. Looks like kenny atkinson has better coaching skills than Steve Kerr. Dissappinting loss i didnt even want to watch the full highlights. I watch the livestream in 4th quarter led by 8 but i got busy when i got back they lose by 5. Fucking steve kerr

  5. why am I always hearing steve or sports shows talk about feelings when it come to whether klay or kuminga plays in the final minutes? It should always be the one who will get the job done at the moment and it was not klay.

  6. What is wrong with Steve Kerr? What are we all missing? Are we missing something? What can we all see that this guy doesn't see? It's bizarre at this point. Why is Klay Thompson finishing ANY games ANY more?

  7. Steve Kerr way of thought is imma use my good young players to build a lead then imma put all my old ass vets in at the end of the game to get credit for the win 😂🤣🤣🤣 this coach a joke because he’s not gonna change he’s going to keep doing this all season that’s why we have blown so many leads this year because he wants to put his vets in at the end to get credit for the lead the youngsters made.

  8. It was a frustrating loss but I’m not too broken up about it. Aside from Steph and podz, the team had a bad shooting night and still managed to dominate 3 quarters and lost to a relatively close 4th all because they had an off shooting night. Which is why I’m not mad

  9. There is no more defense to be offered for Kerr. But let's be real, this is the perfect example of why they needed to make a trade. Klay shouldn't have sniffed the court down the stretch. It happens time and time again. And until he's not on the team, it's going to continue to happen. Love that guy, but he doesn't have it anymore. And Kerr is never gonna see it.

  10. Kerr is hellbent on being the GOAT at anything even if it's blowing 15 point leads. If he's not careful, Lacob may one off Kerr himself…

  11. Kerr left Klay in the game in the 4th way too long. He was bricking shots, not boxing out and the lead evaporated. By the time Kerr sat him half way thru the 4th it was too late. The Clippers had all the momentum.

  12. Cyrus man you using Moody snippet too much now 😂😂😂

    I don’t want people to think he’s complaining!!!! But I got to give it to you. It’s funny as hell.

  13. I've literally never seen Klay coaching up one of the younger players. It seems like he's out there for himself every night, it's getting harder and harder to support the Klay these days. I will always love him and be thankful for what's he's done, but he's becoming a liability. I hope I'm wrong.

  14. Play Jackson ! GS lost that game because in the 4th they couldn't guard the paint . Got into early foul trouble and allowed the Clippers to slow the gm down and set their defense . JK has to get his mid range better . Good teams not giving you dunks n layups all gm . Play Jackson ! Kerr has to play everyone ! #StrengthInNumbers

  15. I love Klay Thompson but he needs to become a limited role player and a situational role player. He has low awareness on defense, he doesn’t help when he needs to and he never boxes out……I know he has a high IQ but it seems he has stretches where he loses complete focus especially if he is missing shots!

  16. Like I’ve mentioned before and time and time again. Until Steve Kerr does right by Moses Moody and JK we will continue to lose.

  17. W's have no size and the bigger Clippers kept crashing beneath the basket and scoring at will in teh 4th. This will be story going forward when the Ws play bigger teams. Next summer the Ws will have to acquire one or two bigs.

  18. We loss our lead when Kerr foolish decision to go with Curry, Podz, GP2, Klay, & Dray. Like wtf kind of lineup is that?! SUPER small

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