@Los Angeles Lakers



by LonzoBBBall


  1. Bahamut727

    I mean who knows about 13 more wins, but I think we can confidently say at least 5

  2. I would love to see the data the first replier has to justify the 13 wins, I am not denying it but it would be awesome to see the data and break it down. I dont think 13 more wins feels right, but we absolutely would have more wins if we had played our best players more often and didnt try to play minimum level guys as often as we did to start the year.

  3. Obviously game doesnt go that way and some of the games needed taurean because alot of time both vando and rui were injured

  4. This argument never makes any sense. Rui and Vando were injured the majority of the season so Ham relied on Cam and Prince.

    Reaves was getting cooked in the backcourt at the beginning of the season, and couldn’t hit a shot to save his life so Ham relied on Cam and Prince.

    The constant starting lineup tweaks was due to inconsistent play from our best role players and injuries. I don’t even like Ham but that’s the facts.

    When and if they’re healthy and in a groove everyone will be slotted properly.

  5. 13 is probably pushing it, let’s say we have 7 extra wins to be more realistic, that puts us at 37-19 and 4th in the west.

    I 100% believe we have a 55+ win roster that’s being held back by pockets

  6. Fucking negative 200 IQ math there. Holy shit this is so statistically nonsense it’s making my head spin. They should force “analysts” to take stats 101 before they’re allowed a twitter account.

  7. lolxddavid

    Ham has too many tools (players) and no idea how to use them. We’ve only looked good when half our roster is injured and he’s forced to tighten up his rotations. I’m worried if and when everyone else returns, we’ll start dropping games again

  8. motorboat_mcgee

    Unfortunately for us, both Rui and Vando have been hampered by multiple injuries this year. I know it’s easy to shit on Ham, but there’s some context missing to this discussion imo

  9. MrAppleSpoink

    The negative effect of Darvin’s incompetence continue to be understated by the general fanbase.

    People seem to have this idea that he’s just kinda there, that he doesn’t do anything, waits too long for timeouts and adjustments, etc.

    While that’s true, he also ACTIVELY harms our team with his decision making. He isn’t just letting games slip away, he’s like Scar throwing Mufasa off the fucking cliff. He is the reason we are underachieving. Yeah we’ve had role players out, yeah we’ve had poor shooting luck at times, but it’s Darvin who’s consistently blown winnable games with unacceptably bad decision making.

  10. itsnotreallyme0

    Like I said multiple times to the ham fans, good roster + bad coach = average record. Results prove it.

    Ham fans can’t even make a list of 5 things that they love about him (without reaching and exaggerating and sound corny)

  11. GroundbreakingSir893

    It’s not who starts, we have to stop thinking like that, it’s how many MINUTES

    When Rui and Prince changed minutes, Rui playing Princes minutes and Prince playing Ruis minutes we took off

  12. ValuableAssociate8

    It’s not about who starts the game, it’s about who finishes.

  13. fizzlemizzle

    Weird to see the boy D-Free on a Lakers screenshot 😂

  14. Koreankiwi7

    Ham should have been replaced a long time ago…. 🤦‍♂️

  15. guyfromthepicture

    How does his data imply that conclusion?

  16. MediumShotBob

    Darvin’s dumbass decision making/lineups have definitely cost us at least 5 games

  17. george-khan

    Ya’ll need to stay off twitter lmao. You guys fall for the dumbest shit.

  18. madderyack

    Rui and vando have had their fair share of injuries

  19. I hope Darvin at the very least learns from this, I know he’s new at head coaching but his mistakes are BIG

  20. Yall this movie has played out many times.

    Lakers/Bron turn it on at the end, get into 6th or 8th seed, then proceed to roll over everyone until the really good teams in the wcf

  21. sidewinder787

    It’s sucks just how bad of a coach Darvin Ham. It’s even more frustrating that Jeanie & Rob won’t fire him.

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