@San Antonio Spurs

CHANGE is NEEDED for the SPURS! San Antonio Spurs News

CHANGE is NEEDED for the SPURS! San Antonio Spurs News

Enough is enough and it’s time for a Change what is up San Antonio Spurs fans welcome to TSR Sports some comments I’m seen lately on videos and on the live streams is why isn’t Dominic Barlo get some minutes instead of Zack Collins but also a few people myself included and say hey I wonder what it would be like

If Blake Wesley was in the starting lineup so Spurs fans that’s why we’re doing a video drop a comment down below would you like to see Blake start over Trey Jones do you think he’s ready or not ready and also how about Dominic Barlo coming off the bench first as our

Big man instead of Zack Collins let me know hit the thumbs up you like support the channel and subscribe to heart for wonderful Sports Community let’s talk about Trey Jones first let’s bring up his stats and he’s been well fairly consistent over the last few years field goal percentage is uh actually just

Under 50% which is terrific shooting a phenomenal 59% from twoo Land he’s a very good free throw shooter has a great assist to turnover ratio rarely turns the ball over plays solid defense and I do think Trey Jones is a good for General however he is a terrible

Three-point shooter look at the last two years he’s right around 28% and 27% from his career defenses are going to leave him open and double team Whoever has the ball probably going to be wiy most instances when he’s out there missing threes and he was chucking threes last

Night and missed I think he was 0 for four and I like Trey but one thing I don’t want to see Tre Jones do is launch a bunch of Threes And I understand you need to keep the defense honest and he’s only going to get better by practicing

But practice outside the game don’t practice your three-point shooting during the game Trey Jones I like him he’s done an emerald job for us but what about Blake why would we start Blake over Trey if Trey has been doing a decent job what is Blake bringing to

Table that Trey doesn’t well first off he is taller I believe Blake is 63 Trey is 61 so give us more couple inches height he’s got great length he is fast fa in transition and on the court I do think at this point Blake may be a

Better Defender than Trey Jones and he’s only a second year Blake is 20 Trey is 24 so he’s got some youth yes he’s not a good three-point shooter and he’s actually not a good free throw shooter right now so Blake really needs to work

On that and he can play too fast but I do like a lot of things I’m seeing with him he can finish Above the Rim something that I’ve seen Tre Jones do maybe once in his career maybe twice where as Blake has shown us the ability

To get to the rim and throw it down I kind of have a feeling what Tre Jones ceiling is first fans I feel like it’s a backup point guard if he can get a three-point shooting up to respectable 35 to 36% where defenses are going to have to at least respect his three-point

Shot and remember jonty Murray was not a very good three-point shooter when he started I’m starting mentioning former spur Tony Parker was not a good three-point shooter we’ve seen our point guards in the past get better with the three-point shot heck Trey brother tyus Jones wasn’t he not a very good

Three-point shooter when he started now he’s a decent three-point shooter so it’s not like Trey can’t get better but as long as he stays at a sub 30% his ceiling is going to be backup point guard as far as Blake wesling from what we saw last year to the start of this

Year to where he is right now I don’t know where his ceiling is but his ceiling is getting higher and higher with every bit of growth that we see with him on the court so I’m excited would I make the switch now Spurs fans probably not since try has more

Experience however I would not be opposed to saying you know what after the allar break this is an experimental year ain’t it let’s try Blake Wesley as our starting point guard for I don’t know let’s do it for 10 games what the heck if we can have soan out there at

Point guard which and brandom out there let’s try Blake Wesley on to the other gentleman right above my head Zack Collins Zack Zack Zack in his seventh year in the league he’s 26 really thought we had something special with Zack last year he played very well shot 52% % from the field was

Playing the stretch five that we you know we thought we needed shooting 37% from Beyond The Arc really looked good and when we signed it for two years 35 million I thought man you know what he keeps performing like he did last year and keeps growing this is going to be a

Good investment well tell you this first fans I haven’t seen a lot of Dominic Barlo but I think I’ve seen enough a sack this year and right now I don’t like it he is chucking threes left and right and hitting at a terrible rate of

20 just under 27% he has not made a three-pointer this month he’s missed every three-pointer that he’s taken this month I think he’s taken maybe 14 or 15 0 for everything and he’s still launching him he’s not a great defender he’s not a great rebounder in just

Around this actually a little bit more minutes per game this year over last year he’s averaging only five and a half rebounds per game yes he’s a decent passer but we need a rebounding we need defense and you look at our second unit my goodness Kellin Johnson Zack Collins

Maly brandham that’s like the all no defense L right there that’s just not helping us win games at all I like Zach I really do I like all the players on our team but I’m really starting to feel like we overpaid with that two-year extension for 35 million and much like

Blake I don’t know Dominic Barlo seeing we haven’t seen a ton of them but what what the heck why not he’s shown and he’s shown much like Blake improvement from last year to this year throughout the season adding moves to his repertoire yeah he’s young I think he’s

20 as well he’s very green but again if we’re experimenting and what we’re doing ain’t working I Zack colls Off the Bench every time Zach comes in the first court I swear whatever leave we had it gone why not try Dominic bar Off the Bench

More what do we got to lose just more games we already lost plenty of those that being said Spurs fans uh I hope both Trey Jones and Zack Collins prove me wrong I hope Trey after the All-Star break starts nailing those threes and showing us yes I am an NBA level starter

I am the starter for the San Antonio Spurs I hope Zack Collins plays much better after the allstar break and says hey I may be a backup but I’m a darn good backup to Wendy so that’s all I got Spurs fans thank you all for tuning in

And I’ll try to keep the videos coming here through this Allstar break about maybe different things that Spurs can do with the team to maybe get get a few wins here and there maybe maybe just maybe get to 21 wins so this isn’t the SP the worst Spurs team of all time

Thank you and as always goh Spurs Go when I feel like this I’m a m when I feel like this I’m a m oh

Should the Spurs switch things up?

#spurs #gospursgo #sanantoniospurs #victorwembanyama #wemby

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  1. Should the Spurs start Blake over Tre and have Dom come on before Zach? Thanks for watching and GO SPUS GO!

  2. I agree with so much you said. I also do feel if it’s a losing season to try stuff out while getting a high draft pick next year then let’s play guys and give chances to see what all our guys can do. I want to see Mamu a bit more and cidy out there either way Barlow getting reps

  3. Blake isn't any better in scoring than Tre. Maybe a better defender but not good enough to get minutes. This league is all about scoring and if can't score you shouldn't be on the floor. They need to put Graham in…

  4. Due your Tre Jones negativity is off the chain. Blake is not ready to be the starter. Barlow is limited in the amount of games he can play.

  5. I realized each got signed to new money but I want to see keldon and “shampenny” gone. Ditto with Collins but maybe can just be there as a backup big when injuries come along and give minutes to Barlow. I like Tre but I think we need to find the PG upgrade as well. More reason to draft topic

  6. nba is a "Financial Game" above all things, meaning you got so much range of money to make your best team. So they have to keep players like ZC active to keep their nba level "value" higher so they can trade them or not. Also a rebuilding year so BW seems like he should be getting more time as he may have a higher ceiling than TJ. Same , they have to keep value and playing time higher in order to trade people. Let's say you want to trade KJ, well you have to keep them playing to keep their value so you can trade them later… There are personal issues too like once an nba player "Makes it" with a 17 million dollar annual contract I'm sure it is easy to fade and relax your game – the success money" is already guaranteed… but don't know. Too, new question, so VW can't play all the time, 48 minutes so who is taking his place during that time? ?Bol. Sarr////….

  7. I would say give Blake the starting nod. Yes, he is still pretty raw, but he does not chuck up 3s like Tre (recently) and is a better defender due to his size. (6'4'') Tre's ceiling is reached already so giving more minutes to Blake would allow him to develop various skills quicker. As for Zach and Dom, yes, you can't really expect anything from Zach anymore. No threat from 3 point range, no rebound and no defense. At least with Barlow, you can somewhat expect later 2 and he does not chucks 3s like Zach.

    At the end, they are a huge mess but with Blake and Zach getting less touch due to their willingness to pass the ball around more instead of shooting 3s will provide more touches to Wemby and Devin.

  8. Pop needs to put a shock collar on Trea and Zach……. Bzzzzz, for every Tre 3 attempt and bzzzz for every bunny Zach misses!

  9. If Tre Jones doesn’t shoot 3s in game he’ll never develop into a good shooter. People need to understand the spurs need to be allowed to suck and make mistakes so they can develop and draft.

  10. Zach collins is not only taking 3’s but his defense is not there anymore! Everyone just scores on him

  11. I think Barlow is on a two way contract and has a limit on the number of games he can play for the Spurs. Regardless this season is over and this coming offseason is what really matters. I seriously don’t think Spurs should make no move and suck for another year. Victor is growing so fast and it just hinders his development.

  12. It's a wonder and a shame that a 20-yr old is carrying the whole team, its organization and legacy. PATFO need to act and do something as this "not skipping steps" is looking like they don't have a plan. Poor Wemby not getting any help. I miss the bully Zach and KJ's energy

  13. This is why I say Timmy is the "GOAT" Never had a losing season in 19 years and everything just seemed to work while he was there. There's no other player you can say that about, except maybe Russel, not even MJ. He outplayed everyone he went against, including Lebron, Kobe, Shaq. Even Victor, as great as he's going to be, won't touch that feat.

  14. Champagnie in the starting line up is the problem for me, but yea Barlow over Collins every day ! . Thanks for the video : Take care 🙂

  15. Pop is just watching observing and being kind knowing dam well he's gonna get rid of half the roster next season. We can't win with half the starters or half the bench. We've lost like 13 games by 10pts because players go MIA.

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