@Brooklyn Nets

Boston Celtics beat Brooklyn Nets by 50 for Joe Mazzulla’s 100th win

Boston Celtics beat Brooklyn Nets by 50 for Joe Mazzulla’s 100th win

Absolute top to bottom Pillar To Post demolition of the Brooklyn Nets I’ll talk about that I’ll talk about the surprise minutes for Jordan Walsh and 100 Victories already for Joe Missoula all right now on the lock on Celtics podcast be ever ready recognize the city of champ Boston baby we do what you

Can’t locked on number 18 tatman Brown J team step back we going to wet that and slay teams of course the Celtics who else could it be screaming like kg with the lario B Coralis above average assessing the team status best daily pod no cap salary matching clutch like bir

The DJ keep John on replay Prime Time dapping up the truth on the sideline raining J’s how started raising B how we finish locked on Celtics home of the winners hey there welcome back to the lock on Celtics podcast right here on the lockdown podcast Network where it’s

Your team every day and I got you covered every single day Monday through Friday with a free fresh podcast that’s dropped directly to your device when you subscribe so go ahead be coming every day or join me every Monday through Friday plus bonus podcasts whenever they got those weekend games which isn’t

Coming for a couple of weeks thanks to the allstar break oh thank you Allstar break OHA boy the Celtics needed this one I mean everybody on the Celtics needed this break so I’m happy that it’s here I’m John corales I used to play a long time ago now I’m covering the

Celtics for Boston Sports Journal hey how the YouTube page get in the comment section there subscribe ring the bell get notified when I drop new videos uh that’s a fun place to join in the conversation especially after a Boston Celtics 505050 point win over the Brooklyn Nets

The Boston Celtics have now won two games this season by 50 points there have been only three teams in NBA history who have have won two games in a season by 50 or more points uh it happened with the Milwaukee Bucks in 7879 the Sacramento Kings did it

9293 and this year’s Boston Celtics are doing it and no team has won three games uh by 50 plus so plenty of time for the Celtics to get out there and set a record it’s a lot of points Big Win here and so later on I’ll talk about Joe moua’s

Win kind of what that means uh we’ll get into Jordan waling a little bit but let’s just talk a little bit about this game not that there’s much to talk about right you you go in from the beginning and it was like a 28

To6 run to start the game there was a 22 nothing run in the second quarter there were just these sets of runs throughout the course of the game where it was just Brooklyn had no chance they didn’t show up for this game at all and as much as

This was very good Focus From the Celtics like PE this this is I think people would want this game every single night right this is the oh they finally played up to the you know their their capability no Al Horford no Jaylen Brown and they came out and just trounced the

The the Nets right away now obviously these games aren’t going to happen very much there’s a reason why these 50-point wins have only happened very infrequently and I know no one’s asking for 50o wins you’re asking for you know 20po wins but regardless the point stands these these big blowouts aren’t happening very

Often and after the game like porzingis said it he’s like look it’s it’s not easy to come in with that eye of the tiger every single game it’s not easy like we people talk about you got to come in and be focused and be blah blah

Blah and poringa is flat out just matter of fact like easier said than done and not only because it’s uh oh we’re good and you know we could just play down to the competition and be fine it’s that everybody needs to be in that mode and it’s not just like

It’s not an All or Nothing thing like either everybody’s on board um I I should say it is an All or Nothing thing either everybody’s on board or might as well be nobody on board because if three guys are on board and two guys are just like ah not

Feeling it tonight well then the defense suffers and everybody looks bad right so that it’s it’s not the easiest thing in the world to get all nine 10 guys in the rotation to be like all amped up for every single game it’s the fact of the

Matter but they came in this one they were amped and not only that Brooklyn was just awful I think some of it was missed shots they missed they missed some open looks and nothing you can do about that Boston was making everything Brooklyn was missing everything I think maybe

They got discouraged a little bit and you know they’re not the best road team anyway and so they get discouraged and and then that leads to just poor play overall I thought Dennis schruder at the beginning was awful just awful and it it snowballed and and

Boston just never let up not once uh maybe the most impressive thing was the n90 run to start the the third quarter they just came out and they didn’t let up that lead went from uh 18 to 36 at the half to 45 at one point in the third

To 56 at one point in the fourth like the the Celtics just came in and never slowed down never gave up never let go of the Rope none of that stuff this was just top to bottom smoked him smoked him uh Jason Tatum I wrote before the

Game I said I I feel like he’s G to be on cruise control he kind of was 20 points 16 shots I mean he he was aggressive Ive in moments in spurts nine assists seven rebounds he was just kind of casual about it porzingis looked

Great early on then he lands on uh maybe cam Johnson’s foot and tweaks an ankle doesn’t doesn’t really he he was available he could have come back they said we’re not GNA bring him back because they were up by 40 at that point didn’t matter but he was six of nine

Early on 15 points in in 16 minutes on nine shots it’s a great way to go five re rebounds and assist he looked good uh Derek white shout out to Derek white coming out getting out of that little bit of a shooting slump it’s a good

Feeling you go into the break kind of feeling good about yourself uh 10 of 16 overall five of 10 from three five rebounds four assists 27 points to nope I was gonna say to lead the team but well pton pitard had 28 Off the Bench 11

Of 16 six of nine uh getting a lot of his points in garbage time obviously uh Derek white was a plus 44 plus 44 Sam Hower was a plus 40 so those two guys were on the floor for a lot of good things but good to see Derek white hit

Some shots good to see Sam Hower hit some shots four of eight from three obviously Payton Pritchard got hot he’s five 20 plus point games this season and all five are on the second nights of back toback that’s that’s interesting Luke cornette came in gave the Celtics

Some good minutes the Mish kada came in and gave the Celtics some good minutes uh after poringa sat O’Shea brassette had some good minutes in garbage time especially had a nice little windmill dunk he had some cool pink Kobes on I like those the Nice Kicks obviously I’m

Wearing my pink hoodie yes I wore this for Valentine’s Day not a big Valentine’s Day guy I I don’t actually I think I actually think Valentine’s Day is kind of like you know know not important at all side note just be nice as a partner all year long and Valentine’s Day won’t be

Something spe like if Valentine’s Day is special then you should kind of maybe rethink about making like make January special make March special doesn’t have to be the middle of February that’s special yeah I mean look that I buy my wife some flowers of course I did you

Know do nice things for her as well but like we do nice things all the time so that’s just my little relationship advice mixed into talking about a Celtics blowout this is what happens when the Celtics win by 50 this is the analysis that you get on Boston Sports

Journal I said that the Celtics missed freethrow thing at the end of the in the fourth quarter is kind of weak that’s the type of analysis you get here it’s weak because if the opponent misses a free throw in the fourth quarter you get a

Free Big Mac but you got to sign up for the app and you only get the free Big Mac if you spend a couple of bucks on something else which sure you might be spending a couple of bucks on McDonald’s but you have to go to the McDonald’s and

Spend money there for you to get your free Big Mac it kind of runs like why can’t you just be like hey Celtics win free nuggets six free nuggets people will go nuts for that I’m betting that people would go spend more money if you

Gave away six free nuggets then you g if you gave away that one free Big Mac but seems like a lot of Hoops to jump through to get two hunks of beef with Russian dressing on them that’s just my thing that’s my take but again when the

Celtics win by 50 and there’s nothing really to break down about a game you get me complaining about you know hamburgers and stuff so that’s that all right let’s get into the other surprise Jordan Walsh Jordan Walsh he went to check in in the first quarter I was like

What did Joe make a mistake no Jordan Walsh stepped up all right we’ll talk about that in just a second thanks for making uh whoops lockdown Celtics your first listen every day hey Today’s Show is brought to you by Robin Hood did you know that even if you have

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Every day covering every League find the lockon sports today now available on for free on the free Fire TV channels app let’s get back to the conversation here about the the Celtics 50 point win and Jordan Walsh getting in there and getting 18 minutes of actual real NBA

Time not garbage time real NBA time alongside Jason Tatum Derek white Other Guys these you know this is this was legitimate and I love the fact that Joe moula went down this road like this is great you the the obvious reason is you get a second round pick a guy that you’re

Trying to develop some some minutes you’re rewarding him for the defensive uh advancement the all of these things the the work that he’s put in uh in the g-league the work that he’s been putting in in practice all of that stuff uh so that’s number one one number

Two throwing this kind of curveball out there is actually to me a sneaky genius way to force the rest of the guys into focusing and communicating because this is a new a new voice right a new a new player you haven’t played with him now

He’s going to come in and give you that defense that energy that scrappiness but in order for him to succeed everybody else around him has to be engaged like I said in the first segment it’s it’s all Five Guys engaged or might as well have nobody because all

You need is one guy to be like where do I go and all of a sudden somebody sprung open and then there’s an overreaction and then the ball swings and then there’s a even more Wide openen guy and then two guys go to that guy and someone

He passes to somebody it’s like a dunk and all it’s just one guy that’s out of position so having having Jordan Walsh out there along with you know all the effort and everything that’s that requires everybody who’s on the floor with him Tatum white holiday Pritchard Hower

Whoever it was they have to be aware we got to we got to help this kid because he he’s going to help us down the road we got to help him we all got to be focused to help him now I don’t know if Joe moula intended for that to be the

Case or or maybe maybe he did maybe he didn’t but either it was intended and it was like Wow pretty smart move Joe or it was unintended and it’s like wow just an amazing unintended consequence whichever it was in reality like I’m not going to sit there and completely give Joe credit

For this I don’t know if if that was what he intended to do as far as making sure everybody else was involved and focused but that’s that’s the part to me that stands out as much as Jordan Walsh just getting those minutes and that were just nice to

Get so let’s go back to the first point you got a guy like Jordan Walsh who’s you know look you saw 18 minutes he’s not NBA ready yet right like he took three shots um the first one was a three-pointer that missed I think everything then he

Had a layup that just he it looks like his legs just gave out on him and he looked nervous right uh he had two quick fouls in two minutes and a turnover a travel which it’s you know it’s something that you probably could call on a lot of

People but like for rookie it’s like hey you’re you’re going to you’re going to pick this turnover up here buddy uh but gets in for the rebounds got in for uh a steal he got in for a block and just an overall like a decent especially defensive

Performance and I liked what Joe said after the games like look he he’s been with us on this road trip uh that West Coast trip and we de decided to reward like this focus on defense this focus on that end of the floor and remember when

He got his actual debut and I asked Joe about it because I was on this podcast like what a couple weeks ago and impressed with Jordan doing all the little things like he goes out he gets his first dunk and his first NBA points

And it was like hey go cook go get some points see if you can get five six 10 whatever points and he never he never did it he never went for it and I was like that’s impressive to me that he continued to focus on doing the right things

And I think that resonated with Joe and he wanted to reward that on top of whatever else if there if there was something more to it I hope there was something more to it because that means this was intentional and that that tells you something

But to to have Walsh get in there first quarter minutes you’re looking for something just to keep this flow going like okay the Celtics are playing well and there’s a risk of them letting go and look let’s put Jordan Walsh in there and and his energy kind of keeps

Things up so it was good to reward him good to reward him for the work that he’s been doing you send him into the break feeling good now think about this you go into the All-Star break and and Jordan gets to do I whatever he’s going

To do gets to take a nice little vacation he’s making decent money he can afford a little vacation somewhere him his parents his family whatever he can you know think about the conversations that he’s having think about the wow man you got you got some real minutes in

That in that game like they they really had some nice things to say about you that team seems to really believe in you all positive all positive affirmations here’s a kid that’s gonna come back and be like I am ready I’m ready I’m refreshed I’m recharged let’s let’s do

This now I don’t know actually I don’t know what the g-league schedule is but you know he’ll get a little bit of a break uh it’s it’s good to send somebody into that break and have all that positivity surrounding him so I I’m I loved what I saw from him

On the defensive end uh Derek white praised him for sending some good picks I I still think obviously he’s playing a little too fast he’s playing a little nervous and still want to see him hit some shots uh but getting used to that NBA speed is valuable getting used to

His teammates is valuable getting some coaching from Joe moula while he’s playing is valuable and having a positive experience is valuable so I’m I I enjoyed that I really enjoyed everything about the Jordan Walsh experience you can say it was a great coaching move and if we’re going to give Joe the

Benefit of the doubt there okay yeah let’s let’s go with it Joe got his 100th win Joe Missoula has won a 100 games and he’s doing it his way and I think that’s important guys had some interesting comments about him after the game and I’ll share with you what they said next

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Friday rotating hosts I host on Wednesdays with Jake Madison so go check it out where wherever you get your podcast so Joe moula won his 100th game uh by beating the Nets still only counts for one 100 wins and I know people might say didn’t Damon

Stotmy coach one of those games yeah but that still goes on Joe’s coaching record uh because he’s the head coach uh so 100 wins for Joe moula if you want want to get technical about it he’ll get a 100 wins when they play Chicago or whatever when they come back regardless

He’s the fifth fastest to a 100 wins uh and you know that could mean something Steve Kerr did it and he’s won four titles Tom tiido did it Avery Johnson did it neither of them would have won a title but they won a bunch of games uh Avery Johnson went to the NBA

Finals and lost with Dallas so there’s some varying levels of success Tom Tibido has won 510 games he’s a successful coach but you know winning a championship I mean this is so much more than just the coach and all that stuff so the the the path to a 100 such an

Interesting path for Joe Because it was obviously thrust into emay oka’s uh shoes with his staff and it was not the easiest thing but they they came out and they won they won all those games and and within winning all those games he built this reputation right and and I think it’s a reputation that he’s

Been kind of struggling to shake a little bit because you make a first impression and that’s impossible to get past people once they Peg you as something it’s very difficult to shake that if you meet somebody for the first time and that person comes off as a jerk

You’re going to think hey I met John corales uh at the game and God he was a jerk he’s that’s a fake personality that he has you know and I can’t shake that if you were to meet me if you come to me and H and I’m having a bad day

And I don’t treat you right you’re going to go back and tell your friends that guy’s a real a-hole and and I oh whatever whatever maybe and even if it’s a bad day or a bad impression whatever it takes a lot of work to to kind of shake that and

That’s kind of where Joe is I think with some of his critics but the fact is he’s he’s got his own style and the the thing about his style is so much of it is mental it’s not I don’t talk about X’s and O’s when it comes to miss

Kristof porzingis talks about like I asked him about his 100th win and he said people don’t appreciate who he is Chris Chris as poringa said this about Joe moula people don’t appreciate who he is and how he coaches because he’s very young you could always blame it on him

And stuff like that but he’s a very underrated coach very underrated and different and I think people who who uh people don’t see who he really is and how he coaches and it’s easy not to give him the credit because of the talent we have but he deserves a lot of

Credit and okay so he’s different porzingis oh yeah he’s different he’s he’s underrated and different we know he’s different so we asked Derek white how’s he different and he says he likes the uncomfortable probably a little bit more than other people like the uncomfortable which sums up Joe Missoula

So well but it’s part of what I love about his approach and I I look I didn’t know what to make of Joe Mula at first I knew he needed to have time and he needed a chance and there were things last year I I think if you go back and

Listen to some of the offseason stuff there was a lot to criticize with the coaching and no doubt there’s no doubt that he struggled with some things and for various reasons and this year he’s so much more himself and this embracing of the uncomfortable

Is I think at the center of it and I love it I love it because you can’t figure out what your team is capable of until you test them and when he talks about like I hope we blow every 20-point lead I hope things don’t I think I hope things stay

Uncomfortable I I hope that we Face adversity all like he keeps saying that not that he didn’t enjoy a 50-point win like he also say this is great everybody did what they’re supposed to do that’s awesome but he he enjoys all of those tough games the stuff that you that

Drive you nuts blowing a lead playing down to the competition uh whatever it is he loves it he loved the opportunity after the Lakers game you know like he he said this is unacceptable like quote am I pissed about losing yes but am I ecstatic about

The opportunity for us to grow as a team I’m even happier about that that was after the Lakers lost like what are you talking about Joe moula what do you mean Joe moula what he means is how can you know what your team is capable of getting through if they don’t

Have to get through anything if you’re buying a house and you go on a nice June day early June nice 70 degree weather sunny calm you walk through the grass is mowed the house is done up nice how do you know what that house is like when it

Rains how do you know what that house is like when you get get like a day like uh on today like Wednesday in in New England in in Boston where it was windy and cold how do you know what that house is like is it drafty is it gonna flood how do you

Know all you’ve seen it as is a house on a perfect day and you don’t want that because you can buy the house You’ be like I love this house and then it rains for a couple of days and you’re like oh the base flooded I got leaks in here I

Got leak in there and that now you got mold worries and you got like you just don’t know so Joe is all about the uncomfortable because if you’re comfortable whenever everyone else is uncomfortable then you’re GNA win if you’re comfortable if you walk into a room and everybody’s being awkward and

Unsure and you own that you can own that room by being comfortable in the awkwardness right if everyone else is kind of Unsure how to act and you walk in you’re like oh I got this I’m confident watch me own this room you win you win that

Night the Celtics can be confident if the Celtics can be comfortable in the uncomfortable well guess what your 20-point lead gets dropped down to eight and you’re like this is really uncomfortable no problem we’ll get it out we’ll figure it out the plane is going down no problem let me get these

Controls let me figure this out I got you and if you can level it off at some point then you can land that plane and all you got to do in the playoffs is land that plane but if you panic you crash and that’s where Joe moula I think is an incredible

Coach X’s and O’s you know what I can go on Twitter and find Five Guys 10 guys that are brilliant x’s and NOS people that aren’t even in the league that maybe used to be in the league or maybe want to be in the league brilliant better than I could

Ever be as smart as anybody in the league and they’re on Twitter X’s and O’s don’t make you the head coach you don’t have to be X’s and O’s master and by the way basically everybody in the NBA is an X’s an O’s Master like like by

The time you get there it’s just second nature to you like everybody knows what they’re doing now what you need to do is how do you get your players to all be on the same page and all doing the same thing and that’s where that’s where the real

Challenge of coaching is you think Adrien Griffin is stupid when it comes to basketball no he had a long playing career and a long career as an assistant coach and he got a head coaching job because he’s brilliant at basketball but couldn’t connect with his players and

Fizzled out right away you think Phil Jackson was some brilliant tactician X’s and O’s Tex winter is the guy who designed the triangle Phil Jackson was the Zen master his whole thing was Zen mentality getting people on the same page now I don’t know if Joe maou is

Ever going to reach the Phil Jackson level but it’s the same approach it’s the same idea it’s the mentality of it all can you Jason Tatum and Jaylen Brown think of this game and this situation the same way as Derek white as Jordan Walsh as Payton Pritchard can you all think about

This the same way with if you can then you’re all going to be on the same page and when you’re all on the same page and you can execute a plan then then you’re cooking so that’s why Joe moula is as good as he is as a coach and that’s why

He can get even better because if he can get these players to buy in fully and be comfortable with the uncomfortable then then this whole rocket ship takes off be comfortable with the uncomfortable that’s where Joe moula wants his team to get to that’s where this team wins a championship

Because if you’re comfortable when things are slipping away looks like they’re slipping away then you can stop it from slipping away because eventually you’ll find the way to do it and this is what I’ve been talking about on this podcast this week last week this is what

I will be talking about with this on this podcast it’s just about finding ways and stay in the moment embrace the moment don’t get caught up on what should be just be mindful of what is don’t wish for something to be anything other than what it is and you’ll be fine

That’s the Joe Missoula mentality it sounds kind of crazy sounds a little like flighty maybe but I’m telling you I get it it’s exactly where an NBA player should be and it’s where most NBA players are not because they’re so preoccupied with other things if you can get to this mentality

This self team it’s going to win a lot they’re going to win a lot and a lot in the postseason and they will win championships plural it’s mentality that’s what separates these coaches the best from the the best from the best you think you think Eric spola is what he is because

He throws some zones out there you think that’s what no heat culture culture it’s a mentality you think Greg papovich is who he is because he like has some kind of special offense or no it’s a Spurs culture it’s a it’s a whole identity that’s what it is that’s what

These the best of the best it’s mentality and culture it’s not just X’s and O’s that’s what Joe Missoula is building that’s where his focus is I am all in on Joe moula as the head coach I’m just all in on Joe moula as the

Coach I’ve been all in on him as the coach so at least I’ve given him the chance and I think he’s earned he’s earned it I think he’s earned it obviously he has to win a championship that’s what the goal is in Boston I 100% believe he can do it because I believe

In the way he’s getting there all right one more podcast this is the third Thursday podcast Friday podcast tomorrow I’ll try to get Tom Wester home on here we’ll talk a little bit more about where the Celtics stand then it’s Allstar Weekend next week I’ll talk about the allstar game the All-Star

Events Jaylen Brown and the dunk contest and all of that stuff so that’ll be fun we’ll look forward next week so make sure you subscribe to this podcast get it on whichever app that you like to use apple Spotify whatever anything any podcasting app it’s there watch the show

On YouTube hop into the comment section let me know what you think about what I’m saying my take on Joe Missoula my take on Jordan Walsh anything hop in the comment section let me know and then I would love it if you shareed the podcast spread the word tell everybody they

Should be listening to and watching the lockdown Celtics podcast right here in the lockdown podcast Network it’s your team every day

The Celtics woke up Wednesday and chose violence on Valentine’s Day, destroying the Brooklyn Nets by 50 in a wire-to-wire, no let up blowout win. John Karalis of Boston Sports Journal gets into that, the casually great Jayson Tatum game, Kristaps Porzings playing great before tweaking an ankle, Derrick White, and then Jordan Walsh getting surprise run. Plus, Joe Mazzulla gets his 100th win, and John thinks it’s all about his approach to the team’s mentality that makes him very effective.

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Locked On Celtics is a daily Boston Celtics podcast by Boston Sports Journal beat writer John Karalis. It’s an inside look at the C’s from a former professional basketball player who is at practices & games.

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  1. This was a ridiculous win by Cs, basically playing with no starting 5s for most of the game we demolished NETS. Great win, very happy for Mazulla, he has to accomplish now the most important thing, get a title.

  2. WARNING: I'm very disappointed to see that scum-robinghood on your podcast. Their trading practices were exposed a few years ago when they and many others turned off BUY button trading GAMESTOP. Everyone who knows about the GAMESTOP saga can confirm – stay away from these frauds. There is only one way and it's BUY HODL DRS – Computershare. This is not financial advice, it's a fact. Stay safe folks!

  3. Love that Mazz gave Jordan minutes. I've not always been a Joe fan, but I'm really liking his decision-making lately. Congrats to Joe on his 100th win too!

  4. Ass…whooping. Nice to see Payton have such a great game. Anyway it’s late so I’ll leave it at that. Safe travels to Indiana JK. ☘️🔒

  5. That 2nd quarter was beautiful. Who else noticed Crossover P 😱? Anyways, hope everyone enjoys the all-star break, and that includes you too, John. Take some time off and chill with the fam

  6. I like the nights we get burger commentary and relationship advice – a sign of more good things to come. You’re a good person ty!

  7. Great job last night PaytonPritchard said after the game that his concerned in the second half of the season is trying to get the championship

  8. Tatum is having one of the best playmaking stretches of his career. How much exponentially better he has gotten in that area is what you want to see out of him. Also it seems like he is just overall making smarter decisions offensively since you called him out a while ago on his over-reliance on taking three pointers. Hopefully he can continue this type of play after the All-Star break and into the playoffs.

  9. Imho, I have noticed a difference in Joe since he started training in jujitsu. I think coaching and Jujitsu are connecting in a very positive way

  10. How do we know our coach is the best man for the job? When they go out and execute his gameplan for a full 48 minutes across all rotations because its his 100th win so they can give him the game ball after. Our players have mega respect for him.

  11. This is a prime example of why the celtics will be so hard to beat in a series. Teams can get up and play beast mode for one game against us and make us look normal and beatable.
    The problem is, those teams had some miraculous performance to beat us or keep it close while we just played normal everyday ball and the other team cant replicate that every game casually like we can.

  12. I missed the game, you mean the Celtics missed free throws in the 4th quarter? What would the final score have been otherwise? That's scary.

  13. People who want 20 pt wins every night are fraidy-cat, trigger-panic fans who want guaranteed wins, and to do so in comfort. Not real sports fans.

  14. Again Lamar stevens another great game. I think we should have found a way to keep him and get Tillman if it was possible. Stevens: 14pts, 2 blocks, 1/1 from 3, 8 rebounds. I think he should have been given the same amount of opportunities as oshae got. I love oshae and I really like stevens. I think we could have used him in certain spots(if only stevens was 2 inches taller, but he makes up for it with his bounce so idk, from what I’ve seen he is oshae but a little more comfortable scoring the ball. Hopefully we traded the right guy(love you oshae)NO HOMO, hey hopefully Tillman is better 🤞

  15. I thought Walsh looked really solid on the defensive end and made the right plays on the offensive end (aside from a turnover I attribute to over excitement and a flubbed layup).

  16. Locked On Celtics- To say "Drop it in gear & disappear." would be an understatement as far as the Boston Celtics' win against the Brooklyn Nets, last night is concerned.

    They dropped it in gear, disappeared, left the Brooklyn Nets in a cloud of freakin' dust & managed to get the job done in a 50-point blow-out, if you ask me…

  17. I picked a great game to watch while getting my pump on. I got jacked while watching that one! lol
    Thank you for another great pod, John! ☘☘☘

  18. I watch every single game live I take one game off to spend Valentine’s Day with my wife and they do this 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

  19. The Celtics core is young but have gone through a lot from toxic locker rooms, bad losses to leadership transitions. I am reminded of a Taoist saying when it comes to Mazzulla's relationship with his players:

    "When the student is ready, the master will appear."

  20. I got the basketball package from YouTube live and I live in New York and they blocked me out from the New York Knicks and the Nets I don't understand cuz I live in New York😂 so I didn't get to watch the game until after it was done what is shame I hate living in New York

  21. Yep, the McD's deal is surprisingly tricky/dumb for them. They usually "get it" in the way you described, understanding they'll get more customers that way. My guess? They're doing more pure advertising (and simply garnering more use of their app) than sales here.

  22. I don’t think Celtics are interested in breaking records… That kind of attitude induces broken records, however.. Go Cs!!!!

  23. Mazulla is a fighter and a very passionate man. Not one to be backed in a corner.. And he is a man of God and family… Gotta love Joe Mazulla.

  24. The challenge of coaching is empowering every player to achieve their maximum potential. It starts with a coach of integrity, good work ethic and genuine commitment and love for his players of which he has been given stewardship by God and I truly believe he would not disagree.

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