@Oklahoma City Thunder

College Basketball Recruiting Weekly: 2022 NBA Re-Draft πŸ€ | OKC Thunder, Detroit Pistons

College Basketball Recruiting Weekly: 2022 NBA Re-Draft πŸ€ | OKC Thunder, Detroit Pistons

Welcome back into college basketball recruiting weekly this is the second in a two-part Series where we are breaking down the best young prospects in the NBA this is tied to the rising stars challenge as part of Allstar Weekend in Indianapolis and it gives us a chance to

Revisit some of our work from years past and really dig into the best young players in the NBA our last show redrafted the NBA draft of 2023 thus breaking down the best rookies in the NBA and this week’s show is going to go back to the class of

2022 and thus examine the best sophomores in the NBA the way it’s going to work ebos and I will go redraft one at a time one through 10 through that 2022 NBA draft in ebos I’m I will give you the first first pick in the draft

Because I really want to know are you going to stick with Paulo like the magic did or are you going to go with chett or maybe somebody else I’m sticking with Paulo like the magic did um I think they made a great choice on draft night and I

Think he’s proving to be worthy of a number one draft Pi he’s Allstar in year two averaging right around 23 points seven rebounds and five assists a game his three-point shooting his way up from his rookie season he’s up in the 36% range from just below 30% as a rookie

And the guy just looks like he’s going to be a fixture in the All-Star game for a long time he’s skilled he’s strong he’s smart he’s really figuring out his game you know in the past he’s always wanted to settle a little bit too much for jump shots he’s really figured out a

Nice mix between his postup game and that jump shooting and the guy just seems to getting better at a rapid rate we’ve talked about him before and so I don’t want to regurgitate any of that same stuff but we’ve seen him take a jump each and every year dating back to

His freshman year in high school and it’s how he’s been able to sustain that spot among the best players in the class and the two things that stand out to me this year are the three-point shooting that you mentioned and the improvements he’s made on the defensive end of the

Floor I think both of those things have been really important uh to not not only his game taking the next step but uh Orlando taking the next step in the Eastern Conference as well all right with the second overall pick I am also going to stay consistent with what the

Draft was I’m going to take Chad hren we talked about Chad a lot last week uh because we were debating him versus wemi for the Rookie of the Year the thing I will say about Chad is that he is a perfect fit for that OKC system because

He can protect the rim he can stretch the floor he can drive the ball and best of all for those of us who have watched chat since he was younger is the fact that he has stayed healthy that was the big concern coming into the draft and those concerns were only Amplified last

Year after he suffered That season ending injury before training camp so it has been great to see him healthy and impacting winning um he would be in this situation the second pick in in the draft although I do think there’s a case he could make for number one ibas who

You got at number three actually one of Chad’s teammates now Jaylen Williams out of Santa Clara who went I believe what 13 on draft night or 12th sorry out out of Santa CLA you know he’s knock to Me Knocking right on the door of being an All-Star down the road he’s he’s getting

Close um you know 19 points four rebounds four point 6 assists per game he’s a very um efficient player shot over 50% from the field as a rookie shooting nearly 55% from the field right now in his second year and he just does so much for them because of his ability

To Crate off the dribble and get in the lane and make things happen um a lot of fun to watch play and of course you know Oklahoma City with this young team with with him and Chad and of course Shay ggis Alexander second place in the west right now is we’re approaching the

All-Star break it’s it’s it’s been pretty impressive to see and clearly jaylen’s a big part of that completely co-sign everything you just said and the only other thing I want to add to that is I think it’s very possible that when OKC fans look back on

How this team was made because I think they’ve been built to contend for championships for a long time they’re so young they’re only going to keep getting better they’re going to look back on this draft this 2022 NBA drafter they got ched at number two and then they got

Jaylen at 12 and they are going to say we nailed that draft and that put us in a position to be a championship Contender for a long time cuz we already had SGA but now to get these two guys and make it a full Trio of course they

Have Josh giddy there and others but they absolutely nailed this 2022 NBA draft even even though at this point Usman Jang hasn’t really uh paid off anywhere to the same extent but by getting Chad and Jaylen Williams in this draft at 2 and 12 they set themselves up for the next decade Plus

All right the fourth pick in the draft I’ve got I’m going to be curious your reaction on this one uh because when we went through this exercise a few months ago I think he was barely in the top 10 but with the fourth pick in the 2022 NBA

Redraft I am taking jayen Ivy from the Pistons now jayen Ivy did not have a good start to a sophomore season um Monty Williams came in he was preaching defense and Jaden was not up to his standards and and really struggled to find consistent rotation minutes however

In the last month or so he has gained the trust of Monty Williams and in the last five games he’s playing 32 minutes per night averaging 26 points four and a half rebounds 3.8 assists he’s shooting 52% from the floor 59% from three which obviously isn’t sustainable and 71% from

The freeth throw line you break those numbers down more this is a guy whose spot up catch and shoot numbers are better than we expected coming out out of college and I think that’s huge when you’re talking about the amount of non-shooters that are on this Detroit team and his isolation numbers are

Freakishly good so this is a probably perceived as aggressive if you’re just looking at his stats throughout the course of the year because there was a big percentage of the Year where he wasn’t living up to it and I will end with this I never want to

Be one of those analysts that question coaches especially NBA coaches because they know more about basketball than I do and you know I think I’m pretty knowledgeable about the game I coached in college coached in high school did a whole bunch of stuff as you as you have

But Monty Williams knows more about basketball than I do I never want to be one of these guys who’s questioning them I just couldn’t figure out why Jaden Ivy wasn’t and who knows there’s probably stuff going on behind the scenes that we’re not privy to couldn’t figure out

Why he wasn’t more in the lineup beginning of the year now that he is and not only that but they’re playing him him with Cade with Jaylen Durant with thear Thompson those guys are all on the floor together Marcus Sasser that’s been their most common lineup throughout the

Last five games and they’ve won two of those five so that’s my long-winded way of saying jayen Ivy at number four I know we’re we’re trying not to be as long-winded this week but I’m curious what you think of that pick oh no your your reasoning is sound I had Jaden ivy

In the top 10 of the redraft just a bit further down and actually I’ve got him behind his teammate Jaylen Duran who will eventually get to here so you know I actually had so that puts me at five I actually had Keegan Murray still at number four um out of Iowa with the

Kings so I I guess I get him at at five now you know he’s just been really steady on a winning team where he hasn’t had to be a primary option with sabonis and dearon fox but really really valuable guy you know 15 points five rebounds a night type of guy um he’s

Going to shoot it from 3 a little bit down this year he’s right around 36% after shooting 41% from three as a rookie I’m not too worried about that he just looks like a classic you know NBA Wing who’s going to be in that 15 to 20

Point a game range for the next 10 years I think it’s interesting that he plays with Harrison Barnes on the Kings because I Envision kind of a pretty similar rear Arc kind of playing out for him I see a lot of similarities to a young Barnes and a young Murray you know

Murray’s probably a little bit more skilled from the perimeter whereas Barnes could play on the interior a little bit more but just a solid guy and I think is proving to be a top five pick with his production so far at least out of this draft class I heard Mike Brown

Call him one of the team’s best two perimeter Defenders uh earlier this week and that is such a compliment and such a testament to what he’s done on that end of the floor you talked about the shooting numbers they’ve been super streaky uh this year he started the

Season out shot 26% from three-point line in December January it jumped up to 44% February it was at 39 which I think is is rep representative where we expect it to be um and then the last six games he’s just been six to 28 again so he’s

He’s taking on a lot more defensively it’s having to exert a lot more effort um but if he can ever combine those two I think it’s all the makings of an elite three and D Wing um all right so that brings it back to me at sixth overall

And I’m gonna go Jabari Smith here I had him fifth overall at my board he’s still just 20 years old he turns 21 on May 13 um we’ve seen a real uptick in terms of his numbers from his rookie season to to this year I think it’s clear in

Retrospect that he’s not at least to me in the same tier as Paulo and chat which was know very much the expectation on draft night that may not be the case anymore but he’s still got real value um he’s at his size his spot up floor spacing although not quite to the level

Yet that we expected coming out of out of college it it’s shown real Improvement about 37 um 37% so far uh this season he’s got a a compact release there’s no dip in a shot I’m not an advocate of kids trying to mimic that early on but he doesn’t require a whole

Lot of Separation so he’s got a lot of gravity as a floor spacer and some of those defensive metrics especially off the ball are trending in the right direction too um so I think that you know I’m not sure if he’s got like offensive Alpha potential yet but again

He’s just 20 years old we don’t know and he’s made really nice strides from last year to this year so so I’ve got him sixth overall on my board now I’m intrigued because this was a spot where I wasn’t quite sure what to do so I’m

I’m very curious to see who you have at seven yes so I I actually had Javari Smith at five on on my redraft just like you did um but you’re at seven after a little bit of shakeup Shaden sharp which is where he went on draft night um you

Know there there’s you can’t helped sometimes when watching him to have a little bit of a feeling of I feel like there’s so much more that this guy can give but you know prior to going out with the injury here recently he was up to 16 points five rebounds and almost

Three assists per game you know his shooting is down a bit overall from his rookie year but I think it’s a big byproduct of how young they are and you’re not playing next to Damen Lillard anymore who’s right taking up a line share of the attention from a defense

You know but he’s taking more threes he’s making more threes he’s showing some playmaking you know and he’s another guy who we talk about his youth he he doesn’t turn 21 until May 30th I believe so very young and just his his highs and what he can do

Athletically are are so high that you you you don’t want to draft him too low in a redraft because he could still end up being one of the top you know three or four guys out of this class all said and done pretty easily you know what

Puzzles me about him and again I hate to be the guy who criticize criticizes NBA coaches um because they always they they know more than I do and they have act their context is different I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes but Shaden sharp before his injury was

Coming off the bench uh quite frequently they were starting toari Kamar and I just think of you’re Portland you’re not in the postseason picture like go out there with scoop Simons in shade and sharp and see what that Trio looks like because hopefully that’s your backcourt

Trio of the future and if it’s not you got to move off somebody and and start to get this Foundation the way you want it for the foreseeable future so um that that to me was was something that that I thought was you know stood out in the shade and sharp

Evaluation all right that brings it back to me are we at eight overall now yeah yep all right I think you’re gonna agree with this then I’m going Jaylen Duren um again really young um was barely eligible for the draft that that year um and the total points are the total

Numbers when he’s healthy have been really impressive he’s he’s at 14 points 12 rebounds per game he’s averaging two and a half assists per game um and we’ve seen him be a shot blocking presence as well the two games that the Pistons won last week here’s this statline 27 points

22 rebounds in three blocks and then 20 points 15 rebounds and six assists and if you go back and watch that tape they were letting Jaylen durren bring the ball up the floor and initiate offense at times so this guy is every bit the physical monster we expected coming out

Of high school and now we’re starting to see subtle signs of an uptick in a skill level if that motor and his defensive awareness ever get to the point where they are consistent uh this guy is is going to be really really good for a

Long time and I know if you’re a Detroit fan you’re saying like hey we stink how do we have two of the best pi picks in this year’s draft but I think Ivy and Duran could still be long-term building blocks in Detroit yeah no doubt Jaylen

Is a beast um just a monster uh 27 double doubles on the year in fact anytime he gets double digit rebounds he’s gonna get double digit scoring as well it’s happened each time you know you brought up the 27 and 22 he’s just getting better at a rapid rate doesn’t

Turn 21 until almost Thanksgiving so he’s really really young out there there’s just so much to like with him absolutely all right I’m curious I’m curious if you’ve got another big coming off the board here with with is this your last pick this is nine yeah yeah

Nope nope I’m I’m spot or two away from the next big I’m going with Benedict Muran here who has had a little bit of a dip from that great rookie season but still playing extremely well as a you know score Off the Bench primarily for the Pacers

14 points a game um you know not not getting the free throw line near as much he was at six a game as a as a rookie which really helped him kind of acclim himself accl acclimate not accl sorry acclimate himself to the league he’s just really good guy I think he’s going

To be you know if he’s not your starter he’s a very very good option as a sixth man for a long time and I think just by production of what he’s done in his career so far he’s he’s the next guy on the board for me

All right I am going Mark Williams with my final pick in the redraft Mark Williams was someone that I was high high on on draft night um you know earlier this week it was announced that Mitch cup was was stepping down or transitioning to an advisory role for

Charlotte and Mitch cup has has caught some slack over the years for some of his his decisionmaking and I tweeted that I think we at least need to recognize that he got the Brandon Miller decision right in the 2023 draft because there was a lot of sentiment that that

Scoot should be the pick um I think he got 2022 right too because he got Mark Williams with the 15th overall pick and when you look at the guys who who went behind him uh this looks like a somewhat of a no-brainer in retrospect but Mark

Williams I think has a chance to be their center of the future he’s essentially averaging a double double now he’s been out since December with a back contusion but he’s at uh 12.7 points 9.7 rebounds um he’s a rim protecting presence in the middle uh not

Quite as much as you would like I think there’s still potential for him to grow in that area um but this guy they’re starting center for the next decade and they got him with a 15th overall pick so I think that was really good value for Charlotte in this draft all right that

Is the reranking of the top 10 but before we sign off ebos anybody else that was on your board that you want a quick shout out here yeah you know I funny I actually had Williams at 10 just like you um the three other guys that

Kind of stood out to me and going back and doing this would be uh Jeremy soan I think has has proven you know I don’t know if I would have taken him quite as high as his first took him I think they took him at number nine but you know

Definitely I think he’s proving that he should have been in the lottery territory um Walker Kessler I think has been a very nice surprise after getting traded to the Jazz um and for a guy that went a little bit further down in the draft is is doing some things showing to

Be a shot blocker um nearly three a game I think and very efficient around the rim you know not not anything crazy and then the the last guy who stood after me is just Char e who I think is just a really nice piece in Houston as they’re

Rebuilding things and certainly a guy that I think they got pretty good value out of at number 17 couple trends for this draft in retrospect that I want to acknowledge is I think the bigs were undervalued there’s a lot of talk on draft night about how you know you don’t take bigs

High anymore and that’s the old NBA but I think you can make the argument that Jaylen durren Mark Williams and Walker kle all still all should have gone higher uh in this exercise this redraft exercise I think they all would have gone higher and then I also want to give

Credit in terms of finding value late in the first round how about the work that Denver did there Christian Brown at 21 I mean if if we went to you know 15 in this redraft I I certainly would have taken him I think uh you know his

Ability to step in play minutes for those guys has been impressive and and just NBA ready credit to him and to Bill self and then getting Payton Watson at 30 when he didn’t play we just talked about this a couple shows ago at UCLA finding that potential on the margin and

Getting two players that ended up being rotation players a year after the draft in brown and Watson and then locked in on those rookie scale contracts which helped for the salary cap I think was huge uh for Denver and then the last player I want to shout out on the

Margins uh Andrew neh cards been been really good continues to be good um but uh Trailblazers got Jabari Walker at 57 and um he’s he’s you know been very solid for them looks like a longtime NBA NBA Pro uh 8.4 points 4 47% from the

Floor uh about five I’m sorry six and a half rebounds per game so he’s in a stock game if you’re into the the steals plus blocks category so really good Val late in the second round for the Blazers as well uh ebos you and I enjoy watching

NBA we enjoy talking the NBA so I have a lot of fun with these episodes and I appreciate you doing it with me again yeah thanks for thanks for having on looking forward to the next one all right check it out 247 Sports channel everything you could ever

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In this episode of College Basketball Recruiting Weekly, hosts Adam Finkelstein and Eric Bossi share their Top 10 Picks from the 2022 NBA Draft that they would take today if they were given the chance.

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0:00 Introduction
0:55 No. 1 Paolo Banchero (Orlando Magic)
2:20 No. 2 Chet Holmgren (Oklahoma City Thunder)
3:06 No. 3 Jalen Williams (Oklahoma City Thunder)
5:00 No. 4 Jaden Ivey (Detroit Pistons)
7:35 No. 5 Keegan Murray (Sacramento Kings)
9:18 No. 6 Jabari Smith Jr. (Houston Rockets)
10:40 No. 7 Shaedon Sharpe (Portland Trail Blazers)
12:45 No. 8 Jalen Duren (Detroit Pistons)
14:36 No. 9 Bennedict Mathurin (Indiana Pacers)
15:38 No. 10 Mark Williams (Charlotte Hornets)

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