@Charlotte Hornets

Steve Clifford PostGame Interview | Atlanta Hawks vs Charlotte Hornets

Steve Clifford PostGame Interview | Atlanta Hawks vs Charlotte Hornets

Kind of where you think he can be yeah well I think he’s just finding his rhythm still to be honest with you you know he still gets really sore after the games um and you know he’s not able to fully participate every day in all the

Practices so he can play the game so I would say that he’s getting there but I I don’t think he’s anywhere not anywhere near but he’s not where he’ll be I think in like three weeks or a month like is getting better every single game out what

Kind of surprised how quick he catching on things well happy but he you know he’s diligent like he came in the other day and I mean he’s right what he says he’s like you know you guys give me this film with all this offensive plays and he

Goes it’s like Oklahoma City it’s every team and he goes you know it’s all these plays and we only run like a third of them so can you write down like the third I need to know you know which no I mean it shows thought and it shows that

He’s going home and saying like you know want to be on top of stuff and so but I I think for him a lot of it is just confidence you know like getting a chance to play regularly but what he did tonight was he was in the middle of us

Getting off to a good start in the first quarter and then the third quarter which was the most important quarter of the game he was right in the middle of the start of that too coach the pregame how Tre young presents and defense is a lot

Of problems he two fre those tonight you just talk about playing defense but also play defense which is one of the biggest aspects of playing defense I mean it’s been a problem we we have been getting better at that but the worst thing you can do in our league and this is just

Fact is put somebody at the free throw line so if you shoot a free throw right now going in tonight it’s like 1.55 points per possession a layups 1.32 now think about that so people don’t realize you foul somebody taking a three you know basically you’re moronic

I mean no I mean you you’re it’s just it’s just senseless I mean you’re killing your team it’s not like oh it’s you know tough it’s it’s a horrible play and he leads the NBA and free throws attempts he’s great at it but we did a

Good job with that tonight you know he had 15 the last time we played him here talked about man’s performance but if you want an average that’s 7.32 three per game something like that you know you impress with just how quickly you guys been able to do yeah no no for sure

But I mean I think that that’s not I mean that’s just basketball IQ veteran players um guys that have been around you know for Seth uh for DB um you know those guys you know guys get used to playing on different teams every year so they I think they it’s

Easier for them but I also think the guys that were here

Steve Clifford PostGame Interview | Atlanta Hawks vs Charlotte Hornets

Steve Clifford PostGame Interview Atlanta Hawks vs Charlotte Hornets


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