@Orlando Magic

EP. 392 – 32, Where It Belongs – Orlando Magic Podcast

EP. 392 – 32, Where It Belongs – Orlando Magic Podcast

This is the Sixth Man Show an Orlando Magic podcast with your hosts Luke Sylvia and Jonathan Osborne covering all things Magic Basketball by fans for fans go Magic what’s going on Orlando Magic fans you guys are back with the six-man show today is either February 15th or February 16th depending upon how how quickly we can get this episode wrapped up edited and uploaded Jonathan Osborne here as always joined by my co-host Luke Sylvia Luke what is going

On we’ve had a we’ve had a big week this past week Jonathan we’ve had a big week however there needs to be one thing as well shouted out in this episode I’m going to make sure it happens today we got news NCA football 25 coming this summer hopefully some

Gameplay in the next couple months on the trailer would be awesome they launch that they confirm this summer it’s happening give a cool little trailer there to get everybody hyped up get the uh juices flowing I’m going to be spending a lot of time on NCAA football

Over the summer offseason for the magic after we win the finals in June and then go into straight to NCA football 25 so I’m I’m I’m pumped I’m not like the biggest college football guy around you know but like NCAA uh football like 14 I forget the guy from Michigan don’t

Remember his name remember him being on the cover I played the hell out of that game in high school actually no that’s not high school that was after high school what what year was what year was TBO on the cover like that was the first one that I

Got into and I got into that 11 heavy spent hours and hours playing like the you know recruiting mode and all that kind of stuff so I’m not the biggest college football guy but that you and Kevin were on quite the FIFA streak a few months ago and I was sort of left

Out of that but when it comes to the you know NCAA football college football game coming out I will be all over that yeah it’s hard not to be you got to you got to respect it um but yeah I mean you just have to and going back to to 14 was

It dard Robinson I believe is who you were thinking of there for Michigan on the cover I IC game because it was the last of its kind or so we thought I am nervous it’s not going to be the same but nonetheless we got a lot

To cover so we can get into that but I wanted to give a shout out to NCA football yeah and our listeners are you know if you don’t follow us on social media especially Facebook Twitter or Instagram you woke up Thursday you’re like where the heck’s the episode of the six-man

Show we went to the game Tuesday we’re going to talk about that game we’re going to talk about Sha’s Jersey retirement our group night all that kind of stuff stuff and then went to the game Wednesday came home Wednesday I got home at about midnight to find out that my

Internet was gone it was completely out we gave it almost an hour and it wasn’t coming back up so we’re like okay we’re just going to have to figure this out record tomorrow I go to sleep I wake up today still no internet I call my internet service

Provider and they’re like yeah well there’s a company in installing light poles in the neighborhood and somebody dug too deep and clipped the main fiber op line to not only our neighborhood but four neighborhoods that’s crazy so they were having to dig 12 feet into the

Ground to try to find where exactly this occurred and then fix it so I think we were like 14 15 hours without internet which was pretty rough but uh nonetheless we’re here sorry we’re late these things happen from time to time and just so much happened Tuesday night

Wednesday night as you can hear from the lack of voice it is taking so much effort to make even the most minimal sound right now so much went on Tuesday and Wednesday I I didn’t want the boys to record without me selfishly because I want to I want to talk about everything

That happened so we’re going to get to that in just a second but a couple of quick announcements first of all met a lot of people Tuesday and Wednesday of this week that say they’ve been listening since the very beginning of the show going all the way back to

February of 2019 so coming up here February 23rd which is next Friday that’s going to be the like the official 5year anniversary of of the six-man show so we are recording and broadcasting live a five-year anniversary show next Wednesday night at 900 pm on YouTube uh obviously there won’t be any real games

In between now and then we’ll talk little bit of All-Star break for the most part it’ll just sort of be looking ahead to the rest of the season and also just sort of looking back at the last five years of the six-man show and sort of all the awesome opportunities you

Know that we’ve had we’ll have a very special guest uh on that broadcast so be sure to tune in again that’s going to be our fiveyear anniversary show of the six-man show next Wednesday February 21st at 900 pm on YouTube so make sure that you go ahead and we’ll probably put

A like scheduled a broadcast early so that you can go and you know make sure you’ll get a notification when that starts Luke uh but yeah very much looking forward to that it’s crazy that’s already obviously 5 years and I’m sure to you that’s much Wilder to you

But I’m I’m I’m even able to to kind of think about okay when when the however old the show is I came along about a year later so wild to me that we have the the fiveyear anniversary of the show which means also me being here for four years

Us recording an episode a week and then adding to be two a week I mean and then with all the opportunities we’ve had in the last few years especially last couple years time’s flying and it’s uh it is is pretty nuts to look back on it and be

Like man the show really was started five years ago it is it is wild it’s been a lot of fun the last couple of years have just got like exponentially more crazy and you talked about the opportunities we’ve had it it’s been so much fun so it’ll be fun to sort of

Reflect on that and you know look ahead as well so again make sure that you tune in to that next Wednesday 900 pm on YouTube going to be a lot of fun next episode of the six fan show is going to be filmed Tuesday February 27th outside

Of Kia after the magic take on the Nets so be sure that you are if you’re at that game come outside after that game meet Ben he’ll be there recording uh and you can be featured in that as well always always always a fun time the the

Last uh episode of the six fan show that we put out this week after the OKC game and after the you know Jersey retirement and everything where uh our our our friend who we thought was our friend mdy World Peace uh labeling Luke Sylvia terrorist sort of out of nowhere you

Never know and if it just so you guys know just because you say something out of pocket like that it doesn’t mean it won’t get on the show because if the other two guys that aren’t of the butt of the joke think it’s funny it’s going

In the video and you know what the best part of that was I I I would just like to defend myself in real time if you listen to that clip you can faintly hear me saying cut that cut that but Kevin Kevin decided it was staying Kevin ultimately had the editing

Power so it didn’t matter what I what I thought or even what you thought at that point Kev was kev’s the one that can hit the publish button there and after editing and exporting so yeah I listen it came about you guys one of you guys

Texted maybe Kevin I think and just all he said was Maddie with a bunch of laughing faces and I was like what’s what are we talking about and then Jonathan knew cuz you were there and then you all were like oh don’t worry about it you’ll see so I had to wait a

Full like few hours figure out that I was the one being called a terrorist I’m catching Strays on my my own shows videos pretty wild insane but yeah you’ll never know so definitely go say hey to Ben maybe maybe uh make a joke pal Jonathan and Kevin if it’s funny

Enough to keep it in if you make one about Kevin though I I don’t know that it’ll be most likely will be cut most likely will be cut okay let’s talk about uh let’s talk about Tuesday and Wednesday because there’s some stuff that happened Wednesday that some of you are aware of

But some of you are not and we’ll get to that in a minute but first of all we’re going to talk about the OKC game like in its entirety and we’ll have a obviously a separate segment strictly devoted to talking about the game and what happened

There but we we wanted to talk first of all when the schedule came out in August we knew that we wanted to do some type of big group night with our our followers and our listeners and you know fans of the show and people that come

Out to watch parties we want to have a group night at some point during the season uh for you know magic fans people come and really just be around other DieHard magic fans and for that to be a fun experience at a game and when the national TV schedule came out and we

Knew that the magic were going to be playing on TNT at home for the first time in 12 years I think it was we circled that date we’re like if we can make it happen that’s the night that we want to do it so shout out to our guy

John McCall who if you are looking for uh you know season ticket information or or you’re looking to bring a group to a game John McCall is absolutely the guy that you want to reach out to for that but we reached out to John McCall and

Said hey this is the night that we want to do this are we able to make it happen he said absolutely we put up the first round of tickets we thought maybe over the course of a week or maybe two weeks we’ll be able to sell these I think it

Was like 100 tickets to begin within like 3 or 4 hours completely sold out we had to open up another uh area in another section and within like another day or two those completely sold out as well I think we ended up with over 200 people that purchased tickets to this

Game and we’re able to bring like a 100 fans to the pregame warm-ups uh prior to the game so just from like when first getting there and and people started to trickle in people that I’ve been talking to on social media for years that have never had the opportunity to meet them

Being able to make that connection and putting like Twitter and Instagram handles to to faces um and it’s always so weird because like when we go to magic games it’s not uncommon now for people to recognize us because you know our affiliation with the the team and

The podcast and everything like that and it’s always super cool but it is always funny to me when people like oh my gosh I’m I’m so nervous like I’m like brother we’re just guys like we are legitimately just dudes doing this there is nothing absolutely special about us we’re just

Dudes that do a podcast so that’s always a super cool experience um but Luke we got to hang out at halftime um like literally fans from all over the world we had fans from the UK shout out to our our boy garant uh that came over with

Some friends from the let’s talk magic formerly known as the Orlando Magic ukuk po uh we got to meet fans from Australia uh we had a longtime listener and his wife that we got to you know chat with uh I got to talk with them Tuesday and

Wednesday night as a matter of fact just lovely couple awesome to meet them our guy Michael Lynch who’s a patron of ours over from Ireland we had fans fly in from Philadelphia from California like all over the country Luke and just being able to to meet people and and talk with

People that helped support the show and uh that we got got to just all be together in this special night was it was that it was just really special to be honest and I don’t get to bring Lauren super often because we have obviously our children here and quite frankly like

People have lives unless we want to pay for a sitter Lauren typically isn’t going to come unless one of our parents can can do something but often like I said they’ve got lives they can’t they can’t always do that there’s not always real possibility for us but we we went

We went all out we got a sitter for the uh for the night on Tuesday Lauren wanted to come out with me and so just was awesome because I think it might have been like our only our second game that she’s really been to with me in the

Last really since the show started we were living in Omaha originally she she came um to the inseason tournament game against Boston which was a fantastic game to to be at but yeah I don’t think too many others that we’ve all been able to be at together no not at all so it

Was just it was awesome and um can’t say enough about all of you guys showing up and we we got a lot of really great response about Tuesday night especially there against OKC a lot of people tweeting about it even people that didn’t know it was us that were like hey

Whoever was in Section 102 you guys are all doing your thing and that that first quarter especially when the magic were really given up something to cheer for and Shay Gil just Alexander wasn’t absolutely going off or or Jaylen Williams yeah a lot of people took took

Notice of that and and it’s always a really fun time to have an impact on what happens in a game like that it was awesome cuz like that was the goal like hey this is going to be our first nationally televised game in a while like we want it to be a special

Atmosphere for you know the guys and uh you know wanted to if you’re watching a broadcast like wow like Orlando has got some some you know pretty uh passionate fans there and there was one possession in the the beginning of the the fourth first quarter rather like four minutes

Into the game where magic fans are are still super engaged and we started a a defense chant and that was like I felt I felt my voice go and and it’s been gone since like I did my best like all throughout the rest of the game trying

To talk to people at halftime like basically like yelling to get any amount of noise out and then knowing that I was going to the game Wednesday and and knew that we had a podcast to record it’s just like I don’t know that I’ve ever

Done what I did this time to my voice I don’t know that I’ve ever done this before and obviously in that setting it’s contagious like you just like if someone starts a chant and being that I was a couple seats over from you you were the

One starting the chance most of the time and I was chanting along for like the first few times that it happened and then I felt my voice kind of kind of change there and I was like I I I talk on the phone for my day job so I need to

Figure it out I need to basically calm down I don’t need to like I’ll cheer for baskets and whatever but I don’t need to be yelling um unfortunately that was that was the reality that I had so I I live by Carly through you I also thought

It was awesome to hear other people start chance because truthfully when I go and I sit with you you’re always the one starting the chance and so for to hear other people like get the confidence it takes some confidence to start a chant because you got to know

That people you got to trust that people are going to join in with you and you know when you do it especially like when I’m there and Kevin’s there you know hey they’re they’re going to follow suit but the people that don’t necessarily know if people are going to fall suit take

Some courage and you’re going to fall flat in your face sometimes but I was super proud of the people that that did that went out on a limb and and started some chance just not a better feeling than when everybody chimes in and it was a great night all around

Despite the loss I just want to say I’ve been doing that by myself for 10 years just screaming and nobody nobody’s screaming around me so I you you you build up that confidence over time that like hey I’m just going to cheer like regardless if anybody cheers with me

They’re they’re you know you just do it but yeah like exactly what we wanted was was the crowd that we brought and and it wasn’t so we were sitting in 102 and then a couple of sections over the other seats that we sold like the other

Hundred seats that we sold in uh 118 like I I heard them going as well so it wasn’t just our section but like yeah I just being at a game with like that many we said we want the most rabid Die Hard magic fans and that’s exactly what we

Got like going back especially to the first half like to your point where we had things to cheer about in that game like being able to hear the chance like through the TV and like I’m getting texts throughout the game like I heard this I know that’s y’all like I know I

Know you guys started the MVP chant for poo at the free throw line like that was that was really really cool like to the point where certain points in that first quarter like you had a hard time hearing the TNT broadcast team so U just an

Awesome night uh we we want to do another one this year we’re we’re working on doing another group night um hopefully sometime next month so as soon as we have all the details on that ironed out that one’s going to be pretty special I think that one is probably going to go

Even faster than this one went so just be on the lookout you know listen to the Pod you know if if you watch on YouTube obviously or keep an eye on our social media accounts as soon as we can announce that and put that link out like

Just just be ready because I have a really really strong feeling that this is going to go pretty quickly when when we announc that so that was a great time uh Luke let’s talk about the reason that TNT and every everybody was there and everybody stayed after the game

Obviously Shaquille O’Neal in the building getting his jersey retired the first jersey in Orlando Magic history going up there um what did you think of sort of the the energy the the day of sort of leading up to the game and then um like right after the game we go into

The retirement ceremony like what were your thoughts on all of that the discourse was was interesting the day of you definitely had like the fans that were just pumped to to talk about the magic being on National Television always cool to see National Outlets post about it big Twitter accounts big

Instagram accounts post about like pal benero is going to get his first nationally televised game welld deserved all that sort of stuff and then you had your discourse about Shaquille O’Neal and the Jersey retirement and I would wouldn’t say added a damper to the day but it was

Still like a negativity that like I didn’t well like I I was not welcoming that just ridiculous like we’re to that day it’s happening you can’t do anything about it so how about instead of bashing the organization for retiring Shaq’s Jersey just be thankful the retiring one

At all because I guarantee you those who had an issue with Shaq being the one retired you’ve been calling for Jersey to be retired for years so we finally get to that day and so that was a little frustrating but because it was it was everybody like

Not everybody obviously but there was a good chunk of people that I saw that just wanted to gripe about it still and still will and they’re going to continue to and blah blah blah but all I know is 20 years down the line we’re going to have quite a few more jerseys

Retired and nobody’s going to care anymore about which one was retired first they’re going to get up there so going into that and that night just knowing that following it was just cool like to look over as well like to see Shaq was calling the game Cool to look

Over at the table and and see Shaq just it’s not an everyday occurrence that’s for sure to she SE Shack and then leading into the ceremony which we’ll talk about too but just really surreal and I I think the most special part about it was that we

We know we’re familiar with the fact that Shaq played for a ton of teams especially near the end of his career he was just kind of balancing around right being a little bit of a journeyman to end the career as he was getting older so he’s affiliated with a lot of

Teams but it was really special to see sha just be a magic he wasn’t he wasn’t a Cavalier he wasn’t a heat he wasn’t a Laker he wasn’t any of those teams he was just an Orlando Magic and so that was awesome and to see him get celebrated like he did afterwards just

The the concept end up of itself is is awesome and like I said super surreal yeah like for that night he wasn’t anything else like it was just about the magic and even you know before the game he said he he thought that that was going to be the most special one now

Is he just saying that cuz you know it’s in the moment and he’s you know wrapped up in emotion like yeah that that might be the case but nonetheless it’s a nice sentiment to share you know um speaking specifically about the the ceremony it was long much longer than I think

Anybody anticipated I thought like you know this is going to be like a 20 30 minute thing I’m pretty sure it carried like almost an hour maybe even a little bit more than that there were tons of shacks you know former teammates that were there obviously you know Brian Hill

Was in attendance David steel was sort of like hosting you know and mcing the the retirement you have Penny Hardway in attendance who I mean penny might have got the loudest Ovation of the night including Shaq like it was obviously a Shaq’s night and you know Shaq was shown

On the video board all throughout the evening and got almost a standing ovation each time but when they’re announcing you know the the different guests and they’re coming out of the tunnel Penny was the last guy announced before Shaq and I thought the roof was

Going to come off of Kia when when Penny was uh when he was announced and obviously later in the ceremony Shaq talks about all these other guys who their Jersey should be retired and Penny Hardway gave a a really nice speech to to Shaq and thanked him for basically

His entire career and it was just such a special moment specifically but like in that instance I couldn’t help but think like this is going to be so awesome when it’s Penny’s night and he gets his flowers as well because like Penny obviously he moved on but like differently from Shaq where

Shaq’s like won a title with the won multiple titles with the Lakers and won a title with the heat and you know is celebrated at these other spots like Penny doesn’t have that like penny is Orlando Magic through and through like you you don’t think of any other team

When you you don’t think of Phoenix when you think of Penny Hardaway you think of the Orlando Magic when you think about Penny Hardaway so for him and sort of having that full circle moment someday because obviously T-Mac wasn’t that much longer after Penny was out the door but

You know we we saw it with with Dwight Howard when Dwight was gone and Tobias har starts wearing number 12 like that rubbed Dwight the wrong way and I imagine that you know Penny being there for a number years and then seeing Tracy McGrady come in and wear number one like

That you feel a certain way about that you know what I mean so um but yeah the the ceremony was was pretty long everybody you know had great speeches one thing I will say is if I never hear the words Shaquil O’Neal put Orlando on

The map it will be too soon if I never hear that phrase again because it was uttered about 75 times during that ceremony regardless of whether or not it’s true because it is true and I think a lot of people forget about that fact um but it was awesome you know you had

Dennis Scott come up Brian Hill you talk about you know Shaq and then uh Shaq was presented with a one of one Jeff Hamilton Orlando Magic uh jacket with 32 O’Neal on the back with the white pin stripes as much as we thought these other Blue Jackets that Jeff Hamilton

You know designed for this season the white one blows all of them out of the water the white one is legitimately might be the sickest jacket I have ever seen in my entire life and then Shaq gets up there and he calls Dennis Scott up he calls Penny Hardaway up he calls

Nick Anderson up I believe he called Nick up first to tell everybody that I I thought this guy’s Jersey was going to be first in the Raptors and basically said like Nick should absolutely be up in the rafters along with Tracy McGrady and Penny Hardaway Shaq did not mention

Dwight Howard I believe during the ceremony I think maybe earlier in that day at another event he might have mentioned Dwight Howard’s name but uh Dwight’s you know Jersey should be up there as well and then we get to the end of the ceremony and this was really just

Like the if I had to pick one thing that I had an issue with which a lot of people have made this point as well a lot of people are annoyed at the point being made but some people aren’t on social media and may not have heard

Anybody talk about this just yet may be feeling a similar way but the fact that we use the current and modern Orlando Magic jersey number font on Shack’s Jersey that is or the banner that is going up into the rafters like symbolizing his jersey I thought was a total Miss uh the

Response that Jason Bey of the Orlando Sentinel has reported on his response that he got from the organization is that they want to basically keep like that font continuity as they add more players over time which is like I I guess but I for I think it was our our

Guy um cannibalism uh who’s one of our our p I believe on Discord not Discord Twitter he went through and posted like three or four different examples of other teams who have used different fonts uh to signify like the different eras that guys played in so they just

Should have used the Retro Orlando Magic Number font that Shaq wore when he was here for that and U had an issue with that didn’t really like that uh a lot of people have made that point I think it’s just sort of a a bit of a a disconnect

There at the end of the day really not a huge deal he’s up there that’s what really matters and hey they changed the the six Banner it used to be a a jersey up there with the number six that said the fans now it says six man I don’t I don’t

Want to say it’s our Jersey I don’t want to say we influence that at all but is there a non zero percent chance there might be I don’t know no there probably not but maybe but maybe maybe it’s really cool I want to give a shout out

To Tony when because you talk about that jacket he posted to Twitter the sketch of the jacket where it began so shout out to him incredible jacket but yeah when it comes to the font man either just keep the original jersey font or instead of having the 32 being

Literally the same 32 that CJ Watson wore for their Lando magic pick another font pick it pick one that that is just different like pick one that’s unique that the magic have never had maybe and keep them uniform that way don’t pick one that like was in that everybody

Hates for the most part yeah I just don’t love it don’t love it and if you because the whole thing is like maybe they were like oh well we’ve already got the the six for like the six you know for the fans we want to keep it uniform that way

But it’s like we don’t care if you take that banner down you already redid the name just redo the font redo the font or who cares keep the font the same on that and then just do the the JY the the Jersey font that goes with that Jersey from that year from

When they wore it from when that player wore it because it went up and it’s like y’all have the correct 32 everywhere literally the podium the jacket it’s everywhere so for them to lift that up and it just was kind of like a jump scare to see that that was the the font

That was used it’s like man what is wrong about this oh the font’s incredibly wrong I was like in my car yelling at my phone when they lifted the Jersey out of it like there’s no way that this is the decision they did everything else well aside from the

Ceremony being long and a little redundant at Parts but still like the night was special enough that I I could get over that but I got to go in Kia every time and see it up there with the wrong font I’ll get over it and in the moment maybe

We’re being dramatic I don’t know oh I’m over it that was just like my visceral like knee-jerk reaction like as soon as I saw that it was like why that font like yeah but guess guess what you’re going to overthought it you’re going to go into the arena again you’re going to

Look up you’re going to see the shack I’m never going to love it no and you’re going to be like uh like they messed up the font so I’m interested to see if they get enough flag for it that they do something I don’t know if they

Will but maybe it’ll be another way that they show us they’re listening to the fans they’ve been getting a lot better at that as of late and hopefully that that Trend continues I think it was just like how do what’s the best way to do this because you know we’re planning

Obviously they’re already thinking about doing more jerseys in the future so that’s a good thing but like how do we keep the continu it’s like that that doesn’t really matter in my opinion I think they just sort of overthought that but at the end of the day it’s not a a

Massive deal every time I see it well I think about it yes but I’m just happy that his jersey is up there like being there on Wednesday and and being able to look up and see Sha’s jersey in the rafters it’s like yes should have been

Like this all along and now it it it’s finally up there one of the coolest things I want to on a positive note talking about the the retirement is you know shaqs made Jabs you know over over the years and like any alltime great athlete you know this is a guy that that

Has an ego and whenever you feel spurned by a franchise like you’re going to have that level of Pride and maybe a little bit of resentment but was able to put that to the side for the night and you could see that throughout the speeches like he was legitimately like getting

Moved and was getting emotional at certain aspects and um you know he he basically closed the retirement ceremony by telling the divos family like Hey whenever you want me to to quit TNT and come home basically and by the team is what he was alluding to to let him know

I don’t think that’s happening anytime soon uh but it was just good to like finally sort of um mend that relationship if you will like hey you’re we had this entire you know couple of days devoted to to you and to celebrating you and you know we’re we’re

Putting you in you know uh Magic history Forever by putting your your jersey up there in the rafters no one will ever wear that again um and yeah I overall they they did a fantastic job there were a couple of things that probably I would have changed differently but uh was a

Awesome moment to be there for yeah absolutely part of history and I’m happy that we were there for it okay I want to talk about this just really quickly because uh we weren’t really at Liberty to to talk about this until now and I thought it was important and we we’ve

Gotten permission to talk about uh what the magic um helped us do Wednesday night and sort of what it means going forward so we were contacted by U you know some of the the folks on the Innovation team at the magic a couple of weeks ago with an awesome opportunity

What they asked us to do uh Wednesday the the 14th when we played the Knicks uh for that game they wanted to do basically like a simulated uh like team supporter section so they asked us to bring a a small number of like di hard Orlando Magic fans that we knew uh we

Couldn’t just sort of put that you up to the public just yet they wanted us to wait until after to talk about that um but I think we had about you know 30 35 Die Hard magic fans uh they built a nice stage for us up in the ozone at that

Game Wednesday they had a DJ up there uh they had the the drummer up there as well they brought Cory Arin and the whole video team to put us up on the the video board at at at different times throughout the game and just fans like

To go as crazy as they possibly could yes it’s a a Knicks game there are a lot of Knicks fans in the building um but to do our part at sort of like combating the the Knicks fans and the and the noise there and at different times of

The game you know that was challenging at different points but really what the magic wanted to do is just to see what that experience could be like for fans so uh we were there Tuesday for the our group night and for the Jersey retirement and the TNT game and then uh

We were there Wednesday uh for this test run and the magic they took you know feedback from us from this experience and from the other fans that we were with on hey how can we improve this and how to make this a better experience moving forward so um the magic are are

Are sort of collecting all of the the data and um sort of debriefing like what that entire experience looked like and their Innovations team is working to see is this something that we can do in the future and and how can we make this a great experience for magic fans and um

How can we just you know make that a a great time and and be something that will really impact magic games and impact the crowd that are there so the reason that we wanted to talk about it is because it was an awesome opportunity we’re super grateful that we got to you

Know partner with the magic for this but also want to let magic fans know that like the organization really is listening and that they are they are doing their part um in trying to give you know what they’re asking for so what that looks like in the future I really

Don’t know but uh I’m confident that they’re going to find a way uh to make this a really great thing for for magic fans in the future and and Luke I hope they can uh figure out a way to make that work would love to be a part of the

Next one as I wasn’t able to make it out last night just a little too much for me with the uh Tuesday night and uh it a little bit too much for me but we’re alive so hopefully uh the next time out if this happens again which we hope it

Does then uh be able to have my debut among that section then cybar Kevin and I were lucky enough to be able to be the fans of the game we do need to talk about this yeah and uh yeah do the you know what time is it

It’s magic time and five 4 3 2 one go magic yeah yeah yeah that was wild did you guys we didn’t know until we were there but was it brought up prior with the with them at all did did we bring it up so what we talked about in the meetings

That we had with the magic sort of leading up to this night was like Hey it would be really cool if this whole group of fans could be like the fans of the game and like you know show The Experience that’s going on in the ozone

But U that like fans of the game like it you have to be on the floor entally so uh the rep that we were working with came up to the ozone right before the game and said hey we love that idea but we couldn’t really orchestrate for that

To be up here um we can have some people go down it we can only bring two down right now uh and we need to go right now and Kevin and I were like we’ll be back y’all right now especially like obviously it it was super cool like for

Me like it was it was incredible but this was legitimately one of Kevin’s lifelong dreams so to be able to be there to witness that moment for him but also participate in it was like really really cool so from my perspective I am just sitting and then I

Look at my phone I have a text from my mom who was at the game last night I have a text from my buddy Danny who was a Knicks fan that was at the game ironically sitting in the same Club section as my parents I get a selfie

From them later in the game game but I’m and then I’m seeing it on Twitter and I’m like what what is going on what how what happened and so I’m just like speechless I’m like there’s no way they did this and then I’m seeing it and then

I you know my my mom send me like a snippet of the last few seconds of it because I’m sure she just like pulled her phone out as soon as she saw you guys up there but yeah I had legitimately no idea and obviously you

Guys were kind of in a panic trying to get down there once they presented the idea you didn’t have time to tell me and then you get down there and you do it and I see it on my phone it was uh it was incredible it was a lot of fun

Because like you said Kevin has been dreaming of doing something like that and you yourself very much appreciated the moment as a lifelong magic fan something any magic fan would love to do so yeah I it was it was a really fun moment for me to just be like wait

What so uh no shout out shout out to to the magic always taking care of us hooking us up moments like that man there just so much fun yeah the text that I got from well we myself and Kevin both got from Luke was all caps y’all

Actually did Magic time and I was thinking about that the whole time I’m like dude I’m like this sucks that Luke’s not here obviously but like you like we’ve tried especially like for Kevin Luke and I have gone around Kevin’s back to try to like orchestrate this with people within the organization

And we’ve gotten like a couple of oh maybe let’s see and then like oh sorry they already have somebody for that game we’re not able to make it happen it’s like we’ve been trying to make this happen for Kevin for a long time and it

Just so happened that U I got to to be a part of it as well so before you know they they come up to you like the 321 hype team comes up and uh you know Cory Arin and and our our guy DJ strong they come up and they’re and they’re sort of

Like prepping you like different people are coming up to us at different times while we’re waiting to walk onto the floor and they’re like okay you guys know what to say right we’re like yeah we’ve seen this done a million times like no we need to hear you say it so

We’re like going through it and obviously both of our voices are gone from Tuesday night and we’re also just not trying to scream like as people are walking past we’re sort of like whispering and they’re like no no no like you you that cannot be what and we’re like no like

Trust us like it’ll be fine and they’re like okay if you say so and then like Cory comes up and like Cory wants to do the same thing so we’re like yeah we’ve seen it you know we’ve seen it done a million times she’s like no she like I

Haven’t seen you do it I was like I I get that but like I promise it’ll be fine and they’re like okay do not fumble this and then DJ you uh strong comes over and he’s like oh you don’t got to worry about these guys they’re gonna be

Just fine and they’re like okay whatever so then we do it and they’re like all right yeah you guys you guys did a pretty good job at that so well D strong has has been out to watch parties and things like that had you say some stuff

To to address the people that came he knows you you’ve got the pipes and uh and the six-man show blood runs deep so we we all knew had the confidence Kevin was going to let it all hang out and you guys did did a phenomenal job absolutely

Yeah it was a lot of fun so uh yeah folks just can’t Echo this enough like the magic do listen you know I’ve I’ve had my questions over the years of like do they even care what fans want what fans think and over the course of the

Last two seasons to me in my opinion they are showing us time and time again that they are listening like I know for a fact that this whole idea for the designated supporter section they had to pitch to Alex Martins they had to pitch this to Ryan DeVos and they were both

Super on board with uh this test run at least we’ll see what comes of that in the future uh but the organization is listening and and the people at the very very top you know they want to find ways to to get magic fans you know more

Involved you know in the The in-game Experience so we’ll see what happens with that but even if nothing comes of it I I credit The Innovation team for taking that step and at least trying to see what something like this could look like in the future so that was a lot of

Fun we’re 40 minutes into this Luke we have we have talked so much people are going to be we’re going to get comments I I already know we’re going to get comments but listen we talked about magic related things they they’re fine if you made it this far in and just look

At the time stamp especially if you’re on YouTube so um let’s get to the state of the magic Luke without further Ado this week the magic Whit one in one with a loss to OKC on Tuesday a win over New York on Wednesday they currently sit eighth in the Eastern Conference with a

Record of 30 and 25 13 games back of Boston seven games back of Cleveland five games back of Milwaukee three games back of New York two and a half games back of Philly a half game back of Indie they’re tied with Miami Miami holds the tiebreaker so they’re

Seventh The Magik are four games up on Ninth Place Chicago six games up on 10th Place Atlanta on the season the magic or 24th in the NBA in offensive rating with an offensive rating of 130 does not sound right pulling this back up here definitely not 130 113

Offensive rating of 113 they are fifth in the NBA in defensive rating with a rating of 112 15th in net rating with a net rating of 1.0 taking a look at the injur report mostly clean here Marquel and Gary Harris did Miss Wednesday’s game uh Marquel was the knee uh injury

Management and for Gary it was the calf strain injury management so just those guys are not playing backto backs just yet but it doesn’t sound like you know it’s something to worry about moving forward Luke this weekend uh starting Friday with the rising stars challenge a Palo

Banero is going to be involved in each of the three nights of the all-star weekend Friday night he’ll be in the rising stars game uh where or the rising stars tournament I guess it is now playing on Tama kin’s team and then Saturday night he is in the skills

Challenge in the number one overall pick team with Anthony Edwards and Victor wanyama and Paulo banero has made it abundantly clear that he was embarrassed by his team’s performance last year which they finished I believe last place in the skills challenge so this year he

Said he’s going to let ant and wmy know that he’s taking it very serious and that he wants to come out with a win so Saturday night should be fun and then Sunday our All-Star Paulo B Caro is playing in the big game in the All-Star game Sunday Night Luke so in previous

Years I haven’t always paid that much attention at some of the All-Star festivities depending if it’s you know obviously last few game last few years we’ve had a lot of guys in the rising stars game so I’ve watched that when it comes to Saturday night like probably

Going back you know before last year like probably going back to like Ag and the dunk contest a few years ago I haven’t paid that much attention uh to Saturday and Sunday night but this year I’m going to be locked in all three nights and you got kind of our boy oh m

Mclung in the dunk contest Excuse me yes Gat City’s finest so he is he’s gonna be there kind of Def trying to defend the crown I don’t think anybody can beat him if I’m being honest like Jaylen Brown’s in it and like just don’t think of him

As a dunk contest guy we’ll see I I’m open to being surprised because I would love for them to put on a show I don’t know if Jaylen Brown is going to put on the show but I do know M mclung well I’m very pumped to see what he has

In his bag this year round whenever people because MC mclung you know going back to his high school days like one of the like crazier you know mixtapes like every few weeks there is like a new Mac mclung mix coming out with him you know dunking all over kids

You know in in his high school film so now that he plays for the magic like whenever I strike up a conversation people talk about the magic and some people know that Mack McClung plays for Oola like the g-league affiliate so they’ll ask me you know about mck

McClung and what I think about him and what I always tell people is like ball player aside like legitimately seems like one of the nicest like most humble people like always just go back to Media day and just like how awesome he was and how respectful he was and just uh the

Way that he talked about the opportunity and the way that he talked about his teammates like regardless of what happens with basketball I will always be a mck mclung fan and hey by the way I saw a few Gate City Mack mclung jerseys at Wednesday night’s game I don’t know

If those were you know maybe relatives of his or whatever but um yeah obviously chairing for mck McClung in the dunk contest on Saturday absolutely all right let’s now let’s talk about the OKC game all right obviously there was all the the hoopla and the extracurriculars going on it was

A nationally televised game shaqs Jersey retirement all that kind of good stuff this was a massive game uh for magic fans especially uh but guys even before the game you know Gary har is talking about how you can say it’s just another game but it’s it’s really not right like

Especially for this team who has not played on you know any of these guys really a regular season home nationally televised game any of the guys uh at least not for the magic here the last few years so you you felt that energy in the building like Shaq was there the the

TN Kevin harand was there Stan Van Gundy was there all you know the extra camera crew and and all that kind of good stuff and you just felt this energy in the arena and I know for sure that magic fans like we did our part especially in

That first half when the team was was playing really well magic get out to an 11-point lead in that first quarter jayen Suggs I think it was 11 first quarter points hit three threes in that first quarter and just like oozing with confidence magic fans are going crazy

And then slowly but surely OKC started to you know sort of chip away and make their way back into the game to the point where the magic are only up one after the end of the first quarter they’re up 32 to 31 and then Luke the

Magic go on to lose the final three quarters they lose the second quarter 29 to 20 the third quarter 32-3 in the fourth quarter 35-31 Oklahoma City shot the ball exceptionally well in this game did a really good job of moving the ball finding open looks they shot 13 of 32

Good for 40% from behind the arc and were 46 of 84 from the floor they shot 54% on the game uh and the magic just like really could not once OKC got going and really started to play with another level of physicality the magic just were not keeping up and weren’t knocking down

Their open shots for sure magic end up shooting 36 30.6% from behind the arc and 45% from the floor magic Crush OKC on the glass out rebounding them 48 to 31 uh but 16 magic turnovers and the Magic’s inability to knock down shots ultimately will cost

The game and then the third quarter was the SGA show he gives the Thunder 15 points and then Jaylen Williams really effectively ends the game in the fourth quarter for OKC scoring 17 points in the fourth quarter and really in that entire second half Luke like the magic it never

Really felt like they were threatening OKC and although the last couple of years uh especially going back to a couple of years ago is these teams were sort of close in the standings cuz they were shutting SGA down for like the last month and a half seeming like every

Season and ending up in the lottery and ending up with good lottery picks you you at times sort of talked yourself into that like the magic and the Thunder are sort of on the same level they’re sort of on the same timeline but because SGA and legitimately playing at an MVP

Caliber level this year as that game went on Luke it became so apparent to me that just like you know a few weeks back when we in Boston in December for that weekend where the magic got smacked both times and it’s like hey we’re just not

On the same level of this team the magic are just not quite yet at the level of OKC and to me that was the biggest takeaway that I had in this game is did the magic play particularly well did they really rise to the occasion not

Exactly but OKC is just really good and and they’re on a different level that the magic are right now I I’d say that the the magic are about a step behind OKC for sure at the least I think that if you’re looking at comparison standpoint you’re aware maybe they were last

Year I think that’s safe to say like just figuring it out finally winning and having an above 500 record and then hopefully next year is the year that magic really take another leap I mean don’t get me wrong they’ve taken a leap this year more than I could have

Imagined but this shows you as cliche as is saying is there’s levels and Oklahoma City though they are young they don’t play like a young team they they don’t make a ton of mistakes they don’t shoot themselves in the foot nearly as much as you would

Expect a team with their average age to have so it’s disappointing I mean you just from the standpoint of obviously losing but then disappointing from like bronze Vagner was five of 16 from the field that was disappointing you can’t you just especially on National Television trying to put the the country

The world on notice you shoot the most most attempts of anybody on your team and then you shoot five of 16 it it just can’t happen that being said on the total polar opposite side I thought Pala bankera was great because you unfortunately especially on National stage people are

Box score watching they just want to look at the points and they’re like now Pao only had 23 but look at Jaylen Williams who had 33 and Shay guildas Alexander who had 32 pal Caro was doing everything well in this game everything he could to keep the Magic in this game 10

Assists six rebounds and 23 points and a block he did everything he could M if anything made me feel better about poo B Caro not that I needed a whole lot of affirmation but knowing hey come come the big stage we’ll be just fine and you know

Who else I tweeted this out maybe the next day I came into this game thinking I’m going to think of this in the lens of like the playoffs and what I can expect and hopefully the team can learn from some things that that go wrong in this

But who’s going to who who is definitely not going to say like the lights are too bright or perform that way Jaylen Suggs in that first half that first quarter was electrifying and just you could tell like he he loves these moments so much he comes in he hits those huge threes in

The first quarter and it just seems like it’s going to be the jayen hugs night and it lasted for a little bit until it didn’t but I thought he didn’t get enough shots up in the second half I know that his efficiency was not good in the second

Half especially compared to that first half but I genuinely think he was trying to just shoot us back into the game and at that point it is what it is OKC is going to walk out of that one with the win it just felt like any way you cut it

But I was very impressed with Jaylen Suggs in that first half especially that first quarter he was awesome so him pal Dell played a great game too really a second half that second half for him was was great too that that second half he had 15 points in the second half six of

Seven from the field a lot different than the first half where you know he he scores seven points but he scores 15 in the second half he showed up in that second half and and tried to make something happen so shout out to Dell I thought that he played a good

Game so it’s it’s interesting what what we’re going to see going into postseason time how are they going to look who’s going to step up to the challenge and I have a a gut feeling I know the few that absolutely will yeah so one of the I I made a

Mistake earlier talking about the injury report because I forgot that Jaylen did not play Wednesday with the sore right groin mhm kind of have some information that you know Jaylen it needs this All-Star break like if if you’ve been watching the team for the the last month like

Jaylen is almost like hobbling around like every single one of these games so I think probably for a couple of weeks Jaylen hasn’t been exactly 100% anybody watching the games can see that was doing his best to stay with SGA and like caught sort of sleeping on a couple

Of possessions in this game but he hasn’t exactly been the the same Defender the the last couple weeks I I think part of that is that you maybe he’s been dealing with this this groin thing for a little while here but yeah in that first quarter I was like yeah

This kid came to play like some guys just turn it up when the lights are bright this is the the first time and really the brightest the lights have been and and Jaylen sort of turned it up in that that first quarter um what was pretty damning to me is in the second

Half where the offense was really sputter Ing and the magic were looking for an answer Jamal’s first solution was to go Gary Harris instead of Marquel folz like Gary Harris plays um 24 minutes in this game to uh marquel’s 18 minutes so I thought I thought that was

Pretty telling didn’t really see Marquel a ton down the stretch especially as it became pretty evident the magic needed to to shoot threes um and that’s been a trend lately of Marquel you know not closing games for the magic so my thing with Marquel is like we talk

About a guy that’s going to organize the offense and you know be able to go and get his own shot when do you need that more than any other time throughout the game except for the last few minutes and if if he’s not able to to you know give

Us that strength at the end of games like you just continue to have these sort of questions about his his long-term fit you know with the magic you we had an opportunity potentially to move that expiring contract that the trade deadline and decided not to do

That and you know the fact that last handful of games you know more often than not he’s not closing these games out I thought that was was pretty interesting but yeah SJ in that third Jaylen Williams in the fourth magic could never really get close enough to

To Really threaten this game and uh Magic end up losing this one 113 to 1127 at home frustrating because we were really looking forward to this game you know being on National TV and you wanted it to be a bit more competitive than that uh one thing that I I’ll say in you

Know the sort of the rotations with Mosley I thought SGA got cooking in that third like Jamal Mosley went to ji on SGA in that second quarter and ji played s SGA really really well SJ starts going in that third quarter I’m like okay if

We want to have a chance to winning this game maybe you go back to ji and try to have him attempt to slow down SJ at that moment which SJ is is absolutely incredible like one one of the most incredible shot makers in the league

Today like he is so so freaking good but Mark dagel down the stretch like making sure he’s got like multiple starters on the floor at all times whether that was you know lug against dortz and and Jaylen Williams or Jaylen Williams and and SGA or or C and SGA like throughout

That entire second half it seemed like multiple starters on the floor at a time and maybe Jamal mosy doesn’t want to show his hand for what we might do in in the playoffs in that scenario but it felt like if you really wanted to go for

This game you had to get more starters minutes and we decided not to do that so I don’t know if it’s just like oh hey this we’re not treating this game any differently just because it’s a nationally televised game or whatever uh but to me that was a little bit

Disappointing seeing OKC rolling out lineups that told you we want this win were going for this win I believe it was their last game before the allstar break so they really wanted that one maybe the magic were looking a bit ahead to Wednesday night having that back to back

Uh especially as they got down by 20 late in the second half and now you’re like okay let’s manage some minutes here and and just get tomorrow and get a win and and get to the all-star break but that was like the the criticism I saw a

Lot of people have of Jamal mosy I I definitely shared it to a a certain extent Luke but yeah didn’t feel great to lose this one but overall you know given everything it was it was a good night let’s give a quick shout out to our patrons uh the folks that literally

Help make everything possible your support uh allowed us to you know designate the amount of time that we need to to have a a group night like we did and so many of our patrons came out can’t say thank you enough and and really really appreciate you all uh if

You’ like to join our patreon you can find us at theix man show and we have a brand new Patron JD who joined at our Allstar level went and paid for the entire year got a nice little discount there JD welcome to the the patreon hopefully we’ll see you in

The Discord as well and thank you so much for your support and we also give a very special shout out to our Hall of Fame and Elite tier patrons each and every episode let’s go ahead and give a special thank you to court cousins Drew Gooden Armen Carson tulo Ellis Jonathan

Borgas normal magic player history Gabe Gaines wiffle Michael Martin Jamal Miller Michael salop pong Donkey Punch Dave Palo and Francis Warth Pierre a Dylan Holden Mr Mikey Eduardo Sanchez Dan wetto 15 Bobby Skinner goie 93 Teddy Sylvia Eric Lopez fuchsia Bill folden Emon lagone Jose seland cayb Pete

Cannibalism time Mr TV ESPN really sucks gear 95 shred Junior Bruce halfin shahan 177 Bobby the dawn himo Ben hro arpr 221 Magic Kid 714 mysterious Mosley Victor cologne Iris Magic Mike Austin lampy random hustle only fron Maria Keith wall Fritz curreny Kev BR Sal Case green

Santi Leon K Eckler the distract Amad timsa chantu Tom Gadson dead air Richard Tuttle Jeremiah cantero dbo 1980 and Magic Matt appreciate all of you and I named so many names just now that we had the opportunity to meet uh you know Tuesday and Wednesday and just so great

To be able to meet all of you and to thank you in person for your support we love you guys uh and again if anybody wants to join the patreon you can find us at the6 manow and help us do what we do Luke let’s talk about some

Chicken let’s do that speaking of chicken our guy Andrew Skyla last night came out to that uh that fan section experience there against the Knicks which we’re going to break down here next if you guys haven’t heard already Jam Hot Chicken proud sponsor located at 400 West New England Avenue sweet 13 and

Hanal square Winter Park follow them at jamot Chicken on all social media check them out online jamhot look at their menu online orderings you can order ahead and it’s ready to go once you get there it’ll still be hot I promise you even if you order it like 15

20 minutes um before you know if it’s ready before you get there it’ll be hot and ready to go so do those things shout out to jam hot chicken Jonathan let’s jump into this next game what do you say please Wednesday night Valentine’s Day the day of love love the Orlando Magic

Had the pure honor of sending out some Nicks fans with their their heads hung low on Valentine’s Day didn’t get such a great date after all because they got to see the magic whoop up on on their Knicks which was truly special what I will say is that

They thought their night was going to go well despite the injuries they had a lot of hits and injuries the magic had a lot of hits of injury as well but that first quarter Jonathan you get a 20 piece McNugget from Jaylen Brunson in the first quarter

And at that point you’re thinking you’re down 3627 what do what are we going to do what are we going to do with Jaylen Brunson well Jaylen Brunson in that second quarter comes out and scores two points he plays seven minutes of that second quarter one of three of the field you

Might be asking Jonathan what changed in this second quarter coach Mosley unleash the secret weapon the Kraken if you will the Minister of Defense Jonathan Isaac comes in and just just frankly discourages Jaylen Bronson from from shooting the ball and when Jaylen does shoot it’s not going in he’s

Probably just thinking in the back of his head about Jonathan Isaac the entire time Jaylen Brunson in seven minutes of play in that second quarter goes one of three you kind of bring him to a halt the best you’re going to bring Jaylen Brunson especially to a halt

With two points in there and then that second half he scores you know has 11 but from a you know the broad sense here magic get out outscored by nine in that first quarter and that response in the second quarter was awesome at times we have gotten a

Glimpse into what this offense looks like when it is clicking on all cylinders magic just couldn’t miss this was a a highlight night for Palo benero who ends up scoring 36 points no free throws 15 of 20 I believe from the field six of 10 from

Three the magic decided no this is not that’s not the way this game’s going to go you’re not going to just Cruise the whole way so the Knicks win that first quarter by nine and the magic just don’t let up on the gas it was really a flip

In the quarter score margins uh in in respect to that compared with the OKC game where the Magic win the first lose the rest magic flipped the script in this one lose the first when the rest the magic not only clicking on all cylinders in the second quarter jonan they hold

The Knicks to 19 really really impressive win from the second quarter through the fourth quarter magic didn’t let up Palo Caro with that with 36 what was the energy like in the arena so many Nicks fans but just to see them be quiet because this is the second time they’ve

Been in Amway SL Kia this year and walked out with a loss and not had too much to talk about we knew that it was going to be tough uh like going into this game because Kevin and I have have been there for other you know magic Knicks games especially because the

Knicks have been so good as of late like really really hot team and of course the fan base just travels really well first quarter like the the Brunson MVP chance when he’s at the the free throw line it it wasn’t as bad because we had so many

Die Hard magic fans with us that it was so loud that you couldn’t really hear those I knew you could hear them in the lower bowl but anytime in that upper bow ozone section when other Knicks fans would start chance we would literally turn stare at them and either Boo or

Start a magic chant would like sort of quickly diffuse that so that was great but how crazy is it that our answer every single time is oh hey their their best player is going off it doesn’t matter if it’s a point guard shooting guard small forward power forward Center

It it doesn’t matter we’re going to put ji on them and every single time it goes the exact same way way with Jonathan Isaac shutting them down it doesn’t matter if it’s Jason Tatum if it’s Victor wanyama if it’s Shay gilgas Alexander if it’s Jaylen Brunson you can

Put ji on him and just call it a day and his ability to just neutralize the other team’s best player I know we’ve talked about this but it’s it’s really incredible but to your question Luke the energy the magic start that second quarter on a 17-3 run I think it was a

17 to nothing run as a matter of fact to take a a size of you know to to take the the lead back and build it over the course of the rest of the second quarter there you felt the energy to start to shift in the third quarter Nicks fans

Tred to get a little bit Rowdy but as the magic continue to keep them at arms length and sort of build the lead you felt the life just being sucked out of the Knicks fans and by a few minutes into the fourth quarter they were completely silent Midway through the

Fourth quarter you started to see Nicks fan just get up and leave and then by about the 4minute Mark about 80% of the Knicks fans that were in attendance were completely gone and were waving goodbye and telling them have a good time and uh you know have a good trip back to New

York oh wait you don’t live in New York that’s right you live here in Orlando if you love New York so much go back but of course they won’t do that so we’re you know obviously just friendly banter of course I didn’t tell you this my Carmen

And I are walking into the arena and we’re up on the the um the you know prominade level we’re headed to the ozone and we walk past this family it’s like you know eight of them they’ve got three kids all around like the age of you know six or seven years old and

They’re chaining let’s go Nicks let’s go so I walk by and I just let him have it like you know not I was Boo’s little kids right absolutely listen if you’re taking your kids to an opposing teams Arena and you’re going to allow them to chant like

That on The Concourse you have to let them know that I I I did it playfully I wasn’t like get out of here you little rats like nothing like that just very playfully booing like you got to prepare your kids for that especially you know if there these tough New Yorkers you

Know they they they should be able to to take a little bit of you know friendly fan back fourth banter so Carmen told me to stop and I was like I’m I’m just having a little bit of fun like if their dad would have said something I’m like

I’m just kidding like have a good time or whatever but you got to teach these kids young you’re not just gonna come in Kia and chant for the Knicks and not hear about it from Magic fans we got to set the tone early so um yeah that was

Really the the highlight of the night like Pao banero waving and nicks fans as they’re on their way out of the building we did a great job earlier in this season against Boston uh did a pretty good job earlier in the season you know against the Knicks and against you know

Philadelphia and you some of these you other you teams that are really popular when they come to town but uh yeah that’s sort of like going to be the final Benchmark for me like when we have a Knicks game and it’s not anywhere near close to more magic fans being in

Attendance that’s going to be awesome oh I forgot to mention JJ reick was at the game and that was really cool watching his interview today you know watching it back him and Dante in the the breaks of I think after the first quarter um seeing JJ say you know I I didn’t want

To come here to be honest with you but Dante convinced him and the fact that you know he was glad that he did and you know talking about how the organization and you know the city will always have a special place in his heart like getting guys into the building and showering

Them with love and appreciation and and sort of like reminding them of the good times and it’s just fun now that like magic Legends are are coming to games again it was it was really really cool to see JJ in attendance winning winning cares all including getting your uh former beloved

Players to come back it was a good time and like you said Pao banero 36 points headed to the all-star break France was great too 21 points on S to 13 shooting uh heading into the All-Star break with a a big win over the New York Knicks didn’t want to

Go into the the All-Star break with two losses so uh The Vibes are are maybe not incredibly high but they’re they’re good going into the All-Star break they’re a float that’s for sure and this game the the last thing I’ll say about it it was

A very I said it on the postgame live last night it is no coincidence either that the the best wins or the most comfortable wins are the wins where the magic can just play their game this was you know uh a very Orlando Magic win yes they shot the lights out

From three but guess what they still didn’t attempt more than 30 they attempted 26 threes in this game they just happen to be hitting right so they’re they’re hitting low volume normal Orlando Magic basketball there and they outscored the Knick 60 to 40 in the paint obviously they don’t have Mitchell

Robinson last night they also don’t have Isaiah hardenstein they don’t have OG an anobi on the perimeter to stop you from getting the paint and the magic made the Knicks feel it all night long after that first quarter of course so to go on and

An outscore 60 to 40 in the paint not fall in love with the three ball despite knowing that it was very easy for them last night that they had a groove going shows a lot of maturity to not just throw up hoist up 40 plus threes last

Night just because you’re in a Groove which ultimately can Le lead to your demise I mean what are the odds at high volume that you have a great first half shooting the ball and then you come out and you’re still scorching High the second half keep doing your thing play your brand of

Basketball and that’s exactly what the magic did you and also despite the shooting and the offense they didn’t let up defensively 19 points in the second quarter 22 in the third 23 in the fourth while scoring 38 24 29 just after the second quarter average offense the rest of the way but digging

In defensively understanding that we still can’t rely on our offense even though we’re shooting the ball well tonight we got to dig in defensively play our Branda basketball and that was the most impressive part and more most mature part of the game last night to me

Yeah there was a point in the second quarter where so like to that point the game of magic were shooting 71% we only had a seven-point lead that was really uh really concerning mostly because of just how well Jaylen Brunson had played in that first quarter and

Let’s let’s you know know fans or or butts about it we know as any well as anybody what it is like to have most of your roster out the Nick’s roster right now just stinks because they’ve got so many guys out of the lineup but Nicks

Fans are trying to argue like your your song is is falling on deaf ears my guy like nobody nobody in Orlando is going to give you an ounce of sympathy uh for dealing with turnover uh injuries we we know it more than anybody so

Uh Luke was good to get a win here uh let’s take a quick look at the the post All-Star break schedule so we don’t have games here for you know about an entire week magic don’t play again until next Thursday the 22nd at Cleveland Luke but 27 games remaining and if my

Calculations are correct 16 of the remaining 27 games Luke are going to come against teams that are below 500 you start uh that first game at Cleveland but then your next seven games Luke are against teams that are currently as of today below 500 so when we talk about the schedule getting

Easier this is where we talk about that the magic now sitting at uh what is it 30 and 25 they didn’t have their 30th win until almost the end of March last year so you’re a full month ahead of schedule here and the magic really

Should be able to rack up some wins here I’ve got two bets that I’m feeling pretty good about the Magic’s 36 and a half win total over and I think I I got the magic at like like plus 400 or maybe it was plus a th to win the Southeast Division right

Now they’re tied with the heat you know who who are leading the Southeast Division so couple of couple of bets to keep an eye on as we get into the later part of the Year here Luke but you have to feel good about the Magic’s odds uh

If they can come out hot out of the All-Star break should be able to rack up some wins and and maybe you know pick up some ground here in the Eastern Conference a few days ago I went through the final at the point at that point we had 29 games

Remaining went through the schedule and just gave a prediction for the remainder of the season and saw where that would put us for the entire year with that keep keeping that in mind about the the teams the magic are playing here down the stretch not being the greatest being under 500 a majority

Of them I said that I have the magic gone 17 and 12 over the last 29 games finishing the season ultimately 46 and 36 this 46 wins would give you the six seed I am it pretty much would would give you the six seed last year would have given you the six

Seed I think with some injuries that are happening listen Philadelphia 76ers without Joel embiid they’re not a good basketball team without Joel and the the record shows it so I’m doing that right now without Sixers record without Joel embiid this season on stat Muse shout out stat Muse because I use

Them relentlessly the Sixers are six and 14 without Joel embiid this season one of those wins coming against the Orlando Magic unfortunately but the good news is they don’t get to play the magic and uh every game and and continue to put that fear into us but yeah so you got the

Sixers that are kind of freef falling a little bit without Joel embiid how much worse is that going to get and that can be said of a lot of these other teams the Pacers were banged up for a bit I don’t know how it’s going to end

Up I don’t know how it’s going to shake out but I still have some confidence that the magic could finish out you know inside I guess and and still outside of the of the playing tournament beond the uh the inside there on the inside track and how nice would

That be to to get some rest there right before the playoffs while those playing games are happening it’s statistically unlikely I don’t think it’s completely outside of the realm of possibilities that the magic finishes high as four when you look at New York all the injuries that they’re dealing

With injuries that Philadelphia are dealing with they’re probably going to continue to fall to your point and then you’re just a half game back of Indiana right now and you’re tied with my Miami so Indiana and Miami come out and drop a couple and you’re able to pick up a

Couple of wins you’re already there at six you’re probably knocking you know a game maybe half a game at five and then who knows Julius Randle coming back ogan and Obi is dealing with this weird elbow inflammation thing that they don’t seem to have a great handle on just yet of

When he’s coming back you you could at some point maybe you don’t finish four but the magic could at some point when we get out of the gate here if they you’re able to put a nice little winning streak together you’re you could be threatening four ultimately I think five

Or or six in the Eastern Conference are entirely possible before we we let our listeners go here you want a hot take for me sure I would love that I’m looking at the standings and I think when the season shakes out I think Boston and Cleveland will stay at 1 and

Two I think Milwaukee with a third hardest schedule remaining left Doc Rivers coming in as the head coach it’s been struggling uh slightly here last 10 they’re four- six I could see Milwaukee giving up that three spot to New York I think that it is not out of the

Realm of possibility that the standings at the end of the year look like Boston Cleveland New York Milwaukee maybe and then Indie and then kind of from there on out the rest of the spots with the Sixers not having embiid you’re looking at uh it looking

Very different in just a short 29 games remaining 27 games whatever we said so a lot to look forward to and the magic just to take advantage of it because unfortunately teams like Indie and Miami have a relatively easy schedule here the Miami Heat have the third

Easiest to end the season here and Indiana’s more kind of in the middle of the pack I don’t know how it’s going to shake out man but I I have I have hope that the magic can be at least jocking for that sick spot at the end of the

Year well so far on the season the magic are 16 and5 five versus teams below 500 and like we said seven of your first eight after the All-Star break are against teams below 500 so you start crazy you come back Thursday February 22nd at Cleveland then you’re at Detroit

At Atlanta that’s a backtack you’re home for Brooklyn home for Utah home for Detroit then you’re at Charlotte at Washington that’s a backtack and then you’re at New York but you’ve got Cleveland Detroit Atlanta Brooklyn Utah Detroit Charlotte Washington those seven games there should at least be able to pick up

You know five or six wins in those those first eight games which would go a long way I think so looking forward to the all-star break Luke looking forward to see Paulo this weekend and looking forward to getting back to Magic basketball in about a week here and and

Getting back to getting some wins and and climbing up the Eastern Conference All-Star break is welcomed we can take a little bit bit of a load off here still going to be releasing episodes as normal over the next week obviously with the big Ann 5year anniversary show next

Wednesday but we welcome a little lull every now and then and uh then we get back to it you named one of those games coming up Jonathan those under 500 teams Charlotte we’ll be there me you producer Kevy hitting Charlotte in the Spectrum center with our magic gear hopefully

Being the one Wave by to Charlotte fans that night that’s right get get to play uh get to play that antagonist bring the raid spray baby oh wow cuz we’re wow we’re killing the Hornets that’s right there you go be awesome say hi to our our old buddy Steve Clifford a little

Bit you know fun a good time mhm all right folks that is going to do it for this one y’all enjoy the All-Star break uh for Luke Sylvia this has been Jonathan Osborne I’m going to go get some cough drops thank you’all for listening to this

Episode of the six-man show and we will catch you guys next time see you thanks for listening to the Sixth Man Show be sure to subscribe on iTunes and Spotify to get new episodes downloaded directly to your phone if you enjoyed the show please take a minute to

Give us a five-star rating and a review it helps out the show a lot follow us on Twitter Instagram and Facebook at 6man show we’ll catch you guys next time go magic let’s go magic let go [Applause] magic

Better late than never, Shaq’s 32 takes it’s rightful place in the rafters in Orlando. We discuss an incredible two days of Magic games and take a look at the Magic’s schedule after the All-Star break.

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Hosts: @j_osborne21 & @lukesylvia96

Producer: @kevin_tucker_

Music: Prod. by Tantu Beats

0:00 – Intro
8:38 – Group Night Recap
17:55 – Shaq Jersey Retirement Ceremony
31:49 – Supporter Section Test Run
41:28 – State of the Magic
45:58 – Magic vs Thunder
59:02 – Patron Shoutout
1:00:54 – JAM Hot Chicken
1:01:47 – Magic vs Knicks
1:13:27 – Post All-Star Break Schedule
1:21:14 – Outro

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  1. Loved that the Magic are retiring jerseys, I’m cool that Shaq was retired, but it was to long, Alex Martin pretty much just repeated what David Steel said right before him.

  2. Damn all that hard work screaming at the game really did Jonathan in during that patreon reading. Poor guy fought through it though. LET'S TALK ABOUT SOME CHICKEN!!!

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