@National Basketball Association

Luka Doncic is creating the highest shot quality in NBA history with his unrealized assists

According to CBS’ Yaya Dubin, Luka is 3rd in unrealized assists and is creating the highest shot quality in NBA history (since tracking data began) with his passes.

More complete data in the linked tweet.


Edit: In the history of NBA tracking data.

by Clydey2Times


  1. dustinharm

    Unrealized assists. Absolutely love the notion of a quantifiable “teammates are ass” stat.

  2. I don’t know how good this stat is in practice, but in theory it seems a lot more effective at judging playmakers than assists or Assists to Turnover Ratio. If you’re gonna use stats use good ones at least

  3. Quality_Cucumber

    Not to hate but what if he’s passing them low percentage shots? What if it’s with time winding down and putting pressure on your teammate? Do blanket stats account for that type of information? No? Okay then.

    He’s a fantastic player with amazing court vision but I hate stats like these.

  4. Salvalicious252

    3rd in unrealized assists opportunities, but by far the highest shot quality on those created.

    1. Trae 479 (22nd in shot quality)
    2. Haliburton 431 (13th)
    3. Luka 413 (1st)
    4. Giannis 407 (32nd)
    5. Jokic 401 (101st)

    Some of the clips he provides are funny, bunch of layups and dunks missed or fouled at and a lot of wide open 3s. Grant Williams probably helped Luka on this stat a lot given how many of those he missed.

  5. sercialinho

    To make stats accessible to those who can’t open Twitter and watch the associated highlight reel.

    Unrealised assist = FGA missed or a shooting foul called.

    Follow up [tweet]( from Jared Dubin:

    |Player|Unrealised assists [rank]|Shot Quality rank|
    |Trae|479 [1]|22|
    |Haliburton|431 [2]|13|
    |Luka|413 [3]|**1**|
    |Giannis|407 [4]|32|
    |Jokić|401 [5]|101|

    Transcription from 1:25 mark of the video in the OP tweet — Luka’s seasons, by unrealised assists’ rank and shot quality rank (among players with ≥250 unrealised assists in the season):

    |Luka’s Season|Unrealised assists rank|Shot Quality rank|

  6. Still a little confusing to me quantifying unrealized assist and shot quality.

    So does every single pass that leads to a missed shot/fts count as an unrealized assist?

  7. nowhathappenedwas

    >highest shot quality in NBA history

    Should be noted that:

    1. “NBA history” in this case is 2014-2024, which the time period we’ve had tracking data.

    2. Leaguewide shot quality is higher this season than it’s ever been in the tracking era.

    Still, this is a very cool stat. I’d like to see the shot quality numbers for actual assists, too.

  8. Agnk1765342

    I mean by the looks of it the predicted shot quality doesn’t account for the individual player’s ability to hit said shots. Is it really amazing passing if it’s passing to guys that are wide open for a reason?

  9. TheLukastanian

    Luka can’t win with these cats. #freeluka

  10. tonypearcern

    All time? I guarantee Harden, CP3, Stockton, etc are higher

  11. Ok_Republic6747

    Luka is n1 in a stat and the nba reddit like clockwork, nah something must be flawed with this is not true

  12. Deeboking

    Ricky Rubio in minny would’ve been all time leader for this

  13. LackingInPatience

    Sports analytics can come up with statistics and algorithms for anything 😂

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