@Golden State Warriors

😤 BEWARE of Klay off the BENCH 😤 + Bucks struggles under Doc Rivers | Get Up

😤 BEWARE of Klay off the BENCH 😤 + Bucks struggles under Doc Rivers | Get Up

We got to get to the game of the night we got legs here with you and it is the Jazz taking on the Warriors Klay Thompson coming off the bench for the first time since his rookie season uh in 2012 and let me tell you something yo it

Worked legs he was smoking give him credit he embraced it he mentally got himself to the place he needed to get to to get himself going and he did early I think it might be a roll going forward that might uh suit him well hey Klay had

35 7 threo 28 minutes off the bench hey the warriors were rolling they L 12 102 after three quarters in this game let’s get right to the fourth quarter here legs because the Jazz are now down just three Lori Markin and misses John Collins comes up with it he doesn’t

Dunked it him jazs are now down just one 10 seconds to play marking the Misses Collins the rebound but he throws it away yeah right here sort of panics doesn’t execute this throws it up about eight rows up to stands he can’t believe it after the Warriors made a free throw

Look the jez had a chance to tie it Colin seon misses that three Warriors going to win this one 140 to 137 but speaking of clay and the Warriors Golden State now going to the all-star break 8-2 over their last 10 games they may have found something

Though in clay coming off the bench yesterday his 35 points and 13 made baskets both a season high for him 18 of those 35 came in the third quarter which was also the most scored in a quarter for him this season so I guess it begs the question here legs does Klay coming

Off the bench does that improve the Warriors you think yeah if he mentally can Embrace this which listen this is not an easy thing to do for a player of this caliber at all give him credit because he obviously was in the right place mentally if he’s willing to accept

It I do think he can help their team for a couple reasons it’s become this this storyline with the Warriors every night when Klay Thompson is starting because of how inconsistent he’s been this year and the struggle shooting is Klay going to get going is Clay gonna get going and

That’s how they start games every single night and he’s just hunting shots trying to find his rhythm that’s not a natural way to play basketball for a team so you go with Brandon psky it’s a little bit of a different thought process he’s out there he’s going to be more of a

Facilitator he can still get his own shot but now I think there might be some better continuity at the start of the game and you have now condensed Clay’s Knight but in terms of minutes he’s going to play in the upper 20s of minutes coming off the bench I think

That might be a good thing for him at this stage of his career and he also knows when he comes off the bench he’s got one thing to do they come in with the second unit primarily to start the game and we’re going to go to you and

We’re and it seemed like that really did something for him in terms of his aggressiveness his confidence everything was flowing last night and he looked like he was okay with the whole thing this might be something going forward that can help the Warriors I mean I

Don’t know if it’s enough to to elevate them to like a team that could really do some some some work in the postseason but I think in the short term right now this might be the best thing for Klay Thompson and the best thing for the Warriors obviously they believe with

This core that they can do some things because they didn’t make any big trades they we heard about the LeBron stuff which has shocked a lot of people but are you buying the Warriors as a contender I don’t think I could call him a contender I do think this would be a

Scary team to have to play but when you just look at how loaded the West is and the number of teams that you’d have to get through to make a long playoff run it’s hard to believe that it’s it’s that time for the Warriors now look I do see

Some things trending in the right direction right now you know Klay Thompson and this isn’t just last against Utah he had another game against Utah two games ago where he was up in the in the upper mid 20s so he I think he’s finding a little bit of Rhythm

Wiggins has been better kaminga now has developed into a consistent you know star for them starter for them a guy that’s going to give you 15 20 points every single night Steph’s obviously been Sensational pmk’s been really good they just got Gary pton back so they’re playing better there’s no denying it

When you watch them they look a little different than they did a month ago but you’re talking about making a run through the West with what you have to face B in the number of teams that are loaded I don’t think I can call him a contender cuz for me that means you

Think maybe Conference Finals if you don’t if you don’t think you can get to the Conference Finals you’re not a contender so that’s why I don’t think I can put him in that category we’re going to talk more NBA because we got to get

Into the Bucks as well here with leg I I think right now you need to unlock Klay Thompson whatever that’s going to take and you got to get out of your comfort zone sometimes I give him a lot of credit for embracing this because s clearly last night he was in the right

Frame of mind and that’s not an easy thing for a guy to accept but but that’s what they did for Klay Thompson and look I also like the blow a little bit better right now at the start of the game with psky it’s just a different feel to their

Offense and they’re not just focused on getting Klay Thompson going and getting some slow starts I don’t know that this is permanent but I do think right now this is the best thing for the Warriors and it’s certainly the best thing for Klay Thompson if he Embraces it he can

Do more in fewer minutes and be better while he’s doing it and they certainly saw that last night okay so then are you buying the Warriors now back as title Contender I wouldn’t put him as a title Contender I definitely think they’d be a scary team for anybody body to have to

Play I just don’t think they’re big enough I don’t think they’ve got quite enough depth on this team I do see some things trending in the right direction there’s no doubt they have played better over the last two weeks their pace is better they’re more consistent right now offensively what they’re doing you’ve

Had some guys start to find their career Norms which you had too many guys on this team playing below their career standards besides Steph Curry more and more guys are starting to creep toward that line now that’s been a great thing for the Warriors so it’s been better but

You at The Gauntlet at the top of the western conference is and to think that the Golden State Warriors are going to be able to run through that and we put him Contender that means to me you’re saying Conference Final or better or else you’re not really a contender yeah

I don’t know that I can say that about the Golden State Warriors they’re just a very scary team for anybody to have to deal with in a seven game series yeah right now they’re living in playin type stuff being their ninth uh in the west

Back here on get up it’s the upset of the night you know the Bucks were 14 point up 14 at the half on the Grizz on wed wednes and look at this we jump to the fourth though 5 minutes to go tied up at 98 it’s Giannis spinning and

Winning bucks are up two at this point under three minutes Grizz down one GG Jackson oh Miss Jackson GG is for real he knocks down to three Grizz up two 104 102 and the next possession is Santi Alama throwing it up zire Williams throwing it down and the foul makes the

Free throw Memphis up six 40 seconds to play bucks down six Dame Lillard Malik Bisley he knocks down the three it’s a onep possession game so bucks in possession after a Grizzly offensive foul Dame gets stripped loses it Brook Lopez recovers back to Dame the heave no

Good the Grizzlies win this 113 110 here’s Doc Rivers after the game first play we we gamble for the 50th time in the corner guy drives uh we have have to help leads to a three we come back in this uh on our Set uh two guys forget what we’re running uh then

We missed the shot and then nobody gets back that’s how we start out the third quarter that tells you all you need to know about where our heads were um you know um we had some guys here we had some guys in Cabo take the look at this bucks were

Just three games back of the Celtics for first in the Eastern Conference when doc took over they are now 8 and a half back thanks to going 3 and seven under Doc Rivers even worse with Doc they are one and three against teams with a losing

Record all right back here with legs and it’s time for contender or Pretender legs uh let’s start with the Bucks are they Contender are they Pretender I’m still saying Contender you’re not going to get me uh to say the team’s a pretender when you’ve got jannis Santa

TMO and Damen Lillard here’s the thing with this team that they’ve lost eight out of 12 I get it in a variety of ways they’ve lost close games they’ve been blown out Doc Rivers really can’t have any sort of impact on the Fly mid-season as a head coach it’s even harder for a

Coach than it is a player to join a team in that situation so now we’ve got to give him more time to see if he can tighten up because this roster is good enough and here’s the thing Brian it’s basically the path of least resistance in the Eastern Conference there are just

Fewer teams to go through so I still think they’re a they’re a contender what about the Knicks Contender Pretender I think they’re a contender too because I first of all I love the way were playing pre- trading deadline now you look at this ated depth right now they’re

Decimated by injuries it’s impossible to judge them they’re on a losing streak let’s get through the break you get Julius Randle back at some point you incorporate the new pieces figure out your rotation I still think the Knicks again because of the just fewer teams

That you’ve got to go through at the top I think that Knicks when it’s all said and done will absolutely be a contender potentially a conference finalist let’s go back out west how about the Lakers Contender or Pretender I’m going to say Pretender for them and it’s because of

This there’s just too many teams that are too loaded in a western conference and look some people might say if you get Minnesota you get Oklahoma City these two teams at the top that have very little playoff experience collectively and you get the Lakers like the Lakers could be favored in a series

Like that I hear you but I don’t know that I would go there because both of those teams have been so good on both ends of the floor all season and then you start throwing in these other teams you throw in the defending champ Denver you throw in a better Phoenix team you

Throw in Dallas who I think right now is going to be scary with their new additions and the way that Kyrie Irving is playing right now and I probably left some people out that’s how low the Clippers that’s how loaded the West is so to think that the Lakers can come

From wherever playin or a six spot whatever it may be and run through that Gauntlet to get all the way to the finals I just don’t believe that’s going to happen I don’t think their roster is good enough despite the fact they’ve got LeBron James and Anthony DAV especially

When you look at the top and it’s Denver and and and you look at Minnesota the way Minnesota continues to to beat good teams there and remain at the top of the West uh can the Lakers make one last run you think with LeBron I think it’s going

To be difficult look I I know that they’ve got two guys that physically can win any matchup in front of them and so when you’ve had that you’re going to be a tough out a tough team to play against you all the playoff experience will factor in as well but it’s really just

The physical stature of these two players and why they’re they’re so difficult but I just look at the rest of the roster and then I compare them to what they’re going to have to play against it’s hard for me to imagine them doing something similar to what they did

A year ago when they made a run from the play in and they get all way to the Conference Finals this is a different Western Conference I think these teams are legit including Minnesota and Oklahoma City I think those two teams have great core continuity and Min in

Minnesota’s case you’re talking about an elite level defensive team with size that could go up against the Lakers if that was a first round matchup so I just I just look at the Minefield for the Lakers it’s just different than what you have at the top of the Eastern Conference all right

Tim Legler joins Get Up to react to Klay Thompson coming off the bench for the first time since his rookie season against the Utah Jazz and dropping 35-PTS in their 140-137 win. Then, the panel takes a look at the Memphis Grizzles upsetting the Milwaukee Bucks.

0:00 Does Klay Thompson off the bench improve the Warriors?
3:30 Have the Warriors proven to be title contenders?
6:00 Upset of the night: Bucks vs. Grizzles
8:00 Are the Bucks contenders or pretenders?
10:00 Can the Lakers make one last title run?

#espn #nba #warriors #getup #klaythompson

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  1. Warriors need to figure out a way to protect a lead…goodness!!!🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

  2. Classic NBA today. Down 1 with 10 seconds left. Corner 3!!! Lol. No play call for a back door cut. Not trying to draw a foul and get to the line. Let’s get 3!

  3. Klay actually had 35 in 18 mins!!! had that by the end of the third! didn't score in the fourth lmao…man I was expecting him to get a 40 piece last night.

  4. Media is delusional. They refuse to say the bucks stink. A championship roster? What team are they watching?

  5. Idk what it was but after the 2nd quarter started Klay looked like Klay something clicked n he jus start trying his mind was in the game fully!!!!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾💪🏽

  6. I think he finally realized he’s not that guy anymore and that’s all it takes to uplift yourself. It’s not bashing him it’s just what it is. Melo went through it. AI went through it. Ray Allen did, tons of great players eventually came off the bench.

  7. Dallas, OKC, Minny, Phoenix are NOT beating Lebron James in a 7 game series. If any of those teams take out the Nuggets, then I think the Lakers are as good a bet as any team to make the finals. Book it and come back.

  8. Why do players get mad at coming off the bench. It’s not Rhetorical I’m serious. You play the same minutes, and you get to come in and get a better feel for the game

  9. Everyone talking about Klay coming out of the bench, they still didnt fix their issue with that they almost blew a 18 point fourth quarter lead again. The Warriors needs Klay's points but if he isnt as hot as yesterday, they are still screwed, the biggest issue is their fourth quarters and lack of defense in them.

  10. As good as Klay was coming off the bench the warriors could’ve still lose the game. This game was too close. I’m sorry the warriors is missing something idk what it is.

  11. 22 shot attempts in 28 minutes is an outrageous amount of selfishness.
    He didn't score in the last 13 Minutes of the game.
    GSW fumbled away a 16 point lead.
    Play-In Pretenders

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