@Detroit Pistons

What are the Detroit Pistons targets for this upcoming free agency?

What are the Detroit Pistons targets for this upcoming free agency?

So my question to you is and I know this is kind of like off topic with the trade deadline is you know looking back at this Summer’s free agency you wav Joe Harris who you traded for you used a majority of your cap space to get and

You traded for Monte Mor is looking back like do you kind of think they went into this past Summer’s free agency and maybe they have some regrets because you look at the free agency this year and like Gorey I don’t know who they’re going to Target with all this cap space like that

That the the list is very underwhelming if I’m a Pistons fan like I’m not getting too excited with some of the names out there um oh that’s that’s a real tough question I’m gonna say that there there there there might be some there might be some regrets there there there might be some

Um I think the acquisition of Joe Harris was the more mindboggling one I think the I think the I think getting Monte Morris I think getting Monte Morris through that trade with the how they did it that was smart I mean it did it didn’t work out because he got injured

Pre-training you know during training camp I mean and no nobody could saw that coming so but I I think I think Troy should get shouldn’t catch any Flack for that one that was actually a smart move because what you did was you know you needed a backup point guard to Kade

Cunningham and you solidified a guy that not only has experience as a starter but is also who was willing and ready to play that backup role and with Kade having some inconsistent Health that was a really smart move you went ahead and got a Savvy veteran on a expiring deal

Where you didn’t have to commit long term and see what he can do it just didn’t work out Joe Harris was kind of interesting because Joe Harris has been injured over these past couple of Seasons so it was just like I didn’t understand where that one was going to

Go and then it reared its ugly head this year he only played like 16 games yeah and that one so so and I think with the when it comes to Monte I think it just it was just bad luck when it comes to Joe Harris I believe yeah there there

May be some regret maybe they could have used some of that money and added some in no disrespect to who the guys who they require but who knows maybe you could have added a better piece or pieces with that money so yeah yeah I was calling like

Just for like a name like I thought Kelly UB like if you were to sign Kelly UB let’s just say you give him $10 million like he’s probably coming to Detroit um I thought the Joe Harris trade it was I was kind of scratching my head I’m

Like okay the Monte Morris trade to like what you were saying a I 100% agree I thought for the value that you got him he was on an expiring like n10 million deal I didn’t hate that move the Joe Harris trade when I look back at it I’m

Like what are we doing like are we trying are you trying to surround this young core with you know players that can actually play basketball players that can contribute and I just kind of felt like this front office is just they were content with just evaluating and

They weren’t really focused on if the wins came they just wanted to see if you know Kade can be a high usage guard how does Ivy look next to Cade which I I’ve talked at nausey I’m like I I think you can evaluate and still add Talent around

Your core and I absolutely absolutely I don’t know how like they don’t like the front office didn’t think of you know signing mid tier guys to you know help this you know young core out yeah I I didn’t when they when they when when they look back on free AG when they look

Back on this that that’s that’s going to be the one thing that’s gonna probably haunt them because I mean going into this off season the way that they’ve set this up it’s almost like it’s and again people this is not me saying go go get this

Player I’m talking about off the list of who’s out there it’s almost to buy his Harris or bus this summer with the money they have yeah it’s it’s that’s the that’s the way they’re positioned right now it’s Tobias Harris or bust and Tobias is a great player I mean look I

Know people like well he played here before look he played here before but it wasn’t like he was bad they just move him for Blake Griffin but Tobias is still a Tobias is still a bucket it’s just the question you have is is he a needle mover yeah

And the pisses are now in a position where if they don’t go get him then again like you’re saying who are they going to Target that is going to be a needle mover because you’re gonna you’re gonna have so much cap space that you gotta use it

Somewhere yeah the the the two guys that are remaining now this was a a wish list that came out this this year from Shams karania ogn and Obi is going to resign with the Mi I think we’re gonna both age there absolutely Pascal cakam the Pacers

Gave up the farm for Pascal seak Pascal cakam is gonna sign a super max with the Pacers I think we can both agree there yeah the other two players one that you mentioned Tobias Harris gonna give him 30 40 million at that stage of his career I don’t know how that’s going to

Sit with the fan base nothing against Tobias Harris I think he’s a fine player good basketball player but is he really going to get you maybe a seven seed with this young cor I don’t know I don’t I don’t know how much he has left in the

Tank and and the the last player that was on that wish list is a player that I think a lot of people are familiar with he went to Michigan State there’s off to court issues and that’s miles Bridges uh the Pistons have been really interested in Miles Bridges I learned recently

Before the off the court stuff happened they were willing to give him an offer sheet this summer and you know that the off the court stuff happened obviously they they they backed out from giving him an offer sheet but I think those are your realistic targets Tobias Harris and

Miles Bridges those are the two you know small forwards that they’re looking at to Target and I if that’s their Big Splash and their master plan um I would hate to be the Pistons PR I really would because like I don’t think and you know I know

Some people are gonna say why are you bringing this up I’m bringing this up because I have to I really do not see a scenario where the Pistons add miles Bridges it’s and and you can talk about how well he’s played this season he’s actually playing pretty damn good yeah

But for the Pistons specifically not talking about any other other team Detroit Pistons specifically I don’t know how they bring him in given the Optics already for their organization they’re already under a lawsuit from a former exec for sexual harassment where she’s suing the organization and Rob

Murphy yeah the Pistons cannot have even taken a serious look at mayoka when they were going through their coaching search last year I don’t see how you bring in a guy with Miles bridges that has his checkered off thec Court Domestic issues when you’re undergoing a lawsuit for sexual

Harassment I just don’t see how you do it it is a PR Nightmare and again there are people if there are people here if Bridges did not if Bridges did not have that situation over his head we’re probably not having a lot of different discussions and we’re watching bridges in a Pistons

Uniform because those happened this is where we are I don’t I don’t see it happening at all um I’m there there is one other name that I was doing I would have did a little real quick look and I don’t know how updated this is but

Gotta see what Demar D rozan is gonna do I don’t I don’t see him I mean you still got Dwayne Casey in the front office so you know you might be able to do some sweet talking right there I mean it’s not like everything is going super great with the with the

Bulls I mean LaVine cannot stay healthy I think that if you brought um I think that if you bring D rozan in to play that three which he can I mean he shown it that is a that’s a bucket that’s a that’s that’s

Your 20 to 20 that’s your 22 to 25 guy a night and then who can who can get you 35 and he’s a Savvy veteran been around the league it’s going to command some respect gonna be able to help with the growth of assar Thompson and I believe that is a believe

If you can I believe that’s a guy that could they a possible Target as well but again you’re really looking at a handful of Nam that if you don’t go get them with that Capital money it’s a bust and when you’re one of the worst teams well

Not when you’re one of the worst teams in the NBA the right now you have the worst record you got to finish strong to be able to sell yourself on those guys coming to Detroit yeah I I 100% agree I I know I I’ve met mention the Rob Murphy stuff on

This podcast because some people you know they’re they’re not as locked in you know with the stuff like he was a you know former you know Eastern Michigan University head basketball coach I believe yes he yes he was he he worked as a general manager for the

Motor City Cruise he got promoted I want to say it was last year to be not only the general manager of the crws but also the general manager of the Detroit Pistons and all that stuff happened um and I know local Ford did like a whole video interview uh with that girl

You guys can go look it up and like read the story because I’m not taking sides to it it’s not my responsibility and I think it would be irresponsible for me to even take sides as for the miles Bridges stuff I’ve always talked as a basketball fit it makes sense off the

Court like you said PR nightmare I 100% agree um like if he didn’t have any of that op theore issues um I think the piss would be all in same same with a whole lot of other teams I mean you look at what he’s doing right now currently

He’s putting up 30 40 piece you know games right now like he’s balling out of his mind he’s going crazy it’s going crazy I mean like I I I think there’s a world when I’m looking at free agents they could just start making calls to make trades

Um I’ve told you before and you’ve told me too like that’s not a bad idea like I think Andrew Wiggins could be a real Target I really do and I know when people hear Andrew Wiggins and they’re going to look you know how he’s played this year and obviously you know he’s

Dealing with stuff off the court as well um you know family matters so his head’s maybe not mentally in the game but I think you get a guy in Andrew Wiggins who I think could help out help you out on the wing you know hits some three-point shots and he’s he’s a

Professional at the end of the day he was a big part of the Golden State Warriors when they won their last champion and I know that’s not like a sexy name that Pistons fans want to hear but I think those are the type of players that they’ll probably Target

Kind of mid tier like you know B minus guys to try to get them out of where they’re currently in but it wouldn’t surprise me if they look at free agency they don’t really they’re not in love with anybody they’re not in love with paying Klay Thompson because I think

That’s like the best free agent that you could possibly get like you’re not going to pay Klay Thompson at this stage of his career what he’s probably commanding um wouldn’t surprise me if they they look at teams that you know have guys that are on a couple more years of their

Contract and like hey let’s go trade for Harrison Barnes let’s go trade for Andrew Wiggins like let’s try try to get like these mid tier type of small forwards I had to laugh for a quick second I’m leaving that one alone but U Andrew Andrew Wiggins um

Yeah we talked about it I mean Andrew Wiggins makes more sense than people really want to believe because again he’s a guy that is on a contract already so he would be with the Pistons for a couple years and also too with the way the salary cap is rising Andrew Wiggins

Is on a very very very friendly contract salary cap wise so I think that’s why it would make sense he’s is a veteran he’s been in a he’s been in a few couple of locker rooms he’s I mean besides being an NBA champion you can argue that year that

The that the Warriors won that title he was the second best player on the team there’s a there’s an AR there’s an argument for that to be made and I think with the way things have gone with the Golden State Warriors I think the ship just ran its course on a lot of

Players in that group and a lot of those guys could just benefit from a fresh start I think that Andrew Wiggins could come here and he could be your starting um small forward day one and that’s not and that takes nothing away from assar Thompson because he still has

You know as great as he is he still has a little bit more room to grow but again he you can not only have Wiggins as your day one piece but again because of his contract he’s a very tradable piece down the line should you need to move him so

I mean I think that’s a guy they I think that’s a guy they should Target but through the free agency it’s just going with the way the season has gone it’s going to be tough if they right now they’re eight and um 43 if I’m not mistaken so 30 games

Left I think to really be able to seriously sell themselves on free agents you’re you’re going to be asking this team to win at least 12 more games at at at the basement 15 15 to 16 if we’re trying to get greedy here but realistically you’re

Hoping this team gets to 12 more games so they can at least say hey we were three games better than last year so you’ll be able to put that feather in your cap but I mean free agency is going to be I’m telling you right now the

Names are not sexy but if you’re able to get one of those guys in like a Demar or a Tobias I mean you you did good because that’s who you’re at this point this is the that’s who you have to get if you don’t get them you failed free [Applause] [Applause] Agency

This week on Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Kory Woods Detroit Pistons beat reporter from Anthony asked if he feels the front office believes last offseason was a failure and what players Pistons fans should look at as the Pistons have $60 million cap space to spend this summer on free agents.

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  1. Teams wanting to avoid the 2nd level of the new collective barging agreement. Detroit salary cap space will have teams calling to move a big contract.

  2. Let’s play devils advocate. If they didn’t make all those moves last off season who would they have realistically been able to sign with all that money? Most of top 10 free agents last season resigned with their respective teams. The only one that didn’t was fred van fleet. None of the top free agents last year fit the needs of this team.

  3. PR nightmare lol, you got a player that punches people in the face and chases down the biggest player in the league we’ll be alright sign that man

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