@Boston Celtics

Jaylen Brown & Kristaps Porzingis: Cookies & Cream, inside the car rides, and stealing JB’s seat

Jaylen Brown & Kristaps Porzingis: Cookies & Cream, inside the car rides, and stealing JB’s seat

What’s up everyone this is Mark Deo I just want to say thank you for giving us a listen or a watch and please do not forget to rate subscribe or review us we appreciate you giving us a listen and here’s the next episode of view from the Rapters behind the scenes with the

Boston Celtics presented by Flex car in my opinion if there is a podcast God he’s looking down on us today because this is the podcast we have wanted forever and Jaylen I got to say thank you to you because just last week you gave us the goods cookies and cream this

Is the cookies and cream podcast with Jaylen Brown Christ porzingis than some noise cookies yes please yes I wish I had some cookies and cream on set for us to eat right now but since I don’t can you at least tell me how this came about

I know you said that Missoula is the guy who dropped it but when did this happen like when when did he term you guys as cookies and cream I think it was just a random day in practice like we were just like it was after a couple of games we

Had a couple good games earlier in the season and Joe just comes in in the field Obsession and it’s just like what we going to call this cookies and cream huh and then and it’s stuck I guess it kind of just stuck KP were you in all

The way from the jump I was not convinced no I was not convinced at first uh but he just kept going with it and then we had another good game another good game we had that connection and I guess I guess Joe just gave us that name the funny thing about it

Though is that early in the season Joe came and talked to us in the media and we were asking question I think it was after posted the Step Brothers post on uh on your Instagram and we were like asking Joe about your guys relationship and he was like I didn’t even know they

Were that tight I don’t know if that was like Joe being like dead panning to us because he does that a lot but for sure it’s funny that he’s the one that came up with the name that now everyone is calling you guys yeah Joe Joe gets all

The credit for that you know um that wasn’t me that wasn’t KP that was all Joe how did you guys become such fast friends I don’t know I think it was natural um we sat together on the plane so obviously we started talking um what’s C what’s crazy about

That KP comes and like sits in my seat I’ve been sitting in the same seat on the plane for like the last four years right yes no I trust me I understand team playing and the Dynamics you got your space right same spot last four years KP comes in you know walking in

First trip brother brother brother brother brother brother that’s my seat I’m like you know because it’s KP I allowed him to do it though allow he said that to you I gave he told you that was his he told me that that was he asked me if I could Polly sit to the

Next one cuz he felt more comfortable sitting close to the window or something like that no first you were like whoever gets here sits in that seat first that’s what I said first after that after that you were like but then I just let you have

It right you know very kind of you it’s a big picture you know what I mean I you’re thinking long term KP is important to what we doing over here so I want him to feel comfortable so if you wanted my seat on the plane hey brother

It’s yours but also christops yeah why is that seat so important to you that you’re you walk in and you’re like yo that’s mine you’re in a new spot on a new team claiming your space yeah that was the most important thing for me coming to this

Team that that’s true to get that seat where you sit on the plane is like important though for like the vibe of like everything that is true a lot of people who attest to that people would show up early like did you start showing

Up early to get the window seat no no no no I couldn’t show up early if I wanted to that’s just you but n KP was there and he like that’s the CD want it that made him feel the most comfortable it’s yours so far it’s working out who

Offered to drive for the first time oh man we have stories let’s go that’s why we’re here that’s why we’re here give us the cookies and cream stories please no no go ahead goad go ahead hey no we going to keep that one

Hey this was on my list of what I had to ask is a story from one of those rides you don’t have to tell the one that you’re saying right now you don’t want to tell but there’s got to be something you can give us right no no we uh and we

I mean we live in the same building so it makes a lot of sense to just carpol you know at times you know what I mean um or you know to ride back from a late game you get in late you know what I mean you usually I have either a car

Service but if you want to save a couple dollars just ride with KP I thought that was a great idea oh okay for the most part that is a you know smart thinking right everybody yeah you know until you realize it’s efficient that way you know KP drives a a 1986

BMW stop Mercedes Mercedes stop not BMW the year difference what is but is it like a classic car or is it classic but it sounds good until one day it just doesn’t cut on like remember the first time mean like creature Comfort warmer yes so like the car did not turn on but

This is this is this is where it’s my fault I don’t even blame I’m gonna fix this story go ahead there’s always two sides this is where it’s my fault cuz like a couple games before this day that we were going to discuss like I I ride

With KP and like I remember getting in the car and I’m like it’s cold outside I’m as like is the car is it going to start so it gives me that look like yeah like it’s to start but it’s like a unsure yeah and like he turns the car he

Puts the key in and he turns it and it comes on and he’s like yes like I got this he really wasn’t sure you’re saying you jinxed it so he wasn’t sure that day that’s the thing like I don’t want to ride with somebody if you’re not going

To be sure if it’s going to cut on experience of it not turning on that’s what he wasn’t confident in it no no no the thing is like it’s a 99 1999 car but it’s so quiet and it just runs so smooth I couldn’t tell if it was on or off I

Was like is this car on he was like brother what’s happening I’m like no it’s on hold on and so I was a little confused you know because it runs so smooth you know so what happened was the car is perfectly fine the only thing that’s a little bit like janky is like

The when the uh you can see the gasoline right you looks like it’s like half tank for example and all of a sudden it goes down like super quick I’ve had that happen with my speedometer in a car before where it just like let’s go this

Is what happened got in the car and I knew from the last time I rote it it was kind of on the low side but now it looked like fine so we’re going home oh my God and you can imagine what happened and it was like the latest we’ve gotten

Back from a trip like this season it was like 500 a.m. or something 4:00 a.m. and of course we get stuck in the coldest weather on the road you ran out of gas was that the one after we sat on the plane for like 5 hours too I think so

That’s I think so that’s and you ran out of gas that was that night yeah so it was a good Adventure who do you call when you run out NBA players on the side of the road who do you call when you run out of gas at 5 in the morning we called

Cara Kina God for Cara she she you know there’s nothing a lot that she could do but she was at least there on the phone to support emotional support while you waited for Triple A while we waited for uh we just I guess we just left it there

But you know this is where I take responsibility cuz one the trip before I seen the unsur and I still put myself in that position no right so only blaming yourself I have to blame me then that means you would have left christops out there all by himself if you weren there

You know what this this made this made the connection even you’re right that’s when cookies and cream really got to the next level true you know years ago Evan Turner told a story about his Ferrari and the same thing happened the gas all of a sudden

Was there and then it wasn’t and he got stuck on the side of the road and I was like that doesn’t happen what are you talking about slightly different than the 99 Mercedes why do you still have a 99 Mercedes and how long have you had this car

Um I love classic cars I’m a big Mercedes guy and that’s actually one of my favorite cars to drive drive super smooth it’s like um when it dries no no no it’s it’s believe me it’s in good condition Boston man it’s ice you need all-wheel drive you have experience

Doing this D got a okay this car is super safe I’m telling you I was going to say that’s the lesson you learned it’s just like be confident just you have to fill up the gas that’s it we would have been fine oh my God all right

So you’re in the same building right we’ve already that sometimes you ride with each other when the car Works um how how never again never again it’s over time it wasn’t that bad it wasn’t that bad how did you guys end up in the same building is it through the team a

Recommendation I think it’s random I think you bought the unit right there it was a brand new building um just opened up in like April or something like that like probably one of the newer buildings in Boston and you know I was looking for

A new place at the time so and then he was just moving to the city so I guess it just kind of worked out it’s really not far from the garden do you ever walk o that would be that would be dangerous yeah I feel like you two would

Stick out in public if you walked to TD Garden I think I can get away with it well you do have the doppelganger who’s like already out there so you don’t know it could be he’ll steal the show while you sneak in could be your decoy a lot

Of people you see that they don’t they have some unsur now it’s like you know I feel like I can get away with it if I want Mark you know what I thought when I found out Flex car was going to be our new SP no what do you think I don’t know

I don’t know what I thought neither did I but then I went and checked it out and and it’s basically a car subscription and you choose the mileage package that fits you best and that’s it okay it’s it’s honestly pretty cool and it includes roadside assistance 24/7 car insurance and maintenance it’s all

Included in one bill all in one bill the only thing that is not included is the gas you put in the tank and on top of that it’s cheaper it’s like 10 to 20% cheaper than buying or leasing a car and what are you doing right now I’m finding

My next car all right well if you’re doing that make sure you use the code Rafters and you’ll get 100 free Miles when you sign up so off the court it’s great but the reason the cookies and cream actually got dropped publicly which is now turned into a wallpaper

That I don’t know if you guys saw that on the Celtics handle they made a wallpaper of you guys with cookies and cream but the reason it got out there is because you retweeted a or you quote tweeted a highlight reel of just you guys on the court highlights of you guys

On the court it’s almost 3 minutes long the highlight re of just you two already this season so how has the off thee Court relationship actually translated into the success that you guys have felt together I mean I just feel like the connection the behind the back passes

The back Cuts Like It’s like you guys know where each other are going to be at all times I think our games really just compliment each other like you know him being a great shooter and then also a lob threat puts teams in a a difficult position especially when I’m trying to

Get downhill because it just makes the read either easy you I could throw it up um if you step up or if he pops and I’m just hitting him on a pop and then I can just hit him every time and if that big if he’s there he doesn’t kind of know

What to do do I stop Jaylen from getting downhill or do I rotate to KP who’s just hit three threes in a row it’s like a lose lose it’s a it’s a difficult position to be in especially if we’re playing with pace and and we’re uh we

Got it rolling so I think our games just kind of compliment each other so you know I think it’s been a great fit when it comes to chemistry and this is something I talk about with all the time I feel like you don’t necessarily have to get along off the court to make

Things work on the court but how much easier does it make it when you do I think uh it helps us in terms of like being able to communicate with each other say things to each other and not take it personally because we’re cool off the court also you know and that way

You can like kind of push each other and tell each other things maybe that are not you know things you would say to somebody that you not as close close to you know on the court you can and I think that’s where um that’s where we have that Advantage you know because of

Our leadership off the court and and obviously as he said we just match on the court and try to look for each other and and it it’s honestly it just kind of H happened off the court and on the court like supernaturally how often has that have you guys had that feeling just

In your individual careers like growing up playing in aaou playing in college like how often have you felt that connection with another player like you guys do and have through the first handful of months of the Season uh because it seems rare is kind of what I’m getting like it doesn’t feel

Like that happens often in general n I’ve had good connections like me and smart had a good connection y last year we used to get all those back Cuts yep you know would have know I’ve had good connections but this is definitely you know one of the best for sure um but you

Know over the course of your life you play a lot of yeah you know games and teams but now KP definitely ranks at the very top just chemistry just in year one like I’m we haven’t been playing together for a full year yet and you already see how many like highlights and

Points and that we’ve been able to generate so imagine playing like for a a longer period of time it could even be better but yeah definitely definitely right at the top yeah and for me also like I would say kind of the same thing as him with smart he had that connection

Me playing with Brad be and finding him on those back doors and and kind of him coming off with that explosive it that he has helped me you know just click with uh with JB right away also because there are some similarities in their games you know um just how Dynamic both

Of them are and how can they get downhill and and create for others Jaylen for you this season and we’ve talked a lot about trying to step up into that leadership role I feel like it’s not just the connection with KP either it’s kind of taking some of the

Other new guys under your wing and how much of that is important to you and and are you seeing the results on the floor yeah for sure and uh people get mad at me but like you know as a part of like being a leader is trying to get your

Guys involved so that means each and every night that doesn’t mean I have to score or look to score the ball yeah every single night you know and obviously you know everybody wants you to come out and drop 30 points a game and everybody be happy but at the same

Time making sure Sam gets shots making sure Payton finding our guys playing through them you know gives them the Rhythm and the confidence that we need going forward getting him rolling cuz when he scores you know he’s feeling good he’s blocking shots he’s hitting threes you know so sometimes I’ve you

Know you know trying to find a balance of being aggressive myself but also understanding seeing the game and knowing that like I need the teammates around me to be the best version of themselves and that means if they watching me just scoring the ball that you know that they’re not getting the

Game experience that I need them to have sometimes that also means sometimes you have to give up your seat on the plane exactly sharing Bigg sacrifice he’s made this season it’s the big picture that’s the biggest sacri we a championship this year everybody’s going point back to

That started with gave up a seat the sacrifice talk about sacrifice that’s huge my last question is when are we going to get some merch are you guys working on that like an album cover there are have you seen the t-shirts the Step Brothers t-shirts M there’s a bunch

Of shirt out there with that I mean you’re more like the merge guy and all this like marketing you know figure it out give me just some commission and we’re good seven is 6040 65 35 me I’m doing the work what about shipping in for gas though he’s paying

For the now you know making sure it’s full all the time look what happened one time you guys are going to launch your own podcast cookies and cream um personality wise though that that is one of the interesting things to me is that like if we Abby and I were talking

Earlier I’m like if we just looked at the list of players of on the roster this year before the the season started and we predicted who were going to become like best friends I don’t know why but I just wouldn’t have predicted you guys because you have such different

Upbringings you’re different uh you have different positions on in the court different games why do you think this happened and Jaylen I know you talked at the beginning of the Season about he’s way funnier than most of us know who aren’t around him every day like how much did that impact the relationship

Early on for sure uh definitely a funny guy over here but uh he also just super laidback just super cool everything is cool everything is like is sexy you know what I mean it’s a wink it’s a point walk you know what I mean everything is

That with him so like it’s just it’s funny to be around on a daily basis what is something KP we don’t know about JB um that we don’t know about J I don’t know I was gonna I was GNA add to like I think what also like help us or what

Like why we got along right away is we we share like a lot of views on like things outside the court you know we share like we we view things the same way and we kind of had those conversations early any examples just bigger things just just bigger things outside basketball you

Know okay filter yeah yeah yeah we kind of like like you know we just click I’m going to be burn want to know the answer to that question now you know and uh and I think uh I think that’s what it was also and then Abby what’ you say would

You ask me just now oh what I don’t know about JB what we don’t know about JB yeah what we don’t know uh let’s see you like that stays in the 99 Mercedes uh no I’ll think about that though I’ll come back I’ll have some dark secrets about

Him soon I can’t wait we’re going to do part two later the season can’t wait uh no this has been awesome you guys are the best this is I know the fans are going to love this cookies and cream is like popping off on everyone loves it um

You guys have been awesome to watch you guys team up this season and we can’t wait to see what the second half of the season has in store for you guys and the team overall so we appreciate you coming on we appreciate you being open and talking about your stories from private

Rides from the seaport to the Garden into the practice facility and we’re looking forward to it thank you appreciate Thanks

Jaylen Brown and Kristaps Porzingis have been dubbed by Joe Mazzulla as “Cookies & Cream,” and they join Marc and Abby on the VFTR set to dive into their relationship that’s blossomed both on and off the court just months after they became teammates.

Listen to them relive Porzingis getting on the plane as the new guy and stealing JB’s seat (the one JB had held for four years), and the moment they got stuck on the side of the road together at 4 a.m.

They also explain their chemistry on the court and why they get along so well off of it, with hilarious interactions throughout the convo. Oh, and merch? Maybe…

0:30 – Jaylen and Kristaps remember how the “Cookies & Cream” name came about

1:55 – JB tells the story of KP stealing the seat he’d held on the plane for 4 years

4:05 – Car rides, getting stuck on the side of the road at 4 a.m., and doppelgängers

10:07 – How the off-court relationship has led to on-court success

15:12 – Is Cookies & Cream merch on its way?

15:48 – One last chance to describe each other and their friendship

View From The Rafters is presented by Flexcar.

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  1. It must feel weird being friends with a guy and its just under a microscope 😂 The questions are so repetitively dumb lml. They're a funny duo, I wouldn't mind watching them individually. But asking two guys why theyre so close and to explain it 500 different ways isn't it. 💀

  2. This interview had so much potential and I feel like it felt short. The hosts are actually pretty solid but I wish they would just let them talk more. I understand there is a lot they want to hear about in so little time but just let them carry the conversation and it would feel more organic. Overall, though, I think these sit down interviews have only gotten better and I’m excited for more to come ☘️

  3. Highest paid player in the nba carpooling to save a few bucks and running out if gas haha priceless. In porzingas defense he probably has few cars he can comfortably fit in.

  4. These two deff get along more than JB and JT does yet everyone denied that JT and JB werent close. THIS is what you would of exprected JT and JB to be like

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