@San Antonio Spurs



I’m ready I’m finally ready to go over this uh topic okay uh Trey young Trey young so big shout out to Ty joer on this one um in which Ty Jager says let’s just say I feel pretty confident that San Antonio is going for Trey young this

Summer after what I just heard now let me go ahead and say this okay Tai is awesome all right Tai is someone that I trust I’ve talked to Tai on you know a few occasions uh through the DMs and Tai Ty’s a good person good good good dude

Okay I really I really do like Tai I I appreciate Tai’s uh takes input on things and he does hear things here and there and I will say this you guys won’t believe me I don’t say any of this because I don’t want to sound like self-important but I have my own sources

As well and I hear things as well a lot of times when I talk about something and I’ll just give you a hint okay when I harp on something over and over and over again more than likely it’s something that I I heard and on top of it I’m

Backing it up with things that have already been announced and we just kind of build upon that um now we’re talking about opinions on how I feel about a player like Kellin or soan or whatever obviously there’s no like Source connected to that that’s just my feelings that’s just my thoughts on it

That’s the way I I view players but a lot of times I do hear things and yes I’ve heard something about this as well that the San Antonio Spurs are going to go after Trey young um but it’s backed up not only just from what I’ve heard and apparently what

Tai’s heard and Ty can’t say too much um which you know I don’t know where he heard it from but I trust it uh but it’s also just been around right like there’s no surprise there’s nothing uh that came up where you should be like shocked or

Anything like that there’s been many of Articles talking about this already people have already put that out there that the San Antonio Spurs could be going after uh uh Trey young so it’s been known that the Atlanta Hawks will be looking to Moo either dejon Murray or

Trey young or both of them like that that’s kind of what it sounded like right now it says perhaps the more significant reason why trade or Trey trade talk has a more tangible field than ever before there appears to be a true market forming for young for really

The first time in the six uh Seasons as a hawk and it’s already been announced that uh when it comes to the Atlanta Hawks they’ve gotten calls about Trey young and his availability and a lot of teams and Executives believe that Trey young will be available uh when this

Season is over with uh one other thing that I wanted to show you was this so if you wanted to know who is in the running for trying to get Trey young Lakers they they put all their business out there I mean it seems like with the Spurs we’re

Pretty low-key you rarely hear anything but the Lakers you hear a lot um and it says the Lakers view Trey young as a third star who can help push for a championship now now but also bridge the gap to the Future for a new era alongside Anthony Davis that sounds all

Great and dandy I mean it might happen who knows uh when you think about what they can give up it’s not really that much so Los Angeles can trade upwards of three first round picks and four swaps this off season those aren’t going to be that great so more than likely what

They’ll have to do is have another team involved here’s the thing okay here’s the beauty of this whole situation I’ve said this already and I stick by it I don’t care what the Spurs do I end up putting out there I think I think I put

Yeah I put it on Twitter I was like hey uh I’m cool if the Spurs don’t do anything when it comes to the Trey young situation and we will still win if we just sat back and allowed the Atlanta Hawks to implode because we know that that’s about to happen hey we still

Benefit from it because we have their picks uh I saw someone say like no the wrong move would be doing nothing it’s like no we already made the the move we already set the stage the Spurs set themselves up beautifully we can do something we can go after Trey young

Give them their picks back maybe a couple of ours and we’ll still have plenty of picks left um or we could just say hey you know what y’all handle that we’ll just keep your picks you you do whatever you want to do Atlanta we’re just going to keep that 2025 and we’ll

Get us a uh point guard in that draft it it’s it’s really beautiful okay it really is beautiful and I have to say that the San Antonio Spurs front office has done a fine job thus far now it’s just a matter of waiting and seeing uh

What comes out of it but I I think they’ve done a pretty decent job uh one thing this is just like a small pet peeve of mine and you guys can correct me if I’m wrong all right I’m talking to you Chad all right I I didn’t fact check

This but I don’t think it needs factchecking all right this is one of those things where it’s in my mind I think I know what I’m talking about I I just Just Bounce Off me all right um a lot of people getting on to Brian Wright for trading or not trading drafting

Kellin Johnson I saw quite a few people talking about this and and the reason why I bring this up because I truly do think that we have a good front office and I think Brian Wright has been a good uh GM this is the smoothest transition

Into a rebuild I have ever seen you usually don’t get your generational Talent this quickly um and this many picks this quickly really based on like nothing like we started off with almost nothing and we did this um pretty impressive uh but people that are getting on to him for drafting Kellin

Johnson he didn’t draft Kellin Johnson wasn’t that RC Buford I mean I know that Brian Wright had a say so in that draft but people bring up Luca and they bring up Kellin but he wasn’t the GM when we got those two players so I don’t know

Why that’s always brought up when we’re talking bad about uh uh Brian Wright in my opinion I think that Brian Wright really needs to have a team team that’s constructed solely from him and unfortunately Kellin will be the last part of that I could be wrong Kellin

Could end up really coming into his own as far as being a good role player for this team in the future I’m not going to complain I’m not going to trip I’m not going to call for anybody’s job but hey Brian White did dra draft Primo

Yeah but we never come on man come on like at the time it you got to you got to you got to think of things relative relative to the time and what was going on the Spurs getting Primo actually did make sense like in hindsight and I

Thought Primo was going to be really good really good actually ruined his career but I thought he was going to be really good um and I can’t really put that on the GM when Primo just doing what he’s doing uh Primo issues weren’t his performance on the court yeah like

Like you can’t yeah uh if only Primo wasn’t a uh okay guys Co Focus okay focus he didn’t draft Luca or Kellin right I don’t know why people keep bringing that up he didn’t draft them am I right oh my God my chat gets so distracted so quickly you guys get dist

Right okay thank you oh my god oh my god look we’re already on to something else anyways look uh all I have to say is getting Trey young is um doable I think the Spurs if anybody would have uh the best shot at doing so and I don’t think

That either way really hurts us honestly you get Trey young hey we fixed the point guard uh situation we probably more than likely would have already gotten our defensive wing and then hopefully City Soko can come into something and then we’ll still have uh uh pick capital in the future so we

Don’t have to worry about oh my God is Trey young or bus no we’ll still have picks uh for later on as well and we have so many I mean absolutely so many second round picks that you can package into something as well so I I’m I’m

Excited I’ll be honest I’m excited um I think that we will be more than likely the Front Runners for getting Trey young if that were to happen um I know some people are quite against getting Trey young like ah what’s what’s the point he can’t play defense it’s like watch the

Atlanta Hawks actually watch a few Atlanta Hawks games because I have to tell you he is having a phenomenal season and defensively he has gotten much better and it it’s impressive it’s impressive nonetheless um the one you got to worry about actually is DJ with his defense but Trey Young’s defense a

Okay A1 actually um let’s see does anyone think Primo did what he did to get out of San Antonio that would be the that would be the dumbest move any player would ever do just to get out of that is insan just ask out oh my God

Uh what do you think the Spurs got to give up uh to get Trey realistically uh well what I’m hoping okay this is what I’m hoping um if we were doing it you know right after this season I would think that you probably have to give up

Your top three pick in this upcoming 2024 draft which I would do um you’ll have to give them all of their picks back uh and you’re probably going to have to add in maybe a couple more first um it’ll be nice if we don’t have to

Include ours but does it really matter I mean we kind of hold on I mean we can give up ours and maybe we’ll be good enough to make the play in playoffs I don’t know so it wouldn’t really matter anyway um so more than likely that’s what I be looking at probably giving

Them our top pick this year uh giving them their picks back and then maybe just a few more of ours uh and then along with that you know you’re probably going to have to get rid of you know Kellin or uh maybe Malachi and Kellan probably something like that that’s what I’m

Assuming if they want to go full on rebuild I mean they want their picks back right um that’s what I’m assuming that’s what I think you lost me when you said give up our top three oh oh I’m sorry well if you give up your top three

You don’t have to worry about it that much especially if we already have Toronto so because this upcoming draft while um like there’s a lot of talent in the in the in the lottery the skill Gap uh is not as insane as it was this past season

Right like you don’t have any type of generational Talent like if you’re looking at a player at top five or or the fifth overall pick sixth seventh overall pick it would have to be seventh overall pick right um you looking at the seventh overall pick they’re not that

Much different than the fourth or third overall pick I’m sorry I mean you could you could disagree with me I don’t think that the skill Gap is that wide um there’s there’s a lot of good players but I don’t think it’s that much of a a difference from like late Lottery uh up

To like the end of the first round it it’s just everybody’s so close in skill level so I don’t think that it would matter that much and if the San Antonio Spurs whole mindset is you get Trey young and then we can get our uh 3 and D small forward hopefully Modis buellis

Will be available at seventh he’s really good guys go watch him he’s he’s he’s back like a lot of people are like he can’t shoot no he’s back his his shot is definitely back um I think he’s shooting he’s shooting 40% over the last few

Games I don’t I don’t recall but but his his shooting’s back he’s very skilled a lot of confidence plays good defense um that’s somebody that you could really take Rob Dillingham yeah that’s another guy that you could potentially take his seventh if you wanted to uh but if

You’re getting Trey young then I more than likely would go after a small forward right like that’s what I would do Cody Williams is better see Cody Williams could be available too I’m just saying like all these players and that’s the thing I don’t know if you guys

Noticed but every single second of every single day you hear another name and someone else is bringing up well what if we get this guy what if we get this guy what if we get this guy and in actuality a lot of these players are pretty

Similar in in Talent like I I don’t think that you’re losing anything by taking one over the other for a big chunk of these players in this draft in particular maybe not in previous drafts not especially not last year’s draft or the one prior when you you have like

Paulo Ben Caro and then Apollo B Caro uh Chad hren and then everybody else it’s not really like that with this one um but yeah Dyson Daniels mid Dyson Daniels isn’t mid Dyson Daniels isn’t mid he’s I mean he’s having a bad offense and didn’t he just get hurt he’s having a

Bad offensive um showing but I think it also has to do with the team he’s on he’s not really getting much opportunity to to be like a scorer develop those type of skills hopefully they can just uh trade him a way honestly he has really good defense though he’ll be

Fine uh mes Buel is 28.1% at 3 point no no no I think I think it’s got way better he got his shot back he was just getting used to the G League I’m pretty sure he’s shooting like 40% over the last few games I’m pretty

Sure um look it’s besides Point okay my whole point is if it came down to like which one would you guys rather choose would you rather just keep all your picks which is fine that’s not a bad option by any means um just keep all your picks ride it out see what

We can get or if it came down to giving up a 2024 first round pick you know top three top four whatever and you keep the um you keep the other one like you keep the uh seventh you just say Toronto keeps winning or whatever and we get our

We get the seventh I mean with the skill Gap in this draft I’m completely comfortable with taking Trey young and then holding on to the seventh and we’ll still have more picks in the future like that’s how ridiculous uh our our front office set

Us up that we can we can we can cap we’re capable of doing this and still rebuild this is kind of why we have so many picks I was wondering what we could find get a guarantee I don’t want to do 20 players like OKC and pick and choose

Trey some of these picks for Trey yeah it that that was the whole point you get all these first round picks and you can package it into something if you if you need to if you don’t you still got your picks you know 25 draft will be fire it will be

And that’s the thing it’s like I would want to H hang on to the 25th uh Atlanta Hawks pick but there’s no way like that that defeats the purpose for them like there’s no way they don’t get that 25 back like I I don’t I don’t see they’re not they can’t

Be that incompetent like they want that they want that pick back you know um Dynasty’s build through the draft you will still be building through the draft I’m not I don’t think this is a fast track by any means I just think that this will be I mean he’s he’s a

Superstar don’t get me wrong but I think that this will be a okay we got our star uh point guard that’s something that we need and we still have to fill up uh the other spots it’s not like Trey young is like in his 30s right like like he has

Plenty of years left and the way that he plays he’ll be totally fine like he’s he still has plenty of years in his career left um we have the Leverage so to be honest they ain’t getting that 25 if I’m the GM I guess it just depends on how bad

You want Trey like I said like I can’t disagree um with any of you if you say nope I ain’t doing it I’m holding on to my my 202s I’m cool with that like I’m not tripping about it I don’t really have that strong of opinion about it um

If I had a lean one way or the other just depending on what it looks like and it came down to the 24 pick but we keep Toronto uh give them back their picks and we give them a couple ours you know maybe ones that’s not even from us but

We just give him a couple ours I mean I’m probably not tripping about it that much to be honest with you guys and especially since in my mind already I have it made up which maybe I shouldn’t make made it up in my mind like this but

I already have it made in my mind that 2025 is a pick where we get a point guard then I really feel okay with with going in that direction for getting Trey but I’m cool either way hopefully we trade for Trey young just imagine the pick and roll it’ll be absolutely

Ridiculous I mean it it would be it would be unstoppable it there’s no way of stopping it really it’s no way of stopping that a pick and roll with Trey young pick and and yeah I mean pick and roll pick and Pop there’s no way of stopping it it it would just be

Op absolutely op um but yeah but we know Trey young loves the Spurs we know his dad loves the Spurs um but yeah we need Rob or topic um I don’t want topic I I don’t know why everybody likes topic so much I don’t like topic I don’t think he’s that

Good Lakers can’t beat our assets the only way they could do do it is if uh Trey really wants to go to La yeah he would have to really want to go to La that’s another thing I’m banking on too I’m waiting for Trey young to uh get

Disgruntled and say he wants to come to San Antonio you say I also don’t like topic yeah I don’t understand I don’t understand topage is going to need years to develop I just don’t understand why people want topich I don’t get that I don’t I don’t know what you I I don’t

See what you guys see it was kind of the same thing with Co year when everybody went crazy about Coe I was like I don’t see it uh see that’s what I’m curi ious about what would what could Lakers really give they don’t they don’t really

Have anything I mean that this is what um oh wait I already had it up uh yeah up to three first round picks and four swaps not going to be that great I don’t know what’s that uh KJ Devonte 2025 first round pick 2025 Atlanta first round pick 2027 you’re not giving up

Three picks to get Trey yeah you you can go ahead and get rid of that deal they’re they’re they’re not they’re not that dumb there’s no way I would love that deal but there’s no way also it’s not going to be just KJ and Devonte you’re probably going to have to give up

Malachi honestly it it’s going to have to be some young player Malachi Blake it it’s going to have to be some young player that you give them some promising young player I would try my best to hold on to soan and and fael um but that’s probably what it’ll come down

To how much picks for him in my mind I’m thinking theirs okay 2024 uh all of theirs back so what was that when that when we be a five at that point and then I’m thinking a few of ours so either six or seven I’m thinking six or seven first round picks

I hope I I hope I did the math right I’m sorry I’m not I’m not looking it up right now all right I mean that’s what I’m thinking I I could be totally off on it that that’s my first thought Trey will beat uh halberton as assist leaders for

Sure six or seven dang bro six that’s what I’m thinking for Trey young probably here we let’s look up I said I wasn’t going to look up look it up Spurs future draft picks fenbo okay let’s see all right 2024 see look uh shoot uh we won’t get this one

This one won’t convey this year um so yeah so I’m thinking Toronto this is how many picks we have like six sounds like a lot but it ain’t that bad guys so check it out so let’s just say hypothetically we give them Toronto okay boom Toronto’s gone um and then we give

Them so that’s one and you say we give them Atlanta’s back two uh that swap they get that back three uh there’s another Atlanta one four so now we got to start looking at the other ones let say we give them one of ours maybe like 20 26 okay we’re at

Five um and we give them don’t we have a Chicago one we got a Chicago one and that will be six like we have a lot we have a lot of different things that we could do we can give them Charlottes if they’ll take it first round

Picks yeah but we still have plenty of picks left once again we got to keep Chicago I want to keep Chicago all I’m saying once again I am completely content with not giving them anything and they keep Trey young I am com completely content with it and if

Trey young gets disgruntled enough and he makes it very obvious he wants to come to San Antonio it’ll make it way easier on us and Lord knows he has been dropping hints that he wants to be in San Antonio for a minute this season making that comment on Instagram

About hey they’re not giving him the ball well he just basically said it was easy he was like oh that’s an easy L um going on a podcast in which he knows exactly what they’re going to ask him and it was like three or four Wim Yama

Spurs questions like come on man um you got his dad liking liking my tweets but also uh talking about the Spurs like we know that he grew up a Spurs fan like it’s a lot okay it’s a lot he could very well want to just come to San

Anton but yeah those are my thoughts on it uh brandom Kellin in three first and a handful of seconds might do it under the logic of trying to keep as many picks as possible we do have a lot of seconds let’s see 202 oh my good there’s

No way we keep all of these right like the Spurs knew with there there’s no way we keep you guys really think we’re going to keep this many 2025 is going to be a great draft but like Atlanta ours and Chicagos and Charlottes we’ll probably have we’ll probably have four first

Round picks next year we’ll have like four first round picks are you really going to keep four first round picks I don’t know that’s what I’m saying there’s no way we keep all this yeah you usually don’t draft like that yeah it could be four because uh

This this this Hornet one isn’t going to convey it’s protected 1 through 14 and the Hornets suck um so it’ll go over to 2025 that could be four first round picks trading those protected picks seem like a waste which protected ones the Charlotte protected wait which protect the Toronto R he looks

Good I’m just saying all I was saying is if we can keep the Toronto one I’m telling you that’s good enough for this this particular draft I’m not really that worried but we’ll see what the Spurs do we’ll see who knows probably you’re probably right uh

Freej Charlotte picks is going to be two uh seconds you’re probably right if we’re being real um wait it’s going to be 2 2025 seconds I thought that no no no I think it conveys one more year right and then 2026 is when to turn to seconds am I am I

Wrong they ain’t never getting that Charlotte pick probably not wait I I thought I thought that starts in 2026 hold on let’s confirm it and then we’ll end segment we had the Charlotte pick since 23 all right let’s see it’s sad cuz we made that deal right

Before uh Bridges dude did what he did no yeah it turns into 2026 and 2027 seconds so yes yeah so if it doesn’t convey this year it goes into 2025 hopefully Charlotte is pretty good I don’t know they probably won’t be let’s be real and

Then at that point it would turn into 26 second but we could very well potentially have four first round picks next year yeah it’s 2026 2027 so it won’t be seconds in 2025 it’ll be seconds in 2026 and 2027 yeah good stuff


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  1. I don’t like Trae Young as a person. I would have a difficult time rooting for him. I’d prefer to keep the picks.

  2. Spurs are already interested in Trae which means they have a gameplan to get Trae and that's exactly what they should do this off season.

  3. There is a scenario – highly unlikely, but technically possible – where we end up with 8 total draft picks in 2025.
    Five firsts and three seconds.

  4. If they are going to trade their star they absolutely NEED their picks back, so we aren´t competing with anyone realistically. Nobody would be able to match that value, so why would we give them our top 3 pick?

  5. I'm calling it, so exciting, if Spurs get Trae they're winning the championship hands down.
    This is it you all, Spurs going to be a championship team right away.

  6. Why do people bash on drafting Keldon? He was 29th pick. He plays really well FOR 29th pick. Most of time, you dont even hear about 29th picks.

  7. Meh i would rather go after Trae . I dont trust Brian wright drafting people , He didnt draft Luka or keldon but he Drafted Primo and Malaki

  8. Any interest that the Spurs have in Trae is pure speculation from fans and media entertaining themselves, unless the Spurs have released something publicly; which they haven't.

  9. Trae Young has a trade kicker in his contract. He would be one of the 10 highest paid player in the league. He is not a top 10 player in the league. He is not a top 20 player in the league. What could possibly go wrong for a franchise who want to build a dynasty, overpaying a fringe all-star year 2 of your rebuilding ? Everything's fine.

  10. riding it all out for long term, but Trae will help us win now, which would keep me interested in the games. This year has been nearly unbearable to watch. They are SO Bad.

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