@Chicago Bulls

The Chicago Bulls Are Trying To Stay Competitive …. What Does That Look Like ?

The Chicago Bulls Are Trying To Stay Competitive …. What Does That Look Like ?

D Deon has more yards here sh you know what he’s talking I don’t think the music’s playing through There I’m sorry what yeah what’s up y’all there we go just what is going on everybody just talking behind it I don’t know hey appreciate y what’s good y’all it’s your boy PA designer back at it again I have no idea what’s going on out here studi

On fire uh what are you doing with your hands don’t know what to do okay don’t know what to do with uh appreciate y’all for tuning in to sh love hit that like button subscribe to the page man we got the squad in the building yeah all right boys uh Chicago Bulls out

Here today doing absolutely God dang nothing when I say nothing I mean less than something uh literally made no he did something what’d he do he did something he gave us a thousand one excuses that might be gave us a thousand of excuses hard hidden questions hard questions Johnson excellent questions

Some some good questions I thought I thought the Press got after him a little bit so he told us Lonzo would be here got I mean listen he doesn’t have a choice at this point he didn’t trade him or use his mid level exception but gotta

Talk about what the Bulls didn’t do also talk about some of the stuff around the Bears DJ Moore Allin on his quarterback I we knew that was coming but right like I guess what implications that kind of means off of that for the future of the QB maybe it changes

Something in the front office I think we knew that the team supported them though and then uh Hall of Fame talk we gotta clap it up real quick clap it up for for the three Hall of Famers three Chicago Bears Hall of Famers ladies and gentl go get down baby Devin

Hester the man that we’ve been waiting for Steve mcel the man that should have been in years ago and of course shout out to him yep Julius Peppers we counting Julius Julius got four years we count Julius I mean he a bear Julius a bear you can’t say no you’re not a part

Of the culture get out of here don’t say no no back there get out of here do in the back I mean he is a panther more more so than a bear but we’ll take it technically he played longer with the Packers I believe than he did with the

Panthers oh he we don’t count that how many he play with the pan I want to say he played like six years he play I think he play he play more with years guy guy SN guy anyway I’m on it I’m on it we got the squad in the

Building we got the uh the pettiest man of line Mr P kid as always rocking with us man the super producer Joel Holtz what’s happening and of course in the back we got Jordan JC and a man formerly known as Ringo J Stefan trying to hide in that Bear’s

Head back there we see you you’re not really part but uhy to claim our Hall of Famers who who’s a Hall of Famer who’s not you can’t tell us what uh but no man um let’s start it off with these bull Team our best player this this Bulls

Team right now I mean like a lot of question marks um they stand Pat at the trade deadline I I don’t understand really I guess what the direction of this team is I don’t even know if they really want to build around the young pieces that they have here because in theory if

You’d want to build around the young pieces you have would move some of the veteran pieces out of the way but we heard AK talk and he says they want to stay competitive competitive is this new word not continuity in this press conference comp competitive was his new

Word and I mean honestly right like same amount of letters here’s the here’s the okay let me I guess let me make a case for what AK is saying and y’all let me know if it’s complete BS okay right because there is a Rhyme or Reason to I guess the

Argument that he has the Eastern Conference right now as he said is bunched up he’s got the games wrong believe the Bulls are four and a half games back but the Eastern Conference right now is four and a half games back from the six seed I should say yeah the

Eastern Conference though is bunched up right now um if the six seed is your goal I guess right young team coming up all of that over the last two months of basketball the Chicago Bulls are 18 and 13 in comparison with that the Milwaukee Bucks are 20 and 12 right now over the

Last two months similar right Bucks have played more games than that time so similar records in that sense and they’re all the way at the top but Boston’s not even a talking point on that um they they’re like 20 and five the last months it’s ridiculous right

Now in the month of January and I’m comparing it to Milwaukee because Milwaukee’s probably right where I would assume most people are looking outside of just the best of the best in the division Milwaukee in the month of January is 9- 10 the Bulls went n and8

You can look at that and say outside of the first month of basketball where Zack LaVine basically said I don’t want to be here I don’t want to be a part of this team and the team took a nose dive and then when he goes out Kobe

White takes over as more of a leadership role you start to see the team mooving the right direction the last two months of basketball you’ve woned almost a 60% clip does it feel like you’re actually building towards something that can sustain winning at a 60% clip if you

Just add a few pieces on here and there buy out Market pieces I would assume Joe Engles is going to be somebody the Bulls looked to add for shooting or not Joe Engles uh which Joe was Jo Harris Joe Harris uh the bulls look to add for

Shooting uh same dude white shoots thre balding balding we’re not going that we’re not going that I can get there I can get away with it let me show my ID half and half baby half and half but no I just like is is that something

Where you look at the team and say I can see why you wouldn’t want to go the other direction because he didn’t say that he doesn’t want to get better what he said is we don’t want to make trades that Force us to take a step

Back I think that’s true and if you look at the trade package like look at the trade package we were actually involved in we weren’t going to get the pieces that many people on Twitter or even in this chat thought we were going to get Zack LaVine was still not going to get

Traded I mean he can’t get traded at this point he’s HT yeah he’s hurt you weren’t going to get the pieces you wanted for Demar D rozen when you look at everything that was going on with him we probably getting the same player back everyone was talking about Tobias Harris

Being in that the same guy same same guy realistically right you weren’t getting that back um no I I there was nothing that made us better nothing that made put us over the there’s nothing that would have put you in in the in moving in the right direction it’s too late any

Moves that you could have made should have been made maybe a year or two ago it’s like we’re just stuck H because you hear in the air okay yeah yeah but it’s it’s too late well the move that they could have made I mean it it was kind of

Taking back because Zack LaVine got injured like if we’re talking about realistically the the trade that that New York made is the trade that Chicago was gonna make exactly you know and and and the whole talks behind Detroit Piston’s possibly given them well I think boan bonovich went somewhere else

Now he went to New York oh oh I’m sorry I’m saying the trade that New York made for boan was what the Bulls were going to to give Zack yeah but I don’t think they wanted the other piece because they wanted one of their their young core

Players and I think they uh New York got back uh we W I can’t remember can’t remember his name but the second player that they accepted back but Al bur Alec Burks thank you yeah it wasn’t one of those four core pieces where you had Jaylen Durant Jadon Ivy you know

Thompson or Kate Cunningham but I mean the Bulls are doing the same exact thing that they’ve been doing every single year I’m not surprised I’m not even Angry Anymore like this is this is where Bull’s fandom is like we we have to accept the fact that this organization

Is okay with mediocrity they’re okay with just being like you mentioned before earlier I heard that you say they fill seats like they we’re the best in attendance in the league constantly year in and year out probably and so it starts at the top they’re not caring about the product because the product

Product is good enough to bring attention to the team and make money the this is my problem right so like y’all know like I’m I’m I’m not even a bulls fan but at the same time like I want the like he say we a lot I want the

Fans Chicago to have something to be proud of listen this front office are the whole entire front office are a bunch of liars you said you said that once you first came in like oh we don’t we don’t want to that we don’t want to settle for

Mediocrity it’s like I told uh Pat this morning like outside of vs dear Lonzo and Alex Caruso you haven’t done anything like you you just you just sat on your hands the entire time everybody else has made Moves you have literally done nothing and his whole thing about just wanting to be

Competitive you just trying to get up to six if if six if six is only going to get me to the playoffs and not winning me championships what are we doing because now on top of that you have a situation where you have Demar that

Wants to be here you got a vot that’s here and then you got a A Zack LaVine that possibly wants to be traded that possibly wants to be traded and then you turn around now you possibly have a situation where either Demar walked or you overpay if I could say he lied about

Anything he lied about the whole Zack LaVine comments yeah that was that was just line through his teeth what do Zack LaVine is should be a part of our team and we’re better with you that you didn’t believe I didn’t believe a word he said that

Was was I couldn’t I couldn’t trade him so uh couldn’t trade him so he’s a very valuable piece we you know there’s no way we move the thing though right like you would hope that capap this has a you would hope this has a a Jaylen Johnson effect you would hope that this

Has a I’m going to go out there I’m going to find a deal that makes me look good that I’m going to go out there oh yep everybody wants me the Lakers want me the Clippers want me to where y’all go hey hey wait hey hello nobody guys

Hello anybody out there oh God oh God right like you would hope that this has that kind of effect on Zack LaVine moving forward where he realizes where his value in the league is and it’s not quiet to him don’t don’t sit there and let him right like if he’s like I don’t

Hear the noise he knows that teams don’t believe he’s a winning player he’s legitimately the losingest player in the NBA teams look at those things and they say whether they want or don’t want you and so because of that I feel like you may have a situation where yes your team

Does get better with Zack LaVine but not if you bring back the same Zack LaVine your team may get better if Zack LaVine is the guy that goes out there and says all right Kobe it’s your show I’ll play off of what you do that’s a shame that he’s lost at every single

Level at every single stop in the NBA who Zack LaVine he’s never been a part of a winning culture anywhere oh UCLA wasn’t good and then when he went to Minnesota he was the third option behind Andrew and they had a decent season where they made the playoffs I

Think when they were in their primes but then they didn’t go anywhere still he was hurt that didn’t he that so he wasn’t even there no he got hurt I think he got hurt after he wasn’t even really there yeah yeah yeah oh Dad that’s crazy man yeah he’s never he he’s

Never been a part of legitimate winning and it and it’s it’s sad right but it’s like listen okay you want to be a part of winning you say that winning means the most to you bet you’re the number two now you’re making 250 million you’re locked in your contract set nobody’s

Paying you less you’re getting 40 million and you get 46 million and you get by the end of it you get $50 million that’s crazy that’s actually not wait till you see some of these contracts that’s that’s why I keep telling yall Market is mid of the road they

Gonna have a tough time the old head gonna have a tough time when they start handing out some of these cont milon average Jaylen Brown just got a $60 million and can’t go left 6 and can’t go left bro like I’m not gonna lie to you dog like you the old

Head is gonna have a tough time with the percentages when that stuff comes in it’s not but that’s not Rel it’s not that it’s just that the the game has changed when you’ve grown with the game when they didn’t make anything and it was a big deal at the time when like

Mike got 33 and 31 and 33 it’s just now that the NBA is is become more Global and now the seeds that were planted in the 90s have come to fruition that these guys are making money fun fact if you account for inflation Mike until like

The last two three years was still the highest paid player in NBA history yeah well he deserves for inflation who was that fun for I’m just letting people know you know but no I just I honestly I think home I appreciate you I I don’t

Know man like I look at this team I’m not gonna sit here and tell you that they’re gonna go on this amazing run like to here’s the thing if they finish the season at the winning percentage that they’re at right now about a 60% winning percentage that’s 18 games you

Finish the season 42 and 40 congratulations you’re average oh congratulations you did the same thing you did last year but you finished it at a 60% winning percentage while starting at a 26% win percentage through your first 20 games that sounds like you’re making this case for like this it sounds

Like we are like he’s on he’s having his midyear review and like he’s trying to make his case as to why he should stay but in all actuality it’s still not the product that we were promised it’s not the forecast that you w expected and it

Was no moves to mitigate it and make it better in the in the meantime but you also can’t get any of those pieces because you pigeon hold yourself well yeah I think it’s it’s about what they want too that’s the problem with the bulls right now look we were in trouble

When they resigned the coach Billy Don that’s pretty much what we’re gonna be stuck with were we really though because Kobe white looks a lot better Kobe white everybody was writing him off up until this year he was not doing that’s called development and Billy play and Billy played called development

I need I need a effect effect oh I didn’t know that he’s like he’s like oh we can’t can I do this though can I throw some shade even though I’m like reaching at this point it seemed like he forgot P will he mentioned Julian Phillips way

Before he mentioned P will oh yeah no and I think he went because he was no according to Pat we wait on P will another two years he’s gonna finally develop the well he’s supposed to be listen I I was I was fine with he’s St and that’s a

Bust I don’t think I think the the moves they didn’t make tell you that I think that the moves that they didn’t make tell you that the fact that you sat there and kept demard D rozan and he’s in front of Patrick Williams I think the

Fact that you’re sitting there with a uh um you know can’t get rid of him now why can’t you who dear yeah well now you can’t get rid of him now but what I’m saying is the fact that you held on to him past the trade deadline while trying

To stay competitive means that you don’t believe Patrick Williams help you be competitive I think he’s a safety net for Zack Lavina being there for the rest of the season I think that’s the only reason he’s there you have no Zach and Zack would make up the difference for your 20

Points a game if dear if they traded Demar you he they need somebody no we just don’t we need need we gotta go back to we gotta go back to 500 we need Lonzo back they they want this team it is it this team is built how it’s been built

It is cemented in that’s it outside of that you had to give all these guys away and get nothing basically formed get bad draft picks I mean you know try to get in the lottery again like that’s it no one’s coming here we’re not trading anybody there’s no one of the only

Person that we would all probably want is Ant Man from Minnesota no they ain’t you ain’t getting rid I’m saying the only person we would want like in the league at a certain age jannis possible jannis is cool but I’m saying we’re talking about a new Cornerstone of the

Team what you mean the only person that we would want I’m saying as at at a certain age I’m just saying at the I feel what you’re saying thank you I what you say I just I honestly don’t get what you mean like I’m saying there’s nobody

In the league like if we were to trade for give everything up to get the Cornerstone of our team like one thing like we can’t it it’ll be great to draft the future but we don’t pick high enough typically to get that guy and you know

To have someone to build around so it’s just it is it is what it is or we don’t pick well enough um real quick I do want to give some kudos to uh one thing that I was impressed by an impr pressor is the the questions that were asked you

Know the media kind of put them a little bit in the spotlight and specifically there was one that impressed me was Maybury when uh he asked him that the well he said the fans were clearly upset uh and feel like they want to boycott you and the team and so a subjective way

To look at it is are you feeling a competitive team that is not the best but is also not the worst are you doing enough to appease your bosses so I mean straight out he was like hey are you doing what JM what Jerry rinor is telling you to do what Michael is

Telling you to do and just kind of keep this team consistent with where you all have been and being mid you know so I really like them just being straightforward and attacking in a sense that way but you know we knew that though like that wasn’t as if knew if

Any Bulls fan is surprised today you weren’t paying attention at all because I told how long have I been saying they’re building this like Denver yeah Denver was competitive for 25 years and and they found two superstars in that time also though you gotta I mean look

It’s still a business to them like there’s a sometimes you have to separate the fandom from the business like every is so passionate about this at the end of the day this is a group that has a facility that rents it that makes money every night when they’re after the 82

Games we need we have concerts being sold we have all these things being sold for this venue so yes we have a great team we as long as we’re making a profit because remember the owners get what 51% of the profit something like that 52 the players get 49 Stadium oh

Total the way the way it works so the players split that portion but the owner only they get the they get their large share so as long as they’re making money they’re fine it matters what what I don’t like is that it turns into you know unfortunately it’s like how the

Cubs were for years eons you know and that but see Chicago people the owners are taking advantage in my opinion of the fan base they know that the fans love our we love our Sports and they know they’re gonna come come to these you know come spend some money things of

That nature and it’s just disappointing because it’s clear that when like for some now the Bulls kind of got it right where they built the team in the 90s and they they you know they they uh they built that I feel like the Bears they tried to do that but they got fortunate

Right and it’s kind of like they don’t understand like it’s like understanding the business yeah the Bulls I think now it’s like in their mind as long because remember their big campaign after after Mike and all them left it was like we had 10 sellouts we had sellouts for 10

Years in a row they actually had an advertisement that said let’s keep the street going it’s like how about just I don’t want to see Brent Barry right you me I don’t want to see KH elamine I don’t want to see that I want to bring

The Glory Days he’s back I think I think the difference is though right and this is this is just what it is you have to have the best player in the NBA or and you and you don’t just get that right with the bulls got lucky one year

Where the NBA basically gave it to us uh right like we got d and we had a top five player in the NBA and he got hurt and his KNE went out he got hurt we no longer have a top five player in the NBA yeah and no matter

Where basketball goes no matter how Bas how far basketball changes and all these things you need top five players somebody said Walt libon Jr you just do right like at the end of the day you have to find a way and and it is a

Matter of luck and so this is why I will say this I don’t mind the Bulls trying to stay competitive what I do mind is you not continuing to make moves to at least attempt to move forward do something to improve the team make something happen that makes the team better find some

Young stud that is a going to be able to go out there and develop now you got Kobe white developing I think I assume was having a very bounceback Year from his sophomore slump yeah he’s he’s playing really well this season and so you so I and I think that’s the reason

Why also look at it and here’s the thing I’m upset just like all of bulls Nation I’m not defending AK for doing nothing I’m not defending AK for not picking a position I think you could have further gone down the youth movement by moving on from Andre Drummond and bringing up

Uh Adam Sono and allowing him to play by the way 84 in the building 18 likes on the video hit that like button man stop playing with us right now you see how they treat us when we talk about the Bulls oh yeah nobody cares about the Bulls when they talk about

The made up something about Justin Fields right now 500 people that’s why that’s why listen I’m I’m about the Integrity of the show I’m not gonna sit here and just make up some DS you’re gonna die on that Hill buddy that’s all right I will say this though I could

Talk Lakers every day people respect Dallas Cowboys I won’t be here goodbye the only thing I would say and it’s not to be a contrarian on it is the league is more about parody now than it’s ever been the Cavaliers are the second best team in the Eastern

Conference right now they don’t have a top five player the Cavs no they don’t havep don’t have a top five player so on the flip side if you don’t have a top five player we know that part that’s the point to win a championship better comp team they don’t have competitive these

Teams are competitive and they have one thing in common good coaching the Cavs have a good coach JB the Knicks have a good coach the Sixers have a good coach wait a minute wait a minute wa wait a minute wait a minute wait minute wait a minute I know dang

Well you not saying Tomo is a good coach this man say Tom tho waste players messed up careers defitely now now he’s a good coach what you gotta say about that I do believe I do believe he was I do believe he I do believe he wastes players I do not like

Him as a coach I do believe Derrick Rose is hurt and he take he took Derrick Rose every stop he could because he hurt him I do believe that yeah he ain’t tell the truth wasted Chris D I think dere Rose is hurt because every Chicago player has

Bad knees no I think he got hurt because he’s playing on shoes that weigh but you’re playing on 1.5 ounce type shoes there’s no cushion he tore his knees up I also think he he grew all Chicago players grow up playing on concrete yeah but it don’t hurt to have like ad got

Bad knees Pat Bev has had knee injury jaari Parker D Rose got bad knees Jabari Parker every every par Jabari Parker got bad knees we all got bad KN Dwayne way Dwayne Way D way a long time I broke that down a minute ago yeah three three Miami saved

His life Miami saved his life they got him young enough to same I’m I’m still sick we got Michael Beasley but look at this though for real though look at the teams in the east from the Celtics down to the Bulls it’s only one team where you be like I don’t

Know about that coach and that’s the and that’s Orlando nah because I think I to me I honestly fact who is Orlando’s coach exactly uh no to me here’s here’s the thing I was having this debate with Joel the other day I think you got your

Top coaches in the league maybe two or three of bro I got bad knees I grew up in the suburbs still hooped outside okay where about hooping outside you know I mean I learned that later in life Jaylen Brunson can claim Chicago but he grew up in Rockford right he was hooping

Indoors that’s SW him knees are lasting no he just short no he’s a dog I a lie short I never forget that man threw the he never mind he I think was it Lake Zer he gave he gave he gave Lake Zer 65 and then gave him gave the the

Fam the the crowd the middle fingers the everything oh it was crazy remember oh yeah he was hooping in high school but anyway um it’s the crate rims the CR rims crazy Jesus but no I I I feel like there’s not a lot of elite coaching in

The NBA to me NBA Talent is 73rd like 70% all on the players 30% on the coaches everybody’s a good coach Nick nurse is not a great coach I disagree with though what he do for four years when you took kaard they should have beat the Bulls and they didn’t

Because I would say Nick nurse is above average what you he’s above average he’s not a bad coach yeah he’s better than ours no absolutely no I would take him in RP here’s the thing here the we don’t argue with that here’s the thing when you gave Billy Donovan great players he

Went to great places when you remove those great players he ain’t been nowhere he’s got a Point Nick nurse had a great player and and look hey look this is what they did no he had prime Russell westbr Prime we just went over this but we Prime people

We but we just went over this Golden State lost two dudes to Achilles and in the final that’s that’s winning the championship he still got to a championship okay but the point is that the point is getting to aamp is hard to do it did help then when they swap one

Guy anden Hey listen they did this they said they said hey kawhai you go over here all right Raptors keep going 45 wins whoa I’m I’m gonna be honest with you to Joe’s point though it actually this actually Blends he was a good coach but you to win the championship you

Needed a top five player you needed a top five player why Leonard was that top five player but look how far he got without that top five player he didn’t he was in the Eastern Conference Final no what are you talking about they were they did not win they didn’t they have

Not been to the playoffs since kawh let before got they went one year before that Nick nurse wasn’t the coach Nick nurse wasn’t the coach you’re right Dwayne casy dney was the coach Casey wasach of the year then he got let go 730 no I I agree I’m not you know you

Got a point P all right let’s move on to footb you just give up like that like all right let’s talk Bears it’s just he want to get back to his comfort zone that’s what it is get back to his comfort Z watch one game but uh what did I mean

What did I miss my wrong I’ve been right the whole time he’s been able here here’s the funny part y’all think I’m joking Joel is not watch he might have watched two because I was over his house so he’s probably watched two and to be honest with you he

Probably just like glanced over was like oh they’re winning like legitimately he didn’t actually focus on any of the games unless I told you you wouldn’t know that he hadn’t watched any games and that’s the problem with the Chicago bll We’re four years into this and he can have the same conversations we’re

Having cuz I it’s called the same team it’s experience you already know what’s going to happen you see the heart you can see the the the heart in certain players you see what they’re doing it’s like they’re not going nowhere he don’t have it here here’s the thing that is

What that is what has changed this year and that is why I am not that I’m okay with AK holding on to these players hold no sorry but why I look at why I look at what happened today and say I see why you wna not mess things up for what

You’re building with Kobe white it’s the only bail I’ll shoot you because you have a young player right now that is not only the vocal leader the actual leader on like we’ve never we haven’t had this since MJ honestly Kobe White’s your vocal leader he’s your best player

On the court he’s contributing on every part of the Court MH and he’s actually making the people around him better Jay Grizz listen all the Jokers with bad knees Derrick Rose was the best player on the floor one of the best players on both ends he wasn’t a great defender but

He was a good enough Defender right he def the vocal leader he wasn’t the vocal leader joim no yeah joim Noah was definitely the hard and so we had Jimmy Butler who was more of a vocal leader could play on both ends of the court but

Like they didn’t put a team around him so I guess Jimmy maybe is the one you could say as the buffer but he really didn’t make everybody else around him better yeah yeah yeah he got that skill when he went to just miamii yeah yeah oh

No Philly Philly he L Philly a little bit they just went away from he L Philly but they didn’t really I I don’t know if he made anybody bettering him he was cooking he was like don’t give him back the ball bro hey I’m not going to lie if

The Minnesota story is true Jimmy Butler is one of the craziest dudes in the NBA history what you mean when he had his chest cut out to show that he had the chest of the Jersey cut I believe every word he oh I believe all word he said it’s definitely true

Y’all fa pay me and then he had an interview five minutes later man came being threaten everybody in dips do Jimmy’s hilarious bro you need me y’all need me beat everybody with the backups he said what je Jeff he said I was so mad he said I want to

Fight him I know I couldn’t win you know what’s so crazy Jeff teag be looking like a scrub like He makes himself look like a scrub and come out here and just ball out that’s crazy he had hey it did fall off quick though Jeff T was one of

Them players that it fell off real quick like we was just looking around and we just like hey remember he was good hey I think you could see when he stopped caring he had a few K good years that last year that last year and the who he

Said he said oh when they was he there when they brought in Trey no they brought in Dennis Schroeder when they drafted Dennis schroer Atlanta and he was like you ain’t taking my spot and he was like Hey I can’t stay in front of

This dude you can you can tell it’s at a certain point he was like I’m just a role player I’m here to collect the chck yeah yeah oh and when he won in Milwaukee he said he said I thought he said I knew we was losing every series

And we just kept winning he said I was the loudest one cheering at the end man gotta R for nothing hey man this a lot of players like that hey man we appreciate y’all for tuning in showing love hit that like button subscribe is still listing he he’s been listing all players

With bad news from Chicago nice anine Walker that’s what I’ve been looking at this whole time and Randall oh oh they didn’t have bad knes I’m sorry I read that fast he said all the players who didn’t have bads he’s been listening to all the Chicago players so

Antoine Walker did have a bad knee Antoine Walker had bad knee had a bad KNE MTI had bad knee absolutely his left knee no he was just knock knee that man was Tippy to every time taking threes he was doing what Twinkle Toes man dog this man said Tippy to said Tippy

Toe for another grown man that’s insane activity I think that was a violation no where’s the flag on that hey that wasn’t a flag thank you Kevin Garnett was here long enough to get bad knes but he was here long enough to get inducted into relax he was like two seasons at K

And was in the league hey bro he was here two years went to the league bro and this man claimed Lord on everything two years oh Lord that goes to show you how infe two years bro I don’t know hey man appreciate y’all for tuning in uh we

Gonna take a quick break let’s do a word Mar sponsor over at AA and then we will come back and for Joel’s sake we will talk football why why you gota be me yeah because you you everybody let go dying do we’re dying we’re dying here we

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Trial and see how much of your information is being Sold I feel like you def me what’s going on y’all how are you feeling welcome back to the show appreciate y’all for tuning in Joel just had his first sip of monster oh Jes his insid are burn a weird aftertaste man so we got to talk about

This whole DJ Moore situation but before we do that NBA buyouts no I’m kidding I’m joking I’m joking Everybody up wait wait a minute Spencer did with you though no no hey Max God dang it people in the chat i’ take Joe Harris before Spencer dwit he stop it 100o Sho for what we need yes yes I agree with that for what we need I need

A three-point shooter we need a three-point shooter I need a three-point shooter I agree with that I need shoo 40% three shoot I know uh appreciate y’all for tuning in the show and love man hit that like button subscribe to the page that five star viw y’all know

What to do heard DJ Moore today on a couple of different shows down on radio row over on uh out out by the Super Bowl love that they’re out at Radio row and uh just supporting his QB says basically that he’s all in on Justin he’s a Justin

Fields Advocate believes that he saw a ton of growth from Justin post uh injury and that um you know that he can only continue to get better if you continue developing with him also said you know whatever Direction This is the part that a lot of people are leaving out when

When they when they’re breaking this down whatever Direction the uh the organization chooses to go he’s going to go with the organization in that direction but he prefers he would prefer that Justin Fields is the quarterback of the Chicago Bears moving forward I guess here’s my question does this

Move a a team a front office anything in any way because this is not and I’ve said this this is not normal it’s not normal y’all it’s not normal what we’re seeing around the league find me a player not named Shady McCoy cause Shady come out aggressive

And I get it right Shady come out aggressive though and right like all right so find me a player not Nam Shady McCoy former player that thinks just just a player in general I don’t think we’ve seen a ton of former players usually what we hear from former players

Is the business side of it I don’t think that you can continue to build with him if if you don’t have with the time you have left you know what I mean with with the time frame nobody believes this dude sucks nobody everyone says that he’s

Gonna be successful and I give you this here’s the thing I give you the stats would tell you probably not good his passing yards per uh uh um attempt went down this season well getting a better receiver yeah and every single player believes this can play yeah I continue to ask

This what are we missing time what are we not seeing but time is something where here’s the thing time is something where if you act if Ryan poles believes that you could pay for time right if you feel that Justin Fields is on the precipice of break because everybody cares about the money

Until it works everybody cared about Kobe white getting resigned here until he started putting up 26 points game then was like wait a minute we gotta steal that’s exactly no hold on on but he’s had signed for 33 million over three yeah but we all say but very

Different he got scrub money very but but Justin Fields will be I’m not saying you guarantee long term I’m saying if you just pick up his fifth year option what are we missing here that every single players and DJ Moore being in I get it but this is weird at this point

I’m gonna be honest to me it’s not just time it’s just the simple fact that we have the number one overall that’s just it if we just had the number nine we’re not talking about a QB I don’t believe we are and I wouldn’t be in that

Conversation I’d be get Rome on dday uh get uh we mhj is gonna be gone before now neighbors uh neighbors maybe yeah but because you have the number one overall yeah and you it’s such a a good QB class and the money is in and all that hey bro because of all of

That what y’all just saw there was us never hearing a story outside before hey yo that Thunder was rocking bro wait a minute are we safe that’s rain I was wondering what was happening I’m like is that somebody moving to trash rain Stakes Stak but no that’s it I don’t

Think anything else and honestly that year with naggie I think that year with naggie really did am in yeah that was a bad start he wasn’t supposed to start yeah but that yeah that’s was supposed to under development stuff like that we weren’t ready we weren’t ready for him

We weren’t ready to develop this QB we are in a better position now than we ever have been and I get why you would want to keep him for that but now there’s going to be a larger dollar amount tied to that you can’t you can’t risk 26 and then whatever that is

Afterwards and then you can’t risk passing up on resetting your future potentially because of that it’s just a Vicor he’s a Vic of circumstance I truly believe he’s a victim of circumstance not because it’s not because I don’t like him I I really think he’s going to

Go out and be good and I want him to be good yeah yeah I really do I I think I’m a kid right because when I look at this I mean it’s like P said if every single player is saying this it’s like we we gotta be missing something and the and

The thing that I keep going back to is the fact that he he has all the intangibles to be great and every single opponent that the Bears play see that okay this dude’s out here making Lamar Jackson plays and it’s like and it’s like tequ point they they also at the

Time the Bears were not ready to develop a quarterback like Justin Fields but to the flip side of that it’s like Paul has pressure on him because how do you justify if you do take Justin missing up on another possible gen generational QB when you had a Deshawn Watson Patrick

Mahomes or Trevor Lawrence out there it’s tough but honestly but fellas it’s more I’m sorry but it’s more about we might just have a great problem in the business the economics of it just is playing itself out this is possibly close to a Philip Rivers Drew bre situation you know not necessarily based

Where Bree Breeze was hurt it was a little easier for them to make that move we don’t know what they’re deciding to do out there in how Hall but we’re kind of probably in that situation Fields is probably a victim because we we’re seeing a form of his he is ascending

Growing as a quarterback people don’t necess have the patience uh for him some people don’t yeah but unfortunately the business of football so says there’s a big contract coming up too and we know that people like him as a leader they like him as as an overall person and he

Has he hasn’t he hasn’t killed us you know especially in the last down the stretch but I think it is a victim of we we might I’m sorry I got the number one pick overall yeah we got this guy that could be that has some characteristics twice yeah but yeah twice but they

Needed to build their team right and so yeah and and to answer your question uh uh Pat uh it’s two things that stand out to me as to why we possibly are not seeing what other players around the league and people who are evaluating Justin and can see everything from on

The field to off the field is the team and talent and sometimes you know because fans and because the league is about instant gratification and seeing these players come in as soon as they they drop they went like with Caleb all this special talk about him being generational he better perform as soon

As he hits the field like he doesn’t have three years to yeah you can’t miss so all of these people including Justin have had time to improve yet his circumstances hasn’t allowed him because we don’t have the team around him yet that are that’s built around him uh you

Know uh Allah a brock pie in San Francisco or uh uh Jaylen Herz in Philadelphia they don’t have the talent let yet and that’s why this offseason is so important because you have all of these pieces and all of these picks that you could potentially make if you trade

The pick or if you keep it to address the needs on this team no I agree I I think it it’s it’s a it’s good to know that his teammates are behind him in case he does come back right but it’s also I think the one thing that I do

Like that I heard from DJ Moore is that it’s not like there’s gonna be a mass Mutiny if you remove this guy you know what I mean like that that’s the part where because I I’m not going to lie that was a concern of M because of how

Much the locker room is behind him and what we heard from um I’m I’m blanking on the guest we had on the show uh uh writer Insider um works for the athletic no no no uh um J Brandon uh oh Jesus I forgot spilberg SP I’m saying

The name wrong y’all know what I’m talking y’all maybe not but basically Insider for the athletic round the NFL stuff like that I’m tweaking on the name right now is it’s not that Justin Fields is a part of the culture Justin Fields is the culture you take Justin Fields away from

That team you’re building a new culture yep you take Justin Fields away from that team you don’t have the same bears that you had and maybe that’s better right the Bears we got lost Bears we got are seven and 10 and got smoked that well they’re they’re ascending they’re growing you know this

Isn’t this team is building you know you got the you’re dealing you dealing with a coach that was making some mistakes dealing with offensive coordinator making some mistakes he’s still developing I mean he has improved as a passer you know moderately not tremendously but I there’s he’s definitely been going this way versus

Regressing as a quarterback and making a lot of the one thing that I would like to see and I don’t think we’re going to get an opportunity to see it is what effect Shane Waldren would actually have on him because Justin Fields does one thing very similar to what Russell West

Russell Wilson did um early on when he was working with Waldren when Waldron ended up taking over Russ just because he’s 61 he wouldn’t attack the middle of the field yeah he just wouldn’t he would not throw the football to the middle of the field and it was a problem because

You couldn’t right attack downfield you couldn’t pick defenses apart because you weren’t attacking that part of the field that’s an issue that Justin Fields legitimately has there are times where there’s nothing schemed to the middle of the field but there are also times where there’s just nothing there are also times where

There’s something in the middle of the field and you got DJ Moore clapping you got Chase Claypool clapping trying to get you to get your attention to throw the football there yeah I would love to see if Shane Waldren could affect that because that’s a spot where I really

Believe if Justin Fields could get more confident that and I do think he got more confident post injury to DJ Moore’s point that that would be a time where you would start to see him Ascend as a quarterback because now it’s just we can only protect the outsides now it’s we

Got to worry about the middle of the field we also got to worry about him running we got to worry about the outsides oh snap DJ Moore is behind us now we got to worry about a deep threat I had a conversation with Jay crit this morning and we were talking about shout

Outout shout out Jay crit shout out super super fan super um so like the thing is his issue like with Fields is that he doesn’t do a good job of anticipating where he doesn’t give basically give the receiver the chance to catch the ball it’s like he waits for

Him to get open too much and it’s like some things and I I felt like what we just talked about that’s what made me think of this what we’re just saying is that with walren coming in if you do have a possibly a creative enough Mind of a offensive coordinator that can open

The field a little bit more or design a scheme do you have the talent or the ability to design something around whatever your quarterback is because it doesn’t matter if it’s Caleb or Justin or Drake May or or Jaden Daniels whoever you have to tailor the system around the

Quarterback and a lot of times these coordinators are more like this is my system and this is how we run it this how we’re going to do it and you can’t have it and you can’t handle yeah so it’s you what I I think it’s I think

Actually to that point I think well I’ll say it was an advantage that he went to Ohio state but I think it’s also disadvantages because he had such a great team where you have all these uh uh great receivers that are in the league now with olve and and jiga uh uh

Who’s the other one that’s on New York Jets that Garrett Wilson like Justin Hills had a slew of great receivers uh and and a core of receivers at Ohio State that knew how to get open that team was creating space every single dog on play every game and so Justin didn’t

Necessarily have to work on making sure his timing was was was right with the throws I think that’s something that has to continue to be learned if we stick with Justin and I think he’ll get better with the talent that comes on this team it is true it’s that’s the learning well

He’s our quarterback until he’s our quarterback until they trade I’m gonna go back to this one thing and I and I think he did play tremendously after uh coming back from injury he had one bad game the Cleveland game was bad but also is porn why we dropping back thr it 40

Times I’m still confused that’s my issue like again it was a bad game you can’t blame him for that I can especially if freaking what’s so I can blame put thaten I can blame him for you had a kicker you had a kicker that that that muffed the punt that gave Cleveland a

Short field you had tan drop a at least a Surefire 50 yard bomb maybe not a touchdown like that’s not his fault I also can blame Justin fields for throwing it 15 yards over Darnell Mooney’s head wide open I can also field okay okay that’s two I I mean there

There he threw for 50 he threw like 60 attempts what you want to do there’s blame for Justin Fields as well like it’s okay to blame J Fields can do nothing to beong more accurate on the ones Cal but here’s the one thing I will say down Joe down he got better after

Seeing the things that Tyson be could do because Tyson bent would throw down in the middle of the field he threw some PS he couldn’t throw no he could he threw in the middle of the he threw in the middle the field he couldn’t throw down

The field but what I will say no he threw down the field he you know he was hitting he was hitting he was hitting the tight end he was hitting he had some C he had some dots he didn’t have a lot of touchdowns he was going in the middle

Of the he was not throwing it down he wasn’t slinging it he didn’t have a pass in the Raiders game over 10 yards yes he did he had two we W you when it happened you tapped me no no no what it was it was because

He was moving downi whoa whoa hey yeah that was crazy lie he tapped me like that was insane he hey hey yeah that was crazy I’m that I think Y no that’s anyway but here’s my thought process though for real real he didn’t that’s crazy I gotta move past this

Keep Hey listen I can’t need to take another time out but no seriously he didn’t have a good QB room either he didn’t have a good QB room either like he where’s there’s no development you don’t have a good QB room we don’t have a I don’t think gaty was a good

Coordinator I don’t know who is QB coach was yeah just just cuz by the way just cuz Luke gatsy got a job don’t mean that he was a good coordinator doesn’t mean thaty John sh got a job you know what that means means that man’s connected has a

Network in I mean Fields has improved and we know that and I think it’s just again it is a victim of circumstance I think you’re 100% right kid if we did not have the number one pick we would not be having this conversation about possibly moving on from Fields but

Because you are in a in one of the most amazing situations ever because you just did the ultimate uh you know Kingpin move by fleecing that team and then coming back and getting their number one pick it’s incredible you took their receiver and they number one pick can’t

Do itut like so you know it is what it either way we’re winning I’m happy either way but can we thank PA though P actually gave him a fair shot we’ve been thinking Ryan po the whole time Ryan POS gave him a fair shot he traded back when

He everyone said he probably should have took Bryce young and CJ stra which Bryce young well you knew he was never gonna take it was always gonna be Jaylen car oh impos we trust hey look at the bman Birdman hand R this fit me like a dang

Glove oh wait wait I didn’t get that ring over go ahead glasses for me do it’s and I think I think realistically here’s here’s the bottom line right it’s good to know that Justin Fields has the support of his teammates it’s good to know that Justin Fields has

Support in this locker room and it’s good to know that this locker room is willing to say you know what whatever direction we go we’re not gonna stop fighting because that was I I I’ll say this and and jmck said this on the podcast on on Chicago Bears podcast so I

Don’t mind bringing it here and I talked with Greg Gabriel about it when he was the head of scouting and he was in charge of basically you know a big part of the drafting process for the Bears one thing that really fractured the offense that we had was the front office pitted the

Locker room against Cedric Benson they drafted Cedric Benson what fourth fourth overall yeah same running backs fourth the flips the table sorry sorry son of a son of a not no that was Cadillac Williams but they they draft oh no there’s a lot of good players in that

Dra there was like three Ronnie Ronnie Brown Ronnie Brown went to Miami cedc and Cadillac Williams but that was crazy about how they but anyway right like so you draft because you drafted him you gotta play they all look you gotta play him right but they all looking they’re

All looking and they’re going you’re drafted a running back fourth overall we got T Jones you just signed tomason T Jones just got signed he’s an amazing back he’s our he’s our guy and what that did to the locker room was it P one against the other because Thomas Jones

Knew oh I’m not gonna be here I think didn’t llac in them kind of was like you know everybody was everybody was like this is not Thomas whenever they asked it was like Thomas Jones the starting running back he’s our guy and it’s not that they didn’t let they didn’t like

Cedric Benson it’s not that they didn’t help Cedric Benson but you brought someone in that disrupted what was already being built there and they felt like they had that where in the front office’s mind all they were doing was what was better for the team well see

Again and that is something you have to take into account so it’s good for me to hear that like if somebody new comes in it wouldn’t be like oh the front office on games we up out here yeah but I think that but it goes back to the like for

The I think for the first time in a very very long time we are establishing an offensive identity with a scheme what was the bear scheme that they tried to run offensively back then power run to a degree where it was like we got uh Mitchy cricky Rex grman as our

Quarterback the name there Mitchy Mitch cricky little guy little guy Oh I thought you was trying to say Mitch trabis I like Mitch anyway I thought he said a racial SP I got nervous thought it was over I was like what say stop I was like we had a good run

Boys it’s been fun we had a studio and everything was a great run that one episode episode 300 here goes no I just think that for what okay everybody saying power ey it was supposed to run right it was power eye yeah but that’s what I said Power

Run yeah Power eye yeah so okay I guess to the point is like establishing what you wanted to run now you you created this division that means that no one everybody was on the same page of what they’re supposed to be doing because it would make sense to have maybe two

Running backs you know and and in terms of the scheme then though really that’s what I’m saying think about back then it was it was right you had the one back that was that guy it was just identifying what you plan to run and this was gonna be your Bell cow whatever

But you just signed this guy now unless because if I’m correct Tomy Jones T Jones was up he ran 1,200 T Jones was up for a contract that’s why it was like oh you gonna get our guy out of here because he ran oh is that what it was he

Was up for a contract because remember we went to the Super Bowl said he be is on that team we went to the Super I know he did he said yo we went to the rest well they traded him after that it was he was still in the contract you know

Who else was on that team you know who else was on that team that Super Bowl team which one somebody that got inducted to the Hall of Fame Deon h w that’s a good transition well we were in the middle of a convers to go down this Rabbit Hole

Listen you get Jo on a rabbit hole I wasn’t on a rabbit hole just saying hey once we go past 2010 with 20 1990 to 2010 Joe goes deep man that’s a rap that’s just bad that’s his bad hey the greatest day the greatest moment

Was was when I was like uh was when I told him George Hal’s son ran uh your dick he was like George Al ain’t got no oh God he just like yes he do stop playing I know my be I know he looked at he was like no hey here’s the thing

Here’s the thing Joel said it so confidently I was like maybe I swear I literally like did George alas episode I don’t know I don’t I meant it in the form of that he didn’t give it to you say anything 2006 around Joe just be in for a conversation no my

Point was that for a very long time just really establishing offensive identity and I think that now okay even past the old six 07 Bears if we get to 2010 yeah when we got Jay Cutler there there you go from Jay Cutler oh that’s 09 from Jay Cutler on what was our offensive

Identity you know what I’m saying they were trying too many things that was love I don’t know what wait wait wait and then what happened and then what and then what happened well it’s story time what no I don’t know oh wait wait what system did tresman run he that’s the I

Don’t think was he West Coast ran purpose go he was no not really because he said he said after that what was our offensive identity and I’m like I don’t remember we never had a true that we didn’t stick to something of like what they wanted to run and that we had it

For a period of time it was always like Mars brought in the greatest Shir show on Turf you had like I said the John sh years you had like you said tresman came here he was fired but his actually his offense was cooking it’s just our

Defense was trash one year no it had had the offense was good the defense was bad we had the Tucker they were transitioning from eracer and all those guys oh we had a TR we had a trash defense my boy probably Canadian spread probably Canadian spread is crazy it’s that Canadian

Bacon actually you know what let’s probably from 13 to whatever J crit to what 16 16 no probably probably from 13 to 187 had a good defense because we had after that we had Mel Tucker but 17 was a good defense Tucker no 18 was a good

Defense 18 was better but 17 was bad 17 was bad 17 was bad we was a bad football 17 was bad 17 was very bad uh but no man uh we got to give our congratulations real quick as we get into this final topic appreciate yall tuning in showing

Love hit that like button subscribe to the page got to congratulate the three Hall of Famers that made it uh Steve [ __ ] McMichaels well overdue Deon Hester of course we know what he is and Julius Peppers I count him shut up Ringo um real glad to have all three of

Them going into the Hall I’m going to Canton we all going to Canton let’s go to Canton I would mind I wouldn’t mind I’m going for uh my trip might be free I can’t guarantee everybody mean home of the bears but uh Stupid home of the bit B uh but yeah I

Mean like I’m I’m so glad that these three got in um I think that McMichael’s well overdue I think that’s the Hall of fame’s probably biggest sin not putting him in sooner when he could actually give a a speech um but I I love that he’s actually gotten in he should have

Been at 92 and a half sacks they didn’t even count tackles for all of his career you don’t see his solo tackles except the last year he had 19 solo tackles his last year of his career how many did he actually have that’s always my question

Like he was a it was just tack he’s I think is the number two or three alltime defensive tackle uh leader in sacks it’s it’s Aaron Donald yeah uh your boy from Minnesota um Jared Allen no what’s his name little the man what’s his name from

Minnesota he’s number one uh he was he always had the the eye black everywhere oh John Randall John Randle is number one I think it’s Aaron Donald and I think he’s three for an interior offensive line yep yeah my my favorite I was saying this I told uh I

Was talking to abdala today on the bearss pot my favorite story that I’ve heard I think it was uh Wilbur Marshall said one day he had to slide over the middle linebacker and that was the day he realized why Mike single ter was getting all the sacks cuz [ __ ] just kept moving people

Out the way he said it was like a Heavenly light was shining on the quarterback I couldn’t help but sacka like it was so easy just go in there like go in there and get it all you have to do go in there grab them put them on

The it was crazy uh but but no I’m so glad Mongo’s in Hester is I’m glad it’s over because I’m glad the debate is over what about him about him being a hall ofer or not being a hall ofer I’m not gonna lie I feel like him getting in

Opens up the door for so many other people I don’t think so he’s still the best’s he’s one of one because he literally changed the rules behind he did yeah he once they changed the rules was he did not let’s not let’s not so so

We’re not going to act like he you you know what changed the rules what tells the truth tells the truth Will Smith that lawsuit came oh that’s what they started because the concussions that lawsuit came yeah yeah I didn’t forget about that you’re right you’re absolutely right but what those rules

Changed it eliminate his career but what what those what the rule change did basically made teams go we ain’t got a kick to him no more no M Used to Be Scared bro that kick it the wind will blow back and he’ll catch it

And run it back in for the those who are not as inclined as you all how did that help his career I mean how did that hurt his career because they moved the kickoff forward so that people wouldn’t run into each other no one does kick off

He had he had no started kicking through there’s no more kickoff return that he didn’t have no steam sometimes they didn’t he wasn’t able to kick kick uh return return the kick because it was going past him p in the back of the end zone or through thei post once you start

At the 30 instead of the 20 yeah you you’re already going into the the uh the back of had kicker that have enough leg it’ll fall but you know what’s short now you see it fall at the goal line almost every time if if somebody don’t got

Enough leg you know history time since we got talking about before go here we go but uh it made me think of where were you when [ __ ] was drafted I I I was alive yeah he was alive I was live no maybe not um no it made me think of like

Other notables since you talked about other like uh returners I thought about Josh crib Josh D Browns yes sir uh but they were good but Hester was Hester was above all of those guys he Jos cribs was nice cribs Hall and somebody that might have been another

Guy that was really good didn’t they wasn’t T that Tavon Austin they wanted him to be that they wanted him to be that go- go gadget guy Tavon Austin tedin T Ted gin J years was he wasn’t consistent though like Deon was Tavon Austin he never had

The career I wanted him to have I swear I don’t agree that’s the best college tape I’ve ever seen Tavon Austin was outside of desun Jackson same same better he was better than djx the only one I give I give some fight to is Reggie Bush no

No was bu at the time well see he was disappointed because he was supposed to be more of the power I mean the lead back and because he was special they put him everywhere they had him run turning kicks talking about Reggie yeah Reggie Bush okay I mean he’s pretty good I

Liked him w super okay but you know what’s so amazing about Deon Hester too is that there were years I and I looked it up I think there was a year that uh he you know they they transitioned him to wide receiver which technically was his position 17 more touchdowns he had

He could have had a number of return kickoffs or touchdowns off returns if they would have just put him right where he should have been already like if they didn’t try to you know make him into this receiver that he wasn’t I think he only had one good year with Jay Cutler

Where he had over 700 yards there was like 51 catches touchdowns like was a you want to know something wild though he was an athlete but they didn’t use him right they took him away from his strengths he was he was they did take him off kickoff

A couple he was on the pivot and he literally said the only reason why he felt like he didn’t like really really excel in his careers because every position they played him at they took they took him off he quarterback in college yeah he was a DB

I remember in Miami hey he wasn’t supposed to no he I think the problem was he was go back and watch that college used him in Wild he was a DB I remember that he was a DB he was not good yeah he wasn’t a good corner he was

An athlete but he didn’t have the hand balls you know scheme whatever coordination to do either be receiver or cornerback and the problem was they’re like well the problem is this is the problem they never gave him time in those positions though this is the problem because of what he did they

Didn’t want to set the market because now you gota they didn’t have a market for kick returners for the contract the contracts would mess them up and put them in this situation where like you know Hey Joe they’re like running backs now they they they can be they can be

Substituted out I mean they always were I’m messing with quarterback back there if he fast enough like I can he catch it when it comes down I messed up the chat got me I messed up oh yeah I heard it I was gonna move past it the chat called y

On I was gonna move past I was like dang it I was like ding ding ding I was like stop talking but I can’t congrats to all the Hall of Famers who got in I I’m putting pep in as a bear pep has some great years here as a

Bear uh but he probably goes in think is a panther Carolina yeah and uh yeah definitely Carolina I I I mean M goes a m goes a shoe in so congratulations to all of them can’t wait to be down in Canton with you guys and uh you know

Reacting to uh what’s going on there hopefully I get invited to some of these parties out here I heard the party you let us be your plus one stay away from the party stay away from the part tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow we’re going to do a Super Bowl pi and and break down of

That oh yeah we need toak rules super what the Super Bowl party rules too the dos and don’ts oh yeah oh yeah we do that every year we do that every year party rules come with your rules ready better bring a bottle come with your rules ready bro because hey

It’s some it’s some disrespectful people out there he was a pro there some disrespectful people out there but hey man hit that like button subscribe to the page appreciate you guys for tuning in and showing love as always it’s your boy P the designer back at it again

Joined by the pettiest man of alment be kid of course the super producer Joel H what’s happening Jordan JC host of the Chicago Bears Breeze and the man former know Ringo J Stefan Theon y’all stay safe out there Chicago One Love Bon peace

On Todays Episode Of The Windy City Breeze Pat The Designer the Breeze Crew React To the Chicago Bulls Doing Nothing At The Trade Deadline & Ask What Does Competitive Look Like To for The Chicago Bulls . They Also Talk about The Latest Support that DJ Moore Has given To Justin Fields And What That Means For The QB’s Future Here in Chicago .


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