@Philadelphia 76ers

Daryl Morey explains the logic behind Sixers trade deadline moves

Daryl Morey explains the logic behind Sixers trade deadline moves

Thanks for coming um uh first want to thank a bunch a bunch of players we sent out who have all uh all been really important to us couple that became really part of the fabric of the team in a short period uh in Marcus Morris Pat Beverly obviously

Pat’s someone I’ve been with for a long time uh he’s going to do well in uh in Milwaukee um you know fan favorite FK on cork one of the best uh best guys out there Jaden Springer we really think has a bright future in this league so he was

Tough to send out in Daniel house another one I have a great relationship with u very good player so uh they gave us great minutes obviously um this year especially uh especially when things were uh early in the season when uh we had a few more players available

Um so uh but you know today’s about obviously who we brought in uh we feel like our Focus was really what our Focus always is which is what gives us the best chance to win the championship we’re focused on upgrading this year we feel like we got the best player uh at

The trade deadline that was traded and we felt like he gave us exactly what we were looking for which is you know he’s one of the best three-point Shooters in NBA history uh really like what he adds uh to the team and we feel like our healthy group

Our playoff rotation with Buddy heeld is right there with everyone in the entire league so focused on this year that was the main main focus of the deadline um and uh really acquiring him was the focus campaign um we feel like can really give us minutes another guy who can can shoot

Uh another guy who um will give us give us solid minutes hoping to see him tonight I think one question we might get is is the new guys I think both potentially could be out there tonight still we’re we’re still finalizing that um so yeah no but I guess apparently

Even before I got here buddy hee was someone that was always going to be a sixer so I’m glad we we finished that but when you have Joel embiid uh and you have Tyrese Maxi someone in who can put that threat on the defense uh both in

Making threes but also his spacing that he provides we feel very good about so any questions ARL how confident are you like scale one to 10 that you’ll have Joel back by the end of the year I don’t want to give it a scale um we’re hopeful

Um you know feedback has been more good than bad since uh the first we heard about uh what led to his procedure um so we’re we’re hopeful and we’re building the team to make it better this year uh obviously it’s not 100% but we felt like

With Joel playing at an MVP level we’re hopefully can get back to that that this was a year that we got a we got a real shot and you know doesn’t it test data whatever shows that you know we were beating great teams and we were really

Really beating up bad teams but uh we were also beating good teams and really only one or two teams You could argue were um right there with us so is it some disappointment that you weren’t able to get a backup center I think we did go in this a good

Question Keith thanks we did go in saying hey let’s let’s see if we can Shore that up depthwise especially with we got some period with Joel out where we’re not depthwise we’re a little short um there really were no bigs traded I was shocked by that uh we were

Aggressive to do that but they weren’t really they just weren’t available so it didn’t happen so we’re going to have to continue to be creative I think we have the best coach in the league at being creative and obviously we’ve taken our lumps lately so but I know Nick if if we

Got a shot to win he’s going to have the game plan and to give us a shot to win and our players are fighting hard and they’ll continue to do that um and unfortunately we’ve been on the tough end recently darl after Patrick Beverly is that something you think you can

Address though in a buyout Market though or I think there are obviously lots of players available in the buyout Market um I think that position has been lighter than others so um look that’s why I mentioned that I think we’re going to have to get creative we love what

Paul and mo bring but I mean obviously we’ve probably you know after just maybe one or two teams especially recently been the most injured or sick team in the league um we also would like to bring in another player so I could see us bringing in a player but I don’t I don’t

See it as you know someone that you you would expect to um you know play a huge role necessarily darl Patrick Beverly briefly or quickly after the trade happened mentioned that you had told him in Denver that he wouldn’t be traded this isn’t the first time that a player

Has mentioned something like that what happened there and do you feel like your communication with players down the roster not just the star player but down the roster is something that as an ex you can get better at yeah know I think my relationship with players and player

Agents and people out in the league is as high as any in the league U I think Pat um I got a great relationship with him uh he clarified what he said after he after he said it so um I think if I was up here with Pat it would it would

Be a very positive conversation um obviously what he was referring to was yeah for sure there were no plans at that point didn’t even seem like on the radar uh but we thought this was the best way to build a team we saw his minutes going down and we

Thought it was best for him to be at a place where he was going to play a big role on the team and here we saw that role diminishing there’s been a lot of confusion about what Pro what procedure Joel had can you comment on what the

Actual procedure was only I mean I’m leaving to the medical folks like the information obviously medical information is even more sensitive uh so I won’t comment on any details of that accept what’s been said publicly there there the Jo’s injury kind of affect any of your plans at the trade deadline thinking about

It I think yeah our priority to get a big which didn’t happen I mean other than that no we wanted to add to our playoff rotation this year to go back to the buyout Market you know have three open roster spots just in general based on the new rules that sort of limits

Other other teams with high salary that can go after by out players did that impact like your thoughts of okay we want to have some open roster spots to to add guys or anything like that we like having open roster spots whether it’s for players who might become

Available even signing young players to favorable deals I think is a is a smart move if we can do it um we a lot of our moves are for planning the new CVA environment which I think is very impactful and setting ourselves up for those big moves in the future um I think

The one you’re referencing is pretty minor um there’s only a few players affected but you know some key ones this even this off season so so these are all these new rules coming in limits your draft picks limits like your ability and free agency all these things are coming

We’re the best setup of any of those teams that are contenders by a good margin so you just call Buddy the best player that was traded yesterday um what to you makes him the the best player in such a good fit here yeah because he’s good um look he he with Joelle and

Tyrese and um he puts the fear of God and the other teams like that the the shots are coming they’re coming in transition they’re coming deep they’re coming off actions like you need to pay a lot of attention to B healed on the court and I think that’s and we know

This that’s super valuable if with Joel and tyes and opening things up for them I think we’re seeing you know the NBA is the NBA very good coaches on the other sideline they’re making it very challenging for Tyrese right now they’re making it very challenging for the rest

Of our team that’s what they should do buty heal is going to help during this period but we weren’t as focused on this period we were F obviously we need to we need to win games and it’s going to be a battle but we were focused on playoffs

Are here we have a rotation we know can win at a super high level buddy he’s going to play significant minutes in that rotation the only player that moved teams that was going to play a big role in our rotation was Buddy hee and I think what he brings to the table is

Pretty obvious yeah Joel has like a history of of being really good with a buddy field type and perhaps maybe not even a shooter as good as buddy field ever in his career so when you balance the hypothetical of how helpful buddy can be to Joel with the very practical

Uh how helpful buddy can be to Tyrese right now um how did you weigh both of those situation yeah I mean look we think not only as the best player for any team for us it’s even better right cuz because of what you mentioned yeah appreciate it I know this is a

Hypothetical would your approach have been the same if Joelle was healthy to go healed that kind of area as far as being the deals you made you’re making it sound like you’re trying to plan also for the future is the would the approach have been the same if Joel’s there yeah

Always planning for the future uh if if the Hope wasn’t there on Joel I think it would have changed things dramatically uh we’re very hopeful I mean obviously for sure it’s not 100% it’s something unfortunately probably a good chunk short of 100% but but we thought it was

The right thing like there are a lot of ways you cannot win the title winning the title is hard a lot of ways you cannot win the title and obviously jaal not coming back at the level we hope will be one of the ways we can’t win

This year most likely um but just to add that to everyone you know other teams their reason they can’t win is they’re just not good enough so it’s like there are a lot of ways you can’t win I generally like bets of players who are more talented that are out a little bit

More I’ll take more talented out more over less talented always available like you know it’s nice to have both sometimes but you want the best team and sometimes that means you’re going to take some risk on the injury front and we’re feeling that right now you you just mentioned that playoff rotation

With Buddy and everything does this lack of playoff experience at all concern you at all like heading into this final stretch I mean it doesn’t concern me um he’s played big games we one thing we track really closely is how do they play against better teams how do they play in

Higher leverage situations he looks very good on that obviously the playoffs are a different animal so it is another risk factor but we thought it was the right it was we were comfortable taking that risk darl Jaden was kind of a surprised move towards the end of the deadline

He’s been one of your best perimeter Defenders of late what went into the calculus of that deal and I guess why did you see that as something had to do yeah that one’s pretty straightforward in that um again we’re focused on winning the title uh we had to look at

What are the odds Jaden Springer who I think has a great future help our playoff rotation in the one two year threee maybe Horizon and what are the odds the second round pick help us and we thought the second round pick helped us more and that’s just the reality

Allows us to go get maybe a veteran at next year’s deadline things like that and we like the net of Jaden Pat who was going to play less here uh and one second round pick for the best player Trader we thought that was the right the

Right move uh so yeah we did it it sucks like Jaden’s going to be really good I think I think his timetable is a little pushed out though I our valuation and if we’re wrong we’re wrong and then you guys can all write it it’s fine um our

Evaluation was that his timetable to help a playoff team is a is farther out than what the second round pick could do for us yeah the fact that you made Celtics bucks and faers shows obviously that trading with a conference rival isn’t a deal breaker but you have any

Maybe second thoughts or ways that you negotiate trades differently with teams that you could see in the playoffs I don’t so I know maybe others do uh I do think that comes into play when you’re talking about your top few guys uh I do think it matters then but when you get

To like your a little farther down the rster I don’t think that should be a factor I I I think you’ll miss opportunities that will hurt you more more than how those things now we’ll see I mean this is definitely a challenge trade it’ll be a be a fun one going

Forward so what do you hope to see campaign yeah I mean he brings shooting he brings some really good speaking of playoff experienced some really good playoff minutes in the past um you know coach uh has has experienced with him not a lot but some um and positive me

He’s given positive minutes to a lot of really good teams uh the shooting again is something that’s welcome on this team uh it’s something that you know both myself and Coach nurse we we coach nurse was using the roster in the optimal way of what he had but he knew that shooting

Would actually open up even more and cam will fit into that take a few more guys you mentioned your confidence in Nick to kind of figure out this period while you guys are so banged up um what from your past working together are you just observing him like gives you that

Confidence like when you’ve seen it uniquely among NBA head coaches set up to handle this right and I know we’re licking our wounds right now with you know right now we’re just trying to win a game tonight I mean let’s be real right um but I’ve been with Nick through

Lots of like player moves and injuries and and I have the utmost confidence you know he’ll have the game plan he’ll put the work in honestly elen and I are you know because he preps so hard and takes the losses so hard it’s like you know let’s keep him like you know

Positive cuz like he he he doesn’t take losing well none of our players do no one does but I feel like he takes it especially hard because he goes in every night saying you give me my you give me the troops I’ll make it work and you

Know when that the reality NBA is if you don’t have your big dogs it’s going to be hard but he takes that hard tyl circling back on the the Springer Point I guess does that mean your evaluation of him as an organization changed since he was drafted because I think a lot of

People would say well he was if he wasn’t the youngest player in the draft he was very close when you took him and was probably viewed as a long-term development play at the time did not change I feel like in our phase of our team um we want things that help us on

The court now with Joel um that was a pick that generally we’d rather push into the future in almost all these later picks um or if we do end up picking someone we feel like they will either help us on the court or end up in something like this where

You’re retaining the ability to use them to go get a bu heal right and so for me the Jaden thing was successful I’m totally fine if people want to write the opposite it’s but if you take any look at late first into the second round 85% of those players can’t

Be traded aren’t helping their team on the floor and can’t be traded for positive value that helps you get another player Jaden did that and I have to keep my focus on the playoff team now um and so that’s our Focus right or on all right Daryl thank you all right thanks guys

Thanks we all sitting like the mayor

Daryl Morey spoke to reporters following the 2024 NBA trade deadline. Philadelphia’s lead executive explained why Buddy Hield was a highly-coveted target, the rationale behind moving Patrick Beverley, and why Jaden Springer was sent to the Boston Celtics for a second-round pick.

An ALLCITY Network Production




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  1. We Win we get Buddy and Payne by giving up 2 seconds and bench players that were old or limited in their abilities. Not that difficult to understand. Pompey you should know better youā€™ve been around the game press is always playing gotcha nonsense. How long you want to watch what we saw before these moves? Try some positivity instead of negative Nancy nonsense.

  2. So much hate here, lunatics. If you do not undestand logic behind Pat or Jaden trade it does not mean Daryl is wrong. 96 mins for PG,SG is barely enough for Maxey, DM, Buddy +1 player get 5 min+-

  3. I might be in the minority but I think Morey knocked it out of the park. If we get healthy in time, we're going to be a matchup nightmare.

  4. the sixers can only go as far as embiid can win with him lose without him……………………………………………

  5. These douchebags just wanted to get under the luxury tax talkin about ā€œwe are just trying to win a championshipā€ GTFOH Daryl. They punted on this season and are going to ā€œaggressively pursue Paul George in the offseasonā€ until PG signs an extension and the best free agent available is Tobias Harris hahahaha this team is failing Joel more and more each day and are so unserious

  6. All these goofballs upset with the springer trade. We didnā€™t need springer. And he wasnā€™t a fit in philly.

  7. ā€œ LOGIC???ā€ .. Why send a good player to a Team / Rival you have to beat in playoffs???? These GM are morons

  8. Look, the season is over. If Embiid comes back, and thatā€™s an if, he wonā€™t be close to 100%. Everything the Sixers did is for next season. Trade for Buddyā€™s bird rights, load up on picks and clear cap.

    He canā€™t say that cause fans will freak out more than they have so far, but thatā€™s the plan.

    They donā€™t make a move in the off season then itā€™s open season cause Embiid will walk.

  9. The Philadelphia sixers still need a good backup center and We need Taller players and better shooters, To compete with other teams šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„

  10. It's absolutely crazy how gms,coaches,etc…just flat out lie straight through their teeth…he knows damn well we're not better than the bucks, Celtics,knicks or indiana…

  11. Darryl says, Buddy is ā€œone of the best three point shooters in the NBA historyā€. Stop it. Do not insult guys like Steph and Klay by mentioning this guy as ā€œone of the best in the historyā€.

  12. Whether you're 'feeling' this guy or not, he's one heck of a gm. I will always give him credit for discovering just how good Harden could be before anyone else. If Embiid doesn't get hurt when that player falls squarely on his knee, I think this team would be in title contention this year. The good thing for 76ers fans is the team should be competitive for several years.

  13. This the same guy that trades away all his defensive players , Jaden springer was the best defensive player y'all had …And u take a dump on him lol
    . Loose some weight that's my opinion on u . Sweet cheeks

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