@National Basketball Association

This morning on SiriusXM NBA Radio, Sam Mitchell alleged that before getting fired, Adrian Griffin floated the idea of using Giannis’s brother’s roster spot on a serviceable rotation player


>”To me, stuff like that doesn’t play well for very long… At some point, there’s gonna be a player that should have that uniform and they’re going to say something! Wasn’t the coach that just got fired — Adrian Griffin — didn’t he allude to that? Saying he would like to use that roster spot?”

Looking around the internet to see if any prior reports confirm this, but if it’s true then it’s hilarious that they pivoted to Doc Rivers, who is notorious for his ‘coaching nepotism’ where he tends to lean on players that played on his previous teams.

by lopea182


  1. K1ngCrimsn

    Giannis would trade Dame before even thinking of waiving his brother

  2. Teh-Dehstroyer

    I love how Thanasis is on the roster, but Kostas was last seen playing in Greece. Giannis saw his brother win a ring with the Lakers before him and said you’re on your own😂

  3. GloryMaelstrom21

    But he is a serviceable player in the roster. He inflicts severe psychological pain to the opponent when he’s on the court.

  4. LoWE11053211

    i have to say

    this crossed my mind when the firing happened..

  5. BabaBrody

    Thanasis could just transition to his natural position of leading the 414 Crew during timeouts. Not like he has to move out.

  6. I don’t really get how replacing the guy at the end of your bench moves the needle in any way though, so why would you even want to piss off your mvp level superstar by suggesting it?

  7. PusseySleigher

    Like that meeting meme where the suggesting man gets thrown out the window

  8. Shingorillaz

    If your team actually needs the human victory cigar roster spot for anything but a human victory cigar you’ve got bigger issues going on.

  9. How did he dare to suggest trading our best player Thanasis?

  10. pettybendherass

    NBA truism: if you’re ever looking at the 15th roster spot looking for marginal help in the playoffs you’re already doomed.

    you’re tryna fix a divorce with gas station roses.

  11. If anyone actually has anyone actually saying that happened, go for it. Sam Mitchell got no connection to the Bucks and is only asking “Didn’t someone say this?”, I don’t ever remember anyone saying it. But this place is relentlessly obsessed with Thanasis, and the mood is not liking the Bucks and not liking Giannis, so someone without a source saying “Didn’t someone say this?” is fully primed to catch on as truth.

    Edit: The post title isn’t even true either, Sam Mitchell didn’t ‘allege’ that it happened, he asked if someone else had alleged that it happened.

  12. If they want to give it to Thanasis then so be it. The ball demanding tho is fcking shameless especially when you’re the worst NBA player in the league. They seems like fun bros but they lacked self-awareness.

  13. beenhadballs

    If this is true it’s on brand for AG. Wanting a different 15th man to play the same 1mpg that doesn’t help your relationship with your generational all star is a brain dead hill to die on lol

  14. Emotional-Chef-7601

    Giannis brother really isn’t wasting a spot. Coaches rarely ever reach for the 14th or 15th man on a roster. Seems pointless if it’s just one spot.

  15. 0dias_Chrysalis

    So in blowouts instead of Thanasis checking in, it would be John Doe getting garbage time reps. The 15th man is irrelevant guys lol

  16. People want to meme about Giannis/Thanasis things but dont want to talk about Giannis’ level of play this year

  17. stevenomes

    I mean they did cut brooks brother Robin loose finally. Hard two justify two dead roster spots during regular season. For playoffs it doesn’t matter because rotations are slimmed down anyway but could help to have at least someone they might play outside of garbage time

  18. As much as I am all for dunking on Thanasis, every NBA team doesn’t have 15 serviceable rotation players. That’s not a thing, nor has it ever been a thing. Those guys who make up the 12-15 spot in the “rotation” rarely if ever even play, unless it’s a blowout. Most teams don’t even go past the 9-10 spot in the rotation.

    So this idea that somehow Thanasis only should be singled out, amongst at least 4-5 other unserviceable guys, is shady. At that point its personal, and it’s just Adrian purposely being spiteful about Giannis due to whatever bad relationship they had behind the scenes. Which ultimately led to his firing.

  19. idkwhatevs1234

    Giannis is a Machiavellian dictator who has built up a calculated fake nice humble image

  20. BloodMoney1

    The Bucks’ roster problems start from roster spots 6 to 10, plus there’s the issue of Middleton coming back from injury and performing below average. Thanasis taking up the end of the bench is not that big of a factor.

  21. 30another

    I am laughing at the people talking about the 15th man because I agree, but at the same time, you don’t have to just replace him with another 15th man. Buyout market isn’t that strong this season though so I get it.

  22. In a weirdly crazy idea of roster management 15 doesn’t alway equal 15, I’ll explain later. It seems like quite a few don’t understand trades or the buyout market to replace the 15th man with someone who could by tenth or even better on a game to game basis. You can’t max out roster spots for towel wavers taking active roster positions


    Adrian griffin was 100% trying to get fired

  24. ThatPunkGaryOak82

    Lot people here in this thread completely misinterpreting that the 15th spot on the roster isn’t about what the player can do for the team. It’s about what the 15th spot can do for the player.

    Many believe that spot should be given to an overlooked/undervalued player. Normally right our of college. The idea being to see what 1 season with NBA level facilities, cosches, training & development would do to his game. There’s always a small shot that 15th man works his way up to the 9th with the right coaches and system around him.

    With Thanasis the vibe I get around the league/here, is that he’s basically at his max potential. So, ignoring the right/wrong of just giving it to your star players’ family members. The idea a roster spot that could help a young player develop is being given to someone who the organization sees no real assests/potential in just seems odd to me. Especially when Thanasis is likely already afforded many of those things.

    I definitely see how that could some people the wrong way. But the inverse is special treatment like that could also lure bigger stars.

  25. Le8ronJames

    I get the feeling and yea technically I’d rather that spot be for someone who can help in some ways now or in the future. But let’s be realistic, if you need to go down to your 15th spot who most often than not is DNPed to win games you’re not winning games. Thanasis is the least of the issue for the Bucks.

  26. ThatPunkGaryOak82

    Lot people here in this thread completely misinterpreting that the 15th spot on the roster isn’t about what the player can do for the team. It’s about what the 15th spot & the team can do for the player.

    Many believe that spot should be given to an overlooked/undervalued player. Normally right out of college. The idea being to see what 1 season with NBA level facilities, cosches, training & development would do to his game. There’s always a small shot that 15th man works his way up to the 9th with the right coaches and system around him.

    With Thanasis the vibe I get around the league/here, is that he’s basically at his max potential. So, ignoring the right/wrong of just giving it to your star players’ family members. The idea a roster spot that could help a young player develop is being given to someone who the organization sees no real assests/potential in just seems odd to me. Especially when Thanasis is likely already afforded many of those things.

    I definitely see how that could some people the wrong way. But the inverse is special treatment like that could also lure bigger stars.

  27. A_SandlerthaGOAT

    Classic heat fan spreading false information lmao.

    He clearly says “did he?”

    Not a single team in the league uses their 15th man spot and nor was there anyone the bucks could sign to make it worth waiving him, besides we had a roster spot open after Lopez and signed a fucking old ass player.

    This sub will run with it though

  28. beefJeRKy-LB

    It’s not that big a deal to have Thanos on but it’s gone on too long. The 13-15 roster spot is usually young guys who are still developing or vets or even just dudes that are bodies in practice. I don’t pretend to know whats going on behind the scenes but does Thanasis help in practice and provide vibes? It’s probably not gonna make a difference for this iteration of the Bucks either.

  29. ThinkSoftware

    Adrian tried to get rid of Giannis’ brother and then they decided he Antgonnacoachnomo

  30. onemorepoptart

    How dare he! Thanasis had an allstar vote!

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