@Boston Celtics

Let’s hear some predictions … what’s Jaylen Brown gonna bust out in the dunk contest?

He’s kind of obligated to do some sort of Dee Brown tribute, right?

Would be cool if he actually brought him out on the court …

I have an inkling he’s gonna do the no-look – and do it lefty just like Dee. JB is the king of the lefty hammers, after all.

Here’s a video of Dee Brown talking about his dunks (good watch):

What do other people think he’s gonna do?

by cburke3443


  1. ChipotleGuacamole

    Something with his left hand to shut people the fuck up.

  2. Nothing too crazy I don’t think. Probably just some basic windmills or tomahawk dunks. Definitely gonna go for power over finesse like dominique wilkins. I don’t think he’ll use any props or gimmicks either, maybe porzingis to jump over him lol

  3. Spiderman Mask and/or Costume has been hinted at.

    Also JT said he might make an appearance to help JB out so I’m gonna assume he will throw him a lob or hold the ball in some way

  4. bclouse18

    I want to see him do a homage to the Dee Brown No Look Dunk. Brown #7 – it just makes too much sense.

  5. PenguinsAteMyToast

    not sure specifically but he will have some tribute to Tmac for sure

  6. dicholasnolan

    I know most people on here hate all of the gambling being pushed by the NBA, but JB at +350 to win is a fun bet. Surprised he’s not the favorite just off of name alone

  7. TectonicRomance

    Picture this: should’ve-been-an-All-Star Kristaps Porzingis emerges, wearing a fancy maître d/butler suit. On a silver tray he carries a plate of choc chip cookies, a big mug of (creamy, frothy) milk. He stands in the paint, facing away from the hoop and smiles at his teammate, Jaylen Brown.

    JB is barefoot and wearing a Celtics-branded t-shirt and sleeping pants. He runs up and as he leaps, he grabs the ball off the silver platter between his legs, rises over the 7’2 height of KP and double-pumps down into a jam.

    On landing, he swipes a cookie and washes it down with the milk. Lights out. Good night.

  8. burner_for_celtics

    I feel like I don’t even know what there is left to do at this point.

    He’s definitely going to do some kind of 7uice brand promotion, though. If I were him, I would bring out some kids from his MIT bridge program that built, like, an alley-oop robot or something.

  9. TwistedApe

    Dunking whilst playing Bach’s 5th Aria with his offhand

  10. Dude should just show up with a bunch of cut outs and try recreating the best in game dunks ever. Not sure if he would win but he’s the best in game dunker/yammer of stars that I have seen in a long time. He should bring Giannis and Zinger on the court and just recreate some of those posters.

  11. spanther96

    Here me out – Kristaps comes out with a glass of milk. On the top of the rim is a scrumptious chocolate chip cookie. Jaylen does a strong tomohawk, grabbing the cookie in the process, then dunks the cookie in the milk glass after landing.


    He gonna dunk over KPs Benz that ran out of gas on the court

  13. MissingInBrain

    *cut back from commercial break to kids playing basketball on a nondescript street corner in Indy. Camera cuts to Jaylen in the drivers seat, creeping up in a tinted sedan. Kids don’t notice as they brick a shot. Ball kicks out. Jaylen jacks the e-brake, opens the door and runs toward the hoop…*

  14. FloweredWallpaper

    I honestly don’t care. Just stay fucking healthy.

  15. Blahaj-Blast

    He’s gonna do some nasty left handed dunk while giving deuce a piggy back

  16. Georgia4life

    Dee brown dunk would be a classic and he better nail it for a 10

  17. Idk but I’m hyped

    If JB gets injured though this will be the last time a star ever does this lol

  18. unlaynaydee

    JB is just participating. Dont think he will try hard. Hoping im wrong though

  19. JohnBagley33

    The “Please Don’t Get Hurt” is all I am really hoping for

  20. Celtics2k19

    My dream would be dunk over KP who has Deuce sitting on his shoulders.

  21. kendrickandcole

    First player to ever dunk from half court. And he’s gonna do it over Shaq

  22. TanneAndTheTits

    He’s gonna put a cup of milk on the rim and dunk an oreo in it to honor KP

  23. Maybe he can use the fact that he is an in-game dunker to his advantage. Have Tatum guarding him in the post, whereupon Jaylen shakes Tatum with an incredible move and reverse-dunks the ball with authority.

    First-ever in-game simulation in the history of the dunk contest.

  24. OldTurkeyTail

    Maybe JB will catch a pass from Duece on his way up for a dunk.

  25. _LXIX_CDXX

    360 no look left handed off the backboard tomahawk reverse windmill double backflip double dunk

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