@Dallas Mavericks

Dereck Lively II Shows His Winning Attitude at NBA All-Star Rising Stars Day | Dallas Mavericks

Dereck Lively II Shows His Winning Attitude at NBA All-Star Rising Stars Day | Dallas Mavericks

On today’s show Derek Lively at the rising stars game how did his team win the championship does he own wemi again kind of what’s his mentality going forward we heard from him today we’ll talk about that and more today’s lock down Mavs I’m luk and this is lock down

Maveri Dallas Mavericks are NBA champions bang bang it’s good and the Mavericks have won the Game if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here And welcome you are locked on at the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media MBA channel manager for the lockon podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show and making lockd on maps your first listen today with the best way you can

Help us grow the show is to listen every day leave a five star review like the video on YouTube and comment anything below I’m here in gamebridge not gainbridge as I thought it was earlier today gainbridge Fieldhouse where the Rising Stars game was where the Allstar Weekend is I’m here in Indianapolis got

To talk to Derek Lively today got to see them play in the rising stars got to see him win the chip and wemy proved that he’s a bust and we get to talk about drick Lively today on the show we’ll talk about Dereck gelyy we’ll talk about

Things that he said today we’ll talk about how he looked in the rising stars game and so we’ll get into all that let’s start here team Jaylen Rose if you don’t know the rising stars competition is four teams they have Team Rose there was team pal there was team uh Tama

Catchings team deadle and team deadle was a group of g-league players and the g-league players went up against wem’s team and the g-league players beat them it was kind of wild to watch it’s kind of wild to watch them kind of shut down and the g-league players just put in way

More effort than the than the rookies and sophomores were looking to put in to that game but Lively’s team did win it was Lively it was Chad holgren it was uh Benedict Maan won the MVP because he was really trying to ball out here in Indiana obviously this is where uh his

Team is Jaylen Williams from OKC it was Walker Kessler from Utah uh Jordan Hawkins from New Orleans Shaden sharp didn’t get to play because of an injury in Jeremy soan from the Spurs that’s who was on Lively’s team Lively didn’t start now listen Jaylen Rose is not winning

Coach of the Year for me just burying his most important player on the bench in Derek Lively listen to this okay I’m going to convince you Lively doesn’t start the first game jayen Rose’s team goes down 0 to n to start the game he inserts Lively they immediately catch up

And take the lead at 17 to 16 now tell me if that wasn’t completely Lively making the impact no but they’re playing to a Target score so there wasn’t really it wasn’t really a Time game Derek ladley did make a big impact in both of these

Games it was hilarious to kind kind of watch him it’s this Rising Stars format it’s this Everybody Get Up and Down have some fun you know catch some lobs take some threes and Derek Lively God bless his heart on defense soon as he checks in he’s wearing the black you know the

Bane Batman mask he’s checking in and he goes he starts calling out defensive assignments he’s respecting the three seconds in the key call by going back and forth and making sure he’s not standing in the lane for three seconds he’s doing all the like normal things

That he’s just conditioned to do as a basketball player and I’m just laughing at him playing in this exhibition game it was it was like one of those things where like man he really does try to play the right way and he really does try to impact the game in multiple areas

And all that like you just see that and throughout this whole day so far it’s really it hasn’t been a weekend yet I’ve only been here a day throughout this whole day and he’s only been here a day too throughout this whole day you could just tell his mentality and his attitude

Are just different than other rookies than other young players than other other players the Mavericks have had in the past he’s just one of those guys that he is vocal you could hear him in Rising Stars practice qu I’m doing the air quotes if you’re listening to me

Rising Stars practice they really just kind of go through a couple of like you know three three- man weave drills and then they did some shooting things and then they did you know they threw some half court shots and Lively is like talking the whole time and trying to get

Guys involved and trying to be friendly with guys and he’s just one of those guys that you hear a lot about how there are certain Personalities in the league that attract other players and I think and this is why I was talking about Team USA and their selection process earlier

This this off you know earlier this season I think if Lively can get into that program the Team USA program and like let’s say he’s you know a long-term Maverick which we all hope that he is I think Lively gets into that program and he’s good enough to eventually make a

Team USA he could be a guy that could really be an attracted an attracted personality for other people and for other players to want to come and try and play in Dallas because I think he’s just that kind of guy he’s that kind of you know a vocal presence and I’m not

Just taking this from the rising stars practice but from what everything we’ve seen about Lively until now just the type of guy that he is just the type of leader I think he become he’s 20 years old and he’s setting the tone he’s you know he’s a great guy to be around and

All that I think that if he can get in that system this is this is the atmosphere that those kind of systems are right you have some of all the best players in the world world and when you do the Team USA selection process you start with a bunch of really young

Players you know Walker Kessler’s going to be on that selection process there’s a bunch of other guys in there and so I was hoping that Lively would he’s not going to make it this this time around for the selection process to make it to the Paris games but I think in future

Years maybe next year if there’s some kind of FBA selection process I I would love to see him get into that position to be able to be in that group because you can just see it you can see him interacting with everybody you know everybody likes him all that so all that

Being said Lively I think made a big impact in both of these games first game he played just about seven minutes again these are not timed games necessarily and a seven minutes is not like seven minutes in a 48 minute game it was a you

Know chunk it was a chunk of minutes six points two rebounds he was a plus 13 the highest plus minus on the team for counting plus minus in one of these rising stars games I am and then the quote unquote you know the championship game the final game against the g-league

Team he had six points an assist seven points he was plus seven in his uh you know it was only a 10-minute game but he played four minutes of it and he had a sequence where he checks into the game he had a great pass under the rim he had

A pick and roll with Hawkins got an alleo he was running the floor in transition got a dunk and he had a pick and roll huge dunk to get him up 20 to 13 at that point he’s just making an impact he’s you know he’s with his pick

With the pick and roll was basically kind of Unstoppable in this game because you just don’t have like organized defenses in these rising stars games which hey you know he was doing what he needed to do I’m not throwing any shade at him at all I think that that what he

You know he made an impact in this game you could see it and you could see that you know was easy for him we didn’t see him get up any threes I was hoping we would see him get up some threes in some of these but none of the bigs really

Took any threes they took a lot of Threes in warm-ups I tweeted one of them nickv vanexit you can go check that out also on Instagram at nickv vanexit you can follow me on Instagram I posted a ton of stuff from this first day on Instagram at nickv vanexit and so we saw

Derrick Lively in the game his team wins the two games good for him made an impact all that you see you know you see him interacting with guys and all that but let’s talk about his mentality because I think that we talked to him earlier in the day we got his media

Availability we talked to him heard from him for about 15 minutes or so and he answered a bunch of different questions on some things and there’s some things that really interested me first thing I wanted to ask him who he most wants to see in a weekend like this Allstar

Weekends draw celebrities I’m not sure they’re all going to make it here to Indianapolis it’s very snowy snow a lot today maybe like two or three inches of snow there was a lot of snow today I was not necessarily prepared for it myself but these these things bring celebrities

So who is Derrick Lively wanting to see and the answer he gave to me was anyone from Jurassic Park and I said so if Jeff Goblin walks through this door you’re gonna be ecstatic and his eyes lit up and he like looked locked eyes with me and was like

Yeah yeah I would love that so he’s staying consistent he’s staying consistent with the dinosaurs and the Jurassic Park which just something I love about him that he always seems to answer with Jurassic Park he he’s not kidding that he really does love that movie those movies and love you know the

Lore of all that like I think that’s really funny but I asked him also about you know going forward there there’s a lot of excitement around this Mavericks team and about the fit with you know Daniel Gafford and PJ Washington and he said this they fit in perfectly they’re

Starting to build chemistry coming back from the All-Star break we’re going to be able to get in the gym get our schemes down and get our game plans down and be able to move forward and get some dubs like this team it seems like they all are really focused on what’s forward

Focus on what’s next focused on it it seems like they’ve turned a page basically there was a point in the season where they were injured this point the season maybe like a week and a half ago honestly before this win streak really where they were injured and they

Were just it felt like they were tired and they had you know Jason kid was talking about how they stretched their roster as much as they could and I think that you have now this this Mavericks team that is excited they’re excited about what this situation is they’re

Excited about PJ and Daniel Gafford getting in learning the schemes like like Lively even bringing that up like hey we we get to go back and we get to get our schemes down we get to you know get our game plans down he’s excited about that and excited to fold those

Guys in but he already talked about how they fit in perfectly you know starting to build chemistry already with those guys I love that there’s no like competition or Lively could totally be like you know I just want to keep starting you know to keep impacting winning and doing all that and he

Mentioned that he’s proud of starting that he’s proud of of you know that’s an accomplishment in his career I think he’ll continue to start but he could be real Precious about that and instead he’s not which again points to the person and the teammate that he is that

He’s cool with Daniel Gafford coming in and kind of threatening his spot like threatening his position on the team kind of and I think that that just says something about him and I’m fascinated to see how that all plays out because man just like you I’m excited about

Where this team is going I was I did a mailbag for the sub texter today subscribe to the subtext you get text straight to your phone I send extra content I do watchback film reviews and I did a mailbag today where I answer as many questions as I can write them all

Down send them in a document to you so you get all the answers to questions send it right to your text so click the link in the description I was answering a question on the mailbag Today when’s the last time you’ve been this excited about a Mavericks team or this optimistic about a

Maverick’s team and it has to do with Derrick Lively because you look at this Mavericks team and you look at the last couple of years and even right before the you know the playoff run two years ago the team looked like they were in a good spot but they didn’t have that second

Star necessarily Jaylen Brunson was not that guy he was averaging 16 points a game going into that Conference Finals run he’s you know he had a great run scored 43 and that was basically his coming out party in that first round against the Jazz but he was not

Necessarily that guy and so you didn’t have the the like security of okay you’ve got a second star he’s signed long term and they definitely didn’t have a bunch of young guys that you’re excited about growing with the team you had you know a Dorian and a Reggie and

You had some vet like you know dwy like you had some vets that were ready to win now just like Luca’s ready to win now but this team now you look at them and just start with a Derek Lively you start with a 20-year-old that came in and

Could be a starting center and and like honestly a top half of the league good starting center outplaying guys like Clint capella Walker Kessler guys that were looked at as man if only the Mavericks could get one of those guys if only the Mavericks could trade for a

Clint capella If Only They you know should they trade their first round pick for him I think maybe they should you know and so they they have a guy like that they have a guy like PJ Washington and Daniel Gafford that are both 25 years old signed for multiple years not

That old can still get better can still learn the system they’ve got a guy like omx Prosper that you can give time and you can afford time to let him develop you’ve got a guy like Jaden Hardy that’s played pretty well the last couple of weeks it’s still only 21 years old that

Can find his footing find his way in the NBA make a role for himself and go forward you’ve got a guy like Josh Green who’s 23 and is a Swiss army knife that’s trying to figure out his way through this this map system and Luca who’s about to turn 25 basically like

You’ve got a lot of young Talent on this team and talent that’s already like decided and and developed basically and so I’m excited to see where this team goes and you’ve got Luca and Kyrie and you’ve got hopefully a good defense and at least some guys who can Reb rebound

And defend the rim and all that you can beat anybody in a playoff series I was listening to Adam MZ on his one of his shows Adam MZ who I host locked on NBA with sometimes and is on you know locked on nuggets and obviously dmvr and he’s

Got this all City NBA show with Tim legler and he was asked about the Dallas Mavericks and which which team have I said this entire time I do not want to face in the playoffs if the Mavs face this team in the playoffs they’re going to lose no matter what who which team

Have I said Denver Nuggets and Adam marz who covers the Nuggets closer than anybody in the world said man I don’t know I’m worried about the Mavericks and he was asked what percentage would you give the Mavericks to beat the Nuggets in a series and he said

45% excuse me 45 that’s a pretty big percentage for a team that just won the title has the best player in the world has you know it’s like ready to win now and marz gave it a 45% chance that the Mavs would beat them that says something

About what the Mavericks have done and what the Mavericks are and so of course I’m going to be excited of course you should be optimistic about what this team is they still have flaws Mara specifically mentioned that you know the Mavericks offense the way that they have

These you know the pick and roll with the The Rim the rim threat like the lob threat duo with Gafford and and Lively that the and then the allout a bunch of three-point Shooters offense that the Nuggets specifically struggle with that kind of an offense and so it is going to

Be matchup dependent but if he doesn’t feel good about that matchup I don’t know kind of makes me feel a little bit better about that match up for the Mavericks I’m not going to come in and completely change my my take and say I think the Mavericks will beat the

Nuggets or anything like that but I think that it’s it’s interesting that the Mavericks are starting to be a team that people fear and it’s because of guys like Derrick Lively that have come out and have been so good right away if Lively was in the same position as omx

Right now we would not look at the Mavericks the same way I don’t think so if he was man if he was what I thought he was going to be coming in I thought he was going to take some time because he was a raw 19-year-old hadn’t played a

Lot at Duke that was going to need some time to figure it out in the NBA and boy I was glad to be wrong about that because he just came in was ready to go is moving forward and he’s just he’s so great another thing he said at his media

Day uh was he was asked about you know what he wants to do to develop so like what’s next for Derrick Lively and he said I want to get better at being able to just be more effective on the offensive end and being able to be more

Of an impact I watched him take a bunch of Threes today his three-point shot looks good it’s one of the reasons why he went from you know projected around 20 at 25 in the draft to like top 10 or top 15 in the draft because his three-point shot really showed clutch

His agency that rich Paul you know and LeBron and all that are part of he you know they post that video where he’s hitting like 14 Corner threes in a row and that kind of jumped his stock up Rafael Barlo was one of the first people

To see that and just all of a sudden said man this guy can shoot in high school he had more of a faceup game where he could hit a shot and I think eventually that three-point shot is going to come around I watched it today

And it just looks solid if he got some time and he can you know get the confidence behind it and can shoot some of those shots that could completely change what the Mavericks are look at what the Bucks were able to do now the Bucks didn’t have nearly as good as of

An offense as the Mavericks have but Brook Lopez comes in he can space the floor and you know spread it out and all that and all of a sudden it just completely changes what your team can do and that’s kind of exciting it’s not going to happen this season it doesn’t

Look like Jason kid and them don’t look like they want to even try Lively for any of these shots but next season the season after that it’s just going to be interesting to see how they eventually add this how they develop him how he moves forward another thing he was asked

About is about you know one of his proudest accomplishment I mentioned he said this being able to start as a rookie being an impactful player and help impact winning being able to earn my teammates respect and Trust I believe him that one of his proudest accomplishments and achievements is

Impacting winning I think that’s something he really does think about you see it in his play on the court he doesn’t care about his stats he doesn’t care about you know I’m looking at him right now he’s walking out me and him we have almost the same jacket on shout out

To him he saw my jacket earlier today I think he copied my jacket uh but so you know he wants to impact winning and it’s just shows more about his mentality his you know his his want to win you just love it I love it for him the last thing

I want to say about Lively is this and I saved it for the end if you’re squeamish and you don’t like medical type things I would maybe stop listening to the rest of this he talked about his broken Brad Townsen of Dallas Morning News asked him about his nose specifically because he

Didn’t have the bandage on it when we saw him it was just like a little you know kind of a scab on his nose and he asked him about his nose niik Harrison confirmed that Lively had broken his nose in three different places that’s pretty wild and he said quote I got hit

Pretty hard I felt my nose throbbing the whole time during that game he went out and finished the game you have to put a little thing up your nose and just go hoop we went out there got a couple of stops rebounds and that one lob to

Finish the game he just wanted to finish the game he wanted to win again impacting winning and all that but he broke his nose in three places so he’s pointing to the different places in his nose where it got broke and he could just he said he could just feel it like

You know when when you’re injured or a part of you is injured you got a you know something dumb like a hang nail or something you’re just so aware of that part of your body so often that that’s what he’s talking about with his nose that it was throbbing like right if you

Sit right now you’re not really aware of your nose but if it was hurting you you just are so aware of your nose anyway I got off I got off track because I thought it was crazy that he broke his nose in three different places he wore

The mask again in this I think he’s going to continue to wear the mask we see how long it takes him to heal from that but great stuff from Derrik Lively uh love it love all the stuff and accolades he’s getting the attention that he’s getting he deserves all of it

He’s a bright bright spot for this Dallas Mavericks team because he’s got the mentality he’s got the skills to back it up and he’s a player that the Mavericks can build around going forward that him and Luca and anybody else that’s ready to jump in and like join

Them in this are going to be Mavericks for a long time and you hope that they can continue to grow the chemistry and all that love it I’ll continue to be here at Allstar uh we’ll have the the you know Saturday night I don’t know that I’ll do a show tomorrow if there’s

Anything that I want to talk about I’ll I’ll do that show but for now we’ll definitely be back after Sunday to do a show after the All-Star Game to kind of break down both nights and everything that I saw here and all that but I appreciate each and every one of you for

Stepping in jumping on this show listening and watching on YouTube if you are subscribe to the subtext if you want extra content and all that I’ll be doing it all throughout the weekend guys thanks much for listening to locked on MBS peace out Boom

Dereck Lively II was a standout at NBA All-Star Weekend’s Rising Stars Challenge today. His comments and play make him a unique player the Dallas Mavericks can build around going forward.

Nick Angstadt is live at NBA All-Star Weekend to discuss Dereck Lively II’s play in the Rising Stars Challenge, his comments about the new Mavs PJ Washington & Daniel Gafford, and what he can do going forward to help the Dallas Mavericks.

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  1. That Team USA take is an elite take. Completely agree but never thought about the possibility. Him and Kyrie there would be huge

  2. The nba all star game when the stars started declining to participate on the slam dunk contest lost his luster started by leflop Lequit LeGM lechina james l lebrick James
    He is the one who started and next stars followed suit

    And now the only thing good about all star weekend is 3pt contest
    The nba need to starts bringing Profesional dunkers to the nba slam dunk
    Jordan kilganon
    YOUNG Hollywood
    Rafael Lipek
    Chris staples
    ISAIAH Rivera
    JAHKI Howard
    Many more guys that really do their thing

  3. This man going on a real weird limb referencing former Laker Nick Van Exel in his Twitter. Who the fuck even cares about Nick Van Exel?

  4. The g-league players playing competitive as hell so they can get a nba contract while the freshmen’s and sophomore players just chillin 😂

  5. Nick you made my day with your posts on Twitter and Subtext following the Rising Stars activity❤ So much fun. Lively is a national treasure! That Booker mural though😱

  6. I don't think that DL II will attract any superstars which will come to the Mavs. He might be more talented than Tyson was but as a Center it is quite difficult. Shaq went to two other teams to win a ring. Giannis, Embiid and Jokic got their superstars via Draft or Trade….but in FA all those wings like KD, Lebron, PG and Kawhi went to play with a guy similar to their skillset or a Point Guard. However imagine Luka, DL II and Ant Man at the Mavs….for now I would be happy with Luka, DL II and Mikal at the Mavs but that won't happen as the Mavs have traded most of their picks or swapped those.
    As a German I am against the idea that DL II plays in the US Team….wouldn't be fun for any opponent.

  7. Luka, Ky,& Lively (and all others in the team ) are perfect leaders of world wide Mavs tribe, maybe Jurassic Mavs tribe.,OK, Dereck?

    All happy and ready to win.

    Welcome to our dino scary world!
    Let's win it all!

  8. Hey Nick.. it's a good thing lively didn't start. It'd have been better the lesser he played in this pointless game. Good job Jalen Rose😊

  9. The mavs need to make sure they're on top of those future contract negotiations with Lively. I don't want to see him leave to go play for the Raptors, who I will now always see as a legit threat to steal him away from us.

    That said. I was also just thinking about the possibility of him getting on the US National team. I have The Redeem Team documentary on, and it got me thinking that he has the right mentality to be on that team. (On any team really), the recruitment might go either way though. Either way he has a great future ahead of him if he can stay healthy and keep his head on straight. Let's hope he stays out of trouble as he starts to date too.

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