
Trey Parker & Cold Hearts Vs Jahki Howard & City Reapers LIVE From All-Star 😱

Trey Parker & Cold Hearts Vs Jahki Howard & City Reapers LIVE From All-Star 😱

Man I can feel the energy in the air let’s not waste any time let’s introduce the fourth member of our broadcast team Tom for tonight’s Adidas face we’re 24 years old I’ve been doing this former city Reapers coach David loo who has won two championships at OT has

Taken over as coach of the cold Hearts he can’t beat you no good good good when this team is on point man they are very very hard to stop for sure I think it’s the most connected team in OT thank you fellas I am joined by coach

Doug Martin and Coach Dave L coach do you want to talk about yesterday at all no okay all right and you’re battling for the second spot tonight second spot in the playoffs what do you got to what do you got to do tonight to get a win well um both teams got to

Recover from yesterday physically emotionally you got to be aggressive you know it’s like boxing first a punch of course of course any any words for the officials immediately we’re going to get on the officials real quick today guys we got the city Reapers and the carts can’t wait for this one battle for

Second place it’s all on the line let’s do it agent Duke and Davis take it away well we’ve seen coach Lo lose his first game as head coach of the cold Hearts this season yesterday a very rare loss yeah very very rare I think they said he was 44 and8

Now 44 and8 he got less than 10 losses in OT Thal that’s insane so winner here today locks up that two seed and will get two weeks off instead of one week in the OT playoffs man what’s up here we go we got tip off and C Reaper win

Itl a technical foul wait wait what technical foul called on Coach Doug Martin off off the Jump That might be the quickest te ever what he say to him what he say I don’t know I feel like Thomas is about to find out for so only

Way he can get to take off real he got to say a whole bunch of uh unreleased words yeah Tom you got you got the word for us coach uh what you what happened uh the goldendent last night still bothers me so I wanted to I wanted to get this

Out my system right now and tell these guys that how horrible of a job they did last night and uh just remind them that be better today is that the fastest Tech you’ve ever gotten probably so do you can we get another one today I’m going

To try not to is there a specific rep that you have the biggest problem with all of them there you go back to you guys here we only 8 seconds off the clock and a technical foul uh he better not get any he better not get any unnecessary complainings or he’s out the

Game there was a play in yesterday’s game where the referee there was a confusion with the offensive interference call and they retroactively went back into a previous playing took two points off the board which is pretty insane that that was definitely the most insane play of all time Bryson Taylor thought about the

Corner three playing some great defense one on the clock fade off the side of the air that’s a shot clock I why that was a shot clock I wonder if maybe it’s sneakily touch the rim by a lot but I love your optimism inv B good pass from John B very J joked

Uh B versus bit strength versus agility Amari wants it he takes it out the side of the rim I love how they have the rim miked up here that is literally my favorite feature about this G you can hear a whole bunch of clanks a whole bunch of

SSH Michel Brown cooking up on that this is this this is a this is a oh my Lord r he gets the switch and that’s what we talk about like job plays such great per oh man oh man a jakai Howard I said oh like he wasn’t going to dunk and he

Still no no no that’s what I was saying I knew he was going to dunk I’m saying like oh man I thought he was going to dunk on uh no I said oh cuz I thought he was going to take a leg still in any other Universe you get a switch and J

Playing perimeter defense on your guard it’s over as food but he did such a great job Rob at moving his feet forced a turnover that led to this here jakai dunk and J’s not going to get a single stat for that not one but I think everyone should be put on

Notice for that you don’t have 7 foot 300lb players that have the quickness and have the defensive ability to hoop like that like that that’s some great defense yeah Canon Catchings that’s number eight right there on the side Indiana native so get us the opportunity

To play in front of uh a home court here this is his home court that’s crazy I bet he had like friends that went here or something like that now he’s balling out Mo off to jakai three doesn’t go trying to pick up where he left off yesterday AJ oh yeah

All own fumbling with it Amari almost yep get the steal here we go fast break and one that was Tough that was tough and that play starts with the perfect defense like potential Defensive Player of the Year Mario he definitely be straing he he definitely be locking locking people up so he took Eli out of the game for like three quarters be honest huh he took Eli the game for like 34

Yest yeah we talk about Mari and Bryson so much but mustaf had a couple very clutch plays late in the game he locked Eli up on two very important possessions he did everyone on the Reapers though is genuinely a good Defender like look look at this F right

Here there’s not anybody who would be like okay I can go score on him yeah that’s a fact oh he should have shot wow that was a shot he took instead wow the ball go straight off of mari’s hands butter fingers and that bounds I don’t understand players that

Be that be giving up open shots to take wor shots I know Canon catching shot goes in and out jakai Howard on the fast break pushing the tempo over toari Evans gets blocked by hyan Hy on on The Fast Break no I’m you got to D for what happened to you

Yesterday man let be honest what happened yesterday he got boomed on something D on I think it was it was somebody the fact of the matter is he didn’t get boom D the fact of the matter that’s Off the Mark he’s too strong this

Hey this is a match up I want to see though McDonald’s allamerican versus J Jack said like Duke said finesse versus brute strength right right huge shout out to ad our partners at Adidas for helping us put on these awesome events the games have been phenomenal man the ks the kicks have

Been fired too the gear as well if I do say so myself man it looks amazing on me too hey man much love to the three strip family we hereid this man they can just renovate any Court can they come to the house by any chance and

Renovate it throw some throw some Adidas stripes on there 62 C Reapers Up Co Horus trying to get their offense going a pick B bad pass Amari you saw you saw him trailing yep Amari needs to chalk his hands man that’s the second time a ball slipped through his fingers Catchings he asked for it he gets it haven’t really seen Mel Brown go off like we know he can yeah I agree it’s like it’s like he playing

From like a I don’t care state right a little bit goodness hey you did say he was D for one Duke I feel like K and catch us say the exact same thing every single time he SC agree think you think he has a catchphrase yeah I think I think I know

It is I know it is hey buddy play better defense something very polite like that too much words as I think I think it’s like blank are you talking about I could see that or I could see gotcha buddy got okay yeah you didn’t see that one coming pal

Try try better next time smok catching tried the tip slam again I told you he literally dunk every possession tayor pushing the Tempo inside to Omari I want to ask I want to ask him yeah we’re going to have to ask after the break though 84 is the score we’ll be right Back all right girls let’s go let’s go come on ladies Tula come on The Bu is about to leave come on we got to Go wom’s basetball is really taken off and overtime is a huge part of that they always approach us with positive vies overtime select it’s kind of like a Gateway women get a chance to like do the thing and basketball just like men can do it’s a way for us to continue to

Uplift women’s basketball and help them to become the best that they can be on and off the court competing with the best players the content we’re going to create the connections we’re going to make I’m just so excited for it all welcome to ot7 oh my God what a cat the middle

Taking a shot touch do you want sick highlights oh my God what a catch insane rivalry they play they play like dogs and incredible Ballers having the time of their life going youever [Applause] seen this is the place for You we are ready for an action pack night of boxing what about giving the boxes more opportunities this is otx Friday night fight he just got blasted bring me my snacks and he is looking to eat right now big left hand and down go SEL final moments otx we go to an overtime

Round otx boxing is still [Applause] undefeated Canon catchin homecoming native here in Indiana so I’m sure the home crowd is happy to see him there’s some hoopers out here you know we’ve had Jeff Teague on the broadcast a couple times he’s also from Indiana his aunt tamaa Catchings was here last night they were giving her yeah coach going get another T I can tell how he’s looking at the refs they’re not going to eject they’re not or are they or are they catching back to Michel back and forth action three ball hits y I told

You I yeah I think I know you might be right you n blank is you talking about hey hey scor hey scoring 40 every game and saying got 20 times not every game scoring 40 points and saying that 20 saying that every time is insane just

Great play call there yo you know kai open Canon Cat in my opinion is making into that okay he’s making into that list of people that not only can DK every position I think he get lowkey get a bug every position like I’m seeing the shots he’s hitting oh

Wow John B I agree I think he can I was surprised to see he was like he wasn’t making much noise yesterday you know I guess it was AO that kind of had the spotlight which is fine hey every game you came out the spotlight for three no show time ball goes through

Tiller’s hand and catching crosscourt Michel giv go good layup nice play great that was roommates in uh yeah roommates you always remember those days I remember my roommates from like first year uni man I’m remember my first year in college man my roommate was was so

Irritating man really I didn’t go to col spell either I lied about either Catchings that’s a two that’s a great lie man I love a good lie a good lie thank you man nice teamwork there from ex roommates Doug Martin we’ll see if he makes it through the

Game chance he gets ejected here today yeah starting it off is risky especially if you’re already feeling some type of way CU you might just slip up one more time and then your your team is getting coached by Agent Zero yeah there big J I mean he’s grown and slim down since now

7 foot he said 310 yesterday he said 307 you know the crazy thing is that I’m I’m so serious a 7 foot 300lb person that can play the wing is not he’s not playing a wing not play they can defend the the wing def perimeter yeah yeah that’s not normal

Who’s this trainer tap me in nah bro find find your own trainer find my own trainer I need access to his meal plan I own meal plan you’re a little bit just doing a little tiny bit of uh you know yeah you know shut up Davis Anan kicks

It back Mel drives left spins Fades good d by jakai Howard man that’s always hey this is random but how do you feel about like matching outfits with your partner uh I think like it’s cute until it’s not right I don’t feel like you should do it all the time nah all the

Time is nasty berserk want every blue moon yeah yeah yeah like you know what you know when it really makes the most sense in the house like pajamas in the house I’ll say a cool a cool Target run cool Walmart run we both have great sweat suits on that’s fine

Yeah Bryson tiller fake pass and then the real pass Ponder with the block up to AO on the break no but catching se’s everywhere AO with the unfortunate smoke of a dunk to today is just one of those days from Kon catches man where he just everything go in he get everything he

Want Ty gets it right back come on oh B with another block jakai with his third shot attempt in possession I like that right there love the confidence oh a talk off between tanan and jakai is what is what we need Zan fails to respond and you can tell jakai

Confidence just got way higher he got high confidence now I agree yeah he missed the three and then got blocked and pulled up still made it a lot of times that confidence can come from your coach really putting the keys to the offense in your hands yeah Tom has a

Vibe cam with John B Tom thank you Bas I’m down here with John B the game seems really intense so far what are you seeing out there when you’re on the court um we got to play harder you know and uh get back on defense that’s what we got to do and we

We going to win and I saw Canon he’s coming out here he’s playing great I saw yesterday you talking to him on the bench what it like working with him a guy who’s super talented and you’re keeping him keeping him up um you know like sometimes it’s frustrating when

Things don’t go your way but that’s how you got to figure out how how you get back to the game and stuff like that so awesome John thank you getting a timeout real quick fellas back to you I’m not lie he just walked off made interview

Like he hear the timeout he just he just walked off on you Tom and he’s locked in you got to you got to press him on that next time this the last time these two teams met it was a good ball game too man first time around was a blowout C

Reapers I mean it was Unstoppable back then 9478 koharts got their get back though close game too February 10th in a close Victory so this one right here will determine the series between the two and so Battle of the second the winner here we’ll secure that second spot in the twoe

Break heading into the playoffs man it’s so crazy to see the cedar Reapers look vulnerable it’s like the Kryptonite has been discovered it’s funny cuz they’ve looked Invincible for the last two years yeah like their defense has been so rock solid and they have such an even output across the

Board offensively but it seems like even through all the that well I I can’t find necessarily a weakness for meide the fact that they melted down n meltdown is a weakness though that’s nerves D it but that’s not that’s not I don’t think that’s something that’s in

Their like that’s not a part of their identity they’re not a melt team foney chough Bucket from AO man and Eli wasn’t even being a free throw Merchant yesterday he was in the first quarter nah he was I don’t think so I mean remember the game before he had 38

Points but he went to the line 20 times they were just playing good defense timeout called by Doug Martin now number 11 Miller he just looks like a great guy looks like one of the best guys man one of the greatest hey look the polls for the OT

Awards are now open MVP defensive player of the year the next up award and the all OT team you got to head to overtime so you can make your voice her and select your favorite players that you think are deserving of the honors

Agent I got to ask you who’s your MVP oh MVP for everyone I think it’s going to be Eli probably uh Ian Jackson might be in some conversations that might not make it unanimous but I think Eli Duke Eli Davis well Davis um bro just talked to himself in so many

Persons uh defensive player I think is Amari or Bryson yeah choose one partner or bull one of the three could have been s if he was healthy it would have been it would have been for sure again Robinson 10 seconds left here the side of the rim missed and then maybe a jump

Ball yeah jump ball call great defense from the coh hearts they’ll get the ball with 5 Seconds all right seconds three two one insane very insane well just like that 17- 14 is the score heading into the second quarter I have a feeling this is going to end end up a close

One women’s basketball is really taken off and overtime is a huge part of that they always approach us with positive vibe overtime select it’s kind of like a Gateway women get a chance to like do the thing and basketball just like can do it’s a way for us to continue to

Uplift women’s basketball and help them to become the best that they can be on and off the court competing with the best players the content we’re going to create the connections we’re going to make I’m just so excited for it all welcome to ot7 oh my God what a c the middle taking

A shot de touchdown do you want sick highlights oh my God what a insane rivalry they play they play like dogs and incredible Ballers having the time of their life they’re going crazy have you ever [Applause] seen then this is the place for You we are ready for an action packed night of boxing what about giving the boxes more opportunity this is otx Friday night fight he just got blasted bring me my snacks and he is looking to eat right now big left hand and down go s final moments otx we go to an overtime

Round otx boxing is still [Applause] undefeated I’m it you for a heavyweight battle they got sized God bless them for that but I know one thing a puncher never likes to get punched Stop talking to each other it’s knowing every day when you wake up what are you doing at Full it is time gentlemen it is time to show the world who we are come out there and show yourself [Applause] ball welcome back to OT where we’re out in Indiana for a great game right now between the city Reapers and the cold Hearts but hey this is the last day day of the regular season in OT the playoffs are right around the corner this game in

Particular means a ton as these two teams battle for second place and a two round buy but we have all eight teams in action today and it will be the last day of the regular season so if you want to get into another spot if you want to get

Right before the playoffs this is the time to do it right now we got the dreamers at number one they’ve already locked everything up but all the other teams are pretty mixed so fellas playoff Ser right here we still got some teams jumping around who who you think is the

Biggest Underdog in the playoffs right now who who’s the team that like the diamond does oo got the second one of the Season I’m telling you they’re not going to go out like that yeah yeah jelly fam bro it’s definitely jelly fam it’s not Diamond DS

If jelly fam lose today and rwe wins later today then rwe takes that fory like right before the playoffs they’ve been struggling all season and I think there’s no better time to to get that momentum going you know jelly F was like seven and three at one point now eight and

Eight nasty work yeah so playoffs is going to happen in the OT Arena February 20th at 700 p.m. Eastern first round is going to be single elim so if you lose goodbye buddy we might see you next season if you come back you know what you know A wise man once said loud

Brick sounded so loud now a poster like a really aggressive poster on this Rim would sound insane it would it would Bryson tiller try making a pass hit the back of the backboard Robinson with it midbrain shot money hey Robinson is almost a guaranteed bucket if he’s open

Yeah every team needs somebody like that too you know what’s interesting though I think these OT players are are actually very underrated what a great pass I can’t believe you got that off um we playing pickup and an OT player someone you know I’m not going to

Specify who it was but it was somebody who uh is more a reserve right he came in here and was frying everybody in the pickup game uhoh Jak Howard fast break yoll smok it no tiller though on the putback I must be honest with you I was expecting something a lot [Applause]

More he really could have jumped over my it might be friends if you saw your friend I would want to post it on my friend someone M or something fell you see that oh my God that’s the shot I’ve been looking for all game Michel Brown I can sleep to that sound I’ve

Been I’ve been sleeping the Rain Rain Sound lately rain is is I did that literally last night you know at the house I just open my door when it’s raining oh my God that’s the vi yeah or the window VI’s Michel wow that is deep 30 like 28 ft out

Go guys got got shot got shot the bottom and everyone dripped out and their Adidas kicks those are good Feats man great feats those ones look comfortable you say what the ones Jackson’s wearing the orange ones hey the Adrian’s in the building appearance from uh DJ Harden himself man

Potentially if it gets really bad might he might just Sub in you know what I think he’s an underrated YouTube Hooper he could he fell off low key like in dunking he used to be able to like fly and dunk the ball he more the Adrian fell off as a Hooper

Man I will be letting him know you said that David can you beat the Adrian I be you never beat me once really I’m like you think if he was here he would verify that 100% we can put him on VI man as a matter of fact I’m I’mma make the boss

Call Amari gets the rebound Jackson Aly Bryson Taylor loses it he thought he thought he about to jump and catch that with one hand oh wide open three called her own how was that even physically possible how does it hit back R Top of the backboard aent you’ve been

Cooking yeah you’ve been cooking I know Robinson he does it Again Robinson’s just here to do a job man his job is to get Buckets and the Reapers bench sharing [Applause] defense they swing the ball around get it back to Trey Parker yeah he got fouled five times there on the [Applause] drive there’s am Mari to Robinson I just

Don’t get why you leave him open man not a good decision I guess we are about to verify shortly 2618 4 minutes 39 left kick ball 4 minutes 39 left to go here in the first half Coach Doug going up against coach lato for the second

Time coach L got the better of him the first time around me got to be a call it and amount of contact I just seen I let him play Trey Parker gets it back it was back to back fouls not Parker never get one of those pull up three no oh man you

Don’t hey fight for the rebound full court pass Robinson wants it gets his own rebound he got to he got he got to add a float to his game man oh my gosh here’s a mismatch let’s see if he can C up oh gets P by John bull you thought and the

Hearts on the other end with the easy leg uh that’s why John BS a McDonald’s All-American that was so that block was so loud you know what this is such a specific we’ll talk about it later what a block here we go Bo right off the backboard have you lost your

Mind we’ll be right back all right girls let’s go go let’s go come on ladies Tula come on the bus is about to leave come on we got to Go women’s basketball is really taken and overtime is a huge part of that they always approach us with positive vibes overtime select it’s kind of like a Gateway women get a chance to like do the thing in basketball just like men can do it’s a way for us to continue to

Uplift women’s basketball and help them become the best that they can be on and off the court competing with the best players the content we’re going to create the connections we’re going to make I was just so excited for it all welcome to ot7 oh my God what a casat over the

Middle taking a shot do you want sick highlights oh my God what a catch insane rivalry they play they play like dogs and incredible Ballers having the time of their life going [Applause] everen then this is the place for You we are ready for an action pack night of boxing it’s about giving the boxes more opportuni this is otx Friday night fight he just got blasted bring me my snacks and he is looking to eat right now big left hand and down goes SEL final moments otx we go to an overtime

Round otx boxing is still [Applause] undefeated welcome back to Indiana and we we’ve hacked the broadcast here we’re here with deadrian Harding and the guys over there they’re talking a lot of trash first of all how are you I’m doing great man I walked here my hoodie on I

Wasn’t trying to cause no problems but I don’t know what made them have something to say about me I was chilling bro hoodie on I had nothing to say to nobody they were talking about people who used to be good at playing basketball and they said you used to be good but you

Kind of fell off I walked in with my hoodie on like I said I wasn’t trying to have no problems but nobody on that bench is messing with me over there actually no duah hoop agent can’t physically keep up with me and Davis Bun’s just too big so he can’t do

Nothing with it so I’m chilling off all of them I’m Not Gon like I said I’m only worried about Duke in reality but Adrian can’t do nothing and Davis is just straight trash I don’t know why he even pick up a ball no more hey can you ask

How many times adan’s ever beat me cuz the answer is zero aan wants to know how many times have you beaten him before no no Davis wants to know sorry Davis wants to know that BR okay the only time Davis beat me is cuz he was postwork the whole

Game I can’t bro I’m 140 lbs bro I can’t get behind all that I’m not going to lie so tell tell de Duke said he has nothing bad to say about your game which is very respectful of course you play agent oneon-one what’s the score to 11 110 bro if if if

Davis post is beating you do you think I’m how and destroy him agan saying that he would post you up if you play Davis one-onone right now score um the thing about him he likes to use his advantages he’s a smart basketball player he’s not good smart

He’s smart so he uses everything that he can as an advantage he’s a smart basketball player he’s not good whatsoever so with him he’d post me up he could probably post me up 11-0 honestly I can’t do nothing about it it’s a whole lot of turbulence if you know what I

Mean fair enough all right get out get him out of here get him out here get out here oh definitely do I’m I’m I’m trying to win I’m here to win and win only all right do you want to say goodbye to them no I’m not saying goodbye to nobody all

Right there we go agent Duke and Davis I’m sorry guys we’ll have to play after this back to you guys that was an insane interview because he he spent the whole time talking about how great Duke Dennis was and then proceeded to say yes he did he

SP half the interview talking about how great Duke is no it was a it was a it was a mutual respect he should respect me he’s never beaten me he as he blamed his losses on turbulence whatever that mean I have know I don’t know what that

Means but if y’all know what that means all right man if a Davis post up is beating you I have bad news for you now my post up is pretty skillful though for sure dude all right Kareem 2722 City Reapers up J good position inside post hook he’s too good at that that’s literally how I treat the Adrian though he presses that day and night man oh my goodness oh he just wanted to get out the game fouls first half action is coming to a

Close but we got the OT halftime coming up next that’s highlights locker room access and the story on young Phenom Adam idch stick with us next Michael Jordan hey you want people to hate him so bad you just keep comparing him to Mike man perfect timing too AO had a

Fantastic game yesterday despite the loss like AO if I could be like AO that I don’t think that play work very very good now right now Trey Parker tried to split the double team in an insane shot attempt great defense there from jakai and C reers get It to time he got to chill out this is a good pass good coaching too cuz coach don’t look up looked up that’s a that’s the pro to you know what I’m saying listening to coach Allon B move o ball gets stolen here wide open three no inside to tiller

Foul you heard that that sound like a football hit did it did it sound like a football hit someone who played football in the past right go go you played football I played for one preseason game and then had an allergic reaction to grass and got air lifted to the

Hospital we got more OT basketball coming up next and live from Indie is Top Dog dayquon Davids and rwe versus the MVP favorite Eli and the ymg dreamers stay right here on the OT YouTube channel to stream all the action and make sure you subscribe man and if

You’re here in the chat drop a like say hi we don’t bite that’s a that’s literally a true story too you get you played one preseason game of football got got lifted by a helicopter to the that is a crazy story that is you have a lbody

Though that’s a lbody story okay bro my my high school team was so bad bro like I didn’t like work out of lift weights I was like super skinny and I went through one week without touching the ground oh wow getting tackled by you just Trucking everybody nah they just couldn’t touch

Me I was very elusive do you will you athletic in high school yeah 3322 I just this league is so unpredictable I just every time I go into a game thinking like it’s going to look away yeah man that is insane I actually haven’t made a correct pick in to much one time

Traing incorrect another packed House winner of this game right here locks in the second seed so even though the creers lost four their last six they’re still somehow third with a chance to close the season second and you know that first round if rwe loses today and they oh wow that’s a

Carry got away this you know yeah it was is what it is but in my opinion I’ve always had a theory that some calls should be called un let Mel over to God ball blocked by Bryon tiller Showtime ladies and gentlemen on the counter show big job in the paint man any

Stronger man that Rim’s coming down next time it’s coming down man I wish stto I need to see stto break this Rim before we leave today imagine if that’s how the game ended you know they don’t have a backup oh my goodness we’re not at the OT Arena

Man they can’t just bring in the backup net fireal 10 seconds left to go in the first half Jackson Off The pick and roll over to J jaw inside to tiller hey shout out to J for being able to make that pass a big man making entry pass is lowkey not

Common a lot of guards can’t make your passes his Catchings was on Bry tiller there C for foul I believe that’s going to be a big bonus yes so they were over the foul limit it will now be a big bonus that’s 5’4 with 14 seconds on the shot

Clock and City Reapers they lead OT in converting these big bonuses and total points pre Corner three so if there’s any team you don’t want to leave open Chez back four isn’t it Chez n right it didn’t n it’s not well Doug calls a timeout immediately after the Miss done that was

Unsane hey Duke as a person who’s dunked before does this Rim feel any different than like a usual Rim I can answer that to you DAV can answer yeah so a high school rims and professional rims are just a little bit different that that is that your Insight

Yeah okay so Duke what do you have to say what was the question like what’s the why are people missing these dunks they don’t miss usually no no no no they they missing these dunks simply cuz they jumping way for farther like bro they trying to like look what he jumping from

Look that was insane like look where he jump from that was insane that was insane that was insane that’s actually just a unfortunate turn of events man but that happens to the best of us dunkers man us dunkers really you can see ji’s disappointment in the background 3522 if you’re Doug or the

Reapers man there’s not much to be disappointed about you’re we talk about the CED Reaper defense so much but they have held the cold Hearts to 22 I I repeat 22 points in the first half that’s actually insane yeah n the the the city Reapers definitely beat themselves a lot 22 is

Crazy jakai might have got hit foul cold oh he get the points yeah so automatic points since they were in the big bonus wonder is it all three points automatic or yeah oh wow B foul There that would mean they go into the break of 3822 16 and if you’re coach l in the cold Arts what do you even tell your team heading into half yeah confirmed they get three yeah and lato trying to argue his case here all right 3 seconds got to make

Something shake that clock for sure started late but it’s okay hey one more look at that block man oh coach Le just got teed up oh wow I guess they’ll get those free throw at the top of the third huh both these refs I mean both these coaches just don’t like the

Refs this is fine yeah hey I think we got Tom with a Vibe cam let’s let’s see what’s going on Coach leato what just happened there at to end the half okay Tech me up what’ you do why’d you get a tech I don’t know you got to ask him

I’ll ask him right now Mr official back to you guys I’m about to say man we almost p a doctor disrespect man that’s the locker room man chill out insane 38 3822 is a score at half man it is a blowout and this is the Battle of

The two seed Cedar Reaper defense just cannot be stopped we’ll be Back women’s basketball is really taken off and overtime is a huge part of that they always approach us with positive vibe overtime SL it’s kind of like a Gateway women get a chance to like do the thing in basketball just like men can do a way for us to continue to

Uplift women’s basketball and help them to become the best that they can be on and off the court competing with the best players the content we’re going to create the connection we’re going to make I’m just so excited for it all welcome to ot7 oh my God what a cash over the

Middle taking a shot oh touchdown do you want sick highlights oh my God what a catch insane rivalry they play they play like dogs and incredible Ballers having the time of their life they going you [Applause] ever then this is the place for You we are ready for an action pack night of boxing what about giving the boxes more opportunities this is otx Friday night fight he just got glast bring me my snacks and he is looking to eat right now big left hand and down go SEL final moments otx we go to an

Overtime round otx boxing is still [Applause] undefeated I’m itchy for a heavyweight battle they got size God bless them for that but I know one thing a puncher never likes to get punched stop talking to each other it’s knowing every day when you wake up what are you doing at Full welcome everyone to the OT halftime show we are out here in Indiana during allar weekend we got the city Reapers versus cold Hearts I’m overtime Tom I’m Jo who am I here with Nelson I’m from an Arctica yeah why do you okay anyways uh the city reapers are dominating the cold

Hearts right now why jakai jaw yeah hype yeah they’re all just killing them there’s only three well I mean name everyone on this on the city Reapers go shakai Jahari hyp yep ja yep Mari yep uh your guy you’re guy you’re guy F wait what’s his name Parker Parker Jaden

Okay anyways anyways uh the first half so it’s 38 to 22 what do the cold Hearts have to do to get back in the game um I mean they just got to lock in on defense right I mean City Reapers is getting buckets yeah are you uh how are you on

Defense you know I’m I’m just a I’m just like a pat Bev you know what I’m saying getting people’s head talk my stuff you know what I’m saying awesome awesome how are you defense uh I don’t play any defense we’re checking out some of the highlights here I mean big J had some

Awesome DS we saw Bryson oh we forgot Bryson tiller earlier let me ask you something big J he’s a SF footer he’s 310 pounds one of the best big men I’ve ever seen he’s played with Bron he’s play Williams Gabe CBS how would you guard him uh I

Wouldn’t I would not I I would get killed speaking of guys that you can’t guard Adam o on the cold Hearts one of the best sophomores in the whole entire country out of the DMV he’s got a great game total offensive player we’re going to learn more about Adam o cold heart

Star guard right now Adam IID remember to name one of the best scores in the country to K only my name is Adam um douche and I’m from wber Virginia growing up in Virginia things were hard I lived in apartments with my mom and my dad my aunts were there too

Uncles we all lived literally in one big house and then the house actually burned down and then from there we had to move out and all go our separate ways I was like 3 to four five years old and at the time so I feel like I wasn’t

Appreciated of those moments as much cuz they’re always there for me I could definitely like look back and see those moments where ID be like like I really thank you guys I still tell them thank you all the time my aunts my uncles and my parents of course first

Time I picked up a basketball me and my dad went to the park it’s like 11:30 at night I was a kid at the time I was like 7 years old he like what do you want to go to the court I was like I want a suit

Like you sure he was like yeah sure I’ll take you it was just me and him we’re shooting for like about 30 minutes I just feel like ever since that moment I picked up since the the relationship with my dad it’s it’s definitely there for me and

Him in the past like six years he probably miss like three games and I love that but sometimes like he used to be cold and crazy on the sidelines and my mom used to always tell him like relax like he got it you’re putting so much pressure on him I know it’s coming

All from the heart and like love but relax D like I got you no relax my personality on the court I’m a smiley guy but if you get me activated I’m going talk my my stuff come on we down short I want to be there for my teammates I don’t want to be

There for me I just want to compete on the court and just win no matter what I probably want to be remembered for the guy who represent his country I want to go play for team Morocco in Morocco they don’t really have many people that play basketball

And I want to prove that people from my country can actually make a name out ofs and become someone nationally known that’s I feel like that’s what I want to Do hey we are back Adam o an amazing player and he also just signed an amazing deal with Adidas shout out to all of our guys Mike hell Brown Carter Knox Ian Jackson and Adamo who are all doing big things with Adidas if you guys

Help us put on this whole thing what do you think about the uh the gym that Adas helped over time put it on the gym is fire I mean I might I might even like it better than the regular OT Arena oo that is very interesting and now those four

Guys who just signed with Adidas Adidas is great who would you uh which one of those guys you want to go one-on-one against who was it Adamo Ian Jackson yeah you would lose to all of them hey we got a great second half coming up in

A minute between the city Reapers and Co Arts I’m overtime Tom and Nelson Newman thank you Nelson for joining me see you guys in a little bit all right girls let’s go let’s go come on ladies Tula come on the bus is about to leave come on we got to Go women’s basketball is really taken off and overtime is a huge part of that they always approach us with positive vibe overtime select it’s kind of like a Gateway women get a chance to like do the thing and basketball just like men can do it’s a way for us to continue to

Uplift women’s basketball and help them to become the best that they can be on and off the court competing with the best players the content we’re going to create the connection we’re going to make I’m just so excited for it all Welcome to ot7 oh my God what a cash over the middle taking a shot touch do you want sick highlights oh my God what a catch insane rivalry they play they play like dogs and incredible Ballers having the time of their life they going you ever [Applause] seen then this is the place for you We are ready for an action packed night of boxing what about giving the boxes more opportunities this is otx Friday night fight he just got blasted bring me my snacks and he is looking to eat right now big left hand and down go s final moments otx we go to an overtime round

Otx boxing is still undefeated Black History Month is the celebration of Black Culture it’s about honoring the rich traditions of the black artist the achievement of black innovators and the courage of black champions of civil rights it’s about paying tribute to those who pave the way for future Generations there’s no American history

Without African-American history overtime Elite celebrates black hisory month by remembering and honoring the brave Trailblazers that fought for justice and equity for black people in this country there’s no American history without black history stole my line man of course man welcome back to second half action that

First half was just a master class of Defense from the city Reapers holding the C Hearts to just 22 points it’s your host Agent Zero joined by Duke Dennis and I’m Davis man man man you know I think why why the reapers are winning this game because they started off with

A coach saying you know what I’m getting a technical foul before the game starts he he manifested that didn’t he and with with that happening I think that meant everything this team had to get a different level of motivate they should be upset they had it was it was melt

Melt down featuring The Reapers yesterday insane 26 fueld goal percentage that is brutal man that is you got too much talent on the team to be performing at such a that’s a that’s legit some Agent Zero Shooting they had a bad they had a bad first half last time around as well I believe they had 31 in the first half they outdid their last performance from yesterday go Hearts man slow to get going but when they get going man they are a

Problemer getting a bucket in I think I think you just try and use Catchings man I’m not going to lie he’s been good offensively for you the past few months let me tell you what I’m doing from coach I’m running high fade and letting Canon catching shooting six contested

Fade Away threes in a row at least this a little tough for them too right Davis cuz this a short shorter Court there’s a lot less room to work with you know it’s interesting oh my goodness jakai missed the layup J tips it jakai gets it back

Over to Amari crosscourt pass three Bal money good shot boy yep and you see a smile out of him yeah Miller another team here because Lo L stepped on the court nah that’s and so referee teed him up he the game nuh if I’m not mistaken didn’t

Leato get a technical at the end of the first half yeah so he should be at the game but I think the ref are not paying attention I’m not going to snitch so don’t snitch bro hey Tom Tom has a Vibe cam with the referee Tom don’t snitch uh

Mr F you just gave coach Le another attack what happened he’s on the floor that’s all he got to be off the floor being his coach’s box that’s all how many texts before he gets thrown out we get as many we can here we go back to

You guys he you got a quot okay so he is technically out of the coach’s box again yeah him and Doug Martin kicking it half I’m not going to snitch oh good move oh all time smoke hey I say they start trickshotting now I think both coaches might be on

Protest they both they’re both roaming around like Warden on Rainbow Six the Rainbow Six I like that that was a big strong move man agent with the Rainbow Six yeah or kavira yeah I’m getting my Rainbow Six bag man I’ve been gaming recently I mean not that it’s relevant

At all what is the best video game of all time best video game of all time objectively no no no not objectively not objectively your bias no GTA 5 I said your bias like based on what the experiences you really yeah okay I think objectively and subjectively I have to

Go I have to go BO2 not a bad choice there’s coach leato the winningest coach here in OT history W season 1 season 2 OT Championship you want to hear a nasty statistic what 25% of Coach L’s losses and his whole coaching career OT have come this week this weekend that is

Disturbing oh it’s over we J that is what we call BO2 being the greatest is nuts a little B insane mainly cuz I don’t even think it’s the best Cod yeah that’s cuz you’re you’re like blinded by Nostalgia not you’re blinded by nostal yeah I’m the

One who best in the group at Call of Duty this cap I want oh my goodness you’re going to talk about a quick scoping battle yeah and I’m trash at quick scoping I was more like I never quick scoped at all either all right so that mean I’m

How many pluses you Dro huh how many 100 pluses you Dro in in Call of Duty a lot I more than you man you talking about Pub stomping man we play comp over here buddy we yeah game battles MLG ask about me why you think I wasn’t on the basketball

Court I was gaming okay Duke what is yours what your best like bias your best game of all time my my favorite my best game the best game no F yeah your favorite bro I mean it’s definitely it’s definitely GTA 5 yeah up until a year

And a half from now then it’s GTA 6 yeah but the the game that I had the most fun on is definitely uh Modern Warfare Moder Warfare 2 2 me too Modern Warfare 2 I had the most fun ever me too I tell you guys my it was it was Modern

Warfare 2 and then I think it was Black Ops Two hold that hold that cuz I think Le got teched up we got Tom with a Vibe cam they got the ball there was dribbling excuse me m Mr official hold on hold on oh 14 you just called a third

Technical foul on Coach Le what he do oh he crossed the mid Court oh he’s just coming on the other side yeah so he has to stay in his spot basically yeah get in your corner coach Le back to you guys okay hey what what Black Ops was it

Where they had a a map called Berlin Berlin was it one Berlin was that one it wasn’t one or two no it definitely wasn’t two I know every Black Op 2 map by hard Berlin o good move there from it was snow M it was definitely one no it

Wasn’t if it was one I would know it okay oh so let me see I a little GTA story I have for y’all when uh GTA 5 came out I told my mom I was sick and I I asked my grandma to take me

To go get the game and she did and when my mom got home and saw that I had the game she immediately took it and threw it out window up yeah I just kept it a bug with my mom I said Mom I can’t game came out I promise him go

Tomorrow oh it was it was Black Ops one yeah wow that was shot it was a DLC it was a DLC yeah you’re casual by the game that you claimed was better you’re done aent casual I’m I’m MW2 demon and caught for demon buddy called own now don’t look they

Miss the shot clock violation there quite literally a doubled game listen man all the coh hearts need to do is take all the points they’ve scored and double and here’s the game see the Reapers right now coming off their per break and loss yesterday to yng I have never seen them

Look this strong even when they were dominating that whole first three quarters of the season I don’t think they’ve ever done this to a team this is the second seed cold hearts with just 24 points mid way in the third quarter man yeah I mean I’m going to be honest with

You if I’m going to call Hearts my confidence is gone I think I think they should just throw oops to can cat you said they should do what just thr back door oops and can catch or they should let jakai and can K catch have a dunk

On a moving screen called there on big job oh never mind and the ref threatening to te up Coach Doug Martin oh touch the Catchings no yeah and their offense just looks dead out there like a fish out of water all right opportunity to start the comeback Mel Brown here we go Corner three huge shot a okay crazy I have a I have a I just

Want the coh hearts to please score 30 points no in the game I like No Cap No Cap like please they haven’t scored in the third quarter yet what would happen if I walked to the scorers table time oh man Co Hearts uh foul called I think on Amari

Yeah and these are the type of wins that the city Reapers should be getting and maybe not just like City Reapers aren’t doing incredible offensively they’re just doing so great defensively they’re doubling them in points ins say uh-oh oh okay oh reverse okay that was insan first off the big

Bonus maybe that gets the cold Hearts going hopefully it does my my next question I want to know what y’all think what is the prime like the peak of any like what is the best any NBA player has ever been like for example Kyrie maybe

Is not in the best player of all time competition but I think his his 2016 finals run is one of the greatest performances so I think 2018 LeBron best basketball player to ever bre how about like second year Mike he had like 37 points a game no 2018

LeBron bro was the best basketball player to Grace a basketball ever you know what I have a hard time saying doesn’t matter I think there’s like three LeBron I think there’s like three LeBron that compar no but but 2018 LeBron on the dra but 26 you know I

Think look look at this oh this up a move from John B to evade the block yeah I don’t know though man because I I agree 2018 LeBron was on a different level 2016on 2016 was insane yeah he yeah he was Cole Hearts had a four- win streak before losing

Yesterday and potentially that it makes them back to back losses heading into the playoffs with which would mean they drop to the third seed and they would have to play in the second round of the playoffs potentially against an rwe or a jelly fam and I’m not going to lie both those

Teams I don’t know if you want to meet him in the playoffs it’s it’s so funny cuz anyone at OT can win a game like it like these teams are so equally balanced it literally just decide to like who wants to come out there and play that day who wants it more right

Right and you know that first round is single elen cold Hearts don’t have to worry about that because they’re not dropping a fifth seed anytime soon but in single elen man anything can happen I’m telling you boys you’re not going to believe it till it happens Diamond dos mat I I really want

The diamond dos to go on some Cinderella stuff and just like they will you don’t play you don’t play that bad the whole season and not do something I’m telling you bro bro if you think the diamond dues is going to beat the city Reapers no

They’re going to beat who who who are who are they lined up to play right now in the first round diamond doubs the lineup to play rwe All Things stay the same J Johnson Bryson tiller for three back rim misses gets his own rebound wide open Amari for three money

Flashh rwe is slaughtering I think Diamond I think the conversation I think the I think Kobe could have one of those those players I don’t know what year will be though to be honest like what what was Kobe 7 35 points per game and that’s after that’s after Shaq

Left everyone told him he he fell off that what they said man want a couple more chips with Pal Gasol Andrew bham Derek Fisher Lamar Odom and Cass hey it’s 5126 it is a blowout we’ll be right back women’s basketball is really taken off and over time is a part of that they

Always approach us with positive vibes overtime select it’s kind of like a Gateway women get a chance to like do the thing and basketball just like men can do it’s a way for us to continue to uplift women’s basketball and help them become the best that they can be on and off the

Court competing with the best players the content we’re going to create the connections we’re going to make I’m just so excited for it all welcome to ot7 oh my God what a catch over the middle taking a shot touchdown do you want sick highlights oh my God what a catch insane

Rivalry they play they play like dogs and incredible Ballers having the time of their life going crazy have you ever seen players [Applause] then this is the place for You we are ready for an action pack the boxing it’s about giving the boxes more opportun this is otx Friday night fight he just got blasted bring me my snacks and he is looking to eat right now big left hand and down go s final moments Ox

We go to an overtime round otx boxing is still [Applause] undefeated I’m itchy for a heavyweight battle they got size God bless them for that but I know one thing a puncher never likes to get punched stop talking to each other it’s knowing every day when you wake up what are you doing If huge shout out to our partners at Adidas for helping us put on an awesome event game’s been phenomenal first of all yesterday was insane I’m hoping today follows the kicks have been Fire Man the gears been tough if I do say so myself it looks amazing on me much love to

Adidas man uh I like the collab stuff too I stole myself a couple hoodies man I pretended like I lost my first one oh yeah I’m letting I’m letting I’m letting the boss know that we’re getting you out of here we can’t have nice things man I don’t it’s just so surprising to

See the coh hearts play like this considering the month they’ve had John B call for the foul you know what it’s not over though aent let me tell you what what can happen if they’re going to get back it’s over it’s over no no no let me tell you what’s going to happen

Okay if they put in am men and assar trade for Eli Ellis get stto back get stto back cover johned Walker they can they can make a run this game shut up man they just need to get their offense going man they’s been still I want to search up what field

Goal percentage they’re shooting but amroy is going to make me depressed Yeah the regular season is practically over and the standings are almost set man who’s going to come out on top and call themselves the OT Champions we’ll be back at the OT Arena that’s Tuesday February 20th put it on your calendar for the first round of the playoffs

That’s seven p.m. on YouTube here on the OT channel so subscribe if you haven’t already and that single elen man you missed the game your team gets back you will not see him again hey yo and congratulations to the cold hearts for scoring 31 points and three quarters

Thir quar I think that’s pretty impressive in terms of all right I uh I definitely misspoke um Amari for three no answer a want rebound we can get it to under 20 I’m aoi pull up right here over to heyan heyan he need go back

To being a a low post scorer hey yo they just gave him that shot and on the other end CID Reaper is just in complete control as the third quarter winds down he gets a switch Robinson Corner Three Corner three and a foul on Bry I think out of bounds

Called no foul on tiller yeah JW about to check in now if I’m JW though I’m definitely going for some sort of a windmill you know I’m if you J you going for a windmill and now if I’m big J I’m definitely going for a windmill right now you know what I’m saying

Like it just seems like the right thing to do on the big bonus easy layup or I’m attempting to break the backboard that’s what I was doing when was the last time somebody broke a backboard been a while huh I don’t think backboards break no more or maybe we just don’t dunk the

Same yeah the Kickball kickball from John B let’s see if John was was paying attention to me hey man if I’m Tom I would love to hear from coach Lo in the cold Hearts right now yeah if I’m talk I’m definitely going for an interview with

Coach I know he doesn’t want to talk to you but I just want to know what’s going on in his mind oh man he was wide open zai fade back rim AO recovers he kind of he double Nah if I’m TR I’m I’m shooting a spite three just cuz I’m irritated he

Didn’t hit me Michel over to Trey Parker for three think of jakai on the counter insane no wide open shoot it oh my goodness Big Man versus big all right the first time these two teams play Davis is giving me a little bit of deja

Vu where the call Hearts had a game the night before and then the early game the next day and they came out really slow we heard coach lato say on the broadcast has do you think that that ref waited to see if he was going to make it

To calll yeah they do that we do that sometimes as referees we yeah refereed before of course wait no no where’ you refereed tell me a basketball basketball’s basketball tell me about those experiences man please tell us tell us all about them except for some of

Parents were not nice so tell like tell us about each and every single one like every experience I don’t remember and then and then ask us questions to make sure we paying attention anyway man as I was saying um in the in the first game of the season series cold Hearts had the

Early game in a back to back they came out looking really tired and slow and honestly that’s how they look today they just look like they look like they in sleep in this series has been a blow they need coach prime or something to motivate him they

Need Drake son to to motivate him they might need like Eric Thomas to pull up or something I need Kevin Garnett Kevin Garnett Tak get motivated good cut and Trey Parker he does not he does not want to hit that 25 dunk quarter alyu to jakai foul

And yeah I think it’ll be two shots I got to be ecstatic from coach Doug Martin right now as he missed the first free throw wow Clank due to the mic what a way to bounce back for the city Reapers man they were so they look so good yesterday and faltered in the

Fourth they blew a 20-point lead man I don’t think they can fumble in the fourth this time yeah if you blow black to back not this time man cohart would need a lot of firep power but the cohart should defeated they don’t want to they don’t want to win they were defeated yesterday

Defeated today even when they made that run yesterday I could tell they weren’t going to win cuz they they seem out of it they’re taking the iso here crosscourt pass swing ball a and I think it counts Ponder with the put back right before the buzzer so the shot will count and cold

Hearts I mean the end look pretty promising we’ll see man back to back backto back comebacks potentially we’ll see you in the fourth quarter we’ll be right Back all right girls let’s go let’s go come on ladies Tula come on the bus is about to leave come on we got to Go women’s basketball is really taken off and overtime is a huge part of that they always approach us with positive vibes overtime select it’s kind of like a Gateway women get a chance to like do the thing in basketball just like men can do it’s a way for us to continue to

Uplift women’s basketball and help them to become the best that they can be on and off the court competing with the best players the content we’re going to create the connection we’re going to make I’m just so excited for it all welcome to ot7 oh my God what a casat over the middle

Taking a shot touchdown do you want sick highlights oh my God what a catch insane rivalry they play they play like dogs and incredible Ballers having the time of their life they’re going crazy have you ever seen players [Applause] haveit then this is the place for You we are ready for an action pack night of boxing it’s about giving the boxes more opportuni this is otx Friday night fight he just got bled bring me my snacks and he is looking to eat right now big left hand and down goes SEL final moments OT we go to an overtime

Round otx boxing is still [Applause] undefeated I want to take this time to shout out the Adidas 6 fan ilila Adams from Indianapolis Indiana Ila is a senior at Riverside High School her favorite NBA player is Steph Curry favorite OT team the city Reapers and her favorite player

Makes sense jakai Howard Lila we appreciate you for being a Super Fan Tom’s join with it right now man thank you BS I’m down here with Lila and this isn’t your first OT game we’ll ask you about that in a second how are you doing so far I’m doing great how are

You I’m doing I can’t do better we’re at an OT game we’re chilling in Indie now you’ve been to other OT games in the past tell me a little about that I went to a Takeover in Atlanta I will say it was more hype than this but I think it’s

Because it wasn’t an official game and you know it was more packed Atlanta just has the energy wow so you you’ll go to a game in Atlanta over Indie but this is pretty awesome and you’re a fan of the city Reapers how do you think your team’s doing so far oh they’re doing

Great look look at this SC look at this scoreboard I don’t mean to do that but scoreboard who um who’s your favorite player out on the Reapers uh jakai what what do you like about his game um he’s a really you know he gets in there he’s

Not afraid to go for the ball and he’s a great player so the city Reapers they’re going to be the second seed it looks like in the OT playoffs who do you think is going to win the whole thing you got the dreamers you watch the dreamers play

Oh yeah but R rers all right that’s a promise who rapers rapers rapers are you positive I’m positive I’m positive all right now what should I do in Indiana while I’m out here ooh I mean game if you can maybe go to some food spots downtown

Do you want to tell Eli Ellis that you uh don’t have his team winning the whole thing hey I love you guys but Reapers Reapers I’m sorry Reapers hey hey hey that was last night was last night hey hey hey it’s a new day it’s it’s a new day it’s a new day

Our six fan of the game Lea appreciate you great job hopefully your city reavers can destroy Eli in the playoffs back to you guys Dam you got smoke with the dreamer’s brother Tom a little bit a little bit yeah look man I’m not going to get him between

That all right so the cold Hearts have around 11 minutes to pull off the miracle of all miracles over under uh 48 points for the cold Hearts over cuz they have to win so I say they go on a 23 to6 run starting with a Trey Parker to Mel Brown through tough shot

Oh my God he hits it right over top toai Howard fourth quarter is the longest it’s the 12 minute quarter so they got time I’m not even joking like two stops I swear it’s again uhoh yeah and they are fouling now it just sounds so much more dramatic because of that mic

Now even on the drive they were hacking Robinson here was that shot great footwork to get behind the line money right 10 minutes 36 seconds left to go you know it’s only a 15-point game as dominant as the cold Hearts I mean as the city Reapers have been I’m telling you please do

Not what shot co Hearts get their on rebound Ral Martino hard misses some really really hard ones Robinson with the hesi pass to must blocked by Ponder you so badly oh man man he clanks I can hear him nice put back and don’t look now but it is a 13-point

Game this is exactly what happened last night City Reapers I swear if y’all blow this blow the whole thing up I I just think the the coh could even make a if they just they could even make a run right now if they were just excited to play basketball man they seem

Deflated out there it’s a long season but you don’t want to be like this going to the playoffs my oh AO gets tripped mustaf on the fast break and a slam oh he caught him that was he caught him I that’s going to my mixtape [Applause] yep

Trey dancing around the screen gets the switch has tiller on him little bit of miscommunication on defense tiller slow to step up and Michel knocks it home oh my goodness o by the scen floater Trey Parker hobbling on the cour right now they might have to call the timeout

Not sure what’s wrong thatle screen he got hit by the screen yeah tough the screen got to be oh my God Mel right over top jakai again M that’s what I like to see my boy D I wonder why the r haven’t stopped the game yet I wonder why they haven’t stop the

Game they see him Hing look at Jaden that’s such a good fake Coach l highly upset right now I’d be upset too and I know the players don’t want to get teed up again but that’s something you can get upset about man they they’re they’re supposed to STP

The game and he’s he’s been hobbling for two and a half possessions yeah maybe they thought he was going to walk it off but I’m not mistaken coach has call timeout but the the carts didn’t have the ball they don’t have no even if they’re on defense

If they see a player hbling like that I’ve seen them in this I know but in the fourth quarter you’re going to use your timeout I’m the refs you say the refs stop the game for a play they done that several times ah this screen right here did he bump

Knees bump knees oh I did that one time in the hallway when I was running to recess I was running to recess and I cut I cut the hallway that’s a interesting comparison but no it happens I I hope he’s okay well hopefully he bounces back

Man ball gets Tipp going go to the to the coh hearts and coh hearts they are spamming the square button right I think I think I think they’re motivated if oh I dang I would have been really happy to see that going that was a heat check Robinson though on the Counterattack Al

To jakai I seen it I seen it and he loves those he flew up to catch it and brought it home that’s me with a the difference between the game being a 10-point game and a 15-point game 63 to 48 7 Minutes 31 seconds left to go it’s all City Reapers all right girls let’s go let’s go come on l to Leave basketball taken off and over time is a huge part of that they always approach us with positive vibes overtime select it’s kind of like a Gateway women get a chance to like do the thing and basketball just like men do women’s basketball and help them to

Become the best that they can be on and off the court competing with the best connection we’re going to make I’m just soed welcome to ot7 oh my God what a cash over the middle taking a shot do you want Sick and incredible Ballers having the time of their Life we are ready for an action pack night of boxing what about giving the boxes more opportunities An overtime round still [Applause] undefeated time for the cash app lock down of the game we get a chance to highlight the best defensive player coach Doug is asking if it’s him you got to get on the court and get a block man it belongs to Bryson tiller met John B

Right at The Rim send him packing it’s a tough match up man both defensive juggernauts been a lot of great defensive plays it’s been a defensive game so congrats to Bryson tiller for tonight’s cash app lock down 100 11 points seven rebounds two blocks all right they’re going to do the

Comeback and needs to start now let’s go start with Mel Brown we love to see Kon C get some touches when he gets back on the floor but oh good move hyan no call yeah no complaining from Hanan we’ love to see it I saw him get hit in

Hand I definitely would love to see Amari Evans hit a deep three right now you know you think he heard you I don’t think he I don’t think he has an ego man so no he doesn’t Ste B way to intercept that entry pass what player is the most likely to

Hear that and then shoot something crazy um Pon cing No Big John a rebound and put back this is the city Reapers team we saw all season long it’s nice to see him back in form man tried to dribble through him alyu he could jump but that’s a tough

One to capture he’s throwing it to Prime Gerald Green yeah it’s like trying to capture nbis with a generic pal sphere is it never going to happen nah yes it’s yeah it’s it’s cooked y’all don’t like my gaming references today no I don’t buddy Amar it’s like trying to spawn

Trap somebody with a claymore Robinson for three no something B on the rebound that’s like trying to put a frost trap right beside the bomb it’s like trying to ninja diffuse what you know about that man I know a lot about that talk about the city Reapers though

Man they came like men on a mission they had to get back after that meltdown from from yesterday they’ve lost four out of the last six games they want the number two seed so they can get some rest and come healed into this playoffs where is eosa and ladies and

Gentlemen they came balling yo mustaf where’s eosa he balling well I don’t know why that surprised me I missed my Canadian brother man hey City Reaper bouncing back strong they’re not going to they going hold on bro best defense here statistically at OT and they’re showing it today holding the

Cole har to 48 points the win by committee man getting it done in multiple different ways there not one player that just stands out scoring on this team yeah they be doing it like it’s all of them they remind me of the 20 I about to say something crazy

They remind me of the 20 is it 2016 Atlanta Hawks you know Atlanta Hawks team that didn’t have a like one particular Superstar yeah see1 team I don’t know if that’s a good comparison though all right buddy don’t ever judge M yeah watch out crazy pass off the backb has picked

Off John Jackson’s leading the Reapers right right now 16 points for J he gets it in to Bryson tayor I GL koh’s been playing tough down low they’ been getting called a lot though fouls inbound a big job I could go for some more big JW post threes uh post

Three-pointers like he did yesterday jakai might have got hit there but hit the shot anyway 19point game it is looking very pass almost turned over b gets it 10 on the clock Michel step back three no big Corner three yeah he dropped so quickly in the

Corner I don’t even know what you do about that man it’s tough money why not nah I’m not going to lie abysmal three-point percentages really from both teams it’s just a city Reapers all around defense that want him this one huh 4 score heyo fade hits well if you guessed under you’d be

Wrong they now have 50 points this is the second seated cold Hearts man won four of their last five have looked at times Unstoppable since coach loo became head coach right I guess all teams have weaknesses man and we got more OT basketball coming up next live from Indie we got Top Dog

DeQuan Davis and rwe going up against the MVP favorite Eli Ellis and the Ying dreamer stay right here on the OT YouTube channel to stream all the action make sure you like And subscribe shot for reers if a was a w was a w team we

Played them just like an average or you know somewhat competitive regly oh my goodness that was insane that’s see a bll mid-range yes wow um do y’all think what do you think our reg would be I don’t know are we trying yes we have Affiliates as

Well I don’t know not alive it would depend on you Brother Davis why you say that because sometimes you just suck and other times you’re amazing but if you played well I think we’d be good but if it’s just if you play bad then it’s just

Duke really playing well I think we’d be cooked snip now we have snip oh that was it insane smoke sniping John yeah I know but I like John a lot he’s unfortunately I had to let Duke know today too John is beyond watched no joh fell off oh really

Oh Lord you know what I know he can get back to that level sorry to say that live Michel wide open connects timeout from Doug Martin you know sometimes I’m timeout up 23 is an interesting call but we’ll head to break it’s all City Reapers all right girls let’s go let’s

Go come on ladies Tula come on the bus is about to leave come on we got to Go women’s basketball is really taken off and overtime is a huge part of that they always approach us with positive vibes overtime select it’s kind of like a Gateway women get a chance to like do the thing and basketball just like men can do it’s a way for us to continue to

Uplift women’s basketball and help them to become the best that they can be on and off the court competing with the best players the content we’re going to create the connection we’re going to make I’m just so excited for it all welcome to ot7 oh my God what a cash over the

Middle taking a shot de touch do you want sick highlights oh my God what a catch insane rivalry play like dogs and incredible Ballers having the time of their life they’re going crazy you ever [Applause] seen then this is the place for You we are ready for an action packed night of boxing what about giving the boxes more opportunity this is otx Friday night fight he just got blasted bring me my snacks and he is looking to eat right now big left hand and down go s final moments otx we go to an overtime

Round otx boxing is still [Applause] undefeated there’s the dream as they’re playing next after yesterday’s incredible comeback they have locked in the first seed so a win here today is just to tell the rest of the league that they’re here to play and rwe obviously they’ll be fighting for that fourth seed

So that’s coming up next good entry pass Robinson low post I guess the city reapers are bored we’re doing Robinson low poost now good for that man CED Reapers needed this one 1,000 you know what I mean yeah they did especially after last night Meltdown featuring Drake and the city Reapers T

Time they kind of had opposite last month you know where City Reapers been dropping most of their games Co har has been winning most of their games shows you man you never know what’s going to happen when you walk in the building that’s why you need to go to these games man

Expect the unexpected sh Jackson out is San Diego California nice move there to free himself caught a high five on the way Up how’s your day man right you know you know man I woke up in Indianapolis today what a beautiful city um what amazing people the city has what amazing basketball has been played here amazing Hotel W stay at yesterday um life is good man I can’t complain it’s amazing it is what it

Should be wide open three no cart’s on the rebound just 2 minutes and 25 seconds they’re going to have to make some big plays ra Martino trying to make a play to get them that’ll do it Tom got a Vive cam what’s going on Tom hey Fells I’m down here with YPK Ray

I we call you a basketball YouTuber how do you want me to describe you uh basketball influencer all right we’ll take that you got a big chain I just realized hey you’re out here watching the city Reapers versus cold Arts what do you think about the OT game so far I

Love it it’s nice it’s a good environment this is like the best a game I ever been to’s this is super lit I like it now you’re a Hooper yourself I throw you out there are you give him buckets like What’s happen sure I’m I

Mean I don’t want to like piig myself up so I’m going be humble I’ll probably have like 50 you know what I’m saying I I want to be humble no how many you think he’s dropping no how many you think two points you lying bro be for

Real how much you think I’m dropping I got some honestly you’re athletic but like if you’re going up against J you get that’s a short pull up come on that’s a short pull up I got IQ you got bounc like that though can you go over

I’m like that yeah for sure uh who would you say you said basketball influencer who would you say is the best Hooper in the basketball influencer Community I’m have to go myself all right give me a second place uh F okay I think that’s right where’s Cam Wilder uh

Ranked for you uh definitely top five what about Duke Dennis top 10 there you go all right there you go there you go all right now tell I don’t know order but I feel like everybody can hoop for sure even uh Davis over there Davis is nice surprisingly I didn’t know Davis go

For sure and uh di Adrian’s close by how do you how do you think di Adrien would do against you why you looking I’m cooking I’m cooking D I’mma cook him I’mma cook him all right and for the People Back Home who maybe don’t know or haven’t seen your

Videos how did you get started you’ve been doing this for a little bit now yeah uh probably I started in 2020 during Co I got out of school I was playing uh college ball and then um I just started doing social media once Co happened and then I just blew up you

Have a favorite player in OT you got Eli Ella Shai Howard Trey Parker a bunch of different guys you got favorite I like Trey I like Trey uh you know Jordan skyers uh that’s my from back home we from the same town we sky on Jelly faman

Yeah I grew up watching him play they lost by 40 last night damn that’s my guy though from back home for sure all right jelly Ben might need you on the roster for sure all right ybk appreciate you man thanks for coming out we’ll talk in

With you in a little bit all right back to you guys dude he said you’re top 10 in the basketball Community very high praise bro you think it worse or better uh nonexisting I’m not in the basketball but bro you know what you know the BR come on man right right

Look on a genuine note I think I think you just got most of these people with athleticism I think I think you could be top huh I think you are I think you’re top five in the basketball Community like yeah jayw and Devonte even when you get a skilled

Player he’s going to they’re going to get out athletic like they train though a lot nah I get it you know what bro this my humble opinion it’s like their job to be good it is their job I think you know what man I’m going with my dog man in the top five

I love I love how you believe in your friends man hey yo nice Euro and they’re going to have to really put it together if they’re going to attempt to you know make this comeback Yep okay pass out of the shot oh man got it back somebody fouls I’m going to be highly up shot three violation bang wow I I did say I needed a deep three from Amari Evans and he did deliver damn I wish you didn’t speak on that because I would

Have took that sound effect and put on my soundboard that was so crisp have P send it over to you and that is going to be it and just like that man absolutely dominating performance from the city Reaper as they take it final score is 78 to 6

61 that that means City Reapers get the second seed fellas wow yeah uh they just wanted it way more I I I actually don’t think koharts wanted at all at all maybe it’s in their plans I don’t know if that playing that will be my brother right well there’s an

Exciting one coming up next Y and the top dogs playing up against rwe rwe trying to fight for that fourth seed and it could all happen here today man just one week removed from the playoffs it’s been a good one man C Reapers take this one thank you so much

For watching if you haven’t already make sure to subscribe so you get notified next time some content drops it’s been your host Agent Zero joined by Duke Dennis and I’m Davis and we’ll catch you in that second game Peace I started playing basketball because I felt

REMATCH of Cold Hearts vs City Reapers! Cold Hearts took the W last weekend, so stay tuned to see who comes out with the win at the Special Edition OTE Games in INDY for All-Star Weekend!

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