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What are the future plans with Isaiah Stewart on the Detroit Pistons? | Pistons Talk Q&A

What are the future plans with Isaiah Stewart on the Detroit Pistons? | Pistons Talk Q&A

This comes from Donell Brown and I’m surprised we haven’t mentioned it on the podcast so there were reports that the Pelicans were really interested in Isaiah Stewart so Don wants to know what are the future plans for Isaiah Stewart and I’ll go one step further do you

Think with all the moves that they made he’s still in the starting lineup you know what’s crazy and rake me over Co if you want to with us talking about the Piston’s future for the past hour and 11 minutes that we’ve been going on so far that is

Not even a person I factored all the way into these into these moves I think that for one I think that Isaiah Stewart is a good player here’s why I say that he’s he’s hustle and he’s heart he’s somebody that you definitely need on on on your team I

Think when they use him as a low post guy as opposed to trying to turn him into a stretch forward that’s when you’re really able to see the true you’re able to really appreciate his game the most because even though he can hit a three I don’t think he’s

Really a stretch four I think he’s just more so of a guy that gets his bread and butter you know five to 10 feet away from the basket but when you’re talking about the future plans of this team and they and they’ve already shown the desire to to want that

Stretch for I think you could see some some interesting things happen with Isaiah Stewart moving forward this is also a guy that has had some injury issues as well and has been out for I mean he was last last season he was out for on points at the time with the

Shoulder injury now this week now this year not this week this year we’re talking about ankle issues so they offered him the fouryear 664 million deal last year if my math is correct and if I’m wrong again rake me over cold but I believe that with the way the salary cap

Is going to go up Stewart’s deal is going to be more closer towards the mid-level exception so I think that when we were talking about them trading their picks and trying to make some moves he has a salary that is going to be very very friendly to be able to

Move it’s just all about if you decide that you want to move him I think that what we’ve seen from the Pistons in this sample size over the past you know let’s just say five games you you have to I I think bringing him off the bench should be for

Consideration just off of just off of how they’re moving so for this season when he comes back I see them trying to slow roll him in there he might be a rotation player Off the Bench beyond that we gotta see I I I I I I I see it’s

I have no Intel but I I I see a situation where something could happen because he has a very trade friendly contract and for the team that they want there there would have to be some changes yeah so it it’s it’s so interesting because when I look at

Isaiah Stewart and we didn’t even talk about him for like the first hour and I’m like well assar was playing Power Forward yesterday and I I think the way they’ve been using assar is how you get away with his you know lack of shooting yep with Stuart

They had him off the bench before he had an injury he has he had like a toe injury and then he had an ankle injury and he’s been out with an ankle injury ever since then I think where I see his value is at the backup center position

Because the drop off between Jaylen durren in James wisman right now was very noticeable um I think if you transition Isaiah Stewart to a backup five or even a backup four whatever you want to do I think he’s better suited off the bench and I love that you mentioned that

Looking at his contract for the foreseeable future it is going to be a very very tradable contract um I know Dallas has been interested in Isaiah Stewart probably not anymore since they did trade for PJ Washington Boston is always sniffing around with Isaiah Stewart um I think there are going to be

Contenders that always need a guy like Isaiah Stewart and I think that’s why I like his game I think starting a lot of fans have a problem with it they wouldn’t have a problem with it he was if he was that energy guy he was that

Glue guy off the bench like if you slot him in at backup center I think a lot of fans would wouldn’t be so loud about uh benching him and having him come off the bench but that’s kind of been my opinion on the whole Isaiah Stewart starting it

Trying to make him into the stretch four when he’s not really a stretch four he’s more of an undersized five at the end of the day yeah I think I just think that’s where the where where is doing a disservice to him because I mean he’s a

First off Isaiah Stewart’s a great guy great guy I mean he’s willing to give you a a really in depth Insight on into the game and what happened after the game and he’s also accountable that’s another thing that people really don’t talk about he’s very accountable I just

Think that the trying to convert him to the stretch for is has been it just hasn’t worked out it just hasn’t worked out and I think that the times where Stewart is on the floor and he’s played closer to the rim and being a paint you really saw

Okay this this version of Steward could really help out this team moving forward and to your point for the backup if you you decide to bring him off the bench behind Jaylen Duran I I think that would also be great as well because now you’re you’re using him in a spot where he

Really gets to play his bully ball and then you’re still keeping this great locker room leader and voice with the team so again if you decided to move he has a very trade friendly contract but if you decide to keep him you have to I believe that there has

To be some conversations about usage type of usage yeah like I said I I think ultimately the reason why he hasn’t been traded is I know fans aren’t going to want to hear this is Troy Weaver loves Isaiah Stewart um so does Monty so does Monty

So does Monty um so at the end of the day I know fans want him gone they want him traded for whatever it is um I don’t know if they don’t like him they don’t like a skill set whatever um I think he has value in the league and I could see

Pistons fans up in arms if we do trade him and he comes back to just bully us cuz it kind of seems like a recurring theme is when we we draft someone he’s there for a little bit I’m not saying he’s gonna turn into like a den witty or

Chris Middleton but if contenders are calling about him that should tell you all you need to know about him as a player he’s valuable but he’s not valuable the way the Pistons are currently using him I think they’re using him out of position I think if you

Played him a good 15 to 20 minutes A Night P his fans really wouldn’t have any complaints yeah because I mean the guy knows basketball he can play basketball I mean I’m gonna I’m gonna defend I’m gonna defend him in that aspect again it’s it’s just about the usage

Because to your point he Stuart is going to go if they trade him Stuart’s going to go somewhere else and he’s going to be just what the doctor ordered as far as from a toughness standpoint and You I’ve heard this and I’m not going to say where I’ve heard it from but and I this again when I say this this is not me trying to insinuate Steward is some bad guy or not because he’s not but at the same time you don’t want a locker room full of choir

Boys and Steward has shown a tendency to be that enforcer that Pistons team teams are known and accustom for having I mean you look back on the the two championship Squad well the Bad Boys had a couple of enforcers the and heck even even even

The go on the work Pistons couple of En forcers but Wallace times too you’re gonna need somebody that’s gon to be that guy Stewart you you you not only have that guy you have have that guy that wants to be here and see this through you’re not you don’t you

Don’t find too many guys that want to be able to see this through with the way this team is performing they’re 82 games in the season the Pistons have not won 82 games in four in Collective Four Seasons you don’t have too many guys that want to stick around and see that

Through so it’s like almost one of those be careful what you wish for things yeah like I said it’s I I view him as a cavon looney for this team like cavon Looney for the Warriors is just ultimate glue guy hustles rebounds does all the dir

Work um until your point you don’t want choir boys like steuart’s about that life man like he’s about that AC we’ seen him so many times yeah I mean go the games like I remember Pat Bev he had he was saying that he wanted to smoke with Stuart and stuff like that

And he went on his podcast saying like heard you were looking for me I was just like man Pat even mess with him I mean shoot besides the besides the um the the thing with with LeBron the one thing I always go back to with Stewart was when Draymond Green tried to

Tried to I guess you could say Punk him and Stuart snatched him up so quick like like on some Mortal Kombat get over here it was like oh saw the whites of draymond’s eyes I know I know that I’ve seen that play like repetitively draymond’s like oh I

Can’t Punk this kid yeah so it’s it’s like um you just hope they figure out a way to to use him correctly before just going ahead and um you know shiing amount of [Applause] Time [Applause] He

This week on Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony and Kory were asked a question on Facebook about what are the future plans for Pistons big man Isaiah Stewart and where they see him long term.

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