@Dallas Mavericks

Dereck Lively PostGame Interview | San Antonio Spurs vs Dallas Mavericks

Dereck Lively PostGame Interview | San Antonio Spurs vs Dallas Mavericks

Kind of go out there and just play more and more with it so I can get more and more used to it how long how long are you gonna have to wear it post offer break uh I’m probably gonna have to wear it for the next three four weeks just

Being able to make sure my nose heals straight and everything like that does it impact Vision or is it just a comfort thing uh it’s like a comfort thing just being able to like you have like a muzzle on so you just got to be able to

Just get used to it what does it mean do you guys heading into this break playing as good as you have these last few weeks um you know just being able to show how good we can play Whenever you know we still have a lot of couple mistakes

Going on so we know that if we just clean up on those mistakes clean up on a couple uh intangible things we know that we could just take what we’ve done so far and just blow it out of proportions just being able to make sure we get more

And more wins and just try to keep going you and Gafford obviously have similar games what do you think of what you’ve seen from him so far and kind of how that tag team uh I feel like he uh fits into this team amazing you know he’s bringing the energy he’s always talking

And he’s just really he’s a great character so being able to know he has a high energy High motor he’s going out there chasing every board going after every shot just being able to have another person like that on the team just makes it that much easier for me

Fortunately it wasn’t that long um away from the court for your action time here tonight but um during that time off were you able to tapack into any different ways on how to still work on your game uh just being able to just watch film being able to just try to do little

Things where I’m using my hands or just doing hand eye coordination things been building a lot of leg goes so I can definitely say that that’s been just looking for the pieces looking at the paper that’s definitely been helping with my hands just being able to just

Make sure I’m always locked in and just uh learning things from the floor too

Dereck Lively PostGame Interview | San Antonio Spurs vs Dallas Mavericks


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