@Dallas Mavericks

Dereck Lively is a Rising Star

Dereck Lively is a Rising Star

Hello I’m agent slightly biased of the NBA time variant Authority I’m monitoring the NBA multiverses to make sure everything’s on the up and up to make sure no crazy occurrences are happening and look we have An Occurrence on the timeline right now let’s see what’s going on here um okay game seven

Of the first round of the 2021 Western Conference playoffs Mavericks vers Clippers not seeing anything to marianovich 31 minutes boban marianovich yep that’s him boban yeah the guy from John Wick he was in that the meme mhm yeah 31 minutes no we have to do something about this we

Can’t let Luca go out like that hold on they they made a move to try and fix their Center rotation a first round pick for Christian Wood yeah what are these idiots thinking we got to help them out yeah well sir they’ve never taken the center position seriously no

I’m aware of that send them Derek gelyy are you sure sir does it look like I’m sure I’m floating in space true Derrick Lively is a rising star ladies and gentlemen and no I’m not just saying that because he played really well in the rising stars game I’m saying that

Because he’s a rising star so far the season for Derrick Lively in his rookie year 37 games started in all of them but two the first game of the season and the game before the All-Star break when he was coming back from an injury and not a minute restriction 99.2 points per game

Nearly eight rebounds a game a block and a half per game but you really got to dive deeper into the advanced stuff to see the impact that Derrick Lively has had on this Dallas Mavericks team first and foremost let’s start with this the Dallas Mavericks are 8.3 points per 100

Possessions better when Lively is on the floor there is no big minute rookie in the entire NBA who has an onoff swing that big now there’s a couple different factors that play into that one the backup center situation in Dallas was ABS absolutely dire before they traded

For Daniel Gafford but also Derek kley is just very very impactful for this team he has a plus 2.1 estimated plus minus that is fourth amongst rookies and sophomores trailing only Jaylen Williams Jay dub Chad hram and Victor wanyama three guys that I think most people across the league would say are rising

Stars he averages 1.95 blocks per 75 possession that is fourth amongst rookies behind wimy Chad and Trace Jackson Davis opponent shoot 4.5 percentage points worse at The Rim when Derrick Lively is there to contest he averages 1.27 points per possession as the pick and roll role man we know how

Important that is playing alongside LCA donic 1.46 points per possession on cuts and dump offs 79% at The Rim that is best amongst rookies he also has the highest shot quality in the NBA amongst rookies so Luca spoon feeding him but 79% at The Rim is second best among all

NBA players with 900 minutes Trail only Kevin Durant how about that for data he’s also been great on the glass five defensive rebounds per game that is third amongst rookies 36% of those defensive rebounds are contested that is highest amongst rookies 2.89 offensive rebounds per game that is the highest

Amongst rookies damn it this guy’s good what makes Derrick Lively so talented as a shot blocker early in his career his timing his anticipation the ability to chase down blocks and transition ainda LeBron James I I’m not the one who said it I saw somebody else say it looks a

Lot like LeBron James I’m just relaying this info also a really smart help Defender knows when his teammates are need of help shenon posting up Kyrie that’s a murder I’m coming to help that’s a block some violence with his blocks too I love me a violent blocker no get that out of

Here yep that’s a that’s that’s nice Kyrie again the timing the anticipation just smart using his length to block that shot by De Fox great job by The Rook it’s not just the interior defense and the shot blocking that’s been impressive he’s been pretty solid when he’s on an island on the

Perimeter and it’s led to the Mavericks being able to do some things defensively that are that’s a little bit more uh you know versatile they’re allowed to switch up their looks a little bit they’re allowed to switch on on screens instead of you know reverting only to dropping I

Don’t know why I’m having such a hard time talking a good job though by Lively on an island really nice pick up right here on this handoff Daniel gaffer now on the Mavericks look at that kozma you could have been here man hey you could have been here playing

Next to this guy I respect it picks up Mel Bridges right here on this little handoff and again this isn’t the mismatch you think it is this was early in the season when people thought this was sweet it’s not sweet great timing on this block right here Isaac aor with the head of

Steam Lively I mean that’s a nice job contesting that from a weird angle without you know body contact without fouling that’s been one thing about Lively game that’s been really impressive he he’s able to defend without fouling that was something we all were kind of concerned about but

He’s done a great job really great active defense right here good help on vuvi and then a good pick up on this D rozan drive and then the hands to poke it away from vvi Next Level stuff this was a game earlier in the season against the Kings

Where the Mavericks made a defensive adjustment to stick Derek Lively on dearon Fox I mean this was not a mismatch this was not a switch this this was this was a a defensive game plan they went with which was interesting to say the least but did a really good job here

Contesting that without fouling again the timing great timing right here on this block on Brandon Ingram just great work Kyrie gonna pull up yep Jesus he’s good look at this block right here good cut by Jordan P but Lively again just the the anticipation and the timing on these blocks fantastic

Dropping here on this high green gr Williams rest in peace again just altering that shot right there by Zack LaVine then of course we have the Lively and Luca connection on these pick and rolls there you go go to work over LeBron LeBron who it’s a new generation Grant Pap playing

Next to great offensive players like luuka and Kyrie really as a big all you have to do is just make yourself available right here just middle of the floor throw it up I’ll go get it high screen with Luca and Lively feels like cheating a lot of the times I mean this

Play is just so efficient I don’t know what the efficiency stats are necessarily but going up amongst the trees and throwing it down little drag screen right here going to slip it go right to the rim Luka the no look lob I mean this this Duo right here just

Cheating I mean it really does it feels like one of these glitchy like 2K plays yvin what are you doing here buddy again playing next to Playmakers like Luca and Kyrie just make yourself available in the dunker spot you’re going to get it hey let’s let’s work on

Those hands right we got to catch that that that’s that’s a that’s a problem area we can work on but way to go back up with it and one that’s actually a 200 IQ play cuz he catches this cleanly and dunks it that’s just two points right

Two points are cool and everything pass is a little high this is this might not be fair to drick Livy now that I’m looking at this right but then the the 200 IQ move okay I can just bring this down go up with it get fouled and one

See these are the types of plays that people aren’t even really thinking about yeah run the floor big run the floor big beautiful pass I do like his confidence too when he gets the ball down low against a smaller player like kuminga just go up with it no funny business again so much

Attention going to Luca and rightfully so just get in the middle of the floor Devin Booker you are too small I am a legit seven-footer did you guys know that you can have those on basketball teams the Mavericks just found that out again so much attention on Luca Sun’s defense and absolute

Shambles get the ball to him I’m telling you guys the first playoff game that Lively ises with a monster dunk is going to burn the city to the ground just make yourself available ad commits to Luca you’re in the dunker spot you’re catching a lob Luca will find you ah the

City’s burning down Reunion Tower has fallen but here ladies and gentlemen is really what gets me excited this is the part of Lively’s game that shouldn’t be this good this early this is the part that really makes me question what exactly is his ceiling cuz it feels way

Higher than what we initially thought that is his playmaking ability that’s his his ability in the short role that’s how well he reads these defenses again shouldn’t be this good this early he just turned 20 years old but he came into the league as a 19-year-old just a great read right here

No Shay was helping off of Derrick Jones Jr he missed that three but I mean that’s a great great shot that you live with again read the defense you get the ball in the middle of the floor the defense collapses in to help great kick out Grant Williams for three that’s the

Last time you’ll ever hear me utter that sentence again right here reading the defense okay Wiggins is on Josh Green in the corner we got Steph Curry I’m going to get the ball in the middle and someone’s going to be open all right there’s Andrew Wiggins we know that

Nobody’s over here Josh Green wide open in the corner three ball we know how good Josh Green’s been this season that’s a knockdown how about this pass right here nice pocket pass by Luca oh the the little the little Euro Step and the little wraparound to Derrick Jones

Jr all right this might be the most recent play in this video this was from a couple nights ago great job I mean that’s just really good patience catch the ball under the basket no you don’t have to go up with it we can slow it down right I can dribble

This well he doesn’t even dribble it but I see Josh Green trailing the play I mean that’s a great job of just staying patient and not not freaking out and just throwing up a shot because you feel like you have to Split Second decisions transition opportunity right here we

Know the Bulls aren’t back on defense eyes in the back of his head knows th is going to be on that in that wing beautiful job beautiful job great hands right here by dive again the patience not not freaking out saying oh I got to shoot this no just let’s calm it down

Kick it out Derrick Jones Jr misses Derrick Jones Jr you’re selling a lot of lively passes all right but still nice pass again great work right here read the defense Kobe white helping off with Derrick Jones Jr get that pass to him in the corner I’m sorry drick Jones Jr you

Didn’t sell that one you shut me up I lied we have one more Grant Williams 3 here just just one more for the road it’s probably the last time we’ll ever see a grant Williams 3 on this channel no dip what could have been man

What could have been but a great read by Lively again LeBron comes to help just quick I mean you see a lot of sinners in the league who don’t do this and Danel gafford’s been really good for the Mavericks he doesn’t really even do that in in these short roles so having a

Young rookie like this 19 years old coming into the league 19 years old as of the time of pretty much every single one of these clips making quick little quick decision reads like this to get the ball out to the corner it seems so stupid and easy but it’s not you watch a

Lot of siners across the league a lot of siners don’t make this pass they just don’t and when you’re playing next to Luca and Kyrie and these perimeter guys who are going to get so much attention draws so much attention you’re already playing four on three and you know that

You’re you know a great finisher around the rim so you already know that guys are going to help off of their man to stop you and when the Mavericks empty out one whole side of the Court like this you know that there’s going to be a

Guy in the weak Corner who’s going to be wide open for three and Derrik Lively does a great job of finding those guys just just shouldn’t really happen as for a rookie it really shouldn’t so what’s the ceiling for Derrick Lively it feels really really high to me could he develop an outside

Shot that’s something I’m skeptical of because I just I don’t think that happens as easily as as NBA fans think yeah well he’s just going to develop a shot really CU that just like never happens I saw somebody asked today could he be a top three Center in the NBA

That’s tough because you look at the top three centers in the NBA today and they’re all three MVP candidates even if you look at the top four centers if you want to count some bonus as Center ad is a center uh those guys are all MVP candidates I don’t know if Derrick

Ladley is ever reaching that ceiling what’s his best player comp I hate player comps so I’m not answering that question I don’t know maybe me I mean sometimes sometimes when I’m in the gym maybe me sometimes maybe me depending on the size of everyone else on the court if I’m playing maybe a

Bunch against some toddlers then it’s possibly me

Dereck Lively has been incredible for the Dallas Mavericks this season. How high is his ceiling?

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  1. Are we allowed to say that calculated tanking pays off now? It was the smartest decision this organization has made since drafting Luka.

  2. We've had Powell for a decade. We had centers like damper, Diop, mejri, Mcgee, and over the hill bogut and Zaza. Brendan Wright? Who was the guy with no acls? We've had Tyson chandler and that's it in 20 years. Now we got a top 3 center rotation and a budding star in lively that we drafted. As a mavs fan I can't stress how much this means

  3. Derek Lively & Daniel Gafford are two starting caliber players, with similar playstyles, that both benefit greatly from talented gaurd play. Dallas has Luka & Kryie, that talent is there. Both centers style of play fit perfectly with what the Mavs need. The Mavericks center position is the best it's ever been, and it was much needed. Although I'd like to see Kleber play more PF, he gives them some options as well, especially stretch small ball. Dwight Powell as your 4th center finally lol.

    The Mavs have arguably the best gaurd rotation in the league- Luka, Kyrie, Exum, Hardy, Green, & THJ. THJ & Green play a lot at SF and Luka can gaurd SFs in some instances, but they are all true gaurds.

    The only true forwards on this roster right now (in my opinion) is a minimum contract Derrik Jones JR, a rookie prospect in O'Max, & a freshly traded PJ Washington. What the Mavs need to win a chip is a bonafide 3&D forward. Some size who can gaurd 3&4. Lockdown defender on the team's opposing player. A player who shoots 3s at a 37+% clip. If the Mavs can make that happen next offseason, I think the blueprint is there.

  4. It's not really 'developing' an outside shot when his jumper was part of the reason he was the no. 1 highschool recruit.

    Duke didn't use him that way, but he can pull it from distance. Hope it translates, cause if it does… all-nba in three years

  5. Was half expecting Slightly to then say “I’m floating in space, I think I know a thing or 2 about rising stars”

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